The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth- A Deep Dive Into the Bird Flu Outbreak.

Episode Date: May 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for watching! Well, welcome to another episode of The Strange Truth. I'm your host, Carl B., and I know that I was not on last week but you know we didn't have a new one but you know that life sometimes just gets so busy right that you know you there are certain things that have to just take a priority and then once those things are in order then you can do other things so um i'm glad to be back um so uh lots to talk about today right we're gonna be concentrating on a few things in this podcast uh one thing uh that we're going to talk about is the bird flu that's been popping up in milk and popping up in beef and eggs and, you know, and of course, chickens. Right. So we're going to talk a little bit about that and how it might affect us. We're going to do a deep dive into that whole issue because it's kind of important.
Starting point is 00:01:42 into that whole issue because it's kind of important. It's not getting a lot of play in the mainstream media right now. And any play that it's getting, you know, they run cover for the Biden establishment, right? They just run cover for the administration. So, yeah, we, you know, can you really trust what these folks are saying? You know, can we really trust the amount of the, you know, the information that we're getting about this? We're going to talk about all the implications of that. And then, you know, we're going to segue into, you know, is this all part of, you know, a gray warfare that's been going on here in this country? you know a gray warfare that's been going on here in this country um you know we're going to talk about you know um how this might be a part of a larger pattern that we've been noticing uh you
Starting point is 00:02:34 know i'm going on over the last what now two years okay uh so uh before we get we jump right in let's let's give a shout out to our sponsors here right and and then we'll come right back um into it so here we go the second largest producer of agricultural products the netherlands is being forced to shut down 3 000 of its farms in 2023 this is to meet the strict emission goals of the European Union. 2023 will be a year of food shortage and increased food costs across the world. That's why your backup food supply and survival food are more important than ever. I want you to create your own stockpile or build upon what you already have with the best-selling four patriots three-month survival food kit 20 mouth-watering recipes for breakfast lunch and dinner right now go to and use
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Starting point is 00:04:26 If you want to find a fun way to get your kids into prepping, right, into the, you know, the survival, the preparation lifestyle, The World of Ready is available now on, right? So going over, it's a great gift that you can give to your um you know if you know someone who is into the prepping lifestyle and if they have kids right you know it's one way uh to ease uh you know the children into uh you know the um the prepping lifestyle right um so going over uh to and order the world of Ready by James Walton. That's The World of Ready by James Walton. You know, go check it out. So that's over there on And the book overview says, when wildfires threaten young Mallory and Conrad's home, they discover a
Starting point is 00:05:20 strange gift and embark on a journey to the world of ready there they meet the creature who teaches them all about preparedness right so that's the world of ready by james walton right so just go on over to and get your copy today all right so uh we're going to now get into right. We're going to get into the topic of the day here. I know that you know, everyone's time is important. OK, but for me, right, this all this, you know, like, you know, the last three or four years, we've been seeing bird flu pop up all over America. Right. You know, it's it's you know, they were telling us that it was being spread by wild birds, feces and different things. You know, about four years ago, four or five years ago. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:20 You know, in England, they were saying they were telling people to keep their poultry indoors uh you know and everything else right now we kind of lumped all of this into the war on food because we understand that you know meat production is something that the globalists they they don't want any more meat production as a matter of fact they want to decrease meat production right and uh of course you know you've heard you've heard it here on on on on pbn a lot of times right and you've seen it in alternate media there is a big push to supplement or replace a lot of traditional meat sources with insect protein right or other or plant protein or as as they're trying to do now they're trying to like create artificial meat right that so i've always kind of looked at the whole thing as kind of you know potentially maybe it's all part of the war on food here in this country because we really don't have much national security anymore and everything is so politicized
Starting point is 00:07:34 right so uh you know everything is every agency right now that's supposed to protect the welfare of americans are are being run by you know know, party lackeys. And those party lackeys are not necessarily as competent as they should be because a lot of them are there, right? Because of nepotism or, you know, some other hiring practice that, you know, that doesn't necessarily pick the most competent person or the person with the most experience, the person who knows how to really get that job done. And, you know, a lot of these really top agencies that are supposed to look out for security and or, you know, health and or, you know, and or infrastructure are now being run by all these people who are really seriously incompetent
Starting point is 00:08:26 and um affiliated a lot of times with the democratic party um and that and because of that okay uh then the the priority isn't with you know all right are there threats out there and what are the legitimate threats to the american people um what are the legitimate health concerns to the american people uh you know these you know the welfare of the american public is is not top priority anymore And this creates a real problem because things are now being minimized. Threats are minimized because they don't fit a particular narrative. You know, things are being buried in the mainstream media and being buried by these organizations because they don't fit a narrative or because they don't want to offend anyone. because they don't fit a narrative or because they don't want to offend anyone. And the American public is kind of living in, you know, they're kind of living in a desert of real information.
