The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth: Train Robberies in the Desert and Jack the Ripper Mystery solved at Last.

Episode Date: February 28, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to be back in a minute. Well, welcome to another episode of the Strange Truth. I'm your host, Carl B. And I'm hoping that everybody is feeling pretty good at the end of the strange truth. I'm your host Carl B and I'm hoping that everybody is feeling you know pretty good at the end of the week here. And you know if any of this is going to stress you out, turn it off, go enjoy yourself and your family, you know make sure that you are in you know the best mental shape that you possibly can get yourself in and then you can come turn us on back whenever you can handle it. Listening to a lot of negative stuff a lot of times can, it's not really good for anybody.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But a lot's been going on in the world and I'm And I'm just gonna just talk about a few things and a few strange things, right? But, you know, we do things, we give the news with a little bit of different perspective here on the strange truths, right? It's been crazy up here in New York state. We've had record breaking cold, and I'm talking for weeks on end.
Starting point is 00:01:47 We just caught a break this week where the temperature went into the 30s and in some cases the 40s. There is just so much like melt and run off right now into the creeks and rivers. It's just insane. The deer were beginning to get really really desperate actually. You know they got brave enough they were coming up onto my porch and trying to eat the plants that we have at the side of the house and in the front of the house they were trying to get at the top part of the bushes and stuff like that. You know they were getting pretty desperate here but I think that they probably feeling pretty good now with
Starting point is 00:02:28 the melt because they can access the grass and everything again but it's been it's been pretty insane with the weather you know and of course that brings all kinds of different issues along with that I think it was about a week ago we had a bunch of people lose power we had like 50 mile an hour winds come through and you know when it's cold and you have that going on it's it was just insane I you know um so and I think when was it um sometime last week there was like about four to five inches like just overnight just dropped four to five inches of snow you know so it's been it's been it's
Starting point is 00:03:14 been it's you know it this has been a reminder of you know what winter can be like you know for two years I you know we've had it pretty easy. Well at least up here you know upstate New York we've had it pretty easy but this winter is a brutal reminder I think of you know that things can get really serious really quickly and you know whether or not you are on the climate change bandwagon right you know it can you know the whether or not you are on the climate change bandwagon, right? You know, it can, you know, the cold, the cold is very difficult to deal with. And then along with all of that, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:59 it was all the sickness that was going around, right? Um, you know, my son, he just, he's just recovering from something that he picked up. And a lot of people around me were really sick. So it's been interesting and it's been busy, right? I'm sure everybody listening to this, you know, it's been busy, you know, just getting through the daily grind, right? It's been, the cool thing about all of this, right? I became a serious Christian probably about 10 years ago. You know, really, it was just like, yeah, okay. I found what I was looking for, you know, in terms of, you know, religion and stuff
Starting point is 00:04:45 like that. And I became a pretty serious Christian. And I've changed in the 10 years. My life has changed. Like I have changed as a person in 10 years. It's amazing how God just works on you, right? He works on you, you know, and he changes you from the inside out and a lot of the things that used to bother me is they're not bothering me
Starting point is 00:05:12 really anymore I find that I just want to spend a lot of time now like reading my Bible or or you know um you know like just listening to some program you know, like just listening to some program, you know, some commentary on the Bible. It's been an interesting thing where I see so many people losing it a lot, you know, like, oh my God, I can't believe this is happening. And a lot of times, a lot of that stuff is alarming but I it doesn't move me the way it was even you know two three years ago it's like okay you know we're living in the world of man right and man they're gonna do their thing but I've also also noticed too like you know um you know the whole thing about
Starting point is 00:06:02 you know why why bad things happen to good people and why the wicked aren't punished. You know, sometimes people ask those questions and I don't know. I do see that sometimes bad things happen to good people. But as far as the other part of it, you know, why, you know, why aren't wicked people punished? I, you know, I see wicked people being punished every day. You know, it's amazing, right? And it always seems like God just gives them exactly what they were striving for, right? You know, one of the ways he punishes people is to give them exactly what they want.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Right? And another way he does it is just to take away the thing that they, you know, that they most desire. So you know, I just want to say, you know, to all the folks out there, you know, there is a bigger thing at play here, you know, that we don't necessarily have complete access to, right? There's a spiritual warfare, there's a spiritual war that's going on. And we, as human beings, a lot of times we don't really have the access, you know, to that part of the, you know, that part of the, that part of reality.
