The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth Episode 17! Getting Prepper for SHTF (REPLAY)

Episode Date: July 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and filtering all the way up. I want to tell you about the most affordable and effective preparedness purchase that you can make in 2021. Fire Edge is a fully customizable vehicular preparedness system. It can hold magazines, firearms, IFACs, tourniquets, pepper spray, flashlights, anything you need at arm's length. It fits snug in the door pocket of any vehicle. Oh, and how about all that for $20? Visit today and use the promo code 2021, and you will get yours for $20.21.
Starting point is 00:01:20 The ultimate in vehicular preparedness. Visit and use promo code 2021. Welcome to episode 17 of The Strange Truth. I'm your host, Carl B. And tonight, we have something a little special for you. We're going to go through, we're going to look at a real, a purpose scenario. Okay, tonight, we're going to meet a very special person. He's fictional. His name is Andy Minor and his wife Rita Minor. And Andy's got a problem so we're gonna meet Andy later on right and uh uh for anyone who's new to PBN uh I want to say welcome uh uh PBN offers a very very special service. We try to save lives here by offering a wide variety
Starting point is 00:03:15 of survival articles and podcasts. Pretty much it's kind of the one-stop place to go for uh your any kind of prepping information so come on over to and if you're new well welcome to pbn um uh you know uh over at, we have nightly live shows. You know, Sunday, there's Reliance with Stephen Menking. Monday, we have going usually Prepper's Live. Tuesday, we have The Next Generation with Ryan and Colin Buford. We also on Tuesday have Future Dan and Ben Cochran with the Patriot Power Hour.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And they get into the news and relevant social issues on their show. High-octane prepper information there. On Wednesday, we have the Intrepid Commander, the visionary who founded, or, you know, founded PBN. His name is James Walton, and he does the I Am Liberty show, and James will deal with a really hot, relevant prepper topic or something going on socially that's relevant
Starting point is 00:05:03 or important to people in the preparedness lifestyle. On Thursday, we have Dane D. with the gun metal armory. And Dane, anything tactical, anything firearms, Dane is the guy. Friday, we have Dave dave jones the nbc guy uh nbc means nuclear biological or chemical and um uh you know uh dave is a fountain of information and always a fun uh person to listen to you get lots of tips just listening to Dave on Saturday we have Jordan for you know Jordan J Fergie with a family affair she deals with a lot of different proper topics you know a lot of them family know, uh, for good practical advice, um, uh, check out, uh, Jordan
Starting point is 00:06:08 on Saturdays. On Sundays we have, of course, Stephen Menking, um, you know, a great way to start the week. So, um, that was a really quick rundown of our, uh know nightly shows what's on um if you're a first-time listener welcome if you're an old hand uh welcome um i also want to say welcome to all the people who are listening from other parts of the world as well um uh you know what we do here at PBN, you know, it's relevant no matter where you are. It's all about, you know, hardening your life, you know, making yourself a little bit more resilient, a little bit more self-sufficient, as well as making sure that you can protect yourself and your family. So I want to say welcome to all the listeners tonight. And as I said, we have something a little, well, I have some a little different tonight. But first, and I'm sticking with, you know, James made a statement earlier on in the
Starting point is 00:07:22 year that, you know, everything that we pretty much produce this year, or a lot of what we produce, will be a record of a very important time, or a very important year. the really important news and important social issues that, you know, shapes our lives, you know, is shaping our year. I do try to, you know, point out or, you know, focus in on a few important news items. And the first item that I am going to look at is the this one is on Fox News. And it's by Adam Shaw. it's by Adam Shaw, and it says, Biden describes border surge as a crisis as he defends refugee moves. Biden faced criticism from the left over his initial moves on the refugee cap.
