The Prepper Broadcasting Network - You Better Start Prepping, Because...

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

The Mistress is at the Pulpit on this one, y'all. And the discussion is about why you need to start prepping, if you haven't already. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:If you have questions, or just need prayer, ple...ase email me at:dravenrockhomestead@proton.meFind Draven Rock Homestead Merch here:https://dravenrockhomestead.creator-spring.comFind our Locals community here:https://dravenrockhomestead.locals.comFind our Patron community me on Instagram here: me on Facebook here: LINKS:Nutrimill Grain Mill:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Dreamin' Rock, where we discuss homesteading, self-reliance, and unapologetic independence. Get ready for your host, the Mistress of Metal. Hey, hey, rock stars. This is Draven Rock Homestead. I'm the Mistress of Metal. Dane D. from the Gun Metal Armory is here with me. That's me. If you're new to Draven Rock, welcome. If you're a returning listener, welcome back. It's been a while,
Starting point is 00:00:52 but we'll get to that later. Y'all know I'm always happy and honored to have y'all here. Today, I have another good episode for you it's a chicken episode no it's not a chicken episode it's not a chicken episode I was wrong but first if you want to connect with me you can find me on Instagram and Facebook under
Starting point is 00:01:20 Draven Rock Homestead if you want some Draven Rock Homestead merch I have a Teespring shop also under Draven Rock Homestead. If you want some Draven Rock Homestead merch, I have a Teespring shop also under Draven Rock Homestead. Which actually, that will be expanding, I think, a little bit soon, won't it? It will. I actually have two new designs up
Starting point is 00:01:35 if you want to go over and take a look at those. And I'm working on some more now. If you want to support Draven Rock, you can do so on... Oh, I'm sorry, y'all. I lost my train of thought. On and on Patreon. Aw.
Starting point is 00:02:01 If you want to contact me privately or directly if you have questions about anything or if you just need prayer you can email me at dravenrockhomestead at proton dot me I also have an affiliate link for Nutramil
Starting point is 00:02:19 they sell grain mills and dough mixers and lots of other really cool kitchen stuff so you can click on the affiliate link They sell grain mills and dough mixers and lots of other really cool kitchen stuff. So you can click on the affiliate link in the description and go check out their website. Yeah, you guys really have to check out NutriMill. What used to take us at least an hour or so in the kitchen grinding up wheat berries by hand, now only takes just a few minutes. So like five minutes now. Yeah, it's great. And as always, all of the links that I just
Starting point is 00:02:53 described will be in the description of this podcast. I'm working on a link tree, y'all. Just give me some time. Well, didn't they didn't they tell you that you were suspended at one point for having literally had nothing in it? Yeah, nothing in it and they told me that i was kicked out and so i had to email them and i was like i don't even think i put anything in it yet there's literally nothing in my link tree they reinstated my account so we're all good, but I have to get everything there. Things have just been not so great lately. Okay, so why haven't I been here?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Well, let's talk about this first. It's the first of the year. It's 2024, and it's going to be a great year. Either going to be a great year. Either going to be a great year and the Lord is going to come back or it's going to be a great year for a lot of more hot and spicy memes. Either way.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I don't know. But either way, I'm declaring right now it's going to be a great year. I like it. I don't care what y'all say i don't think it's gonna be a great year with you uh anyway first of the year and that means it's time to start your starts yay it's time to start planting your seeds indoors so they're strong enough to go out in the garden in the springs so get to deciding what you're going to plant this year and then get to it we messed up on that last year we did well
Starting point is 00:04:34 yeah the starts at least yeah yeah we messed up on that we didn't get our tomato plants started we kind of wanted to just do it all direct sow anyway. Oh, that's true, yeah. But there was some stuff that we couldn't direct sow that we didn't really kind of take into account. Yeah. And the season was weird last year too. If we had a longer growing season before it started getting cold, well, and like he said, last year it was weird because it didn't start getting hot until like July or something.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah. But anyway. Oh, and as another reminder, remember that root vegetables have to be directly sown in the ground. They like to set their roots very early and if you start them inside and then try to transplant them later they have a 99.9 chance of not surviving so i'm talking carrots potatoes turnips rad, onions, that kind of thing. All your root vegetables that grow underground. Onion. Onion.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay, so quick homestead update. Where have I been for the last two months? Update. Where have I been for the last two months? Well, if you listen to the Gun Metal Armory, you know that Dane has been doing his podcast like usual. Yeah, not as often, but yeah. He's a good boy and I'm not. But I have not been in the best of spirits.