Starting point is 00:07:27 But there's a bigger thing at play and it's something to see all these people, all these so-called actors and politicians and all of the folks that get a lot of the press, they're always in the press every day. And it's kind of like, for me, it's humbling to realize that all these people, as powerful as they are, as popular as they are, as renowned as they are, they're just people. They're just people. They all have their own little opinions about this that and the other and and a lot of times you know they do have platforms and different things from which they can
Starting point is 00:08:12 they can you know really impact the country and and impact the culture but at the same time you know it's it's always interesting to me to see the rise and the fall, the rise and the fall. So I just want to say no matter how bad you might think it is, okay, you know, it will never last forever. It will never last forever. Year, year, you know, so, you and, and God has a way of just working everything out. So I just want to put that out there before I really get into the big,
Starting point is 00:08:53 uh, things that I am going to be talking about. I, I want to talk about how it seems like the COVID vaccine might have some serious side effects. The Yale study will get into that and I want to get into you know the railroad you know hijackings that has been going on. I want to get into that. So those are the two big things and then we're going to talk about Jack the Ripper at the end of the podcast right. You know we're going to talk about Jack the Ripper at the end of the podcast right you know we're gonna talk about Jack the Ripper at the end of the podcast so the strange truth we're covering a lot of ground here yeah really quickly I do want to keep this to about half an hour because I know that your time is precious but you know hopefully you know we can give you some really good news here and and you can
Starting point is 00:09:41 use and whatever it is you know it's entertaining and and you can use and whatever it is, you know, it's entertaining and useful, okay, entertaining, entertaining today and in some cases useful, right, that you can make some decisions or, you know, or you can do your own research, okay. So before I, you know, before I jump in, Before I jump in, let's hear from some of our sponsors. And the first sponsor that we're gonna talk about here is That's For all your long-term storage needs, Mylar bags, absorbers, sealers, sealers, you know, stuff to seal up
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Starting point is 00:12:34 you know, what we do. And we offer a very unique service here. Right. And, you know, please go on over and become a member. Right. You know, that will open up so many more things. And if you are a new Prepper or an old hand, right, you know, we can meet you wherever you are and help you out. So please, you know, go on over to PBN Preppers Broadcasting Network and check us out. All right, so let me just jump right in, right? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:10 We're gonna start with this article on the Daily Mail, and Yale scientists link COVID vaccines to alarming new syndrome, causing distinct biological changes to the body, right? And what you're seeing, right? And that's why I think mainstream media has lost so much of its credibility is that, you know, for years, right, they would ostracize and demonize people who had reservations about the COVID vaccine. They were just parroting pretty much what they were being told by, you know, the Biden administration, you know, by the government, you know, they were just told by the Biden administration,
Starting point is 00:13:45 by the government. They were just parroting that and anyone who had a, like, hey, is this okay? Anybody that had a different or had some reservations, they would try to just be into submission. And now we're finding out so many different things about ivermectin, hydrochloroquine, the COVID vaccine itself. And you would not believe how many people I've heard say, hey, I'm so happy I didn't take that thing, or I'm so happy that I only got maybe one dose or I
Starting point is 00:14:20 didn't get multiple shots or whatever because they realized that you know this thing wasn't as safe probably as you know the government was touting right. They just kind of rushed it and it probably wasn't as safe as they were saying but now you have all this stuff coming out and it says the previously unknown condition right and it says wait wait, wait, let me just back up here. It says, experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA COVID vaccines. The previously unknown condition, dubbed post-vaccination syndrome, appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus, and exercise intolerance. Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood years after taking the shot. The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr, which can cause flu-like symptoms,
Starting point is 00:15:27 swollen lymph nodes, and nerve issues. The full results of the small study have not yet been published, but Yale experts emphasize the results are still a work in progress. Yet the findings from a well-respected institution suggest more research on post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said. The next phase of the research will be to ascertain how widespread the condition is and who is most at risk. Thousands of people have said that COVID vaccines injured them since the shots were rolled out in 2021.