Starting point is 00:09:47 They get a lot of information, but a lot of that information has been pretty much, you know, colored by the sources, right? That, you know, if you are, if you are, if you're off a progressive leaning, a democratic leaning, right, then you will go to the source that strokes those, you know, the, you know, people go where they feel comfortable. You know, it's all about preaching to the choir. If you're a Democrat, you're going to go, you're going to be very, very comfortable with the mainstream media sources because they're saying everything you want to hear. And if you're a Republican, you go to specific sources, right, because they're saying everything you want to hear. like us who are in the middle, you know, independents, you know, folks with no real necessary affiliation, because we realize that they're all crooks anyway, right? And they're all seriously, most of these people are really bad people. Then we tend to turn to alternate
Starting point is 00:10:38 sources for our news. And you really have to look really really hard to find to find those little golden nuggets um so a lot of the stories are being buried uh the the fact of how the bird flu has been spreading from farm to farm from uh you know over the last four years, I've always found really disturbing. You know, you can't help but think that it could be bad actors, right, going around and spreading this virus around to these farms to mess up our food supply. And of course, that is not a well, well you know it's not a widespread theory but I'm gonna throw this out there to all the listeners right now that it you know as far as I'm concerned it could very well be a real possibility that we
Starting point is 00:11:38 have bad actors in this country that are going around and or who were going around and you know sprinkling this all over the country i mean we had that um what is it that chinese um person right you know that that came across the border right you know that chinese person that ended up at that army base right a place where they were not supposed to be and that person uh was caught there and as a matter of fact the person really didn't want to leave so and that which is alarming right you know that the whole crazy story you can look that one up for yourself but if we you know and this is what we know can you imagine what we don't know? Can you imagine how much, you know, bad folks probably have already, you know, made their way into this country? You know, and I'm talking people from Russia, people from China, people from Iran, people who don't really like us and want to bring us to our knees.
Starting point is 00:12:46 really like us and want to bring us to our knees. Can you imagine those folks if they have cells already here and if they're just engaging in this clandestine warfare on our infrastructure and actually agitating, you know, left versus right issues, right, that, you know, will fragment our country even more. We're being destroyed from within, really. Our infrastructure is imploding and our society itself is imploding. It cannot sustain itself. We're not having enough babies at this point to maintain our population properly. So it's all fragmenting, right? I'm not even going
Starting point is 00:13:28 to talk about the bank that just folded up. What was this? Maybe two, three days ago, right? So there was this bank that crashed and folded up two, three days ago. You have not heard a whiff about that in the mainstream media, right? Everything that points to, you know, we get all these like alarms, right? This is kind of like if a dam is going to break, right? You know, you have the cracks and you get all these alarms and you're supposed to do certain things to prevent the major catastrophe from the dam breaking, right. So you repair the cracks or you release some of the pressure on the dam and you do all these maintenance work. What we're doing in our society right now is we're not doing any of the maintenance. Right. And there's just more and more and more pressure being built, you know, being being built on the structure of the dam.
Starting point is 00:14:26 being built on the structure of the dam and we're seeing all the cracks and we're hearing all the alarms, the alarms, the red strobing lights are going off and there's nothing that's being done about any of it. And eventually the dam's going to crack and the town's going to flood, right? And you're going to have a catastrophe. And that's what's really going on right now. We're seeing all the cracks in our society and and the same amongst us are saying, why can't we fix these cracks? Why can't we start fixing our financial system, fixing the economy? Why can't we, you know, start fixing our infrastructure? Why can't we fix all the really important things in our society? But you have a group of people, because they've hitched their wagons to a certain ideology, cannot admit or cannot acknowledge that there is anything wrong with the way things are right now. And that's causing us a lot of problems. And it's making this country way more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It's making our lives more precarious. I went into a store, you know, a supermarket last week. And, you know, I was in front of the beef section. And by the way, we're going to talk about beef here in a second. I was in front of the beef section and by the way we're going to talk about beef here in a second i was in front of the beef section and there was this poor guy he was just standing there and he he was looking at the beef and he was looking at me he looked at me and he says there's nothing in there that i can buy i saw two pieces, two steaks, and they must have been, what, maybe if they were a pound each or just under a pound each. I saw two pieces of steak, right, close to 50 bucks for two pieces of steak. It was just insane.
