The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth- Medicine Shortage-Rafah Offensive and The Ark of the Covenant Discussed.

Episode Date: May 17, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Læs merks på min kanal. Welcome to another episode of The Strange Truth. I'm your host, Carl B., and hopefully everybody's had a good week. And, you know, it's nice to be back, right? You know, life is just so busy, right? Sometimes, you know, things, you know, that you have scheduled in have got to be, you know, rescheduled, right?
Starting point is 00:01:04 I've got to be rescheduled, right? So the podcast that I was thinking of doing was how to use ethnic foods to help you prep. But I think that I will hold that one for another time because it was really on my mind. A friend of mine, we were having you know we were having some discussions and and you know the ethnic food came up he had some curry chicken and you know of course you know it just completely you know blew his mind right it was probably one of the best things that he's eaten. And we started talking about how we could use, you know, ethnic foods to prep, you know, because a lot of times, you know, ethnic foods, you know, are overlooked. So I was thinking of doing a show on that,
Starting point is 00:01:58 you know, the different types of foods and stuff like that. And I think maybe next time around, types of foods and stuff like that. And I think maybe next time around, that will be the thing to do. Because right now, there's a few things based on, you know, other conversations that I've had that I want to talk about. And one of the things that I am going to talk about today is the ongoing drug shortage in the United States. You know, medicine, right? Medicine shortage. So that's going to be the main thing that we're going to talk about today. You know, we'll talk about, you know, we'll talk about some of the drugs, why they're short. i'll give you the website where you can go and you can check uh to see if you know the drug that you use uh you know if if that's on the shortage list i'll give you that website and uh we'll also uh take a look at you know the israeli uh uh you know um what's going on there in israel uh and uh we'll also
Starting point is 00:03:10 uh and i'll i'll end with a look at you know um the red heifer and uh and the ark of the covenant how's that how's that for an ending right um so good stuff here today and i think i'm just going to go in that order we'll take medicine first then the israeli uh uh offensive into um into um into into rafa right and then um and then we'll end with you know a look at what's going on with the red heifer and the red heifer sacrifice in Israel. And we'll also take a look at the Ark of the Covenant. And I'm hoping that I can keep this to half an hour. So let's see if I can keep this to half an hour. But first, let's hear a word from our sponsors.
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Starting point is 00:05:34 listening to this and you're you're liking what you're hearing um i would highly encourage you to become a pbn member right um and um and pass, right? Pass this podcast around. You can go to the PBN website and you can scroll through the list of shows and you can listen. And if there's something that you like or you think that will help somebody else or give somebody information, then please pass us around. We're a unique service here on PBN. Okay. Okay. So let's take a look at the drug shortage. And this, it's been coming up on a lot of different websites really. And, you know, lot of different websites really and um you know um it's uh it's definitely uh you know um it's definitely uh uh causing a problem uh i i know that there are people who are waiting a day or so to get their their medicines that were prescribed right and? And it's really becoming an issue. And when the pandemic broke, if you all remember,
Starting point is 00:06:49 when the pandemic broke, they said that they were, you know, well, the Trump administration, you know, the problem with China really then flared up that we get, what, 86% of our drugs, you know, from China and from india uh and and that's a and that's a real problem and it's a national that's a national security issue because if uh you know we ever have to go to war say with china if we ever had to had an you know a problem with any of those countries right then uh we'll be up the creek so to speak uh and but that that whole
Starting point is 00:07:26 issue was never really addressed you you would think that uh they've spent billions of dollars on solar panels and stuff because that's the you know the the climate crisis is you know for them the biggest crisis you know of of ever right um and they've spent billions and billions trillions of dollars at this point uh trying to recreate our uh you know our energy infrastructure um that really haven't really worked uh when they could have spent you know well probably what half of that money really uh you know or you know a fraction of that right unshoring our um production so i don't really understand uh why that can't really be done at this point um it is something that uh we've been waiting a long time to happen uh to start producing, you know, the critical drugs that we need in this country.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And instead, it's been just, you know, just kick the can down the road. Yeah, I really hope that they don't really believe that if we ever went to war, say with China or any of these countries that provide our medicine supply, that these people are owed the goodness of their hearts, a little war with them, that they're going to still provide us with this key thing. But I think that that's the way a lot of these people think. It's this pie-in pie in the sky kind of a
