The Problem With Jon Stewart - The #MahsaAmini Protest and Iran’s Fight for Freedom

Episode Date: September 29, 2022

This week we’re talking about the #MahsaAmini protests in Iran with Rana Rahimpour, an Iranian-British journalist with BBC Persian. Jon is also joined by staff writer Alexa Loftus and our I...ranian supervising producer Reza Riazi. It’s a fascinating discussion about why this uprising is different from anything that’s come before, what comes next for the people of Iran, and what the U.S. can do to help. (The bad news is it involves Elon Musk.) And if that’s not enough, they go down a Lord of the Rings rabbit hole you simply will not see coming.For more information on the protests in Iran, you can follow Rana Rahimpour, Amnesty International, or MiddleEastMatters on social media.CREDITSHosted by: Jon StewartFeaturing, in order of appearance: Reza Riazi, Alexa Loftus, Rana RahimpourExecutive Produced by Jon Stewart, Brinda Adhikari, James Dixon, Chris McShane, and Richard Plepler. Lead Producer: Sophie EricksonProducers: Zach Goldbaum, Caity Gray, and Robby SlowikAssoc. Producer: Andrea BetanzosSound Engineer & Editor: Miguel Carrascal Senior Digital Producer: Frederika Morgan Digital Coordinator: Norma Hernandez Supervising Producer: Lorrie Baranek Head Writer: Kris AcimovicElements: Kenneth Hull, Daniella PhilipsonTalent: Brittany Mehmedovic, Marjorie McCurry, Lukas ThimmResearch: Susan Helvenston, Andy Crystal, and Cassie Murdoch Theme Music by: Gary Clark Jr.The Problem with Jon Stewart podcast is an Apple TV+ podcast, produced by Busboy Productions.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Ready to go? Hello. Welcome to the podcast, The Problem with me, The Problem. We show back on Apple TV Plus for season two on October 7th. So set your Google counter. I don't know how, what you would set there. Season one, obviously the links are in there already.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And reminder, podcast, we're doing this every week now, because we work so, really so fucking hard. We work so hard. I mean, I, sometimes I'll go from this room to the kitchen. The podcast this week, we're going to, this week, I think it's coming out, I don't know what day, but next week it's coming out Wednesday. I think we're going to move it to Wednesday. But this is a very special edition of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's the international edition, the edition internazionale. Is that? No? We're talking to Riazi, who is our vaunted, he produces and supervises and writer, Alexa Loftus. Hello. Our guest today is Rana Rahampur, who is a BBC News Persian journalist. She's going to talk all about this incredible, really, grassroots women's revolution.
Starting point is 00:01:41 These incredibly brave women, removing their headscarves, their hijab, waving them in defiance of the morality police, of the revolutionary guard, of the besiege of, and really taking a stand. Reza, I'm going to start with you. You're obviously Orani. Yeah. How are you feeling? Are you hearing news from the family?
Starting point is 00:02:06 What's happening? It's super emotional to watch for so many reasons. One, it's terrifying because people going in the streets is dangerous. There's been, obviously, Masa was killed. Reza Masamini was the young woman who was arrested by the morality police. Not for even having her hijab, not wearing it, apparently wasn't. Some hair was coming out or something. It wasn't proper.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yes. And was killed in custody. And that's what sparked this. Yeah. Reza, I have a few questions. I feel like there's an assumed baseline context that I would say for a lot of people who went to U.S. history class. We missed.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We missed out. You didn't have your semester about Iran? We learned about Christopher Columbus for like 14 years and then it was over. My grandfather would probably tell you he's Iranian. He kind of books everybody to that. Anybody who's accomplished anything. And I would believe you. So morality police, is this different than regular police?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yes. They're very specific. Their sole job is just. Dress and action, by the way. So like you can't hold hands with people who are not your wife or your mother. You can't. It's different than the regular police. Like the morality police will pull you over and say, do you know how sexy you were going?
Starting point is 00:03:32 And then what'll happen is then you will say like, sir, no, I was I was being incredibly vanilla. Yes. You're like, no. No, no, no, that is too much style, not enough God, my friend. Style and the swivel in those hips. Tell me, pull over, mister. OK, so yeah, they're just they're strictly action and dress and things like that.