Starting point is 00:16:20 There were good pieces of steak, but it was just insane to see that price. You know, a lot of people right now are not eating beef anymore. They're eating pork because pork is cheaper. Right. They're eating pork or chicken. And we all know what's going on with chicken right now. And pretty soon there's going to be, I think, a real problem with chicken. There's a real problem now with beef and beef products at this point. And we're going to do a deep dive into the whole issue with beef. It really does seem to me,
Starting point is 00:16:54 apart from the bird flu and everything else that's been going on, that there is a concerted effort. This is the war on food, I think, that there's a concerted effort right this is the war on food right i think that there's a concerted effort to take down our meat supply system if you make the public afraid of meat then yes they will more more willingly uh you know um accept an alternate protein source if you're if you make it so that the the meat industry is so you know is so um unsafe then of course it's easier for you to switch over to you know a more carbon friendly in their eyes carbon friendly meat source okay it's all about how many people are on the planet right now and sustaining that you know you know they're they're looking at it's not about the people on the planet anymore it's all about just the planet and to be perfectly honest um you know uh it's not necessarily there you know it it's not about the welfare of of you and me and mostly everybody at this point
Starting point is 00:18:08 when you when you hear these people talk they never say hey you know we're really trying we're doing this for the good of for the good of everyone they're saying they're doing it for the good of the planet human beings are not necessarily included in that you know so is this part of a larger gray warfare that's been going on in our country there was a trail derailment the other day as well you remember we were getting one of these almost like every month right there was actually a trail derailment right in arizona near the arizona new mexico border right which resulted in a big fire this was probably about what maybe about a week ago uh last friday it says a train carrying fuel derail friday resulting in a fire that closed on roads near the border between arizona and new
Starting point is 00:19:00 mexico so you know while we're not seeing as many of these trail derailments, they're still going on. You know, the bird flu is spreading and now it's in milk, it's in eggs, it's in lots of other things, right? What's really happening? What's really going on? happening what's really going on I'm gonna you know the war on food the war on beef right I you remember the good old days in the 80s right this is not a Wendy's ad here I'm not pushing Wendy's on the on this podcast but do you remember this commercial from the 80s it's the where's the beef commercial and i'm just gonna play it you know just for some levity here and then we're gonna launch into some some really serious discussion but meat has always been a big part of our culture right our society and that's and now endangered and being taken away from us it's a big deal okay so here's
Starting point is 00:20:09 the uh commercial uh you know where is the beef it certainly is a big bun it's a very big fun big fluffy bun it's a very big bun. Big fluffy bun. It's a very big fluffy bun. Where's the beef? Some hamburger places give you a lot less beef on a lot of bun. Where's the beef? At Wendy's, we serve a hamburger we modestly call the single. And Wendy's single has more beef than the Whopper
Starting point is 00:20:37 or Big Mac. At Wendy's, you get more beef and less bun. Hey, where's the beef? I don't think there's anybody back there. You want something better. You're windy-ish kind of people. Now, you remember that commercial, right? That commercial is great, right? You know,
Starting point is 00:20:53 where is the beef, right? You know, it's part of who we are. Meat, you know, is a serious part of our diet and that's being threatened and we're not it they're not really giving us the straight truth as to what's really going on with our meat supply okay uh you know um i think one of the things right and i'm sure they're loving it right is just the way how the meat has skyrocketed.
