The Prepper Broadcasting Network - What Makes America Great?

Episode Date: November 10, 2024

Chin and L. Douglas Hogan join the show to discuss what makes America great.Support the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast with author Sarah F. Hathaway and co-host Chen Gibson. Blending survival fiction and fact to bring you entertaining education that will help you dream, survive, and thrive. And now, here's your hosts, Sarah F. Hathaway and Chin Gibson. Hello, and welcome back to the Changing Earth podcast. This is episode number 470, and we are into season 16. I can't believe 470 episodes of the Changing Earth podcast. Wow, it's been a long journey. So with us tonight, we finally got Chin back. Hey, Chin, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:51 The power's back. It's what's up. Hey, y'all. The power's back, and I was going to have my last minute to the rescue. Al Douglas Hogan is with us as well. He's providing backup support tonight. So appreciated. So hi, Doug. How you doing? I'm good. And you're right. The power is back. Yes. Amen. Prayers were answered. First podcast since we found out Trump's getting reelected. And I saw a cool video. He's got a police dog.
Starting point is 00:01:26 One of the robot dogs. Prowled around. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty neat. So, yes. Happy to have Trump back.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Happy to be back on the show. We've had kind of a wild ride since the hurricane. And it's good to just kind of settle down and get to just visit with everybody and do kind of a little bit more of a normal show tonight. A big announcement on the docket. Let's get this out of the way before we get into just the chit chat. Part two of season four of the Changing Earth audio drama is beginning Thursday for the public.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So anybody who's not a paid supporting member, you guys will get that drop on Thursday. If you are a paid supporting member of the Change in Earth series and everything that we do on the Change in Earth, then you got that available this Thursday commercial free. And I tell you, you guys got to keep up with the show because it's just going to be absolutely rocking and rolling right up to the end of this season. So just starting to get lines out for season five. So that'll be in the works. And all that's looking good as well
Starting point is 00:02:59 already so tonight we are talking about what makes america great oh one more thing before we get into what makes america great um is I have the Change in Earth series. I have a lot of copies of my old books because of Hurricane Helene. So if you go over to my website and you use the code HELENE, H-E-L-E-N-E, all capitalized, you are basically going to pick those books up at cost with just the cost of shipping so i'm just trying to get out those old books that's the last editions of those covers ever doug just went to town on my book series they got new skins it looks great but these are the last editions of
Starting point is 00:03:41 the first covers for those books so pick them up. They make a great Christmas gift. Once again, use Helene, H-E-L-E-N-E, all capital and you're going to get a great deal that I've never offered anyone on those books. I figured my podcast listeners should get the first grab
Starting point is 00:03:59 at them. All right. Yeah. I bought a lot of stock for prepper camp and helene just kind of wiped me out wipe my trailer out at least didn't wipe your place out you know well for sure yeah we were pretty lucky so we haven't seen you in a while. Why don't you just do a little rundown about, you know, just your experience so far post-Helene. And just maybe, you know, just some of the biggest lessons learned out of that experience. We're always taking notes, right?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. So we have, you know, been part of the prepper broadcasting family for years, right? So we're good to go. We didn't have any hurdles to overcome. Yeah, yeah. You were completely prepped, ready to go. Yeah, we were. So things like water, palatable water was good.
Starting point is 00:05:03 The toilet was getting flushed with rainwater collection so that was good beautiful you know if you have a generator and you plan on connecting it to your house and you have your house wired to run off a generator yeah make sure you got the cable that goes from the generator to the house oh oh i had to run school like um uh jd actually had left a whole bunch of uh had donated some cables to me some wires electric extensions so thanks to her we had um wires run cables run through the house because I, the way I had planned on doing it with the generator outside, there's a panel that you plug into. Well, I didn't have that cable. So, but we still had power in the house because of our buddy. Got you. You know what? She was so helpful. She was an absolute godsend to that area.
Starting point is 00:06:09 She was. She was with internet. She was hooking up people with all kinds of stuff. So she was, there is some good on the left coast and she's proof. Fair. She's a big girl. Yep. So that was, that was my biggest hurdle. I think chainsaws and gas are an important thing to have for storms, right? I totally agree. So we recovered with that, but I just ordered a new one, so I'll have a little bigger one than I had previously.