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I just haven't. However, we were blessed to be able to go to Texas for Christmas, and we got to spend seven days with my family. Thank you, Lord. We drove. We did not fly because people on airplanes are crazy. And we didn't want a window to pop out on one of them we were that happened much later that happened after we got back but we we just don't trust some of the youtube videos of how crazy people can get on airplanes well then thank you and now they got all these diversity hires and people like it's not the cream of the crop that's flying the planes and taking care of them anymore it's just anybody with a this or that that i don't know why it can't be the person that's best suited for the job.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I don't get it. But I'm not in charge. It seems so dangerous to me. So. Whatever. So, yeah, we drove and the drive was rainy and cold. And since we drove straight through, which was about 17-ish hours. It was also long, and we were really tired when we got there.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Best 17 hours of my life. We didn't argue, so that was good. That was actually really cool. That's because Jesus was our co-pilot. I got to see my son and my parents and my aunt and cousins, I got to see my son and my parents and my aunt and cousins. And it was really great. Until the day after Christmas when I got a phone call from our chicken sitter. He was a really good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:08:01 She only lives like three minutes down the road from us. And she has chickens too, so I knew I could trust her. And she would understand chicken things, you know. She had to call me and give me the sad news that she found one of our Rhode Island Reds that morning dead on the coop floor in front of the roost. dead on the coop floor in front of the roost. So I had her send me a picture so I could identify which one it was, and it was our sweet little Norabelle. If you all recall, Norabelle was one of the ones that we took to the vet last summer.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And she had been acting weird. She wasn't getting up on the roost most nights. This was probably a couple of weeks before we left for Texas. And instead, she was trying to, like, bed down in the corner under the roost, and I would have to pull her out and put her up on the roost beside whoever, and then she would just peck whoever was beside her. She didn't care who it was. She was just going to peck them.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And, but, I mean, she seemed okay otherwise. So she had lost some of her breast muscle, but she was also coming out of a molt. So I just figured that she'd put some weight back on, you know. But I had my friend wrap her up in a bag and put her in our deep freeze in the garage so I could decide what to do with her when we returned to Arizona. And I haven't been able to bring myself to do anything with her yet,
Starting point is 00:10:04 but next weekend is supposed to be a lot warmer than it has been here. It's been extremely cold. So I plan on doing a necropsy on her to find out what exactly the issue was. was. And the reason for that is because I need to find out if what she had was something that's going to put the rest of the girls at a higher risk for the same fate. Yep. So I'll discuss the results of that soon. For those that don't know, what is a necropsy? It's a necropsy
Starting point is 00:10:48 is basically an autopsy. It's not just dead crops? No. So it's basically an autopsy on a chicken? Yeah. A cha-topsy? No, it's a necropsy. A chick-topsy?
Starting point is 00:11:04 Anyway, back to the Texas trip. The day after we found out about Norville, I got a text from my cousin. Oh, no, wait. It was the day. Was it the day of or the day after? I don't remember. Anyway, I got a text from my cousin saying that her boys tested positive for the flu and she wasn't feeling good either. And neither was her husband. Um, so we didn't get to hang out with them for the rest
Starting point is 00:11:33 of the trip. And then the day after that, I got a text from my mom that she was not feeling good either and didn't want to get us sick, so I didn't get to see her for the rest of my trip. And my aunt, who we were staying with, having heard that all of our family members had gotten the flu, started pushing vitamins down mine and Dane's throat and my son, because she didn't have it and she didn't want us to get it either, especially we
Starting point is 00:12:05 were about to have to drive back home um so i can just see her in my head just pulling out all these vitamins vitamin c and and echinacea and i can't even acidophilus and I can't even remember what else and she's like here take this take this like eight bottles in her purse here it was funny but you know what I took it and I didn't get sick
Starting point is 00:12:36 so there's that I did well I don't think you had it as bad as the other ones you didn't have the fever and no any of that but I just had like a head cold or something um anyway then the night before we left my son was supposed to come by when he got off work he works the swing shift he works the swing shift. He works, um, 4 PM to midnight. And so he was supposed to come by when he got off work and just to see us one more time before we left. But I got a text from him saying