Starting point is 00:21:26 The price of beef and meats in general has just skyrocketed. And more and more people are finding it more and more difficult to pay for protein. So let me just read this article here, right, which I found really, really concerning. And it says the strain of bird flu that is killing cats in Texas is causing brain hemorrhaging and blindness. That's in animals. Right. And it says the information that I'm about to share with you. And this is from and it's been on some other platforms as well. The information that I'm about to share with you is very alarming. According to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, although there are minor differences, feline lungs are structured just
Starting point is 00:22:17 like human lungs operate in the same way and serve the same purpose. So the fact that H5N1 has been able to spread into the lungs, brains, hearts, and eyes of more than 20 cats in Texas is not a good sign at all. According to the CDC, some cats that caught H5N1 at one farm in Texas ended up blind. About two dozen farm cats were stricken with H5N1 bird flu after drinking milk from infected cows, leaving some blind and killing more than half. at least 24 cats on a Texas farm experienced depressed mental states, body stiffness, loss of coordination, blindness, circling, and excessive mucus from their eyes and noses. A necropsy of the dead animals, some that died in at little less two days after they fell ill, revealed the virus had spread to their lungs, brains, hearts, and eyes. I did not know that H5N1 can cause blindness. Did you? The CDC also tells us that the bird flu caused brain hemorrhaging in
Starting point is 00:23:35 some of the cats. In the cats, scientists found some hemorrhaging in the back of their skulls as well as brain hemorrhaging. Otherwise, though, the animals looked normal. The examination revealed that the cats had microscopic lesions in their brains, lungs, and hearts. If H5N1 can do this to cats, can it also do it to humans? In an article that he posted a couple of days ago, the writer of this, Michael Snyder, posted a couple of days ago, the writer of this, Michael Snyder, posted a couple of days ago, I noted that more than half of all human cases of H5N1 since 2003 have resulted in death. Sadly, more than half of the cats that got infected at one dairy farm in Texas also ended up dead.
Starting point is 00:24:23 More than half of cats around the first Texas dairy farm to test positive for bird flu this spring died after drinking raw milk from the infected cows, scientists reported this week, offering a window into a toll the virus has taken during its unprecedented spread to the cattle industry. This is an extremely deadly disease. The cats apparently caught H5N1 by drinking raw milk. Scientists tested the cows that produce that raw milk and they found some of those cows had tiny lesions in their mammary glands. Following the feline's death, the CDC also tested the cows, finding
Starting point is 00:25:06 puzzling symptoms as well. Some of them that died were producing normal milk before they succumbed to illness and some of the cows that had tiny lesions in their mammary glands, an unusual symptom. That is certainly very alarming. Scientists have also discovered that the amount of H5N1 in the udders of infected cows is off the charts high. While the contribution of respiratory transmission is still in question, there appears to be little doubt that a lot of spread is happening in milking parlors where the cows are strapped into the milking machines and that in dairy cows H5N1 seems to be the primary infecting mammary glands. The amount of virus in the udders of infected cows is off the charts high making it easy to see how one cow's problem infection soon
Starting point is 00:26:06 becomes a herd's problem you can imagine that if such a cow is milked in a milking stall even a few drops of milk remaining on the teat cup which is used to milk will then subsequently contaminate the teat of the next cow said thesis kukin a pathologist in the teeth of the next cow, said Thesis Kukin, a pathologist in the Department of Virus Science at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. So you can imagine very easily how in the course of a few days the virus could spread very fast among cows being milked on that farm. Please take a few moments to read those two paragraphs again. I'm not going to do that, right? This is where the milk you buy from the grocery store comes from.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Approximately one out of every five samples of grocery store milk that the FDA recently tested came back positive. I'll read that. Approximately one out of every five samples of grocery milk, store milk that the FDA recently tested came back positive, but the FDA claims that it is still safe to drink. Around one in five milk samples, the Food and Drug Administration checked from U.S. retailers tested positive for H5N1. However, the agency said last week that studies show that pasteurization is working to kill off the virus in milk. Only harmless fragments
Starting point is 00:27:32 remained. Officials have repeatedly urged Americans not to drink raw milk. The good news is that the pasteurization process kills H5N1 in our milk, but now that dairy cows are being infected nationwide experts are warning that a strain could potentially emerge that would be very dangerous to humans. It's a numbers game. Although all viruses mutate routinely flu viruses are particularly good at shapeshifting. They can even swap entire chunks of genetic material with other flu viruses if an animal is co-infected with more than one of them. These mutations happen randomly and most don't make the virus more dangerous to humans,
