The Prepper Broadcasting Network - World Peace? Bad Idea.
Episode Date: March 9, 2024
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Your path back to stability. Good Saturday morning, PBN family.
What is up?
What is up?
We are back on Rumble doing our archival stuff.
If you're into that, feel free to hop on over there and check that out.
I'm going to try to keep that rocking.
That's a serious resource over there.
And I like rumble.
Thinking a lot this morning about.
Good times create weak men.
You guys know the adage, it was used heavily. What's funny to me about the
adage is that the people who are saying it right now are creating the men. Right? In nine out of ten people that you see saying hard times create hard men,
hard men create good times, good times create weak men, and so on,
and the cycle continues,
are themselves men raising kids.
I've said it on the air.
I thought it was brilliant back in 2019 or whenever I heard it, 2021.
I don't remember.
But the funny thing about it is you're saying something like revolutionary and you feel real good about it.
Like, oh, look at this little gem I dug up that no one's ever heard.
And you realize, wait, I'm the one creating.
I am the creator at the moment of the men. Like the generation of men
in my house are coming up. Are they going to be weak men or they're going to be strong men? Am I
going to let society and history tell me that we're going to create weak men? Or am I going to
let society say that since I came out of relatively good times from a war standpoint, that I'm a weak man.
And does that mean weak men create hard times?
Does that mean I'm going to allow hard times to be created?
Right? Because on a familial level, it's hardly that.
This morning I was going through some shadowboxing and thinking.
And I was thinking to myself about this whole concept, you know what I mean?
Because what's really got me going lately is sort of the Russian,
I mean, sorry, the Chinese asymmetric warfare against the children and the nation at large.
And all of this war all over the world right now,
this is what popped into my head.
I said to myself,
is the most dangerous concept humanity's ever come up with world peace?
And I know that sounds crazy, right?
But I'm crazy, so. But when you think about it for a moment
You know, a lot of times ideas are good
But they're not thorough enough
Right? Like world peace
What would you wish for?
You could wish for one thing
World peace
What should we all be after?
World peace How do you get all be after? World peace.
How do you get there?
Through, you know, being nice to people.
We're watching two, well, really it's one, Western civilization,
sort of find out the reality behind, what, 50, 60 years of world peace ideology?
Like, we'll be nice and we'll live with world peace in our hearts.
But that doesn't mean the rest of the world will.
So I started thinking about that.
You know, we came out of World War II a monstrosity of military power.
The United States was terrifying.
And we policed the waters all over the world
to create this great world that we have today.
And you can see in a vacuum in a very short time,
you have somebody as...
You have a group of armed militants like the Houthis
that can very quickly wrangle back the oceans,
wrangle back the seas, create shipping problems, just with a few missiles, drones.
So I started thinking to myself as I was boxing, I was saying, you know, is world peace the
worst idea ever?
Is it the worst concept of all time because it allowed generations of people to
put their dukes down? It allowed generations of people to say, let's ease up on this militaristic
world in which we live. And because it sounded good in the classroom and it looked good on
television and the Europeans were doing it and it looked cool with a cigarette in Paris.
We continued down that path of believing that world peace was something we could just influence others into.
And now we know pretty clearly that that's not how it goes.
So I started thinking more about that concept And really what it comes down to is world peace
Through the deterrent people
If you want world peace
To me it seems like there's only one way
And that is through the deterrent people
What are the deterrent people?
The deterrent people are not the military.
We have seen that the United States can amass a gigantic military, so what?
It's not stopped anything happening all over the globe right now anyway.
No, I think world peace through the deterrent people.
Because imagine how Europe and America would look right now under this concept.
World peace through the deterrent people.
A deterrent people are a people who are much like our forebears.
Self-sufficient and proficient in the art of war.
Self-sufficient and self-sustaining and proficient in the art of war Self sufficient and self sustaining
And proficient in the art of war
At least with firearms
If we had a population that wasn't obese
And at risk of heart disease
By the age of nine
If we had a population
Of people who were
If we had a population of people who were warriors, not warriors
in the sense of the Navy SEALs at the highest level.
We don't need a population like that.
