The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth Episode 40 When Will China Invade Taiwan

Episode Date: May 24, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for watching! Welcome to episode 40 of The Strange Truth. It's crazy to think that we are now on to 40 episodes of this podcast but here we are right and um i just want to say uh you know welcome and um we're just going to jump right in uh today's topic is when will China invade Taiwan, right? Because, you know, it seems like things are escalating in that part of the world. And it does have, you know, it does have a major, it will have a major impact on our foreign policy. And, you know, we can even be dragged into a war with China, right? It could be the trigger of the next world war, really. So we're going to take a look at that today, right, tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And so let me just start with a few recordings here, right? Take a listen to this. Tensions are escalating between Taiwan and China as Beijing intensifies military aggression against the island. In a stunning move, China has flown nearly 150 warplanes into Taiwan's air defense zone since just last Friday, sparking growing fears of a potential conflict. Taiwan's premier says that the island needs to be on alert, while its president said it will do whatever it takes to defend itself. So joining me now with more on this intensifying situation is CBS News Asia correspondent Remy Inocencio.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So this is really concerning. There's been a tremendous uptick in activity over just the past few days. Do we know what has triggered this military action by China? Sure, Anne-Marie. Well, basically, China and Taiwan are both caught between each other's national days. October 1st, last Friday, was China's 72nd anniversary of its founding. And that's when we saw that first flight of sorties, 38 sorties on Friday, 39 on Saturday, 16 on Sunday, and then at least 52 on Monday. And we're heading into the October 10th national holiday for Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:03:05 That's when it celebrates its 110th anniversary of its founding. So there's a lot of tension, a lot of pride coming from China. And you know, President Xi Jinping earlier this year said that one of his main goals was to reunify Taiwan with China. And we're trying to, and we're seeing this ramp up in terms of the actual physical behavior on the part of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Now, looking ahead, we have about five more days. Taiwan is trying to react as best it can. It's scrambled its own jets and it has deployed its air defense shield. But that's pretty much all they can do in the face of a more powerful military. China, many experts say, has the upper hand in this.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So the timing is somewhat about sort of patriotic military muscle flexing, but the message behind it has been pretty consistent when it comes to Xi Jinping. the message behind it has been pretty consistent when it comes to xi jinping yeah that's right absolutely and it's not really just xi jinping ever since uh the civil war in 1949 ended between uh uh the nationalists and the communists uh there's always been this um this um chest beating on both sides saying that at at one time Taiwan would come back to reclaim China. But now, because China itself has become so strong politically as well as economically, the second most important economy in the world, the tables have turned. And through the presidents through the past 70 years, it really is this narrative that's become nationalist, basically, that Taiwan
Starting point is 00:04:48 must be returned to China at all costs. And if you try to engage with anyone in China, they say that this is a national prerogative and that this needs to happen. Yeah, I was looking at some of the... All right. So that's the first recording that we're going to be listening to. And the second one... The second one...
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah, here we go. The second one that we're going to be listening to is the recording of the Taiwan foreign minister, Joseph Wu, and his statements about the Taiwanese, you know, their willingness to repel Chinese aggression. Let's take a listen to this. Defense of Taiwan is in our own hands, and we are absolutely committed to that. And if China is going to launch a war against Taiwan, we will fight to the end. And that is our commitment.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And of course, during this period of time, we would like to exchange with other countries for security cooperation. And we would like to engage in security or intelligence exchanges with other like-minded partners, Australia included, so that Taiwan is better prepared to deal with the war situation.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And so far, our relations with Australia is very good, and that is what we appreciate it for. All right. So the tension is escalating, But the tension is escalating and I think that it warrants a further, more in-depth look here on the Power Broadcasting Network. So we're going to take a look at this in this podcast. So let's get ourselves going. Let's get ourselves started. Okay. Now, before we really dive into all of this, right, I just want to direct you over to the Purple Broadcasting Network, PBN, Just get on over there. For all your prepping concerns, for all your prepping needs,
Starting point is 00:07:08 all your prepping concerns, for all your prepping needs, you know, that's the place to go. If you're listening to this podcast or you're listening to a podcast, you know, from the PBN podcast feed, then, you know, you know the quality, You know that you're getting really good material. If you're a new prepper or you're an old hand, you can get really good advice to help you in your own preparedness plan. So is the place to go. you know, to help you in your own preparedness plan, right? So is the place to go. You know, just thousands and thousands, you know, at this point, right? You know, hundreds of podcasts, right, that you can listen to on probably any conceivable topic at this point, right?
