The Ramsey Show - Why Car Payments Are Keeping Americans in the Middle Class

Episode Date: October 8, 2024

📱Watch the full episode for free in the Ramsey Network app. Ken Coleman & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss: "Should I change jobs to help pay off debt?" "How should I invest after s...elling my business?" "Which credit card should I get for my son?" "Spend $6K to see Taylor Swift with my daughter?" "My mortgage is 65% of our income," "I'm getting $3.1M from my divorce settlement," Support Our Sponsors: 🌱 Get 10% off your first month of BetterHelp 🏥 Learn more about Christian Healthcare Ministries 🏡 Get started today with Churchill Mortgage 🏦 Go to FAIRWINDS Credit Union for an exclusive account bundle! 💤 Visit Helix Sleep for special offers! 💻 Visit NetSuite today to learn more 🗂️ Use promo code RAMSEY for18% off at The Nokbox 🏛Get started with YRefy or call 844-2-RAMSEY 🔐 Visit Zander Insurance for your free instant quote today! Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🏠 How to Buy a Home Course 💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! 🎟️ See Dave and John LIVE in a city near you! Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to The Ramsey Show, where we help you win in your life. We want you to win with your money, win in your work, and win in your relationships. I'm Ken Coleman. Jade Warshaw is alongside and we're here for you. The phone number is triple eight, eight two five, five two two five. That's triple eight, eight two five, five two two five.
Starting point is 00:00:35 All right, let's get it started with Taylor in Los Angeles. Taylor, how can we help? Hi guys, thanks for taking my call. How are you? Good, how are you? Good, thanks. So pretty much some backstory. My husband and I have about like $105,000 in debt between credit cards, cars, and student loans. And right now, he makes $8,400 a month and like we're breaking even between like rent bills and whatever. My question is, I've been doing here for three years off and on, and I've been doing it consistently for like the past four months now.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And I'm just barely breaking even. I feel like I'm not seeing the profit. So my question is, would you advise like getting a different job, like a full time job where I'm bringing in more income because I finished the total money makeover and I feel like my mindset has changed about money. job, like a full-time job where I'm bringing in more income because I finished the total money makeover and I feel like my mindset has changed about money. I'm like, I feel like I need to bring in more income in order to make a dent in our debt, but I don't want to quit what I went to school for. You know what I mean? Well, maybe it's not a matter of quitting it. Maybe it's just
Starting point is 00:01:41 a matter of adding two until you're making the money that you wanna make. Because I think you know the answer to this. Yeah, you do need to be making money. Like you can only go so long breaking even. And if the situation were reversed, let's pretend that you had a nine to five job that you were making money.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And you said, I'm gonna go over here and do hair on the side. How will I know when it's time for me to do this full time? What would we tell you? When you're making more money or when you're making as much as what you're making at your full time job? Exactly. Okay. Okay. So, how does she play this? Yeah, well, I agree with you I think we look at a number that we're trying to make so what's a number? I'm assuming that when you called in today, you've got an idea of the budget the way you're talking about it
Starting point is 00:02:35 So what's the number? Let's take a take-home number after taxes that if you were to bring in that right now that that seems a realistic And B it would it would really help on the margin here so we can accomplish what we need to accomplish and knock this debt out I would like to help out and knock out the debt like 20 2200 20 between 2200 and $2500 a month would be very helpful okay all right and so what are you making right now in your current job what you went to school for? So I went to school for hair and like like I said after when No, no, no, it's the European after went and like product and stuff like that. I mean, maybe I'm making $200 a week
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, so is it let's figure out where the issue lies Is the problem that that where your studio is, is too expensive? Or is the problem you don't have enough clients? Or is the problem a combination of three things? Where you are is too expensive, you don't have enough clients and you aren't charging enough. Probably a combination of those three. Yeah. Cause we moved to a new area. So I'm, so the past like four months I've been starting from square one as far as clients.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So I'm just kind of, I feel discouraged because now that I read the book I'm like, okay, I want to like go, go, go. Well with that in mind. I feel like I'm not going anywhere. Yeah, well first of all, that's a low margin business. So I'm going to say amen to what Jade said earlier, which is we can come back to doing the hair, but right now we want to get really intense. And so yeah, I'm circling that number of $2,200 to $2,500. And the way I would come about it as I'd go, how can I help add that amount of money? What does that look like?
Starting point is 00:04:18 And so you start playing it out. Okay, so if I get a job, make it $20 an hour at Walmart, I'm just throwing that out there. I'm not telling you, Taylor, that's where you're gonna go. But I'm just saying, you start to look at the possibilities. And you don't have a degree in certain things, so you go, okay, what can I do for the most amount of money per hour? I'm just taking an hourly job, all right?
Starting point is 00:04:35 But you know what, you might be able to get a, maybe get an office manager job, or an assistant, an administrative assistant job. And you start looking at that and you go, okay, what must be true for me to bring home that $2,200 or $2,500? That's where I would start because that's where the ideation comes from.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And you begin to say, okay, I can go over here, I can do this, I can do this. And so I wouldn't overcomplicate it. This is just about a paycheck right now in order to get into the debt snowball and knock it out. Then once we get through where we wanna be, now we can start to dial back and we get back to building your business over time
Starting point is 00:05:14 and then you do well. But that's the advice I would give you because that's what I would do if I were in your shoes. I'd do whatever it takes to bring home that extra money. Absolutely. And can I just dig a little bit deeper just because I'm curious? So your husband's making, you know, over a little over $100,000 a year. What's your what's your rent or mortgage situation? How much are you paying a month?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Right now, we're paying three grand in rent. Okay. For our home. Okay. And then you said the car. Tell me about the car. Because I'm looking for other ways that I can clear up some breathing room for you. Yeah. So I mean we both have car payments. His truck payment is $600 a month and mine is $400 a month.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay. And what do you owe on them? My car, I own 14,000 and I think his truck we owe 20. And what's his truck worth if you were to sell it today private sale, if you had to guess? I'm not too familiar with the truck prices, but I think he's, he said around like, you know, 50 or maybe 45. I'm not, I'm not 100% sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So I would be looking at these cars very seriously because of what you say is true, and I know that you're just taking a shot in the dark here, but if it's true that he owes 20, but it's worth 40, do you know what that means? That means that if you sell that car, you're gonna have a $20,000 spread of profit, which means you could get into a cash car for 20,000
Starting point is 00:06:42 and no longer be paying $600 a month. So that's huge. So by the way, just to plug that in, Taylor, what that now means is that $600 comes off of the 2,200 you said you need to make, so now all of a sudden, we don't have to make as much. And that's why that's such a huge play there. And the same thing could be true with yours.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I would say coming off of this call, if you were to have homework, it would be first off, I'm digging into these cars because that could be a pile of money sitting right there in front of your nose. So I dig into both of those cars, get your husband on board. And then after that, yeah, doing Ken's homework
Starting point is 00:07:16 and saying, okay, what can I do? What's the job that I can get? This is not the be all end all, it's just to make that money. And I think that you're gonna find a lot more money quicker than you thought if you guys are willing to make some sacrifices with these vehicles okay awesome fair enough yes thank you guys so much for your advice I really I really appreciate you taking my call yeah and I love her her spirit of what
Starting point is 00:07:42 can we do yeah and I think that think that when anybody comes into the show for the first time, maybe some of you are listening or watching for the first time today, and one of the themes that you're gonna hear from no matter who's hosting on any given day is that we're always going to recommend the shortest distance to getting out of debt. That's baby step two.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Baby step one is $1,000. So we're gonna say, what do we gotta do? We sell stuff, we go babysit, we do whatever to get $1,000. That's baby step one. Baby step two, smallest debts, largest debts, knock them out. We're always gonna say the straightest,
Starting point is 00:08:22 the shortest route, and that is intensity is what I'm getting at. And so it's first season and in this case, Taylor is really willing to do that. I love that, they jump in together. You've done this with your hubs and you guys paid almost half a million dollars off. The relationship strengthens when everybody's going,
Starting point is 00:08:38 we're gonna both go all in and do everything we can. That's right, Ken. So thanks for the call, Taylor. We believe you guys are gonna do this. We're thrilled for you. Don't move, more Ramsey Show coming up. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. This is the season for Halloween.