Starting point is 00:08:42 So for the first time, President Biden, you know, has finally said the obvious, right, that there is a crisis going on down there at the border. And I guess it just could not be hit anymore. And, you know, finally, he finally came clean. It says here in the article, President Biden on Saturday described the situation at the border as a crisis for the first time as he defended his administration walk back on refugee policy a day earlier. We're going to increase the number of refugees, he told reporters. The problem was that the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up on the border with young people we couldn't do two things at once but now we're going to increase the number the biden administration has until now refused to call the dramatic spike in migration numbers which saw 172 migrant encounters in March alone a crisis.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Instead, it has referred to it as a challenge and blamed it on the Trump administration's dismantling of asylum paths. it's interesting to me that we're now being led by people who refuse to grapple with reality. And the thing about reality is that it never really goes away. And you can call it by many other names, but it does, you know, uh, you know, it,
Starting point is 00:10:29 it, it, it always remains true regardless of the names that, you know, people try to attach, uh, to it. And, uh, here we have them, they were playing this semantic game, right, where they weren't calling the crisis on the border a crisis. They were calling it a challenge, right? We have a word and we have certain signifiers and ideas in English language to describe exactly what was happening at the border. And a crisis was what was really going on. It wasn't a challenge. It was a crisis. Something that was and is spiraling out of control. is spiraling out of control. So let's hope that they can get this under control here and provide a little bit more, you know, better security and screening of the people who are coming in because it is a national security problem going on down there at the border and it does affect us um here you know um it does affect the common person in the
Starting point is 00:11:48 united states um the other big story that broke was uh you know project veritas right and um cnn director admits our focus was to get trump out of office. This is a story by Robert Krejcik, and it was published 13th April 2021. And he goes on to write a project veritas undercover investigation published tuesday reveals cnn a technical director charlie chester acknowledging his company's focus on removing president donald trump from the white house and uh he goes on to he quotes he quotes um charlie chester is saying look what we did. We got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it. And I 100% believe that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out. I came to CNN because I wanted to be part of that, Chester stated. Further down, it says here,
Starting point is 00:13:09 Um, uh, further down, it says here, Chester noted that CNN simultaneously sought to present the then presidential candidate Joe Biden as vital and in good health, despite the former vice president's cognitive decline and medical history of brain aneurysms. Uh, we would always show shots of Biden jogging and that he's healthy, you know, and him in aviator shades, he remarked, like you paint him as a young geriatric. Chester stated CNN plans to
Starting point is 00:13:36 frame climate change and narrative framing human consumption of fossil fuels as a driver of a warming planet as the next COVID thing for CNN with the ethos fear cells so it's amazing that these people aren't just reporting on the news they're making it and uh you know this guy uh went to cnn for a job not to report on the news, but to be a political activist, to be a part of a political movement.
Starting point is 00:14:12 So, you know, it's really amazing to me. None of these people have any credibility left, really. And I think the American people are coming around and realizing that fact that you really cannot really trust the news anymore. As a matter of fact, most of the news that I read are from foreign sources. It's amazing, right? It's amazing, right? You know, I will, I would read, you know, news from other countries just to know what's going getting from our news sources, it does affect the way we can prep. So it's really interesting. The other story that I will quickly look at tonight is published on
Starting point is 00:15:22 And it's by Tyler Durden. And it says, Russia shuts Ukraine's military access to Black Sea. Now, you know, if you've been a regular listener, that we have been monitoring, you know, China and Russia's, you know, their, the issue with China and Taiwan and the issue with Russia and Ukraine. And we've been monitoring those situations here at PBN because they have the potential to become really dangerous. Trying to find the right word here. dangerous, trying to find the right word here, dangerous, you know, issues for everyone worldwide. You know, this has the potential, if these things go kinetic in any way, potential of drawing in uh you know the major of world powers into uh you know into a military um
Starting point is 00:16:30 clash and that would be bad so we've been monitoring uh this uh you know the situation at um at pbn and uh here it says it was announced thursday that russia will close off the kurd strait to all foreign warships for six months amid rising ukraine tensions and after the u.s threatened to send additional warships to the area the kurd strait is the vital narrow waterway connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, which importantly connects southern Russia to annex Crimea. Putin will close the Kurd Strait beginning next week until October, blocking foreign warships that are conducting military exercising, including the U.S., the Ukraine Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And it was also reported in the New York Post as well. So, really, you know, there is that Chinese curse, right? May you live in interesting times. And I'm really beginning to understand why it is really a curse and not a blessing to live in interesting times, right? Because there's just so many things going on right now, you know, so many things happening here domestically, you know, socially, right? The riots, all the divisions in our country that are that's just hurting everyone hurting everybody and then we have you know these two countries that seem to be intent on grabbing more territory and and of course we have a president who you know who seems not really to be able to manage the challenges of the job.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And of course, we're still dealing with the pandemic and everything that entails. So there's a lot on everyone's plate. that entails. So, um, there's a lot on everyone's plate and I'm really hoping, um, that, uh, you will find some time with your family. You know, with your families, with your loved ones, right? You know, because in the end, right, that's really what's important. You know, not necessarily who's sitting in the White House or, you know, any of this stuff, right? It's about the people, the people we love, right? And spending time and making memories with those people.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Anyway, I'm going to pivot now away from all that world news and all that really serious talk, right?, really serious talk. Right. And, um, I'm going to, I'm going to run a little scenario here. Okay. And, uh, if you're new, right. Um, I would encourage you to, um, probably grab, um, some, you know, pen and paper because you might want to write a few things down. There's going to be some interesting little nuggets that I think will get dropped as you listen to the rest of this podcast. And I'm going to do something a little different tonight. I'm going to run a purpose scenario. We're going to meet a fictional person named andy minor and his wife ria and um