Starting point is 00:08:02 They've been at it so long there. And we have, you know, daily shows that are on during the week and on the weekend, right? And, you know, so just pop on over to and check them out. I'm your host, Carl A.D. Brown, right? And I am the author of the Prepper Part 1, The Collapse, the Prepper series over there available on Amazon. And I got a new book that's coming out here soon. Right? A historical fiction about the life of Christ. I think I think all the history buffs and the the Christians and and, you know, the people who are really into that stuff, they're going to get a kick out of it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And so we'll talk a little bit more about that another time. But I want to stay on topic. Right. Because I know that your time is is precious. stay on topic right um because i know that your time is is precious right and it's this is concerning um you know uh news uh broke over the weekend when china flew those planes um you know uh into a taiwanese airspace right and the way it occurred got a lot of people's attention, right? It got the world's attention, the way it occurred, okay? And we have looked on the strange truth. We've looked at, you know, in the past, you know, the possibility of getting into a war with either Russia or China. This is something that we've discussed in the past. You know, if you want to check out episode 7, episode
Starting point is 00:09:53 15, and episode 30, right, we have looked at the possibility of one day, you know, possibility of of one day you know really going to war uh with those two nations you know russia and and and china right although with this podcast we are going to be talking about the the real possibility of of uh you know being in a war with China, right? We're going to isolate it to China in today's podcast. If you were in Chinese intelligence and looking at the state of the world right now, looking how we just fluffed our lines there in Afghanistan, just what a debacle that was. When you look at the state of our military, right,
Starting point is 00:10:49 and they must be saying, well, you know, a lot of the military, they don't know whether to fight for the country, right, or run from it because, you know, this new, you know, idea, well, it's an old idea that's being pushed right but now it's again a real foothold that is really eroding um you know american confidence you know um here at home and abroad right that you know you know some people believe that the country is inherently racist inherently evil inherently, inherently, you know, whatever evil they want to throw at it. And, you know, there's a lot of people in the military right now that hold that view. Now, there are some people in the military, of course, who are patriots and
Starting point is 00:11:38 who understand that their job, right, is to kill the enemy. That's the job of the people in the military. You're supposed to be devising ways and strategy to neutralize or debilitate or kill the enemy, period, right? You're there for national defense, right? But it seems like, you know that there's a lot of there's a lot of among the leadership in the military right and these people are are are more concerned with uh you know um you know uh social development than war and that's a problem and that's a problem. That's a problem. The defense of the country has to come first. And I think that philosophy typified what happened in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's typifying what's going on at our borders right now, too. And I'm sure that the other intelligence agencies around the world are looking at this and they're just probably, you know, they're either shaking their heads or licking their chops, right? Because if you were going to get aggressive against the U.S., now would be the perfect time, right? We have pretty much a president and an administration that is not really in control of itself, okay? The president is old and he really, I think, is becoming apparent to most Americans at this point and to our allies around the world and people around the world and other countries, right, that he is not really in charge. His handlers are in charge.
Starting point is 00:13:44 He's just a figurehead at this point and um it makes the world that situation that uncertainty makes the world a much more dangerous place right uh so i think that china their intelligence agencies are calculating at this point right they're they're well you know if we were to go i'm sure they're saying if if They're, well, you know, if we were to go, I'm sure they're saying if we're going to go, well, you know, we should just go now. And you couldn't blame them, right? What better time than now, right?
