The Prepper Broadcasting Network - What if? Phoenix Survival
Episode Date: January 27, 2024...
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You're listening to PBN.
Your path back to stability. I keep on moving forward.
Always getting closer.
March until it's over.
And just like a soldier.
I keep on moving forward.
Always getting closer.
I'm marching till it's over.
I'm just like a soldier.
I keep on moving forward.
Always getting closer.
Marching till it's over.
And just like a soldier. I keep on moving forward. Good morning, PBN. Yes, it is early as all get out, but I did let the listeners choose. Were we going to do an
extra early show this morning live or a pre-record? Let me be honest with you. I do prefer the live
myself. So today's title is What If? Now, what if isn't for... All right, so let me put it this way.
So explain what if is.
What if is a game that I play in my house?
And it's not so much a game, but a thinking situation I like to discuss with my partner,
with my friends, with people I prep with, and people who don't prep to get them on thinking
about things a little more realistically.
It's not that I want to scare people.
It's not that I want to upset people.
But unfortunately, sometimes in our family, we always agree talking about the hard things
can make understanding situations a bit easier, puts into scope of what we need to do, of how we would handle these situations,
because we can easily throw what-ifs and throw outrageous situations or just answers offhand
because we think how we would handle it. We have to think realistically. So sometimes it's easier,
So sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's best to bring up situations in which, you know,
you hit all of the factor and points. Now, mind you, what ifs can play, have several questions, can have several answers, you know,
can have several outcomes.
But I went ahead and I threw into our group chat a few questions for a few people to answer
just to be on the safe side.
A forewarning, if you hear wrestling, smacking, jabbing, anything in the background,
I do have a little man here with me.
He woke up early, so he's enjoying sitting on my lap, watching everything as it goes.
All right.
All right. So the primary thing for this is each in each question, what you have now as supplies,
preps, et cetera, what you have currently in your home, in your car, at your job, whatever it may be, is what you have in these scenarios. These aren't scenarios in which we're going to say,
oh, you have this, this, and this.
This is to make you think about your preps. This is to make you think about your supplies.
Now, mind you, not only did I post this in the groups, I actually sent it to a few of my friends
who are not preppers, who I always am trying to ask them, you know, can you please just try to get a little more in your house or make a suggestion?
Mind you, it's usually taken with a grain of salt.
Not everybody is into the whole thing.
And there are people who are hard and pressed on money even more so.
And I get that.
But even as mothers, as fathers, as family members, we try our best to make sure that our households are taken care of.
All right, so I asked, what would you do if you woke up tomorrow and the world stopped?
Now, mind you, I gave three scenarios.
There could be quite a few more.
I put A, what would you do if you world, you woke up tomorrow and the world stopped
because of an EMP? B, a viral outbreak. We're not talking about zombies. We're talking about,
you know, everything that's going on with something severely infectious or contagious.
And C, I put military invasion. I had actually originally just put, planned on putting invasion.
I had actually originally just planned on putting invasion.
Someone said, you know, you forgot to list the bullshit that's escalating in Texas.
And that's where I said you can remove military out and just put invasion because we're all aware that that's the case.
Let's see.
With three previous scenarios, what would you do if these occurred during a normal day when you're at work?
And how would you get home?
So I gave a second part to it.
You've got the first three of what would you do while you're in your home and you wake up and the world stops.
What do you do in the cases in which you're not at home?
Which is more likely in some scenarios.
These scenarios are to make you think. think your and think about your plans for
any event that might occur so i had someone tell me you hunker down stay low my prison guard life
dot dot dot let them fight losers go infirmary first. Winners go in the hole first.
Loser also ends up in the hole.
But we don't jump in to try and stop it.
Let them fight themselves out.
And I get that. That is actually a very common mindset my partner has.
Things will clear themselves out.
Same aspect.
I get that.
I'm not saying that's wrong.
There are no wrong answers in this,
but I just want people to be able to think about where they're coming from, what they have and,
and how they're going to handle these situations. So I, I like the idea of different scopes of this.
Let's see. I actually saved them. Now, I wasn't sure if some of these people wanted who
listed what, so it's not a big deal. I'm not going to list names. Okay. So I had one individual,
quite lengthy, not a problem. And they put, A, a battery pack disconnected from a balance in circuits.
I heard only that EMP affects elegized circuits. Not sure if that's true. B,
lots of unexpired antibiotics. So A, remember, was an EMP. B was a viral outbreak.
A lot of unexpired antibiotics, gas mask with forced air filtration, tons of 99% isoprolol
Now I'm trying to figure out this must be things he has towards, he or she may have
towards this situation.