We're not looking for Spartans.
But we need people who live the American life and are strong and capable.
and are strong and capable.
Because when you, you know, that Japanese admiral quote,
I don't think it's actually true or real.
But there is a Japanese admiral quote or the myth of one out there.
And it mentioned that behind every blade of grass there would be a rifle if they tried to invade America.
So naturally what you want to do if you're trying to invade America is get that out of the culture.
You know, the strength of the population and their ability to deter warfare,
because that's what you want, right?
You want to deter warfare. You don't want to go to
war. You want the prospect of war to seem pointless. And that's in the hands of every American.
That's in the hands of every American up and down, every American coast to coast, no matter what you
believe, no matter what your side hustle of beliefs is, whether you're worried about trans rights or his rights or gun rights or her rights, it doesn't matter.
That's all.
Whether you're willing to fight over Donald Trump or fight over Joe Biden, all of that should be pushed to the side.
And there was a time when it was all pushed to the side.
And instead, you should be focused on war, a population as a deterrent to war.
Population as a, you yourself as a deterrent to war.
And knowing that if you were to gather a handful of people in these United States, that they would be armed and they would be hell to deal with.
Now that's a pipe dream right now. That's a fantasy right now in this nation.
But I think it's important to understand that anybody who holds dear this idea of world peace, this is the only way to get there.
There's no other way to get there.
Moreover, like,
I don't know what the other option is.
The other option is so dark
you can't even consider it.
The other outcome is so dark
you can't even consider it.
What's the other outcome?
If the only way for us to exist on this planet
and to deal with the monsters inside of our...
See, it all goes back to neighborhood.
You know what I mean?
Like neighborhood problems.
Where the dads would come out and deal with the neighborhood problems.
It was simple.
It was an easy life.
It was a good life.
It's not that way anymore.
I don't fundamentally know what's happened, but I think a lot of it is due to the fact that men have been so shaved off at the corners. We've been so rounded at the sharp edges in order to fit into society today that a lot of that stuff is gone.
A lot of that stuff is gone.
And that's fine.
Because every generation we can change.
We can make changes.
We can change things.
But I think that the people's deterrent, the people deterrent, the deterrent of a warrior population is the key.
And not only is it the key, but it's an easy thing to rally around.
We haven't died enough.
We haven't suffered enough at the hands of our enemies.
And China's fighting a quiet, quiet, quiet little war against us.
And they're killing us every day.
And they are mutating our children's brains every day.
And we're doing nothing about it.
And you could say,
well, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden.
No, no, no, no.
What are we doing about it?
What are the people of the United States of America
doing about it?
We have much more power
than Joe Biden ever will.
What are we doing about it?
The one thing that we can do about it
is to make ourselves
And the coming generations
Into something to be feared
And I don't mean
A fearsome creature that doesn't exist in society
And is made only for war
You don't have to be that way
To be fearsome
All you have to be that way to be fearsome.
All you have to be is strong and capable.
That's it.
I mean, these used to be things that were just part of life.
Strong and capable.
Right? Right?
Maybe good times did make weak men
And maybe that was my generation, I'm not sure
But I'm telling you right now, it doesn't have to end that way
We don't have to go through the same cycle
We don't have to go through the same cycle of good times make weak men
And weak men make bad times
What if good times can make good men? They just have to
know the way to go. What if good times can make good men and good men can make good times? And
that's just it. See, good times don't make weak men, or maybe it does. But how do the men become weak is the question.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make hard times.
Why do those three line up so well?
It really comes down to discipline.
I mean, that's really what it comes down to.
Discipline, isolation.
The reason this phrase resonates
is because it's happened throughout history.
This isn't the first society to bandy about race and gender and so on and so forth and past wounds that need rectifying.
These are problems for people who have no wars to fight.
People who have no wars to fight.
So what we have to do is create a society where people understand there's a baseline that we all should be aspiring to.
And that baseline is self-sufficiency and physical fitness and competency with firearms.
It's not asking a lot. It's really not asking a lot.
It's really not asking a lot.
Your base level should be physical fitness,
self-sufficiency, and competence with firearms.