Starting point is 00:03:58 But, you know, they look like little army guys walking down. Do you recall any any run ins with morality police on yourself or with your family? Or like how how intrusive is it in the everyday life? Very. I mean, you know, now it's been around for 40 years, but it's also ebbs and flows of how strict they are with things. Right. So I know from what I'd heard recently, it was, hey, we're really going to crack down.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And the last time I was there, it was a little looser. Like I was being too loud in a coffee shop and I got the stink eye from them. So it's things like that. Or they would tell women as you're walking by, like, hey, sister, pull your pull your thing up. But, you know, in the ebbs and flows of it, because again, Iranian women, and I don't just say this because I've been surrounded by them my whole life, like my mom, my grandparents, like everybody, they they are badasses by nature.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So there's always there was this mutual kind of shit talking that could also happen in the sense of like, hey, pull it up and it's like, what is it to you? And like, you know what I mean, this kind of back and forth, right? But even kind of felt more playful if anything at that time, because they're just annoyed by it. But my understanding is in the last month, it was really like, hey, we're not it's it's strict. It's a crackdown.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah. Right. Yeah. So we'd had run ins. Right. It's heartbreaking to watch because there's been all these videos pouring out of like women in the streets dancing at these protests. And it's really easy to watch from our side and be like, that's kind of corny or hippy.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Like what are these girls doing out there dancing around? But you have to remember that dancing is a literal form of rebellion there because it's illegal for a woman to dance in public. So that's kind of like where the baseline of rights are, where expressing yourself in the way you dress or how you dance. And again, I know a lot of people don't know about Iran unless you pair it with nuclear. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Like this is a culture that loves art. They love fashion, you know, that's why we all come here and start wearing gold head to toe and Versace and crazy shit. Reza, I just want to clarify, I don't, it's not corny at all. I don't know anyone who thinks it's corny to dance in as far as, yeah, it's like the what? Dancing around huge bonfire, like everything we do, we put pizzazz on it. It's got a lot of pizzazz.
Starting point is 00:06:32 And look, this might be the flip of oppression, right? Like people there just love to party. Like I remember one time being there and some guys like, bro, we've, you know, there's some stewardesses in from Germany. You should come party with us tonight. And I was like, buddy, I'm nine. I'm a nine year old. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Okay. Reza, you're never too young to take advantage of German stewardess hospitality. Listen, it need be, you know, sexual. You could have gone in and said, may I have a Toblerone? You have a Toblerone in the back. Obviously this is a country that's crushed economically last 40 years, you know, drowning under sanctions and you're welcome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And it's a big country. I think a lot of people don't know that it's a population of 80 million people, you know, it's a beautiful country too. Yeah. It's a beautiful country. And not getting a lot of attention here. I think everybody's looking to Italy now like, my God, Mussolini's back and he's wearing a dress.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Like it's, you know, it's, it's got that whole Mussolini address, but it seems we're obsessed with trying to see ourselves in, in other, you know, this in, in Italy right now with, with Georgia Malone, I think it's. I'm mostly interested in the fact that she apparently was radicalized at Hobbit camp. What? Hobbit camp? Yes. So apparently the far right movement, especially in Italy, they see the Lord of the Rings as
Starting point is 00:08:03 like a sacred text. I mean, I see the Lord of the Rings as a morality tale of fighting authoritarianism, like. That's your view. Evil of power. Or I mean, the ring of power being the corrupting force in, in all of, of human endeavor. You can make it about whatever you want. I think that I did not go to Hobbit camp and I'm going to, I'm going to be very clear about that.
Starting point is 00:08:33 We just didn't have the money. She projects that like she's sort of preserving this idealized version of a land where she doesn't want outsiders sort of thing. We're orcs. Yes. Everybody who is not Italian is an orc. There we go. And they are protecting the, the beauty of their society from.
Starting point is 00:09:01 From nasty, filthy orcs. This is suddenly making sense. Well, to move from the Hobbit to back to Iran, our guest today is, do you know Ron poor BBC journalist. She has been covering this story and she's going to join us now. I'm going to bring her in. She's going to talk all things Iran and then we'll come back and get together. And in the interim, while she's talking, if you guys could figure out this Lord of
Starting point is 00:09:31 the Rings thing, I would truly appreciate it because that's so fucked me up. All right. Let's get, let's get to her. Rana, thanks so much for, for joining us. What is your impression about where things stand out? This seems bloodier than perhaps past demonstrations, but it seems more robust in some respects as well. So what's, what are your thoughts on, on what's happening on the ground?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Thanks for inviting me, John, and thanks for covering this topic because it's a huge story historic for many Iranians, especially Iranian women. What we're witnessing now is a moment that the younger generation in Iran, mainly teenagers and in their early twenties have decided to come out and say no, because the death of a 22 year old girl called Masa Amini, after she was arrested by the Moranati police. So she died in custody, has left many people extremely angry. So the difference between this time and previous protests is that generational difference. We're talking about people who are not afraid.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And the generational differences in Iran are, are very meaningful. And Americans know it only as, didn't they hold some of our people in an embassy once? There's the revolutionary generation. There's maybe the green revolution generation, which was the last time I think maybe these kinds of protests exploded on the streets. And now there's this generation, maybe 14 years later. Is this sustainable? That's a very good question.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And a lot of people who are protesting on the street think it's unsustainable. So you're absolutely right. Before the Islamic revolution of 1979, Iran was a liberal country. Socially, it was liberal. Women had equal rights, they could wear whatever they wanted, and then the revolution happened. For many people, it was a democratic revolution, but it was hijacked by the Muslim radicals. A few months later, they introduced compulsory hijab or a headscarf. In fact, the first anti-hijab protest was only 25 days after the revolution.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Women went out on the street and I said, no, we're not doing it. It's very similar to handmade stale if you've seen it. So going from a liberal society where women had equal rights to a society in which you're forced to wear a headscarf and their resistance continued five years after the revolution, it became criminal not to wear a headscarf. So women without headscarf were not allowed to go inside government buildings, shop owners were not allowed to give them any service, and then there were police officers stationed in different parts of the city who were arresting women for not observing the headscarf.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So when you look at it, the Islamic revolution took many of the women's rights, way more than men. So they were the biggest losers of the revolution. And the resistance has continued. Five years ago, we had a woman who went out on a street in central Tehran called Revolution Street. She stood on top of an electricity box. She held a stick with her headscarf on top of it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 People just watched and they thought, oh, she must be crazy. And she was immediately arrested and sentenced to prison. Then a few more people did it and they were also arrested. And now five years down the line, we're now in 2022, we are seeing people who are out on the street, even in religious parts of Iran, including the city of Mashhad, for example. Oh, really? That's different.