Starting point is 00:28:11 but it is entirely realistic to imagine that some occasionally do. If that occasionally human-threatening mutation happens to a flu virus that has infected a wild fox, it doesn't pose a particularly high risk of causing a pandemic among humans. After all, few wild foxes have contact with humans. However, if it happens in a cow, there are far more opportunities for the virus to workshop its new features effectively. Workers on dairy farms constantly interact with cows and their milk. They check udders, hook and unhook milking machines and perform other tasks to care for the animals. That puts them in lots of contact with any virus infecting the cows. If the virus did not infect and kill people or doesn't mutate and adapt as easily as the flu does, perhaps it wouldn't be as concerning.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But H5N1 does infect people at close proximity to animals, and at least half of the more than 900 people who've been infected with the virus since it came on the scene in 1995 have died. Let's hope that H5N1 does not mutate into a form that can easily spread among humans anytime soon right so uh there's a lot of stuff that's going on with our milk supply right uh that you know the mainstream media is not really coming clean with uh you know with the public one of the things that you really haven't really heard about and i really didn't realize that this was being done on uh farms right was them using chicken litter right so all these big chicken farms right they scrape the the chicken poop you know the litter the feathers all that
Starting point is 00:30:06 stuff they got to clean it right so they scrape all that stuff out and they don't like burn it or bury it what they do is they they use it as fertilizer right and they this some of it even goes into the food that the cows eat now there is there is this, there was this story on Forbes, right? And I've seen this on other platforms as well, because some people are basically saying, well, maybe these cows got infected because of their exposure to the chicken litter in their, you know, in the cattle feed, right? But this one on Forbes saysbes says is chicken feces behind the bird flu outbreaks in cows here and they say here's what to know and they say bird flu outbreaks have infected 35 dairy cohorts across nine states causing some to question whether the use of contaminated and this
Starting point is 00:30:58 is from this this let's whether uh this is causing some to question whether the use of contaminated poultry litter as cow feed may be the source of transmission though experts may not say not enough is known to draw this conclusion it's kind of like if you got why would you be you know birds we have this really serious disease going around in poultry farms. Why would they use bird feces this way, right? Poultry litter, also known as chicken or broiler litter, is a mixture of chicken feces, feathers, and bedding materials like sawdust, peanut hulls, and pine shavings swept up from chicken coops and typically used as fertilizer and as feed for
Starting point is 00:31:46 cattle according to a study published in the international journal of environmental health and research public health though there is no federal regulation some states like california ban the use of poultry litter as feed for lactating dairy cows which are the cows affected by the bird flu outbreak circulating in the U.S., but still allow its use in beef cows and other cattle. Studies have shown chicken litter can harbor bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, so some experts worry the chicken litter feed cows eat contains traces of the bird flu virus and therefore is the cause of bird flu outbreaks in cattle.
Starting point is 00:32:26 However, there is not enough information available on how exactly cows contracted the virus from birds to draw this conclusion. Jody Guest, the Senior Vice Chair of the Department of Epidemiology at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health told Forbes. So, you know, this is something that I really didn't really cross my mind, you know, but it seems like there's a really strong possibility. If this is going on, it needs to stop because it's endangering the cows, it's endangering the people that are, you know, and eventually will endanger the public.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Right. Now, here, you know, there's been a lot of things being written about. Is it safe to eat milk, drink milk or eat eggs or beef right because those are the big things that are now being affected um by it um and this article is from um verywell uh by stephanie brown is it safe to consume milk and eggs during bird flu outbreak and this was written april 11th 2024 and um let's see let me just scroll down to the big things here and it says how safe is milk in light of the bird flu and it says in light of the bird flu and it says scientists are unsure if unpasteurized or raw milk can pass along h5n1 but raw milk can harbor various germs and is associated with miscarriages kidney failure and death it illegal it is illegal in some states and generally not recommended by
Starting point is 00:34:22 public health experts there's no information about avian flu in raw milk being available being able to make you sick we just don't have that data it's too new quinlan told very well she added that the safest bet is to stick to pasteurized milk um i know that um and you know disclaimer here? We're not health experts. You're going to have to do your own research on what's safe, what's, you know, what's safe and what's unsafe. You have to do your own research. I would, you know, you can ask your own medical practitioners about this because they should be able to tell you and give you information as to how, you know, how to safely consume these products. Okay. We're just giving you information.