Starting point is 00:14:17 We have a president that is not all there mentally, right? We have an administration and a military that if the Chinese invaded Taiwan, I think that there would be a lot of bluster. There would be a lot of bluffing. There wouldn't be a lot of teeth behind it. And once the Chinese are in Taiwan and taking over military in Taiwan, there's nothing I think this administration would do to stop it or to prevent it. Because what are the options?
Starting point is 00:15:00 You get into a ground war with China in Taiwan. I don't think they have the stomach for that. Two, you get into a naval battle. Once again, I don't think that we have the stomach to deal with that. And we're certainly not going to start a nuclear war, right? You know, start lobbying nuclear warheads at each other. I don't think that's going to happen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So I think that the Chinese government at this point, I think it's a done deal. I think it's just a matter of when they're going to go. Not if they're going to go, but when. they're going to go. Not if they're going to go, but when. And the repercussions and action like that is going to have around the world, because I would say immediately after the invasion starts, we would have a very, very dangerous 72, what is it, you know, 72 hours, right? Three days, right? We would have a very, I think the first three days after the invasion would be very, very dangerous. You know, because we, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:15 we can't really forecast, right? It's beyond our power to figure out what the American, real American response would be. Right? You know, it could be that, you know, the war hawks, you know, they prevail and we take some kind of military action against China. And from there, you know, that's an escalation point right there, right? And before you know it, we're in a full-fledged war
Starting point is 00:16:47 or we could decide we don't want to get involved in it. And once that occurs, America is done. Once that occurs, then it's all about just pretty much protecting our own patch if we can, right? But American dominance, hegemony around the world is over from that point. The way we got out of Afghanistan was a big signal of how we would handle China, with this administration at least. So the world has now seriously become a more dangerous place since Mr. Biden took over. You know, the whole premise about him being put into power, and you notice I'm saying he was put into power, he was placed into power, right?
Starting point is 00:17:41 saying he was put into power. He was placed into power, right, because the premise was he was supposed to be a more stable and a more judicious and a more knowledgeable, right, more experienced diplomat, right, a more experienced politician than the previous president. But it appears that
Starting point is 00:18:15 that's not necessarily the case here. He's old. He doesn't seem to be completely all there. And they're just at sixes and sevens. So the world has definitely become a more dangerous place since this guy has been in charge. Right? And I think you see this ramping up. And I think you see this ramping up.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You know, in the recording that I play there, you know, they're saying, well, you know, it's this national holiday and national pride and this and that and everything else. But I think that China needs more territory. Okay? They have a massive population that they've got to feed. They've been hit by massive floods and droughts, and they've had to decimate a lot of their protein supply over the last year or two, right? And, you know, of course, COVID took its toll on their population as well. Their economy is in shambles, right?
Starting point is 00:19:26 So I think one of the things that drive war is economics, right? We know that. Economics drive war, okay? One country has resources another country needs, One country has resources another country needs. And that's where the aggression begins. So I think that they need Taiwan. You know, Taiwan is rich in lots of minerals and different things that they need. lots of minerals and different things that they need.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I think that we'll see that, you know, I think that the Chinese will move into Afghanistan, right? Then the Russians will probably come to an agreement on Afghanistan. Once again, because of, you know, the different lithium deposits, the different mineral deposits that are valuable deposits that are in Afghanistan. Plus, it's a gateway into the Middle East. I think that you're going to see China expand into Africa, into other parts of the world, right?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Because they need farmland to grow food. And they need minerals, right, to drive their industry. And they don't care about global warming. They don't care about taking care of the planet. And that makes them a huge threat, right? It makes them a huge threat because they're not playing by the same rules as the rest of the world.