Maybe you could throw first aid in there if you wanted to.
All four of those things, what are you talking about a week?
What kind of a commitment do you have to put in a week in order for a society to be that?
Everyone in the society to be in that sort of frame.
And for that to be, and you know what really is, I mean the founders built it into the founding documents, right?
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.
documents, right? Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Does anybody think that waking up,
downing a handful of SSRIs with your coffee, looking at your phone for 10 hours a day,
does anybody think that that's a pursuit of happiness?
A warrior population, maybe not even necessarily a warrior population That's why I said a deterrent population
I think is all we're after
I think that's what we need
I think we're fully capable of it
A deterrent population
And for those of you out there who have children of your own
And think to yourselves how
How neat that little phraseology is
about strong men making good times and good times making weak men.
You might be making the men right now.
So consider that, right?
Consider that. Do we put a framework? And now, of course, me being who I am, the question becomes, do we put a framework together to do that? You know, the American warrior pursuit, or maybe just the pursuit, right? The people deterrent.
The people deterrent.
The deterrent of people.
I don't know.
But I can tell you right now.
We just aren't where we need to be.
As a population.
In order to defend our liberties.
That's why everyone's coming into this nation.
Running roughshod over people.
And the best thing that anyone can think to do.
Is stand locked arm with them.
And protest for them.
The one thing that we have that almost no nation has, you know, I don't know if you've ever seen the video, but they show a video sometimes on social media of little kids in
Chinese school disassembling nine millimeter weapons, handguns and reassembling them.
And that gets people real nervous.
What we have that most nations, particularly those nations that hate us and that are at
war with us now, whether we believe it or not, whether we admit it or not, what we have
is a Second Amendment.
What we have is a second amendment One of the great moves of all time
I don't know who fully made it
Was to hijack the brains of the parents
Hijack the brains of the women
And convince them to go on a tirade
To remove weapons from the nation
Why would they do that?
Because they had a broken sense
And they thought that the military and the police were enough to protect 300 million people.
They believed that we lived in a world that was so peaceful because they came up with the world peace mindset.
That we would never have to fight war as individuals.
Never going to happen.
It's very short-sighted.
It's hardly creative at all.
But that's the mentality. And it's still going today.
All the things that are happening in the world. We're at war with Russia. We're at war with China.
We're at war in the Middle East. And there are still people saying take the guns away
from the individual. These are weapons. They say it in the word.
They are weapons of war.
These are weapons.
They say it in the word. They are weapons of war.
Why do we need weapons of war?
Well, we need weapons of war because war is a thing.
And war can be visited upon any population.
You do realize that.
China knows where to run balloons. You don't think they know where to run balloons
You don't think they know where to run troops
You don't think they know where to run paratroopers
Oh that could never happen
I do believe that time is running out
We are at war with China
It's just not the kind of war you're used to. It's time to become a deterrent. I write security articles, home security articles all the time. And one thing that my home security articles have that nobody else's have is you are a deterrent.
a deterrent. Because when I write a security article, I'm not selling a product. I'm not selling a home security system. I'm thinking about it the way that I do it. You are a deterrent
in your own home security, right? How you look, how you present yourself is definitely going to
tell people, oh, let's go to the next house. I don't like the looks of that dude You know what I mean
If he's there when we show up
It's gonna be kinetic
And I don't want it
I'd rather look for a single mom
I'd rather look for a you know whatever
A guy who's overweight
Who hardly can make it
To stop me.
We must become the deterrent PBN family.
And listen my voice isn't loud enough anymore.
Or maybe it never was.
And we're doing our damnedest to get it there. But these cries of ideas and concepts. They barely make it out of the valley.
That's not to discount the amazing audience here at the Prepper Broadcasting Network.
You guys have done some incredible things.
But my voice can't reach enough ears to make a difference in the nation at large.
You know what I mean?
Enough ears to make a difference.
In the nation at large.
You know what I mean?
So when you hear something.
That resonates with you.
You need to share it.
We need it shared.
Because we can't reach it.
Reach 300 million people on our own.
We're just not there yet.
What's going on here?
I'm in a parking lot doing this.
