The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth- Top Ten Threats for 2024.

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

The Strange Truth Podcast hosted by Karl A.D. Brown, the author of The Prepper Part One: TheCollapse, is always a lively discussion centered around Christianity, Preparedness and the newsstories no on...e dares touch. To know more about Karl and to contact him visit create a screen name to join the live chat!www.prepperbroadcasting.comwww.disastercoffee.comSupport Our Great SponsorsThe Preppers Medical Handbook Zero Energywww.pointzeroenergy.comThe Wellness Raw Land (code PBN for $100 off!www.yourcheapland.comDisaster Coffee www.disastercoffee.comSupport The Prepper Broadcasting NetworkBecome a Member and Recieve Exculsive Content up for the Newsletter out Patreon! Unity; Community Christmas Hook of My Favorite PrepsMy EDC Bag 3VGear Outlaw Sling Pack EDC Flashlight Olight S1R Aquaponics System

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for watching! Hi and welcome to another episode of The Strange Truth. I'm your host Carl B. and hopefully you've had a good week. And, you know, we're going to talk about some tough stuff here today. So, you know, if this is going to stress you out, I would encourage you to turn this off and come back when you can deal with it. off and come back when uh when when you can deal with it but anyway before we get into any of that i i just you know i'm hoping that the christmas season isn't too stressful for uh you know for everyone right i know that this can be a very stressful time of the year right you know you know dealing with family the expectations that come along with, you know, with the season itself, you know, from getting presents and cards and, you know, all the social obligations, you know, it can
Starting point is 00:01:35 definitely be a very stressful time. So if you are feeling stressed, I would encourage you to, you know, take some quality time for yourself. Okay. You know, it's not just all about, you know, running around and, you know, and giving, you know, giving all your energy to, you know, this, that and the other you know you you have to take some time for yourself especially uh in these times when you know uh you have to really keep your body and your health immune your health you know your immune system uh you know as robust as possible you know uh there's just there's just too much stuff going on right now uh you know for for, for folks, you know, for, you know, people that have families and serious responsibilities, it's, it's tough being sick. So, you know, take some time for yourself, make sure that you're not being too stressed out. Um, you know, make sure that you're,
Starting point is 00:02:39 uh, you know, get your exercise, get your rest. You take some time for relaxation. And that way, it goes a long way in keeping you healthy. It's just amazing how all that really works. Anyway, hopefully you've been listening to PVN this week. A lot's been going on, right? You know, feel free to go and scroll through all the shows, you know, Patriot Power Hour or, you know, whether it be, you know, Two-Man Tim or the Gunmetal Armory or Dave with the DACs and I'm really happy that Dave has been doing those DACs you know to the I Am Liberty show right you know there's there's always a lot going on in PBN so I encourage you to you know give us a listen this one is going to be short because I'm just going to go straight in and just hit the topics.
Starting point is 00:03:50 There are three articles that I am going to take a look at because I think that they're important. And then I want to give you my top threats for 2024, and I'm going to rank them. So this is going to be interesting um at the end of the year at the end of next year i'll revisit that list and see you know how it all played out hopefully none of them uh you know uh hopefully uh none of these things occur. Right. Um, but, uh, you know, um, I'll, I'll give it a whirl. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Um, you know, this, this is always, always what happens at the end of the year where, uh, it's almost like you, well, you kind of want to prognosticate, right? Like what does the new year hold, uh, uh, for us? Um, next week, I'm just going to do, um, our really simple podcast on Christ and Christmas. You know, um, we tend to, to lose ourselves during this time of the year. Uh, you know, you know, yes, it's a time of family and yes, it's a time of gifts and, and, uh, yes, it's a time of family, and yes, it's a time of gifts, and yes, it's the time for eggnog and all the really fun stuff. But, you know, I think that a lot of times folks lose sight of the fact that, you know, it is the celebration of the birth of Christ, which is the most important thing.
