The Prepper Broadcasting Network - Where to Find Hidden Preps

Episode Date: January 7, 2025

PackFresh USA Giveaway: Tip Surplus: www.greentipsurplus.comHome - LIMA TANGO SURVIVAL Premade Top Quality Survival Backpack Kits...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to PBM. You're playing back the stability here. where do you go to find your hidden preps your your prepper gems those places that, and there are so many out there, both like private business and secondhand store, right? I wanted to introduce you guys to The homepage here at is showing off what would be a pretty sizable investment for everybody. The Harris RF7800H man-packed radio mint condition, minor wear, export version. And, yeah, I don't know. This is one of those preps, if you know, you know, right?
Starting point is 00:01:21 It's one of those kind of things. is one of those preps if you know you know right it's one of those kind of things but military surplus is uh military surplus is pretty pretty excellent and if you have a place local to you there are a lot of things that you could pick up i remember a few years back at prepper camp uh jay ferg from phoenix survival picked up these wool 100 wool sleeping bags uh with holes zip ripcord holes at the bottom for your boots to stick out and uh this is the grumpy old um grumpy old serp i can't remember the guy's name unfortunately at the moment but these military surplus locations man they can they can afford you some really cool stuff there can be some serious hidden you know what you do in these places like green tip you solve
Starting point is 00:02:19 problems right with like the universal utility belt or the two-point tactical sling for that rifle you haven't put a sling on yet you wind up face to face with things that you you probably need but you just don't wind up um you know you don't wind up shopping for them all that often or you can add things to bug out bags and get home bags and so on. It's, it's, uh, you know, there's a lot. So I'm perusing over here now. Now I'm, now I'm perusing for my own good at We got some night vision. We got some expensive night vision. I don't know if you've ever shopped Night Vision, but here's a good idea of what kind of money you could wind up spending. Now, the guys with the Matter of Facts podcast always have a great take on Night Vision.
Starting point is 00:03:19 They do a real good job with it. They do a real good job with night vision on a budget we got the what are these the ir lasers here dual beam cool stuff cool stuff for sure one thief surplus one thief surplus genuine surplus tactical military gear and accessories oh yeah pouches man green tip pouches you can never have enough pouches there's always things to go in a pouch shock cord modular three magazine carrier i know it's right after christmas what am i doing right modular 3 magazine carrier. I know, it's right after Christmas.
Starting point is 00:04:07 What am I doing? Woodland bivy cover sack. Not bad. It's a nice backpack. This OCP multicam MOL 2 rucksack. I like the USGI web belt. Nice nice i don't know about that plastic clip but other than that i like it do you guys run those like those uh seat belt belts or do you do the old leather thing sternum strap for the rucksack this is a big difference maker man
Starting point is 00:04:43 oh these are sold out. The sternum straps are sold out. It looks like Green Tip Surplus is selling some mirror safety gear. For those interested in filtering the air out. The MD-1 children's mask. Very cool. $200, pretty affordable. There are a lot of options at Mira.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I wrote for Mira for a short period of time. About a year, something like that. Yeah, Old Grouch. Isn't that what it was called, Jay Ferg? I can't remember. Right now I'm on Thanks for joining me this morning, though, in the chat room. your gems because there are places. I am one of these guys who's always talking thrift shops, thrift stores.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I just picked up the, I don't know, two weeks ago, the SAS Survival Guide, a copy of it for $2. You know, having that, it doesn't matter. There you go. Tim in Clyde, North Carolina, it doesn't matter. There you go. Tim in Clyde, North Carolina, old grouch.
