The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth- War Escalating in Ukraine and the Middle East plus a Red Heifer Report.

Episode Date: April 5, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you for watching! Well, welcome to another episode of The Strange Truth. I'm your host, Kyle B., uh hopefully everybody has had a decent um week i know that it has been raining and we've been getting all kinds of crazy weather um all across the united states um so i just hope that everybody uh you know that's listening to this uh hopefully you know you and your loved ones are safe and there's not been any real issues. Here in New York, we got hammered for about 48 hours, you know, mostly rain, you know, and some sleet. But, you know, it's just this crazy uh weather here uh you know uh
Starting point is 00:01:27 spring weather uh especially here uh in the upper north east uh that's that's what we get uh during the year okay uh so there's a lot that's been going on um i i um all you know in the world um you know crazy things happened uh um during easter i'm not gonna talk about any of that stuff really right now um but uh you know um it it goes right in line with how the United States is almost like Israel. You remember Israel got divided into Judah and Israel during the ancient days, during the times of the kings, if you're a biblical scholar. And Israel just got all them bad kings. It was one after the other. And they took the nation further and further into, you know, they just lost their way.
Starting point is 00:02:36 They pulled them further and further into the darkness. And eventually Israel got destroyed and only Judah was left. So, you know, to the Hebrew mind, right, you know, prophecy is pattern. To the Greek mind, you know, the Western mind, so to speak, right, prophecy is I say something and then it happens. I say something, then it happens. I say something, then it happens. Right. So it's a very different mindset when it comes on to prophecy. But, you know, to the Hebrew mind, the Jewish mind. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Prophecy, prophecy is pattern. And and, you know, the patterns just seem not to be working in our favor. Let's put it that way. But anyway, I don't want to jump into anything that dark and depressing this early, this early into the podcast. I just want to say, well, we are going to be looking at what's going on in Ukraine. We're going to be looking at what's going on in the Middle East. We're going to be concentrating. And we're going to look at this issue of the bird flu that's popped up. Because all these stories, all these little things affect us here in this country in some way.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And, you know, it's just a matter of understanding where we are in regards to all these events, all these things that are unfolding. And then, of course, we can prepare for the fallout because that's what happens. You know, if you're a prepper, I guess you're pretty much, while you can be proactive with a lot of things, there's also a lot of things that are just completely beyond our control. I think pretty much everything, right, that we really prepare for is something that's kind of beyond our control. And then we just game out how to manage the situation when it comes up. So, you know, I'm going to talk a little bit about these little issues that are going around the world right now that are that's pushing us closer and closer to a major a major conflict either it be in the middle east or in europe um we will take a quick look at what's going on with the bird flu and our food supply
Starting point is 00:05:16 and we'll also talk about how all of this impacts us um so we've got an interesting show And at the end of our show today I'm going to play that CBS report On what's going on with the Red Heifers I can't let go of that Because it's Bible prophecy coming through True in real time And that's exciting too So we're going to look at some important things here. War, you know, the war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:05:57 We're going to take a look at the bird flu, you know, and its impact on the food supply. And of course, we'll end with a really quick, you know, look. I'll just play the report for you that was aired on CBS. It's all over on lots of different platforms now. We've attached it to a lot of different platforms on the whole Red Heifer thing. So we've got an interesting one here today. But first, let's hear from our sponsors. one here today um but first let's hear from our sponsors the second largest producer of agricultural products the netherlands is being forced to
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Starting point is 00:07:38 You'll learn about assessment and stabilization. and stabilization. You'll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught us a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper's Medical Handbook today at Again, that's the Prepper's Medical handbook by william w 40 all right please support our sponsors and please become a member of pbn we offer a very unique service here if you've been noticing that and um you know um every every week here in pbn there there's so many really great shows on so many things prepping, from how to create your own garden to how to store food, what's going on with the economy and how to prepare for that,
Starting point is 00:08:42 how to make yourself more self-reliant, more resilient. So there's so many shows here every week on PBN and how to do these real practical things. So no matter where you are in your prepping journey, whether you're just starting or if you're an old hand, you know, there is there's going to be something that's going to be able to help you, you know, further your own journey. So please check us out. And and if you like what you hear, or see, then please pass around, let people know that we're here and let people know what we're doing because it's all about saving lives okay so let's just uh let's dive into some of this and and by the way you know what i'm going to be talking about now um is you know it's it's it's not pleasant stuff here it's it's all kind