Starting point is 00:09:14 way of thinking um and you know it does put us at risk uh unfortunately all right uh so they really need to unsure a lot of our drug supply but um there's been these stories about the uh uh you know the medicine shortage in the news lately and i'm just going to read uh one from i'm just going to read the one from uh uh cbs news and they say a growing number of drugs are in short supply around the u.s according to pharmacists in the first three months of the year, there were 323 active medication shortages, surpassing the previous high of 320 shortages in 2014. According to a survey by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, the ASHP and UDA Drug Information Service, it also mounts to the most shortages since the trade group started keeping track in 2001. All drug classes are vulnerable to shortages. Some of the most
Starting point is 00:10:13 worrying shortages involve generic, sterile, injectable medications, including cancer, chemotherapy drugs, and emergency medications stored in hospital crash carts and procedural areas, ASHP, said in a statement. Most of the drugs in source supply are generic older products, and about half are injectable drugs that are hard to make, Erin Fox, Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer, University of Utah Health, told CBS Money Watch. Because the FDA says all generics are equal, the only way to compete is on price, creating a race to the bottom that results in companies either halting production of the drugs or taking cost-saving shortcuts in quality, Fox said. The Biden-Harris administration remains focused on strengthening the resilience of the critical supply chains, including for medical products like pharmaceuticals, the White House told CBS Money Watch on Friday. with steps including harvesting 35 million in domestic production of materials needed to produce
Starting point is 00:11:28 sterile injectable medicines. Drug shortages have plagued the nation's health care system for several decades, largely due to market failures and misaligned incentives. The Department of Health and Human Services stated in a paper published earlier this month. Adderall, which is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is among the medications that are hardest to track down. The Drug Enforcement Administration said last fall that more than a dozen manufacturers plan to hike production of the drug, which has been in short supply since october 2022 but the problem persists the pharmacy group found ongoing national shortages of therapies for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd also remains an issue for clinicians and patients it said federal
Starting point is 00:12:23 agencies have been tackling the shortages by offering pharmaceutical companies their versions of carrots and sticks. The DEA, for example, recently announced quota increases of roughly 25% for Methylphenidate, another type of ADHD medication to help manufacturers to increase supply. After noting that manufacturers had for years not been using their full quota allotments for amphetamine salts, which include Adderall, the FDA and the DEA in August notified manufacturers that they need to produce to quota or return the ingredient so it can could be used by other another company contributing to the adderall shortage include a spike in prescriptions during the pandemic while
Starting point is 00:13:11 a key manufacturer experienced production delays and the companies fell short on production targets uh now so the you know a lot of the ADHD medications, right, are in short supply. Most drug manufacturers did not disclose the factors behind the shortages, the pharmacy group noted in its quarterly findings. But experts have pointed to the demand of stripping supply, manufacturing constraints and disruptions in supply lines for raw materials. As things currently stand, medicine labels are only required to name the company selling the product, not the product's manufacturer. Let's see. so um there are people you know because as i said i i was having a conversation with someone who was like yeah you know i'm medicine shortage and there's been a lot of other people who've been talking about it you you go to the pharmacy sometimes you you know you that that even like what you would consider, you know, really like almost over the counter,
Starting point is 00:14:28 like really common stuff is beginning to become tougher and tougher to find. And it's becoming a problem. So I'm sure here on PBN, we have resources that you can use to track down, you know, you know, drug supplies or or help you in that. So please do your research here. OK, please do your research because this is definitely Now, you can go to the ASHP website. Yeah, that's the website. That's the website. And they have the full, pretty much a pretty comprehensive drug shortage list there I
Starting point is 00:15:25 am NOT going to read through all these you know drugs that are on the short list here but you can scroll through it there is a search there is a search component that you can use to try and find the drug a lot easier. But if you notice that you're going to the pharmacy and you're not seeing the drug or even the story, you're not seeing something that you normally use, right? If you're diabetic or whatever, and you could definitely check this website out and see if that drug is in short supply so i'll just say that again it's the website um and um you know it's a drug shortage list it has the drug shortage list and you can go and you can check