Starting point is 00:05:29 In today's society, it's almost like they're replacing Christ with Santa Claus. It's really crazy to see it, but it's all about what is socially acceptable to society at large, to society at large, what is more palatable to society at large, that they want to sweep a lot of these things under the rug, right? But it is the celebration of the birth of Christ. So next week, I think I will do a little program on his birth, read some scripture, talk about why his birth was the most significant thing ever. So we'll take next week. Yes, give us a listen. I'm going to be getting into the birth of Christ and everything else.
Starting point is 00:06:27 This week, however, we're going to talk about the top threats for 2024, as well as some important news that broke this week. But before we get into all of that uh let's let's uh hear from our sponsors on the brink of blackouts again as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight slivers of the golden state plunged into darkness calm says it expects to continue with stage six running blackouts for the rest of he's scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-ion battery, 2,000 watt hour, 3,000 watt high efficiency inverter. So what does all that mean to you?
Starting point is 00:07:35 It means the Titan can charge your smartphone for 88 hours. Your laptop for 35 hours. A CPAP for 108 hours. Your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid Commander, and I'm holding The Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy, M.D. In this great book, you'll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You'll learn about assessment and stabilization.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forgy. All right. Please support our sponsors. And of course, this is also brought to you by Please check them out. You know, that's Great coffee at a great price. Okay. When you hear these ads, you know, the sponsors that we just played and everything else, it put me in mind, you know, like, you know, all these articles that you see popping in the news lately, right, about all these people, really, really rich people, you know, especially really rich liberal people, right, they consider themselves liberals, are building and buying into these bunkers, right? Because they're preparing for the breakdown of society. It always, I find stories like that really intriguing because, you know, they're playing both sides. You know, there was that great Clint Eastwood movie, right?
Starting point is 00:09:41 You know, where he played both sides, you know, and eventually, right, he did get, you know, he did get found out in that movie as well. But, you know, these guys, they're playing both sides of the coin, you know, on one side, you know, they're, they, they'll say all these really great things so that they get all the public accolades right and this you know and on the other hand on the other hand right uh you know here they are right you know um you know uh building bunkers and stashing stuff away because they figure that they you know they just like the rest of us right who are uh you know um who've been kind of red-pilled and, you know, kind of like realize that this can't, this crazy stuff just cannot go on forever at some point.
Starting point is 00:10:32 You know, something is going to crack and it's all going to go, you know, it's all going to go haywire. And pretty much, and I think that they all know, you know, a lot of these folks, they know that a lot of the, the, the policies that they push, and the laws that they push and help create, you know, is causing the erosion of society at large. And I'm not just talking in the United States. I'm talking in Europe, in other Western strongholds. It's just going to bring the whole thing down at some point. And that is another discussion for another time, right?
Starting point is 00:11:23 I don't want to get too sidetracked here tonight. Anyway, the first story is one that was going to make you smile, right, before we get into the really serious stuff. And this one is taken from Zero Hedge and it says, French farmers dump manure on government buildings to protest climate hysteria. Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Maternity News. And he says, French farmers are dumping vast quantities of manure on government buildings to protest against excessive environmental regulations
Starting point is 00:11:58 that threaten their way of life. The farmers are protesting against excessive regulations and climate hysteria technocracy that threatens to ruin their livelihoods, as well as an EU ban on glyphosate. And it says hundreds of farmers also blocked roads near council buildings around St. Brick. Farmers carrying signs that said, France, do you still want your farmers? And without support, France is starving. Sprayed manure on the offices of
Starting point is 00:12:33 Brittany Regional Council in Rennes. And it says, they have also been clashes with police. One organization leading the protest said demonstrations will remain complete as long as the government does not provide French agriculture with all the means allowing it to be fully involved in the food, energy and environmental issues of the future. The Netherlands has been rocked by similar protests in recent years against limits on nitrogen emissions that would have led to the shutdown of thousands of farms. That played a huge role in populist Geert Wilders soaring to victory in last month's election. And, you know, it's really crazy when you look at some of these um twitter posts it says in france here demonstrations through eggs at government buildings dumped manure in office
