The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Strange Truth: We are in a Collapse better get Ready (REPLAY)
Episode Date: March 22, 2024@PBNLinks's link in bio | Latest Products and socials | Linktree...
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Again, that's the Prepper's Medical Handbook by William W. Forkey. Thank you. Welcome to episode 31 of The Strange Truth.
I'm your host, Carl A.D. Brown.
I am the writer of the prepper Part 1 The Collapse and the Prepper Part 2 Kings and
it's all available over by so feel free to check him out.
Hopefully everyone's having a good day today. We have a lot to get into today, so just let's get with it, right?
Let's see.
Our topic today, though, is going to be, we're going to be talking about the collapse, right?
I mean, this is a topic that I wrote extensively on, and I'm sorry to say, I really think that we are living through, we're in the early stages right now of a collapse scenario.
So I'll get more into that.
This podcast, I'll try and keep it, you know um short and sweet right because i tend to ramble
and um so i just want to say uh welcome to the podcast um if you are new to the strange truth
um then uh you know um i want to say uh welcome if you're new to pbn i want to say welcome. If you're new to PBN, I want to say welcome. If you are a new prepper,
right, I would direct you, you know, after listening to this podcast, I would direct you
over to PBN. If you are listening to PBN right now, then I want to say welcome. We're just trying
to reach as many people as possible. Because, you know, I just got a feeling that
there's some serious stuff coming and it's all about saving lives and keeping people safe. So
if you're new to the preparedness lifestyle, I want to say welcome. If you are just a casual
listener, hopefully you'll find something that will interest you. once again, I would direct you, uh, over to, um, I would direct you over to Uh, they, they're just, um, um, just an amazing, um, amount of, of resources,
you know, articles, podcasts, um, videos, um, that you can, um, you know, you can watch or you can listen to or read on any preparedness topic.
So, you know, pay PBN a visit, you know, after listening to this and if you know someone who um uh is looking either to get into the preparedness
lifestyle you know um or if you know someone who is an old hand on it if you're an old hand at the
preparedness lifestyle i will still there's still there there's still something for that person
over at pbn so go check out the Pepper Broadcasting Network.
And one of the cool things about PBN is that we have all these really bright, brave people speaking out about a lot of the things they see happening in our society that a lot of people are afraid to discuss or talk about. And, you know, I just want to say, you know, if you want to
listen to some straight news, if you just want to, you know, get good solid information,
then go, you know, going over to You can listen to any of the podcasts.
And I'm sure you'll hear, you'll hear all the controversial topics being covered.
And, you know, we, while we don't try to tell you what to think, right, we give you the information
and let you decide how you're going to use that information.
So there's no censoring at PVN, you know, at
We have our fantastic hosts, right?
There is the Bufords, right?
Ryan and Colin Buford on Tuesdays.
We also have the Patriot Power Hour on Tuesdays, right?
Future Dan and Ben Cochran.
One of the best websites to go for your news that's unfiltered is
And I'll say that again,
Go check out, you know, all the news that everyone is afraid to print, right?
You know, so check out
And on Wednesdays, we have the Intrepid Commander, James Walton.
And James will discuss either something that's really important important in uh you know your prepping journey or he'll discuss you know like a really hot topic something you
know that's going on in the news um we have our own resident gunsmith right with Dane D on Thursday
so anything um you know with dealing with firearms that kind of thing Dane's the guy on Thursdays. We have Dave Jones, who does our daily audio
caches, as well as he has his own show on Fridays. And you know, sometimes there's a double bar
Friday, you know, it'd be me and me and Dave on and, you know we call, you know, Dave is the NBC guy,
nuclear, biological, and chemical.
What I would say close to 40 years, right, or more,
of experience, expertise in that area.
And, you know, if you want to find out and learn about that,
you know, how to survive and how to get through, you know, a nuclear,
a biological, chemical attack, then Dave's the guy to listen to.