Starting point is 00:35:05 You take this information and then you do your own research. And it says here, risks from raw cheese remain unknown. The FDA requires a 30-day aging process for raw cheese to inactivate bacteria and viruses. But the agency recommends cheese producers refrain from using milk from infected or exposed cows. Are eggs safe to eat? Because bird flu is highly contagious and deadly in chickens, it's unlikely that any infected eggs would enter the food supply. We have control zones and we do diagnostic testing to permit movement of animals out of
Starting point is 00:35:42 these control zones until the disease runs its course. And then we do our cleaning and sanitation of those facilities, Paulson said. Even on the off chance that infected eggs reach the supermarket shelves, proper food safety practices would destroy any bird flu pathogens. This means avoiding running eggs and making sure egg dishes reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees. It is also best to store eggs in a refrigerator at 40 or below for up to three weeks. There is no reason to think there's avian flu in eggs, but if there were, cooking will get rid of it, Quinlan said. Is it safe to eat chicken or beef? Paulson said it is still safe to eat beef and chicken. We don't see it really in any beef cows or beef calves.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Whether or not they're being infected, they're not showing any type of clinic. They're not showing any type of clinical signs. We've tested some. We haven't found anything, he said. For good measure, health experts recommend cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees to kill any germs including potential avian flu viruses ground beef should be cooked to 160 degrees while roasts and steaks should reach 145 degrees there is no real reason to be concerned at this time quinlan said they're really trying to keep any contaminated food out of the food system. Right. So, you know, this is the general tone of a lot of the articles that I've seen and whether or not it's safe to eat eggs, milk, beef.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Right. And even chicken, because, you know, they know they're saying well they have this screening process that that's in place you should be able to to consume uh these meats with no problems but you know as i said right how much are they really telling the public you know um how much research is really going into these articles right right, to really pull the truth out. OK, you know, the way I see it is a lot of these a lot of these organizations now that are being run by, you know, people who are more or less, you know, they're for the Biden administration. They are for the progressives. Right. the Biden administration, they're for the progressives, right? It's all about, it's not about necessarily, you know, the job that they're supposed to do, right? It's all about using the
Starting point is 00:38:12 power of those jobs to accomplish an end. So, you know, in terms of like law enforcement, for example, like if when, since they're in law enforcement enforcement okay um it's not about them really like following the law and doing all the things that they're they were actually hired to do it's about going after their political enemies anyone that is against them is on the chopping block or is a target in any of these agencies so they they they use the power of the agencies not to do the job that they're supposed to do, but they go after their enemies. It's all about social changing and shaping, right? And social engineering versus actually doing the jobs.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And, you know, the CDC, as we know, is really politicized at this point. How well, I mean, when you look at what happened at that bio lab right in California that they had found, I think it's that really California. Right. Where they had found that bio lab. Right. You know, and and the you know, the the the disaster. Right. Of them dealing with that. All right you know um in there in in reidley california when you look at how they handle that when you look at how they handle covid right and how they just covered for of course you know the the administration their preferred administration right how they're covered for the biden administration you know how how much you know how how much of this should we take at face value because at one point you know what three weeks ago you know it was i think the story was yeah we have some some cows but they don't
Starting point is 00:39:56 seem to be too infected right you know the infection doesn't seem to be too too bad uh they've gotten sick but they've recovered quickly they might not produce as much milk as they were before but they they don't you know and we don't know if uh the farmers that are were around these cows became infected because they really didn't show any signs or if maybe they had a flu it wasn't so bad so that was a story up to about four weeks ago right well up to about four weeks ago. Right. Well, up to about, I would say, what, a week ago. And now we're seeing these stories being dropped about cats losing eyesight and dying and stuff like that. Right. From the bird flu. Because, you know, a lot of these other farm animals are around these, you know, these, you know, these infected animals that are on the farm.
Starting point is 00:40:44 these infected animals that are on the farm. And now we're seeing all these stories about these animals that are just dying from some really serious symptoms. Begs the question, is there more than one strain of this flu out there? What's really going on with that? So let's come back full circle here. I know I spent pretty much the entire podcast talking about this and doing a really deep dive into it. Okay. How does this affect you and what are you supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:41:21 Okay. My suggestion would be know your meat source if you're with a local if you have a local farmer uh you know that provides your your meat if you're homesteading and so you know your animals and that's fine you know you have a pretty secure meat source probably most likely okay um uh i if you're if you have to buy milk then i i would be going for the ultra pasteurized stuff right um or you know milk powder right you know you go for milk powder right you know powdered milk uh if you have to if you're getting eggs from the supermarket then you got to cook them things really really well and and you know you know I know that some people like runny eggs and stuff like that. But, you know, I think that right now your health should be the priority and you got to make sure those eggs are thoroughly, thoroughly cooked.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Beef. Right. You know, they're saying, well, no contaminated cow, you know, as far as they know, has as has gotten through their screening. Right. But we can't really trust that. So, you know, cook your beef properly. If you have ground beef, you know, whatever you're making burgers, just make sure that you cook the crap out of it. You got to cook that stuff properly. All your food should be cooked pretty you know pretty well right you know um it should be cooked really really well and that way uh you're minimizing your your your risk right your risk of infection um because i would not be surprised if in another two or three weeks we're hearing that cows are infected in beef they're finding traces of it in beef and you know because you know the story is evolving as we go where is this all going to end here okay so yeah there i i do believe
Starting point is 00:43:20 and and and no one has really looked into this seriously that you know was this you know was this all nature just doing its thing you know wild birds uh that that infected uh poultry farms and now it's being spread to other animals and human beings or or was this a coordinated attack here? A gray attack, right? On our food infrastructure. I'll let you decide, right? As more information becomes available. Okay? So, you know, we're here to give you information, right?