Starting point is 00:13:32 premises and blocked roads with tires in protest at high taxation and other government reforms another one french farmers spread manure on administrative buildings in the province of Brittany to protest against the rising taxes and falling incomes. And the last one here that I read, French farmers sprayed manure on local government buildings on Wednesday to protest against European regulations and a lack of state support around 60 tractors were convened outside britney regional council in wrens with farmers holding signs that read fans france do you still want your farmers right so uh things are getting interesting in um you know in in other parts of the world, right? And let's see, some of the things that they're protesting here, right? Agriculture workers and farmers protest against rises in taxes and higher costs in the farming sector by blockading roads, incoming carbon taxes, nitrogen limits, and laws to cull livestock will make food more expensive. limits and laws to cull livestock will make food more expensive and uh you know so they're you know in europe there is this really crazy crazy thing that's going on where they're actually sabotaging
Starting point is 00:14:56 their own food supply and most of the europeans are clueless about all of this. It's really crazy, right? So the food costs are going up because they're taxing the farmers more. And the farmers, they have all these laws, these carbon laws and all these nitrogen limits and these things now where you know it limits fertilizer it limits the amount of livestock you can have on your farm you know and everything else uh they're gonna be in trouble here soon at some point this lunacy has got to end and you know usually uh you know it doesn't really end well for the folks pushing this kind of stuff, unfortunately. But because people will take it and take and take it, take and eventually they'll break. And usually when they break, it's usually pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But, you know, these folks, they're really thinking that they really want to save the world. But what really gets me is the way these guys are protesting, right? They're dumping manure on these government buildings, right? And there's just something, there's just something so interesting about that, right? You know, there's just something, you know, really interesting about the whole dumping the manure on the government building thing. I just find that really intriguing. The second article that I'll take a look at is the bird flu and it's back. And this time it's in California.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Right. So, you know, I did promise, right, you know, in earlier podcasts that we would be keeping an eye on this whenever it pops in the news, right? And here we are again, and this is on the SHTF plan website, right? So that's Sorry. Right? Just try to say that really, really quickly. It's like a tongue twister. I knew I was going to have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:17:13 But it says, and this is by Mark Salvo, and this is dated December 6th, so this is pretty recent. Avian flu, avian influenza, also known as bird flu, is back and is allegedly in California affecting poultry populations there. Avian influenza is a highly pathogenic viral disease that infects poultry and birds and
Starting point is 00:17:40 is potentially transmissible to humans. Cases have been detected in health authorities in San Benito County, according to local public health officials. The mainstream media and officials are still saying the risk to the public is low. However, the county's Health and Human Service Agency is warning residents of the potential danger of handling or coming into close contact with a disease or dead bird. The county said in a press release, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bird flu viruses do not normally infect humans.
Starting point is 00:18:17 However, sporadic human infections with bird flu viruses have occurred. Human infections with bird flu viruses have occurred. Bird flu could be a big deal, considering Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci funded research that claims the next deadly pandemic could be a bird flu virus. But not to worry, because they're already putting together a vaccine for this one. The recent avian influenza outbreak occurred at a commercial farm that deals with ducks and geese. San Benito County epidemiologist Mallory Smith said the disease is so contagious among birds that a single detected case is considered an outbreak within the flock. Multiple birds were noted to have a drop in egg production and was an indicator that something might be wrong with the birds at this particular site, Smith said. The sickly birds were tested and tests came back positive for bird flu,