Starting point is 00:16:09 But the fragmented nature of the US healthcare system makes it challenging to identify rare side effects. Well, a lot of that stuff was being posted on veers, right? And then the CDC started to manipulate what people were doing on veers right and then the CDC started to manipulate the you know what people were doing on the on veers when they were reporting the adverse side effects right the CDC even altered the definition of what a vaccine was right all of this stuff just goes down the memory hole right you know we get an all Orwellian here but all of this stuff just goes down the memory hole but the
Starting point is 00:16:43 CDC actually altered what their definition of a vaccine was to accommodate, right? You know, the mRNA, you know, vaccine, right? To accommodate the shot and also to cover the vaccine industry too. You know, because, you know, so it's, it's, it's really interesting that, you know, in this article, well, you know, people, it's also fragmented. Well, people were posting stuff. And a lot of that stuff, I'm sure was either taken down, deleted, or mess with, you know, on the very system. Let's see. Larger studies have failed to separate the symptoms suffered after COVID vaccination from unrelated illnesses that would have occurred regardless. Well, we had all these
Starting point is 00:17:35 people dropping dead, right? Didn't we? We had all these athletes, you know, never in all my years, never in all my years you know watching like professional soccer and different things have I ever had I ever seen so many people dropping dropping dead a heart conditions and seeing so many young athletes all across the board not only in soccer but all across the board you know having heart seizures right and you know so it's just incredible to me let's see dr. Akiko Awakasa, Awakasaki study author and immunologist at Yale University said this work is still in its early stages and we need to validate these findings okay so you know it says the mRNA vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer
Starting point is 00:18:28 are estimated to have saved tens of millions of lives globally from COVID, including 3 million in the US. In a new study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, Awasaki's team collected blood samples from 42 people with postination syndrome, PVS, and 22 people without it between December 22 and November 2023. When they analyzed the patient's immune systems, those with PVS had different proportions of some immune cells. It is unclear what these differences might mean as the researchers couldn't link them to specific symptoms. The team also looked at 134 people with long COVID as PVS
Starting point is 00:19:10 symptoms overlap with it as well as 134 healthy vaccine recipients. Both people with long COVID and those with PVS seem to have reactivated Epstein-Barr syndrome. More than 9 in 10 adults have had Epstein-Barr at some point in their lives. A common infection spread through bodily fluids like saliva or semen. It causes symptoms like fatigue, fever, fever and rashes. And once symptoms disappear, the virus remains dormant in the body, where it can be reactivated when the immune system is low.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Wow. People with PVS also had elevated levels of COVID spike proteins. So here you have all of this stuff that they're just like beginning to figure out here. And I think that, you know, the story here is just gonna get worse, right? I think that the more they study this, the worse it's going to get. So, you know, make your choices accordingly.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You know, if there's anybody out there that's still, you know, getting COVID, getting vaccinated, right? getting vaccinated, maybe you need to rethink a lot of this stuff here. Because the vaccine companies are not going to take any ownership of any damage these things cause to people. So it's just something to think about, something to think about. And if there is another pandemic, right, you know, you know, we have to make real rational
Starting point is 00:20:52 choices about what we're putting in our bodies. Right. And hopefully, if there's another outbreak, if there's another pandemic, you know, we will have, you know, a government in place, right? People in place that will be more honest, you know, with the public, you know, than what we experienced during the COVID crisis. All right. So I just want to throw that out there, right? You know, so there is studies that are confirming some people's worst fears here about the COVID vaccines. Just one little thing here. It would be interesting to see how the war in Ukraine plays out. If President Trump can actually forge some kind of a deal where the fighting stops and the war will be over.
Starting point is 00:21:48 That'll be great, you know, because that would mean that let's, you know, we don't have people dying, you know, in such numbers, in such a crazy, to me, almost like senseless war that's being fought there. But it also then begs the question, you know, how would how would all of this affect what's going on with China and their aspirations to seize Taiwan? You know, I think that that a lot of this the way how this administration now is administration now is being so like aggressive in in their
Starting point is 00:22:34 policies. I'm wondering if it has any you know effect on on China and their you know and their ambitions right for Taiwan you know has this reset that timeline, adjust this time, adjusted the timeline. It will be interesting to see how they react. You know, are they going to be sending ships to surround Taiwan and stuff like that. So we'll keep a close eye on that whole issue as well another cause for concern by the way is what's going on in the middle east and all those nuclear plants that are down there in iran okay you know the iranians from what i have been seeing they've boosted security around a lot of their nuclear plants and processing facilities because of course they're very close to bomb-grade uranium production and of course I think that because of the friendship between the Iranians and Russia, they would be able to produce nuclear weapons really fast
Starting point is 00:23:49 if they're not already doing so, if they have not already done so in secret. I'm still out there on this one that they may have already constructed a nuclear bomb, they're just keeping it secret. But however, okay know the the Israelis are I think are looking really really really hard at you know preemptive strikes and and and destroying you know Iran's nuclear you know you know uranium
Starting point is 00:24:20 processing capabilities so I think that that is something that we're also going to be keeping an eye on because that could trigger a broader, more direct conflict. I do believe that because I think that it'd be interesting to see if the Israelis act, you know, because of course we have now, we now have the Trump factor, right? Playing into all of this. So that is something that we are definitely going to be keeping an eye on. We have a, we have a government now that has a more aggressive policy in terms of dealing with you know, our adversaries.