Starting point is 00:21:23 They're playing by their own rules. There was a country that played by its own rules during the 1920s and 30s, right? And that was Germany. And we remember what happened there. They started World War II. They didn't care about what the other countries thought, right? Or what the other world leaders thought. They just, you know, they figured no one is going to be able to stop us. And they went and they tried. And the world got dragged into a massive war.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Cost millions, millions of lives. Destruction was just unimaginable, right? destruction was just unimaginable, right? So that's kind of what we're looking at now with this whole situation in China, right? And it's a bad situation. I'm going to read an article from the Economic Collapse blog, right? And it's written by Michael Snyder.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And he's been following this for a long time. But, you know, let me just read a little bit of the article here. The article says, On top of everything else, could we potentially see two major wars start before the end of the year? Okay, and let's hope that's not the case, right? You know, part of the article deals with what's going on with Israel and Iran. You know, I'm going to try and keep it to our topic tonight, which is China. And he says here, likewise, by now, it should be exceedingly clear that China very much wants to invade Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Reunification is a top national priority for the CCP. And as you will see below, we're being warned that Xi Jinping has apparently decided that Taiwan is not a problem that will be passed down to the next generation. From a U.S. perspective, the goal is to delay these conflicts for as long as possible. But China just keeps getting more and more aggressive with Taiwan. In fact, the Chinese military sent 77 military aircraft into Taiwan air Defense Identification Zone on Friday and Saturday. Now, I've seen different numbers on this, right? You know, let's just say that they sent a lot of military aircraft into the Taiwanese airspace, right? Let's see. Taiwan has reported a record number of incursions by the Chinese warplanes into its air defense identification zone. For the second day in a row, Taiwan Ministry of National Defense said on Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:24:16 The self-governing island said a total of 39 Chinese military aircraft entered the ADIZ on Saturday. One more than the 38 planes it spotted on Friday. As I said, you know, these numbers change, right? And it says, this shocking provocation led one British news source to boldly declare that China and Taiwan are on the brink of war. And that isn't too far from the truth. In response, the head of Taiwan's government has some very tough words for the Chinese.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Right? And he says, China has been wantonly engaged in military aggression damaging regional peace, said Taiwan Premier Su Seng Chang on Saturday. He also referred to the fact that Taiwan is depending on the United States
Starting point is 00:25:09 to protect it from China. Ah, no, right. You know, he can, you know, the Taiwanese has reached out to its allies, right, and I say that in quotes, its allies around the world, right? But I don't think any of these allies around the world, whether it be Australia or the U.S., is really going to come to its aid if and when the Chinese invade.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But the article goes on and it says, The U.S. commitment to Taiwan is rock solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region, he added. We will continue to stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security and values and deepen our ties with democratic Taiwan. Right. And he goes on here in the article, when China finally invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will instantly be in a state of war. And everyone understands this. At one time, the Chinese had hoped to peacefully reunify with Taiwan like they did with Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:26:14 But that is out of the picture now. CCP leaders have realized that they are going to have to take Taiwan by force. And so they're looking for an opportunity. With feeble Joe Biden in the White House and with the American people deeply tired of wars, this may be the best chance that the CCP is going to get, and they certainly realize this. And he says,
Starting point is 00:26:38 So could they pull the trigger on an invasion in the months ahead? Let's hope not, because such a conflict would throw the entire globe into a state of chaos. But the clock is ticking, because as I noted above, we are being told that Xi Jinping has determined that Taiwan is not a problem that will be passed down to the next generation. Right? You see, I think that
Starting point is 00:27:05 I think that we should take these guys at their word. I think that they say what they, you know, they say what they mean, right? And if he's saying that Taiwan is not a problem that will be passed down to the next generation, then that means he wants to solve this problem as quickly as possible. Okay?
Starting point is 00:27:27 And I think it's going to happen. Now, if you Google around the web, okay, there's just hundreds of articles on this situation. A lot of people across the world are concerned concerned about the situation and for good reason. Okay. As I said, you know, as a person who is concerned about this and as a person who, you know, is in into the preparedness lifestyle. Right. You know, we're all preppers.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Right. We're all into the preparedness lifestyle, right? You know, we're all preppers, right? We're all into the preparedness lifestyle, right? Then we have, you know, this is how we have to ask question, how will this affect us here in the United States? All right? All right. If the Chinese invaded tomorrow, you know, immediately our lives wouldn't change, right?