Starting point is 00:20:29 you know uh and uh i'm gonna call this is going to be episode one of when it all goes to hell right uh there's 27 days. This is going to be a 27 day prep. Andy Miner is going to try and get himself prepped in 27 days. Can it be done? If you had to, if you found out that the world was going to explode, if you're following the news and if you have really good intel and you know that, you know, in a month's time, right,
Starting point is 00:21:17 in a month's time, in 30 days, the world was going to go insane. world was going to go insane and you know and you had to you know protect your family you had to start preparing right what would you be doing in those 30 days before it all hit the fan. You know, it's an interesting scenario. And I'm going to play it out today for you. Of course, this is all fictional, right? So I don't want anybody listening to this podcast and hearing this conversation, you know, thinking that it's real, okay, because it's not, right? I remember that Orson Welles' War of the Worlds play that he had put on the air, and people actually, you know, thought that there was a real invasion going on and and that wasn't the case so I'm letting you all know that this scenario is not real okay this is all fictional okay and as I said it's just a prepper scenario all right As you listen to this scenario, ask yourself, okay, what would I do? Is Andy and Rita, as you listen to it, right? And as I said, this is just part one,
Starting point is 00:22:54 right? In another podcast, there'll be part two, right? But are they doing the right things? Are they buying the right things? Would you do something differently? Would you be getting different supplies? Or did you notice that maybe they probably didn't include certain supplies? your brain ticking over. And if you're new, this might be a way to get yourself motivated, yourself started, right? Um, to prep, to get yourself, uh, you know, uh, to, uh, I would say probably, uh, a mid-level, um, um, uh, area of prepping, right? Um can hear my quails there in the background, right? Yes, I have new quail chicks and from time to time they have been very, very vocal. So, and that's going to be another show, raising quails, okay? But today, we're going to do this prepper scenario. So let's get started. We're going to meet our guy, Andy, right?
Starting point is 00:24:13 You know, now, most SHTF situations, right, will not have any real warning, right? Most really won't. I mean, unless it's like a natural disaster or, you know, something that you can see coming and you know it's going to arrive, right? But a lot of times, you know, these situations, they really just kind of come out of the blue. It's really interesting when you looked at the way the pandemic broke, right? The folks here at PBN were, you know, they got wind of it. I believe it was in early December, and because all of the news was coming out of China, right? And because we're preppers, right?
Starting point is 00:25:08 You know, these are things that get on our radar. For most people who, you know, for most people who pretty much just get their news from the mainstream media and their life is their phone and what's on their phone, they don't pay attention really to these things as we do. So the folks at PBN got wind of the coronavirus early and they started to plan for it. So it was almost like watching a slow train wreck, right, coming in. So the folks at PBN did a really good job of monitoring that situation, preparing for that situation, advising the listeners off the situation, right?
Starting point is 00:26:05 And offering whatever help, you know, they could at and through podcasts and different articles. Okay. So, but most events, you won't really know they're coming but if you are paying attention then a lot of times you can see the writing on the wall you know most you know they say uh prepping is a different kind of woke right you know dave jones says that uh you know uh from time to time that prepping is a different kind of work. Right. And I believe we have a T-shirt at PBN that says that as well. But I need to get one of those T-shirts, by the way. Anyway, so a lot of times, if you're paying attention, you will get a sense that something is coming.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And the alarm bells will go off and you will start, you know, if you're in the right frame of mind, If you're in the right frame of mind, if you're the guy or the woman who really wants to protect their family and themselves, right, you will begin to get yourselves ready. Okay? That's when, you know, all the prepper blogs, you start looking at all the prepper blogs, right? You start, you know, you start coming to places like PBN to get information, to get those lists of items, right? To figure a way how to get yourself prepped. And that's what's going on with Andy here. Okay, so we're going to run this fictional scenario, right? And I want you to, as I run this fictional scenario, I want you to ask yourself, okay, would I do what Andy's doing right now? Would I be getting the supplies he's getting?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Do I need to do this doing right now? Would I be getting the supplies he's getting? Do I need to do this myself right now? Okay. If you're an old hand at it, right, then, you know, Andy is just starting out. He's a brand new prepper. If you're an old hand at this, right, then you would probably be saying, well, you know, you'd be in a different space, right? You'd probably just be topping off your preps and tweaking a few things, right? And getting yourself ready, right? But people are at different stages in their prepping journey. So Andy is at the beginning of his prepping journey. So let's see. journey so let's see so andy our our hero and and our protagonist right is listening to pbn and he's slowly becoming a bit concerned it seemed that china has given the uS. a month to get out of the South China Sea. They've been shooting at each other. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:31 There have been exchanges between the two military forces, between the two navies. Right. And things are beginning to get a little tense. and things are beginning to get a little tense. And the Chinese have already invaded Taiwan. They've already seized Taiwan. They have suppressed the governmental forces in Taiwan. And the U.S. has levied sanctions against them and the U.S. now has a large naval presence in the South China Sea.