Starting point is 00:25:01 So you know, we'll see how all of this factors in right anyway I just want to read a little bit of an article here that I saw on the most important and of course this is written by Michael Snyder but and I've seen this on other platforms too but I just want to read what he's been you know what's been going on out there in the Mojave Desert of all places okay and he says here we're in the midst of the worst wave of cargo theft in our history. Earlier today I came across a Los Angeles Times article so it's also in the Los Angeles Times as I said I've seen this on multiple multiple platforms this story, about a very alarming series of train heists that have been taking place in the Mojave Desert and he
Starting point is 00:25:53 writes the thieves stealthily board eastbound freight trains hiding out until they reach lonely stretches of the Mojave Desert or high plains far from towns they slash an air brake hose causing the mile-long line of rail cars to screech to an emergency stop. Then they go shopping. That's the modus operandi described by investigators in a string of at least 10 heists targeting BNSF trains in California and Arizona since last March. All but one resulted in the theft of Nike sneakers, their combined value approaching
Starting point is 00:26:31 $2 million, according to the investigators. Thankfully, authorities have been able to catch some of those who have been involved in these thefts. Of the 11 suspects that were charged in in relation to a heist on January 13th nine of them were in the US illegally sadly these sneaker thefts are just the tip of the iceberg we've been told that they have they were at least 650,000 railroad cargo thefts last year I I'll read that number again. We're being told that they were at least six hundred and I'm sorry 65,000 that's 65,000 railroad
Starting point is 00:27:14 cargo thefts last year. Wow! We don't see anything any any of this stuff in the mainstream media do we? And that represented a whopping 40% jump from the year before. There were at least 65,000 railroad car cargo thefts last year, a 40% increase from 2023, according to industry estimates compiled by the Association of American Railroads. The thefts, which are typically classified as burglaries because they don't which are typically classified as burglaries because they don't involve directly confronting victims as with robberies are believed to have cost the nation's largest rail companies more than $100 million according to the trade group. These figures may be an undercount because railroads don't publicize all thefts," Lewis
Starting point is 00:28:03 said. Details typically emerge publicly only when arrests are made and criminal complaints are filed. Now, 65,000, at least 65,000 rail thefts last year, right? This story, they were talking about, you know, Nikes and different things that they were stealing. What else is being stolen that we don't know about? Right? Is there sensitive dangerous materials you know chemicals and stuff that's being stolen from these railroad cars that we have no clue as to what's going on because they're not being reported. It's scary stuff when you really think about it. Scary, scary stuff. But that's the world that we've been living in. And when you know and if you just live on Netflix or if you know if folk you know if you're just living
Starting point is 00:28:58 pretty much just reading the mainstream media right you just believe that the world is just this nice you know happy place right you know it's it's insane right you know um the uh there's serious things going on out in the world you know folks serious things going on out in the world and this is just one of them so we've covered a lot of ground here on the strange truth tonight, right? How is the Trump effect, so to speak, right? How is that going to play into, you know, politics overseas, right? We're watching that closely because all of these things affect us, they affect us, they affect our planning, right? You know, and it affect the threat level here in the United States, okay? You know, are we de-escalating things with the Russians, which makes us safer here at home? That's the crazy thing about a lot of these
Starting point is 00:30:00 politicians, you know, especially in Europe, because they want to escalate, escalate, escalate and in escalating, they're not going to weaken Russia. What they're doing is they're basically driving the needle for war towards the red zones, right? For them and their and their citizens and it's just it's just insane what's going on but I'm guessing that a lot of Europe really don't really know what's going on. A lot of the citizens because they don't really have a free press. You know they're only allowed to print what the government deems acceptable to print, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 So in all of Europe pretty much I don't think that there's any European country right now, probably right, where there is a real, real free press. You know, there's real freedom of speech, that kind of thing. I don't think there's any country that allows that in Europe anymore. You know, there are citizens that are living on the grand illusion. Oh my goodness. Anyway, we're going to end with a crazy story about Jack the Ripper here, right? You know, this is strange truth, right?