Starting point is 00:19:21 according to a report by San Benito. flu, according to a report by San Benito. The ruling class is also going to preemptively take to destroying the food supply to be safe. They claim that killing all birds, even if they aren't sick, is the only way to protect the birds from getting sick. All birds that came into contact with the infected animals at the site must be euphonized. Otherwise, it will continue to spread throughout the population, Smith said. euphonize otherwise it will continue to spread throughout the population smith said transmission may occur directly from bird to bird or indirectly through people animals or contaminated objects although rare symptoms may be to be aware of include fever cough sore throat shortness of
Starting point is 00:20:00 breath conjunctivitis headaches runny noseny nose, stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, or diarrhea. If you develop symptoms within 10 days of exposure to an infected animal, call your health care provider, says a press release. So this time at a farm in California, this thing is popping again, right? And every time it pops at one of these big farms, they lose lots of birds, you know, 50,000 upwards, right? Birds, right? One farm they killed, you know, well, in one outbreak, right? I think we lost, you know, a million, million and a half birds.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So it's you know, it's really taking out a massive part of the food supply. When you think that one chicken, you know, you could feed you could you could feed a whole family on one chicken for about two days, two, three days. That it's a massive, massive thing. Right. To lose so many birds all at once but here here it is again popping in the food supply and i'm and i'm sure they'll say well you know it probably came from birds flying over or from somebody that somehow carried this infection maybe from you know by handling birds somewhere else and but um i really do think that this is probably you know yeah gray warfare right you know um somebody going around from farm to farm you know possibly infecting these birds right but hey you know the official word is you know it probably came from you know geese flying over or something like that yeah the final um article that i'll take a look at tonight um is one that really really um
Starting point is 00:21:58 got me thinking too about the threats for 2024 and this one is from, but it's been on other platforms online. And it says, Pastor John Kilpatrick just issued an ominous prophetic warning about what is coming that you must hear. And this is dated December 7th. And it says here, And it says here, just before the COVID pandemic, and now this new warning is the third one.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Kilpatrick has ominously declared that the land is going to manifest the sins that are proliferating in our nation. He says that there will be problems with earthquakes, volcanoes, and the weather. Of course, this lines up perfectly with what Perry Stone was just shown, and with what I warned you in his latest book. So this is written by Michael Snyder and he's always like putting together these prophetic warnings from all the, you know, so-called prophets in the United States. I'm always really cagey about, you know, people claiming to be prophets, right? Because we all know how that is, right? A lot of times these folks are not really honest, right? This pastor, John Kilpatrick, this one kind of touched the chord with me.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And it did because I do believe that the land and man are connected. And when man does well, the land does well. And when you read Deuteronomy and the promises that God made to Israel and through Israel, us, in Deuteronomy about doing you know what if we do the right thing then the land will also uh you know will be bountiful and prosperous right so man spiritually I think is connected to the land and and you know pastor Kilpatrick he also you know, Pastor Kilpatrick, he also, you know, he also said as much in, you know, in his sermon that was online. But anyway, let me read some more of this because I think a lot of you are going to find this interesting. He says here, he says that there will be problems with earthquakes, volcanoes and the weather.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Right. and the weather, right? And he says, our planet is becoming increasingly unstable and we will soon witness unprecedented shaking. And it says here, in recent sermon, Pastor John Kilpatrick unfolded a profound revelation concerning the connection between sin and the earth's manifestations.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Pastor Kilpatrick, prompted by the Holy Spirit, emphasized the need to warn people about the signs taking place globally, shedding light on the spiritual perspective that sin affects the earth profoundly. The pastor highlighted the crucial distinction between divine actions and the consequences of the fall of Adam and Eve. He stressed the direct connection between the state of the land and humanity, linking them through the impact of sin. The message echoed the idea that the earth, affected by the fall, is now manifesting events that grab the world's attention. Drawing attention to the increasing prevalence of sin,
Starting point is 00:25:48 Pastor Kilpatrick noted the rise of blatant rebellion against God, indicating a significant shift in societal values. He connected this surge in lawlessness to the prophesied manifestation of the earth in response to the prevailing sin. He is right. Tremendous natural disasters will happen on U.S. soil. During the years ahead, there will be tsunamis on both coasts. The New Madrid fault zone will be ripped wide open and there will be massive eruption of Mount Rainier