Starting point is 00:13:35 That is very different. Yeah. There was a footage of a woman standing on top of a car, wading her headscarf, and she is surrounded by men who are cheering her. Wow. Okay. We have footage of women who had set up a bonfire and they're dancing around and they are burning their headscarves.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Wow. I mean, people have to understand as well that you might look at it and say, it's the headscarf, but it's symbolic of exactly what you're talking about, which is a society that is being smothered. In America, we've been trained to demonize the Iranian people, but it's the theocracy. It's this conservative regime that is smothering the true heart, the true spirit, I think, of the Iranian people, but it is a divided society. And so I wonder for, I guess the question is this, what we've seen through the Arab
Starting point is 00:14:39 Spring and what we've seen in Iran is that a democratic instinct that wants to breathe free has been no match for how organized the right and the autocracies and the theocracies of that part of the world. So it's the chaos. If it's to succeed, what are you replacing this theocracy with? I don't think it's been thought about. So at the moment, it's a leaderless movement led by the women's movement, and it has woken up the student movement.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So we are now seeing protests and strikes and resignations at universities. And then we are hearing voices from the workers movement about joining these strikes. So we are we're now witnessing the birth of a mega movement. But does it have an organization? Not yet. Okay. Does it have a leader? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:15:48 But the people who are now protesting on the streets, they are not, there are no religious slogans and no slogans in support of the former monarchy and yes, I wouldn't, I wouldn't think so. No. And they don't seem that they are putting too much hope on the West, which is fascinating. Wait, I don't understand why, Rana. We're good allies. We're always there for you.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Sure. Have we sanctioned you for 70 years and made it so that cancer patients can't get radiation treatments? Of course. But who doesn't make mistakes? You bring up a great question. We always like to say, we support the great people of Iran and the democratic movements. What would support look like from the West?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Would it be ending sanctions? Would it be strengthening sanctions so that they would only hit the corrupt theocrats and not the people on the street? How can you support this movement? That's a very good question. And I've been asking that question from many of my guests on my show. So sanctions is a very tricky subject to talk about. It's double-edged sword.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Some people say that if there are no sanctions, then the Iranian government will get that money, which is not going to be spent inside the country, that politicians will pocketed or they spend it on their proxy groups in the region to cause more havoc there. And that would be for those, it's sort of Hezbollah and other proxy groups that Iran has sort of aligned with to maintain power. It's part of the Shia-Sunni split as opposed to the Democrat theocracy split. Exactly. The other people, others say that these sanctions are mainly hurting ordinary people.
Starting point is 00:17:45 As you mentioned, they're the difficulty to find medicine. It's not the rich who are usually close to the government who are feeling the pain of the sanctions. So there is no right or wrong answers to this. I'm afraid, Rana, we're going to have to have a right answer. We've invited you on the podcast. You are our expert. So I'm afraid you're going to have to give us an objective answer concrete and you're
Starting point is 00:18:13 going to have to stand by it. But I tell you, there are things the West can do. For instance, there are some clever moves that the Treasury announced last week that they removed the clause in the sanctions, which potentially would allow Elon Musk to send Starlink internet, the satellite internet, to Iran, because now the authorities have shot down the internet in large parts of the country or to help Iranians use VPNs and proxies to go around these filters so they can connect to the internet. And social media is a real organizing principle for these kind of leaderless movements.