On Saturdays, we have Aiden Tate, our newest host, and Aiden will deal with either a proper
topic or something that's going on in the news.
Aiden is not afraid to let his opinions be heard,
and he'll get you all fired up there on a Saturday.
And, you know, we begin the week with reliance, right,
with Stephen Menking, a good sermon.
So if you're a Christian, if you're a conservative,
you're somebody who likes to connect with God, then Stephen's the guy.
On Sundays, you can tune in and listen to Stephen talk about something related to spiritual matters and the well-being of all our souls.
So we have a full lineup over at PBN. My show, The Strange Truth,
is on on Fridays, right? So you can tune in and you can listen to this show over at PBN as well.
And as I said, it's all about giving you the straight news, the straight information and let you decide how you're going to, you know, use it.
All right.
So I'm just going to get right into it.
You know, I do believe that we are at the beginning of a collapsed society.
You know, it's tipping over.
You know,ica is a
very resilient resilient country right we have lots of laws and and we have some fantastic um
you know uh citizens who work really hard and try to do the right things but um you know uh there is
there is just so much uh stuff going on in the news.
There's a lot of people who are not necessarily putting the country's and the citizens' well-being front and foremost.
They're pushing political agendas.
And I think that we're really close to some really bad times.
So let's get right into it, right? Oh, before I start, I just want to say, you know, go on over to, right? That's G-R-E-E-N-I-V-A-T-I-V-E, right? And the latest in power and water filtration tech, right?
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If you use the code, right, ST20, you can get a discount off.
Or if you want to support any of the other hosts on PBN, you can, you know, it's basically just their initials of their show and 20, right?
So if there's a show that you particularly like on PBN, feel free to put their initials of the show in and 20 at the end.
So for the strange shooter, it will be ST20, right?
And get your 20% off.
Okay, so this topic, right, of, you know, are we on the cusp of an economic, you know,
a social collapse here, it really came about because I really listened to Dave Jones over the last couple of days.
And it really got me thinking.
And one of the things you realize after listening to Dave and all the hosts of PBN is that these guys really have the pulse of what's going on in the world.
And, you know, when you hear Dave is saying, you know,
well, the collapse is here, that got my attention big time.
You know, that got my attention.
So I decided to just kind of take a closer look here for a few minutes.
We'll start with a few topics and with a few articles.
We'll start with a few articles, and then we'll have our general discussion on the topic,
and then we'll wrap the show up.
And this is, the show is going to, you know, I want to cover,
are we living through an STHF situation right now?
Are we in it?
Okay, are we in it?
And if we are, then what should we be doing about it, right? So I want to cover those two
segments, right, in this show. So let's get started. All right, I'll start with the articles,
right, because I'm just trying to keep everything quickly moving along here,
because I'm just trying to keep everything quickly moving along here, right?
And the first one I'll read is from the New York Post, right?
And this one was published August 25th, 2020.
Okay, August 25th, 2020.
And the title of the article is GOP Lawmakers Rip Nancy Pelosi for Enemies of the State Dis.
And this was published August 25th, 2020.
And it was written by Mark Moore.
And I'll read the article.
It says Republican Reps Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise on Tuesday ripped into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for calling President Trump and GOP lawmakers enemies of the state over claims they're trying to interfere with the election by hindering Americans' ability to vote by mail this November.
And that was one of the first times we saw that term, right?
First times we saw that term, right?
Scalise, the minority whip in the House, said Pelosi's use of hypercharged language is dangerous.
That's the hypercharged language that led to that crazy gunman coming out and trying to kill every Republican on the ball field.
Why don't we talk about issues? They don't want to talk about issues, he said.
We don't want to talk about, issues he said, we don't want that chaos.
They want that chaos because it's what their party is all about right now.
And is the man a prophet?
You know, I'll read that last section, what he said.
This is from Steve Scalise, right?
He says, we don't want that chaos.
They want that chaos because that's what their party is all about right now.
And this was August of last year before the election.
Fast forward now to let's see when this article was published.
