The Prepper Broadcasting Network - The Ultimate Gift for the Times

Episode Date: December 18, 2023

Just sayin!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Live at 8 p.m. Chat with you a little bit before jumping into a replay episode. You know, our stuff is so freaking awesome that, I don't know. It deserves more than one play a lot of, especially the Prepper's Live interviews. I don't know who we're going to run yet. I haven't even thought about it. I haven't checked it. But I think, look, I bought it for my son who didn't really wear it she threatened to wear it it fits perfect on me and you know today I just said well we're almost uh five days out so
Starting point is 00:00:59 might as well get silly it took me about 20 no I'd say it took me about eight hours to write 800 words today. It was it was one of those kind of days working. I've got a great hog breakdown video for the members. You guys are gonna love it. I guess I should do the wrap up. know what I'll do the rep well I don't know hmm that should be a separate podcast I'm not gonna crunch it all in I'm still gonna do the breakdown the physical video breakdown of the hog is going to the members but I am gonna talk at length probably tomorrow about what to do with a half hog I'm'm kind of, look, I'm a little bit impressed because I got home at like, I want to say it was about, I don't know, it was probably about three, three 30, something like that. I think it was about three, three 30 when I got home.
Starting point is 00:02:09 30 when I got home. And before the sun went down, with with time to spare, I had manhandled the 200 pound pig and broke it down completely. And only for some like tail end of the spine, did I wind up throwing it away. And the only reason I threw that away is because I wanted to stew some bits of meat that I cut off and make some fresh dog food with it. And we were running out of time and temperature. But, you know, it was less than two hours. Less than two hours that thing was broken down. Today, well, we'll talk about it it later i want you to know how to do this stuff you know what i mean i want you don't think there's a level of satisfaction there's a level of i don't know it's just you know these skills man these are not you know they're not
Starting point is 00:02:58 forgotten skills well they are forgotten skills but they shouldn't be forgotten skills. Well, they are forgotten skills, but they shouldn't be forgotten skills. You know, like how to break an animal down into usable parts is just what we did for so long. It's how we got here, you know, and now we're like, buy styrofoam container with pieces of meat in it. And listen, here's the other thing. You're getting robbed. That's the other thing. The other thing is you're getting robbed. I seen that. I watched the robbery happen because I saw the difference. Now, I'm not saying that the buy the pound price wasn't right because I don't know what the buy the pound price was. But I saw the difference between what the guys who wanted to butcher to break it down for them got compared to what I got. Okay. In other words, there are all these things that you don't get when you just get easy to cook, sliced up food meats from the butcher, right? Like there's
Starting point is 00:03:59 all sorts of things, obviously fat, obviously bones, but, but outside of that, there's all kinds of bits of meat that nobody got. I mean, unless he trimmed it all off and ground it, maybe he did. I don't know. Um, I did see a lot of ground in there, but I'm telling you, man, you know, just, just the fat and the pork stock alone is worth it. You know, the, the pork stock, if you don't like pork stock, can I tell you something, you know how, like, people are losing their minds over dog food, I gotta buy the fresh, freeze-dried meat, best $70 for six ounces, you break down a whole pig, man, you're gonna have plenty of meat i cook the meat up in the i could slow cook the meat in water with a bone with meat scraps then i break all the meat off
Starting point is 00:04:54 the bones then i fill the thing up with some rice cook the rice now i got rice, broth, meat mixture, and I just supplement it on top of my dog's regular food. Give him a little less food, give him more of that. I mean, are you telling me that the dog food plus the rice plus the broth plus the meat is somehow not as good as a freeze-dried meat food or whatever it is. I don't buy it. Anyhow, I want you guys to learn this stuff, man. You know, I want you to be human again. That's all.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I want everybody out there listening to be human again. You know that word normie? Like there's that normie word? Like the normies out there. I don't really know what that means. But I do know what it means to be human. And what it means to be human is not, well, really, what it means to be human is to be tethered to the skills that have built humanity. To be tethered to those skills to understand those skills into practice. And cooking and the breaking down of the understanding of ingredients, the breaking down of animals, the killing of animals. I mean, you might not like the sound of it.
Starting point is 00:06:15 You might not like it. I don't particularly like killing animals either. I was elated that I didn't have to shoot this pig in the head. But whatever. You know what I mean? It is what it is part of the process these are the things that have given given way to well these are the things that have allowed a vegan community to even exist you know what i mean hate all of it that you will
Starting point is 00:06:38 like this is what it has taken for us to get to the point where we can find people who are like, no, we don't want to eat meat. We'd rather eat soy, ground up soy, fermented, twisted, extruded, flipped and flopped into the shape of something we don't want to eat but pretend like we do want to eat or pretend like we don't want to eat, yada, yada, yada. Do you want to give... Look, we're going to do a stop set here so I can get to the point of the podcast a little. Well, there are several points, but... Do you want to give somebody an unexpected and incredible gift? I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We're down to the wire now. Nothing can be delivered. Almost nothing is going to make it of substance, right? I was thinking of getting my wife something special. It's going to have to wait. Because of that. Because it's too late. You're down to the wire, right?
Starting point is 00:07:38 You can get anybody at any time. On Christmas Day even. Before the in-laws even arrive, you can buy them both a PBN membership for a full year. And trust me, man, this year is not even here yet. 2024 is not even here yet and people are already worried. And they should be. I mean, rightly so. If you're unprepared, I mean, I can't even imagine. Now, this is what I want you to think about. I want you to think about a nice card with a note in it. We love you. We want you to be prepared for what's coming or what's to come