Starting point is 00:16:21 to see whether or not um the drug and you know, any, you know, the drugs that you use, if they're on the list. OK, and then you, of course, hopefully you can take some action to correct that. OK, so that's the whole drug shortage thing. shortage thing um i i wanted to get i wanted to get into a story here about um uh the cdc director saying that the bird flu pandemic will be um will be the will be the great pandemic um i i know that i had said that yeah i would go from here to the israel um offensive in, right? But I, you know, this, I think that I just need to drop this in as well because, you know, this thing, you know, we've been watching it pretty closely here on PBN.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Okay, so it says, former CDC director says bird flu would be the great pandemic. And for whatever reason, former CDC director, Dr. Robert Red Redfield wasn't there for us during the pandemic. He was part of the Fauci, Birx, Collins team focused on vaccines. He spoke to News Nation and said bird flu would be the next pandemic because of the dangerous gain of function scientists are currently working on in universities. It takes five aminia acid changes for it, bird flu, to be effectively infecting humans. That's a pretty heavy species
Starting point is 00:17:53 barrier, but this virus is already now in 26 mammal species, as you saw most recently in cattle. But in a laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in months is what he's saying and i don't think that research should be done that's the real threat that's the real biosecurity threat that these university labs are doing these bio experiments that are intentionally modifying viruses and bird flu i think is going to be the cause of the great pandemic um they're teaching these viruses how to be more infectious for humans the anchor asked redfield if he thought we'd ever know for certain uh that the last pandemic was a lab leak and of course you know he course, said there was no real way to say if it was or not.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Okay, so here you have this guy who used to run the CDC saying that the bird flu will be the next pandemic. We've seen this thing infect birds all around the nation, right? Poultry farms. We've seen it infect other mammals, right? We've seen it infect a few humans. And it's just a matter of time, I think, before this makes the jump. So, and of course, you know, I just we were just discussing how there is a drug shortage. Right. Yeah. Not good. And the next pandemic could really shut us down, you know, big time, especially if it was if it become if it is more deadly than what COVID was. Right. And they say what it kills half bird flu, right? They project that it would kill half of its victims, which would be just catastrophic.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That would be shutting the country down. One word to the wise here. I know that because we've been all jaded by COVID, right? And people take all these political and philosophical stances on covid one way or the other. But if this bird flu thing breaks, I would highly recommend that you seek out credible sources and make sure that you're getting the correct information so you can protect yourself and your family and just don't write it off as just some, you know, left wing propaganda, right? That you really take stock and make sure that you take care of yourself because this thing is supposed to be pretty deadly. So, you know, just a word to the wise and just throwing that out because I know that a lot of people, they're pretty jaded by what happened with COVID.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And that in itself is a dangerous thing. So, you know, just be vigilant. Just be vigilant. Okay, so let's pivot from that to what's going on in Israel, right? Because we know that's a potential hotspot. And I'm just going to read from the times of israel here it says israeli tanks move deeper into rafa palestinians say as 450 000 people flee idf says it's looking into un car hit in active combat zone army says uh Gun battles continuing in Rafah and north Gaza,
Starting point is 00:21:27 dozens of gunmen killed. Israeli tanks forged deeper into East Rafah on Tuesday, reaching some residential districts of the southern border city, where more than a million people had been sheltering after being displaced due to the war against Hamas in Gaza. The tanks advanced this morning west of Salahuddin Road into the Brazil and Jenea neighborhoods. They are in the streets inside the built-up area and there are clashes, one resident told
Starting point is 00:22:02 routers via a chat app. Videos on social media showed one tank on the George Street in Al-Janiyah neighborhood. Reuters could not verify the video. In a roundup of activities, the IDF said its forces had eliminated several armed cells in close quarter fighting on the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt. In the east of the city it said it had also destroyed cells of gunmen and a launch post from where missiles were being fired at IDF troops. The latest fighting in Gaza came as Israel marked a dour Independence Day with subdued events in the shadow of October 7th and the seven-month-old war. Israel's international allies and aid groups have repeatedly urged against a ground incursion into refugee-packed Rafah,
Starting point is 00:23:01 warning of a potential humanitarian catastrophe. Israel says it is acting to evacuate civilians ahead of moving into new areas it says a rafa or operation is nest is necessary as part of its effort to eliminate hamas remaining operational battalions and they say they're saying cnn reported overnight that the u.s believes israel has enough troops just outside rafa to launch a full ground operation soon so um they're going ahead with this right and uh you know i'm sure that this is going to be in the news okay uh but you know uh none of this is good okay um you know it's all a mess down there and i think sooner or later uh you know um this will escalate into something uh even more