Starting point is 00:30:16 They have given, the Chinese have given the U.S. a month to leave the South China Sea. It has told the U.S. that it will retaliate in a month. And they think that a month is a reasonable amount of time for the U.S. to come to its senses and to leave the South China Sea and not get involved in what they're calling an internal Chinese problem. Our Prepper Andy is not really watching the state-run democratic networks, right? The CNNs, the NBCs, the, you know, the mainstream media, the ABCs, etc. He's instead reading the prepper blogs and he is listening and reading articles on PBN. he is now very, very concerned.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And he has now decided to act quickly. He doesn't really know where he's going to start. He has a problem. That dream again. The dreams of the sirens. The dreams of the bombs falling. I can't take this anymore. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. I have to do something to get myself and my family ready.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I look at Rita lying on the bed next to me. I hear the clock in the children's room. And I'm worried about my family. I'm worried about our safety. No one is talking about this, where this could all go, but it seems like we're staring World War III in the face here. So where am I going to start? Well, the people on PBN are saying, well, you know, you need to get yourself stocked up, your food, your water,
Starting point is 00:33:13 self-defense. So I think I'm gonna get started in the morning. I'm gonna talk to Rita, and you know, we're gonna figure something out. I'm gonna talk to Rita And uh You know we're gonna We're gonna figure something out
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah That's the way to go Time Is running out Hey Rita It's running out. Hey Rita. You know how I've been feeling about all of this? Yeah, I know how you've been feeling about all of this.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Rita says she looks at her husband and she realizes that he is so worried about everything that has been going on in the news. She's been worried too. They've all been talking about it at work. What the president said and what the president should do. She's 100% behind whatever Andy is planning. And she knows he's planning something. And of course, Andy doesn't disappoint. He says, well, Rita, I think that what I'm going to do is I am going to stock up on some food, okay? I'm going to spend the next couple of days and I'm going to, I'm going to stock, I'm going to, I'm going to stock our, our basement, all right? We're going
Starting point is 00:34:55 to fill it, we're going to start, you know, getting some food together. We don't have a lot of food in the house. All we've got is what's in the the in the fridge and a few cans of this or that in our pantry right so um i'm you know i have a list here of things that i want uh us to have right food items and i was thinking that i could run to the local store, right, the local supermarket, and you could hit, you know, you could hit Walmart or another supermarket on your way home as well. And that way, right, we can have double the amount of stuff, right, pretty much in one trip for me, one trip for you, and we could double our supplies, you know, so everything here, you know, I've got the quantities, right, and here's your list, I have my list after, you know, uh, after work, I'll hit the supermarket and, um, and, uh, you know, you can, you can also, uh, do your shopping. Uh, how much money do we have in our, in our bank account right now? Uh, I can't quite remember. Rita looks at Andy and she smiles.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Right now, she's not really thinking about spending their life savings. She's not worried about that. She's so worried about the two children that they sent off to school this morning. She says to him, well, we've got about $8,000 in the bank. You know, while we were, you know, of course, some of that money we were going to use for vacations and stuff, but we've got about eight grand in the bank. You think we're going to spend it all? You know you know we're gonna have to use it all up uh well you know i and he says yeah yeah i think
Starting point is 00:37:14 uh we might end up going through most of that right it was a good thing that we had a little bit of this nest egg here right um but let's do the shopping first. Let's start there. Later that day after work, Andy stops in at the supermarket. So on his list, he's got a lot of canned food, right? You know, food that can be stored for a long period of time, right? Let's see. He walks into the store and he begins to shop. And here is the things that he picked up.