Starting point is 00:13:17 that he was running a fever and he had to leave work early and he was headed to the ER himself to be tested for the flu. And he tested positive. So I didn't get to see him that one last time before he left. So by the end of our trip, the only one we had left to hang out with was my aunt. And the only one left to hug us when we got in the car, you know, right before we got in the car was my aunt. Um, but she saw us off that morning at 3am and we all cried and like aunts and grandmas and mamas do, she sent us home with food. She sent us home with some really amazingly tasty potatoes
Starting point is 00:14:08 and some grapes. And they were Texas potatoes, apparently. And they were amazing. I have bought the same kind of potatoes here and they're just not the same. Well, and it also should be noted that we we had planned on seeing other people while we were in town that we knew yeah but knowing that like everybody could have been sick and we might spread it to somebody we just said well we don't know if we're sick we don't yeah i didn't want it on me to get other people sick but we did figure out who got us all sick. Yes. And we're going to have a talk with that person. Hey, if you're feeling bad.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We're going to have a talk with that youngin'. Yeah. And this goes for anybody listening to this. If you're feeling bad, don't go to work and get everybody sick. Don't go to family events and get everybody sick. Yeah. It's stupid. Even if you're feeling a little bit better,
Starting point is 00:15:03 you can be contagious still. Okay? I actually found out after we got home yeah it's stupid even if you're feeling a little bit better you can be contagious still okay i actually found out um after we got home after uh new year's i think the day after new year's that um some other family members had also gotten sick from that same the same spreader the original spreader patient zero patient zero um and so they were not able to go to back to my aunt's house for new year's day dinner because they always do cabbage and black eyed peas and cornbread and if you're from the south you know what i'm talking about i still don't uh, you ought to because I make it every year. Yeah, but I still don't understand why.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I'm just kidding. I do. Okay. I just don't care. Anyway, they stayed home because they didn't want to get everybody re-sick. Re-sick. Anyway, so. we're back home. And it's all Paging Zero's fault.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yeah. Now we're back home and it has snowed twice and it's been extremely cold and we don't have heat in our house. We use electric blankets and strength. Lots of strength. Lots of gumption and strength. Lots of strength.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Lots of gumption and anger. We're just so mad that it keeps us warm. No, I don't think I've had any anger anyway. Oh, no. So all we've really wanted to do is to just, again, stay under our electric throw blankets. Thank you, Brian. Yes, thank you to my wonderful brother-in-law who gave these to us before it got cold, before it hit fall.
Starting point is 00:16:55 So thank you. I think he got them on sale in the summertime. Yep. Smart kid. Yeah. Anywho. smart kid yeah um anywho i couldn't even bring myself to get up and work out before work every day so i'm dealing with some muscle atrophy because of that but that's okay it'll it'll just take a couple of months to gain it back, and everything will be fine. You'll gain it back faster than that, I guarantee it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You're really strong. But I'm feeling a little bit sunnier now. And strangely enough, it's raining outside right now, and it's not even sunny, but she's feeling sunny. Well, I've increased my vitamin D. Vitamin D for dang dang I feel sunny I increased my d3 I'm taking 10,000 IU a day instead of five so that's helped um hey why don't they call like you know bra sizes like double d triple d why don't they call
Starting point is 00:18:05 the triple d bra size d3 why are we talking about bra size in the middle of oh sorry go ahead homesteading podcast sorry i'm just curious i have questions i have questions anyway so i've been thinking about what i want to plant in the garden this year and we were talking about moving the raised beds around oh yeah yeah like literally turning them a different direction and that's gonna be a really big task so like if they're facing north north and south right now we want to flip them east to west yeah um it's going to involve scoot or shoveling all the dirt out of one turning it putting all the dirt back in and then repeating that six more times which is going to be really fun awesome i can't wait um i'm also getting back in the mood to build things again. I'm actually kind of excited
Starting point is 00:19:08 about and I'm looking forward to doing it. Coming up here pretty soon? Pretty soon yeah. I'm getting my designs of what I want to build together and it's going to be great. I'm also actually really looking forward to doing a whole lot of spring cleaning, both in the house and out of the house as soon as it's warm enough and it's not 50 degrees or lower in our house. Yup. It was 46 the other day.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It was 44 last week. One, one day last week, I believe. Or the week before. I don't remember. Wow. But seriously cold. And I also plan to start doing whatever else we need to do to get this house and all of our renovations finally finished.