Fast forward one day ago.
And that was around July 27, July 28.
And Fox ran a story says New York Times reporter suggests declaring Trump supporters enemies of the state to combat national security threats.
Katie Benner's comments sparked backlash on social media.
And this was written by Joseph A. Wolfshon.
And this is from
And it says here, New York Times reporter Katie Benner suggested on Tuesday that in
order to tackle America's current national security dilemma, Trump supporters should
be considered enemies of the state.
Now, it used to be that national security dilemmas used to really involve not American citizens per se, right?
But it used to involve, you know, terroristic threats, right?
You know, people trying to infiltrate and cause harm to the American citizens, right?
infiltrate and cause harm to the American citizens, right?
You know, or foreign enemies, you know, trying to attack us, which they are doing.
China and Russia are hacking into our critical infrastructure systems every day, right?
The more damaging hacks you hear about in the news, but I'm sure that, you know,
they're, you know, those are the true enemies of the state, right? Or enemies who are in, you know, who want to see America's, you know, influence on the world stage wane so that they can, uh, push their own, um, world dominant, uh, dominant domination,
um, you know, um, agendas, right? So those are the true enemies of the state, but what the
Democrats have so deftly done here is through their, uh, through the, uh, the media and all the great optics they get by blowing up the issues that are important to them, they have crafted this whole story, this whole agenda now.
And what they have managed to do
is through their allies in the deep state,
in the government, right, who, you know, all through the last
through their tenure in the White House, right,
they were at work undermining the president at that time, right?
And now they can now, and since all the decks are pretty much cleared, right,
they can fire everybody that, you know, don't agree with their policies, right?
And you remember how hard they fought
when the previous administration wanted to fire anybody that did not align with their policies,
right? They cried, Russia, Russia, Russia, right? And now you have, you know, you have,
you know, the new administration pretty much getting rid of anyone that don't, you know, you have, you know, the new administration pretty much getting rid of anyone that don't,
you know, fall in line with their policies. And, you know, it's just the way how things are done
now, right? You know, there is no pushback from the media. There is no, you know, there's no
outcry, right? It's just, okay, you know, we'll just get rid of the guys that the last administration put in.
We'll put in our guys, right?
And the media is like, yeah, that's the way, you know, it's supposed to work.
Unless it's our political opponents, you know.
But for us, that's the way it always worked.
And everything is good.
There's nothing to see here.
Right? But for us, that's the way it always worked, and everything is good. There's nothing to see here. So it's interesting to me that all this is going on.
But the rhetoric started last August, and probably even before that.
That's as far as my research.
I was able to go in my research, finding a couple of those articles.
My research, I was able to go in my research finding a couple of those articles.
The one that really stood out is when Nancy Pelosi suggested that supporters of the last administration should be pretty much classified as enemy of the state. And now we have this New York Times reporter saying the same thing.
And after the Capitol riots, right, you know, then we had this, we had the intelligence agencies basically saying, well, you know, it's people like those who are the enemies of the state.
So we need to start surveilling all these people. Once you get to the stage where your political opponents can surveil you, right?
They can read all your text messages and they can pretty much blacklist you and make you a social pariah and even throw you in prison.
And throw you in prison for long periods of time,
then we're not truly living in a democracy anymore.
And that's one of the things that I kind of want to drive home here, is that if this is allowed to become the norm, then we're in big trouble.
And I think that we are already there, actually.
When you have the White House asking to get into people's emails, that's a problem.
That's a problem, right?
You know, when they're saying, well, you know, if you don't believe what we believe,
then what we're going to do is we're going to classify you as some kind of political enemy.
Then you're talking real third world, right? You're talking real banana republic, you know, government, right?
Politics at play here.
And that's what is troubling me.
That's what's troubling a lot of people.
You know, this opinion that I am expressing right now
would not be allowed on Twitter.