Starting point is 00:09:36 of depressing and dark and if you're in that spot now where uh you know you're not you know you mentally you probably can't really deal with this feel free to turn this off and come back when you have a, when you're in a much better, you know, when you're in a much better mood, when, you know, if you need to go and relax and, you know, and, you know, get a massage or, you know, pray or, you know, just hang out with loved ones or, you know, do some exercise, do something pleasant, then please do so. You know, it's all about your mental health, right? We want you to stay healthy in every way possible so that if there is an emergency, then you can really function and you can be, you know, then you can be of help and a leader um you know for your friends and
Starting point is 00:10:27 your family and your loved ones okay okay so we're going to start with the ukraine um and then we're going to pivot into the middle east uh and then we'll take a look at the bird you know what's going on with the bird flu um in this country and uh and then we'll end with the red heifer so that's the uh the order of of events here topics so um let's get started so this is from zero hedge and it says ukraine starting to get dangerous uh richards right um and it says a lot of people seem to be to seem to have forgotten about the war in ukraine and that's a mistake. Russia is slowly but steadily defeating Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone except the most anti-Russian diehards. That's leading to desperation in elite Western circles determined to stop Russia one way or the
Starting point is 00:11:17 other. In their minds, they simply can't let Putin win. They think that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he'll next move on to the Baltic states, Poland and elsewhere. You know the West is getting desperate based on recent threats by France's Emmanuel Macron to send troops to Ukraine. The vice president of the Russian Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy, descendant of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, warned that French troops would be priority targets for Russian forces if they entered Ukraine. Even though France would send troops independent of NATO, that puts us on a very dangerous path that ultimately leads to direct conflict between NATO and Russia. And that path ends in a nuclear war, ultimately. Tolstoy added that it would take just two minutes to nuke Paris.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Tolstoy added that it would take just two minutes to nuke Paris. It's not hard to envision how quickly things could escalate if France decided to send troops to Ukraine. Meanwhile, NATO is preparing to send F-16s to Ukraine. Airfields in Ukraine are highly vulnerable to Russian attack, especially since Ukraine air defenses are heavily depleted at this point and the russian air force is becoming increasingly active in ukraine but if nato allows f-16s to be based on its own air bases putin has warned that these airfields would become a legitimate target if strikes against russian forces were launched from them by the way r, Russia has hypersonic missiles that NATO has no practical ability to shoot down.
Starting point is 00:12:47 So these attacks would likely be successful. Of course, NATO would have to retaliate in kind. You can imagine where all this could lead. We're already well along the escalation ladder. And the higher you go, the more face you stand to lose if you bat down and he goes on to say i've warned about that from the outset of the war but the entire notion that russia poses some existential threat to nato or europe is absurd now this is this is a point of view by the way that a lot of people don't agree with i kind of think that it is true i cannot necessarily see putin
Starting point is 00:13:28 trying to invade like poland and other places um i do think that if they agitate i think that you know as long and and these are all countries anyway that bear the nato badge which would force him into a war and can't really see that happening anytime soon um but there are not a lot of people that agree with that assessment you might not agree with that assessment you know we're all free thinkers here on pbn is just what i believe i believe that he went into ukraine because more or less they were kind of provoked into doing so. And now that he's in a war, in this war, then, of course, he can't really extricate himself. So now is a war to the end until the Ukraine, you know, says uncle, pretty much. I think that eventually he'll end up in a situation like we have in Crimea, I think that eventually he'll end up in a situation like we have in Crimea where, OK, he's got all this territory and he controls that territory somewhat.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But he but that territory is vulnerable to attack. And I think, you know, I think he's hedging his bets that it's better to have a buffer zone like that, although it's unstable versus NATO nato troops right on russia's doorstep so to speak and i think also i have a feeling you know like where you know i think that finland now has has has a worry um if if they had smarter people running finland um you know, I think over the last five or six years, I can't see what they have to gain, what they had to gain by entering NATO. You know, they've never been or they've never had any real issues with Russia because they were neutral um and and now you know such a small country um you know on you know I I think that I think uh they're going to be probably the next thing that Russia is going to look at if anything and I think it would behoove the the Finns uh not to do anything that was that's going to get the russians attention um so i i think
