The Prepper Broadcasting Network - This is YOUR Path
Episode Date: October 10, 2024Projector
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You're listening to PBN.
You're paying back the stability. Good day, PBN family.
Oh, man.
It's weird.
It's a weird life, I'll tell you that much.
It's weird. It's a weird life, I'll tell you that much.
I'm sorry for all the weird in terms of like podcasting on the go and not being live and all that kind of stuff.
Suffice it to say it's fall break for my son.
So fall break for my youngest. He's enjoying everything about it.
And, you know, he's waking up early. I mean, typically i mean typically on these breaks you know the kids they don't wake up so yesterday i did my live show with him behind
me on the couch snoring but most days this week uh since he's been on break he's been up seven
eight o'clock staying up so you know hey it is what it is
i don't think i'm ruining anyone's life by not being live right it's just part of the deal
uh thoughts and prayers of course and whatever else uh you can do for the citizenry up and down
the east coast fundamentally there's a lot of you out there listening. You know.
It's clear to me that.
We all need to.
Do our part.
In this world.
Government aside.
Who cares.
You know.
You get to the point where it's like.
Who cares.
It's not about what they're not doing.
It's about what we have to do.
You know.
And there are things that we have to do.
You just have to look at it as sort of like duty and honor you know
these old adages are coming back in a very big way this old sort of mentality of living
now it doesn't even have to be men woman man or woman driven you know it's just
a duty honor zeal these things are would have driven
our species forever folks and you know we are existing in a world where people are trying to
sell us other things you know they're trying to sell us these other strange ideas that don't work
they just don't work you know acceptance and tolerance are great. They're great, but they can't exist without
duty and honor and courage, right? I think that's, those are the important things. There's a
hierarchy of, what is it? There's a hierarchy of principles fundamentally.
Strength, you know?
Duty, honor, courage.
These things...
I don't know.
It just seems to me that...
In all honesty, it seems to me that we're moving back that way. It really does.
Despite what happens next month, you know, despite what happens next month, there is
a movement in this nation that is gaining ground. Nobody's looking at North Carolina
right now and going, you know, the federal government is doing one hell of a good job.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, there's a little game going on out there.
There's a little game going on out there where, well, I'm not too into games right now.
So I'm not going to go down that path with you.
I do want you to listen to The Rising Republic this week. Oh, I want you to listen to everything. The shows have been phenomenal.
Listen to The Rising Republic this week. For those of you who haven't got the message yet,
it's a huge message. Ryan Buford is back. Ryan Buford is back. He is back in the saddle at the
Prepper Broadcasting Network. He is now Swenson co-host.
It's Yuri and it's Swenson.
It's L. Douglas Hogan and it's Ryan Buford.
And they're back in.
Well, Ryan is back and Doug is doing his thing.
And it's just.
It's the.
I want to call it the voice, but it's the voices.
Those two men have tremendous voices, man.
They are designed for the microphone.
You know what I mean?
They are designed for the podcast.
They just both have great voices.
It's going to be a great show.
Once they get it well-oiled and so on and so forth, it's going to be phenomenal.
My recommendation, and you can poke them also because I think this would just be phenomenal.
recommendation and you can poke them also because i think this would just be phenomenal my recommendation for a segment for the new rising republic with l douglas hogan and ryan buford
is uh a survival tip from yuri and swenson that's my recommendation i think they should get together
do create some intro music and do a uh do the weekly survival tip with Yuri and Swenson.
And if you don't know who Yuri and Swenson are, you're missing out big time on what PBN is.
You're missing out big time on the whole sort of concept of Sarah Hathaway and the Changing Earth.
We do an audio drama together here at pbn and you have to listen
to it i mean it's just it's all of the hosts it's all of our friends it's a great it's a four season
deep audio drama now that is just it's amazing i mean it's just one of those pieces of life that
exists because life is so busy it's almost easy to forget about it. And then you see
an episode pop up in the list and you listen and you go, God, I'm a part of that. Like this is a
part of PBN. This is, it's just amazing. So I wanted to talk to you a little bit about
backyards today.
I just popped up really excited.
I'm working on the newsletter right now.
It's going to go out today.
It's all about stability and the path back to stability.
Just sort of a reminder that there always is time.
There's always time.
There is always time to get this thing going, to do this thing, to get everything right.
That's because you can be always changing.
You can always be, you know, I mean, I wanted to talk to you about my backyard because I have this big backyard.
I mean, everything's relative, right?
My backyard used to be the size of this little patio that I put together with my wife years ago with scraps.
Like my brother-in-law dropped off like a 50 or something square pavers.
I had some 4x4 wood.
I ordered a bunch of crush and run for our driveway and we had extra.
My wife and I basically built a patio out of it.
Just out of the scrap.
And it's small. It's great. I love it.
I really do. I think it's great.
And it's small. It's great. I love it.
You know, I really do. I think it's great.
Because we used to just come right down our back steps into the grass.
And we got, you know, we're in a low-lying area.