Starting point is 00:06:37 We will not be road tripping without a chainsaw in the future. Yeah, yeah, because, I mean, still driving around around we drove to the trying equestrian center last weekend because they're having a big um all the all the businesses in chimney rock and lake lower were invited to set up storefronts in the trying equestrian center it's this big like horse show rodeo thing like this big center where they all go do these shows and concerts and stuff okay so that was pretty sweet so we went down to check them out and um the the amount of trees that had been cut and moved off the road it was amazing um just driving around the county since the storm i mean it took you know a week i'm sure to clear some of these roads because it it totally blew my mind when we
Starting point is 00:07:36 got out you know just drove further out than just from town you know into town to get groceries or whatever and back yeah it's the first time i've been driving down a highway and literally like the trees were all still laying there like they just cut them off where the cars needed to go by it wasn't like one tree it was like tons in just like a quarter mile section and then you go like a little bit of clear area clump of trees down um we just had we were joking about power but today we had it's been light rain like drizzle to light rain on and off all day long today and about an hour and a half before showtime, power went out. Uh-huh. Of course. There's still trees out there that are on the verge of falling over. And when the earth is, you know, just the right, you know, moist enough or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Soft, yep. They're getting wet, yeah. So the power company was like right on it. It's ongoing. And it came on like five minutes before showtime. But, yeah, so my biggest thing
Starting point is 00:08:48 I think was fuel, chainsaw, and check all your preps. Make sure, like, run the generator.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Don't just say, I got a generator. I can hook it up to the house. We're good to go. Do the whole thing. Run it. See all the circuits that are working in the house make sure it's all
Starting point is 00:09:06 done working right and so that was my biggest fail had the generator yep good lessons learned good lessons learned along the way just put the old-fashioned way of running through the window instead of uh i was all set to just oh watch this honey this, honey. And I'm like, I just have to flip this one circuit inside and we'll have all these. It, you know, throws the emergency circuit on. Didn't happen. Yep. Yeah. Oh, well, at least you have one still, though.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I mean. We're fine. Yeah. I mean, comfortable. From what I've seen, you know, unless like all your preps were in your house and your house is now gone. But you know what's interesting? There's no prep for that. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Staying alert to your surroundings and being able to not be there when that catastrophe happens. I've been working on nonfiction books from, you know, a lot of the shows that we've done. And time and time again, we said, have have tarps have tarps because those tarps might be your home and i was like wow how much of like you know everything that we've been talking about just came completely true in a minute you know maybe think of what other things so comms communications communications communications because we this whole county or this whole region really not just county this whole region went dark no cell signal no internet it was a weird it was like being back in high school for me because there was nothing right that's another thing i've realized like is how reliable like just completely dependent and so i've been all about
Starting point is 00:10:54 comms and getting that squared away because i mean i had it but um i've been like finding repeaters uh i can i can talk a half an hour away i'll be in town the wife will be home we can talk on a gmrs repeater now those walkie talkies that you know you can talk one to five miles simplex well we can talk there's about a 60 mile radius nice from the repeater yeah we're gonna get you doing some master classes and have to do some more podcasts on communication and i've been i've been like all over youtube watching these like after action reports about guys talking about ham nets and and gmrs and metastatic and all because i really need to get my county better situated for that kind of stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Get off the internet reliability. I had a good story. So one of the ladies in the CERT group, she had gotten, she lives on a little country road. And a whole bunch of widows and stuff live older ladies and stuff single ladies and stuff live on the same road she lives on and she got them all involved in gmrs and every week they'd have a little cert check oh that's cool yeah and then when the storm hit they were good to go they know how to use the radios. They were chatting to each other. They were like, we got this if you need some. I'm running a little low on this.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Nice. The one lady was heading down the road to confront somebody. So they all had eyes on watching. Oh, to make sure, yeah, nobody got picked up along the way. That's awesome. Yeah. The success story was the old ladies working the radio. Love that. So there you go. Love that. Yeah. The success story was the old ladies working the radio. Love that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 So there you go. Love that. Yep. So. Well. I mean, figure it out now. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Yeah. I know. I'm still slacking. GMRS is the easiest. It's like the gateway entry into comms. HAM is a little further out, but you could set up your own repeater if you had to. Right, especially for the family and stuff. So, I don't know, it's the way to go.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And if you're, I mean, even if you're home and you just have one that goes one to five miles and you have to go out to check on something you got a radio in your pocket and the guys have radios at the house you could still communicate with each other you're not going blind it's not like oh mom hasn't been back for an hour you know and um ironically enough just up in northern california um my friend they were doing like work on the lines and stuff like it took internet out and then even the police officers couldn't do anything basically at their precincts like yeah i'm curious like doug does all the if you guys lost internet there is that that like D.O. for communications between the police officers? Yeah, so we recently had a situation like that.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Actually, it's happened two or three times since we've been in our new building. Because we just moved from one department, we call them posts, one post to another post. We got a brand new facility. And so Novacom, who does all of our communications and rewiring and resetting us up, they've been there for weeks ever since we moved in. And in that time frame, after we moved in, our power went down, our communications went down at least three times. And not just that, but we've had other storm issues and things like that also. We were made vulnerable, no communications whatsoever. And it's bad because we have emergency cell phones that we use.
Starting point is 00:14:43 It's bad because we have like emergency cell phones that we use. Right. The problem with that is you're unable to get the word out to the community that, hey, call this number if you have an emergency. Oh, yep. Oh, that takes down the 911 systems as well? Yeah. Like when your electricity's down. Yeah, fair.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Because people, we've become so committed to using like cell service and electronics and all you know we're in a technological age they're sending out notices on facebook like you know boil water notices on facebook and crap like that it's like come on you know crazy yeah yep that's why i do like those systems that if we can get something in place. Go ahead. You guys doing the Starlink or Skylink? Starlink. I don't have Starlink. I would like to have Starlink, especially next year when I come out to Prepper Camp. Because let me tell you, Jenny saved my tail with her system. Do you have it with your department?