And C, standard firearms, ammo, NV, comms, encrypted mesh network nodes.
I live less than a mile from my home.
Unfortunately, I'm in a medium city from Montana standards.
Honestly, I'm drastically underprepared without a written plan.
And that's the point.
I don't want to call anyone out for not being properly planned, but I just want you to think
about what's going on, how to handle it, you know, what's in your area.
Think about what's going on, how to handle it, you know, what's in your area.
So I had another individual and listed it very well.
And shout out to those who answered in chat.
I do appreciate it.
Sorry, I'm getting baby situated.
A, for an EMP, in a Faraday box powered medical device, blood sugar monitor specifically for family members who are diabetic, and a bunch of miscellaneous powered medical equipment, two-way radios,
morale boosters, i.e. portable DVD players seem to be upgraded. This is mostly for kiddos and
other essentials or work and supplies. So it'd be used and restocked. I have tons of antibiotic and pain management
items as well. All of my networks up here has a two-way radio and I set up so we can net together.
That's great. This person is already ahead of things as far as what we've talked about at
previous shows and this show. You know, morale boosters are a big one. Being able to communicate is a huge one.
So this has been phenomenal. So for virus, viral outbreaks, we have suits, UV sterilizers,
oxygen monitors, thermometers, blood pressure cuffs, medication, lots of books, plastic
cleaning supplies, gloves, vitamins in this work and pantry medicinal garden the dogs have
their own medical kit phenomenal that's something i think we've all heard before and other topics
is your animals should have their own supplies separate from yours just like in the military
each individual should have their own ifax only because if something happens each one should be
able to be taken care of with their own supplies versus using resources from
somebody else and leaving them short-sighted let's see include in antibiotics thermometers for each
dog sterile needles and sterile sub fluids miscellaneous medications and a microscope
with glass lights and stain kits i didn't think about that that's a good way to be able to view
things and see a little more helps to see to see what's happening, infection, viral, etc. You can see blood cells, blood cell count,
white versus red. You can also use it for urine analysis to detect infection,
presence of white blood cells. Thank you. That's a great one. I'm going to be honest. You read
about it. You see where people are scientific. that way that is actually a great way, especially if you don't have those
abilities right at hand to be able to do instant testing. That is great. And then for C, for
invasion, I have guns, ammo, but probably would bug out to a secure location and lay low. But in invasion,
all of my preparation for food, water, etc. is in good condition. I do a lot of cannon and have
enough food to feed an army. And it's a working pantry, but nothing is low. I have seeds plus
fertilizer on hand thanks to my animals. I grow more than I need. Now she did. Now this individual did ask a question. I say
she, just because it was the question that was being asked. If it was a he, no problem. Um, so
now, you know, actually I may hold this one till the end because it's definitely a good subject
in its own. I'd like to read a little bit more and then we'll go back to start this so I can.
in its own. I'd like to read a little bit more and then we'll go back to start this so I can.
Okay. I have another one who said an EMP. Okay. This is the worst. It all depends on how big, i.e. take out of an infrastructure only or take out of a modern vehicles as well.
If infrastructure only, it could start quite far away and destabilize the grid.
I would have opportunity to
get home. If it took out the vehicles, that would be a serious problem as they work probably two
days walk from home. I would probably try to make it home and walk over the bridges, but I have
doubts as if I would make it. Now, this wasn't to bring this individual down, these scenarios,
but to make them think about the situations that are at hand.
So, you know, if this is what they're looking at, then maybe they need to think about having
an alternate means of being able to travel, to get home sooner, a different route, whatever it may be.
So this person, thank you very much for being honest on this. I appreciate you reaching out.
And I know with this individual who's prepping,
they are very much adamant about their well-being and safety.
So even if this is what it is at the moment, this person is always working on trying to improve their preps and their situation.
You're yanking on my headphones.
For B, on viral outbreak.
This is much greater likelihood of getting home. I don't think they would shut
down the city that fast, so I would be able to get home and then just stay there. I have enough food,
water, etc. that I should be fine. This would be COVID, but more. Fortunately, my office still
allows work from home and would be able to do that. The office is considered an essential service, so I would still have my job.
We still have masks from COVID, which air quotes, I mean quotes here, helps, but not
the full load out and Dave or Ryan, not the full load out that Dave or Ryan may have.
However, there are only two people in the house, which helps. So the fact
that they've taken into factor, okay, we have these supplies. I am still an essential worker.