Starting point is 00:38:20 A couple of packets of flour, sugar, rice, powdered potatoes, powdered milk, boxed UHT, ultra high temperature milk. Yeah, that can be stored without refrigeration for a while. Canned corn, beef, canned soups, tuna, salmon, hash, canned vegetables, corn, tomatoes, spinach, coffee, tea, oatmeal, cornmeal. He picked up a bunch of spices, some salt, pepper, garlic, and onions, ketchup, honey. He got some packaged meals like macaroni, cheese, soups, ramen noodles, olive oil, baking soda, baking powder, raisins, and a wide variety of nuts, peanut butter, chocolate, cocoa powder, energy bars, bottled water, canned soda, powdered milk, uh, powdered drink mixes. Yeah. Some matches.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Some candles. Lots of spaghetti. Lots of hot dogs. Hamburger meat. of hot dogs, hamburger meat, lots of little meals, little things that he could prepare quickly when he's under stress that didn't require a lot of preparation time. That's what he's thinking about. If I'm under stress, yeah, you know, it's easier to throw some hot dogs, you know, in some hot water, put them on a bun can feed the whole family for a while right so yeah
Starting point is 00:40:27 he goes through the the supermarket line he gets a few queer looks because he is really really packed he has a really large quantity of food in his he has a really large
Starting point is 00:40:45 quantity of food in his in his cart but he ignores all the looks he packs it in his car he gets home
Starting point is 00:41:04 and he starts stocking his car, he gets home, and he starts stocking his food on his shelf. And he starts to feel a little better. Later on that night, Rita comes in. She also did her shopping, getting a lot of the things he got on his list at a different supermarket. And he helps her to pack it downstairs. In the next few days, he makes a couple more trips as he tries to plug all the holes that he and Rita could find in their food supply.
Starting point is 00:41:47 He also goes online. And he goes to for long storage food. And he decided to get 720 servings of wise emergency food as a backup. He's thinking, if we're into this, then the shit really has hit the fan. And we're in seriously desperate times if we're eating our food out of these buckets. May it never come to that. During the second week, Andy decides to take care of the water issue.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Water is a huge deal. And he is just beginning to realize that. He's trying to figure out how to get enough water for four people. It's him, his wife, his two kids. it's him, his wife, his two kids. Now, he says to himself, well, where I live, I'm lucky, right? It rains at least once a week.
Starting point is 00:43:17 There are places where they don't get a lot of rainfall. But here, we have that climate. It rains. We have this weather. It rains at least once every seven days. So I am going to buy four 100
Starting point is 00:43:34 gallon gold plus rain barrels. And I'm going to put them around the house. I'm going to make the spigots to collect the rain them around the house. I'm gonna make the spigots to collect the rainwater from the roof. And I'll have 400 gallons of rainwater that I can use.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Right now we're just dependent on our tap water, and I don't really have any place to store it. And there's just not enough bottled water that you can buy. So, I'm going to get those rain barrels. And I'm going to set them up. So, he goes out. He orders these rain barrels. They arrive in four days.
Starting point is 00:44:29 He sets them up around the house. Two days later, it rained. And Andy feels like a man on the moon right now. Because, guess what? Those rain barrels are full. Yeah, I now have 400 gallons of water that I never had before. 400 gallons. Of nice, fresh, usable water.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Rita, the other thing now that I'm going to have to do is we need to find out where the closest water source is to our house. Fresh water source is to our house. Fresh water source is to our house. Right. She looks at him. And she nods her head. And a day later, they go for a drive. And they find it. A small river.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Four miles away. So if there is a real emergency, we can come on out here and we can get our water from the river. At least it's the closest permanent water source from our home because we don't have a well or the means to drill one right now. He also goes on Amazon again. And he buys something really interesting. He buys a 20-foot above-ground pool. The next couple of days, he sets this thing up. It fills up a portion of his backyard.