Starting point is 00:15:44 No. That's probably something I bring it up because we're in the department. Responders got some a little bit into this and that's what saved their butt with Starlink. Because both the base unit and the hand mobile
Starting point is 00:15:59 unit. So have your department look into that. Because Starlink hooked these guys up and it was the because we our 911 went down and that's how they came back up with starlink and like the sheriff and stuff he was having problems with comms and he got some mobile panels so have them check into that the mobile um starlink too like if you buy it just personally for yourself um the one that's the mobile one you only have to pay for it when you're going to use it so it's really good for like traveling and stuff like that as well
Starting point is 00:16:35 and i i can't don't hold me to this but i think i read someplace it's like 20 bucks a month if you have it piggybacked onto pre-existing. Like, we have Starlink at home. Right. That's what we're talking on right now. Yeah. And if I wanted to buy the mobile panel, I could fire it up. It could be travel and stuff for just
Starting point is 00:16:58 an extra $20 a month since I already have an account. Mm-hmm. Reasonable, but we'll see. That's pretty cool. You have to buy the hardware, and that's not cheap. Alright, so let's get into topic today. We're talking about what makes America great,
Starting point is 00:17:13 because the slogan is, let's make America great again, right? And I think what maybe some of the newer generations and stuff are confused about is in school, they were told how non-great america is and unless you had good strong roots in um in american culture and traditions and uh exceptionalism then you don't really know why america is great so maybe that's
Starting point is 00:17:44 some of the problems with uh you know what's going on is that they just don't really know why america is great so maybe that's some of the problems with uh you know what's going on is that they just don't understand what made america great to begin with so i'm gonna go around what's your guys's number one opinion of what made america so different from every other country. And it's pretty. But go ahead, Doug. You know, right off the bat, I'm going to jump in on the First and the Second Amendments. No other country. I mean, you hear people and you see movies, you hear everybody talking about, oh, the other countries have freedoms, too.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Not ingrained like the United States does. this is we have a the constitution affirming these rights like it is the law of the land sure they have rights but look what happens when when their government doesn't like what they're saying or what they're posting yeah you see in europe right now literally getting arrested for posting quote-unquote hate posts or hate from just because they express something that hurts somebody's feelings right and they're trying to reach out further than just europe yeah with twitter and stuff right trying to reach into america to be like well you can't show it in europe then if uh it's breaking these rules or whatever it's like so in the united states facebook's pretty pretty much not just so facebook but like instagram as well it's just a huge database for the cia that's all it's good
Starting point is 00:19:10 for in my opinion i hate i hate facebook i hate all these places that they just collect your data and they share all this information out um the problem with that is cia has all this stuff right and the left wing democrats in their own record is this as we we found out from the twitter files when they were released after elon musk bought it and changed the decks he released all this information out to the community and what did we find out that they were in fact the u.s government was in fact reaching out to them and telling them to censor and to silence conservative leading posts oh yeah i know i've got completely nuclear bombed in 2020 same but i think you hit it right on the head my my number one is constitution um you know it's first time that a nation was beholden to the creator and not to another human being i mean that that yes and that that sentiment is – I mean, that's universal. That goes out across – here's the problem with other countries is that is a baseline.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Every human has human rights. Right. Baseline. Baseline. They have a right to walk and talk, and they have a right to assemble. They have a right to say whatever they want to say. These are God-given rights. They have a right to property and to say – the fact that it hurts people's feelings, that is not a right for the person.
Starting point is 00:20:29 They don't have a right for being offended. Correct? And that's what's happening right now in Europe, and especially in the United Kingdom, is they're not going door-to-door. And they're not going to say, yeah, you posted on Facebook hate whatever it was, you know. Yep. And you guys are like really surprised. Like it's hate? Hate speech?
Starting point is 00:20:49 What are you talking about? Yes, you said blah, blah, blah. And it's really just something that hurts my feelings. But the problem with that is, is who determines what is hate speech? It's really whoever's in charge. Whose feelings are the lit are the lip this test? Exactly. And it's always going to be, you know, if you got, if you got, um, let me tell you right
Starting point is 00:21:11 now that now, I mean, not now, but let's say January 6th. Okay. And January 6th, the, the, the, the lefters left-wingers are going to be thinking that Donald Trump is the one who determines what hate speech is. Okay. When in reality, you know, conservatives really don't have, you know, there's,
Starting point is 00:21:27 there's not a baseline for hate speech. Like you can say whatever you want to. Right. And that's why they hate us so much because they think that we're Nazis because we can say whatever we want to and get away with it. Well, that's it. That's a God given right.
Starting point is 00:21:37 That's what freedom of speech is. God holds us accountable. Yeah. I'm sorry. That's what freedom of speech is. You're going to hear things that are offensive and you better because that's how you get debate and that's how you get new ideas and that's how you decide like oh that idea doesn't work or we don't that's how you get very robust communications and you know dialogues and you know that's this is how you debate on and you determine who you're
Starting point is 00:21:58 who's going to be your president your candidates it's through a very robust man it seems like it's okay for everybody when they get up on a debate stage they throw money at each other that seems to be like the only time when it's okay you know to it's not hate speech you know especially if somebody's insulting a conservative but it's not hate speech you know they deserve that he is a Nazi and it's okay but if somebody that's on the right says something and that fence about left then it's hate speech yeah that's par for the course though, right? Because like what happens in the halls of Congress is fine but you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:29 They're allowed to say what they want. They can make their law and it doesn't affect me. It only affects the citizens of the country. You know? It's like the Obamacare thing. It didn't apply to anybody in Congress. Yes!
Starting point is 00:22:44 The COVID shots. The COVID shots. It's like the Obamacare thing that didn't apply to anybody in Congress. Yes. The COVID shots. The COVID shots. Yep. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No mandates applied to them. Only to the United States citizens because we are the sheep.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Right. That would be a whole different ballgame. And also how— Everything that came out of that building was forced upon everybody as well as the people that were inside the building yeah exactly that's why I'm all for the term you probably saw the videos where they're taking pictures
Starting point is 00:23:14 and they all have their masks on during the pandemic and then they think when the meetings are over with and they think the telecameras are off they're still running and they take their masks off. Yeah. Okay. Caught red handed.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Classic. Do as I say, not as I do. It's some schoolyard stuff that's going on. It's just ridiculous. Yeah. But that's the First Amendment thing. And then we got, you know, like I said, the Second Amendment, right, which is a whole new ball of wax. It protects everything. Yeah. Like without the Second Amendment, right, which is a whole new ball of wax. It protects everything.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah. Like without the Second Amendment. I think that's why there's been such a hard push against firearms. And if they can just convince, and that's what they've been trying to do, is convince, you know, the Kool-Aid drinkers that firearms are bad. You know, they kill more people than any other thing in the United States does, which is a total lie. Like kitchen knives kill more people than guns do.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. Ball bats kill more people. Traffic crashes, alcohol, cigarettes. You see what I'm saying? But the focus is on something that just happens to be the one element that keeps us and our rights secure. Yes. Well, that's purposeful. That's purposeful.