Starting point is 00:06:10 If you want to support somebody who lived or survived Helene and lived to tell about it and still in business up there in Clyde. He's a great guy. Great, great gear too but there's a good chance that you've got one of these military surplus locations closed by uh or you may have flea markets close by right you definitely got thrift shops around and then of course you have uh marketplaces you've got like these these online marketplaces you have the facebook marketplace i marketplaces. You have the Facebook marketplace. I don't play around on the Facebook marketplace. My wife handles that. I'm an old, decrepit Craigslist user. I'm telling you, Craigslist is so full of good stuff, man. It's still, to this day,
Starting point is 00:07:02 filled with great stuff. uh you know sometimes you can even get it free let's see what's free on craigslist this morning real quick since we're talking prepper gems and hidden gems and hidden preps and hidden treasures you know um large commercial cable, Chevy truck fuel filter. What do we got? Free shopping carts. I don't know. Get creative. Water transport,
Starting point is 00:07:34 something like that. Not too much. A lot of furniture. Not too much by way of preps, but a lot of time you come across things like lumber and sometimes electronics. Um, sometimes a lot of firewood, if you're willing to go grab it and cut it up, you know, people call things firewood and really it's just like trees. They want you to take out of there, take out of there. But, um, you know, 99% of the chickens I get,
Starting point is 00:08:06 the quail that I just got, all that stuff comes off of Craigslist. I find people on Craigslist who are selling and just one of those things, man. This works. Where was this guy? 27 days
Starting point is 00:08:24 ago. I know this ain't working. But look, this is what I just found. This didn't turn up in... Oh, this did? 27 days ago. I know this ain't working, but look, look, this is what I just found. This isn't, this didn't turn up in, oh, this did turn up in free.
Starting point is 00:08:29 How did I miss this? I have to rehome my chickens and ducks. I have Jersey giants, bantams, assorted ducks, young and old. I also have a coop and supplies that I would sell. If someone was interested,
Starting point is 00:08:40 birds are free to someone with the property to raise them free range. Since that's what they're used to. Call, text. Just sitting here. Just sitting here waiting for somebody. There's probably some prepper right now or somebody out there who is sitting there thinking to himself, I would really love to get my hands on some chickens, but I don't have the money, right? I'm telling you, man.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Oh, I'm not. Sorry, Jay Ferg. I'm not putting the Craigslist up there. I was just looking over it personally. You know, the other aspect of sort of seeking out these hidden gems in the prepping world, well, let's be clear about it, right? Prepping has become a business. It's become a very valuable business.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Billion-dollar industry, right? Something along those lines. It's got to be close. And disaster preparedness, survival, all that kind of stuff. And what happens is you wind up with a bunch of companies selling things. But you don't always know what you know who's got what one of the things i'm looking to do for you guys this year is get into gear a little more for you it is it's like an area that i just never really i always neglect to show you guys talk to you guys about gear and maybe it's because
Starting point is 00:10:22 so many people do it maybe it's because so many people kind of shill it a little bit. You know what I mean? And I always had that kind of like, let me just not even go there. You know what I mean? I want you guys to hear what I say more than anything and take value in it because I think about it a lot. And I have a lot of experience in this preparedness stuff now, and I believe in it. I want you to believe in it. But I think 2025 is the year we get down and dirty and talk about gear and talk about real gear that I use and also talk about real gear that I find. That's, you know, all kinds of stuff is sent to me or people want to send stuff to me because of the podcast. A lot of times I say no, to be honest. And I say no because I don't know what they're working with. They send something to you. They want you to do a review. They want you to talk about it. And the last thing I want to do is
Starting point is 00:11:30 get a bag full of junk and tell the Prepper Broadcasting Network that the guy who sent me the bag full of junk sent me a bag full of junk. Don't waste your money on it. You know, that kind of thing. So what I've gotten good at is kind of finding the good stuff you know what i mean finding the good stuff finding the people who are there's a million people who are doing like backpacks you know what i mean like survival bags, pre-made. And understand, like, there are some seriously tough limitations that somebody who is running a backpack company, what they have to deal with, you know what I mean? Like, in terms of cost and overhead and making some money
Starting point is 00:12:21 while still providing you with a bag that works, it's not like you can say, I want to sell a survival bag for $200. I want the person to get the bag completely packed with the highest level gear, top quality tents, and Gerber this, and Smith and Wesson that, and all the best stuff. They won't make any money. So there's that balance. That's their business, not mine.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I don't sell survival bags, right? But what I want to direct you to is a place where you can buy a bag that works. Because sometimes a bag solves the problem, right? Sometimes a bag really can solve the problem, particularly with kids or family. You know what I mean? I've been hanging with Bill over at Lima Tango Survival, and Bill does a great job, man. He has struck that balance, and one of the ways he's struck that balance is through experience. balance and one of the ways he struck that balance is through experience so in other words he's through experience in the u.s military air force rather he uh he's figured out what things can go
Starting point is 00:13:35 into these bags that make sense and are effective the other thing that they do at Lima Tango Survival that I really like, what I'm getting at is the overview. There are a bunch of people who make bags in the world with stuff in them. The hidden gems are the ones that actually work, right? Are the ones that are actually worth the money, the ones that are actually going to make a difference in your life. Now, I'm holding on to a bag of his now, and I've already gone over it and gone through it and everything. Check out this homestead real quick. And the bag is great. The bag is definitely something I would send to a family member or throw into a truck for a family member as a sort of, you know, quick go to bug out bag, get home bag, something along those lines. Even a camping bag, really.