Starting point is 00:46:40 But he's okay with that. It holds 2,900 gallons of water. And he arranges with a local pool company to have them come and fill it with fresh water. So, so and he counts the days on his fingers it's been 13 days and I've got food in the basement
Starting point is 00:47:17 and I've got a good amount of water that I can use. Where, what else now do I need to look at? Well, I need some medical supplies, right? Because there won't be a doctor on call or I won't be able to use the emergency room if all hell breaks loose. So I'm going to go to the pharmacy and I'm going to go to our local Walmart and all these little different stores and I'm going to get a few things.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Here is what was on Andy's medical list. Alcohol peroxide. Antibiotic wipes. Latex gloves. Masks. N95 masks. Sterile dressings. Antibiotic ointment. Burn ointment.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Adhesive bandages. A lot of it. A lot of gauze, a lot of saline, a bottle of saline, some Iowa solution, thermometer, syringes, asthma inhalers, because of the children. Let's see. He also had. On the list. Insect repellent. Aspirin. Antidiarrheal medication. Antacid.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Laxatives. Scissors. Tweezers. Petroleum jelly. Neosporin. He also ordered a good supply of fish antibiotics. Because when the grid went down
Starting point is 00:49:20 and there is no doctor, and if someone has an infection he was thinking some antibiotics are better than none and I might be able to save a life so he ordered his fish antibiotics. So by the end of 20 days, Andy looked around his basement and he realized that he had a good supply of food.
Starting point is 00:50:09 He knew he had water outside that he could use. He knew now that he had medical supplies for emergency purposes. And then he started to think about home defense. He does have a Remington shotgun. The following day, he goes out, and he buys as much ammunition for his shotgun as he can. ammunition for his shotgun as he can.
Starting point is 00:50:46 It's the only firearm the family has. He was never a firearm person. He got it for home defense. Figured it was all he would ever need. Now he wishes he had gotten some pistols and some other firearms, but time is short and this is all he has. He also ordered a cold steel Brooklyn Crusher bat from Amazon.
Starting point is 00:51:33 When the bat comes in, he absolutely loves this thing. It's a little heavy, but it's made completely out of steel. Great, great. Home defense. So, in 27 days, Andy and Rita have stocked their home, built up their pantry. They're continuing to plug holes and to build up their pantry.
Starting point is 00:52:24 They've also gotten a few things too. They've gotten some Fire Day defense bags to keep their iPads and phones safe from an EMP surge. And he got a fire day defense backpack in which he placed his ham radio. Just in case. He gasses up the car. He makes sure that the car is ready to go in case they have to leave their home quickly. He can't imagine why they would ever need to run from their home, but it's in the back of his mind. 27 days in, the news is not getting any better. And he is a worried man.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But he has a supportive partner, a supportive wife. They have spoken with the children about what they're doing. Andy and Rita have now become preppers. That's the scenario. Hopefully you got something out of that. What did they do right? What did they do wrong? What would you have done? thing that could ultimately change the way we live our lives, rupturing our society. What would you be doing? What would you be doing differently? What did Andy and Rita miss? Just a little scenario.
Starting point is 00:54:54 They got themselves prepped in 27 days. They're watching the news. They're listening to PBN. They're reading all the prepper blogs. The world is spiraling fast. Time is running out. The Chinese government gave the U.S. a month. 27 days have elapsed.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Three more days to go. No one is backing down. Here's the question. If you thought there were only three days left before World War III started, what would you be doing? What should Andy and Rita be doing? Andy sits and thinks about it for a second.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Three days before the deadline expires. And in his head, he's saying to himself, there could be a cyber attack that will bring down a lot of our internet, the electronics. It could knock out our power supply.
Starting point is 00:56:33 There could be an EMP blast that would knock out all the electronics across most, if not
Starting point is 00:56:43 all of the U.S. if they decided to go that way. Or there could be a nuclear exchange, the worst case scenario. Nuclear bombs dropping on cities, nuclear bombs destroying and irradiating the landscape. He thinks about the old Chinese curse. May you live in interesting times. He holds on to his wife as they go to sleep and a nightmare comes again
Starting point is 00:57:31 the nightmare of the end of the world. Well, I hope you got something out of that. I will do a part two. Three days before Armageddon is the next chapter. three days before Armageddon is the next chapter. If you knew you had three days to prepare for a major event, how would you use that time? How would you use that 72 hours?
Starting point is 00:58:42 Those three days. What would you be doing? What did Andy do that was right? What did Andy do that was wrong? Did he do enough? Did he not do enough? Getting his food, his medical supplies, his home defense, protecting some of his hardware. What did he miss? What have you missed? This is Carl B. For The Strange Truth. Hopefully you got something
Starting point is 00:59:30 after listening to this. If you found this interesting or informative in any way, please feel free to pass this podcast around or any podcast that you will find on PBN. We cover such a wide range of topics on preparedness. If you find something interesting that is useful
Starting point is 00:59:58 for your own preparedness journey, please pass that on to somebody else who might need it. Where are you in your preparedness journey? Are you ready for that black swan event?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Until next time, PBN family. Good night. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence. Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at

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