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Hello everyone out there in internet radio land, this is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and
I am coming to you live, well semi-live, with the prepper tip of the day.
PBN family, if you ever wondered how you can easily develop an emergency plan,
all you have to do is ask yourself the question, what if?
And keep asking yourself that question until you've come up with a solution,
you know, three or four times in the making.
So what if we lose power and I have no heat?
Well, then I'll start heating with the wood stove.
What if it snows 10 feet and I can't get to the wood?
Well, then I'll go to the propane heater that I have.
And what if I run out of propane?
Well, then I have a small butane supply and heater,
and I'll use that.
And what if?
Do you see what I mean?
Asking yourself the simple question, what if? Do you see what I mean? Asking yourself the simple question what if? What if I lose this knife?
Or break it? Or
you know, whatever. Then you
automatically start looking for your contingency
and then develop that.
So the question of what if, what if,
no matter what the situation is, what if the enemy comes
up this way? If they come this way,
what obstacles am I going to put in the way
to A, slow them down, B, put them on their feet so they're not driving up and getting in my perimeter?
Do you see what I mean by what if?
What if they're, you know, and you can answer your own questions.
What if 100 armed people show up at my house?
Well, I'm hauling butt.
I am getting out.
I am only shooting if it's to try and escape quickly.
I'm going to try and stealthily exfiltrate myself from the situation.
I am going to get out of Dodge.
So what if?
That's what you got to keep asking yourself.
What if?
And that is my prepper tip for the day.
What if?
Take care and prep on.