The Prepper Broadcasting Network - We are scared of the tough questions

Episode Date: April 22, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are your lizard overlords. Stop listening to these preppers. Eat your crickets. Fight in the streets. Own nothing. And love it. I'm not going to fight. Can the American way defeat the death cold of radical Islam?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Is assimilation possible? Can real love over generations wear down the simtar of the, of Muhammad's most vicious, right? That's, I look around the world, man, this is the question. This is the question in various parts of the world right now,
Starting point is 00:01:14 but most importantly, the one that I'm considering in my nation. And I think about a question that's really that simple, right? Can we assimilate radical Muslims into the Western world? Now, there are armies of people asking doofus questions and standing up with signs and blocking bridges and so on and so forth for any number of reasons anymore in this country you know the social upheaval in this nation has to come to an end and uh you know i think fundamentally one of the best things about it is it it it is bound to come to an end at least at the recruiting side of things right what are the recruitment centers for people in the streets with with placards and flags burning american flag where where do you where do you go to be recruited into those groups you go to Columbia University you go to NYU you go to
Starting point is 00:02:27 right Berkeley like these colleges are recruitment centers for first of all idiots and second of all people who want to hate America you know so I think forward I flash forward in my head and I say to myself, you know, how many people are going to go to college? How many people are going to go to college, right, in the future? I don't know. I don't see a reason why college educated people are going to spike. Why the value of a college education is going to go up in this nation, right? It's plummeting right now. I really do believe that, you know, well, I think that women are going to work their
Starting point is 00:03:18 way out of the idea that they have to go to college and have to be a CEO. I think the data is going to be terrifying enough. Well, it is very terrifying already. You know, 35 and what is it? 40%. I can't remember the statistic. It's crazy, though. By 2027.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Is that what it is? 2030? Almost had a heart attack. The hospital helicopter was pulling in to the landing pad and it was like super close. I think it's something like 40% of women will be single and childless by 2030. Something along those lines. Right? 35 and older.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Maybe. Something like that. Look it up. You'll see it. It doesn't matter the details very much. Because it's such an alarming stat that it's like, whoa. You know? And I just imagine.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You know, we learn the most from the generation that we grow up with. Fundamentally. And I think the best lessons truly are learned from the screw-ups. The best lessons are learned from the people who've really messed up. You know? You look at, I mean, you look at the kids that come from good homes. Families made a lot of money, right? And maybe they're not good homes, but well-to-do, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:51 It seems to me that the best lessons you can learn from your parents, maybe not the best, but a lot of good lessons, are also in a parent's failing. Now, there is a level of failure at the parenting level where you're kind of too much on your own to learn anything. But I think that, you know, you take away a lot from your parents failing. So if you're a parent, don't sweat it, right? If you're a parent, understand you don't have to be perfect.
Starting point is 00:05:15 You might not even want to be perfect. Those mistakes that you made or those mistakes that you continue to make could very well be the, the, the, what grinds into your child's head that, you know, I'll never do that. I'll never make those mistakes that my mom or my dad made. And I think a generation of kids are going to come up and they're either going to see, you know, a mother or an aunt or, you know, something along those lines who is pushed forward in this new female destiny of, you know, the grind or whatever. And as those people age, and that might already be happening right now, you might already be underway. Little girls in America might be watching their aunts age and get old and be alone. And lonesome is, the older you get, the more terrible lonesome becomes, right? For most people, you got to be
Starting point is 00:06:14 a real maniac to, I say that because usually when I say maniac, it's a word that's describing myself, just so you know. To be able to be alone so much, you know. You've got to be lost in several worlds. You know, you've got to be aloof and able to jump from this reality to other realities. But for the most part, I think loneliness, man. Loneliness is going to change a lot in this country. think loneliness man loneliness is going to change a lot in this country but all that said you know it brings us back to the original point now i'm just driving i've got things to do today outside of away from the mic away from the shore microphone so i thought i'd drive and chat with you it brings us back to one of the most important questions of the day and that is is is assimilation
Starting point is 00:07:06 with radical and even even sort of uh even some moderate muslims is assimilation even possible i don't know because i don't know enough moderate muslims we have no convert i mean you could do a whole podcast if anybody wants an idea for a really awesome podcast, conversations with moderate Muslims. I mean, that would be, if you could have a full podcast, everyone in the world would be interested in conversations with moderate Muslims. If you could get them to be honest, you know what I mean? If you could have honest conversations, long-form conversations with moderate Muslim leadership, moderate Muslim individuals, family members, the whole thing. Mosques, people in the mosques, it would be something. Because they are something that we know very little about.
