The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Whats Really Coming this Fall?

Episode Date: August 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi. Jirei Assistant here. We've got a bit of a good news, bad news situation. Seems the podcast you're about to listen to has been flagged. It's been flagged for disinformation
Starting point is 00:00:15 and misinformation. So you won't be able to enjoy it today. Be careful out there. Remember, I'm your friend. Good day, PBN family. What is going on? I hope you enjoyed the intro antics to the show. Today, we are on set, on site, whatever it is. Out from behind the shore, Mike.
Starting point is 00:01:03 In the real world, enjoying it. Fridays have become this kind of day where I like to do the podcast out. behind the shore mic in the real world enjoying it. Fridays have become this kind of day where I like to do the podcast out. And today we're not going to do the typical PBN Daily News. We're going to address a question that was sent to me via email last night as a follow-up to my newsletter that went out around 7 p.m. Eastern Time. If you're not signed up for the newsletter you're missing out, go to, sign up. It's completely free.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And upon signing up, you'll get our incredible e-book, The 50 Must-Read Books to Survive Doomsday. It's largely my prepper library with some exceptions and additions from other preppers in our group. So Jenny reaches out and asks, and thank you very much for reaching out and communicating. We love to hear from you guys, just so you know. And I've noticed an uptick in, I don't know if it's the threat level or just the, I don't know, the changing winds, new listeners, I don't know what it is. But I've noticed an uptick, even from long-standing members and things like that, people who are reaching out, questions, comments, concerns, a lot of gratitude, a lot of thank yous.
Starting point is 00:02:27 You know, maybe I'll get to that too. But there's a lot of that. And it means the world to us, man. It means the world to us. Because we've been shouting from the high peaks for a very long time. And, you know, that's what we do. We're ahead on things a lot, even though we're not a news organization that, you know, prides herself on being ahead on things. It just is what it is. So I want to read Jenny's question. Realistically, she begins, what are you expecting to happen with the elections?
Starting point is 00:02:59 If Trump is elected, if Trump isn't elected? I hear a lot of talk about prepping for the elections, but not sure specifically the concerns. We seem to be turning into a mob-run South American country. I could second that thought for sure. I watched a speech where J.D. Vance was calling for a civil war in a slightly veiled way, if they don't get their way. Is this becoming the new American way? Our system of government has worked well for nearly 250 years. I don't understand what is going on.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Maybe you can shed some light. One of the things that really captivated me was reading Jenny's question and hearing, I don't understand what is going on, maybe you can shed some light. Not the second part, but the first part. The first part is genuine frustration. You know what I mean? It's so genuine. I hear, I've heard so many people in my life say something akin to that. Like, I don't understand what is going on in the country. Like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:04:13 The reason for this, for those of you who are not signed up for the email, is... I basically said it's time to switch gears. I had long been doing a. I don't know why these paragraphs are so spaced out like that in the newsletter. I had long been doing the election preparedness campaign. Which is almost to a year now. We've been putting out weeks and weeks of information and preps and guidance. And that kind of stuff in the newsletter.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And just last couple weeks ago. It popped into my head that we need to really zoom in, really hone in and focus on three months. We need to focus in on three months worth of preps, three months worth of safety net, three months worth of whatever it is that you've got to get in place. I've never really imposed a par level on listeners or anything like that. I've never really said you should have X, you should have two weeks, you should have six years, you should have six months, right? I never really did that. Because prepping is profoundly personal, for sure. But for the first time in a long time, probably since 2020, I feel like you need to hear a par level of three months is what you should be shooting for.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And right now you have three months to do it. That's assuming you're starting at zero, right? You're probably close, maybe long beyond that. Some of you are long past that, right? If you have self-sufficient backyard food production systems, they're hard to measure in terms of months' worth of food, months' worth of, you know, those kinds of things. But I'm switching gears on my message for message for that reason Fundamentally for that reason Because I do think that Well let's look at the question okay The question is very clear
Starting point is 00:06:14 What do you think is going to happen With these elections It's clear that You know we have a divided Sort of take on politics. I don't want to talk too much politics. Trump is being absolutely ground into a pulp right now over what didn't seem all that crazy to me. The responses with the Black Journalists Association.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I don't know. It seemed like it went exactly as I would have expected. An opponent stepping into the ring with a group of people and an audience that clearly wanted to take him down, you know? I mean, what were the odds of a really nice, calm, thoughtful, back-and-forth sort of discussion or Q&A that really seeks to find out what Donald Trump's about and what he's going to do? These people assume, and when I say these people, I mean these people on the left who have all already voted in their mind for Kamala Harris. They assume they know this guy. That's probably the biggest problem.