Starting point is 00:28:29 You'd be still going to work. You'd be still dealing with COVID. You'd still be dealing with all your problems. But then think about what would happen to the food supply. to all those items, all those materials that we depend on to be shipped from China or through their holdings or whatever, right? Just think about, because immediately those shipments would cease. If you're thinking that we're having a food shortage now, which we are, right? You know, my last show was about the food shortage. If you think that we're short on items now, imagine us being in some kind of pseudo state of war or state not sending their ships, right?
Starting point is 00:29:33 The containers, they're not sending the supplies. It really does make me wonder, too, why all these big companies? Why be involved with China at all at this point? A war is coming. Can you imagine Apple's stock? If you have any stock, any kind of financial entanglement
Starting point is 00:30:06 with any Chinese interest, now is the time to terminate those interests and put your time, energy, and money elsewhere, right? Because we are going to be at war with these folks at some point in the near future. All these companies that have major billions and billions dollars worth of investment in China, you know, just can you imagine them seizing all of Apple's assets in China and all the other companies that are there? Can you imagine? Because that's what would happen.
Starting point is 00:30:41 that are there, can you imagine? Because that's what would happen, right? When all of these basketball players went there and they basically ignored all the Chinese, you know, human rights issues, right? The genocidal, you know, craziness, right, that goes on in that country. And they completely swept it under the rug and blew it off, right? Because of the money, because of the deals, right? They got a way to sell their products, right? and to bring their programming to billions of Chinese households, right?
Starting point is 00:31:32 So, of course, for them, that was a win, right? But there's a heck of a thing when you bargain with the devil, right? You know, because it's never a win-win situation you know the devil always wins right so now i'm sure that they're deep into you know the nba they're deep into you know all these um institutions right these american institutions whether it be football, the NBA, these massive pharmaceutical companies, these massive tech companies, right? They've got their hooks in them. And when you depend on someone for a major part of your income, they've got the control.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And if they tell you to say or do something, you know, they're going to say and do it. Forget about our news media, because our news media wants to be in China. I've been trying to get in there for a really long time, right? And they've paid through the nose for it, right? And now they're reaping the benefits of it. And now, you know, we don't necessarily have, we don't have a news media anymore. We have the Chinese news media here in the United States. We have the Chinese apologists in the United States. ABC, CNN, the alphabet networks.
Starting point is 00:33:02 All the ones that say that they're unbiased and they're real news, right? We just know that they're basically just, at this point now, they're just disinformation, right? They're just lying to the American people. So, trying to prognosticate here, right? trying to prognosticate here, right? We're trying to look at where this thread is heading, right? Where is this pattern heading here? And it only heads in one direction,
Starting point is 00:33:47 and that is at some point we're going to be at war with these people. And when that happens, right, then, you know, all the supplies, all the goods we get from China is going to stop. And when that occurs, this nation is going to implode. The world economy is going to implode because they're not just going to stop shipments to the United States, right? It'd be interesting to see if we institute like blockades and everything like naval blockades to stop their goods from coming here as well. You know, it'd be really weird if we said we were at war with them and we're still accepting their goods at our ports, right? And them flying in goods into our airports, right?
Starting point is 00:34:36 So think about your food supply. Think about, you know, your supplies, you know, in terms of your appliances and tools and the things you use in your home, it would get really crazy. I mean, China, at this point, still produces most of our pharmaceuticals, right? So they decide, hey, you're not going to get those drugs.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Then what? You know, all those people, right, on dialysis, all those people, you know, who are fighting cancer, all those people who are, you know, who, you know, who need specific drugs, right? And they say, no, we're not going to be shipping any of that anymore. This just goes to show you just how derelict, really, we've been over the last 30 years. We've not really worked to make sure that America has some form of, you know, that we're insulated or create some kind of redundancy system, right? Where if, yeah, if we have to go to war with these countries, then we are fine. We can produce our own goods and materials
Starting point is 00:36:01 and we're pretty much self-sufficient within our own country, right? Greed got in the way. And a lot of these companies exported, right? They exported those jobs overseas. You know, they took their company interests overseas. And in doing so, right, they have definitely put the country at risk. All those companies who go overseas because of cheaper labor, right, those are all security risks.