Starting point is 00:08:55 It's October, we're wearing costumes and we're wearing masks. If you haven't started planning your costume yet, get on it. And while you're thinking about it, I want you to be honest. A lot of us hide ourselves. We hide our true selves behind costumes and masks all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:11 We do this at work, we do this around our friends, we do this around our families. We even do this when we look at ourselves in the mirror. I know because I've been there multiple times in my life and it's the worst. If you feel like you're stuck hiding behind masks and costumes all the time, if you find yourself hiding from your true self, I want you to consider talking with a therapist. Therapy is a place where you can be honest, where you can talk to somebody else and reflect and learn and you can accept all the parts of yourself over time and start living an authentic life. Masks and costumes should be for Halloween parties,
Starting point is 00:09:46 not for our emotions and our true selves. And if you're considering therapy, try calling my friends at BetterHelp. BetterHelp is 100% online therapy. You can talk with your therapist anywhere, so it's convenient for you and your schedule. Just fill out a short online survey and you'll be matched with a licensed therapist.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Plus, you can switch therapist at any time for no additional cost. Take off the costumes and take off the mask with BetterHelp. Visit slash Deloney to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterH-E-L-P dot com slash Deloney. Welcome back to The Ramsey Show. I'm Ken K and Jade Warshaw is alongside. She takes my cool factor up multiple levels as I was reminded by somebody in the lobby. I do my best, Ken. Listen, I need all the help I can get and I appreciate it. Hey, the phone number is 888-825-5225, 888-825-5225. Jade and I are here for you, we wanna coach you up. Jade will lead on the money stuff and I'll help you on the income side of things. How about that?
Starting point is 00:10:49 And that is how we get this thing right and work these baby steps so that you truly live like no one else. All right, we're going to Anchorage, Alaska, and Robert is joining us there. Robert, how can we help today? Hey guys, thanks for taking my call. I recently sold a small business that I've been building for six years and getting about 2.2 million before tax.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Nice. Way to go. Yeah, thanks. What kind of business was it? It was a media business, like streamable assets. Great. Wow, good for you. I'd been building it since I was 18, I'm 26 now. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:11:34 How about that? Yeah, and- How do you feel? I feel excited, but also really scared because my income is gonna be gone, my monthly income from this and I need to invest this money properly in order to replace it. What were you paying yourself? I'm curious. I was paying myself like $10,000 a month for me and my little family. Okay. And why did you sell it?
Starting point is 00:12:01 I sold it because the deal was a higher value than I was currently making and I just wanted to get more into physical assets, asset creation, than digital asset creation. Right. The reason I asked that is because my next question is what were you or what are you thinking that your next move is? I understand you're calling about the investment piece and we're gonna get Jay to jump in on that in a second, but I'm curious, are you thinking about another business going to work for somebody else? You think about taking six months, 12 months, where's your head at right now as far as new income? Yeah, I guess I'm a creative person and things pop up and I need to be able to like quickly move on, you know, ideas that I have. The issue is that I took this deal thinking
Starting point is 00:12:46 it was gonna be capital gains tax and I recently moved to a new tax term and they're saying it's going to be ordinary income. So it's actually much less money than I originally intended taking this deal. What will it amount to? I think it's gonna slim all the way down to like 1.4 million.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Okay. And that's a little disappointing. Yeah, it's really disappointing. So originally I was going to have like 1.8 out of this and I could just put this in index funds as I've learned from the Dave Ramsey show is, you know, just moderate investments that are not super high risk, high reward and just live off of a small percentage for my family. But now I can't do that. I need to do something else.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. And I don't know that I would. How old are you? 26. 26? I'm just going to tell you, Jade's point of view and can chime in. If I woke up in your shoes and I saw myself getting $1.4 million, I would say to myself, okay, I have this wonderful nest egg started so that when the time comes and I do wanna retire, I will be able to,
Starting point is 00:13:56 but I don't think the day is at 26. I think if you start pulling the growth off of this now, you're just, I think it's gonna stunt you in many ways because you're 26, you're just getting started, and if you had this idea, there's probably way more ideas in you that will earn you money. And I would see this as, okay,
Starting point is 00:14:15 this was a great windfall that we had, I'm gonna put it over here, it's going to grow and multiply, and if at the time I'm 40, if I wanna step back and go, okay, whatever I'm doing, I'm gonna do it part timetime or you know, I'm working for a different cause now It's not really a money driven thing fine, but I don't think that day is today. Yeah, I agree. I'm back Here's what I would do
Starting point is 00:14:37 Could Jay Jay's gonna give you the any investment advice you want on this But I would take the 120 that you've been paying yourself, if you've been paying yourself 10, 10, 10 a month, I take the 120 out of the one four and I'd put it, I'd put that in a savings account. Yeah. And because you've got a transition and, and I wouldn't rely on that. I'm with you. Like I wouldn't, I would just put it over there and go, all right, let me get out and hustle a little bit. Maybe I'd take a month, whatever. I'd celebrate, I'd go do. I'd celebrate. Yeah, celebrate.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I'd go do something real nice with the wife, the Mrs., you know, and the kiddos. Really nice. If you got kiddos, really nice and celebrate. I'd take 120 and I'd put that, this is above and beyond your emergency fund. I would just put it over there, just until we get rolling. And then I'd invest the rest.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I would not even try to draw off of that for your income. Yeah, because we didn't ask you, what baby step are you on? I'm on, I mean, I have no debt. I paid off my house throughout this business. And wow. So your baby step seven? Yeah, we own our $100,000 house outright. Good. We own every car100,000 house outright.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We own every car outright. Fantastic. Yeah. But the issue is that now our income's gone. We're just sitting on this lump sum of money. But your income is not gone. I want you to reframe that. We just said we're going to take $120,000, which would let's say that's your income from that. It's 12 months
Starting point is 00:16:06 I mean you've earned that you sold the company that you started with your with your own two hands So I take the 120 that's my guaranteed income. I don't miss a beat for the next 12 months Invest the rest because you're already in baby step 7 and get after and start doing some creative stuff start doing some fun stuff Okay, that's that's really helpful, thank you guys. Yeah, you're welcome. Hey, I'm proud of you, you've done something really cool and the good news is I can tell you guys are like frugal people, you're not,
Starting point is 00:16:33 you know what I'm saying? Super smart. If you've done all of these baby steps by 26, you guys know how to live on less than you make, my guess is that you're going to come up with something to do next and you might live on 70 for a while,, you know, until you get it back up. But I'm with Ken all the way. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:16:52 That's all I have to say. Do you have an investment pro that you have and you're working with beyond the tax pro? Yeah. And I think because I'm 26, I just assumed like this investment would make at least you know 7% and the more I talk with my pro they're like you should be way more moderate about what this is gonna do like. I don't know about that. Hey hey I want you to get with a SmartVestor pro. Ramsey we have a team of people that we vet and they they do things the Ramsey way. And so a Smart Vestor Pro is going to help you invest this money the right way for you.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And we say all the time, you should be looking for an annualized rate of return around 10, 10 percent at the least. That would make my life. Yeah, it will. And it's not crazy like Ken? No. It's not crazy. I know what my stuff makes and so it's not crazy. Yeah that's historic that's not Jade's opinion. Yeah. And just look that up and look how it does but again let me just say this it won't make your life Robert like this is a nice windfall for you. This is Jade's absolutely right you're only 26. Now if you invest this and you invest it well the way we teach. You're different. This is, Jade's absolutely right, you're only 26. Now if you invest this and you invest it well the way we teach. You're different. This money sitting still is going
Starting point is 00:18:11 to do awesome things for you over the next 30, 40 years. A lump sum doubles every 7 years. That lump sum is going to be great for you, but it's going to change your life down the road, not right now. So this is a long-term play, 10%, you know, with that kind of money getting started, you're gonna do fine. You're gonna keep making money. You're an entrepreneurial guy. You said it yourself.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You know, the wind blows on you the right way and there's a new idea. And to Jade's point, you've already proven an other-worldly discipline for a 26-year year old dude in America. I mean, you're way, way, way ahead of most 26 year olds. 100%. Yeah. You're a freak of nature. You're a unicorn. Let's just say it. I just stay, I just stay really paranoid, I guess about like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:19:00 I'm just going to, that's why we're so frugal. I think it's sort of like a paranoia that we're going to lose it all. Or you're not going to lose it all. Go celebrate. And Ken and I will give you some ideas. I love Europe this time of year. Look at Jade. She knows how to spend other people's money. I do as well as anybody I've ever met. France. Yeah. Practice your French.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah. What does your wife always wanted to do? Because you got the money to do it. Mm hmm. Go, go. Go to New Zealand and see where they filmed Lord of the Rings. Wow, look at you. You're a virtual postcard today. You just keep it's like I'm flipping through postcards. Vacation Ideas by Jade. Yeah, I love that. Enjoy it. There you go. All right. We got to take a quick break. We'll be right back. This is the Ramsey Show. All right, we gotta take a quick break. We'll be right back. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey good people, it's Deloney from my friends at Helix, the makers of what I think are the greatest mattresses in the entire world.