Starting point is 00:24:21 What about you, Chad? You got something other than the – got i got a little list so yeah well obviously after what i've lived through i'm saying what make what makes and what made america great is the salt of the earth people of this country amen it it's not you know the whole joke about the worst thing to hear is the government's here to help yeah that's not gonna happen because i saw during this storm the people stood up and took care of them took care of themselves and took care of their neighbors it's the people of this country that you know work for the good of you know their families and their neighbors and their neighborhoods
Starting point is 00:25:07 are the reason why this country is what it is. It's so true. My number two was the American dream. You can come from anywhere and you can become anything that you want to be with hard work and determination. We tried to take away those caste systems those social shackles that held you in place and it is a little disheartening to see like this elitist world of you can only do this if you're that class or whatever really starting to
Starting point is 00:25:40 grip this country too hard in my opinion and when you listen to people who immigrated here you know legitimately through the methods that are correct and you ask them you know what is so great about america that's what they would tell you is that you with hard work, grit, and determination, you can be whatever you want to be. And that we just pull together when times get rough and we, you know, iron sharpens iron. And that's really cool to see. Like we were talking in the green room about the Amish coming in and helping out and everything. They've just really stepped up their game this time around here in 2024. I don't think I've ever seen the Amish in the news so much in my life.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Let me just say real quick while you're on that, because they came out and did what they did for Pennsylvania. This is the first time in 36 years a Republican won all of these states like this. This was huge, the electoral and the popular and it's it's crazy to me also while i'm on that note is that the only the only states that kamala harris won are the states that don't require voter id yeah yeah and if you look at like the immigrant map as well yeah it's those are the blue areas where like not legal immigration where a lot of the illegal immigrants are um and gee i wonder why you know if you were here illegally on that little
Starting point is 00:27:12 mass invasion that we had why you would vote for kamala over trump hmm you know so again it shows when the salt of the earth come together and work hard, we get positive outcomes. And this election cycle was a proof of that. Yeah. I mean, we had huge turnouts. And again, back to, you know, what we've always talked about is when disaster hits, you can't rely on FEMA. disaster hits you can't rely on FEMA to think you know that your government's gonna be there to rescue you to help you to feed you that's not gonna happen and um I think that way too many people have that idea in their head that like oh they're like the magic people with angel wings
Starting point is 00:27:59 that are supposed to come and get me out of this there's no come and get me out of this. There's no come and get me out of this. You're going to have to do it. And the people around you are going to have to do it. And it's just incredible stories. Like you said, the ladies with the, with the radios, you know, being able to do that and have that network preexisting. Um, so that's really why it's so important to keep learning this stuff and being that leader in your community that's really good did you see like i posted in the back channel where the uh the results for my county we had 72 almost 73 percent voter turnout and that that's people that literally had their house washed off the foundation right like that's people that are still like trying to figure out what they're going to do with their land because there's so many trees down like my garden's a mess it's i haven't i'll worry about it
Starting point is 00:28:58 right but they were their vote not winter long and then this spring it's basically like starting a new garden so but even with all that heartache and all that chaos in our lives almost 73% turnout for this election I was amazed when I saw those stats that's people saying we gotta get out
Starting point is 00:29:20 and vote I don't care if we have to you know take the side by side you know take the ut the side by side you know right there's more bridge there to drive the car that we're gonna get there and that's what happened and we got the vote yeah there's a lot to be said there there's a lot to unpack there um as far as you know what those numbers looked This year, the most voted year yet, the numbers don't even hit close to what the numbers were in the 2020 election. Hmm. Don't know what happened there.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Well, I think... Was there like 30 million more votes? Yeah. Was it 2020 than now? Right. They don't add up. No. The vote out early. I mean, we all hate, we all want to vote.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's the patriarch thing to vote on the day, like election day. But whatever your state allowed, I think we had like a two-week voting period in North Carolina. To get that vote out, so you cast your ballots, and then it was harder for them to sneak in and figure and you know do all their little we had a massive turnout in texas in the early voting i i can't remember what fletcher was telling me something like 80 percent of people were already voted by the fifth my count my little county was doing 2 000 a day yeah voting and we all we only did about a thousand the day of the election because total because we had so many people vote early that um and that's cool too it gives them time to like actually get this stuff figured out i mean i'd much rather have it just one day voting but i i saw the value of it so we we voted on the second day of open, you know, early voting. Yeah, and there you go.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I mean, America is just great for that reason as well. We got to watch what's going on with them trying to abolish the electoral and only go on the popular vote. That he won popular as well. Yeah, I know, which is incredible. won popular as well. I know, which is incredible. Because if she had won a popular vote, they would have gone hard on that,
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm sure. Okay, so the other thing that I really accredit American greatness to is religious freedom. You have freedom to worship whoever you want, however you want, as long as that doesn't injure other people in your practicing of doing that.
Starting point is 00:31:53 So there's obviously things I don't agree with, you know, as far as worshiping of some entities, but you have that right in the United States, and that's pretty unique, and that's a pretty great thing for a country to have. Well, I got like crickets from the boys on that one. They're like, nope, not touching that one. I'm sorry, I keep my stuff muted because I didn't get feedback on mine, and at least my screen's like, nope. Look like we were told we couldn't go to worship, right?