Starting point is 00:31:16 And we got to keep it interesting. Okay, we got to keep it interesting, right? But there's been this crazy story out in the news, right? And it says, we may finally know the true identity of Jack the Ripper after 130 years of mystery. Can you imagine that? They've always been trying to figure out who Jack the Ripper is, right? And never being able to find out.
Starting point is 00:31:38 But according to this story here, and I'm reading this from au so au right and you know this Jasmine causes a slug ass right but I've seen this on other platforms as well and the story says here there's been an unbelievable breakthrough in the gruesome Jack the Ripper serial killer case that has haunted England for over a century. After 137 years of mystery, we may finally know the true identity of the killer who terrorized the streets of London in 1888. Police believe Jack the Ripper is responsible for the brutal rape and murders of at least five women known as the Canononical Five, but could very well have committed at
Starting point is 00:32:25 least six more. The victims were Mary Nichols, 43, Anne Chapman, 47, Elizabeth Stride, 44, Catherine Idawis, 46, and Mary Jane Kelly, 25. And it goes on to say here, All five women were brutally murdered between the months of August and November 1888. Three of the victims had their internal organs removed, leading to widespread speculation that the killer possessed anatomical or surgical knowledge. The burning question of what kind of psychopath could have committed such monstrous acts has plagued police, historians, and crime buffs alike for over a hundred years. A long list of different suspects have popped up over the years,
Starting point is 00:33:19 however, investigators have not been able to definitively pin down a single suspect to the crimes. But now we might finally have an answer. Self-proclaimed ripperologist and British author Russell Edwards purchased a shawl belonging to one of the victims, Catherine Idois, which contained blood and semen back in 2007. Years later it was put through forensic testing where it was found to contain DNA from two separate people. One of them matched a descendant of the female victim while the other matched the descendants of a Polish immigrant who would have been around 23 at the time of the murders.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Upon discovering this male's name Edwards was able to reveal the true identity of the cold-blooded killer behind the facade of Jack the Ripper. Considering his DNA, I'm sorry his name according to this article was Aaron Kozminski. That's Aaron Kozminski. Considering his DNA is on a shawl that was at the murder scene and he was named, I have and he was named, I have never considered anyone else to be the Ripper, Edwards told the news dot com dot au. I have never, I however have looked into every other suspect in order to eliminate them.
Starting point is 00:34:47 The DNA work was a huge four-year process. We had to bypass the issue of contamination plus many other hurdles. It was a voyage of discovery with many twists and turns. The adventure was thrilling from the beginning to the end and I was lucky to experience it." Edwards said when he discovered the DNA from the shawl matched, he was absolutely elated to have made such a breakthrough. "'When we matched the DNA from the blood on the shawl with a direct female descendant of the victim, it was the singular most amazing moment of my life at the time," he said. When we tested the semen left on the shawl, when we matched that, I was dumbfounded that
Starting point is 00:35:29 we actually had discovered who Jack the Ripper truly was. Edwards had been dedicated to all things Ripper for over 11 years and explained that he first became interested in the topic after watching a film about the killer. I saw the movie From Hell and then did a Jack the Ripper tour he said. It was then I realized I had been walking in his footsteps all that time and didn't know. After that I called Scotland Yard and asked where the case files were. I was told they were in the National Archives at Kew. I went and conducted some research and found quite quickly that nobody
Starting point is 00:36:07 would ever know the identity of the Ripper as there was not any evidence. It was only when I bought the shawl that my journey began, he says. While the testing process has been disputed by some scientists, Edwards has held his ground in the validity of his methods. Born Ka Wanda in central Poland, Kozminski moved to England with his family as a child and eventually began working as a barber in London's Whitechapel district.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Medical records show that he had suffered from mental illness since at least 1885 and had spent time in various lunatic asylums around London. His condition reportedly took the form of auditory hallucinations, a fear of being fed by other people, as well as refusal to wash or bathe. He later died in 1919 at the age of 53. The descendants of Jack the Ripper's victims are now calling for police to do an immediate investigation into Aaron Koszminski to make Edward's findings official. Karen Miller, the great great great granddaughter of victim Catherine Edoys said that it would mean a lot to her and her family to put an end to this 137-year-old mystery.