Starting point is 00:15:48 that's where that's going um i think that there are some smaller countries that might say okay we want to join the russian federation um pretty much and make it official um i i can see that happening but in terms of the russians attacking greater europe i i can't really see that happening. But in terms of the Russians attacking greater Europe, I can't really see that because they just don't have the manpower to do it. And it says so in this article as well. It says here, Putin has nothing to gain and everything to lose. First off, the theory that Putin will invade other countries if he wins in Ukraine is nonsense. The Russian army lacks the men and the material to occupy Ukraine while simultaneously invading other countries. This isn't the Soviet Union with its massive tank armies poised to roll over Western Europe,
Starting point is 00:16:35 and Soviet communism is long dead. There is no ideological basis for Russia to invade Europe. These days, Russia is a conservative christ orthodox christian nation well that's another thing too you know if you're really christian you're not evil and i i gotta say i i do believe that the russian empire is built on an evil premise and uh and it will it will meet its own judgment in due time. And I do think that Mr. Putin has a lot of blood on his hands, and he's not a nice person. He's a pretty evil man.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It says here, but more importantly, Putin has absolutely no incentive to invade any of these nations, which are NATO members. What do they have that he wants? All it would do is trigger Article 5 of the NATO Charter which stipulates that an attack on one member is an attack on all, inviting a massive NATO response. At that point, you're on the fast track to nuclear war. Putin is fully aware of that. Fearmongers like to point to what putin once said in a speech and he said whoever doesn't miss the old the soviet union doesn't have a heart they take that as proof that he wants to recreate the
Starting point is 00:17:51 soviet union but they conveniently omit what he said next which was whoever wants it back doesn't have a brain whatever you think of putin he definitely has a brain. He has no intention to restore the Soviet Union. You know, I really think that they're in a quagmire in Ukraine. It's kind of like the whole Afghan thing all over again. Because even if he defeats the Ukrainians, I don't think that they're never going to be able to sit easy in those territories. And now there is that animosity between the Russians and the Ukrainians that is going to go on for generations. So while he gains a buffer, he's created a lot of enemies right on his doorstep so um i don't know um you know um i are we heading towards a major conflict in europe uh i do think that we are i think it's just a matter of time before someone oversteps a boundary
Starting point is 00:19:01 that is somebody's you know absolute red line and then you know we're going to be an open conflict and the bombs are going to fly that's just my um you know my opinion on that thing but there's an interesting story another interesting story about the ukraines here that i'm going to read and i'm going to tie this in to an interesting idea has been floating around on social media. And it says Ukrainian drones hit Russia's third largest oil refinery, prompting White House anger. And this is also from Zero Hedge. And he says, let's see.
Starting point is 00:19:37 As discussed in our morning wrap, let's see, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, let me just go down here. Let's see. Blah, blah, blah, blah. No, let me just go down here. Let's see. Ukraine once again struck oil infrastructure targets deep inside Russia overnight, hitting Russia's third largest refinery 800 miles from the front lines. As oil price details, Ukrainian drones hit the primary refining unit of Russia's third largest refinery southeast of Moscow, more than 800 miles from the front line. And that smells of the U.S. helping the Ukrainians do that, right? I don't see the Ukrainians doing that on their own. Routers reported on Tuesday, Ukraine keeps striking Russian oil assets despite the Biden administration unequivocally demands for a hard stop, suggesting that diplomatic fallout is now
Starting point is 00:20:25 imminent. And here's why I mention that, okay? Apart from, you know, of course, this is going to take the Russians off and they're going to retaliate. But the story that's been circulating now on, you know, social media platforms is that the White House doesn't want Ukrainians to be destroying the oil refineries in Russia because that's going to drive up oil prices. And if we have higher oil prices, that's going to hurt Biden at the polls. I paused, right? Just let that sink in for a minute, right? So they don't want the Ukrainians hitting targets, oil targets inside Russia or destroying Russian oil assets right now.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Well, you know, that's what they're putting out. And one of the reasons most people are kind of thinking, you know, I'm doing that is because that's going to drive up oil prices. This is an election year. Higher oil prices mean that that which is bad for Biden. And of course, you know, he wants to be reelected. So it's really amazing what drives a lot of these conflicts. You know, it's just sad that so many people have to die because of all of these idiots, really. So much blood, all because of greed.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Most of these conflicts is just because of greed. It started, a lot of this stuff starts because of greed, right? And, you know, and power, right? Somebody wants power, so they do a lot of nefarious things that undermines their own country, their own stability, and a lot of people die in the process of them achieving their aims. That's what we're seeing playing out now across Europe.