Starting point is 00:14:39 But I like this because this is just this is just insane and fun. But I like this because this is just insane and fun. So this is a four-man 72-hour survival crate called the Homestead. I don't know, man. These are fun. Look at the big giant crate. You get two backpacks and gear. Comms options. Light options.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Look at the headlamps. You see, you almost automatically get me If you got headlamps in your kit Look at the mountain house foods Right Look at the food rations Water rations Mess kit This is a rare
Starting point is 00:15:18 Look at the mess kit It's a rare thing to see And the cooktop there You see that little cooktop that goes on top of a butane? Man, like, I have had that same cooktop right there my whole prepping career. Literally. My whole prepping career I've had that thing. It's just awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It's been through hell. It still works hand pump water filter essential i got this ifax survival edc here i got one of these in my bag um it's loaded with stuff i don't know if that i don't know that it's loaded with the best medical gear like i would my medical bags are set up different i don't have an overhead um but this thing's a cool little pouch it's a cool pouch here's another focal point that i really appreciate gloves goggles look at them real gloves real goggles that are going to be effective it's the details, PBN family.
Starting point is 00:16:25 You know, the other thing that really got me with Lima Tango is their focus on outerwear. I was out in the snow yesterday playing with the kids. We were doing sledding, you know, all that kind of thing. And I'm telling you right now, man, it's like, telling you right now man it's like it's it's it's one of those things where you just you get good at not getting cold and it's becomes a vital thing you know so the solo here the one man 24 hour survival kit um the solo black ops this is what i'm going to show you guys okay this is going to go on family gear we're going to go on Family Gear. We're going to do a full review of this on Family Gear.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You can get it in all kinds of patterns too, by the way. This bag, it's one of those bags where I love it the way that it is. I love it the way that it's packed up right here and now. Got the gloves, got the LifeStraw. I'm not tremendous. My one thing with this bag that I don't love is the LifeStraw as my water option. No, there are AquaTabs, so we can use the AquaTabs. But I would want, if I were to really call this kit my own and do something with it,
Starting point is 00:17:47 I would want another water filtration option, especially if it's going to be strenuous. But a lot of cool little gear. I tested the knife out. It's nice. You know, this shovel is something that I think is a good move. This was surprising. This was something that really surprised me about this kit is the sewing kit,
Starting point is 00:18:11 included sewing kit. Really cool. Survival rations, the whole nine yards, you know, just is what it is. I'm trapped. So who are your go-to companies? You know what i mean who who are your companies that you go to that you know they're putting stuff out all the time and uh and you love it you use it you know that kind of thing because there's just so many i mean i don't know if you
Starting point is 00:18:40 understand the amount of companies that are out there i'll tell you another one that i love is my survive drive my survive drive is a tremendous company that gives you the ability to put like you know they give you the ability to put all kinds of digital information onto a survival bracelet, a small little survival bracelet zip. I'm sorry, like a USB, like a micro USB compatible for your phone. Plug your SurviveDrive bracelet right into your phone, right into your iPhone, and you can have every important document you need on that thing. You can have every prepping podcast you want to listen to, every audio book, whatever the situation is, every document, every survival plan, any amount of written information. And it's just one of those things.