Starting point is 00:26:21 and the big one will hit California. Speaking of the big one, one recent earthquake in Southern California was felt so keenly that Disneyland was forced to shut down a number of their rides. Disneyland was forced to shut a number of rides at its theme park in Anaheim, California on Monday night following a 3.5 magnitude earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake striking at around 8.09 p.m. with the epicenter recorded at just over a mile east of Fullerton, two miles north of Disneyland. A smaller aftershock was reported to have struck around 8.30 p.m. reported to have struck around 8 30 p.m prophetically there is now nothing that needs to take place before the big one absolutely devastates the state of california so keep a very close eye
Starting point is 00:27:12 on the west coast meanwhile lots of other weird stuff is happening elsewhere for example some parts of mexico are being ravaged by miles long clouds of locusts milelong clouds of locusts. Mile-long clouds of locusts have been blanketing the skies above the Yucatan this week, flying through shopping plazas, smacking into windows of apartment complexes, and gobbling up anything green in local parks. Social media users and the Mexican press both asked the same question, is this a sign the world is coming to an end? That is certainly something I did not expect. And this week we were warned that the Earth's magnetic field may be getting ready to flip. The Earth's magnetic field plays a big role in
Starting point is 00:27:57 protecting people from hazardous radiation and geomagnetic activity that could affect satellite communication and the operation of power grids. And it moves. Scientists have studied and tracked the motion of the magnetic poles for centuries. The historical movement of these poles indicate a change in the global geometry of the Earth's magnetic field. It may even indicate the beginning of a field reversal, a flip between the north and south magnetic poles. And he says here, I would encourage you to keep your eyes open for stories about earth magnetic field because this will eventually become an enormous story. We're going to see so much happen in the geophysical realm in the days ahead. in the geophysical realm in the days ahead.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And as Pastor John Kilpatrick has explained, this is linked with all the great evil that is rapidly exploding all around us. Our society is going downhill really fast at this point. And it makes me very sad to say, right, that even the churches are going downhill very fast. What in the world has happened to us? Right? And I did watch the sermon that Pastor John Kilpatrick gave.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And he really went into in great detail. I would advise you to Google this yourself and and watch the video right um you know he talked about a lot about you know um what's going on in the world you know the different you know problematic uh uh you know social uh uh issues that are going on in the United States, all over the world, in the United States as well. He talked about the wars that we're seeing, the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Hamas war, all the wars that we've been seeing worldwide. that we've been seeing worldwide. And he said that, you know, God is speaking.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It doesn't seem like the world is really listening to that, to these warnings. And he said at some point, it's going to become undeniable. There's going to be a massive, massive, massive shaking of the earth is how he puts it. massive shaking of the earth is how he puts it. And you could really tell that he was very, very upset to be talking about that issue. But he did say that if we don't come to grips with all the social evil that's going on in our country,
Starting point is 00:30:45 then we're in for, we're in for, you know, a serious event, right? Because, you know, and, you know, he even talked about, and he mentioned how people are leaving the big cities in droves, right? You know, he said the earth will vomit out the people, right? As it says in the Bible, right? The earth will vomit the people out. And he says, well, you know, look at all the people leaving California and New York, all these big cities, right? And going to other places. And as he says, it's just a matter of time before some significant thing occurs, right? When you look at what's going on in Iceland, how they're just waiting for the volcanoes to erupt there
Starting point is 00:31:29 and you see all these other things happening all across the world. The fish dying off in droves, right? And there was that story about in Japan, they just dumped all that stuff, you know radioactive stuff right into the ocean and then a couple months later all this you know millions and millions of fish has just died right and of course they're saying well we didn't really find any radiation in the fish but maybe that maybe that radioactive stuff is killing the stuff that the fisher you know need to survive you know it to survive. It's really bad.