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Starting point is 00:21:31 The Ramsey Show so excited that you're with us triple eight eight two five five two two five is the phone number triple eight eight Two five five two two five you got questions about income feeling stuck Feeling a little stale and want to make some moves. I'll coach you on that get your money problems Jade's got you on that and we combine as well. Let's go to Jennifer who's in Jackson, Mississippi. Jennifer, how can we help today? Yes, I just have a real quick question. I have a son who is 17 about turn 18 and my credit score is 830 and my husband's is like 780 and we want to start him off on the right track of having a good credit much like we do and I was just wondering if there was a particular credit card or how y'all would maybe suggest helping him get and
Starting point is 00:22:16 obtain a good credit score as well okay I've never heard that question on the show before actually don't think I have I've gotten heard that question on the show before actually. No? Really? Don't think I have. I've gotten it a couple of times. Jennifer, when did you start listening? I just started like about a month ago. Okay, great. That makes sense. Okay, very good. We're happy to have you. Yes, welcome aboard. So what is it that, what are you hoping he'll be able to do with that credit score? I just want to learn a little bit more about your intent here. do with that credit score? I just want to learn a little bit more about your intent here. Well, I just want to know that when he's in he is also about to start college. He's a senior in high school now and so he'll be starting college and I know that he'll need,
Starting point is 00:22:55 you know, we bought him his first vehicle. But I know that down the road that he'll need to get a vehicle and possibly be able to have to rent an apartment for college and this that the other. So I just want to make sure he has a good enough credit score to be able to get the things that he would need to get like a vehicle later down the road or maybe an apartment or something like that. Well here's I'll be honest with you. Here's why I don't like credit scores and here's why I don't I've never focused on one and for, you know, for all intents and purposes, I don't believe in them at all.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Because you have to have debt, you have to interact with debt in order to have a credit score. And we also know that when you borrow money, the borrower is slave to the lender. And so there's this part of the credit score that it has never, it doesn't make sense to me because it's all about how you interact with debt, how much debt you have, what types of debt you've had, how long you've had your debt, what percentage of your debt that you're using. Right. It's all, nobody's asking questions about,
Starting point is 00:23:58 can you actually afford the item? How are you managing the cash that you actually, and the money that is actually yours that is in your bank account? And so that's why I have an issue with the credit score. What I would love is for you to teach him a way that says, okay, if you have the money, you can afford it. If you don't have the money, you can't afford it. Now let's go back to the things you talked about.
Starting point is 00:24:22 He is a very good saver right now. So he only works part-time like two days a week and he has since this past summer. And he's already saved like almost $3,000 and has purchased like a $2,000 CD and this that and the other. So, I mean we have taught him like you do your 10% tithe, then you have some that you put in this much you put in savings and this which is like your fun money So he's done that but what I mostly worry about is like once he gets off to college and he has to rent an apartment I know a lot of apartments look at credit score
Starting point is 00:24:58 If he doesn't have one they may be like we can't rent to you Well, there's the truth is you're right a lot of credit card or a lot of apartments do look at your credit history. But a lot of them don't. And the ones that do, if you simply go to them and say, hey, here's the thing. I know you guys look at credit scores. I have a zero credit score, which means that I don't borrow money because I don't believe in debt. But I also brought a copy of my bank account,
Starting point is 00:25:23 and you can see how much money that I have here. So I'm good for the money. I also brought you my pay stubs so you can see how I work. And you know, if you kind of dig deeper and also let them know, hey, they might charge you a little bit more for first and last month's rent, but the truth is you may have to do a little bit of due diligence to find people who believe the same things
Starting point is 00:25:44 you believe and can actually understand, hey, I actually have money because those apartment complexes are out there. So let's check that one off the list. And then if we talk about the car, well, I don't know about you, but I'd rather him buy a car in cash and not have payments than put money down and be loaded loaded up with a car payment because now we're teaching him, hey, loaded up with a car payment, because now we're teaching him, hey, if you want a car, you have to pay payments on it,
Starting point is 00:26:09 as opposed to teaching him, hey, if you want a car, let's buy one in cash. You got $5,000, 3,000 saved and 2,000 in a CD. Once that CD is available, let's buy a $5,000 car in cash. And then in a year or two, if you wanna upgrade and add $3,000 more with it, now you're driving an $8,000 car. And let's do that.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And so that you can always have your money freed up. Because one of the things we've learned, Jennifer, is the car payment is what keeps middle class middle class. Most people are walking around here with a $700 a month car payment. And because they have that car payment, it's tough for them to do things like invest for their future. And so I'd love to set him up with the mentality that I keep my biggest wealth building tool, which is my income at
Starting point is 00:26:56 my disposal. I don't give it away in payments every month. And therefore, if I'm not in debt, I don't need debt, which means I don't need a credit score. Okay. It's a new way of thinking. I know that it is because people don't talk about it. It is. It's scary. It's a very new way of thinking but yes I see your point. Tell me the fear. It's not scary. What are you scared of? Yeah. beyond the rent. So college will only be four years and then after that it'll be he'll probably want to buy a house and I know it's a lot harder to you know obtain a house with no credit score and save up for a big... you know. So let me break in and I want my colleague to tell you about that fear. Go ahead, explain it.
Starting point is 00:27:50 What if I told you that's not true? Jennifer, I love this call so much. I'm so glad you're with us because you are every woman USA right now calling in. The truth is credit scores, they benefit from us, right? They benefit from us being in debt. They make money off that. When you get a credit card, when you sign up for a loan, there's a little thing called interest.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And so there's a lot of people making money off of that. And so that's why you don't see on TV people advertising zero credit scores, because nobody's making money off of that. And so this whole thing is a product. But the truth is you can buy a house, it's no harder. You can buy a house with a zero credit score. It's called manual underwriting. And it's the same thing like I told you at the apartment complex.