Starting point is 00:18:48 The only difficulty is like in 2008, the Iranian government reverse engineered a lot of the social media and found their way into the kinds of where the organizations were taking place. It is tricky. But the youth have also so many years of banning the internet, means a lot of people know how to go around it. Even my parents are in their 70s. As soon as WhatsApp was shut down, within a day, I received a call on WhatsApp from my
Starting point is 00:19:18 dad and said, oh, you're connected. So I've got to VPN that. So people are now willing to get- Rana, could your parents, can they be my genius bar? Because I would like for them to- I've got a lot of tech issues that I would like to go on. It's usually young cousins who go and install these for the older members of the family. What, you know, revolution is great until nobody's there to pick up your trash.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I feel like we failed the Arab Spring in the West. I truly feel we did that. Nobody wants to live in chaos. And we did not provide the kind of logistical support that you would need to provide groups that need to become organized and foundational. How do we begin that work? To be honest, I think that's something that the Iranians inside the country will have to do themselves.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Any meddling in what's happening inside the country will potentially jeopardize it. Oh, OK. So that's it's actually the instinct to to be helpful. Actually, then demonizes the movement in some respects, especially at this point, that the government has a lot of power, especially military power. As soon as they feel that these protests are being supported by outside forces, they will use that as an excuse to even to use more violence against it and to to crack it down.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Right. But they'll they'll do that no matter what. I mean, that's the thing that you sort of learn. And yeah, the coup of 1953 Iranians don't have a good memory. Are we going to go over that again? How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sorry. We you don't understand. We the oil was so delicious and British Petroleum, they said everything would be fine.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I damn what about having someone who had some credibility within the government? Are their leaders not from that generation, but maybe of an older generation who can help then from within the country? So it sounds like they this generation that is protesting right now has moved on from the reformists. OK. So the difference between now and 2009, which we call Green Movement, because it never became a revolution and it never was a revolution, was they were looking for change within the system
Starting point is 00:21:54 because they still hoped that they could change the system. So the main slogan in 2009 was give give my vote back to me. They still believe the establishment might give them their vote. And to remind your audience, there were some presidential elections in 2009 and many believed that it was fraudulent. And that's why hundreds of thousands, if not millions, went on the street asking for the government to cancel the result of that election. But you see, they still wanted to hold on to the establishment.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Right. 13 years down the line, we have teenagers who are shouting on the streets, death to the dictator, death to Khamenei. I don't want the Islamic Republic. And the reason is that they don't believe that the Islamic Republic will give them what they are looking for. And what they're looking for is probably just a normal life, prosperity, just this desperation and the ups and downs of sanctions.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Is is there going to be a nuclear deal? Are we going to get is life going to get better? And no, it doesn't. So it's just all that all the crises on top of each other has put them in a position that they feel that this cannot be achieved under the Islamic Republic. And what seems so interesting here is the investment in the young people in not just self-determination, but in a normalcy.
Starting point is 00:23:31 This is less that high-minded ideal that Americans like to mythologize our revolution with, that idea of, you know, a democratic and diverse, you know, it's it's all the things in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. And we've always had a hard time living up to a lot of those ideals. This sounds more like I want a stable future. And I'm tired of living in a place this bleak. Is is is that more the beyond that?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Is that it? That is it. That is it. And is that then how much of this then do they relate to sanctions and the nuclear deal? And what in their mind, what is the cause of that lack of normalcy? The Islamic Republic. OK, so they really they don't blame the West.
Starting point is 00:24:29 They really do blame. Yes. OK, that's interesting. The first time that I found that the slogan fascinating was in a in a protest in which people started shouting. Dushmane Mohamin Jaws, Durukh Mi Gyan, on because our enemy is here. They lie to us when they say it's America. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You know what, could they teach that to other countries because we could use if they could, you know what, let me get a VPN. Let me let me start spreading that bad boy around the world. That that'd be very helpful. How does now Hamane is obviously. A firm. Yeah, I mean, he's he's in firm. Who is his, you know, I guess,
Starting point is 00:25:16 Soleimani was the general that was killed that. Kind of led the Revolutionary Guard and was a real, you know, mythic figure within Iran. They're also aging out. And so who is the next generation of of leaders that's going to sustain this? And is there anyone within the theocracy that sees that we are going to have to adapt to this new reality? Or will it be purely another I'm going to double down on crackdown
Starting point is 00:25:49 and theocracy? So the question of succession is a million dollar question. It's not like North Korea. There isn't a clear successor you. But John, with all the crises that Iran has at the moment, the death of Hamane can be a turning point. It's very difficult to imagine anybody can replace him who would hold such a tight grip of power
Starting point is 00:26:16 who can who would be able to mobilize the Revolutionary Guards, the religious clerics, the army and all the older politicians in the country. So that is going to be a very interesting chapter of the Islamic Revolution and whether the next successor will understand the demand for change and realize that similar to Muhammad bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, the crown prince who would see that, OK, we really need to change. Otherwise, the situation is unsustainable
Starting point is 00:26:49 and whether that will happen peacefully. That will probably be the best case scenario. Is that a frustration in Iran ever that, you know, you look at, look, I don't think you can look at the Saudi government and the Iranian government and suggest that one is open and free and democratic and the other is a terrible repressive theocracy. And yet we're starting golf tournaments with the Saudis and there's no real moral compass that's leading that.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And is that a frustration to the Iranian people that they're demonized, their regime is demonized, but looking around the region, they don't appear to be a completely different entity than others that we're absolutely friendly with. Of course, it's that frustration. But again, they blame the Iranian leadership. Right. They don't blame the Americans for being close to Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Do they view Saudi Arabia as the kind of foe that we believe them to be for Iran? There is definitely rivalry. Right. And in Iraq as well. Less so, especially after Saddam fell and there was a power vacuum and Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, quickly tried to fill that vacuum. So right now they are very close with parts of the Iranian