Starting point is 00:20:07 We'll see where it goes from there. It's been long enough, and we just need to get it done already. Yeah, we just have some home improvement stuff to do. So we're getting back into the groove of things. Honestly, I think my mood will drastically improve once the weather gets better and gets warmer and the sun comes out more and I'm able to get back out in it because I love being in the sun. And when you can start working out regularly again. Yes. Endorphins. Endorphin rush. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:43 All right. Y'all ready to get down to the nitty gritty Of this episode? Well, get ready because I'm about to preach She means it If you don't want to hear Bible verses Turn it off now Okay, so The name of this episode
Starting point is 00:21:00 If you didn't read it Before you came in Is You Better Start Prepping Because So, recently if you didn't read it before you came in is you better start prepping because so recently I have seen some videos and read some comments about why people should prep and they all have various reasons why they shouldn't. Oh, boy. Some say nothing's going to happen. You're crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Or they say, I don't need to prep. I have prayer. Or somebody, or they'll say, somebody will just come along and take it from you anyway. Or, and I love this one, if you run out of food, just go to the store and buy more. We'll talk about that in a minute. Or the one that we've heard from a couple of our own family members,
Starting point is 00:22:03 I just plan to bend over and kiss my butt goodbye. First of all, you're not that flexible. Well. Second of all, that may not be possible. Yeah. What if you don't have that as an option? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 You ever think about that? And what if no one ever comes along and takes what you've put back for yourself and your family and what if you can't just go to the store and buy more genius do you know where food comes from do you know it doesn't just magically appear in your supermarket. And what if something does happen? All you people who say nothing's ever going to happen, y'all are just crazy. What about, for example, what about that missile that just hit that cargo ship, the Houthi missile that hit that cargo ship out in the uh was it the red sea i think or the whatever one of those i think it was the red sea areas out there in the middle east
Starting point is 00:23:10 hit a cargo ship now granted i believe it was uh carrying steel and that may not may not affect food but food a lot of food is shipped all over the world so what do you think is going to happen if any of that stuff pops off? If this keeps going the way it's going with Israel, with Russia, with Ukraine, with Hamas and Iran and on and on and on, you don't think things are going to get worse? You don't think things are going to get more expensive? You don't think things are going to get basically unobtainium, like impossible to get? Come on, be realistic. So let me lay this down on you.
Starting point is 00:23:51 2 Kings 6-7. There was a famine in Samaria. And in that time period, the people were so hungry and so desperate for food that they were buying donkey's heads for 80 shekels of silver to boil it and eat it. And for about
Starting point is 00:24:15 5 shekels of silver you could get about 2 quarts of dove's dung. That's right. Dove poop. They were buying dove poop. And if that wasn't bad enough,
Starting point is 00:24:35 you had women that were boiling their own children to eat. They were boiling their own babies. Historical record, guys. To eat. They were boiling their own babies. Historical record, guys. To eat. In Lamentations, chapter 4, verse 9, it says, Better are those slain with the sword than those slain with hunger, for they pine away being stricken for the lack of the fruits of the field. In other words, it's better to go down fighting
Starting point is 00:25:14 than to just sit there and die. I can agree with that. But in Genesis 41, talks about Joseph. Big Joe. Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob, whose name was later changed to Israel by God. Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brothers, his older brothers.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And so he was hauled off to Egypt. Jacob thought he was dead, but he wasn't. Well, in Genesis 41, he was in prison for something he didn't do. That never happens. He had been in prison for about two or three years, I think. And the Pharaoh of that time, we're not sure which one that was because the Bible doesn't say, had a dream that none of his other sorcerers and magicians could interpret. However, his butler remembered that Joseph had interpreted his dream during the short stint he had in prison.