Starting point is 00:19:39 You didn't really think about it. You had a thumb drive or whatever the situation is. But I dig it, man. I dig pre-made maps. You know, if you're going on like some kind of, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:50 backwoods adventure, you could have all kinds of pre-made maps and stuff ready to go. It's just a really cool product. Like, I guess I could scroll. I could scroll a little for you. And we could really get into it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I'll tell you this much. I can't do the revelation news day in and day out. Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm just so over this. Like, I'm so over the, well, what's the headline today? What amazing thing. What am I supposed to get excited about? And, oh, my God, X locks out reporter.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Holy, you won't believe what happened, folks. Trudeau knocked out. Unbelievable. Zuck up. Meta ends fact checking on Facebook facebook insta in free speech pitch does that mean i can i can post guns on instagram now that actually is exciting that actually is kind of exciting no but you know what i mean this this last this i don't know how this is going to sound
Starting point is 00:21:03 i'm just going to talk to you garden girl what is up happy holidays i hope the holidays were wonderful um i'm just going to tell you like my true feelings on this thing to close out the show the tesla bomber, anti-gravity drone, China holding a mountain over top of the White House and dropping it. That's my own addition. This revelation and this guy might not even be the guy and he might not be dead and he like all these revelations about corrupt government and secrets that the government are keeping and it really is kind of boring that's just the way i feel about it it just feels kind of boring to me and you know why that is it's because i'm jaded by no punishment. That's why I've been, I've become jaded because I feel like a revelation could come out tomorrow that
Starting point is 00:22:14 whatever, you know what I mean? What else could they say? They've already poisoned this with a gain of function virus. Then they poisoned this with a vaccine and they right you know i mean like what what the hell else could they do and i ain't seen anybody hauled away into prison yet you know what i mean i see people sit there and take tough questions oh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna pepper them with tough questions so when i see these revelations china got anti-gravity drones it could do anything and be anything and be everywhere and be anywhere and do anything hey i don't know what am i supposed to do oh no you know what i mean so the revelation stuff is just lost its muster for me and in 2025 um it's just going to be different you know what
Starting point is 00:23:08 i mean in terms of how much we focus on that kind of stuff particularly when i'm behind the microphone not to say that the other hosts won't talk about it and power to them you know you go where your passion is if you're passionate about it that's great but listen to me i I'm 100 times more excited about the Warhammer releases in 2025 than I am about the mystery man who blew himself up in a car and got shot in the head with a.50 caliber and tested dna and we don't know if it's his he's really his son or not and we don't know if that's really was even him and maybe he's disappeared somewhere and fake i mean listen if i were that guy to fake my own death i'll tell you that right now and i'd have done it in a way that people go oh he's dead you know what i mean oh he's definitely dead i seen it um but then you know then it stands the the next level of that thinking goes, okay, well, if he faked his death, who was the poor sap that was in the Cybertruck who got burnt to a crisp, right? So, you know, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Bait the hook with your heart and, you know, you know the old saying, right? I'm a fisherman, so I always go by that. But we're going to get into a little more gear in 2025. We're going to get into some more cooking in 2025. A lot of preparedness. We had a bunch of things go wrong yesterday. We're still living through some water restrictions right now here in Richmond. And it's just one of those situations, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's like this is life. This is what it is. We're prepared for it. That's where I want you to be situations you know it's like this is life this is what it is we're prepared for it that's where i want you to be you know go down in the show description get your hands on uh green tip website link go check them guys out they got a lot of cool stuff over there that we were looking at earlier. Don't forget to enter the Pack Fresh USA giveaway. Still going. We're going to run it all the way to the end of January.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Use that link. Make a purchase. You're entered into the giveaway. You're going to get food storage goodies. You're going to get a collection of books from me. Probably a really cool piece of gear from me. Just a little love sack sent over for supporting our great sponsor, Pack Fresh USA.
Starting point is 00:25:31 All right, folks. I'll see you tomorrow for Surviving America. All right. Talk to you soon. Food storage and preservation are at the heart of self-reliance. Our sponsor, Pack Fresh USA features made in America products. I shop for mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for my home food storage, but they do all kinds of products. Go to and check out their Prepper
Starting point is 00:25:58 University and order their box set of mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. It's a 7-mil 100-pack of Mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, labels, and even a food storage guide.

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