I can still work and work from home, which is a big issue if there's a viral outbreak, because
things aren't going to just shut down right away. As we saw for COVID, the rest of the world shut
down, but the rest of us who were essential workers
we still went into work every day I never missed I never had a part where I was laid off
and my household me and my partner were both essential workers so we traveled to and from
work we were exposed to you, and around other people.
So for military invasion, military invasion has two ways to come up.
From the southern border of the U.S., and by the time I hear about the invasion, it would already be done because I work and live close to the border.
The other way would happen via a harbor. Gridlock being what it is there may be some hope to get ahead of it and get home
because it would be a funnel. So it would be load up, go to my parents, and then probably load up
again and go up country. Canada doesn't have the weapon load that the U.S. has, so best bet it
is to get out of the way as fast
as possible and hope the roads aren't a parking lot yet.
If it were Russia coming in from up north, we would probably flee here with enough time
to flee to, and she says where, I'm not going to release where this individual lives.
I think Russia would probably slow down at Alaska a little before taking us out.
So these individuals really looked and took these.
I want you to do this as well.
I'd love to hear, you know, what you think, what your ideas were for prepping for these scenarios.
Let's see.
There was another one.
And it was a realistic comment. Okay. So I have one
listener here or one in the group. I'm trying to pull this up. I have a wife and several daughters.
I usually keep a spare item or two in my EDC bag in my backpack. Now that, mind you, I'm sorry, I jumped. That's to
a different one. Okay, here we go. I'm a type 1 diabetic and was happily surprised that one of my
first items you mentioned was a glucometer for checking blood sugar, along with glucometer test
strips, lancets, alcohol, prep pads, insulin syringes, etc. with proper storage. I've been
into prep in my entire adult life when i was diagnosed with type
one diabetes at age 38 i became even more vigilant about preparedness i understand if a real teotihuacan
situation would happen many people such as myself would be the first to perish in droves
and and the individual goes to say not meaning meaning to sound dramatic, it's reality.
Not many diabetics and other people with chronic illnesses are prepared to live anything more than
day to day life. And by all means, I did not think this individual was being traumatic. I did not
think this person was trying to get sympathy in any way. Unfortunately, we all understand that there are
certain health factors or situations that could be it for us. Now, we hope, you know, we don't
hit situations in which we hit these types of scenarios we're prepping for, but we keep in mind
what it takes. It's individuals who are very aware of their, I don't want to say fragility,
but of the possibilities of certain issues really makes it more square-minded of how to handle the
situation, more level-headed. These are the same discussions I've had with my dad because he is a
diabetic, you know,
how things would happen.
We have had the discussion and he understands that he most likely wouldn't be able to make
it beyond a certain point because one, he doesn't have the proper stuff or supplies
and two, more of a laid back, I'm not worried about it.
That's okay.
You know, at least these discussions
are something that we can talk about, not trying to upset people, not trying to depress anybody,
but it's just something you've got to think about. As you see the first person who listed off all the
stuff to be able to help take care of their family members who are diabetic, it's a part of it. So we, what it is, is bringing into mind, what can I do
to get them by as long as I can? You know, dependent upon the type of diabetes,
some can be controlled by diet. If they're insulin based, then that's completely different.
You've got type one, type two diabetes. If you've got family members or friends who have certain
illnesses, take the time to look up and read about it.
Study it.
Find out what's needed for their needs to be able to control, not control, manage the situation.
These individuals are strong, so much stronger than you realize.
Do not count them out just because there is a health issue.
It is not the end-all be-all just because of diabetes or whatever it may be.
So I do like that we threw this in the group, that we were able to get people to open up.
Because mind you, I do this scenario with friends who, you know, people who are part of my prepping group,
who are a part of what I have planned.
And I run the same scenario through them.
I threw it at one friend who said, you know, I have this, this, and this, but I would try
if I'm able to run out and grab this and this.
I'm able to run out and grab this and this.
And then we talked about that situation and what would need to occur, what type of safety protocols and self-defense, et cetera, et cetera.
And it was very great to think about it because in my head, when I want to sit there and I want to make a better plan, if I want to get further items in my prep and preparation,
you know, in my preparation and everything that's going on. I run this with my partner too is,
hey, what happens if this happens? I'm remote. I work from home. I am blessed in that aspect,
I'm remote. I work from home. I am blessed in that aspect, but he's not. And I asked him, what do we do if this happens here? He goes, well, we need to think about, can I get home
to you realistically in a decent time or where we're going to meet up? And that has been actually
something we've been working on is a checkpoint, meetup points,
and evacuation points.
So that is something we've really been working on.
He is also, with that, he wants me to map out, written out directions of how to get
where we need to go if we have to meet up at our
secondary meetup point. That way, if we can't travel together, he will still know where I'm at.