Starting point is 00:32:06 We're really hurting the land that we're living on. Sin isn't just a spiritual thing. It manifests in physical ways as well, and we can see it manifesting all around us, I think. And it's just a matter of time, right? Just a matter of time. It's kind of scary when you really think about it. And so this now leads us into my last, you know, my last thing of the night here.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And I wanted to give you my top threats for 2024 you know as we look ahead to next year what are what are the the top threats and um and i ranked them right and i'm going to go from 10 to 1 right so the the least to the most likely right the way i say it and i'm sure other folks in pbn will listen to this and they might take this list and rank it in a different way and as a matter of fact i'll post this list uh i'll give you know i'll post this list uh in our in our chat and you know and on pbn uh and and i'm sure that other folks will play around with this. But here's how I ranked all the threats for 2024. Here's my top 10 for 2024. An AI takeover?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Highly unlikely. Highly unlikely. There's a lot of people worried about this, but I think that this is a future problem. Having problems with AI systems. I think this is really a future problem, not a problem for, you know, next year. So that was my number 10. My number nine is an EMP strike or EMP event. I don't really see this as something that is imminent or, you know, going to be a real problem uh you know for next year
Starting point is 00:34:08 so an emp strike or emp event is number nine on my list number eight is the electric grid collapse um you know collapse of the electric grid that's number eight on my list. Number seven on my list is attack on our critical infrastructure. You know, so like, you know, the gritties are also a part of that. But, you know, attack on the water supply or the food supply or something, you know, something major that will cripple that infrastructure for a while and, of course, affect us here. So that's number seven you know number seven on my list is an attack on our critical infrastructure number six on my list is you know the world conflict and the fallout of our involvement on our off our involvement right so will world war three break out we've done lots of shows on this uh we've taught this one to death ad nauseum here on um on the strange truth right on pbn but um you know uh let's see
Starting point is 00:35:14 world conflict will there be a world war that's this is likely right it's getting into the realm it's it's number six on my list it's getting into the realm. It's number six on my list. It's getting into the realm of likely. But I think that we'll dance with the devil on this one. I think that we will have our little proxy wars, but we'll try our best not to get too involved. But that could also escalate really, really fast. So that's number six on my list. Number five on my list is a cyber attack crippling an important critical system in our country. So number five on my list is a cyber attack crippling an important critical system in our country.
Starting point is 00:36:07 an important you know critical system in our country uh so as i said uh you know we're moving more into the realm of what i see likely for next year number four on my list is a new pandemic believe it or not that made number four on my list because all of these things that you see popping in china all the time and all across the world. You know, the human transmission, right, of the avian flu, you know, it's been popping all over the world. They've managed to contain it whenever it's popped and downplay it whenever it's popped, but it has popped. And then you had this mystery white lung thing that was going on in China. I do believe that they're playing around with pathogens, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:44 in all these little labs, you know, in all these little labs, you know, whether it be China or India or here or in Russia or one of them, you know, Eastern European countries, right? They're just playing around with these pathogens and sooner or later, one of these little bugs is going to get loose and it's going to cause a problem. And because we're so jaded from COVID, I think a lot of people, I think that there's a danger in that where, you know, a lot of folks will say, oh, they're just here we go again. Right. And before you know it, you know, a lot of people will die because they they won't take it seriously. So, you know, if you hear that there is something new out there and it's beginning to affect people or kill people, take it seriously.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I know we're all a little jaded and we don't trust the government and this and that, but take it seriously. Because, you know, I think it's a double-edged sword that, you know, it's a double-edged sword. it's a double-edged sword that you know it's a double-edged sword uh so that was number uh number four on my list was a new pandemic number three on my list is an economic collapse says this this is highly likely uh you know one of one of my worries because you saw those banks collapse at the beginning of this year. And I'm wondering if we'll have, because these things tend to be cyclical.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And I'm wondering if we'll have more banks dissolve or collapse as we get into January, February, March, April, into the beginning of the year. And it's something to watch i think that our financial situation is very unstable with all these wars that are going on and you know we're printing money like crazy right um i think that the writing is on the wall with how much money we're going to be sending to ukraine i don't think that we can sustain that much longer so um, you know, but of course, physical responsibility is not our government's strong suit. And I think that, I think we're getting to that point where, you know, something is going to give. So an economic collapse made number three on my list.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Number two on my list is a terrorist attack and i think that that's highly likely since we have this war that's going on and if we're going to be backing israel then of course and of course with the our loose border program right with our loose border program um i i do think that they're already really bad people here that have gotten in and it's just a matter of time before we have a major major terrorist event that's going to seriously shake us to the core um so i i do think that um yeah you know a terrorist attack is is highly probable it's it's very probable that made number two on my list now number one is the election meltdown i think that that made number one i i we next year 2024 is an election year i think that um you know mr trump you know, he is going to really seriously, you know, there's people, you know, people get triggered by this guy.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And I think that you're going to see a lot of the demonstrations. You're going to see a lot of what happened. You know, you saw it before. It's an old playbook. When this guy, when he wins the nomination, when it appears that if he's likely to win the election, I think that he's very polarizing. I think that the folks on the left are going to come out and whatever happened to, okay, I agree to disagree. That's long gone.