Starting point is 00:36:35 They're all security risks. Because not only do the countries that they're working in, right, infiltrate their ranks with their own personnel, right? And then they can gain access to American technology. They can gain access to American influence, right? but they've also made it so that those assets can all just be taken out. And there is no quick replacement for those assets right so when you look at this situation right and i said before right so yeah so we go to war with china right what are the implications for that, right? The implications are, yeah, the world becomes a more dangerous place, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 You know, it could go where we are toothless and pretty much then, you know, China then gains, you know, ascendancy over the U.S. because of that, right? But regardless of how you look at it, we have to look at, for the average American, right? If it's not being drafted into a war or running to a bunker because we're shooting nuclear warheads at each other, or some invasion, land invasion, you know, coming from, you know, the border areas or up there in Alaska, right?
Starting point is 00:38:31 If it's not that, if we're not dealing with those issues, then we're definitely going to be dealing with a supply issue, right? right? You know, if they decide to stop our flow of oil, all those tankers, they have a Navy, they have an Air Force,
Starting point is 00:38:51 right? Never forget that, right? We're always thinking, we're never really thinking that these countries can do that, that Russians, if they wanted to,
Starting point is 00:39:03 they could, you know, they could blow up boats and they could run their own blockades of the U.S., right? When this thing kicks off, it's going to be ugly, folks. It's going to be ugly. Just the other, what was it uh last a couple days ago right we had the whole uh you know facebook went down and instagram and zoom and all these all these
Starting point is 00:39:34 apps right uh you know all these uh social media uh platforms right they they they went dark for like about six six seven hours and of course i, I'm sure the companies will come up with some kind of like cover story, but it was a hack. Massive companies like these, massive companies like these, right? They don't go offline, right? They were hacked, right? So you know that all the So you know that the Chinese and the Russians and the Iranians and the North Koreans would just unleash their whole hacking army against us. So if we're dealing with a food shortage, a chronic food shortage situation,
Starting point is 00:40:24 and then on top of that, we're dealing with, you know, hacking, right? You know, these hacks to our critical infrastructure. We're going to, we would be in for some tough times, folks. America as we know it would be done because it would be overnight, right? We would be in pretty much a real third world existence, right? And how would the government react to all of that? Would then the government become, well, they are already trending down the totalitarian, you know, yellow brick road, right? So if they become, right, if they, you know, if they decide, okay, you know, your property is not your property. We need to start collecting food.
Starting point is 00:41:20 We need to start collecting your livestock, right? Because we need to feed ourselves here and we're in a state of war, right? Where does that leave us? The average person. Okay? It's a scary situation. It is a more layered situation than a lot of people. If you really get into it, okay? It's a lot more layered. It's a lot more layered.
Starting point is 00:42:05 It's a lot more frightening than I think people give it at first thought. Stock your food. Make sure that you have water. Make sure that you're self-sufficient. You know, on this podcast, on the Strange Truth podcast, right, we talked about getting ready for the wintertime because it's strange out there, folks. There's a lot of weird things happening, man.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I think that this, this Facebook, Instagram hack here, right? That's a foreshadowing of maybe other things to come. You don't want to be without power and food during the wintertime when it's cold. Prepare, folks. Prepare. I'm sure all the hosts on PBN, they're going to be saying the same thing because just look at the pattern here.