Starting point is 00:28:38 All they do, it's literally the same process. But all they're, instead of looking at your credit score, they're looking at your actual money. And they're going, okay. I've never heard of that. I know, but it's true. Do you wanna know that I bought my house with manual underwriting? I had a zero credit score.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And so, just to clarify, not just for you, but anybody listening, a zero credit score is not the same as a bad credit score. That's right. A bad credit score is you haven't done well borrowing money. And so you have a bad credit score or a bad credit score. A bad credit score is you haven't done well borrowing money and so you have a bad credit score or a low credit score. A zero credit score is just as good as a high credit score. It simply means I don't borrow money and if you were to look at my credit report it would say indeterminable. And so there are plenty of places Churchill mortgage is one that
Starting point is 00:29:23 we talk about all the time. They're everywhere in the United States except New York and Alaska. And they do manual underwriting. And literally all they look at, I'm gonna tell you right now, they look for 12 months of trade lines. And that could be you pay your cell phone bill,
Starting point is 00:29:36 you pay your utilities, that sort of thing online, or I'm sorry, on time. They look for 12 months of your rental history. So if he goes to rent, he just needs to show 12 months, I paid my rent on time. And then they wanna see your, I'm sorry. I just said, okay. And then they wanna see what you made over the last year.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And they'll ask for your pay stubs just like anything else. And then they go, okay, great. And if he happens to be self-employed, they might ask him for his tax returns, but that is it. And I just wanna clear the air for anybody. You're, you're helping so many people right now, because a lot of people don't know that this is a thing and it 100% is. And once you know that all of a sudden it's weird because, Ken, the credit
Starting point is 00:30:17 score don't mean a thing, but a chicken wing at that point. So true. And I love what you just said. The zero credit score tells people, hmm, this is somebody who's very solid with their money, and that's all they care about is are they gonna get paid? Yeah, so when you prove as Jade, you know really laid out Well that you can pay your son's got nothing to worry about so that fear is natural Jennifer But it's because you've never heard what she just laid out most people never have But she's right. Go do your homework on it. Check her on it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I promise you. Oh yeah, it's popular these days. Fact check us. I think you'll like what you see. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey you guys. I'm not a fan of the big banks and you probably already know
Starting point is 00:31:00 which ones I mean. But I do like credit unions because they're nonprofit organizations that focus on their members. And I'm proud to endorse Fair Winds Credit Union because they share the Ramsey mission of helping people get out of debt and live generously. In fact, they design products to help keep you from going into debt in the first place. Fairwinds has been in business for over 75 years and they serve hundreds of thousands
Starting point is 00:31:31 of members worldwide. You can feel secure because your deposits are federally insured by the NCUA up to $250,000. It's easy to join and Fairwinds partners with more than 5,000 credit union locations around the country so you can bank in person wherever you live. But if you prefer the online experience, you can log on to Fairwinds and do anything you could do at a physical location. So go to slash Ramsey to learn more and while you're there, look at the combined checking and savings account bundle they created just for Ramsey fans to help you take control
Starting point is 00:32:15 of your finances. That's fairwinds, F-A-I-R-W-I-N-D-S dot org slash Ramsey. Welcome back to the Ramsey Show. Thrilled to have you with us as we talk with you about your life, specifically your money, your work and your relationships. I'm Ken Coleman and Jade Warshaw is joining me this hour. The phone number to jump in is triple eight eight two five five two two five. That's triple eight eight two five five two two five. Well, we've just launched a brand new tour. Dave Ramsey and Dr. John DeLone are going to hit the road and they're calling this the Money and Relationships Tour.
Starting point is 00:32:54 A little bit different twist maybe on a live event that if you've experienced any of our events before, this could be a little bit different. Very interactive and a lot of fun elements to this where the audience is voting, deciding on content. Of course, they're going to cover money, relationships, and whatever you want to talk about. So it's going to be a lot of fun kicking off Louisville on April the 21st, 2025, and then Durham, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, Phoenix, Arizona, Fort Worth, Texas, and Kansas City at the end of the tour. So again, kicking off April 21, 2025 in Louisville, if you want to get your tickets, get them at slash tour, slash tour. And if you're tuning in on YouTube or podcasts podcast you can click on the link in the show notes to get the tickets
Starting point is 00:33:46 So go ahead and jump on that. All right to the phones we go. Zack is in Salt Lake City. Zack. How can we help? Hey, how are you all doing good? How are you? Good. Hey, thanks for taking my call. My main question is I'm a recent college graduate. I graduated Less than a year ago. I I just started working full-time. My long-term goal is to go to law school, but I'm just really not sure how to financially plan for that and plan for my financial future as a whole. Are you familiar with the amount of law schools that will give a full ride based on LSAT scores? You're familiar with this? Anybody ever share that with you? I've been a little bit of
Starting point is 00:34:29 research. I know I hear mixed things where the ones that are maybe more willing to give out better scholarships for a wider range of LSAT scores are ones where it's harder to get a job out of law schools because they're lower ranked. So I feel like in some of those ways, it's, you know, I don't know where to weigh out the pros and cons versus a cheaper law school or one where I get a scholarship versus one where there's a higher promise of a better job
Starting point is 00:34:56 or an easier process of finding a job outside of law school. Okay, well, I'm glad you're familiar with what I'm talking about because this is the advice I give every time I get this call and I've gotten this call several times and I've said it with Dave on the air I'll say it with Jade on the air if it were me Controversial are you gonna say something controversial Ken you may think it's controversy. I don't think it is let me just get comfortable All right
Starting point is 00:35:17 I would go to the school where I could get the full ride And I don't care if it's got a big name brand or not because that's what that's what you're hearing and you're hearing people say things like well the more prestigious the more sizzle factor that the law school has the greater chance you have of getting placed in a firm and I think that's garbage it's just like people saying you can't get a house without a credit score these are all popular ideas that no one's really shown the light of accuracy on. And I'm here to tell you, my opinion, I don't think anybody cares what law school you went to. And if you go to a smaller law school that doesn't have the sizzle factor and you get a full ride or most of it paid for because of a great LSAT score.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And by the way, that's happening all over the country. It's very available. The reason they do that is because they're competing with the Vanderbilt law schools or the Ivy League law schools that have all the name brand stuff. But I'm here to tell you, the same people that make J.Crew, they make Old Navy. Okay. And we got to get to a point where we start really looking into this and we go a law degree is a law degree and your ability to practice law is the same whether you come out of a fancy school or a
Starting point is 00:36:34 smaller school and Is there some competitive advantage? That can be proven if you go to an Ivy League school and they've got all kinds of connections in the big firms. Yes. Yes. But, do you know what the competition factor is there? You're competing with everybody else in your class.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And what I'm here to tell you, Zach, is if you want to practice law and you don't want to go into debt, then I would do what I just said. And I'd brush up on my LSAT. I'd take it 10 times if I had to, because I can cash flow that, and then I'm gonna get a full ride, or pretty close to a full ride to a smaller law school, and I'm gonna get trained on the law, and then I'm gonna bust it,
Starting point is 00:37:13 and I'm gonna get an opportunity to go out and be the lawyer that I wanna be, and I'm not encumbered with any of the debt that all these other big shot guys that you think went through, they got all this debt, and they're stressed out of their mind. So that's what I would do, because can tell you anybody you ever represent will never ask you where you went to law school. Is that controversial Jade?