It would not be allowed anywhere else
because they would say, well, this is all misinformation, right? Meanwhile, the true purveyors of misinformation, right? The people who
I, at this point, I think that they're working for our adversaries. They're working for the Chinese,
they're working for the Russians, they're working for all our adversaries, right?
or or adversaries right um those entities those media entities right uh you know uh they they're all filled with these political activists right that call themselves reporters every single
reporter on cnn is a political activist every single um reporter on nprPR is a political activist.
Every single reporter on the New York Times, and we could just go on, is a political activist.
They're democratic political activists.
They're progressive.
Some of them socialist Marxist political activists.
and they're using their very powerful platforms to pretty much just destroy their political opposition.
And in so doing, they're bringing in pretty much this Marxist,
the shades now of Marxism, of communism are beginning to become more and more real in our country.
So are we in a collapse?
Let's look at a few things, right?
Because I'm going to go back to those articles here in a minute.
Well, we have economic weakness right now because of the pandemic, right?
Lots of people aren't working.
The government handouts, especially the second stimulus, hasn't helped things.
When people can get paid more being at home versus going out of work, right?
Then, you know, then you're kind of setting up the system to fail, right?
We need that economic engine going, and that hasn't been allowed to happen.
Then you have also the unraveling, right, of our society in terms of all the social infighting that's going on,
you know, all these groups versus groups, right?
Whether you be conservative or progressive, right?
You know, conservatives and progressives live in two different universes
at this point, right?
And there doesn't seem to be any real middle ground
between the two tribes at this point, right?
You know, and then you have the subgroups, right?
You know, the groups are, you know, racial, right, which is a really bad thing.
Horrible, horrible, horrible, right?
You know, all the racism that's, you know, that's just being thrown around, right?
like it's just being thrown around, right?
And the people on the Democratic side of the spectrum,
they don't realize just how much harm they have done to race relations over the last three to four years.
They actually believe that they are the social justice warriors
and they have done a lot of harm to racial relations in America.
You see, I can say this because, number one, I'm a black man, and number two, I'm married
to, my wife is white, and I have brown kids.
So the racial thing, I keep a close eye on that because it really
affects my family and and all this stuff just makes me real nervous and you know trying to
fight racism with more racism it doesn't work trying to pit one group of people against another
just doesn't work it doesn't work and all they've done is just made things way worse.
But they cannot hear it over their own self-importance.
They just cannot see what they're doing.
And it's really tearing the country apart so we have one economic problems
right now right we have two the the the unraveling of of our social fabric right three right
restriction of personal freedoms and rights right so uh right now we have the progressives in the ascendancy. Right. And they have really taken they've really taken a hard line kind of socialist Marxist approach. And along with that hard line is to completely eliminate your political opponents. Right. Which is what they're doing. So if you say something that goes contrary to their belief structure,
then you are deplatformed, you're banned,
and your life is pretty much ruined because of it.
So the restriction of our freedoms, you know, that's a big thing.
And watch what happens to those people who got arrested because of that riot, guys.
I want you to watch and see what happens with those people, because if they're treated fairly.
Right. OK.
Right. OK, but if they're given really long prison terms and everything else and all that, you know, and if and if they're locked up in prison for, you know, a year on from now, then, yeah, they're political prisoners. Isn't it amazing? In the US, right, we have political prisoners and they will never
admit it. They'll say, well, these guys went and stormed the Capitol and did this and that.
Meanwhile, we had all these other incidences all around the country where people were storming
federal buildings and looting and doing all kinds of damage, right? And did any of those people see six months in prison?
Were any of them locked up for any long periods of time?
You know, if you're going to call one thing a crime, then you got to call everything,
you know, the other things crimes too.
Because that's what fairness is.
Fairness isn't just finding fault with your political opponent's issues, right?
You have to call it all if you're going to be fair.
And that's what's missing here.
And that's the disconnect with the progressives, with the left.
Now, number four on my list, are we seeing shortages? Yes, we are, right? We're seeing
shortages in food. We're seeing shortages in basic supplies. We're seeing shortages in, you know,
appliances, you know, all across the spectrum, right? And there is no real relief coming anytime soon.