Starting point is 00:28:14 political establishment, but it's very important to differentiate between the supporters of the government and how they see it and the protesters who are who have decided to is would you would you say this is a vocal minority protesting or this is a brave minority to a majority point of view? Just the ones that have chosen to go out on the streets. You know, everybody talks about the American red, blue divide. They're sort of a rural and an urban and a liberal and more conservative.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Iran is very similar. That the power of the theocracy is really in the rural areas, in the more religious cities, as you said, the more urban areas are probably more used to a sophisticated, maybe a little bit more of a liberal outlook. Would you say that that the women, the brave women that have come out on the street and put themselves in such terrible danger are the tip of the spear of a larger majority feeling in the country? Or is this?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Is this do they stand kind of on an island? They're not an island. I was speaking with a, in fact, a woman, political analyst in Iran. And I asked her about the scale of these protests. And I said, would you say they're out in millions? She said, no. So there are pockets of protests, but it's geographically huge. So over 85 cities have seen protests in the last even even the more conservative cities.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Even the more conservative cities, the city of Qom and Mashhad, the some of them are very important in the world of Islam. So they have home is the sort of the religious heart. Yes, yes, exactly, exactly. So it's large in terms of the numbers of cities, but small in terms of the number of people who are out actively protesting. But one thing that this woman told me was that there is huge sympathy OK, amongst people.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And what's fascinating this time, John, unlike 2009, is that the death of a 22 year old woman for not wearing proper headscarf. It wasn't she was a naked, remember, so she still was wearing Islamic headscarf. But for some reason, the officers decided that it wasn't Islamic enough. That has really disturbed many followers of the government as well. Oh, really? OK. So even even some conservatives are feeling like this morality police move is hair coming out of a hijab is not pretence for imprisoning
Starting point is 00:30:54 and unfortunately killing. Absolutely. Absolutely. So I was listening to some conversations on Twitter Space where some people from Iran were there and many of them are religious people, religious parents, and they were saying that, you know, even Prophet Muhammad would never have treated non-Muslim women the way we are treating our Muslim sisters. Wow. That's a moment that when you're with the core supporters of the government are questioning these policies and tactics.
Starting point is 00:31:25 If it's coming from the right, so to speak, if they're being primary and they're the ones, that's where the power would really get hollowed out from. Are you concerned, you know, martyrdom always has a very sort of vaunted place in all revolutionary movements? It's interesting that on Twitter, when you read those who are out on the streets, they say, yes, over 70 people have been killed so far, but we don't have time for that. We'll come back later to warn their death. OK.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So people don't have time to just sit down and cry. They say, no, there's a bigger goal and we're working towards that. And when we we reach where we want to reach, we'll come back and mourn that. So what would they want to reach then? You know, if regime change. Oh, boy, so they they're trying to spur a true from the streets, overturning of this government, and they won't stop until they're satisfied.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yes, yes. And the Islamic Republic has so many difficulties tackling the containing these protests. And one of which is that we've seen videos of security officers being shouted at by their commanders to go forward and to beat up people. So clearly they don't want to do it. These movements only succeed if you turn the the police or if you turn
Starting point is 00:32:59 the military, has there been any sign that there is a change within those institutions, not just of sympathy, but of we are going to join our brothers and sisters. We are going to stand with them, because wouldn't that really be the change, the game that will be a huge change? So far, the only signs that we've seen are those videos that are filmed secretly by people that show that these conversations and the commanders are telling them we are doing the right thing.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I want you not to be afraid, right? But we know that, you know, because of the economic deadlock, many of those officers are also suffering, right? So they are not well off. They must be unhappy with the with the situation. And some I'm sure many of them would find it difficult to beat up their these women and if we get these women, who are some of them are holding their hands open,
Starting point is 00:33:59 they're walking towards these forces and then they get beaten up. Rana, what's your relationship now with the country and with the government? Obviously, you said your parents are there. And that's such a difficult situation for anybody who's in a diaspora and and living away from the country they love. But what is what is your relationship now? So I lived in Iran for 25 years, went to university there. And then I got a job offer from the BBC and I left Iran in 2008.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And I haven't been able to go back because the BBC is not allowed to work in Iran. We don't have an office. And in fact, many of our family members have been persecuted, harassed over the years. My parents' passports were confiscated. They weren't allowed to come out and visit me. And they were told that you in order to get your passport back, you should ask your daughter to stop working for the BBC. And I said, that's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And eventually they gave up. So I haven't been back, but I still have many relatives there. My parents, my brother, aunts, uncles, they're all there. And are you able to be in contact with them? And for those that, you know, BBC, I think was only allowed in the country in 2009. There was sort of this weird part of what happened in 2009 is they opened the country up for about a month before the elections to demonstrate to the world the grand nature of this democracy.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And then obviously it all flipped on its head and and everybody got kicked out. But is there are you able to be in contact with with all of your family? And are they feeling this moment? And are they feeling optimistic? So up until before these protests, I could facetime my parents every day. And I did. But now that many of these social media platforms are blocked, I have to actually phone them directly on the line