Starting point is 00:08:05 When you think about it, right? We know that there are people who will blow themselves up to kill you. We know there are people who will gang up on you in the dark of night and stab you to death and scream, God is good. We know that there are gangs in Europe that will corner a woman, Muslim gangs, corner a woman with a knife to her throat and take turns raping her. If you don't know that, then yeah, it's real. And it's happening, right? And the problem with this is, you know, you lose sight of the religion very quickly. A couple car bombings, a couple suicide bombings a couple suicide bombings in a night of rapes and you start going what are we doing here with islam what is what is the muslim faith really all about
Starting point is 00:08:52 because it's getting lost in the sheer bloodbath that we witness right and it really it always surprises me that we don't have a single nationally renowned speaker on the benefits of moderate Islam, moderate Muslim faith. Where is it? So it begs the question, is assimilation possible? Do these people look at the American way at all and say, yeah, I'd like to take part in that? Or is domination and conquest so much a part of that you know we're the ones when
Starting point is 00:09:47 i say we i guess i mean white americans in particular who are consistently labeled as uh colonizers you know what i mean and and people like me white supremacists. You know what I mean? Because we vote Republican or something. The greatest threat to America. The Republican voting white man. Anyway, we're consistently labeled colonizers.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You know what I mean? I'm sorry, everybody's gonna text me now, so this is to be a vibrating podcast. The Vibrocast. Brought to you by Prepper Broadcasting Network. But I'm driving. There's nothing I can do about it at this point. So. Now I lost my train of thought.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Oh, we're often called the colonizers and the conquistadors. Right? But I don't know. Why we let so many people in the country then? Right? In other words, if our goal was to colonize and white everything, then why would we have such a melting pot? Why would I be eating Vietnamese noodle soup in the middle of the day and then, you know, curry for dinner? And you know what I mean? Like America is an amazing place because of its
Starting point is 00:11:18 naturally occurring diversity with assimilation. Right? I don't know if we're losing grips with that or not. I just think the people who suck at assimilation are on TV all the time. Making videos and stuff. You know what I mean? We don't want to ask the hard questions Because the answers are too hard for us to bear And the answers require lots of thinking Which is why we spend our time
Starting point is 00:11:49 On the questions that are dumb Right We spend all our time trying to answer The questions that are dumb You know Tell me more about your Tell me more about your sexual identity Please
Starting point is 00:12:02 Tell me more about your affirmed gender That's what I'm worried about Tell me more about your sexual identity, please. Tell me more about your affirmed gender. That's what I'm worried about. Tell me more about the land masses we should give over to the Palestinians who vote in Hamas and basically put themselves under the thumb if that's the case of this regime, right? These questions are silly, man. We need to answer and we need to ask bigger and much tougher questions. Because these questions are silly. They don't make any sense. They're not worth our time at a moment like this. We're going to look back on this time and say the invasion of the West.