He'll still know what way I'm going and he'll know what way he's going from where he's at. So that's
a big one for us is making sure that he can come and go, you know, so he's not out of the loop
because his, he'll tell you his number one concern is mine and our son's safety. So as well as his
own, me, I want to pull one up. So I did send this to a friend who's not a prepper.
And outright, I got a response of, well, we would be screwed.
I would try to get to one of the major cities or bases, I guess.
And I said, well, think about it each and let me know. You know, I didn't want her.
Well, I have no idea what I would do besides try to keep my family safe. We have nothing
to be prepared for of any of those situations, which I felt like hopefully that she saw that this was me showing why I say the things I do. One, the economy is a big factor
for us to prep, even, even just now, even on good days, even when things are affordable. I don't
think we should be households in which we buy groceries for the day or the week. I think we should be on that. We should have food in the
cabinet for the situations. We should be able to take care of things. You know, if you're in an
area or a state that is quite liberal at times. I mean, I'm hearing a lot of things just from California, the things that are going on in
Texas. I mean, those are serious enough reasons to want to make sure you have what you need and
you're safe in your own home because your family, when it comes down to it, your family is what
matters. Oh, I was trying to reach out for the computer. Let's see. I know I'm so early that, oh,
I don't know if that did that. You hit the, okay. I know we're so early
that I think I beat everybody awake, which you know what? It happens. All right, hold on, let's see. Ouch. Oh, this says connectivity to the server
has been lost. There we go. Good morning, Prepping Patriots. I am glad to see you in the chat. It is
very early. I am one of those. I am usually up by 5 a.m. every day, whether I want to be or not.
I prefer to do my show at a certain time, but for unseen circumstances, I won't be able to do it at my normal time.
So that's why you have me this early a.m.
I feel, though, I am hitting my points so fast.
Pep and Patriot, did you ever get a chance to look at those questions and did you
have anything you wanted to throw in there james should be joining us here shortly he's an early
morning bird too but we shall see but yeah so this is just those things where think about what you
have think about how you do it i'm again, sometimes talking about the hard things, whether you want to discuss them,
whether you want to think about something that hard is, well, go ahead and take a look,
are situations that you need to realistically consider.
So talking about the hard points makes it easier to understand makes it easier for your partner
anyone in your group to know okay this is where my mind is at in this situation
and it's like okay and then you can play devil's advocate you can both discuss it or as a group
discuss it and see what's going to be the best fit
for you and your group or you and your family.
Because if you understand how they're going to handle that situation, how their mind processes,
it makes it easier to be able to be on the same team or on the same path without there
being too much conflict.
Because the last thing you want to do is end up in a situation where everyone's running
around like a chicken with their head cut off.
And unfortunately, you're going to see that from people.
So our point is to be able to remain calm, to be able to, well, we're still going to
get upset.
Who are we kidding?
In certain situations.
But it's to be realistic of how we want to handle
this because in those emergency situations, you're going to think back, wait, I planned for this.
I can do this, this, and this. I have this, this, and this. Oh, but I don't have this. Okay. So it's
not to force you to go out and buy a hundred things right now. No, make a plan. If you're
missing some items that I listed off that you think you or your group may need, then by all
means, add it to your list. Don't make it something you go right now and you break the bank collect-ins
or obtain-in. Make sure you take your time and be like, okay, well, I have set a time frame, set a window, whatever it may be, set goals.
This is the whole point to prepping is we want to be ready, but we don't need to break ourselves or be prep or poor, okay?
There's no reason to kill ourselves financially when the economy is doing that enough for us.
Grocery shopping is atrocious
it's just heartbreaking with the way things are sometimes but that's why we as preppers
don't let hard times bring us down we are going, we're always trying to show people that it
is okay to be in hard times. It is okay to plan for a rainy day. There is nothing wrong
with you being prepared. I had the same discussion with a sibling.
and I got spit up on. Thank you. Um, I, you know, talk to a younger sibling whose mindset has changed a bit from where they were. I've told people in the past, I, I have,
I had a sibling who said that if the world went to SHTF, their option was going to be to opt out. Do I think that they would still potentially do
that? Absolutely. Absolutely. I know that's horrible to say, but realistically, I know the
mindset of my siblings. I know their mental strength. But it was promising to hear that that individual was now stating,
you know, I would try to do this, this, and this first. So it showed that they've gotten a little
more mental maturity in that aspect of being able to cope with an emergency situation.