Starting point is 00:32:23 Right. During COVID we were, we couldn't go to worship, right? Right. So we were. Yeah. Yeah. So the funny the funny thing about that, Shane, I know you remember. I don't know. Did you sit in one? Actually, you were busy at Prepper Camp.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I don't know if you got to sit down at all and listen to any of my survival martial law stuff. But but during the during the covid pandemic, whenever they were pushing for the churches to be shut down, like the press was literally at these White House press conferences, and they're seated six feet apart and acting all stupid with their medical masks on, right? Like their fabric masks don't like to go and protect them. And they're raising their hands, they're asking these idiotic questions like, why isn't Trump going to make, or why isn't the president going to shut down the churches at all? And they were attacking, why aren't the churches being shut down? And this was before Biden took office, which, again, it was under threat. But the point being is that right is, for the freedom of the press, the same exact right as the right to peaceably assemble and to worship. The freedom of religion.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yes. They're both the First Amendment. So how hypocritical is it for them to sit in there and raise their hands and say, yo, how come you're not shutting the churches down? While they're sitting there at a press conference raising their hand asking, why didn't you shut down the First Amendment? It made no sense. It just goes to show the hypocrisy of the left. Yeah. So true.
Starting point is 00:33:44 So true. So true. And that was all faiths, right? I mean, like Minnesota doing their, oh, you can't have any teachers of faith teaching school. That was all faiths included. And they went after everyone, Christian, Muslim, didn't matter. They pretty much blanketed it all. I don't know how that's going to work out for their state but it was pretty interesting. Sorry, I'm trying to read. Silver Streak left me a big What Makes America Great.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I'm trying to make sure I have the vocabulary. I'll read it out loud. I got a thesaurus for this one. Okay, so I'm straight. I'm thesaurus-ing. He says, well, when I read the Declaration of Independence and it lists of grievances, it becomes apparent to me that the oppression of our ancestors faced was real
Starting point is 00:34:42 and that they knew the threat wouldn't go away with new government only. Every generation needs to understand the past and appreciate it in order to protect themselves from despotism. It's extremely important today. Now that we have government that possesses technological advancements that they use against the citizen fair. advancements that they use against the citizen. Fair.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And it makes you wonder why all this new schooling, new math is wiping away history or rewriting history and why statues were being torn down. Right? Right. Because what he said, you have to appreciate. You do. What happened. Yeah. All the challenges.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And if they start. have to appreciate you do what happened yeah all the challenges yeah imagine if you just had like a brain wipe and you couldn't remember all the struggles and challenges you had as a teenager and as your younger years you know and you didn't have any of that relevance to go on to make your decisions tomorrow what kind of a human being would be? 84. A little Orwellian drop there. Right? Yeah. No, that's legit.
Starting point is 00:36:02 The other thing that I think is pretty cool is the government structure that is supposed to be this balanced government that has checks and balances to make sure that corruption can't hit every part of government. So I believe we saw it kind of fail. I think it's self-correcting. Hopefully at this point with the marriage of business and government together, that people could jump in and out of business positions
Starting point is 00:36:26 and into government to change things the way they wanted to. A lot of that has to do with certain administrations that are in place as far as the Food and Drug Administration and things like that, that allowed a lot of that to happen. But in theory, our government, yeah, it might be a little bit slow and it might be a little bit messy to have to have these discussions and whatnot. But it helps keep radical ideas on both sides kind of in that middle line where we can all come together, hopefully, in the future. And I think that's a pretty cool facet of the United States of America that made this a really exceptional country.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Slow is steady, right? Like in a lot of other things we do. Yeah. And I mean, we can go down a direction, but at least it has the ability to self-correct before that direction gets self-destructive, which is what I believe that's been happening for the last decade. I got hope. I mean, we got a system in place for self-correction, but it seems like we're not even allowed.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I mean, hence all the regulation, right? Yeah. Was it long ago when Biden made a comment about the United States citizens having tanks or something? know it's like actually if the government has them we should have them too right and yeah he was like uh what
Starting point is 00:37:50 are you going to do ar-15s against an f-16 or whatever that was his comment yeah something along those lines but it's like it's like you know the reason why these this was put in place was so that it's to prevent it you know prevent a tyrannical government from what the listeners said, the despotism. We got despots running this country right now, and there's a lot of them, and they don't care about what we think or what we feel. They do care about what we have in our homes protecting our rights. Yeah, it's scary when they turn the lens back on its own people and uh of course in the name of security and i understand that if there's like a reason you know but honestly i would err more on the side of none of that should be turned back on
Starting point is 00:38:41 its people to um you know to like you said the spy system the constant all that everything the federal government has all its power should be used to defend our borders right right nothing none of it should be used to police after its people we could police after ourselves that's what your local governments are for that's why we elect sheriffs fair fair yeah that's why we pay property taxes. Fair. Fair. Yeah. That's why we pay property taxes, you know, to make sure that stuff happens. Yes. Sheriff, you know, sheriffs, police officers, we're citizens too, you know, but they're officers.