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I am going to do a podcast about the green issue and about the impact that the green issue is going to have not only on this country because we've been hearing, and I digress here, about these eight states that are going to kind of um ban um ices right internal combustion engine uh cars right um uh you know um by i believe 2030 i think i i saw 2035 2038 but in a couple of years from now they're going to be banning these internal combustion engines, right? Which I'm not going to get into all of that, but I just think this whole climate thing is not exactly what it appears to be. And I can just see the next generation, instead of saying, hey, they saved the planet, I'm going to, they're going to be saying, hey hey they really wrecked the planet um you know 40 50 years from now when they're trying to figure out how to like
Starting point is 00:23:30 deal with all the waste of these like electric car batteries and and these and and what to do about all these windmills and you know rusting windmills and and uh and and solar farms and it's you could just see that crazy, crazy dystopian world that all of this is going to cause. But I digress. Let's stick to our topics here for today, right? So, yes. So that's what's been floating around here.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You know, you could see that there's a lot of little triggers that are in play that could definitely trigger a larger conflict. And it's just a matter of time. And when that goes off, then, you know, well, you know, the Europeans, right, they have a very different outlook on a lot of what's going on and the Americans. And what's happening is right in their backyard. You know, so, you know, it's interesting to see how that plays out. All right. Switching, switching, switching. Now we're switching to uh the middle east and uh
Starting point is 00:24:47 there's a story here on the most important news we're just one step away from an apocalyptic war in the middle east okay and did you see what happened in namaskus right this is by michael snyder here right um an absolutely stunning move In an absolutely stunning move, Israel took out the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Needless to say, the Iranians are absolutely furious and they're promising a harsh response. For a long time, I've been warning my readers that an apocalyptic war in the Middle East will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III. The good news is that the war in the Middle East has not yet escal the conflicts that defines World War III. The good news is that the war in the Middle East has not yet escalated to an apocalyptic level yet, but after what we witnessed on Monday, we're just one step away. The building that was destroyed by the IDF airstrike
Starting point is 00:25:37 was reportedly directly next to Iran's embassy in Damascus. A building next to Iran's embassy in Damascus has been destroyed in an airstrike, reportedly killing a senior commander of Iran's embassy in Damascus. A building next to Iran's embassy in Damascus has been destroyed in an airstrike, reportedly killing a senior commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and five others, with state media saying Israel was behind the attack. Pictures show the building in Syria's capital raised to the ground with huge plumes of smoke rising from the site following the explosion this afternoon and emergency workers rushing to the scene. That's a caption. This particular building was apparently the residence of the Iranian ambassador to Syria.
Starting point is 00:26:13 The Syrian government says that the missiles that destroyed the building were fired from the Golan Heights. And it says, this evening, the Israeli enemy launched an air aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan targeting the Iranian consulate building in Damascus. It said, or air defenses responded to the missiles and shot down some of them. The aggression led to the destruction of the entire building and the martyrdom and injury of everyone inside. It appears that the IDF was targeting a gathering of very important regional leaders. Mohammed Reza Qahidi was among those that were killed. He was the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. The Iranians are not going to let this one go folks right um this was really really an important um you know um person that the uh israeli um took out right um but the iranians
Starting point is 00:27:19 are not going uh to let this one go um zero hedgeedge aptly noted if Iran's responses to Zubairi could spark an all-out regional war. Depending on Iran's response, this could be the start of an all-out regional war. For months now, Iranian-made ballistic missiles and drones have rained down on Israel, fired by Iran's proxies in Lebanon and Yemen. This new brazen Israeli attack on Iran's embassy takes things into uncharted territory and also opens up the potential for the Iranians to target Israeli embassies abroad. So this is just going to profligate, you know, it's just a matter of time before this escalates into a complete all-out regional war. And I think when that occurs, it's going to draw in most of the countries down there in the Middle East, including the United States. And then it's going to get really, really bad.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I think that we should really brace for a serious uptick in terrorist attacks here in the United States and across Europe. That's what I think is going to be happening. I think that ISIS and all these other groups are going to be carrying out retaliatory strikes or targeted strikes on Western targets. And it is just something that we're going to have to deal with, which shows up the fallacy of having such a porous border with Mexico. There was even this story in the news. I don't know if you guys saw it, right?