It's a blessing and a curse.
We always have running water in a suburban area. We have a running creek 24-7-365.
But it's a wet area, you what i mean and there are challenges with
that we've never flooded we've never flooded once we've came we came very close to flooding but it
was man-made uh one time they cut all kinds of woods down and built a development up the street
from us and uh while the all that earth was bare.
I don't know if it was just the earth being bare.
Or if it was that plus something else.
But the water came all the way up.
It came about to where my sheds are.
It came about to where I broadcast.
Where I record videos for the members.
And where I do my Instagram lives.
It was about, about there. We were thinking about emptying the shed out. We were like,
maybe time to empty out the shed. Um, so it's all, I mean, it's all relative of course, but for me,
it's a very big yard. It's got a, it's got a nice sized garden in it. That's fenced off right now.
a nice sized garden in it that's fenced off right now. It's got a dead peach tree in it,
two apple trees, a section of the yard where it's sort of an unfenced garden area where we're growing butternut squash and some lavender and some pumpkin. And you know, I've got a trampoline
back here. I've got a fire pit area, I've got a raspberry
patch, I've got a chicken coop area, it sounds like a lot, and it is a lot, two sheds, but it's
just, you know, it's double the size of what it was, I expanded it two times to what it was when
we bought it, ripped trees down, you know, did that whole thing thing but what i want to tell you is that
there have been so many iterations of this freaking backyard
i have had gardens to the left gardens to the back gardens to the right i have had trampolines in the
up front way in the way back you We used to not have a patio.
Now we have a patio.
It's a blacksmith setup that's gone to several different areas.
And I'm looking at it.
Last night I've been playing around with...
I'm going to tell you sort of the secret to entertainment.
If you're into that sort of thing.
I guess I should link it down below in the show description. I'll put a link to it if you're into that sort of thing i guess i should link it down below
in the show description i'll put a link to it if you're into it
so i had wanted for a long time to buy a projector and a screen
um because we live in an area like well first of all we're very holiday oriented
we live in an area we with a nice big park.
I always sort of daydreamed about movie night, community movie night, that kind of thing.
And I'm not quite there yet.
I don't think I've got a big enough screen for the projector.
But we'll get there.
But the projectors were super expensive.
You know what I mean?
They were insanely expensive. You know what I mean? They were insanely expensive and I, I am cheap. Um, but I found one for like 65 bucks and I was like,
let's just give it a whirl, see what it's all about, you know? And it's amazing.
It's absolutely amazing.
This is like the cycle of technology, right?
But I was playing, I was watching Batman Ninja, which is an amazing movie if you've never seen it.
If you can watch cartoons.
I know some people are like, I can't watch adult cartoons, it's silly.
But that's irrelevant. But I was watching that movie and I was watching it on the entire wall of my bedroom.
And I'm sitting there watching.
This was just a test out, you know what I mean?
I hooked it up with an HDMI cord to my Xbox.
My Xbox has a bunch of movies on it.
And I was going to hang the screen up,
and the screen's like 80 inches or whatever,
something like that.
And then I realized, like,
my wall is sort of a light light blue
in my bedroom and i realized that i don't even need the screen so i just made the projector
the size of the whole wall cost that's this size?
You know what I mean?
Something to consider, particularly if you're into movies and stuff and video games.
Last night I brought the projector situation out back, which is why I'm talking about out back.
Because I have a rusted out grill.
I want a more permanent smoker
so that we're going through yet another iteration, another change,
another thing that I've always wanted to build and have never built
that I really want to finish up.
And I have the perfect spot for it is an outdoor off-grid shower
connected to my gutter.
So in other words, an outdoor off-grid shower that the container sits above the shower and the container is filled by the rain gutter that comes down the back of the house.
Sort of like a rain barrel just at the top of the house, you know what I mean?
And I may even use a rain barrel. I'm not sure yet, though. I'm not sure. I may use a,
yeah, I may use a rain barrel. I may, what I'm thinking is I may take a rain barrel, put it on
the side, do some copper wire, I mean copper tubing, so that I can heat the water up to some degree.
I don't know. This is a project my plumber brother-in-law and I have been working on
and haven't really gone through with.
But anyway, your self-reliant journey, your path back to stability
or your path to create what is stability in this new world is not a screenshot.
Do you get me?
It's not a screenshot.
It's not like draw out the backyard, coop goes here, garden goes here, this goes here, that goes there, boom, we're done.
It's an evolution. Talk to Dave Jones, the NBC guy, this goes here, that goes there. Boom, we're done. It's an evolution.
Talk to Dave Jones, the NBC guy.
I've been to his property enough.
I know how much stuff changes.
You know what I mean?
This is all part of it.
This is all part of it.
And now I'm looking around, also looking around for like, where can we establish a movie watching area
outside? Where can we gather together? Because this is part of life too, you know, where
can we gather together with hot chocolates and scarves and wool hats in the wintertime,
in the wintertime, you know, get a fire blazing and watch a movie in our backyard.