Starting point is 00:12:55 The Muslim invasion of the West was categorized by growing masses of protests and people shouting down public officials, yelling death to America, death to Israel. Right? All of these things that continue to happen and continue and continue and continue. And we're going to look back and say, what? Nobody asked the question whether or not these people could live in harmony. Nobody asked the question of what happens when we realize that there are certain types of people within the muslim community that have to go
Starting point is 00:13:29 why am i so tied to this thing right now because it's a i mean i think it is an incredible threat i really do i believe that that this sort of radicalism and also I don't understand. See, that's what I mean by a question that has to be answered, not by me. I don't understand the line of demarcation between suicide bomber and the people who go to the mosque down the street from me. and the people who go to the mosque down the street from me. Do you know what I'm saying? That's the problem. That's what I think the responsibility of the Muslims in America is,
Starting point is 00:14:23 is to start to chisel out that line and show the American people, okay, this is what's okay, this is what we believe, and this is what is not okay, and this is what they believe and what they do, okay? We are not the same thing, so on and so forth. We've been drone bombing and shooting and killing and imprisoning and torturing radical Islamists for my whole life, it feels like. Yet we still have not really... What we do as a population is say, most Muslims are good people.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And truth be told, I've never run into a radical before. You know what I mean? All the Muslim people I've ever met, I've never run into a radical before. You know what I mean? All the Muslim people I've ever met, I've had decent conversations with. But you know, it's been a while. Things have changed in the country and in the world. I don't know. The problem is we don't know. And we're too afraid to ask.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And we're too afraid to ask for commitment. You know what I mean? We're too afraid to be. And we're too afraid to ask for commitment. You know what I mean? We're too afraid to be like, somebody come out and tell us what's what. And I think the reason is for fear that we find out there are a lot more beliefs in the Muslim faith that don't work in America. Because the only thing you can do in that point is you have to figure out what mass deportation looks like. You know what I mean? If you start asking these questions at mosques, you start investigating mosques the way that you investigate 4chan,
Starting point is 00:15:57 the way you investigate the incredibly dangerous and overweight Ku Klux Klan, or whatever you know the the who was the guy the field craft survival guy you yeah you get up in his ass mike glover that's the one he's the one that's gonna bring it all down mike glover spent how many years in the military killing bad guys for a living to protect the nation but I wonder you know and I worry you get the FBI
Starting point is 00:16:33 hidden away the way they hide away probably at prepper camp every year FBI guys are probably walking around prepper camp hey how you doing I'm taking a little cup of coffee James I listen to your podcast all the time I can't wait to throw you in jail you get these guys Talking around prepper camera. Hey, how you doing? I'm taking a little cup of coffee, James. Yeah, I listen to your podcast all the time. I can't wait to throw you in jail.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You get these guys, you know, in mosques all across the country. And you probably would be terrifying. You'd probably be absolutely petrified at the conclusions. I think that's what people worry about is the conclusions. Because what happens, right, When you come to conclusion that, oh, we have a problem. And it's only going to be rectified if we get the problem out of the country. We can't ask the hard questions anymore. Because we're scared of the answers. And we don't have a public.
Starting point is 00:17:23 We have a public of weaklings i think and we have leadership of weaklings look the strongest man in the republican party is marjorie taylor green and i'm not saying i agree with everything she does lately i do agree with a lot of what she does um but what i will tell you about her is she's the toughest guy in the whole group, period. Her response to the situations in Congress is the only appropriate response that I see. To sit there and be humble and cool like Ted Cruz, to sit there and be quietly strong and stoic. These are not stoic times, dude. Do you know what I mean? These are the craziest of times.
Starting point is 00:18:19 We have people who are selling. Look, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren are being drained of their lifeblood by these bills. That's exactly what's happening, and nobody's saying anything. The Republicans are nodding their head. Another bill. We better not let this pass. That's what we better not do. You know what I mean? Weak.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It's doing nothing. Everybody goes, oh, yeah, that's funny. Just sign it Just vote Thank you Now we'll go pad the stats a little more It's going to change PBN family One way or the other It can't sustain like this
Starting point is 00:19:02 We get to decide though We get first dibs. We get first say on how it changes. We get first say on the children we raise and put out into the world. We get first dibs on how the world looks because, you know, I've come to the conclusion, and maybe this is where I'll end this today,
Starting point is 00:19:19 this little rant. I've come to the conclusion that from the president, from who becomes president, all the way down to what you eat for breakfast, it's all about you. What you do and really fundamentally digging into what it is you're doing and how that's helping or hurting. And that might be a lot of pressure for you. You might be like oh my god. You're telling me that everything that I do matters.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yes. Exactly. Exactly. Everything you do does matter. And everything you don't do matters. And that's a lot. But many of you out there listening are Christians You understand the value of a cross to bear
Starting point is 00:20:07 You understand what that means We have to get involved We have to think We have to be involved We have to be able to tell people We're not having this conversation About whether or not Boys can tackle girls be able to tell people we're not we're not having this conversation about whether or not uh boys can
Starting point is 00:20:28 tackle girls on the field in their given sport right like we're not gonna we're not gonna have this conversation because this is a dumb conversation and we need to have real conversations about how do we make sure that people can get to and from work how do we make sure that people can get to and from work? How do we make sure that people's businesses they've invested 25 years in don't get looted to the bones and they have to call it quits because we don't have any control in the cities of America? And if you don't think this is all by design, you're absolutely out of your mind. Right? You're absolutely out of your mind. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:07 You're absolutely out of your mind. What we are lacking in this country is that intangible and fearless American strength. And it starts with self-sufficiency. It starts with eliminating some of this dependence. With self-sufficiency. It starts with eliminating. Some of this dependence. Some of this dependence on government money. Government programs.