I've been on them about making sure they have supplies and things for a rainy day,
and they are ahead on some parts and working it on others. They don't have to be as active as I am,
but it just gives me a little more of a relaxing side to know that their options aren't to just give up. Now, if that was that individual's decision, then I can't stop them.
I would hope they wouldn't.
But again, everybody handles stressful situations different.
And some people just aren't ready to handle them at all.
So I've got in the group.
Let's see.
I have to think about each scenario a bit more.
I'm ready for EMP and viral outbreak, but haven't thought of military invasion.
My biggest thing is getting my family prepared for those items, though.
They aren't ready and they aren't prepared.
My wife and others don't want to think about it or hear about it all the time.
So I have to bring it up slowly with them.
You know what? I completely get that. It's the same with my friend who says they're not ready
for anything. I'm always bringing it up and I always hear, well, I don't have time to think
about that right now. I don't want to think about that right now. I don't want to hear about it. I
don't have this. I don't have that. Well, if all you say is I don't,
then what are you doing? And it's not to naysay these individuals. And it's definitely not to
naysay your wife, which is why I play the what if game. Now, I'm sure you could broach the subject
with your missus in a way to where you could get her involved. But also, you know, that's kind of like the death talk in our house.
My siblings don't like to hear about it and don't like to talk about it.
But I, myself, with my parents, with each one individually,
have spoken in great lengths of how, you know,
what they want to happen in certain scenarios,
what they want upon their death,
if they're hospitalized, et cetera, et cetera. Like it's not a talk people have easily. And sometimes prepping needs a serious talk. You know, yes, we are laid back and we have fun and we make
jokes, but when hits the line, when you get everybody on board for understanding?
Is your, you know, I've got a question for you.
Is your wife one who is okay with something written out as a plan?
Or what is her approach of stressful situation style?
Because if it's anything like my former marriage, I would have everything already set for each
individual. I'd have it written out in a book or a binder. I'd have it out in instructions,
you know, whatever it may be to help that individual. I'd even have, I've even went as far as to making sure there was notes
in a piece of paper with all the important information needed in his wallet. That's how
far I had to go. But, you know, just think about the proper approach in which it won't. I understand
you probably will get some pushback, but being able to talk to your family and have them understand, because
there may hit a day, may not be tomorrow, may not be today, may not be next week or next year,
but there could be a time where it hits and you're like, you know, dad was trying to tell me
something. This is why dad, I got my hair, why he kept doing what he was doing. So I understand
because I was in a situation where my partner wasn't prepping.
It's more along the lines, if it happens, it happens. If it's written out, it would be better.
Okay, well, get this. I would talk, if you are able to broach it in certain scenarios that don't
sound like prepping, I know that sounds funny. Sometimes you've got to use different analogies.
sound like prepping. I know that sounds funny. Sometimes you've got to use different analogies.
Or, you know, hey, I was just thinking, and I want your opinion. I'm looking at adjusting this,
this, and this. What would be your thoughts that I should need to do for this? Sometimes getting them as an objective third-person view, I mean, as a separate view would be a lot easier
to broach the subject than, hey, we need to do this and you need to do this and I need to do
that. Because sometimes for some individuals, it's a little too confrontational, which by no means am
I trying to tell you what to do. I'm just want to give you suggestions to see if maybe that might
help. But yeah, write them out. In our household, you know, I write out my notes.
Whenever we're talking about prepping in our household, I write out notes.
I make lists.
I make directions, subnotes, whatever it needs to be for those topics, for those titles.
You know what?
If you want some time, I don't know how you feel about it.
Reach out to me, uh, Prep and Patriot. And if I can help in any way to make it a little bit easier as far as broaching these subjects with your partner, I'll be more than happy to help. I was
married for nearly 10 years to someone who is not a prepper whatsoever. So that was fun.
who is not a prepper whatsoever. So that was fun. And she says, if we all get wiped out,
she'd be with God. I've been working on her for a few years now and it's getting better.
Yes, it is a slow progression. But yeah, think about these situations. I know she probably doesn't handle things the same way. And you've got to keep in mind, if a situation hits, she may not look at it the same.
So, for example, say you keep an emergency bag in her car, right, for whatever situation.
If you are going to write her instructions, I know this is a bit juvenile.
It's not to be a jab at her or anybody else but write out your instructions or notes on a card
and put it in a sleeve a clear sleeve either on front of the bag or right there on top of the bag
so when it's opened it's viewed and make sure they are aware, I did put this in the car just for in a just as if
situation, or I put an emergency bag in your car. So if you break down or something happens,
you have it. Well, at some point, if they need it, they'll know it's there. They can go in it
and the instructions are right there. Putting it in that protective sleeve also keeps it from being
too damaged or getting wet and destroying what you wrote. So do keep that
in mind. Again, like I said, you put it immediately where it's going to be seen because people who
aren't preppers don't look beyond what's going on right in front of them. So it's not a jab.