Starting point is 00:23:59 unpleasant uh the only thing that we can do is pray for peace you know we can pray that at some point israel says okay you know what we have hit uh you know the goals of our objective here and we can you know we can uh pull out of these areas or you know if they have those areas under control right and you know the terrorists are eliminated or eliminated or and then things can go back to normal so that the people in the area, right, who are suffering can then, you know, go back to normal. Right. So let's just hope that things work out. The Biden administration have been warning Israel not to go into Rafah And they've been withholding certain aid to Israel Because of what's going on It's a pretty messy situation
Starting point is 00:24:57 So we're keeping an eye on that We're hoping that it won't spiral into something bigger the the whole deal with uh you know that happened with iran there that that got everybody's attention and and made people uh very very nervous because we we didn't really know how that was going to play out but thankfully uh no one really lost their head as far as that whole situation was concerned. Right. And, you know, Israel and Iran didn't completely just go at it. So we're watching this one very, very closely. Let's see alright so
Starting point is 00:25:46 let's turn to I want to end here with you know a word or two about the redhead heifer sacrifice and what's going on with that you know I've been monitoring the internet really just trying to see um if uh you know we can get any real uh indication if this red heifer sacrifice is going to be done they only have a
Starting point is 00:26:18 very short window to do this at this point because you know um those those cows are not going to stay perfect forever right um so um there's a short window and uh if it is done and that means that for the first time uh in what almost in 2 000 years uh you know um the uh israelis can ritually cleanse themselves right you know um for worship on the temple mount which hasn't been done you know since the temple was destroyed in what 37 a.d right by the romans um so uh it's a it's a big, significant event. And, you know, and I've been monitoring the Temple Institute, right? Because but haven't seen anything yet. But there is an interesting article written by Michael Snyder on the whole issue here. So I just want to read a few parts of it to you.
Starting point is 00:27:21 This is on the most important want to read a few parts of it to you this is on the most important and he says there's a lot of speculation that historic events that people have been anticipating for more than 2,000 years are about to happen in our time about a month ago there was a lot of discussion on the internet about whether or not the sacrifice of the 10th red heifer would take place during the passover season and obviously um that did not happen. However, I'm entirely convinced that a red heifer sacrifice is eventually coming. But if you think that the sacrifice of the 10th red heifer will be big, the truth is that the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant will be even more important. I will get into that later on on in the article. But first I wanted to talk about a bit about the upcoming red heifer sacrifice according to the Temple Institute.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And you can go to the Temple Institute website yourself. It's called the Temple Institute. Right. And you can Google it and you can go in and you can check out what's going on with this whole thing. According to the Temple Institute, a red heifer cannot be used in such a sacrifice until its third year has begun. As for the time the red heifer may be used for this commandment, the sages state that it is valued when it reaches maturity, i.e. from the beginning of its third year. From this age onward, the red heifer is valid without age limitations, though ideally one should not wait till it passes the age of four, lest it grows hairs of colors that deem it invalid. The red heifers that were brought over from Texas in 2022 are now old enough to qualify, and every day that passes, there is a risk that they will grow hairs that are
Starting point is 00:29:06 not red and be disqualified. So the clock is ticking. Those involved in this project have already spent more than half a million dollars. And if all of the heifers they brought over end up being disqualified, they will have to go back to square one. I think that they would like to conduct a red heifer sacrifice during this current year on the Hebrew calendar and we shall see if they're able to pull that off or not. But even if a red heifer is sacrificed, that does not mean that a temple will be built right away. In fact, we have been repeatedly told that sacrifices could potentially begin long before a new temple is constructed. For example, the following comes directly from the official website of the Temple Institute. No, the Temple Institute is not building the temple off-site.
Starting point is 00:29:58 We are building a stone altar off-site so that when the opportunity arrives we can move it to its proper location on the mount. The divine service including the offerings can begin before the building of the temple itself once the altar is built and standing in its proper place. I believe that the Temple Institute intends to start conducting sacrifices and offerings very shortly after priests are made ritually clean by the ashes of a red heifer, and that will cause a major stir. Interestingly, according to Jewish tradition, the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer is going to coincide with the Messianic age. messianic age. In recounting this historical record in his commentary to the Mishnah, the great Maimonides ends with the enigmatic statement, and the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the messiah. May he be revealed speedily. Amen. May it be God's will. With this amazing statement, Maimonides recounts an ancient tradition that the tenth red heifer is associated with the messianic era. Does this perhaps mean that the appearance of a red heifer in these waning end times is an indication, a forerunner of the appearance of the Messiah himself who will officiate at his preparation.