Starting point is 00:07:29 What's most terrifying, Jenny, about Trump being elected. If that's possible. I don't know. I really don't know anymore. I have my doubts. Severe doubts. Because I have my doubts in severe doubts, because I have my doubts in people. I really do.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I've seen things over the last few weeks with the assassination from people, not from news organizations. I've seen things with the Olympics. I've seen church-going people explaining away the Last Supper or whatever you you want however you want to explain i've seen you know people who are clearly on the wrong side of things but should be on the right side of things but i think that the hatred for donald trump is so incredible that it may not matter everything else may not matter i mean everything nuclear war yeah Nuclear war. It pales in comparison to we must get him. And what I worry about most, that's probably the situation I worry about most, Jenny, is in the short term with this three-month par level is if Donald Trump is elected. In 2016, I'm going to read you a headline I put in Element this morning while I was thinking about your question.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Tens of thousands protest Trump election victory, 124 arrested. This was November 10th, 2016, 7.40 a.m. Anti-Trump protests turn ugly. New York City, Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Washington, D.C. The streets were filled with people back in 2016. And I can tell you right now, tens of thousands is nothing compared to what's coming. The whole of protesting, the whole of these types of organizations have become so much more effective and so much better. Here they are burning the head of Donald Trump, an effigy of Donald Trump's head and setting it on fire like we're in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:09:37 This is 2016. This is pre-pandemic. This is pre-pandemic. This is pre-awakening. This is all thatpandemic. This is pre-awakening. This is all that kind of stuff. If Trump wins again, there will be such chaos in this country. It will make tens of thousands in the streets pale in comparison. If there is even a whiff, and the media will, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:02 they're not going to say everybody ought to calm down for America's sake. Right? Remember January 16th. Let's not be like them. You know, that's something the media could get away with saying. But they never say anything like that. Because it's by any means necessary, like I always tell you. So, if Trump's elected, that's what I worry about. I worry about civil unrest in a way
Starting point is 00:10:25 that we've never seen in this country i worry about martial law in a way we've never seen in the major cities of this country right which hold most of the people in this country and i really think that um because i don't know where everybody lives i don't know who everybody is i don't know where everybody lives so i i've come to the conclusion that, look, brace yourself for three months of unpredictable things. Brace yourself for an election all the way to an inauguration where we're living in a world like you've never seen in America before. Going to places you used to go is more risky than you want it to be. Doing the things that you want to do is more risky than you want it to be. Doing the things that you want to do is more risky than you want it to be. Emergency services are almost completely tied up with the chaos that's happening in the streets on a nightly, nightly basis.
Starting point is 00:11:18 This is not far-fetched. It's 2016. It's 2020. It just happened in Washington, D.C. The other element, of course, is Palestine. We have a whole shadow protest movement that is filled with radical Muslims who are looking to do harm to the country. And they're going to ride the coattails of these lunatics who hate Donald Trump in order to wear their masks and get into protests and cause chaos. That's happening right now. It's not a, will it happen?
Starting point is 00:11:49 chaos. That's happening right now. It's not a, will it happen? Washington, D.C. had a Palestinian flag flown just because Benjamin Netanyahu came to the country. This is where we're at. And that has nothing to do with Donald Trump. And trust me, the hatred that people have for Netanyahu, this manufactured hatred, most of them probably didn't even know who Benjamin Netanyahu was two years ago. That's a manufactured hatred based on this whole movement where people just go wherever the political and trendy winds take them. They go to whichever protest their COVID mask flies them to, you know what I mean? If Trump's elected, it's going to be chaos in this country.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Nobody's going to believe it. Nobody's going to live with it. Nobody's going to approve it. Nobody's going to, you know what I mean? All the things that we were accused of and I was personally deplatformed for. Personally. The reason I was deplatformed off of YouTube and lost countless memories in shows and videos was because Ben the Breaker of the Banksters and Future Dan dared ask the questions about the 2020 elections validity. That was the last straw for YouTube. That was what got us completely...