It's not to be mean in any way. It's just to be, think about, okay, in a stressful situation, if this is going to happen, then
what do I do?
Tape it right where they're going to see it when they go to put it on or pin it or however
you want to do it.
But make sure any instructions, directions, maps, whatever it may be, are in a protective
sleeve so they do not get ruined if they get wet.
Let's see. Makes sense. Been needing to lay out instructions for not only her, but the kids. You know, I did the same with my kids. My
kids were a lot, you know, my, my ex got to a point where they, he didn't care that I prepped
and he didn't care that the kids were involved. He just didn't want it to be cluttery and
he just wanted to be told what to do. And that's fine.
And the same with the kids. Make it, if you have little kids, diagrams, pictures, little littles.
If you have children who are of reading age, keep the instructions simple. Very simple.
In stressful situations, it's hard for adults to be able to read a paragraph or a full
sentence. So keep it super simple, super direct. It'll make it so much easier to retain what's
being said versus reading line after line after line. Because when you're stressed,
you're not going to retain everything that's in front of you. You're going to be on an adrenaline or a rushed
factor and your mind is just trying to stay in. Yeah, not a problem. So anytime I am here,
I appreciate you saying that, but yeah, think about it. Let me know what you end up, well,
you don't have to tell me specifically, but let me know how some of those work for you. I'd love to hear about it.
All right. So real quick, I am going to go to a commercial break. I need to put the tech down.
And then when we get back, I am going to actually answer the question that was asked in the group,
along with the questions they asked, they answered for me. So give me one moment.
I'll be right back.
On the brink of blackouts again,
as power demand reached an all-time record high overnight,
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PBN Family, your garden is the resistance.
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your path back to stability
here All right, trying out these bumpers.
I am loving it.
Let's see.
So I was asked a question that I did want to cover that I thought would be great to discuss in here.
So I was asked, now for the ladies, what do you do for feminine hygiene?
I think this may get overlooked or baby
hygiene do you look at reusable products that you wash or do you stock up on disposable
sorry to the men in the chat so i'm not sorry that is a fantastic question as a woman i've had
children i have children i have a baby and I am still at the will of a
biological process, right? Yes, I do have a stock of disposable, don't get me wrong. It is convenient,
it is easier, because until a certain situation hits, I do like the easy convenience of being able to use a sanitary napkin and to toss it or whatever
it may be. But this is a discussion that I and my myself and, um, a few of my female friends and my
proper female friends have had about. Uh, so for all of my children, for the babies actually we'll go with females and then we'll go to baby um
i do keep a good amount of disposable i have not recently since having a baby that is something
for any of those who don't know when you exclusively breastfeed it delays that i could
be looking at another few more another month to another few more months before I have to worry
about it which is a nice break but again I should be taking that time to stock up on things I know
I'm going to need now we have your disposable sanitary napkins or pads and tampons you have
panty liners so I am all for stocking up on disposable.
But I am also a fan of using reusable.
Now, yes, it doesn't sound great.
It sounds gross. They make some great reusable ones out there.
You can easily make them yourself if you sew.
They, sorry, this baby isn't walking or mobile in the sense but he manages to be able to turn
himself in a full 360 and then I have to figure out what he's trying to reach at um
reusable pads are amazing I am trying to if anyone has a good brand or a good pattern,
because I am working on so-and-so things as well, let me know. I'm all for it. It's kind of,
if anyone has listened to Michael Klein's show and his show, they actually had an entire episode talking about, um, you know, being able to
clean themselves because, well, poop is water soluble and having what they call the cloth
bucket. Well, I made them hiney hinkies. Yes, that's right. Reusable cotton cloths to be able
to wipe your tushy and to rinse them. It's kind of the same aspect for sanitary
napkins. So you would have a bucket, you would throw those in there. Well, for a woman, we probably
would rinse them out first before throwing them in there to then sanitize. But it would be an
overall something that's reusable. There are other options such as Diva Cup or brands like the Diva Cup. I
personally haven't used those. I don't know much too much about them than what I've seen or
understand about watching videos or tutorials. Anyone who's used one, let me know. I'm not
against that, but it's good to have more than one option. I don't see any problem in keeping disposables with you because how many times have we been
out in public as women and be like, I had someone else say, do you happen to have a
pad or a tampon?
You know, that happens quite a bit.