Starting point is 00:39:16 That's the difference, right? It's like when a citizen goes through a certain amount of training, they get deputized, in a manner of speaking, and they become an officer. They're an officer citizen. That's all that they are. They're police officers. And they are the ones that are appointed by persons elected into positions to defend and protect. Police could be tyrannical, too. And they need to be kept in check because they're people.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Everybody's got flaws and faults, and they could be caught up in this mess. And everybody, there's always some 10% or more that slips through the cracks, unfortunately. That's just is and it's it's that way everywhere right one in ten they say one in ten but it's more than that and here's the problem with in the government i'm talking about like in washington dc it seems like it's more than one in ten at least it seems that way because everybody that we hear and this is this kind of we've talked about this a lot the squeaky wheel gets the grease okay so naturally we're going to be hearing the Nancy Pelosi's. We're going to be here in the AOC's. We'll be here in the Maxine Waters, the Chuck Schumer's and all these idiots that blow up all the time with, you know, with their idiocracy. They get a lot of airtime.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And so we are perceiving them the most. And so it it's kind of throws out a blanket understanding makes us think, it, it's kind of, it throws out a blanket understanding. It makes us think, well, it's everybody in Washington, DC. I was thinking about that. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:30 what the lefty memes, like everybody freaking out, you know, but like how many people are out there celebrating Trump? And we don't see that. We just see the lefty freak out. Yes. It's like that across the board in Washington,
Starting point is 00:40:43 DC. There's a lot of seats in the Senate, a lot of seats in the house. And, and of the house and and of those we don't hear but of a few and the left the the extreme on the left they're very clamorous and so they're noisy and it's like that with people too you know as citizens those of us down here in the in the rank and file positions we we especially conservatives are are passive. Which, like Chin was saying, the salt of the earth,
Starting point is 00:41:10 we make our voices heard at the poll box. Yeah. So that's where we go to do our quote-unquote damage. Right? We're going to get out in droves. We're going to do something about this. But the left,
Starting point is 00:41:30 especially the noisy ones, it seems like they don't know anything about crock pots they're all about microwaves and so they want to they're this microwave generation where they got to have instantaneous gratification and they can't wait for an election to roll around to make their voices heard they got to destroy something right now or go out to the woods and scream their their ears off and you know i'm saying yeah that's what we're seeing right now they're popping their heads are literally popping and i heard that there was some 2700 people that killed themselves just after this election because of the falsehoods and the lies that the left has been pushing about donald trump and now they think that he's a nazi my son fact check that though, and there's basically that many people committing suicide every day, even though they reported that number is like an unusual thing.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And I was like, well, there you go. I mean, there's our mental health problem. That's tied to the election, though? No, that are just every day. There's like 2,000 people killing themselves in our country. Yeah, that's a lot see a lot of it though you know you got your in that in that mixture you got your veterans that are coming back from overseas and like as a veteran myself it was hard for me coming back
Starting point is 00:42:33 and finding a job like it took me a year and a half or i got back in 96 got my first job took me two years from 96 to 98 to get a a good paying full-time job with benefits. That's crazy. Yeah, a veteran, yes. And, you know, it's like they try their best, the military does, sets you up with the training and they send you to classes to learn how to fill out resumes and how to shake hands and conduct interviews or be in interviews and answer questions.
Starting point is 00:43:01 But once you get out into the civilian world and you're trying to reintegrate, like it's not easy. Yep. Just because they're looking at you. For me, for example, if I'm trying to get into this, if I'm trying to get applied for a job and it says, all my skill sets are infantry, basically learning how to kill people violently. Right. Right. There's no use for that anywhere unless you have some pro-military businesses. And there are some very patriotic ones who pulled like grunt style. You know, it's nine lines. You know, these organizations, they pull in veterans.
Starting point is 00:43:31 It's veteran-owned and it's veteran-operated. They pull in these people. And there's other patriotic business owners who hire veterans. They love doing that. And it's difficult, though, because we, when we get out there into the world after military life, don't know how to find them. I just wish that there was a way. And so our veterans are coming home with PTSD and all these other issues,
Starting point is 00:43:48 and they can't find a job, and they've got a wife maybe and a kid that they had when they were in the military, and now they can't support them. And I know it's a selfish way out, but nobody knows what's inside of the head of a veteran. There's things that they see when they're overseas. Well, that's exactly what I'm saying. So there's where our energy needs to be placed,
Starting point is 00:44:04 is on an integration system of being able to get these people back to work when they come in you know um being able to remedy some of those problems instead of worrying about how many firearms people have uh would seem like a lot better spent time and we would be a happier more fruitful society right right yeah so um okay my last one was freedom to innovate and create beyond your wildest dreams um so you can just be the entrepreneur here it goes a lot with the american dream but when people have those societal chains unleashed, wow, do they create some cool stuff that has really, really advanced our world. And look at what Elon Musk can do and everything.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And so obviously government and regulations can hamper that. No, we don't want our world to be a toxic environment, of course. But the American dream, what made america great is because we had the freedom to actually be able to think and create those things without people putting us in a box and telling us how we had to do it and i think that's pretty cool thing about america as well perfect yeah because that was actually my third what i was going to bring up we had time was free market which is done down that line right and i would say though that all of these things that make america great cannot exist in a good state of being without virtues values and virtues, values, and respect. Mine come from the Lord Jesus, but they are essential to having a