Starting point is 00:31:26 If there has been no red heifer for the past 2,000 years, perhaps it is because the time was not right. Israel was far from being ready, but now what could it mean for the times we live in to have the means for purification so close at hand? The words of Mamanides in mind, we cannot help but wonder and pray. If there are no red heifers, is ours the era that will need them? So I find it quite noteworthy that we could see the 10th red heifer sacrifice very close to the end of the 6th millennium of human history as we await the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But I believe that an event even bigger than the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer is coming right you know according to the
Starting point is 00:32:12 jewish calendar right we're in what uh year five seven something right um you know they all have very different calendar system from you know what uh western folks are used to uh let's see and he goes on here he says but i believe that event even bigger than the sacrifice of the tenth reffer is coming when the discovery of the ark of the covenant is fully announced it will be the biggest archaeological bombshell in all of human history on the official website of the Temple Institute, they publicly acknowledge that they know exactly where it's located. While some claim to have evidence that the Ark is in Ethiopia and of course moviegoers were treated to the fanciful version of the story in the Raiders of the Lost Ark, in reality the
Starting point is 00:32:58 expression Lost Ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish people's point of view because we have always known exactly where it is. So the Ark is hidden and hidden quite well but it is not lost. Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the first temple, he already knew through divine inspiration that eventually it would be destroyed. Thus Solomon, the wisest of all men, oversaw the construction of a vast system of labyrinths, mazes, chambers, and corridors underneath the Temple Mount complex. He commanded that a special place be built in the bowels of the earth where the sacred vessels of the temple could be hidden in case of approaching danger.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Midrashic tradition teaches that King Josiah of Israel, who lived about 40 years before the destruction of the first temple, commanded the Levites to hide the Ark together with the original menorah and several other items in this secret hiding place which Solomon had prepared. This location is recorded in our sources and today there are those who know exactly where this chamber is and we know that the Ark is still there undisturbed and waiting for the day when it will be revealed. An attempt was made a few years ago to excavate towards the direction of this chamber. This resulted in widespread Muslim unrest and rioting. They stand a great deal to lose if the Ark is revealed, for it will prove to the whole world that there really was a holy temple, and thus that
Starting point is 00:34:32 the Jews really do have a claim to the Temple Mount. The official position of the Islamic Waqif, the body that governs over the Temple Mount, is that there never was a holy temple, and that the Jews have no rights whatsoever to the place. When the Ark is revealed to the whole world, it will completely shock the entire planet. So, you know, a lot of scholars really do believe that this thing is really buried somewhere under the Temple Mount. I've always been more swayed by the fact that it might be in Ethiopia. Those priests have been guarding something for hundreds of years down there. What, close to over what, almost a thousand years or close to over a thousand years.
Starting point is 00:35:24 They've been guarding something in Ethiopia, right? And, you know, and they're saying it's the Ark of the Covenant, right? You know, folks are not going to stick around doing a job for that long if there's nothing to this, right? If there wasn't anything to it. i i'm more like swayed to think that the the ark is in ethiopia someplace and um and you know a lot of scholars right really believe that most of the ark probably is um you know would be like degraded because it's it was made out of wood right you know um although it was you know it was covered with gold you know it was made out of wood right you know um although it was you know it was covered with gold you know it was made out of wood so a lot a lot of scholars believe that
Starting point is 00:36:10 maybe most of the ark is degraded but what a lot of people are um really um you know curious about about right is the um yeah uh is the mercy seat right um and uh that's located it's like the lid section of the ark of the covenant and some people really believe that that's going to be used as the throne for the messiah when he comes back it was the place where God communicated with the prophets, with the priests. So a lot of people believe that the Ethiopians are waiting for the day when the Messiah appears and they will bring that mercy seat tousalem to present it to the messiah so you know there is there is you know that lore that's out there right and um it would be interesting to see how all of this plays out right if any of this is correct um so the temple the people at the temple institute that you know um they're in jerusalem they're saying that they know where the the Ark of the Covenant is it's below the Temple Mount in some hidden section a hidden vault and then there is other people who say well it might be in Ethiopia right they're different lore about the Ark but those are the two big
Starting point is 00:37:38 the two more valid you know I would say the two more, you know, valid ones, right? The ones that are, one of those might be correct. Okay. So we'll see how this goes. But so we've been waiting, you know, the red hair for sacrifice is going to trigger a lot of things. It's going to trigger a lot of things. If you're a person of scripture, uh is going to be a really really big deal because it it's a it's a sign that the messianic era uh is is here right because then uh the next step right after the sacrifice will be building the temple and there are even people saying that they you know they don't have to the you know they people are saying that they don't have to you know demolish the mosque that's there to build a temple