Starting point is 00:35:57 on which they don't feel very comfortable to talk about politics because I'm sure it's easier to be bumped. But I remember that two days after Marcel's death, there were calls for national strikes and protests. And I was on the phone with my mother who asked me where people who whether I knew where people were gathering in Tehran, the capital where they live. And I said, why do you want to know? She said, because I want to go.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Oh, dear Lord. And I said, mom, you have bad knees and you have a bad to go. Last thing you need is to be tear gas. And she said something that has stayed with me. She said, you know what? If they want to kill someone, I want them to kill us because we've lived our lives. I don't want them to live the youth. They have all the other lives ahead of them.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Rana, that's just. That's heartbroken, truly, and there is this sense of responsibility amongst them because my generation kept blaming them. Look what you do to our lives so they feel there's this beautiful video of an elderly woman, probably older than my mom, who's 71. Yeah, she's got white hair. You can only see her from the back of her head. She can hardly walk and at the end of the street, you can see her.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And at the end of the street, you can see smoke and fire and protests. And she hardly walking with her headscarf in her hand, chanting death to the dictator, death to the dictator. So we can now see all generations out there saying, we don't want this life. It's a remarkable moment. Going up against that kind of institutional governmental firepower is such a dangerous. And is this a seminal moment? Or does the crackdown come and people have to retreat to their basements for the next, you know, the next chance? It's the beginning of a very important chapter.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I don't think we should be overly optimistic about the outcome at this stage. But a lot of networks are being formed. But I don't think we should get ahead of ourselves. We're seeing the burst of a movement that is slowly shaping, is slowly finding its slogans. It's the potential leaders. It's building its networks. And as I said, they're teenagers, many of them are gamers. I don't know what gamers are, but I've heard that that's where they're communicating.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Now you're talking my language. Now we now we've got some I'm probably playing, you know, COD with these guys. I'm probably playing COD with revolutionaries in Iran as we speak. This is this is unbelievable. And one more thing before we move on. Sure, sure, sure. Something that has happened in the psyche of the protesters means we're not going back to what it was before. And that is when a teenage girl jumps on top of a police car.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Takes off her headscarf and says, I don't want the Islamic Republic with no fear in her in her eyes. She's looking at the forces there. Something happens. It gives her confidence. She feels she can do this. Something that didn't occur to previous generations. They never thought that they could defend themselves. They never thought that they could stand up for their rights.
Starting point is 00:39:35 So that's why I think it's very difficult after this to have guidance for these beating up. Maybe at this stage to contain the protests, the government will have to do that. But it's going to be very risky to try to suppress the Iranian youth from this moment on. And the government as much as repressive as they can be, every country needs its youth. Every country needs its young people. If you hollow out that infrastructure, even they can see that the corruption is going to collapse. And that's why we see the speed at which some of these regimes collapse. They really do.
Starting point is 00:40:15 When it happens, boy, it happens in a cataclysm. It really, it comes at it. Have you been able to be in contact with those on the street? Is there any opportunity for you to get kind of eyewitness accounts and be able to share? We receive a lot of messages, obviously, with difficulty of people who go to the protests and then they come back and they message us and they'll tell us what's happening in their neighborhood. But also, again, on some live conversations on Twitter, I heard some of these young girls and boys are out on the street.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And it was a fascinating conversation with older activists both inside the country. And one of them asked these protesters, what can we do to support you? And they said, teach us how to fight and not get killed. Wow. And I thought, oh, wow, this is serious. Yeah, they've decided this is, they've crossed the Rubicon to some extent and it's a change. Yes. From the outside, the news can sometimes distort the how much the people are feeling certain
Starting point is 00:41:32 movements. We do that all the time here. You know, it's a chaos. At Portland, it's anti-fa, fighting the proud boys and people that live in Portland are like, I'm having a latte and there's really nothing going on. That's true about Iran too, John. Okay, all right. So that, I'm curious about whether or not people feel it in that moment.
Starting point is 00:41:51 That's what I was telling you. So there are pockets. So in Tehran, for instance, we have Normaq neighborhood or Tehran, Parris neighborhood or Tadrish, small pockets of protesters coming out every night, chanting and burning headscarves. And then they go home. And the same is true about other cities. So we're not looking at hundreds of thousands or millions of people marching down the streets.
Starting point is 00:42:15 But we know that many of those people feel the same. But at this point, they're not ready to come out on the streets. When we might, whether we reach that point or when we reach that point, that we have no idea. But Rana, that in some ways, that's a more sustainable model. You know, there was a certain moment in the Arab Spring where certain countries just decided, this is it. We're shutting the country down until we get what we want.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And we saw that those movements didn't necessarily have the kind of staying power and longevity that they may have wanted. Maybe discretion is the better part of valor here to take your time, to have these protests that pop up and go back. You know, it's young people. They're pop-up stores. You know, they're popping out. They do it.
Starting point is 00:43:07 They go back. But all the while creating, as you were saying, that infrastructure, those connections, that network. How have the morality police responded to the outcry in Massa's death? And have they disappeared from view for the moment? Apparently so. So I personally have received so many messages on social media. People saying that, oh, there used to be morality police in that part of the city
Starting point is 00:43:41 and they have disappeared. So, and today there was a striking photo that many Iranians found emotional of two women in a cafe in downtown Tehran having tea, wearing no headscarves. So they were just in a t-shirt and trousers. In public? In public. And were they being harassed? No, they were just sitting there like any normal country.