Starting point is 00:43:58 You know, I really wanted to take a really deep dive into this because you know this is all about the war on food i i still think that somewhere in there are are people who are playing dirty somewhere in there are folks um you know that are are trying to destabilize our food supply uh you know for their own political uh for political means or you know for their own, you know, our enemies, right? For their own, you know, ends. If you can destabilize our food supply in this country, then, you know, it makes us weaker here at home. And that's what all of this, I think, is geared towards. It's geared towards making us distracted.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's geared towards making us not,'s geared towards making us not you know not we we're not together as one people it's all about fragmenting our society and making us weaker you know putting us at each other's throats right and creating all of these all this stress on on our on you know on regular americans and uh and um you know and and and while we're dealing with all these you know trying to put out all these fires and deal with all this stuff um then our enemies are pushing their you know going forward with their own agendas right you know um you know all those you know the the people you know the chinese the russians you know they're all pushing you know, they're all pushing, you know, they are pushing their own political and, you know, world agendas. So make sure that you have a solid food supply.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Right. You know, start talking to people around you about food. If you can produce some of your own food, then, you by all means uh you know watch your birds watch your flocks okay the last thing you want is private contamination because if there is private contamination and that gets you know and that gets into the news then uh of course they're going to be coming after the small gardens the small farms the homesteaders you're going to be in the crosshairs you're going to say well you can't have chickens anymore on your homestead uh you're gonna have to get rid of them uh you know you can only get your chicken from the supermarket and we
Starting point is 00:46:19 all know how you know we don't want a centralized uh food distribution system because that's a lot of problems. That's really seriously problematic. Okay. Okay. So that's all I have right now. There's more to talk about. There's so much more to talk about. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:42 But I think this is a good place for me to end it uh hopefully you got some further from this podcast if you like what you heard then please pass us around let as many people as possible know about pbn uh because um you know this is all about saving lives here and um and get making you more self-reliant right you know prepping is supposed to this type of right, is supposed to provide peace of mind. When you're prepared, then when an emergency comes up, then you can deal with it in a measured way. And you're not just running around all in a panic, right? So it's all about making sure that you have the proper skill sets, the proper mentality, you know, the proper training, the proper background, the proper mentality uh you know the proper training the
Starting point is 00:47:25 proper background the proper information to make sure that you can function um if there is an emergency right so you know consider becoming a member of pbn it's going to open so many more doors and please pass or or podcasts around um make you know feel free i would highly encourage you to listen to pbn this weekend there's gonna be great shows on that deal with a lot of uh real fundamental prepping topics um and of course you can also scroll through uh you know the the pbn website right and there's tons of articles tons of videos tons of podcastinging on different topics that you can just scroll through that will help you along in your prepping journey. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:12 All right. So enjoy your weekend and try not to get too stressed about anything, right? If you're too stressed, then you need to disconnect from all of this and hang out with people you love and people you care about. And do the things that help you to unwind from all the cares and problems of the world. When you refresh, then you can come back to it. It's about keeping you healthy. We need to be healthy. We need to be healthy. We need to be fit. Because when the emergencies arrive,
Starting point is 00:48:50 then we have to be able to deal with it. We have to have the bandwidth to deal with all the emergencies. So keep listening to PBN. It was my pleasure to go into all of this with you. And until next time folks enjoy and good night on the brink of blackouts again as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight slivers of the golden state plunged into darkness calm says it expects to continue with stage six running blackouts for the rest of he's scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled.
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