Starting point is 00:29:08 Any of my listeners here seen the story, but they captured a Chinese illegal immigrant. He made his way onto an American base, and then he refused to leave the american base now i can i i don't even understand how that computes um you know why this guy hasn't just been deep vaulted right meaning that you know they basically just kind of put him away somewhere to see what he knows so to speak i'm not condoning any kind of um you know any violence towards this individual of course um but there are ways they i'm sure they
Starting point is 00:29:53 get people to to talk right they you know to interrogate people right without like causing them really any kind of bodily harm but why hasn't he you know like the question is, how did this person make his way onto an army base? You don't see any of this stuff in the mainstream media. It's just insane what's going on right now. And this isn't the first time that people from China has infiltrated our bases around this country. But this was one of the most recent stories that I read about. I think this occurred last week that they caught this guy and then he refuses to leave, which was just crazy to me. Right. The fact that we are accommodating him on our on the base is just insane.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Wow. The rain is just coming down. You can just hear the rain is just insane. Wow, the rain is just coming down. You can just hear the rain here. Right? And got a tin roof here, right? You can just hear this rain. It's just incredible to me. Anyway, right? So the Middle East is a tinderbox.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And what happened, you know, and of course, the people that were killed that were working for this food program, right? The Americans that were killed there were working for this food program, right, the Americans that were killed there, has sparked international outrage, right, towards Israel because of this. And everything is just getting worse.
Starting point is 00:31:15 There's no dialing back. There's no let's meet at the negotiating table to stop any of this. And this is how war, serious serious wars start where there is no off switch we're just kind of like slipping down the slippery slope straight into the quagmire slate straight into war and that's what's occurring right now with you know all these little proxies going on um you know folks are just trying to be clever and they're just being too clever. And eventually we're going to be involved in a war. And this war exposes us to our enemies that we become then the focus of all our enemies.
Starting point is 00:31:54 You know, if the Chinese invade Taiwan, for instance, then, of course, then we're we become more of a target for the Chinese themselves. You know, if we start killing their guys and they start killing us, you know the chinese themselves uh you know if we start killing their guys and they start killing us uh you know in taiwan right then all all the bets are going to be off um you know if if the uh russian situation uh there in europe gets any worse right and and uh and and nato gets into a full conflict with Russia, their missiles are going to fly because I think the Russians are not as sure of themselves as a lot of people try to make them.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I think that they're going to err on the side of them striking first and causing massive harm to the enemy to the point where the enemy then cannot invade their territory. I think that's where they're going to go with all of this. And that's bad for Europe. It's bad for the Russians because they're going to get destroyed, too. But it's also bad for Europe and it's potentially bad for the United States. Because, you know, would Russia just attack NATO?
Starting point is 00:33:04 I can't see that happening. I think that, you know, itussia just attack nato i i can't see that happening i think that you know it would spread right it would spread to other parts of the world unfortunately in nuclear you know it would be a nuclear proliferation right um it would it would be really really bad so that's the situation there how does this affect us here i believe that that then means especially with the non-vetting of all these uh you know um you know um illegal immigrants coming across our border not being vetted uh then uh we're we're seriously open for um you know massive massive terrorist attacks and it's just a matter of time um and if it takes out you know i always say i am preparing myself if i wake up one morning and nothing works or if i'm at
Starting point is 00:33:55 work or if i'm at the supermarket if i'm somewhere and then and everything goes offline um and if it goes offline and stays offline for you know of days, right? And we find out that we've been attacked. That's what I'm pretty much preparing for. And I think that it's kind of the way, I don't know, I would advise a lot of listeners to start thinking about all of this. If you woke up and nothing worked, what would be your plan do you have one okay do your loved ones know the plan okay if you're stuck if you're stuck at work if you're you know if you're at the supermarket if everything goes offline because you remember if the electricity goes out right then traffic lights aren't going to work good luck luck to try making your way back home.