Starting point is 00:44:09 They were just sitting there and having their tea and they were brave enough to tweet that photo saying that we just came back for your information. We just had coffee in Javadiyah area after Iran with their own name. Wow. OK. And that's why I think we can't go back because now there is a crack in that image of an unbreakable dictator. You think, no, we can do this.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And there's another footage that I want to tell you about. There's a young woman standing on a podium and there are morality police women covered in black veil, everything black. You can just sort of, they're officers or morality police officers. And this young woman in some trousers and a loose shirt but no headscarf is standing there. And she's looking at them and they're trying to arrest her. And she said, no, you're not touching me and I'm not going with you. You cannot do anything to me.
Starting point is 00:45:05 They tried to pull her down. She jumps back up there and say, no, I told you, you're not allowed to touch me. Wow. I mean, the bravery is incredible. It really is. I mean, it's stunning. And I know that a lot of really brave people have been killed and probably a lot more than we know about.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yes. And probably a lot more will be killed. Rana, I can't thank you enough for spending time. Is there any final thought? We like to consider ourselves the center of the universe. We always end with like, what can we do? Because God forbid something happened in the world that we're not central in. But is there anything that the Iranian people would take heart to?
Starting point is 00:45:52 Anything that would give them some feeling of uplift other than letting Iran win the upcoming World Cup? I think at this point, more coverage and the support that the Iranians are receiving from politicians, the famous people, sometimes it's just a hashtag, you know, means a lot to them. Really? OK. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:18 00:46:18,480 --> 00:46:22,800 It means a lot to them because they just want to know that the world is also paying attention and the world is seeing them. And more importantly, they need the internet. They need to be connected because. So this Elon Musk starlink is a big deal. If that can go through and get them those links, that could be a really big deal. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But my understanding is that he needs infrastructure that doesn't exist in Iran. So I don't know the technical aspect of it, but I've heard that it's going to be complicated. Right. I apologize for the reductive and kind of ignorance that we have. It was lovely. But you know what I mean, we just don't know in a sophisticated way what happens there. And our view of the world is generally myopic. So I'm saying me, actually.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I hope that it just brings more attention in the States because I've heard that there hasn't been much coverage of it. But I think right now it's so hard to even get access to footage, to people, anything. It's really hard. It is hard. It is hard. But that symbolic videos and photos of women burning down their headscarves and standing on top of cars.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'm surprised that it hasn't captured the imagination of the Americans as much because in the region there's support from Turkish women, there's support from Syrian women. Even yesterday there was some support in which women in Syria, the Kurdish parts of Syria, they marched in thousands. And they started cutting their hair to show solidarity. And I think also in this country, because of what is happening to women's rights here, I mean, as Iran's women are demanding more, American women are receiving less. I mean, we're actually moving back towards that.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah, because... Yeah, it's going back the other way. So yeah, so I'm surprised as well that it hasn't had that kind of reaction. Yes, because it could potentially be the Middle East's Me Too movement. Yeah. Yeah, and funny enough, in the Iranian society, women in general are stronger. And I think it's because you have to survive. My mom always said, I have two older brothers, and my mom always said that I should have been
Starting point is 00:48:37 her son because I'm the one who is risk-taking and trouble-making and all that. Yes. Keep making trouble, Rana. Thank you so much for joining us. Rana Raimpur, she is the BBC News Persian journalist. Boy, safety and good wishes to all of your family that is in Iran. Thank you so much for joining us. It's lovely to speak to you.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Very lovely to speak with you as well. Bye-bye. Okay, bye-bye. Wow, so Rana Raimpur from the BBC, we're going to bring back Reza and Alexa. What powerful testimony to what's happening on the streets in Iran. The things that really struck me, I mean, that story about the woman who would rather be killed, she's lived her life and why not me. She said it was her mother, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Imagine that. Your mother. One of the things that makes this feel different than, like, say the 2009 Green Movement is it's young people, but you've also got literal grandmothers out there. You've got, from what I've heard, you have conservatives out there. You have a mix of different people and supposedly in all 31 provinces, which is, that's a big deal. Yeah, the bravery involved is sort of, like, just impossible to fathom, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:50:04 from being over here. I mean, anytime I go to a protest, I just immediately start crying. And that's it, like, a march for science. Do they have marches for science? They did, yeah. Are you sure that's not a science fair? Didn't we march for science? I could have swore that was one of them.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I'll tell you what I was struck by, and I think is when she said, you know, what she goes through to just communicate with her parents every day. And I'm like, my mother lives 30 minutes away. Like, I don't, I'm going to have to make sure she doesn't hear this podcast. Yeah. Because she's going to call me and go, oh, so Rana's parents got a VPN, so maybe they'll go. But you, you just live up the road. Why don't you, why don't you get a VPN?
Starting point is 00:50:54 One of the things that took to me that I've also heard a lot from people that I've talked to back in Iran right now is, you know, just them, it's harder without the internet now, but knowing that people are talking about them has been a huge fuel to them as far as hope goes. Do you guys know who Youngblood is? Because I didn't. He's a singer. He's like a punk singer. He's got like the red hair and mascara and everything.