Why? Because why not? You know what I mean? Like, why not? Why would you not want that?
Why would you not? And I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to emphasize today guys Is keep going You know
Keep dreaming, keep doing
Keep changing things
You know like
This is all of life
This is the sort of antithesis of the checklist
The prepping checklist Is sort of theithesis of the checklist, right? The prepping checklist is sort of this soul-sucking
thing and it always has been that way to me. That's why I don't put them out. I mean, how
many checklists have you ever got from me? Not many, right? The closest thing we have to a
checklist is our preparedness master schedule and that's more of a schedule than a checklist.
Preparedness master schedule.
And that's more of a schedule than a checklist.
Checklists are this weird thing, right?
There's always been this kind of soul-sucking thing.
Now, I don't mean like packing list.
A packing list is important and smart.
But I mean a checklist.
Like I'm a prepper when I have items 1 through 20.
I have a bug-out bag when I have items 1 through 30.
You know? And it's just
You know this is your life
It's not some navy seal dude's life
To tell you
The top 50 items you need to have in your bug out bag
Right it's like
Oh god
This is such a great day
I can't tell you
I mean
I feel so guilty
That people are suffering
Right now
You know what I mean
Like there's a lot of people
But there's always people
Suffering everywhere
And we've done our part
I mean
The Disaster Coffee
Sent hundreds of dollars
Worth of coffee
To Grindstone Ministries
To feed the troops Fundament troops fundamentally caffeinate the troops
it's probably getting there today actually and you know now those those folks can do what they've
been doing and they can do it with some of the best coffee on the planet
i'm very proud of it you know when we push many of you to donate we've donated it and i
made a difference in north carolina and judsonson Carroll's been on giving us the updates. You can never do enough. That's the dark secret. The dark secret is even if I was in mud up to my waist, saving people's lives, you can never do enough. It doesn't matter what you do.
You can never do enough.
Doesn't matter what you do.
And I guess, you know, at the end of the day, those people going through that hell right now probably are thinking, you know, I'm glad everyone's not suffering this.
Yeah, that's probably it. Dave Jones posted a great photograph yesterday in the back channel of a bunch of squash.
Patty pan, butternut squash.
I don't remember what else.
I can't remember what else.
But it was a bunch of squash.
Maybe some pumpkin, something like that.
And, you know, I always talk about the squash to you guys.
I always talk about gardens that produce garden plants in particular
that produce multitudes of things from one seed and one spot in the garden and you know it's
you want to be overwhelmed you know that's what i like the the overwhelm of it all you know you
want to be overwhelmed green pole beans overwhelmed right fruit trees can overwhelm tomatoes can overwhelm but squash
pumpkin fall squash they are some of the best i've got a butternut squash here i gotta collect
take in the house maybe for dinner tonight and then i've got this this couple plants on my hugelkultur hill. That is...
Got several little guys.
This one started late.
I started this late when I started all the pumpkins.
Hoping that we could...
Could do something like this.
Oh, I just got a buzz about seasonal roots.
Seasonal roots is coming.
And we'll have sweet potatoes from them.
And all kinds of good stuff from the local farmers
too. Get your food in order, PBN family. Move your life around. Move your routines around. Move your
backyards around. Move your front yards around. Move your side yards around. This is your life.
You know what I mean? Never forget it. This is your life. I know you might have a boss and a sister
Or a brother or a mother or a spouse
Or somebody like that
Or a whole bunch of people like that
Who convince you time and time again
That you must do what they tell you to do
And this life is about you doing the things that you need to do
Rather than the things that you want to do
Or whatever it is
But never forget this is your
life, you know? And even if you're busy in your free time, you can find time to do things that
are epic, you know? It's not like I have time in the middle of the day to play around with a
projector. I was out here at like 9 30. No, no, it was like 10 30. It was 10 30 at night. I was out here at like 9.30. No, it was like 10.30. It was 10.30 at night.
I'm out here playing around with this thing.
Because everything had finally been taken care of.
All I can tell you, and I'll leave you with this, is only the relentless and only the people willing to do the extra can live extraordinary lives. Okay? But you have to be willing to do the extra can live extraordinary lives.
But you have to be willing to do it.
You have to be willing to do the extra work.
You have to be willing to struggle.
You know?
You have to be willing to lay down in bed exhausted.
You have to be willing to lay down in bed exhausted
and say to yourself, it would be so willing to lay down in bed exhausted.
And say to yourself, it would be so nice to just fall asleep right now.
And then get up.
And then get up and go do the cool things.
So many times in my life I've done that.
Lay down in bed, 10 o'clock at night.
Half fall asleep or even fall asleep for like 5-10 minutes and pop up and go, let's go finish that book.
Let's go write another chapter.
Let's go fix this thing.
Let's go try this.
Let's go do this.
Let's go watch this.
Let's go listen to this.
If you want to live an extraordinary life, I'll steal a line from Steve Harvey.
Then you have to do extra.
All right, PBN family. I'll talk to you soon,
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