Starting point is 00:21:30 How are you going to fight. An enemy that funds you. How are you going to fight an enemy that feeds you. Right. But the government. Is the least of our worries. To be honest. All of these things that are happening in our nation are funded and bandied about and cheered on by you know who?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Iran, China, all of these countries. Russia, the right wing in the country is always struggling with this Putin love affair because he has strength. I'm telling you right now, that dude's a monster, man. He's as much in these people in the streets waving Iranian flags, waving Palestine flags. These people are as much a product of Russia as anything else. So we have enemies within. We have wolves on the outskirts of town nipping away at us. And there's only one answer and it's you.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That's it. That's it. It's you. It's how strong can you become? How self-s strong can you become? How self-sufficient can you become? How loud can you speak your faith in this nation and in our God without a microphone? Without a gigantic speaker, without a television show?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Because there are Americans capable of that. There are Americans out there, some of them are you actually, I know many of you, who just in the sheer act of being resonate an energy that is so freedom loving that it can's, you know, it can be felt. It's tangible even. And what replaces that powerful American energy is weakness. And our enemies are always ready. They're always prepared to take what they can get. And that's what's happened. We've given into their causes
Starting point is 00:23:45 we stand in the streets for their causes the causes of our enemies and we show them how weak we can be and they hear words like diversity and inclusion and they go oh yeah we can use that sure that's a weapon we can use we have to amer harder, PBN family. But what's most important, and it sucks to have it all feel like it's on you, but it is what it is, is it does come down to the individual. It comes down to the individual it comes down to the individual you know we heard um rick austin a couple weeks ago talk about joining these these uh what were they called
Starting point is 00:24:33 drawing a blank maybe i'll send out an email about it to everybody joining these political affiliations in these these, joining local politics essentially in a way that we finally get some representation where seats aren't even full. You know what I mean? We have this opportunity to add our influence as people, as American loving citizens in areas where there are seats that are just empty, you know, where we could immediately have an impact. And we don't.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I don't. Who am I to tell you? Because I haven't even done that yet. Do you know what I mean? So we find ourselves in this situation where we live in a world where it's so much easier and so much more fun to point the finger at someone. And the reality is, you know, we have to be prepared. We have
Starting point is 00:25:36 to be ready. We have to be the focus of most of our energy. We just have to be. We have to be the focus of our energy. We have to understand that as good as we can get, that that's the goal. You want to do one thing, you want to have one vote, you want to have one thing you want to have one vote you want to have one big thing that changes everything but it really is just you know it's sisyphus man it's sisyphusian it's really what it is it's pushing the rock up the hill every day only to watch it roll down the other end and making that decision at the end of the day that tough tough decision that, you know what, let me go down there and push that rock up again. Talk to you soon, PBN family. We're going to have the SoCal Prepper on tonight, 9.30, late start.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I can't beat the basketball games. So for the next few weeks, we're going to be doing Preppers Live 9.30 p.m. Okay. Yeah, that's it. I'll talk to you guys soon. Thanks. What if I told you you could own land for $200 down and highly affordable monthly payments? is your answer to bug out land, hunting, recreation, and whatever else your prepper mind can dream up. has properties in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah. Go to, check out the properties, use the promo code PBN, and get $100 off your purchase.

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