When you look at Venezuela, when you look at South Africa, right,
all of these issues were at play before they finally collapsed, right?
There was economic issues, right?
There was the unraveling, you know, of the social fabric. There was the restrictioning of the social fabric
There was the restriction of personal freedoms
In some of these cases, people were killed outright
Or disappeared because of their political beliefs
And that goes for any tyrannical government. Once the
Marxists, once the socialists, once the
take power, they eliminate
the opposition. The thing with
socialism and Marxism is that most people don't realize just how dangerous
it is until it's way too late.
By the time people really understand just how dangerous a problem it is, right, then a lot of that time, it's too
They're just too firmly in place.
And that's what the socialists and the Marxists, right, you know, you call them, you know,
Mark Levin would call them neo-Marxism, right, neo-American Marxism, right, which is what
most of the Democrats,
a lot of Democrats are doing right now.
They will use any dirty trick
because they really believe
that the ends justify the means.
So if they have to lie,
then they lie.
It's like, you know,
all these reports now
of Democratic,
Democrats running,
especially in some rural areas, right?
And they'll run like Republicans.
And then once they get voted in,
then of course they've pretty much deceived,
you know, the population
that they're supposed to represent.
And then they bring in, you know,
they bring in all the stuff that they pretty much want to see done.
So if you're living in a rural area and you're voting conservatively,
and you vote for a man or a woman, right,
believing that they're Republican, right,
and then you realize that, oh, my goodness,
I should have done my research a little bit better into this person
because they're pretty much part of the Democratic Party, right?
So that's one thing you need to be looking out for.
Please make sure that you vet your political candidates really uh uh you know um stringently because you need to know where their
politics you know you know where are they on the on the fence are they're conservative
republican are they independent if they're independent you you gotta dig deeper okay
gotta dig deeper so um so yes so one, there's economic weakness. Number two, the social unraveling group versus group, race versus race here. Right. And number three, restriction of personal freedom rights. Right. So, you know, anyone that's calling them a socialist or Marxist, right, this is right up their alley, because they divide and conquer, right, they
camouflage themselves, because the ends for these people justify the means, okay, there are shortages
right now, right, and number five, the last thing is the media is really now just an arm of the state, right? You know, the dominant or I would say the dominant political party.
But in this case, you know, and usually in banana republics, that's the case, right?
Or in socialist run countries, right?
The media is just an arm of the state.
Here in the U.S., we're seeing that the media is pretty much just the mouthpiece for either
the intelligence community or for the Democratic Party.
It's amazing how upset they get with just one, you know, pretty much just the minority news outlets, right?
And you're talking Fox News, right?
They're in the minority, right?
You know, Fox News or any of the conservative media, right?
Or any of the conservative media, right?
When they, you know, and they get all bent out of shape because this one television station, right? You know, channel, right?
Is just pushing something that's different from their own viewpoint, right?
When they have ABC, right?
They have ABC, they have NBC, they've got CNN.
They've got all the alphabet television stations, pretty much.
And they have the public broadcasting stations as well, right?
So they've got the majority and they just still can't tolerate this one, pretty much one voice of dissent, right?
And they just still can't tolerate this one, pretty much one voice of dissent, right?
You know, you go over to Twitter now.
Twitter is pretty much just kind of like, there are no real conservatives on Twitter anymore. It's pretty much, it's all, these people are all just hearing what they want to hear there.
It's interesting.
If you haven't been on Twitter, go over
to Twitter and just look around.
It's pretty much a progressive
website at this point.
It's a progressive service. Facebook
is a progressive service
at this point. The only
opinion you will hear is the
one is theirs.
You will not hear any
dissenting opinions.