Starting point is 00:13:08 All my videos dissolved. I've appealed it probably 10 times. They always tell me no. That's gone. It's all gone. All the member videos that I lost, the blacksmithing videos I lost, it's all gone.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And it's all gone because I dared question the authenticity and the integrity of the election. Okay? Every news outlet in America will do that. That's a guarantee. The exact same movement that we had in 2020 is the exact same movement that they will have in 2024. And to Jenny's point, yeah, we do seem to be turning into a mob-run
Starting point is 00:13:48 South American country. And this back and forth of I won, no I won, no I won, instead of saying, you know what? Shit, I lost. Better luck next time, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:01 You know, and move on. And get up in front of your people and tell them to move on and tell them to be peaceful in the streets. Get up in front of your constituents. Get up in front of your police and tell them you're going to be supported to the full extent
Starting point is 00:14:16 to make sure that these people move on. On either side. That's what we want, on either side. Because if Trump isn't elected, there's a whole other can of worms. You know, even if Trump is elected, from the domestic standpoint, obviously we're going to have problems.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Be prepared. One of the biggest things, I talked to members about this a couple weeks ago now, but it's one of the most important things to wrap your head around is your child's schooling if you're a parent. Don't be caught off guard like you were in 2020. Wrap your head around the unthinkable situation where schools shut down from November to January or beyond. Or completely from November, chaos on. From the time he wins on.
Starting point is 00:15:09 What do schools need for that to happen? Not a lot, right? If there's riots in the streets and bus drivers have to get through the riots all the time when they're taking kids. First of all, you could be in a situation where you stop taking the kid to school. of all you could be in a situation where you stop taking the kid to school where you say to yourself this environment's too crazy we're done with the public school we're done with the prep whatever it is we're done with taking the kid to school because of what we have to go through to get there and that's not even talking about the psychos with you know bombs and school shootings and god only knows what else could happen, to make a political point.
Starting point is 00:15:46 These losers that come out of the woodwork who have done nothing to better themselves and think that their last chance at romance is to go out in a blaze of glory. How many of those have to happen before school systems say, all right, we're shutting down. The climate in our society right now is too chaotic to gather all of our most precious human beings in one place and have them shot like fish in a bucket because they've set up school that way. So the domestic chaos is one thing if Trump's elected, but we also don't know if we're out of the water in the face of war. Like, I have a feeling what Trump will do with the wars. I have a pretty good feeling about how they will be rectified.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But, you know, you can't predict anything else. You know, if day one he comes in and says we're drilling as he's proposed, we're going to become the source of oil for the world which is what we need to be right now not just because you know america wants to make money and wants to have cheap oil america has to control the oil right now because it's clear what happens when other people control the oil right if other people control the oil ir, Russia, and make big money off the oil, they do crazy shit. That's all. If Trump isn't elected, I don't know. I think there'll still be some domestic chaos. I think the 2020 people who weren't happy about the outcome in 2020, myself included, are going to look at this thing very closely and say, why would people vote for Kamala Harris as president? What is the motivation other than I hate Donald Trump? What do you look at and say, this is the one who's going to lead us out of this perilous
Starting point is 00:17:36 time? Put the nation in the right direction. What is the history of this woman that makes you feel like this is the one? At least with Donald Trump, we know he's negotiated with major world leaders for peace. He's done deals with people all across the world to better the United States of America. We watched it happen. If Trump is an elected president, then you have... I don't know if you talk to Putin. I don't know if Kamala Harris goes and talks to Putin. So we've had four years of a president who never
Starting point is 00:18:11 went and talked to Putin, yet he would get up on television, tell us that the most important thing that in the world today is saving Ukraine from Russia. So important, in fact, that I'm going back to Delaware to do nothing about it, except take more of your money and send it over there. The man never sat down with Putin. I mean, this is fundamental failure. This is the most fundamental failure of his presidency, in my opinion. Is the fact that Joe Biden never sat down across the table from Putin and said, Cut the shit, buddy.
Starting point is 00:18:45 You know what I mean? He had Zelensky in the White House and all that kind of stuff. He never sat down across the table from Putin. God only knows how many lives could have been saved, how much of this stuff could have been routed, how much of your money, your kids' money, your grandkids' money could have been saved, by the way. And that's just one.
Starting point is 00:19:09 That's not China. That's not Taiwan. That's not Israel. That's not Iran. That's not Hezbollah. That's not Hamas. That's not, you know, all that still has to work itself out. That's not the border.