Starting point is 00:26:43 during the short stint he had in prison. So he told Pharaoh about Joseph, and Pharaoh sent for Joseph. And he told Joseph about his dream. Joseph interpreted it. And what the dream meant was that there was going to be seven years of an abundance of food. And directly after that seven year period of abundance, there was going to be a seven year period of a great famine. So Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of collecting food from all the crops and the grain harvest.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And he put them all in storehouses all over the city. And after that seven year period of abundance, they were, wait for it. They were prepared for that seven years of famine. for that seven years of famine. And they had so much stored up that they were able to sell some to the people in the surrounding towns and cities. Green stores for a very long time in its form. In its original form.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, the wheat berries. Wheat can last almost indefinitely. It can last quite a while. Anyway, the point of all those Bible verses is this. You will not be able to pray your way into having enough food when it's too late. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:28:35 None of us do. And if you're not putting back extra food and water and other supplies into your own storehouses, so to speak, you'll end up suffering a slow and painful death. You and your family. I know that's not what people want to hear. It's harsh, it's mean, and it sounds cruel, but you know what? It's the truth.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Sometimes people need to hear that. For some reason, people just don't seem to want to hear the truth anymore. That's true. They only want to hear what makes them feel good or what doesn't offend them. Well, we don't have that option. Not in this case, we don't. Look at the events that happen in more recent history. Oh, you got some recent examples. Okay. All right. The Dust Bowl of the 1930s. 1930s. Lasted several years and it affected like 75% of the country. It was like 29 to 39 or 29 to 41, something
Starting point is 00:29:48 like that. And there was like 27 states that suffered more severely than others. So more than half the country? The Great Depression. Or more than half the states, rather. The Great Depression, which happened in the same time frame as the Dust Bowl.
Starting point is 00:30:04 People were so poor at that point, and they had almost literally nothing. It wasn't even funny. There were bread lines, soup lines. It looked like Russia. Another example is World War II in the 40s. Supplies and foodstuffs were scarce because food had to be sent to the soldiers
Starting point is 00:30:26 fighting that horrific war. Yeah, the meat went to the front lines for the men. And the people back home had to make do with what they had, and in some cases what they had was little to nothing. That's why all those recipes came out that would show people how to make
Starting point is 00:30:42 something from very little. Yeah, and we've seen the Depression-era recipes, too. came out that would show people how to make something from very little. Yeah. And we've seen the Depression era recipes, too. Nope. We actually made some peanut butter bread. Do you remember that? I do. And think about it. They made, like, what were they, potato cookies and, like, all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah, all kinds of things. That's not a dessert. They had to do something. They figured it out. Or how about the oil crisis of 1973? All the countries that supported Israel in the Arab-Israeli wars were no longer able to buy oil from some of the Arab countries. And if there's not enough oil to refine, there was no gas to put in the cars.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I can remember seeing pictures online of lines of cars just lined up at gas stations all over the pandemic of 2020 and 2021 and eased over into 2022. Tried to sneak in there for the whole thing. Do you remember how crazy people got over toilet paper? Now. And paper towels? Imagine they can't eat. Well, even then the shelves were going bare. But that was just over toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Imagine if they didn't have food. How crazy things would have gotten. People still had some stuff set aside. They had canned food at home and stuff like that. Some people did. A lot of people didn't. But you get what I'm trying to say. If they'd go that nuts over toilet paper,
Starting point is 00:32:25 they would go even crazier over food. Like on a mass scale. I remember hearing about a grown man that had no children, or at least none living at home, fighting a single mom with a baby in her arms over baby wipes in Walmart. That was just right down the road from where we lived at the time.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Dude. Because there was no toilet paper on the shelves. Get a towel. Turn on your sink. Wash. Get in the shower, dude. I mean, for real, man. Come come on it's a mom with a baby what's wrong with people i can't remember people getting stabbed i think yeah there was talk about
Starting point is 00:33:17 that at other places not i don't think it was here but i remember like all in other places in the country people getting stabbed because of toilet paper and toiletries and food and you know because the shelves the shelves were going bare yeah it's true and do y'all remember when there was a baby formula shortage because of the whole coven catastrophe oh yeah And do you remember the past couple of years when all kinds of chicken farms and cattle farms and food processing plants were being torched and burned to the ground? Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And it's still happening. Even one of our favorite places to get our wheat berries from, their main warehouse in... Wherever. On the East Coast. Georgia? Let's say that. Yeah. Let's say Georgia.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Even their main warehouse caught on fire and burned to the ground. You all got to understand this stuff. There's stuff that's out of your control and do you remember the the supply chain breakdown all those ships stuck out in the um off the coast in the pacific ocean of cal the coast of california waiting to come in but they wouldn't let them come in you know a lot of them diverted went through through Panama Canal and put their stuff out in Florida. Yeah. And that was under Pete Booty Buttcheeks, man.
Starting point is 00:34:51 He could not run the transportation commission. Yeah, national transportation. Pete Booty Buttcheeks couldn't do it. So, yeah, I want you to let it sink in let all that sink in because like I said you never know what's gonna happen next you never know what the next thing is just around the corner and you know something has already been planned by the powers that be it's just a matter of time before they release it out into the world. But one question I want you to ask yourself is, are you prepared?