Starting point is 00:08:21 or what has come or however you want to look at it. You know what I mean? That's what we want. And you can do that. And you can give them access to everything on the Prepper Broadcasting Network membership website,, for a full year for $50. Now, I did this discount initially for... Oh, and to get that discount, you use the promo code SANTA. Okay, just go check out promo code Santa. I chose this discount for those of you out there listening who are thinking, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:52 This is the end of the year is almost here. Or maybe I'm going to get some money on a gift card or, you know, I got extra whatever. I want to get this membership and I want to hit 24 running. And then it occurred to me today. I was like, you know what? People don't know what they don't know. I mean, that's legit, especially around preparedness. So then I started thinking, what about the PBN membership as a gift?
Starting point is 00:09:21 You know, maybe you have a kid who's getting of age. You show them the preparedness master schedule, right? Gift. You know, maybe you have a kid who's getting of age. You show them the Preparedness Master schedule, right? Tell them to watch the podcast videos on bushcrafting. Tell them to watch the videos on what's going on around the world. Listen to the podcasts. Learn the skills, right? I mean, we got a lot in those archives, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Maybe you got a buddy who's hell-bent on bugging out to the woods. You can say, look, on top of all the cool stuff you get with this membership, the forging courses, this home security course, all that kind of stuff, you can also watch this six-part series on the bug out because I think you're going to kill your whole family if you go out to the national forest in a disaster. Times have changed, man. You know? And this is an easy deliverable.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Like I said, little Christmas card, little note, and some instructions. All you need is their email address, And I can set their membership up. That's all. They can go back in and log in and do what they want with their account. Or they can reach out to me. And I'll change the name, whatever they want it to be. You know what I mean? But sign up is easy.
Starting point is 00:10:37 All it really takes is an email address. And then they have access. You know, then they have access. I don't know. I've been thinking myself. I've been thinking myself. You know, I've got family members who get it but almost don't get it and I might have to send them that way as well. I think that's about it, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I think that's about it, PBM family. I think that's about it. I'd love to give you a tip on the way out. Well, you know, tis the season for all kinds of madness. So we got to be careful what's going on around the home and all those kinds of things. We recently installed a ring camera. My wife got some ring cameras. They're pretty cool. I mean, I could see the kinds of things. We recently installed a ring camera. My wife got some ring cameras. They're pretty cool. I mean, I could see the utility of them. What they really, what the ring camera has done to me has tightened up a little bit of a gap between someone bad's at the
Starting point is 00:11:40 door and then someone bad's trying to get in the door you understand so in other words like life is happening at its regular pace then the ring buzzer goes off and then my crazy mind starts going off hmm who's who's out there what are they doing out there you know and even someone as prepared as me you get lulled into a sense of security when, you know, days and days go by and things are fine. Nobody's breaking into the house. With the ring camera, I tend to think a little bit more about this situation. I tend to think a little bit more about like, OK, boot makes connection with door. Door busts open. Well, my door wouldn't bust open, but door, you know, rattles and and, you know, it's on like what's next? What's step one?
Starting point is 00:12:37 You ever think about that? What's step one? Someone is breaking into the home. They're coming through the door or maybe they've decided the door won't open. We're coming through the window, right? What's the first step? What are you going to do? I mean, literally, what are you going? What are you going? Are you going for the do you have the holster on your belt?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Are you going for the bag, the handbag with the gun in it? Are you got do you have a kitchen knife in your hand? And are you going to go do something with that? What's going to happen? If someone is stepping through the window of the front of your home, the last thing you want to do is hop on a phone. You know what I mean? And call somebody. It's time to act. But you might also be thinking into that safe room that locks from the inside, right? That might be the move. I don't know what your move is. But what I know is when it happens, you're not going to have time to sit down and write out step one, step two, step three.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Okay? My recommendation, neutralize threat, whatever that looks like. You know, if you're going to get into that mind frame, you also better get into the legalese of that. Very weird, very weird laws here in Virginia. If someone is breaking into your home, you can kill them. If someone is in your home, you can't kill them. So, figure that out. That's how weird laws can be.
Starting point is 00:14:05 So look into it. Make sure you know what's the deal where you live. Okay? I'll talk to you soon, you wonderful PBN family out there. I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season. We sure are. We sure are. You know that?
Starting point is 00:14:21 And if you think it's because we're out here spending all kinds of money, it's hardly the fact. You know that? And if you think it's because we're out here spending all kinds of money, it's hardly the fact. You know? We're at home. We're not traveling anywhere. We're not doing hardly anything crazy. We did go snow tubing yesterday, but that was insanely cheap. It probably cost more in gas to get there, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:14:44 But yeah, man. It's a time to time to to cuddle up stay close move in close to family move in close to god and remember what it means to be human pbn family all right i'll talk to you soon

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