Starting point is 00:37:32 Ah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I guess I know you better than I thought. I don't even know what any of that means. What did you think I was gonna say? I don't know. It could've, you were setting us up for a cliffhanger. No, no, I'm just saying go to a law school. Yeah, I agree. With an LSAT score that wants you. Yeah. And they're gonna pay for your law school and you have zero debt.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah, and you can keep taking the, you can keep taking the test. Take the LSAT 60 times. What's the cost to take it? I wanna say it's around like $200. Oh yeah. I don't know if you can take it 60 times. I made that part up. Yeah, but you're saying prep and knock it out of the park so you can take it 60 times. I made that part up. Yeah, but you're saying
Starting point is 00:38:08 Presumably knock it out of the park so you can get that's what I would do There's just no reason to go into debt to then get in a scramble with everybody else in your class You go to Harvard Law and they're all competing for the same firms. Yeah, were you thinking about Ivy League? No, I just made that up. I Was mainly there's a school to local here in Utah. It's probably my top school. And it's a, I think it turns number 22 in the nation. It's pretty good. And tuition every year is about 15,000. So I'd come out, you know, if I didn't cash flow in here, there'd be about $45,000 in debt on top of, you know, any other living expenses, depending on how much I'm working and stuff. And I know that's way less than a lot of other law schools.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Okay, now here's the other thing. Here's the other thing, law school's gonna be there. So go make the 45,000 in cash flow. Yeah, why not? Yeah. How long would it take you to put that away? That's the other thing is I'm not 100% sure like what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Currently in my job right now I make about 52,000. I try to save as much as I can. I'm trying to% sure what that looks like. Currently in my job right now I make about $52,000. I try to save as much as I can. I'm trying to get out of debt in terms of paying off my car. So I'm hoping within by next spring I can be up to the $70,000 range. I don't know. Sometimes you kind of worry about the timeframe
Starting point is 00:39:19 of when you kind of age out of these kinds of things in terms of starting too late in your career. Yeah, that's up to you. How old are you now? I'm 26. Okay, first of all, you're gonna be ready to fund law school in two years, two and a half years max, if you get after it.
Starting point is 00:39:38 So you're not too old. You got all these things in your head that I think, this is conventional wisdom telling you, Zach, it's okay, get alone. I that I think this is conventional wisdom telling you I mean, that's the conventional wisdom. Well, you make so much sense You said something that I found to be revealing you said right now I'm working to pay off my car note, which lets me know you don't like being in debt Right, and if you don't like having a car note, I can guarantee you're not gonna like having $45,000 of student loans So that was just a little light into your soul on that one.
Starting point is 00:40:05 But hey, let me just tell you, my brother, we both went to college together, and then he went and served a couple of tours in Iraq, and came back and did social work for a while, and then he decided I wanna help people even more, and he became a lawyer, and he went to night school, and did it, and he was in his mid-30s, and then by the time he turned 40, he became a lawyer and he went to night school and did it and he was in his mid-30s and then by the time he turned 40, he became a judge.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So it's not too late to decide. Wow, that's pretty amazing. What you wanna do and there's ways to do it to where you're not going in debt for it. So just a little story time there. Yeah, Zach, the point is there's no reason in our minds that you should take out loans to go to law school. You just don't need it.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So that's our verdict. I'm going to steal light. I think you need your own show, Judge Jade. Oh, don't touch me, Kim. See how excited you just got? I could see you. Oh, man. I would love to.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I could see you in your own version of a Judge Judy. I'd be presiding. You'd have a loud collar. Remember how she had the little polite white? Felt like a teacup collar? I'm going to put spikes on mine. Yours would have some personality. I would love that. That would be so fun. You coming in in your big black robe and you kind of sashay behind the... I want like a gospel robe. I wasn't going to go there, but I like that even more. It's your show. But you tell me you wouldn't love like I would love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:28 People coming in with their little we need a segment on the show where you wear that robe and people call in with their you make financial judgments. The judge is in. Yeah. The judge is presided. We'll keep brainstorming that amazing idea. Are you the bailiff? I would love to be the Bailiff.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's funny. I'd look like Barney Fife, the old school Bailiff. Oh boy. That would be a lot of fun. I think people would watch that. Hey, fun hour. We'll keep concepting the show. We'll be back before you know it.
Starting point is 00:41:59 This is The Ramsey Show. Do you ever feel like you're finally making progress towards your goals only to get quickly distracted by something else in your feed? Well, that's why we created the Ramsey Network app, your single source for content that keeps you motivated. The Ramsey Network app is designed to keep you laser focused on reaching your goals. Loaded with over seven thousand hours of Ramsey shows, this free app is the best place for uninterrupted content and no distractions. Plus you can search specific questions to get more personalized content in seconds. So for the days you need some extra motivation
Starting point is 00:42:42 you'll have proven advice at your fingertips. It's time to get serious about your goals and shut out the distractions for good. Simply search Ramsey Network in the App Store or Google Play. If you're listening on a podcast, just click the link in the show notes to download our free Ramsey Network app today. Welcome to The Ramsey Show, where we help you win in your life, win in your money, win in your work,
Starting point is 00:43:10 and win in your relationships. That's our aim. We're so excited that you're with us. The phone number for you to jump in because it is your show. Ask questions so we can coach you to get you where you want to be. 888-825-5225, 888-825-5225.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Alongside the incomparable, the fabulous Jade Warshaw, I am just simply Ken Carlin. Ken, don't do that to yourself. It's good, it's good. I'm telling you, it's fun. We have a lot of fun together and we're gonna help you out. Let's go to Katie in Springfield, Missouri. Katie, how can we help?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Hey guys. So I am typically very frugal and try to be wise with decisions when it comes to money, but I've been going back and forth on this idea of taking my daughter to a Taylor Swift concert. She's 15 and she really likes her and I do too, but the frugal side of me struggling with the price for a three-hour experience but then on the
Starting point is 00:44:08 other shoulder I've got this Spaniolo side that says let's make the memories so I just would like to talk through that. Oh my goodness this is I have been involved in another very popular Taylor Swift call. I heard it. You did? My daughter wanted to be Rachel when I called in, I'm sure. But she said please call me Ramsey. All right, well I tell you what, I'm gonna listen along. I mean, so we gotta find out where you're at financially.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah. Right, so give us the picture. You guys get any debt? Just the home. Okay, just the home? No debt besides the house. Correct. All right, What's the combined income? It's right at a hundred and seventy five thousand nice. Okay, how much are the tickets gonna cost?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Probably five thousand dollars And then travel so probably right under six thousand dollars for three. Oh, so you have to drive three hours? The tickets you're getting, are these like really? We'll have to drive seven hours, but it's a three hour experience. Got you, seven hours. So you're staying overnight in a hotel? Yes, ma'am, yep.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So 6K total for this trip. Is this for her birthday or is this just because? It's just because. How are you gonna buy the tickets? What would be the method of payment? So I would sell some of my employee stock purchase plan. Okay, interesting. That's your retirement?
Starting point is 00:45:41 That's baby. No, no, it's separate from retirement. It's single stocks. Single stocks. Single stocks. Okay. Yeah, I'm going to wait for Judge Jade, but I've already reached my answer. How much single stocks do you have?