Starting point is 00:51:18 What's the name? Youngblood. Everything's young. I know that a lot of people are young. By the way, generally not spelled Y-O-U-N-G. Yes, it's only got the U, no O's. Can I tell you something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's been very difficult for me to get past the grammatical errors in some of the artists, the lils, the babies. But he brought it up at a concert the other day. He's like yelling into the crowd like, for the women of Iran, I will not be silent. And all the Iranians were like, thank you, Mr. Youngblood. You've just gained your biggest fan, me, Parviz. I love you. It's just them hearing from anybody is gigantic to them.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And I know you were asking, Rana, what can we do here? One of the things that I've heard a lot from people there is because of sanctions right now, because U.S. sanctions, they can't get simple medical supplies that they need desperately right now with these protests. How is it though that, because I always look at sanctions as you're going to hurt, because even with the sanctions over these 40 years, the corrupt elites in Iran are richer than rich and billions and billions of dollars. They're still, the oil industry there is gigantic and they still have, listen,
Starting point is 00:52:47 everybody's got customers for that. So what are we doing with sanctions? We certainly haven't crippled the people we're supposed to be crippling with them. And it seems like it's just brought great hardship to a people that are very clearly yearning to breathe free. I mean, it has. And it's part of the sanction thing that I don't understand is I get the first part. It's like, we're going to put so much pressure on the people, whether this is right or not,
Starting point is 00:53:18 we're going to put so much pressure on the people that they will rise basically. Like, we're going to make it so bad for- How long does that take? Yeah, apparently four to three years. But the other thing is, well, what's the other side to that? They're supposed to rise and do what exactly? If that's your goal, if your goal is to make people rise, what are you hoping is the next part to that? That's what I was asking Rana about, which is because I'd seen that in Egypt,
Starting point is 00:53:47 when they finally got what they wanted and Mubarak was booted, they did not have that second layer of functioning governance, of organization, of the kinds of things, the kind of the brass tacks, logistics, post-revolution, but the Muslim Brotherhood did, and those theocratic institutions have such an advantage in chaos because they are the only organized really groups generally in that region. Religion in general, by nature, is already organized. You know what I mean? Like, even if you look at Catholicism or any religion here,
Starting point is 00:54:31 you know what I'm saying? You've already got these networks built. By the way, look how we're moving in those directions. We're absolutely moving in a direction as less people identify as religious in the country, the growing movement of theocrats. Well, you know, there's a micromanagement of religion and it tends to be very joyless. Take a look at even what the movements they attack are, like even abortion contraception in its nature is a very joyless thing to be like,
Starting point is 00:55:02 we don't want people having sex anymore, you know? And when you look at Iran, it's obviously on the other extreme, but you can't dance, you can't sing, you can't dress, wear what you want. You don't have these basic rights that people just enjoy. And by the way, a very sexy people. Reza, I'm not saying that, but like taking that away from them, like you want to take that away from, I'm just going to throw this out there, Belgium. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:28 That's fine. Yeah, you're not going to, nobody's going to miss it. You take that away from Iranians though. I mean, just how colorful life in Iran. Yeah. Oh yeah. How beautiful, how poetic, how much cinema mattered, how much art mattered, how much books and literature mattered, and color and joy. I think that, Reza, that's a great way of putting it, that joy.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And the sad thing is all that you mentioned, that still does matter, but it just matters underground now, which is like so, which is insane. Again, you don't even, you can't have satellite TV. You can't watch what you want. You can't do what you want. For them to not allow people to watch Riverdale. Give Riverdale to the people. And that's, it's what they're chanting in the streets and it's hard one.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Life to Riverdale. Yes. Life to Riverdale. Women, life, Riverdale. So for anybody wondering, we should probably put some resources up for those who are interested in following and supporting the women in Iran who are standing up and at great risk and terrible peril. And find ways to maybe support those.
Starting point is 00:56:43 We want to thank Rana Rahmpur, the BBC journalist, for coming here for talking to us about that. Alexa and Reza, who brought facts, knowledge, fascination. It's very rare that you will see firsthand knowledge of a country going through this kind of tumult and revolution. And Lord of the Rings. Very rarely. You never know when it's going to pop up.
Starting point is 00:57:10 You never know when it's going to pop up. Our show is Apple TV plus season two, October 7th. I don't even know what day this is coming out, but it's before October 7th. I don't even know what day today is. It's, I'm not even going to say it. We're taping this. We're taping this in 2019. And I'm going to say this.
Starting point is 00:57:31 A pandemic is coming. The podcast is back weekly coming out on Wednesday. This is the part I hate. I'm always like, you know, where you're doing all the like, you can watch our show on Apple TV plus. It's called The Problem. Click on the link. And a virus will pop up and take you to porn sites.
Starting point is 00:57:51 All right. Good stuff, guys. Thank you. And we'll see y'all next week. Thanks, John. Ta-ta. Bye-bye. The Problem with John Stewart podcast is an Apple TV plus podcast
Starting point is 00:58:18 and a joint busboy production.

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