There's nothing shamed in how the woman body works.
I'm not going to shame anyone.
I won't throw out any names if you don't want, but I think it's interesting
to know, yes, reusable supplies, disposable supplies. I think it's great to have all of them.
Absolutely all of them. For fathers who have daughters, I know this probably subject makes
you uncomfortable, but your young little girls are gonna to become women. And this is just a part of it.
So stock up, stock up on all of it. Pads, tampons, no scented. Okay. The last thing you need to do is be dealing with toxic shock syndrome because you've got scented tampons or pads, which aren't
good for your women health anyways. Um, let's see. So stock up on those for your family, for the women you know, men who,
even though you aren't, say you don't have a wife or you don't have a girlfriend or whatever,
it wouldn't hurt to keep some supplies because you're going to end up with someone in the group
who's going to need it. For women of childbearing age, I think it doesn't hurt
to have something a little bit stronger, like the extra large overnights, and it's going to sound
crazy. I don't see anything wrong with keeping disposable diapers, adult diapers on hand for those situations because bearing a child is rough and being able to have
that will help immensely. Let's see. Okay. So I'll, I'll get off of that because I'm sure a few people
are probably, all right, let's see. So baby hygiene. I do have quite a few disposable diapers. It's convenient. It's easy because I'm
one of those, even though I prep, I use what I have. I would love to say I'm at a situation where
I can have some put up, but I'm not. So in our house, our preps are actively used on top of
while restocking. I am a fan of having backup cloth diapers. I have fallen on
tough times in which I've had to use cloth diapers because unfortunately diapers are expensive.
Now you don't have to kill the bank with it. Buying in bulk is a lot cheaper, but yeah, I don't see
anything wrong in keeping those. Again, women of childbearing age or groups that may have women of childbearing age who
could be pregnant, who could easily become pregnant, especially in group situations,
A plus B equals C.
It doesn't, I think it is advisable.
Even if you don't want to stock up on disposable diapers, you feel like it's a waste, that is absolutely fine.
But do look into some reusable diapers.
Look into the covers.
I'm not saying buy a bunch of clothes or buy, but keep in mind, you know, babies are a product of men and women.
of men and women. In situations, if you're hunkered down, look at COVID, look at the COVID baby boom. During cold weather, it happens, okay? We're all adults here, and it's just the way
things are. If you're uncomfortable with that, I'm sorry, but it is nature. So keep in mind,
nature. So keep in mind, babies are a product and it is always a possibility. And even if your group doesn't end up having any more littles, those disposable diapers are amazing. I've used diaper
cloths, not disposable, reusable diapers, diaper cloths for diaper rags, for cleaning up guns, for cleaning up spills, are great for burp cloths.
You'd be surprised how many uses you can find in.
A lot of them are 100% cotton, so it's great for wound care or bandages.
So just think about it.
It's not like you're getting something that is going to be completely idle for a long time.
It has its uses.
going to be completely idle for a long time. It has its uses. So, I mean, uh, so I, so baby hygiene is a big one in which a lot of the same stuff I use on my son, I would use for myself. So
I don't use Johnson and Johnson. If you want to stock up on some baby hygiene or cleaning products,
great. Nothing wrong with that. The only perk I see, I would suggest is I use like Shea Butter
brands, the baby brands. And the only reason I would advise to go on ahead and get in some
is someone in your group could have sensitive skin. And truth be told, we all probably know
at least one person in our preference group who does.
And so having that does make it a little bit easier than watching one of your partners scratch
themselves to death because their skin's dry or they're having a reaction to something in
the products you have. So a good mild soap. A lot of those soaps can be used on hair for babies. You know what? Diaper
cream. Sounds crazy. People are like, oh, but again, we don't need it. You'd be surprised at
how much an adult can use that too. The elderly can use that. Let me see here. I actually have an item. It's not cheap, but it is amazing. They
use it a lot on older individuals with their chapped hineys, with babies. I've used it on
all of my babies. Let's see. I'm trying to remember the name of it, but I know it's in here.
it's in here all right let's see and it's a type of cream and it's amazing so keep in mind you know prepping up on stocking up on things that you
wouldn't think about but if you are of childbearing age or you have a female in your group of childbearing
age eventually it could happen so it is something to think about. Oh, here we go. What is the name?
You can get it from the pharmacy. You don't have to have a prescription, but it's not something
they just sell it over the counter, but it is an amazing cream. Where is it?
I have it here. I see where I asked the question. Now I'm just trying to find the answer.
Oh, this is going to drive me nuts. well that stinks you know what i'll have to post it in the group
didn't mean for it to be that close and that loud i guess i will have to post it in the
group when i find it my My brain's not 100% this early.