Starting point is 00:45:58 I'm just curious. How much in that? So we have about 141,000 in employee stocks and about 50,000 in single stocks. So that's right under 200 in both. Okay. By the way, are these tickets, are these, and I'm asking because I'm completely clueless Katie, are these like really close? We're looking at $2,500 bucks each right for two tickets
Starting point is 00:46:26 That's pretty good experience, right? I wish it's the fact that it's the last It's the last part of her tour and so They're just really priced high for nosebleeds. Oh, so those are nosebleeds at 2,500 a piece Wait a second. Wait a second. That changes my answer, which is why I asked by the way. Oh my god. $2,500 was like I was thinking that was Artist Circle or something. Yeah, like I need to be in the pit. Is that where you were thinking? Yes! I want the sweat to hit me for $6,000. Nah, I could do without the sweat. In fact, if I'm paying six grand, I don't want any sweat to hit me. You don't want T-Swift's sweat to hit you? No.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Just wait. No, no. I don't want anybody's sweat hitting me. Certainly not hers. Okay. All right. I got nothing against the Swifty Sweat. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I don't want to be sweat on for that kind of money. I'm going to let you know, Katie and Ken, I'm shooketh to my core. In a biblical sense, these tickets are six thousand dollars. Tell her, listen, give me a specific ruling, please, because she's got the money. She has the money. I have more questions about your investments than I do about Taylor Swift. But I mean, if you want to go, you can. I struggle. I struggle with the seats for the money. That's where my struggle is.
Starting point is 00:47:45 It's not on whether or not you can afford to do it. It's the value. It's the value in it. Yeah, I'm there. That's if I'm being honest, Katie, that's where my struggle is, is the value of the tickets is not the, not whether or not you can afford to spend $600,000 or $6,000 on a thing. Does that make sense? Yes. You can afford to spend $6,000 on something. Is on a thing does that make sense? Yes, you can afford to spend six thousand dollars on something is that where you were leaning Katie Why'd you call? More I'm struggling because I just like to be really frugal, but my daughter said well. You know I'm almost 16 and
Starting point is 00:48:25 frugal, but my daughter said, well, you know, I'm almost 16 and, uh, have you guys never done anything like this? No, not the two of us. No, we haven't. So did I detect a hint of emotion? Yes. Because you said, well, we're just very frugal. Um, and she said, you know, like money is just money money it's it's so yeah so it is kind of emotional because I would love to go with her but it's like oh my goodness a lot of money. I'm going to take I'm gonna I am ready. Oh okay. I'm going to take a page out of the Stacey Coleman handbook, which is the jar of marbles.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah. Oh yeah. I'm going to take a page out of the Stacey Coleman, which is the days they go by and you don't get them back is basically the essence here. And I think you have an opportunity to make a really cool memory, something you've never done before, and also prove that you can be a cool mom and you can come off the wallet every now and then and you can afford it. Do it.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Boy, am I surprised. I love that. You could knock me over with a feather right now. Really? Yeah. I thought you were coming in hot. But I'm going to say- Because you're so frugal.
Starting point is 00:49:43 This is not a lifestyle for you guys of- No no we just go hard in the paint all the time you have the money you weren't planning on putting on a credit card you didn't mention points one time yeah it she's by the way it's employee stock it's not out of a retirement right she said she's gonna sell some things. Do you have three to six months of expenses laying around for other things? Yeah, we have about 30,000 savings. Okay, yep. I'm 100% in an agreement with you and for the reasons that life is short,
Starting point is 00:50:18 they have the money to do this. It is outrageous. You can't, if George were in here, he'd freak out because George can't spend money on anything nice. But it will be so unforgettable for them. That's what I'm saying. And to me, this is a priceless trip with your daughter. Katie, I also feel like I hear your heart saying, yes, let's do this. And your brain's going, hold the phone. And you thought, well, I'll call Ramsey and we'll get somebody else to talk to my brain. Mm-hmm. And in this case, yes
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's a lot of money. Yes. It's overpriced overpriced completely overpriced Painfully overpriced our daughters don't know this and In the case that you can do this. This is about a memory and one day she'll go good grief I can't believe you did that for me mom. Yeah. And I think that's why I do this. But just don't, mom, don't complain. If you say, yes, I'm going to do it. Don't be like, these seats are crazy. And don't just enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Enjoy it for the experience because in the nosebleed, nosebleed sucks. Like, let's be honest about that. I'm going to actually push back on that. I have watched football games in the very top row of NFL arenas and you would be surprised These people know what they're doing. Okay. I think she's gonna enjoy the heck out of it. The energy is gonna be amazing I'm okay with nosebleeds for this. Okay, it will be a good experience, but put aside some extra money for a t-shirt This is the remc show These days it's not if your identity gets stolen, it's when.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And the only ID theft protection plan I have ever recommended is from Zander Insurance. It helps real people with real life situations. Like the call we got on the show recently where a woman's abusive ex opened a credit card in her name and racked up over $8,000 in debt. Then the bank sued her even though the charges weren't hers. What a mess. With Xander's help she was able to get the entire nightmare cleared up and now her family is officially debt free. Listen, Xander's identity theft protection is the best option out there. They have all the cyber tools and monitoring
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Starting point is 00:52:48 and you're doomed to be a renter for the rest of your life. Right? Wrong. George Campbell here. Listen, finding a home you love within your budget is possible and I'm excited to help you get there with our brand new course, how to buy a home you can actually afford. From saving a down payment that fits your budget
Starting point is 00:53:02 to making an offer that sellers can't resist, we'll cover it all. So if you're ready to seal the deal on the right home for you, take the course at slash course. That's slash course. Welcome back to the Ramsey show. I'm Ken Coleman. Jade Warshaw is alongside and we are together here for you. Triple eight, eight25-5225, 888-825-5225, taking your money questions and your income and work related questions today. It's time for our question of the day, brought to you by YREFI.
Starting point is 00:53:36 There, we've made, let me start over. All of a sudden I forgot how to read, Jade. That's all right, it happens to the best of us. Yeah, that's right, and live, it's always exciting. Hey, we've all made money mistakes, so if you've defaulted a private student loan, we're not judging you, but we are saying that there's something you can do about it, and that's contact YREFY. YREFY was created for people in your exact situation.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Go to slash ramsey, that's YF-Y dot com slash Ramsey. It may not be available in all states. All right, today's question comes from Hudson in Florida. He says, I'm 26 and married with three kiddos. I've worked for the same company for six years. During that time, we've had a lot of growth, which I played a key role in developing. The company now grosses over 10 million a year,
Starting point is 00:54:21 and I've been offered a partnership position with the two current founders. This year, and I've been offered a partnership position with the two current founders. This has been what I've been working towards this whole time that I've been with this company, but now that it's here, I'm second guessing myself, and I feel like I have imposter syndrome. Do you have any advice for me so that I don't set myself up for failure?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah, love the transparency here. Yeah, imposter syndrome is nothing more than doubt. So the first thing I would say Hudson is that you're not an imposter. Imposters are people who pose as someone else. And typically this is in a illegal operation. So someone who would try to steal my identity or poses me or poses someone else to do something illegal, that's an imposter, a complete fraud, a complete fake. And then a syndrome is a fancy word for some type of a disease or sickness. And you don't have a disease, and you don't have a sickness.
Starting point is 00:55:19 What you have, Hudson, is good old fashioned doubt. And doubt only comes to people who are attempting to move forward and so all of a sudden after all these years you've been offered an opportunity through your hard work because Jade you you know business you know small business yeah people don't just come up to somebody and tap them on the shoulder and say, hey, we'd like you to be a partner. They are giving you my friend, um, a, a good portion of this company and their own equity. And they're saying, we're going to split some of our pie for you.