Isn't that amazing when when when when you go into what's supposed to be uh you know um uh uh uh uh uh safe space
for shared ideas right is it's how they tell the twitter right you know you go in and you know
regardless of your opinion you'll be able to express it in a safe space right but then when shared ideas, right, is how they tell the Twitter, right? You know, you go in and, you know, regardless
of your opinion, you'll be able to express it in a safe space, right? But then when you realize that
all you're reading is all these people, they all agree with each other and they're all, they're all
progressives and then they're just fooling themselves. And I think one day they're going to
wake up and realize that, you know what, they've been played, right? They've been played, right? And at that point, it'll be too late.
So these five things, economic weakness, social unraveling,
restriction of personal freedoms and rights,
shortages, and the media being the arm of the state
or of one political party are all at play.
And, you know, I think a lot of conservatives, right, that spidey
sense is just tingling. And for a lot of people, they know that something isn't quite right,
and they just can't put their finger on it. And the truth of the matter is, folks, is that I do believe that we're in an SHTF situation right now.
We're in that situation.
And, you know, what are you, you know, how you have to be strategically aware of that.
And you have to make sure that you strategize and you plan how to deal with it and how to survive it.
Because things are just going to get worse.
There's going to be, you know, they're going to take away more and more of your freedoms, right?
They're already calling, if you're a conservative or a Christian,
they're already calling you an enemy of the state, right?
You know, imagine if conservatives did that to them.
That's how far.
And if you're progressive and you're listening to this, if you manage to get through last through the last 30 odd minutes of this presentation and not switched off this podcast, you know, I want to say, well, congratulations to you.
Because usually, you know, people just like their own echo chambers. Right.
Because usually, you know, people just like their own echo chambers, right?
But understand that they're going to come for you as well because it's this huge monster that feeds upon itself.
You are not safe.
Start talking to your conservative brothers out there reach across the aisle and start finding common ground folks before it before it gets even uglier right so what do you do if you're listening to
this podcast okay you know so uh you know carl is saying that we're now in and we're living through a really slow moving SHTF situation, a collapse.
Right. We're in the beginning stages of it.
What do you do?
Well, the first thing is you got to prepare.
Make sure this is the time because we still have time, folks.
Start getting your food supplies together.
Start making sure that you know how to get clean, potable water and water for your needs and for your family.
Start making those connections in your community of people who are like-minded like you.
Start figuring out how to grow your own food
You know
Start making your plans
Make sure
That you have some
Thing that you can use
You know, to barter
Because if we collapse economically, right,
then the money won't be worth the paper it's printed on.
So you might want to start looking at your assets, right,
and the best way to protect those assets.
make sure that you're insured as best as you can, right?
You know, that your house is insured,
that your property is insured, right?
Because a massive loss in a collapsed environment
could just be devastating for your family,
especially if there's no recourse.
Make sure that you have the proper licenses, right?
That, hey, you know, if you need to go hunt, you can, right?
If you need to, you know, keep certain animals, right, and you need licenses, get them now.
If certain permits are required, get them now, right?
You still have some time to prepare, okay?
But all the indications are that we're in an SHTF situation
and it's only going to get worse.
I think that a lot of people were really hoping that things would start to get better
and we're not really seeing that.
We're just seeing the situation get worse.
So make your preps now.
Make sure that you're right with God as well, right?
Make sure that you and your family
Make sure that you're right with Jesus
Because I think that in dark times
You're going to need your spiritual strengths
Will help carry you through.
When you can pray, when you can read your Bible, when you can join people in fellowship,
when you can go to people for help who are like-minded like yourself,
it could be a game changer.
So make sure that your spiritual needs are taken care of, right?
And prepare.
Because right now we're in the slow rolling SHTF collapse scenario.
And it's going to get worse.
All right.
So we've looked at all the indicators, right?
And, you know, as I said, right, those two articles, right,
you know, them calling conservatives enemies of the state,
expect that to get a lot worse because that's the playbook.
Understand the playbook.
Double down, never let up, right? It's from that's the playbook. Understand the playbook. Double down,
never let up, right? It's from Alinsky's playbook, right? That's what they're using, right?
