The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Two Bold Statements on a Tuesday

Episode Date: February 13, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Present your vaccine passport. Enter your social credit score. And be sure you have enough remaining carbon credits to enjoy today's show. BBN family. Your garden is the resistance. Two bold statements on a Tuesday. Number one. The doomsday climate propaganda is domestic terrorism. It's psychological warfare. It's domestic terrorism that has thrust the youth into depression and suicide. That's pretty succinct.
Starting point is 00:00:51 That's about exactly how I wanted that presented. There is no clear, there is no clearly defined moment or even degree that we should be so terrified and mortified of. There's also no clear daily operating procedure to truly affect the world's climate anyway. However, every day, the people of the world now Remember, this is not a United States problem This is a worldwide This is a governing This is a world government at work
Starting point is 00:01:34 That's what you're seeing A world government at work Has largely become a In this parlance anyway Has become a propaganda arm of a climate movement that's looking to make a lot of people rich and the vast majority of people who have to deal with their claims depressed, narcissistic, miserable, and fundamentally unwilling to even affect the problem, largely. What's the point? It's all over. We're never going to stop polluting. We're never going to
Starting point is 00:02:14 stop driving around cars. We're never going to stop. We can't save the planet. We're never going to save it. What's the point of my life? Why am I here? Why am I going through all this hell if the planet is just going to boil? Why do I want to remark on something like this? Because I've spent 10 years reading, writing, and presenting you with doomsday scenarios. So why am I any better? doomsday scenarios. So why am I any better? Well,
Starting point is 00:02:51 we produce content on a daily basis that shows you a pathway, a step-by-step pathway out of those problems. And that step-by-step pathway is not listen to the lizard overlords, do as they say, and buy these approved products, which with only, you know, a little bit of research, you can come to realize that sustainable products aren't necessarily as sustainable as they're made out to be.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'll say it again. To splatter climate doomsday all over the biggest news and media outlets, to pepper the children with this fear day in and day out that the world is coming to an end because of their parents' F-150 and the steak they had last night, is domestic terrorism, psychological warfare, and it is contributing to the depression and suicide of, I don't know how many, but too many. Too damn many.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Too damn many. And it needs to stop And it's not even having the intended effect Do you know what I mean? It'd be one thing if all of this fear and all this terror And all this depression and all this suicide Were making people more savvy And more concerned But I think Jordan Peterson said it best when he said prosperous societies will fix the planet.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Right? Thrusting us into a wood burning, a bartering, you know, society that's sustaining on leaves and tree bark. Is not going to create the outcomes that they're after. Cheap, clean energy. And when I say clean energy, yeah, I mean fossil fuels. Yes, I do. I mean things like natural gas. Look at how clean it is.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Look how it can be sourced in America by Americans. We don't have to worry about the hidden slavery element. You know, we're not even addressing the hidden slavery element of solar panels and rechargeable batteries that is involved in all this quote-unquote sustainability. It's the truth, folks. It's a dark truth, but it's the truth. The other bold statement I want to make today might be even more alarming. But these are truths that we carry around each and every day, and they're serious, man. They're serious truths. They're serious considerations. They're unnerving.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Seeing an overwhelming Democrat majority pass a bill for $95 billion to protect the borders and the sanctity of Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine. And the sovereignty, rather, of Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine. And beyond that, to pay for the government to remain working in Ukraine. For pensions to be paid in Ukraine. Again, for welfare benefits to be working in Ukraine, for pensions to be paid in Ukraine, again, for welfare benefits to be maintained in Ukraine, leads me to this one bold statement. Congress as a whole, but largely led by the Democrats, have made slaves of us all in America. They have made tax-paying slaves of us all who some are working two and three jobs
Starting point is 00:06:30 just to keep the boat afloat. That might not necessarily... I mean, that's a bold statement in and of itself and it's 100% true, okay? Your taxes are not done rising as we do all these things for all these nations that we should be doing at home. And meanwhile also absorbing millions upon millions of migrants, some of which are undoubtedly going to destroy and kill and maim here in this nation.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We've put the shackles on ourselves. we've put the shackles on ourselves. And what is most alarming and maybe the boldest portion of the statement I'm trying to make is the Democrat Party, the party that has spent the better part of, what, 10 years now? Crying about the gaping wound of slavery in America and what slavery in America has done and what slavery in America has wrought and the systemic racism born out of it. What the Democrats in America with these insane spending packages
Starting point is 00:07:42 and some Republicans too, largely what Congress has done, our representatives, is once again enslave the black man and woman. The party that cried and cried and cried about slavery and reparations, and they will continue to do so, and to tell you
Starting point is 00:08:05 about how evil the white colonizing European is. That party, by signing these bills in that levy undue and unbelievable amounts of money to nations that have nothing to do with the United States and wouldn't lift a finger to help minority communities here in the U.S., by the way. By doing this, the Democrats have shackled the black Americans yet again. I know the Republican is the party of racism and they're racists and racists, racists, racists,
Starting point is 00:08:38 led by the greatest racist of all time, Donald Trump. But what I'm telling you is the Democrats have made slaves of us all. The Democrats have re-enslaved the African American. And what's even worse than that is that they've done it not just to the generation coming up, but the debt is such now because of the insane spending, because of the inability of the Democrats to ever cut anything, to ever trim anything without adding something else, to want to support the world off of your tax dollar. They've not only enslaved a generation of Americans,
Starting point is 00:09:27 but subsequent generations upon generations upon generations with trillions of dollars of debt. So yeah, I feel very comfortable stating the fact that the Democrats are once again the party of slavery in America. Now, the Republicans are still to blame because they could have stopped the bill from passing yesterday. This $95 billion bill could have been stopped if the Republicans did their business the way that it's supposed to be done. They sided with the Democrats, but it's always these giant spending packages are always gigantic majority Democrats, the same Democrats that tell you they want to help the minorities
Starting point is 00:10:18 here in America. They want to help the blacks get reparations. They want to help all of the lip service. And yesterday when I was looking this thing over and saying to myself, what's really going on here? How much taxes can the American people really spend out to afford the world security, but not security within its own borders? That's when I came to the realization that the Democrats have made slaves of all Americans, but notably re-enslaving African Americans in our lifetime through insane taxes, the crippled American economy, the housing situation, and so on. And it's deplorable. But again, it's a truth that we live with day in and day out.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And those are my two bold statements on a Tuesday. EVP is actually a byproduct of the soybean oil industry. This is phytoestrogen-free, shelf-stable, plant-based protein for your health today or doomsday. 20 grams of protein per serving, 90 calories. Visit

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