Starting point is 00:45:49 society that gives a crap about its workers and its people that make those companies great. And I think the greed and just the focus on the bottom line and then selling these shares to shareholders and then making sure that shareholders are getting a return on investment has been one of the things that has really destroyed our country because the values that virtue and respect for those people who help make your company great again you know is not there and I think that's sad and so i would say as long as everybody can have a respect and i'm respectful i don't care where your respect comes from but you need to respect other people as long as we could maintain that and do what's right by each other um i think that all of those things that make america great would make america great again You know, when Jesus was making his rounds, you know how the Pharisees and Sadducees always
Starting point is 00:46:49 try to trip him up and get him to mess up in his doctrine, you know, in his teachings and stuff. Right. But one of them came up and asked him, Jesus, what is the greatest commandment? And hoping to, you know, be able to find an accusation against him, he said, love the Lord thy God and love your neighbor. Upon these two commandments, these two commandments hang on all the rest of the commandments, or all the rest of the commandments hang on
Starting point is 00:47:10 them, rather. In other words, if you love God with all your heart and you love your neighbor as yourself, then there's no covetedness, right? There's no murder. There's no stealing and theft and all this. You're going to honor your parents. You see what I'm saying? All those other commandments come in on love and with love in place there's
Starting point is 00:47:31 no need at all for for even government to tell you the truth we could all self-sustain but men's hearts as we all know are evil yep that's the sad part that's why i say we've got to come back to a little bit more virtue and a little bit more love and protecting each other and then everything will fall back into line. It's really cool to see Trump doing that because so many people from so many different walks of life, from so many different backgrounds, colors, races, religions, it didn't matter. We all just kind of became the MAGA crowd, right? And I think that's something that hasn't been done in a really, really long time in this country to get that kind of feeling. And it didn't matter who you were when you walked into the door of those conventions or into a group of people, you were welcome. And a lot of liberals figured that out when they dared to venture and go into that crowd and realize that they weren't going to be hated upon
Starting point is 00:48:31 and spit at or, you know, God forbid, some of these things that happened when the sides were flip-flopped. And I think that's really, really special right now. And I love that and love to see that movement happening. I agree. And also, we seem to have a movement coming back. It's like, remember whenever, after 2020, everybody was calling us election deniers
Starting point is 00:48:56 and all this other stuff? And now they're doing it. Now they're saying, there ain't no way he flipped all these states. There's no way, no way, no way. It's like, you sound like a mega republican uh election denier right yeah i've been thinking about a lot of that we you know as much as um you got to keep watching watching both sides and really that's it you've got to watch both both sides because you just never know you don't want to jump in um and uh you know like
Starting point is 00:49:28 you said love it'll guide it it'll guide it somebody said love is all you need all righty guys well i'm gonna jump into some changing earth news because we've got some good stuff going on. You want to stick around, Doug, or are you out of here? Back to the fam. What are you doing? I'm out of here. You guys go have fun. I'll see you later.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Thanks for having me on. Absolutely. You can check out Doug's got his own show, him and Ryan Buford, now the Rising Republic. They are awesome. Check it out. Yeah, good show. Good Ryan Buford, now The Rising Republic. They are awesome. Check it out. Yeah, good show. Good show. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Good night. Thank you, and thank you for the plug. You got it. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, PacFresh USA, features made-in-America products. I shop for Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage. But they do all kinds of products. Go to
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Starting point is 00:50:54 You're listening to PBN. Your path back to stability. dream survive thrive this is changing all right chan have you seen what happened over in Spain? Those people need a prayer like you would not believe. Let me backtrack a little. Sun today, we had some flaring. It's not going to be, I think it was M class. Not going to be huge, but it is super active and we have a lot
Starting point is 00:51:40 of coronal holes lined up, which means we're going to be seeing earthquake, volcano activity, that kind of thing but uh yeah so spain and um oh come on valencia spain they got hit like as bad as helene massive flooding there 200 people dead they have like these 13 000 acres of greenhouses where they grow like a third of the vegetables for europe just destroyed by hail absolute nightmare going on over there now they're um having these huge protests like 180 000 people out in the street because their government isn't handling the disaster appropriately. So again, that government reliance, and the big brother is going to come help me out.
Starting point is 00:52:32 It's just not going to happen. So yeah, you should check out some of those pictures. It is insanity if you guys haven't checked it out. The roads, these beautiful little towns and whatnot, very old buildings. And just in between is just mud and cars now, like stacked up from all this flooding. Really sad. So you're not the only one living it on our planet right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 All right. So let's jump in. On the 3rd of November, there was 392 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.8 in the Bering Sea near Alaska. There was a 3.6 in Northern California and a 5.3 in Greece. There was a 3.6 in Northern California and a 5.3 in Greece. Oklahoma was hit by multiple tornadoes damaging over 100 homes in that storm. On the 4th, there was 364 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 4.9 earthquake in the Agusan del Sur.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I'm sure I slaughtered that. Sorry about that, my Philippine viewers over in the Philippines. There was a volcanic eruption in Indonesia that killed 10 people that day and that volcano is erupting big time still. On my volcano, where I go, the volcano map where I go, I've never seen, we always have erupting, minor activity, and unrest, right? Well, they have a category for major eruption, and I've never seen one there before. But lo and behold, today, we've got it. Okay. We've got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Fifth of November, 374 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.7 earthquake in Peru. Barcelona, Spain was impacted by flooding. So not only did they get hit last week, but Barcelona got hit again today or got hit on Wednesday. but Barcelona got hit again today, or got hit on Wednesday. And then just yesterday, Catalonia got hit as well in Spain. It's like three pretty major cities that have all gotten just slammed by destructive flooding on a mega scale. Thousands without power, strong winds hit the British Columbia coast on the 5th. On the 6th, there was 371 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 5.9 in the South Pacific Ocean near Fiji.