And they're doubling down, right? They're not giving their opposition any moment now to reconstitute itself, to restructure, to rebuild, right? right you know if you have your opponent you know
according to linsky if your opponent is on ropes right then you just got to take him out and that's
what they're doing right now they're taking out the opposition all right so And so if you are a Christian, if you are a conservative, understand that's how half of the country, they see you as an enemy.
They see you as an enemy of the state.
They are well entrenched in places of power to push this very serious, dangerous ideology, and they're going to be pushing it.
They're going to lump everything that's bad, they're going to lump their enemies into it,
right? So anything that can be perceived as negative, they're going to tie conservatives to it.
to it.
They've been doing it now for the last four years.
So I believe that most of you probably listening to this podcast, you're pretty much wise to it at this point.
And if you're just waking up and smelling the coffee, so to speak, oh, by the way, go
to the best disaster
you know it's the best coffee around right and if you're a conservative that should be that as you
go through your life doing your job go you know um taking care of your family right you should be
you know you should be having it should all be done with a cup of disaster coffee to go to and some of the proceeds goes to uh a really good sourceaster Coffee. So go to and some of the proceeds goes to a really good source.
You know, they go to,
some of the proceeds go to really help people in need.
And as I said, you know, conservatives and Christians,
we have to start looking out for each other now.
We have to start supporting our own businesses, our own media, right?
We have to start supporting all the people who are trying to get our voices heard
and trying to protect our right to exist as well.
So, let's see. So I think that we've covered all the points, right? When you hear
this, right, I'm going to be on vacation with my family, right? We did the Renaissance Fair
last weekend. And I'm going to talk a lot more about that experience. I'll talk a lot more about we're going down to the Jersey Shore
in a few days.
We got to get all that in while the kids
are out of school.
We're going to be going down and
we're going to be having some fun.
I can't wait to see the
just enjoying
themselves on the beach and, you know, all the different rides and all that.
So it's going to be fun just kind of hanging out with the family.
And please, don't let all this news get you down to the point where, you know, your days are just gloomy and you're just, you know, completely
overwhelmed, right? And you're depressed. Go out, make memories with your family. It's important to
make those memories with your family because in the end, a lot of times, you know, that's all
that matters. That's all that's going to be left, right? Make good memories. You know, make sure that you spend time, you know, with
your loved ones, because it's important, right? It's really important, okay? So, this is where
I'm going to leave it for today. I hope that you got something out of this. Please pass these
podcasts around, right? You know, if you are of the conservative bent, if you're Christian, if you're a fellow, you know, prepper, you know, you're in the preparedness lifestyle, then please pass the, you know, spread the word, right? Spread the word that, you know, there are people out there that are trying to not only keep you informed,
but, you know, especially with PBN, you have such a vast resource of just knowledge, right?
How to do certain things, how to get yourself ready. You know,
this topic that we covered tonight, you know, about, yeah, you know, in my opinion, yes,
we're in the beginnings of a slow collapse, right? We're in, we're living through an SHTF
situation right now. And, and it's not the not the pandemic we're we're in an actual slow
collapse of our society right and um and you know if if you are if you've come to that conclusion
yourself then going to pbn and and using the resources there to get yourself ready and to keep yourself and your family safe is just invaluable.
So please push us out there.
I can't say that enough.
Pass this podcast around.
Go over to PBN.
Listen to the different hosts.
Hear something that you know other people can use.
Email it.
Text it.
Just get us out there because we have some really tough times coming.
And we just got to try and help as many people as we possibly can.
So I hope that you all enjoy your day and your weekend, right?
What wonderful shows, right, that were on PBN this week, right? You know, the shows have just been just, you know, dynamic, right?
And wonderful over there at PBN, right?
over there at PVN, right?
And I just want to say,
go out,
make good memories with your family.
Prepare, please.
Please prepare.
And pray.
Good night. Thank you. សូវាប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់បានប់� Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network, where we promote self-reliance and independence.
Tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at