Starting point is 00:41:10 now it's gotten so um visceral now where you you just can't have a differing opinion it has to be the other guy's opinion has got to be the one that's going to end the world and it's just so bad right you know all the the ad hominems and and all of that you know the the just try to completely destroy the opposition or to make uh you know the the opposition parades right so that's where we are unfortunately that's not going to end anytime soon and i think that it's going to get really bad um once the election season gets going and i think that made number, because in this country, the politics is going to drive a lot of a lot of the grief next year. It's going to rip families apart. It's going to impact and color people's conversations next year. It's going to have a very negative effect on our country.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You know, everything bad is going to come out because, of course, you know, every, you know, people, you know, it's in our country today, right? When somebody disagrees with someone, it's not that they just have a different opinion. It's that they're really evil. And that's what they're going to do. I'm sure they're going to bring out the racist card and the misogynist card and xenophobic card. And they're going to play every single card. And it's just going to explode online.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And, of course, the conservatives do it too. Right. And it's going to be bad on both sides. And I think that the number one issue is going to be all the violence and all the problems, the persecution, all that stuff that's going to come from the election next year. So that made number one on my list was the election meltdown that's coming. And that was number one. So here's my list again. Right. So from least to most likely. Right. Number 10 was an AI takeover. Number nine was an EMP attack.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Number eight was the AI takeover. Number 9 was an EMP attack. Number 8 was the electric grid crippling an important uh critical system in our country it's going to cause problems number four was a new pandemic of some sort and i think that because we're so jaded and because so many people scoff at you know masks and scoff at this scoff at that and i think that that could actually hurt us if something really dangerous comes along and we we have to be really wise to that actually uh so number four is a new pandemic number three three, economic collapse. The banks are wobbly, folks. Number two, terrorist attack. Very, very likely next year. And number one, of course, is the election meltdown that we all know is coming. Right. We all know is coming. So plan accordingly. Prepare accordingly, okay? Okay, so this is where I'm going to leave it. We covered a lot of ground, right? You know, we covered a lot of ground tonight. I'm just going to leave it here.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Next week, you know, we'll talk about a much nicer subject, right? And, you know, that's, you know, baby Jesus, right? We'll talk about how the messiah came into the world to save all mankind uh you know the the greatest story ever ever ever told right so we'll we'll take a look at that uh next week uh the stories like that just give me joy right you know um pocket that that's going to be a very joyful podcast really and um you know and i really hope that you have a great weekend there's a lot there's going to be a lot to listen to here on pbn okay um you know i know that the changing earth podcast is going to be on on sunday um draven rock
Starting point is 00:45:41 and and all of that's going to be on right? And I'm sure that we're going to be hearing, but we'll probably hear more from Dave, right? Or one of those fabulous DACs, you know, that he does. And we'll see. I don't know how many people will agree with my list, right? And they might have lists of their own, okay? And, you know, so we'll keep the conversation going but keep prepping folks okay you know um you know if you're prepared then uh then uh then you're in a much better space
Starting point is 00:46:14 right you'll be in a much better headspace than if you're unprepared if you know when when an emergency pops up we live in serious times and you and serious times require serious people. So that's it for me tonight. So hopefully you enjoyed it. I am your host, Carl B. Oh yeah, feel free to head over to Amazon and get my book, The Prepper Part 1, The Collapse. That's The Prepper Part 1, The Collapse by Carl A.D. Brown. So you can go on over and pick it up.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's about a family going through an economic collapse. All fictional, of course, but, you know, very realistic. You know, it's a powerful little book, right? It's a scary little book every prepper needs to read, right? That's The Prepper Part One, The Collapse by Carl A.D. Brown. So go check that one out. Okay, so until next time, folks, you all take care and good night. Look, Biden's America is crushing us. You've got companies laying off tens of thousands of workers, one after the other.
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