Starting point is 00:37:27 The name Jack the Ripper has become sensationalized. It has gone down in history as this famous character the 53-year-old told the Daily Mail. It has been all about him, this iconic name, but people have forgotten about the victims who did not have justice at the time. What about the real name of the person who did this? Having the real person legally named in court, which can consider all the evidence, would be a form of justice for the victims. We have got the proof.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Now we need this inquest to legally name the killer. It would mean a lot to my family, to a lot of other people to finally have this crime solved. Despite the evidence, some have cast doubt on the findings. The research has not yet been published in a scientific peer-reviewed journal which means that the claims cannot be independently verified or the mythology mythology scrutinized on the UK law it is up to the Attorney General to approve a further Inquest into the Jatler Ripper case two years ago Attorney General Michael Ellis Refused the request saying that there was not sufficient new evidence to support an inquest Okay, I mean, come on, this guy,
Starting point is 00:38:47 I think this Aaron Kosminski was named, right, he was named as one of the possibility, possibles back in the day, right? And now they've got this shawl with his semen, right? They've tested it and they matched it to a relative of his right a distant relative right of his you know they do the same thing through you know you know to find like killers to what they do is you know like with co-case files they'll they'll test DNA that they have and they'll run it
Starting point is 00:39:23 through like the known like the known databases if they get permission right. They'll go on to like you know one of these like or they'll run it through some system and see if they get a hit like if they can find like somebody that's related to somebody right and usually And usually from there, they can extrapolate who the perpetrator of the crime was. So I know that, yeah, I watch a lot of these true crime mysteries on television, right?
Starting point is 00:39:57 So I know that they've been doing that a lot lately to try, they've been reopening cold case files and they've been trying to you know you know run you know like all this DNA through all these databases just to see if they can then get a hit or you know if they can find like okay this per you know this DNA came from this family and one of the people from this family is what we've been looking at, right? Then that narrows it down, right? And then they can, you know, probably solve some cold cases. So this is a cold case file pretty much.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And if this DNA, right, matches a relative of Kosminski, then I think that this would be, be you know good proof right good evidence that maybe he was Jack the Ripper right but we'll see we'll see what they do with it interesting news interesting news right but you know the victims family right the victims family we get some closure here and that's interesting so you can you can take a look at that, right? You know, you can Google that yourself if you're interested in these types of stories, right? You know, and fascinating stuff, right? Fascinating stuff. Alright,
Starting point is 00:41:17 so I'm going to call it here, right? We covered a lot of ground and hopefully we made it interesting for you, right? Here on the lot of ground and hopefully we made it interesting for you right here on the strange truth. You know if you want something interesting to read please you can go on over to and you can get my book right you know the the proper part one the collapse it's about a family living through an economic collapse right all fictional right and you can check that out over there at That's the proper part one, the collapse by Carl A.D. Brown. You can check it out and enjoy, okay?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Enjoy. So enjoy your weekend, okay? You know, we live in a serious world and serious world requires serious people, right? You know, keep listening to PBN. And there's a lot of stuff to come this weekend on PBN so please keep listening become a member and if you like what you're hearing so far please pass us around right you know and you all take care and have a good night folks
Starting point is 00:42:19 I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments. is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prep or mine can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN and get $100 off your purchase. On the brink of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Tom says it expects to continue with stage six running blackouts for the rest of the week. He scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan Solar Generator is American ingenuity at its finest with a removable expandable lithium-ion battery 2,000 watt hour, 3,000 watt high-efficiency inverter So what does all that mean to you? It means the Titan can charge your smartphone
Starting point is 00:43:36 for 88 hours your laptop for 35 hours, a CPAP for 108 hours your refrigerator for 26.8 hours. Get to today for the all-American solution to backup power. I'm going to be a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:44:14 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a So So Thanks for watching!

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