I'm just thinking.
Oh, goldenness in it.
Okay, well, you know what? You win some, you lose some. As soon as I'm able to find it,
You know, when some of you lose some, as soon as I'm able to find it, I will post it in the group.
For those of you who are not in the group, definitely get in the group.
But it doesn't hurt to stock up on items that the entire household or group or whomever you're trying to prep for can use.
Reusable supplies are amazing.
But it's always great to have disposable because well it's it's a little more convenient it's a little more easier a little less work but it's good to have both
options uh if you do have people of child rearing age or of age to be able to get pregnant, keep in mind, newborn diapers are not typically the thing
that you want to have. A lot of babies don't come out that small.
And the great thing about reusable diapers or the cloth diapers is, oh, it's Resinol. I found it. Resinol. R-E-S-I-N-O-L. It is an amazing diaper cream
for extreme diaper rashes. They've used it on the elderly, on the young. It's fantastic.
But you can adjust cloth diapers to fit any size. They have them where you don't have to use the
sharp pins. They have different fasteners that you can use.
You want to get the baby, the plastic liners or covers. But yeah, it's definitely something you
want to have on hand. There's nothing wrong with prepping for that. So thank you for asking that
question. When I asked you my questions, I think that was an amazing thing to really cover because preparedness is,
preparedness is life for us. This isn't a hobby. This isn't a sport. This is a lifestyle.
And being able to know, well, prepping is our security blanket. Being able to know that my
family is fed, that I don't have to struggle as much as everybody else, kind of gives you a sense of relief.
You can take that breath and be like, okay, what next?
Because we're always planning for the next thing, whatever it may be.
it may be. So if you have what ifs that you would like to throw out, if you have questions,
if you have comments, feel free to send me an email. Feel free to add the group and add messages.
You know, message me on the group. If not, my email is phoenix-survival at Again, that's phoenix-survival at I mean, reach out. I would love to hear your questions. If you
have maybe questions aside of, hey, what about this or this? Feel free. You know, all of PBN
is here for a reason. We're trying to open people's minds.
We're trying to get them to understand there is more to it that you can involve everybody
and to think about the harder things.
You know, prepping can be fun and easy, but prepping can also be a little scary.
And that's okay.
There's all sides to it.
But that's why we play the what ifs.
Because the last thing we want to do is encounter a situation and have no clue what we're going to do.
That's terrifying.
So for this, my what ifs for me are a bit of a security in the sense of, okay, we discussed this.
These are our goals.
This is how we're going to go about obtaining those goals.
And these are going to be the actions of those said situations. So it's not to show you how much
you don't have. It's not to show you what you're not ready for. Okay. It's really to show you,
okay, this is what I do have. And this is what I need to do. Nothing wrong with that.
this is what I do have and this is what I need to do.
Nothing wrong with that.
So listeners, I do appreciate that.
I am going to do a quick throw out on the sense that I do have a new item I've just made.
It is going to, I decided to throw it to our group runner, Garden Girl. She is, if anyone has followed my instagram at phoenix underscore survival
i've made a new turtleneck like hoodie she's gonna try it out if you like what you see if you think
you might be interested uh shoot me a message i'm gonna be making more i'm gonna definitely try
to make some in a smaller kid size it is a turtleneck in which you can pull it up over your
nose. It is also a hood in which you can pull the hood on or even wear the hood off. So just want to
throw that out there. Take a look at that page. Let me know. I do plan on having a few guests coming
up. I'm working on a few things. So I think we'll see some great stuff going on,
especially with everything that's going on around us. I normally end up going over an hour. I'm
probably going to actually cut it a little bit short because unfortunately I still have other
things I have to get done as soon as I'm finished here. So PBNers, i appreciate it check out rovin blue again uh they have an amazing
water ozone pen for your water purification needs again a blue rovin blue can also be
paired with any normal water filtration you have because why not two is better than one. And it's a great system. Look it up. Look at
Keep your ear out for PBN. There's a lot of things I'm sure in the works that you will all find out
about. And where did he go? Oh, there he is. And you know what? This is our way of life. This is our way
of living. I want everyone to know I appreciate you. I appreciate our group and everything that
we do and you do. So message, let me know if you had a what if that you wanted to ask me. I have
no problem sitting down with my partner and actually recording that out. I love to hear thoughts.
So again, PBNers, thank you for joining me.
Those who joined me on the live this early morning and those who are listening on the replay.
Thanks again.
I hope you have a great weekend and I will see you next Saturday.
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