All I smell is marijuana.
And then I see a random cart come saddling over to the left.
This is the humanity that concerns me.
You know, these people smoking pot right now,
they have no idea that they're being opiated with cannabis.
Like, people think that the fentanyl is the opium war.
They're like, oh, the fentanyl, yeah, it's like the opium war that the British waged against the Chinese.
They're getting their revenge.
I mean, yeah, that's part of it.
But the pot, the pot's the real thing.
No, there's nothing wrong with smoking pot.
What are you talking about?
Yeah, okay, smoking marijuana brings the best out of everyone.
That's what they want you to believe, right?
Smoking pot at all hours of the day while you're driving a vehicle, that brings the best out of society, right?
That's why I smell billows of pot smoke and I look over and somebody wasn't capable of taking their two-tier little shopping cart back to the fucking place where it's supposed to go, right? Because they're operating at such a
high level of humanity that I, being sober, can't understand it. We got issues, PBN family. We got
problems. But we can start to resolve them today. Have conversations with your children about what's going on.
Have conversations with your spouse about what's going on.
They deserve to be alerted to the fact that there is a war being conducted
and the attacks are upon us all.
The attacks are upon us all.
This is not a joke, man.
This is what's happening.
And we, you know, like I said, it doesn't look the way you thought it looked.
There's not airplanes flying overhead fighting.
There's not nuclear bomb mushroom clouds in the distance.
But there are people getting murdered by illegal aliens.
There are Chinese bio labs being discovered in the United States.
There are Chinese jails.
There are Chinese people buying up farmland near United States military bases.
They will use our freedoms to defeat us.
There's no doubt about it
If you have a child on TikTok
You know what the hell is going on there
It is a battle
It is a war
And I believe that you know what
It's probably always a war
This is probably nothing new guys
You go back.
I mean, I hearken back to hearing people talk about the history of humanity as a history of war.
Why is that?
Maybe that's just what it is.
Maybe that's just what it is.
Because weakness is sniffed out.
If you look at the natural world, if you look at the animals in the woods, it's no different.
It's no, there's territory.
You cross into the wrong territory, it might be your life.
What we can do, and we're uniquely positioned to do this,
because we're already striving towards self-sufficiency, is we can become that deterrent population.
And it's important that you become that deterrent population and that regular people become that deterrent population because that's what the people around us need to see.
I don't think it helps regular people to see Navy SEALs and Army Rangers do amazing things.
Do you understand?
If you're 100 pounds overweight and you're on antidepressants,
and this describes a massive swath of the American population,
but if you're
in that sort of a position, and there's a Navy SEAL telling you how you should live your life,
I think it shuts a lot of people down. I think they go, dude, you're a Navy SEAL. We are not
the same thing. And that's why I want to remind you that, don't know how far away I could have been from being overweight and on antidepressants. I just don't know. I just don't know. I hooked my saddles to a young lady who aspired to greatness the way that I aspired to greatness and we had success at a young age.
And we had success at a young age. I could have gone the other way. I could have hooked my I could have got, you know, in bed literally and figuratively with with a woman who was just spiraling out of control. And we could have both spiraled out of control at a young age. I was in the business for it. Like, you know, chefs are drunks. Chefs are drug addicts. It's very common. I was surrounded by drug addicts.
But what my message always is is that I don't share any of those cool guy credentials.
Do you know what I mean?
Like I didn't come out of the military.
I didn't come out of the special forces.
special forces. I don't have any relationship with NGO government contract businesses overseas and learn the magic ways of, no. I was just a normal guy who found my way into prepping,
found my way into fitness, forced myself to do the stuff that needed to be done,
Found my way into fitness.
Forced myself to do the stuff that needed to be done.
Found great people who cheered me on and also inspired me to do more.
And it's put me in the seat that I'm in today.
And we all can get there.
And you're already surrounded by the people that can help you get there.
More to come on this PBN family.
It's a rainy day here in Virginia.
I thought I'd talk a little bit about what's been on my mind and try to explain to you that without a deterrent,
without the people themselves being a deterrent in this nation,
I am very worried about the future.
Talk to you soon.
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