Starting point is 00:19:19 You know, you read Kamala Harris in here, the border, it's a wrap. There's, that border's not closing. There's no way it's a wrap. That border's not closing. There's no way it's closing. It's not going to close. She's had four years to work on the border. Nothing's changed except the Hail Mary, Joe Biden bill that was put in place so he'd have a talking point at the debate. Well, I did this and the Republicans didn't want to close the border. That's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:19:42 and the Republicans didn't want to close the border. That's my favorite. So if Trump isn't elected, yeah, I think... So we could break it down simply in terms of threats that make me most nervous. The first being, you know, if he is elected, then you have civil unrest like you've never seen. That's probably numero uno concern. Maybe cyber attack, things like that.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Heinous civil unrest like we've never seen. Because in their head, they've never known an enemy or an opponent like him. Forget about Khomeini. Forget about Putin. Forget about any other villain of our time and maybe of times past. They've never known a villain like this guy. And that's how they are. That's how they – I mean you just – I was going to read to you.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I wanted to find one article to read to you guys about the terrible things that the media has said about Donald Trump and celebrities have said about Donald Trump. So I wanted to just run down a list of those things. I was 10 pages deep on Google. I couldn't find anything of the sort. All I could find was the 20 things Donald Trump said that were evil, the 29 lies Donald Trump told, the worst things Donald Trump ever said. You know what I mean? things donald trump ever said the word you know what i mean it's a deep dark hatred that is funded and uh and propagated by the media and social media and it will not go unanswered believe that
Starting point is 00:21:17 you know it will and and you get to an intimidation factor which is what jenny's talking about in her question we seem to be turning into a mob run south american country if you're a police officer in this country if you're a police officer in new york city there's got to at least be a little part of you that's saying you know what i may just you know a first responder a business owner all these people that require the civil public to survive you might be thinking to yourself, you know, it's only four years. If I vote Kamala, at least the city won't burn down. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Can't tell me there's not people thinking that. Can't tell me there's not some police officers sitting around thinking like, do I really want my job to become a living hell or more of a living hell by pulling this lever for Donald Trump? I have no doubts that's going in people's heads at the individual level, even if they want to vote for him. It takes a lot of integrity to weather what could come in terms of civil unrest to vote for Donald Trump. I mean, we could all take the easy route, which it seems so many people want to anymore,
Starting point is 00:22:27 and vote for Kamala just to avoid the short-term civil unrest that's going to occur if he gets elected again. And please, make no mistake about it. It will be like nothing you've ever seen. How do I know that? How can I say that with such confidence? Because of the riots that happened over George Floyd in a police department or police presence across the nation that was... These things pale in comparison to the hatred for Donald Trump. You have to understand, everything pales in comparison to how much they hate this guy.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Trump derangement syndrome is a thing. Every minority group every that's it every minority group has been programmed to assume that this man is going to even though he's already been the leader of the country for four years doesn't matter they've been programmed to believe that he is going to step onto the scene and lock everybody up and make it sure that no one but white people can get jobs or something i don't know what it is white straight males can get jobs i don't know what they believe but i i have watched the media build this programming over the last eight years that this guy will show up and he will turn the country into uh you know nazi germany or whatever even
Starting point is 00:23:43 though in many places under Joe Biden, particularly the universities, this place is looking a lot like Nazi Germany, at least from their hatred of the Jews out in the open. So first concern, Trump elected massive civil unrest. Primary concern. Second concern, Trump not elected, America sits comfortably in this seat of weakness
Starting point is 00:24:07 and and uh submissiveness on the world stage fundamentally and allows the pieces to fall where they fall and i think that makes us even greater target i think it makes the possibility of really bad things happening in war happen yesterday Yesterday I was, and this is like a headline in and of itself, but whatever, I'll give it to you guys. Yesterday I was thinking that it's not, it won't likely be America or Russia. If things continue the way they're going right now, in the geopolitical warfare sort of frame, if things continue the way that they're going now, it won't be America, it won't be Europe, and it won't be Russia who uses nuclear weapons first.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It will be Israel. The next nation to use nuclear weapons will not be Putin. It will not be America. Israel is the most likely, in my opinion, nation to use a nuke. And that's because nobody can retaliate with nukes, first of all. But it's also because they are the only, you know, Russia talks about existential threats and shit. Yeah, they got cities built near borders and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:25:19 But they also have a vast expanse of land. Israel could very easily be on the verge of extinction in six months' time. If all forces rain down holy hell on Israel, and Iran is included in that, that's not a storm they're capable of weathering unless they take the Samson option. You can look up what the samson option is so i believe that if trump isn't elected then our world affairs are are destroyed our economy is destroyed and and in the country we're going to have this unending stream of people flowing in who maybe maybe will decimate the nation in uh in the next four years or maybe they't. But there's no doubt we won't be better off. So it's more of a world stage concern and sort of economic concern and that kind of stuff with