Starting point is 00:43:02 It all points to... it all points to, it all points to, you know, problems, right? You know, problems for us in the next six to eight months. And that's all during the wintertime, right? So pray, prepare, right? So pray, prepare, right? My analysis of the situation is, it's not about how or if China is going to invade Taiwan. It's all just about when they're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:43:45 When are they going to do it, right? And if that's the case, all right, if that's the case, then we have to be able, we have to be as prepared as we can when that occurs. We have to be able to carry on with our lives, to protect our families, to make sure that we, you know, to the best of our ability that, you know, we can carry on our lives as best
Starting point is 00:44:19 as we can. Okay? can okay but yes any war with china means no shipping no it means a complete breakdown of the distribution chain and you can see right now as it stands that there is a food shortage that there is a problem with the distribution network, right? And if that distribution network, it was to come under more strain, it would just fall apart. And when that happens, people are going to go nuts. So prepare.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Okay? so prepare, okay, prepare for, prepare for the unthinkable, right, is it really unthinkable at this point, no, no, no, no, it's going to happen, okay, all right, so that's, I'm just going to wrap this up right now, right? I think you got my thoughts on the situation. I'm sure the other hosts will probably give their two cents as well. As I said, I, on The Strange Truth, we have discussed, you know, I've discussed, you know, the different scenarios, you know, the different war scenarios, you know, with Russia, with China, right? If you want to go back into the archives and look at episode seven, or listen to episode
Starting point is 00:45:50 15 of The Strange Truth or episode 30, right? We all, you know, all those episodes dealt with, you know, gave, you know, like deep analysis of the situation with these two countries, deep analysis of the situation with these two countries, because these two countries are the ones that are going to, if there's going to be a real problem apart from Iran, it's going to be these two countries. Right? If the Russians are going to invade Ukraine or the Chinese, if they're going to go for Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I think both of those scenarios are going to happen. It's just a matter of when they're going to happen. I think that the Chinese situation looks more likely to happen sooner rather than later. Okay. So that's what I'm going to call it. I'm going to call it a night here. Right. Um, you know, uh, uh, if you found this, um, if you found this, uh, uh, podcast useful, then please pass it around. Get the Prepper Broadcasting Network out there. We're providing such a very unique service. We're just trying to save lives. We're trying
Starting point is 00:47:14 to keep people safe. Go over to PBN, to the Preppercasting Network, right? Go over and check out all the resources that's there. You know, listen to the shows. You listen to this one, you can listen to other voices on PBN. And I'm sure that you will find, you'll find that voice that, you know, that will help you along, right? You know, get you further along in your preparedness, in your preparedness goals. But these are serious times, folks, and it calls for serious people, right? And if you have a family, right, you know, and if people
Starting point is 00:47:59 are dependent on you for, you know, for their safety, for, you know, you know, to provide leadership and guidance, then, you know, we have, you have to get your house in order. Because I think there's going to be some challenging times ahead. Okay. So keep praying. And keep scanning the news. Keep listening to PBN. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And drink disaster coffee Coffee, right? Almost forgot, right? We have to. We have to. We have to push that Disaster Coffee, right? Go over to Great coffee at a great price, right? I really like supporting, you know, a company that backs my Christian values,
Starting point is 00:48:42 that backs, you know, that will, with conservatives in these really bleak and dark times. Great coffee at a great price. Really like the pandemic blend. There's also civil unrest, and James is just great with the names, right? So, go on over to and check out and check him out, okay? So, that's this is where we'll leave you guys. Have a good night. Enjoy the other shows on PBN. There'll be a lot. There'll be other
Starting point is 00:49:24 shows over the weekend, right? So So tune in, right? Keep checking. Keep checking the Spreaker Player on PBN or you can subscribe to the PBN podcast, right? And you'll get the shows as they come in, right? And have some fun and pass us around, right, and, you know, have some fun and, you know, pass us around, right? Let people know what we offer, okay? So you all take care, right?
Starting point is 00:49:54 This is Carl A.D. Brown for The Strange Truth. Good night, folks. folks Thank you.

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