Starting point is 00:35:33 And if the answer to that question is no, you better think about what we just discussed, everything we just discussed. And I want you to think about it seriously and honestly. Yeah, be intellectually honest about it. And I want you to take a look around you at the people who depend on you for their survival. Your children, your grandchildren, your husband, your wife. Immediate family or non-immediate or not immediate family, like extended family. Your elderly parents.
Starting point is 00:36:08 What about friends? What about people who just look to you for guidance? What will you tell them when that last box of mac and cheese that was sitting in your cabinet is their last meal? What will you tell them? Sorry, I didn't believe that this could happen. I don't want to be that guy. One other scripture I want to give you, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:35 Genesis 3, verses 17 through 19. Is this why we can't just pray and hope that our cupboards fill up? Probably, yes. Okay, what does it say? This, just to give you some background, okay, this was after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, and sin had entered the garden, and man, meaning humans, had fallen.
Starting point is 00:37:03 God said to Adam, because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and because she was deceived, and then talked him into it, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, you shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground for your sake. In toil you shall eat of it all of the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the
Starting point is 00:37:36 plants of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground. For out of it you were taken for your dust and to dust you shall return. That's heavy. God was saying that for all of our lives, we are to work the ground. We are to plant seeds, grow crops, dig them up, harvest them, eat them. And by the sweat of our brows, we'll have to do this if we want to eat. So when I said earlier in this podcast that you need to be thinking about what you're going to plant in your garden this year. That's serious. That is serious.
Starting point is 00:38:30 We've said this before. You guys need to be getting used to this now. How you're going to grow food. Don't just get a seed vault and put it away and go, because according to that scripture, the ground is cursed and it's going to fight you back.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And it may not give you the tomatoes this year that you had the year before, like happened to us last year. It may not give you the abundance of food that it gave you last year, like happened to us this past summer. But you better be getting used to that now before it's too late. You should learn how to use it. And I'll leave you with this. Times are hard, but times have been hard for centuries.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yep. Since the beginning of time, really, humans are meant to work the ground to till the soil to grow and raise their own food that's what the good book says not to eat meat that's grown in a lab not to eat bugs i have said before and i will stick to I do not feel good about taking food away from my chickens. Not understandable. But people have always struggled in hard times. But they got through it. The key is that you have to want to get through it. So just keep those things
Starting point is 00:40:03 in mind. Okay? Makes a big difference. Wanting to versus actually doing it. Mm-hmm. So that's about all I have for this week. I'm done preaching. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Yeah, that's about it for this week. But, you know, the bottom line message guys is that you need to start prepping things aren't getting better they're getting worse and if you're one of those people out there that is a believer or if you're not and you just don't think you need to prep there are many reasons to whether you look at it biblically or whether you look
Starting point is 00:40:41 at it economically or whether you look at it practically you know secular you you look at it economically or whether you look at it practically. You can look at it from a practical standpoint, a secular, a religious, an analytical standpoint. Any standpoint you look at it from having a little bit of stuff put back, whether it's a week, two weeks, 74 years, whatever you want to do, have some food put back, guys. Please, please, please do that because the more people that have that stuff put back, the less likely it is there's going to be bands of people roaming around trying to rob people and harm people when that time comes. Okay. So the more prepared you are, the more prepared you are to help other people, the more prepared those people will be and they can help other people and on and on it goes. And if you agree with what I've said here, but you can't figure out how to tell Cousin Fred over there, share this podcast with him.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Maybe I've said something that will spark something in his brain that says, oh, yeah, that makes sense. And maybe we'll do an episode coming up on ways that you can save money so you can start setting back some food. There's lots of different ways to save money, ways that you can put away money and save it. It involves a budget. Yep. It involves a budget.
Starting point is 00:42:01 It involves knowing what your bills are and what stuff you can cut and how you can cut it. Yep. So, for example, making your own laundry detergent and so on. We'll talk about that another time. Yeah, that's a whole other episode, making your own stuff. Probably a whole series, actually. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But I'm going to close it for this week. I have another episode ready to go for next week. I just have to record it. So y'all stay tuned for that. And we'll see you next time. See you later, everybody. Thanks for joining us. Tune in next week as the mistress increases the momentum toward relentless freedom.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Right here on Draven Rock.

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