Starting point is 00:26:17 if Trump isn't elected that I want to prepare for. If Trump is elected, it's a short-term civil unrest and maybe long-term sort of guerrilla-style discourse in the nation. You know what I mean? I don't think we'll be dealing with anything like a civil war. You know what I mean? I don't think that Republicans and right-wing people and conservative people would do much of anything. I don't think that That Republicans and right wing people And conservative people Would do much of anything I don't believe that I've seen too many times
Starting point is 00:26:51 Where things seemed like Okay this is the last straw And that is because You have one group that wants chaos And one group that wants order That's the gist of it God help us all If it ever does turn into... If large groups of well-armed, well-trained, right-wing conservatives
Starting point is 00:27:12 deuce enter the fray, God help us all. Because these protests with their fires and their signs will look like daycare compared to the slaughter of police first response, everything, you know, if it ever goes that way. Not to mention the protesters themselves, which many are young, confused people. But at the same time, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:41 everybody's got limits. So basically, that's where my head is, folks. You know, that's exactly where my head is. That's when I send out this newsletter that's all about changing gears and focusing hard on three months worth of backup in every sense that you can. sense that you can financially fuel food water you know all all the stuff communications first aid school supplies short distance off-grid communications within your community um all this stuff you know centers around these two concepts if trump wins there will be a vast civil unrest i don't know where you live or who you are or how that will affect you, but chances are it will affect you.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And there may be other lingering issues, but I know that those first three months in the inauguration are going to be hell. You know, I know it. It's just a growth, a cancerous tumor that's been growing in the country since 2016 and those riots. And it's only gotten more efficient. It's only gotten worse and more effective and terrible. That said, oh, that's how he got in there.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Anyway, that said, if Trump's not elected, I think the world stage continues to burn I think China makes their move I don't think anyone looks at Kamala Harris and whatever you know backwards vice president pick she she garners is going to make China Russia the Middle East go oh man we better we we better back off so then you have the whole world stage issue carrying on you have uh you know a government that's going to continue to print trillions of dollars every year and destroy the debt and destroy the dollar and also on top of that you know one of the biggest ways that we can recover from that is fuel is becoming an absolute dominating force in the selling of oil to the world and cheapening of fuel prices to lower prices on the average
Starting point is 00:29:51 American and so forth. And none of that can happen if Kamala Harris is president because she's going to be saying electric and solar everything. solar, everything. I wanted to be as clear and succinct as possible with that. You know, I hope I didn't ramble too much. This is a, this is sort of a special, you know what I mean? It's an important thing to me. When you guys reach out with questions, I like to be thorough. And Jenny, I hope I did justice your question. I'm not saying anything on the Prepper Broadcasting Network to scare people. It's not my desire. Trust me. When I put something out like that, I don't get rich off of it. You know what I'm saying? It's not like I'm selling a survival food bucket.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And it's not like I sell enough memberships off of an email like this. Actually, I don't even have a link to membership. Yeah, I do. But it's not like I'm enough memberships off of an email like this. Actually, I don't even have a link to membership. Yeah, I do. But it's not like I'm selling memberships in a way that's really fundamentally changing my personal life with income when I put out a newsletter like this. I spend a lot of time writing about prepping. I spend a lot of time thinking about prepping and then end America. And this is just the conclusion that I came to. The people I talk to, the sources I have, so on and so forth, has driven me into this very clear course of action
Starting point is 00:31:15 that I like to share with you guys because I know for a lot of Americans, that's what they're after. We want a course of action. We don't know what the hell to do. They are saying, I don't understand what is going on, which is why that rang so true to me. All right. So I don't mean to blow up your weekend. That's my take. I hope you enjoyed it. All right. Talk to you folks soon. Please support our sponsors, get the free newsletter and consider membership this weekend so you can really you can really swim deep in the oceans of preparedness at all right talk to you folks soon
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