Starting point is 00:38:33 because a lot of people are saying that that's actually not the site at where where the temple really stood there's all this research that's being done now saying the temple really wasn't quite there it was probably what a couple hundred feet some uh you know someplace else so um so there's all this uh stuff going on right now but so the next step so of course you have the red heifer sacrifice right and then yeah you know um when you know the temple being rebuilt would be the next step You know, when, you know, the temple being rebuilt would be the next step. So look for the signs, folks. Look for the signs.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Right. You know, we won't know precisely when any of this stuff is going to happen. But, you know, so it is written, so it be done. Right. You know, you know that God, God's word is unshakable. Right. You know that God's word is unshakable, right? And you know when anything that is said in the Bible will come to pass. It will come to pass.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And it's just a matter of when. So it's interesting to watch all of this play here at work. And I thought that this was a really cool way to to end the program right you know uh on this kind of mysterious readers of the lost art kind of thing right but this ain't really fantasy this is this is real stuff playing out in real time which is really cool if you are if you are a person of scripture right if? If you are a Christian, right? Then this is just phenomenal. So, yeah, so we discussed the ongoing, you know, medicine shortage, right? And it's really important that you go and you play back certain parts of this podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:27 go and you uh play back certain parts of this podcast and and uh and you uh you know you can even check to see if you're if you're if the drug you use is is in short supply and act accordingly right here we're trying to give you information so that you can make your plans right uh we also discussed how the cdc the ex cdc director saying that the bird flu will be the next uh big thing and you know i always when when guys like that come out and say and make these statements right uh that gets my attention okay that gets my attention it's almost like they're uh foreshadowing things that are are going to be you know happening right know, a lot of times they're in the know and they know a lot of things that not like in the public purview. And when they come out and make statements like this,
Starting point is 00:41:13 we need to keep an eye on it, right? So let's keep an eye on that. We talked about the Israeli offensive into Rafah. So they're going ahead with it, right? And they're taking care of their business. We'll keep an eye on that to see if there's any escalation there uh and then we ended with whether or not the red heifer sacrifice right is going to uh be done or not i really really believe that they they have a really short window and if they already spent half a million dollars uh you know
Starting point is 00:41:45 on this whole process then they they've got to do it soon and when that happens it's a big deal it's a big big big deal if that happens folks okay all right so um enjoy your weekend uh you know if stuff like this stresses you out right remember we're supposed you know prepping is supposed to be peace of mind right prepping is not supposed to stress you out. If you came into prepping because, you know, you were a little anxious about what was going on in the world, then actually making these preparations should be, you know, easing your mind, right? Not adding to your stress. So if you're finding yourself stressing out, then take some time away you know spend some get some downtime right and and try and relax and spend some time with your family and friends
Starting point is 00:42:31 and and uh you know uh and um you know do things that you know you know that are relaxing right and and then when you're done when you're feeling okay then then you come back to all of this right because in an emergency, your family and friends, they're going to need you to be 100% in functioning, right? And ready to deal with the situation, okay? So if you've liked what you've heard here, right? On The Strange Truth on PBN, then please, please pass us around. Let your, you know, let folks know about us, right? pass us around, let folks know about us. We offer a very unique service here on PBN.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It was my pleasure to take some of your time. I want to just say that I really do appreciate the audience here on PBN here in the United States, all across the world, wherever you might be listening to this, we really appreciate you. We know that you took the time, right, to really listen to us here, right, when we do these podcasts, and hopefully we are providing what you need, okay? All right, so enjoy the rest of your your weekend there's going to be lots more uh really great programming here on pbn um and so please you know please listen in and until next time folks
Starting point is 00:43:54 you take care and good night on the brink of blackouts again as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness. Tom says it expects to continue with Stage 6, running blackouts for the rest of the week. He scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan solar generator is American ingenuity at its finest, with a removable, expandable
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Starting point is 00:45:01 The second largest producer of agricultural products, the Netherlands, is being forced to shut down 3,000 of its farms in 2023. This is to meet the strict emission goals of the European Union. 2023 will be a year of food shortage and increased food costs across the world. That's why your backup food supply and survival food are more important than ever. I want you to create your own stockpile or build upon what you already have with the best-selling 4 Patriots 3-month survival food kit.
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