Starting point is 00:34:47 You know, if you're driving, you know, 10 miles to get back home from wherever you are, it's going to be rough. You're going to have to do some rural road mapping, right? And, you know, and if cell towers become overwhelmed, if they're still working, probably not, right? But even if they're still working, even for a short time, right? Then, you know, just like when 9-11 went down, when the cell towers, you know, in New York and some parts of the country, they just became so overwhelmed, they just basically stopped working.
Starting point is 00:35:21 You couldn't get through. Then I could see that situation occurring. So yeah, having an old-fashioned map in your car, you know, someplace where you can retrieve it so you can use it might not be a bad idea. You've got to start thinking that way now. Having some kind of a compass that you can use to figure out am i going west east you know whatever right um and and you can use it to read your maps and get yourself home um you know what's the plan folks all right so um that's what's going on in with russia that's what's going on in the middle east right um i'm just going to quickly just go over a couple stories here on the food production and, you know, what the flu, the effect that the
Starting point is 00:36:13 flu is having on production, right? And let's see, let's just get this one. Let's see. Let's just get this one. Let's see. This is from End Time Headlines, right? And it says, Bird flu outbreak raising concerns that dairy and beef demand may be impacted. A virus that has killed millions of birds is spreading among U.S. dairy cows, raising concerns that the outbreak may hurt demand for dairy and beef. While the U.S. Department of Agriculture had said that there is little safety risk,
Starting point is 00:36:48 the outbreak is unsettling the industry with cattle and milk prices taking a hit. There's concern some shoppers will balk at drinking milk or eating beef. Risks to consumer demand for dairy are prevalent in conversations, Stonex Group Inc. analyst Dave Kurosawski said in a note to clients, he added that while there are big risks on the table, the impact of the illness on buyer behavior is unclear. Bird flu has been confirmed in dairy cows across several states, with the USDA saying Monday it has been found in New Mexico and five additional herds in Texas. The virus has even infected a person in Texas, while the biggest egg producer
Starting point is 00:37:33 idled a plant after the virus was found in the facility. The infection of cows by the same virus strain that emerged in Europe in 2020 and has since caused an unprecedented number of deaths in wild birds and poultry globally is also raising concerns on the supply side. Infected Texas dairy cattle are experiencing decreased lactation and low appetite, with older cows more likely to be severely impacted. Some herds have reported pneumonia and clinical mastitis, an inflammatory disease. The Texas Animal Health Commission said by email, most animals seem to recover in as many as two weeks with supported care, albeit with reduced milk production levels. Some cows may never see their milk production recover to pre-infection levels, in which case they might be culled, according to a high-ground dairy report Monday. The longer-term impact on supply is not entirely clear
Starting point is 00:38:37 as farmers are trying to maintain herd inventories in a time of tight cattle supplies, it said. For an individual farmer who has already been struggling with low prices and low margins, even a small amount of lost production adds another challenge, according to Alan Bergia, Executive Vice President of Communications and Industrial Relations at the National Milk Producers Federation. But he added that the overall impact to the industry should be mild so you can expect a rise in milk beef chicken um and egg prices okay that's what that you know that's what's going to happen here and if we see a lot more
Starting point is 00:39:22 of these infections you know in the article it says one human being was infected what we've been kind of hoping hoping praying that it never that never occurs is we see that jump start jumping from human to human because then you have a real problem um so you know this is something that we are going to be watching really carefully um we've seen in other parts of the world where it's made a jump from the birds to human beings. Here it's made a jump from the birds to animals because it's been infecting other animals actually to cows, to a person. So the virus is learning and and that's bad news and hopefully hopefully they have some ways of fighting this thing okay um and dealing with it when when when you know when and if it does become completely think this is important just to add in, because I know that this is important to some of you, especially if you have your own herd. If you have your own herd, you know, if you have your own chickens, if you have your own animals, right,