Starting point is 00:55:56 That is the ultimate endorsement. So I would remind you to remind yourself that the doubt you're feeling is because you're taking a major step up and a step up or a step forward is always connected to the unknowns and the fear of the unknown is what's creating the doubt. So what you're really dealing with is you've got some fear, you've got some doubt, and that's very, very normal, but you've earned this.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And so to set yourself up to win, you gotta say, hey, I've earned this. And so to set yourself up to win, you got to say, Hey, I've earned this. There's going to be some new things. There's going to be some, some growing pains, but that comes with the territory and I'm going to do then what I have been doing. And that is learning and growing and becoming better. So this is all mindset stuff. And the doubt, by the way, is very, very natural when we all step into something new. Doubt on the first day of kindergarten, doubt on the first way, is very, very natural when we all step into something new. Doubt on the first day of kindergarten,
Starting point is 00:56:46 doubt on the first day of high school, doubt the first time Jade goes into a Division I volleyball game. Listen, doubt only comes to people who are moving forward, Jade. You know who never experiences doubt? Who? People with their elbow deep in the popcorn
Starting point is 00:57:00 and the bleachers. Wow. Because they're just sitting there watching the rest of us. Comfort zone. Oh, she should have done this, or he should have done this, and all bleachers. Wow. Because they're just sitting there watching the rest of us. Comfort zone. Oh, she should have done this or he should have done this and all this kind of garbage. Those are people that are sitting on the bleachers and they have no doubt.
Starting point is 00:57:11 They're quite certain of their opinion. Yeah. And what you should have done. That's very good, Ken. And that always kills me. It's like, get off the bleachers. Yeah. Why don't you put on a pair of shoes? And then you see what you'll do in that situation.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Come on out here, let's go. How about you get out on the field or on the court? That's so true. Let's go. You wanna compete? Let's see how sure you are, Johnny Rocket, up there in the bleachers with your hot dog and your Diet Coke and your whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Kills me. So I like to encourage people that are dealing with doubt. That tells me that you are moving forward and that you want to move forward, and as a result, you're facing some unknowns. And that's all that is. You're gonna do fine. You're gonna do fine.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Congratulations. Yeah, my goodness. All right, let's get to Nancy in Los Angeles, California. Nancy, how can we help today? Hi, thank you so much for taking my call. Yes, okay, so I'll just get into it. My question is how do I as a Christian, as a believer, how do I walk in contentment daily while also creating goals and aspiring to goals and aspiring to, you
Starting point is 00:58:18 know, move forward? And also, like, if I've heard from the Lord that I'm in a waiting season, what do I do with that? How do I balance all of that? And how do I, I guess, wait well? And just for a little bit of context, I completely paid off debt earlier this year, March of this year, and really happy about that. And just different moving parts. And so that's really where I'm kind of stuck
Starting point is 00:58:46 is balancing contentment. Tell us what you're waiting on and where the lack of contentment is rearing its head. Yes. Sure, yeah. So I, if I'm being honest, I- We prefer that. Do my job.
Starting point is 00:59:01 What happened? I really dislike my job. I can't stand going at all. And, you know, I've heard few phone calls and, you know, I'm really embarrassed to say that it's been 10 years, almost over 10 years. Yeah. That I've been at this job. I inherited it. It's a union job. It's very coveted in my area. A lot of people, you know, wish they could have this job. What are the reasons that you do not enjoy the job? Well, it's not challenging at all.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I don't feel like I'm using, it's not challenging mentally or intellectually. I don't feel like I'm really going anywhere or doing anything moving forward. And then also, it's kind of rough. Like the people I work with, it's mostly men. It's like, I would say I count sometimes. It's like 40 men to two women. And it's a blue collar job. So like-
Starting point is 00:59:57 Okay, can I tell you something? Yeah. Can I tell you something? I'm gonna be really, really honest with you. I love your spirit, but I think you've got this all wrong and I think you're trying to justify this movement inside of you, this restlessness inside of you.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You're trying to justify not acting on it. I think you needed to leave a long time ago. Go Ken. And I don't say that as a criticism. I say that as a coach. You don't need to be content, you need to follow the restlessness in your soul. You aren't being challenged in this, and that means you aren't using your God-given ability to the extent that you can, and that's why you feel this way. And
Starting point is 01:00:39 it's okay to go, I'm one or two women in a blue collar room with a bunch of dudes. That doesn't make you discontent. That makes you a living, breathing human being who is aware. And Nancy, I'm going to hand it over to my colleague, but I think you need to be leaving. You do not need to be any more content. I think you're now relying on this excuse of contentment to step into like the question we just got. Right, because what did you think you were gonna feel when it was time to go? That's my question.
Starting point is 01:01:13 If you weren't gonna feel discontented, if you weren't gonna feel frustrated and tired and like it's time to go, then what did you think that you were gonna feel? I don't know. I guess since I inherited that, I just have felt like I need to just be grateful and just, you know, just-
Starting point is 01:01:33 I think you have been. And be grateful. I think you've been grateful in heavy doses. Yeah. You've done everything you need. It's time to leave. Yeah, you can be grateful and move on. Like, just because you don't stick around
Starting point is 01:01:44 with something forever doesn't mean you weren't grateful for it. It's like you go to a restaurant, somebody served you a meal, you can be grateful and move on. Like, just because you don't stick around with something forever doesn't mean you weren't grateful for it. It's like you go to a restaurant, somebody served you a meal, you ate it, you were grateful for it, and you moved. You left. You went to your next destination. It's a good call. That's right. I was really grateful for seventh grade, but I don't want to stay there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Seventh grade was a good year for me. It was a big year. I may have peaked, but that's a whole nother call. You know, Nancy, do you have a sense? We only got about 40 seconds. So real quick, yes or no. Do you have a sense of what you want to do? Um, I have a few ideas. I'm in school for herbalism. I'm interested in UX design, graphic design. Okay. All right. So here I've got something for you. All right. So hang on the line. Christian, let's get her a copy of Find the Work You're Wired to Do. It comes with the Get Clear Assessment.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Nancy, I want you to take the assessment first, then read the book. It's like me coaching you through your results. I think it's going to reveal and confirm some things for you. But hear this from Jade and I. You don't need to be content in a place that you're not supposed to be. Yeah. It's time to get a plan together and eventually we're leaving. We believe in you,
Starting point is 01:02:45 Nancy. You're a good, good lady. This is The Ramsey Show. Hey guys, Rachel Cruz here. You know, some people think budgeting means they can't have any fun with money. And I know this because that was me. But the truth is, budgeting doesn't limit your freedom. It actually gives you freedom. A budget is simply telling your money where to go. And the best way to do this is with Every Dollar, my favorite budgeting app. It'll help you create a plan for your money that fits your lifestyle. So whether it's a spontaneous date night or an epic Disney cruise, budget for some fun. Download Every Dollar for free today. The Ramsey Show rolls along from our Nashville area based headquarters.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Thrilled that you are with us. I'm Ken Coleman and Jade Warshaw is alongside. The phone number is 888-825-5225. Let's go to Chris in Sacramento, California. Chris, how can we help today? Hi guys. I just want to say thank you for hearing me out. I'm 27 and I'm getting married within a week and I have a daughter and I'm going to be
Starting point is 01:03:38 married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to be married in a week. I'm going to say thank you for hearing me out. I'm 27 and I'm getting married within a week and I have a debt, no debt, sorry, but 65% of my income is going to my house and we're drowning about negative 20%
Starting point is 01:03:59 per month on our utilities and groceries and we've cut back. And I'm debating on whether I sell my home rent my home I Have an opportunity out of the area for a job that I would be able to live Rent free and just trying to figure out life Wow, well what we know to be true is the sixty five thousand the sixty five percent mortgage can't continue So we know that's true, right? Right. So that kind of takes the weight off of our shoulders
Starting point is 01:04:29 to know, okay, we can't stay here. And then the question is, what do we do next? Because you said you've got an, now we can start to say, okay, do we want to do the opportunity that's outside of the area? What does it look like? I think you mentioned renting this house. And so now let's talk about those other options.