Starting point is 00:55:21 There was a 4.8 in the Hawaiian Islands. There was a 4.8 in the Hawaiian Islands. There was a 4.7 in Kazakhstan. St. Louis had heavy flooding on the 6th, left two people deceased in that event. And Saudi Arabia, historic hailstorm hits and turns the desert white. So literally watching the camels run across the snow is a pretty crazy scene to see on november 7th there was 400 or no it was 343 earthquakes are 2.0 or bigger biggest of which was a 5.5 in the mid indian ridge fuego volcano in guatemala was having some massive eruptions and the drought conditions were worsening over in New York and over there in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:56:10 They're having some mega drought conditions, which is pretty incredible. Being that in like June, it was going crazy over there with rain. So one extreme to another in this changing earth. November 8th, there was 413 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger, biggest of which was a 6.2 earthquake in the South Pacific Ocean near Chile. There was a 4.9 earthquake in Canada in a very weird region, like kind of just north of where Yellowstone is, but up a good deal into almost central Canada. Don't usually see earthquakes up there, so that's why it was really interesting to make note of that one. There was a 6.2 earthquake in
Starting point is 00:56:53 Chile. Cuba was hit by Hurricane Rafael, came in as a Cat 3 hurricane. And Rafael was supposed to get pushed south, which would be really weird given how far north it was. But it looks like it is running into Louisiana a little bit. It's still an eyes-on situation even today. Spain impacted by more flooding. That's when Catalonia was hit. Little London and Jamaica was affected by flooding from Rafael as well. South Carolina, they were in a little bit of a drought there. They got some massive rains, eroding roads, caused like 100 roads to be destroyed.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I think it was in Orange, it was Orange something county. What's that? Orangeburg. I think, I know it definitely has the orange name in it. I looked it up because I wanted to see where it was. Three wildfires are still burning in New Jersey because of those drought conditions. I heard that one New York firefighter did die in one of those wildfires trying to put it out. On November 9th of 2024, there was 374 earthquakes that were 2.0 or bigger,
Starting point is 00:58:14 biggest of which was a 5.8 in the North Pacific Ocean near Panama. There was a 5.0 earthquake in Turkey as well. The Kamchatka volcano on the Russian peninsula becoming very dangerous after three pretty good eruptions coming out of it. And Mount Luotobi erupts again. The no-go zone gets wider. That's the one in Indonesia that is having a major eruption right now. that is having a major eruption right now. The mountain fire in Ventura County in California grew to 20,000 acres. 200 buildings have been destroyed and 10,000 people have been evacuated
Starting point is 00:58:54 because of that fire. On the 10th of November, there was 339 earthquakes. That's today. They were 2.0 or bigger, the biggest of which was a 6.8 in the Caribbean Sea by Cuba. There was 180,000 people out protesting in Spain over that, you know, just mismanagement of the disaster scenario that's unfolding there.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Nica is a tropical storm, may become a typhoon. It is aimed for the Philippines, so heads up if you're in the Philippines. Rafael is impacting Louisiana with some rain. Don't know if that's going to come up into the states or if it is going to get pushed down. That's an eyes-on situation. Largest snowstorm in decades hits Colorado and New Mexico. And Las Vegas was hit by record snowfall. So, changing earth in full effect.
Starting point is 00:59:50 This is crazy stuff to be happening in November. As far as the volcanoes, we have one volcano showing major eruption. That is the Luotobi volcano in Indonesia. We have 35 volcanoes showing erupting that is still a very high number last number that i got from off there was actually almost a month ago was october 20th we were still at 35 so it's been status quo for a month with this high level of eruption, which is just crazy. Only 33 showing minor activity, which is actually down to since our numbers in October. But we have one up in a major eruption level. And then that one was added. The one that went down was added into unrest because that number went up by one to 25.
Starting point is 01:00:43 So we have the exact same number as October 20th, 94 volcanoes on our planet erupting, which is still really high and just crazy to see and for it to be holding on so long. As far as wildfire activity in the United States, we're doing pretty good at this point. We only have about 500,000 acres on fire in the United States right now. This is coming from five large wildfires or five new wildfires, 14 large fires, and four of those are contained.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Number one on the list is California because of the mountain fire. That is 25,609 acres on fire in California from two fires. Oklahoma is number two on the list. We had more fires in Oklahoma and in the Panhandle. So they're down to just one fire, but it's still 12,488 acres and it is not contained. Virginia is number three on the list. That's an unusual one to see. Two fires burning there, 1,550 acres.
Starting point is 01:01:44 So not very much by California standards but California is a huge mass so I'm sure it's big by Virginia standards and then also West Virginia with two fires 1,210 acres two new fires and none of those are contained. So we got to get our eastern states some rain over there. Alright. Changing Earth News. It felt good to do that again. I haven't done that in a while. I was actually really curious today about my volcano numbers and then to see the major
Starting point is 01:02:16 eruption I was like okay. Interesting. We're stepping up to a new level. And it is great to have it feels good to talk about all these catastrophes fair I'm just curious I'm so curious because these rain events right
Starting point is 01:02:38 now are like this is historic ground what's happening in Spain and pretty much what happened in North Carolina was damn near historic levels of, you know, catastrophe. So it's just interesting to see. I keep warning about the Fort Peck Dam in Montana. You know, if there was this kind of rain event there, oh, goodness gracious, if that dam ever went, it would be bad news. Got to do something about that.
Starting point is 01:03:12 That damn dam. On the dam tour. It's so good to have you back, Jan. Oh, my goodness. I wasn't sure we were going to make it today either. I know. It's crazy. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I was like, well, we're just going to fly by the seat of our pants here. Make it happen. So. Alrighty, guys. Well, thanks for sticking around with us. We will see you next week. Pretty soon we're going to get into season three of the audio drama, go through season three and bring out some of the survival
Starting point is 01:03:53 lessons learned along the way. There's a whole bunch of good ones packed in there, but we're going to have a couple more special shows for you before that happens. Just some fun material we have on the docket that we were thinking about doing tonight but we had to fly by the seat of our pants so anyway um if you want to get that deal on the books like i say i've never sold them this inexpensive before this is the last copies of the original covers used code helene h-e-l-e-n-e all capitals uh to get that deal and audio drama coming out on thursday great stuff happening there so um head on over to youtube give me a like and subscribe i'm trying to get them back over to rumble but it's a little
Starting point is 01:04:40 bit more uh cumbersome process to get them on the rumble. So, yeah, it's just a lot of work. And like I said, I'm working on a few other projects right now as well. So, you know me. I got tons of time. Yep. You're right. All over the place. So.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Alrighty, guys. Thanksgiving's coming up. So, don't forget to give thanks for all of the blessings we have and keep making America great. And until next time, remember, dream. Survive. Thrive. Thank you for joining Sarah and Chen for this episode of the Changing Earth podcast. Don't forget to pick up your copy of Day After Disaster, Without Land,
Starting point is 01:05:27 The Walls of Freedom, Battle for the South, Dark Days in Denver, and The Endless Night at If you love the Changing Earth series and podcast, become a supporter while you're there.

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