Starting point is 00:40:48 you need to start looking at ways to make sure that they're protected. You know, you've got to start protecting your own animals. And this also gives them a green light, too, after, you know, the cycle you saw in Europe, right, to start monitoring and coming after, know homesteaders right you know they're already trying to target your garden uh you know i'm sure that they're going to use every little thing to target your own meat supply right um so it says here officials had been greatly puzzled by a mystery disease that has been making dairy cattle in texas kansas and new mexico very sluggish and has been causing them to produce much less milk.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So they decided to do some testing and we now have the results. It turns out that the mystery illness is actually the same strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI, that has been in the U.S. for two years. Okay. for two years. Okay. The experts did not think that bird flu would be a threat to dairy cattle. Unfortunately, the experts were wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Sciences were able to confirm the presence of the bird flu by testing samples of milk from sick cows. Okay. Wow. So the situation is becoming and we've watched this over the last five years, four or five years, really. Right. Where it's now really seriously seems like it might be becoming a problem. Okay. And we'll keep an eye on that. that so how does this impact us you know well higher prices right and of course we you know please if you've got your own herd you got your own birds then make sure that you protect them um try and keep them away from other wild birds if you can um you know um a lot of people are
Starting point is 00:42:39 raising their birds indoors now because of that right more people are going towards the indoor uh you know way of raising birds um because of this whole bird flu issue all right so we've covered a lot of ground here right um you know we're you know the the wars all over uh the world are getting more and more serious. There's no off switch, I do believe, as a result of these wars. or an attack on our infrastructure, whether it be nuclear or cyber or some terrorist attack on our infrastructure. I think that these are all on board this year. I do think that things are going to get worse as the election nears. So, of course, we're also dealing with the whole civil rights issue that's going to pop up here in this country as well. Sad, really, really sad what's going on in the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Right. But, you know, that's where we are. And, you know, if you're listening to this, it just means that, you know, where are you with your prepping at this point? Where are you with your prepping at this point where are you in your with your prepping plans right um you know dave jones always say establish your position and improve upon it right um so you know and i'm echoing that here right you know you should be improving upon what you already have and making sure that you have some kind of plan in place to deal with the emergency when it comes because i just think it's just a matter of time before something major goes
Starting point is 00:44:29 down okay um but we're gonna end as i said right you know i know that a lot of people out there are interested in in what's going on with the red heifers right and uh the cbs uh the cbs had a really good report on it and that i'm gonna play for you right now because it really does impact what's going to go on in the Middle East. And if we do hear or get noticed that they've actually sacrificed these cows, then that's going to be a trigger for the Middle East. Apart from this bombing that killed this Iranian official here and some other people, then this would be another major trigger. And I just think that people down there, their enemies all around Israel would be going crazy. And war would escalate.
Starting point is 00:45:25 And it could have some serious implications for us here as well. I could see a lot of terrorist attacks against religious targets here and across the globe. So it would trigger and escalate a lot of things. So let me just play this for you because I know that a lot of people are interested in the red heifers. Okay, so let me just queue it up and give it a whirl here. Let me just back this up as much as possible and make sure you guys can
Starting point is 00:45:53 hear it properly. And let's see. It's all the way up. Yep. And here we go. The conflict in Gaza now entering its sixth month. The Israeli operation to root out Hamas terrorists there has resulted in the deaths of 30... Here we go. 1,200 people and taking nearly 230 hostage, some still in captivity. Despite the deadly outcome across the region, one trigger for 30,000 Palestinians and 242 Israeli soldiers.
Starting point is 00:46:36 The war started after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, killing almost 1,200 people and taking nearly 230 hostage, some still in captivity. Despite the deadly outcome across the region, one trigger for the Hamas rampage has been widely overlooked. Chris Livesey has the story from Jerusalem. The infamous October 7 massacre that sparked a war, but when confounding, yet eye-opening motive has escaped the headlines. In a recent speech, a Hamas spokesman blamed the Jews for bringing red cows to the Holy Land. The cows he's talking about, at a secure, undisclosed location, are these. Red heifers, to be precise.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Some Jews and Christians believe they're the key to rebuilding the historic Jewish temple in Jerusalem and to beckoning the Messiah. To understand, you have to go back nearly 2,000 years when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in the city. To rebuild it, these believers point to the Bible's book of Numbers. It commands the Israelites to sacrifice a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke. Only then can the temple rise again. Caring for them on an Israeli settlement in the West Bank is Yitzhak Mamo. So we have here, after a long research, we find in Texas. In Texas?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah, yeah, Texas, United States of America. find in Texas. Texas? Yeah, yeah, Texas, United States of America. Texas read Angus, flying them 7,000 miles to Israel. This is not a publicity stunt. What do you mean? Meaning this is something you take very seriously. Harry Potter is a good story. The Bible is not story. The Bible is a way of God to lead us. A massive altar already awaits where the heifers are to be burned. According to some believers, the ceremony needs to be performed right here on the Mount of Olives, looking directly into where the temple once stood. But something else now stands in its place. The Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, among the holiest sites in Islam. Today, only Muslims are allowed inside, but that's not stopping Jewish activists outside.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Six days a week, Melissa Jane Kronfeld leads groups from around the world who defiantly pray as close as armed guards permit. It's not about the destruction of Islamic holy sites. It's about preserving this place and being guardians over the house of God for all people. So you're happy with it where it is? No, it's going to go 100 percent, but I believe it's going to go. It's 100 percent. Yeah, the whole thing is going to go. We have to build a temple. When you say that Dome of the Rock has to go, MJ, it's hard for me to imagine something more incendiary. Let me ask you something. The Middle East seems pretty destabilized right now, and the war, if I'm not mistaken, is already here. To be clear, hers is a dream not shared by the Israeli government
Starting point is 00:49:46 or by the vast majority of Israelis and Jews, but it's been enough to incite numerous Islamist groups. Hamas has dubbed its October 7 assault on Israel the Al-Aqsa wave and has the Dome of the Rock on its emblem. But this is sacred ground to billions of Muslims globally, not just Hamas terrorists, stresses Imam Mustafa Abu Suway of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to all Muslims. So you'll find reaction from Indonesia to Toronto to New York that's really given.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to all Muslims and Muslims today are 2 billion people. Simply by performing these acts, are these Jewish activists kicking a hornet's nest? They are. They are. A hornet's nest they're kicking all the way to Capitol Hill. So good to see you here in the nation's capital. Those sacred cows were showcased in Washington at a recent prayer gathering. Many evangelicals believe these red heifers will usher Christ's second coming.
Starting point is 00:50:52 We need the Messiah to come, right? So for me, the red heifer is red for the blood of Jesus Christ. Back in the West Bank, Mamo says the ceremony could take place any day. But can you understand why Hamas could be outraged by something like this? I cannot understand that even if they are right, why they have to slot and rape people to win their war. Terrorists have been attacking us before we ever dreamed of these cows, he reflects. they don't need them as an excuse to kill for cbs saturday morning chris livesay jerusalem all right i really thought that you would want to hear uh that report you want to you know my uh my recording devices have just been going crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But it was good to be able to fit that in. I think that it gives you an idea of how serious that situation is and why we believe that it could spark a massive, massive, you know, it could really escalate war down there in the Middle East. You know, if you think things are bad now, I think things are going to get exponentially worse. And of course, that really does affect us here in this country as well, right? Because of course, you know, the terrorist attacks are going to spread. All right. So this is where i'm gonna leave it okay um hopefully uh you got something from all of this um if you found us interesting then please pass us around let people know that we're
Starting point is 00:52:33 here um you know um if you're uh really uh you know if if you're really into it of course you you can also become a member as well okay so you all have a great great weekend there's lots to listen to on pbn so i'm hoping that you'll be able to um to enjoy uh the rest of your weekend um and enjoy the eclipse because that's happening this um this you know this coming this coming Monday. If you're in the path of totality or whatever, I'm sure that a lot of people are going to be seeing and watching the eclipse.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I have no plans to do so myself. No plans to do so myself No plans to do so myself You know, I should be at work So let's see That's all I have Until next time folks Take care and good night On the break of blackouts again, as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight, slivers of the Golden State plunged into darkness.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Scum says it expects to continue with Stage 6, running blackouts for the rest of the week. A scheduled outage on Thursday, but the one that happened Sunday, it wasn't scheduled, it was unexpected, and it lasted longer than a day. lasted longer than a day. Point Zero Energy has given me the American-tested, American-assembled, reliable solar backup that I've been looking for. Their Titan
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