Starting point is 01:04:45 So is it fair to say that we both agree you can't stay in this house? Yes. Okay. So now let's talk about what do we do with the house? If I were you, I'd sell it. I'd gross about 150,000. I'd probably net after real estate fees about 135.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I like that, what's wrong with that? Nothing, it's more it's just my first home. I just put $100,000 into it the last two years. And I was envisioning having my kids here. Yeah, so there's just the emotional connection to it. How long did you have the property? Two and a half years, I put about $150,000 down on the house when I bought it. How long did you have the property? Two and a half years. I put about $150,000 down on the house when I bought it and I had a really good management position at a restaurant
Starting point is 01:05:32 before and that's where I'm going to now for the new opportunity. I tried to start my own business and it didn't work out exactly how I hoped but I'm recuperating my losses and I'm just trying to get back on my feet. I'm currently serving in a restaurant right now and I've been getting by with that and me and my fiancee, we're just our net income together. It's just, we're a rat. We're not making it. You're in Sacramento. Why are you guys staying in Sacramento for jobs that sound like you could do them really in any in any part of the country
Starting point is 01:06:06 Well, and that's where that's why we're moving it. It's just more of a Do we rent the home and make a profit per month about 100 200 dollars? Or do we sell a home put the entire you know met into a money market account? Yes, and make about $400 a month on money market. And then YouTube saves. Let's do the latter because if you have the opportunity to rent somewhere out of the area and they're covering the rent, then this is an opportunity for you to start over,
Starting point is 01:06:34 let that money grow, that equity that you're gonna get out of the cell of this home, let it grow over time, because the time is gonna come when you wanna buy again. I did have a math question on this because I thought I heard you say that you put 150 down on the home. And then I also thought I heard you say that you put 100 into it.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Is that right? So you put 250 into this home, but you're only coming out with 135. What happened there? Bad contractor. I got really jacked up by that. I lost probably about $50,000. And yeah. And I mean, I, I'm not a contractor guy.
Starting point is 01:07:10 I, I, you know, I was doing my job and I ended up going underneath the house and I just saw problems and I saw problems. Long story short, it cost me a lot more and I was paying the mortgage at the same time as I wasn't living in it. So I was, you know, unfortunately paying double for a way. Yeah. So it just really drained us down.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And then I just paid off all my credit card debt. I had about $17,000 in debt. We're completely debt free. That's excellent. We don't have to pay for payment. Yeah. So there's some silver linings here. I think the hardest part is you had a vision for this house, you got taken for a ride and
Starting point is 01:07:47 that sucks. And now as a result, you know, it's not going to be the house that you raise your family in. But I love that you have other opportunities. And I mean, you can consider it on the career side of this to weigh that out. I take advantage of that while you're on the line. Yeah. Well, Chris, if I heard you right, you've got a really good manager gig you're heading into. So you feel good about
Starting point is 01:08:06 this? Yes, I'm super confident. It's a nice restaurant in South Lake Tahoe. It's to the ninth. It's like my dream job. Oh, fantastic. And did you say South Lake Tahoe? Yes. Oh, man, that's that ain't a bad place to work. Come on, Chris. I'd be going for about... Yeah, it just, it all makes financial sense. Yep.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And it's just, I just, I have, with my business, I've kind of had some regrets on that and I don't want to have my cart in front of the horse. I love it. You're asking the right questions. Jade gave you great advice. You do not want to be a landlord from long distance. This is time to move on.
Starting point is 01:08:42 This is a clean start. And I think it's great for you. You're going into your dream job in one of the nicest places in the United States to live. And you're gonna get free of this house, which has just been nothing more than a money pit for you, unfortunately. So yeah, sell and move on, my friend.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Sell and move on. I love that. Do you wanna take another call or can I highlight this for the people? Hey, I wanna highlight this because a lot of times people are like, why does it have to, you know, we teach that the mortgage shouldn't be any more than 25%. And I know there's a lot of questions around that. And this is a really great, it's just a cautionary tale of what takes place when you don't heed
Starting point is 01:09:18 that advice. Because if you really think about it, it, you know, if you look at your, your money as a, as a whole thing, 100% I love that you've got an orange for our listening audience. She has a little tangerine in her hand. Yeah, and if you think about it as segments, right? We got to cut it up in a segment. It's going into segments.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And so if you think, okay, if you do, let's pretend like, yeah, I'm taking your advice 25%. Okay, now we got 75 left. And then it's like, okay, if you're a person who values generosity, most of us do, so you give them another 10%, now you're at 35. And now you say, okay, well, you've gotta invest, baby step four, I'm investing 15%.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Now before you know it, we're already at 50% of our income. And we haven't even paid our other bills yet. We haven't done childcare yet. We haven't put aside for kids' college yet. We haven't done childcare yet. We haven't put aside for kids college yet. We haven't, you know, taken a vacation. We haven't even done anything yet and we're already out 50. So imagine what it would feel like
Starting point is 01:10:14 if your mortgage was at 40% or 45%. You feel that very, very, very, very quickly. So it behooves you. It's a great word. You know I like a good word. It does behoove you to think about okay what are my ratios here and is this sustainable long-term because 65% like you said they're burning 20% every single month. Ain't enough tangerine left over. There ain't enough you got to eat the pith.
Starting point is 01:10:39 By the time you do that is fantastic that's why I showed up today for that moment. That was good. Yeah, but it's a wonderful illustration. And then I want you to, while we're on this, also why we give him the advice, don't try to stay, don't become a landlord, don't keep that house because you think, well, I'm going to make 400 bucks a month. I want you to walk through the math, the real math when people think that that's a good idea Well, I think for him it was more of a sunken cost fallacy I feel like he thought well I put this much into this property if I hang on to it for a while and keep Dumping effort or whatever it is into it. Maybe I'll get it out and for a lot of time for a lot of us
Starting point is 01:11:19 That's kind of what keeps us locked in to something. That's just a bad break and you kind of have to just Eat pith and go this. This was a bad break. It wasn't a good investment. You know, I got taken for a ride and walk away. And for him going all the way from Sacramento to South Lake Tahoe, and now you're going to be a long distance landlord. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Trust me. When he rolls in in that moving van to South Lake Tahoe, he's gonna be like, I'm not knocking Sacramento, all right? But that's a difference. He's gonna be like, forget y'all. You wanna leave all that behind. Yeah, you wanna leave it behind. And he had a bad taste in his mouth,
Starting point is 01:11:54 so I think for him to come out, he's clearing 135. It's not as much as he should. That's right. But it's still money, and it's gonna sit in a high yield for however long until they're ready to buy. I agree. And when they buy, they're going to put as much down possible on a 15 year fixed rate mortgage, hopefully that they can get paid off quickly. He's already debt free. Yeah. And so the principle of this whole segment is, uh, do you know what it is? You've been saying it. Don't eat pith. There it is. By the way, spell that for people.
Starting point is 01:12:25 P-I-Pith. P-I-T-H, is that right? I think. I feel like there could be a hidden letter in there. We did. We got validation. The guys in the booth. Great. Yeah, think about the ratios of your income.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Think about each section like this clementine I hold in my hand. Oh, it's clementine. It's even better. Mandarin. Love it. That's how we're gonna do this. Make sure it's right. The object lesson. I feel like we went back to Sesame Street. You, it's Clementine. It's even better. Mandarin. Love it. That's how we're going to do this. Make sure it's a lesson. I feel like we went back to Sesame Street. You laid it out for us. I love it. Good stuff. All right. Quick break. She's Jade Warsaw.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I'm Ken Coleman. We'll be right back. Hey guys, Dave Ramsey here and I got a big announcement. I'm coming to a city near you live on the Money and Relationships Tour with Dr. John Deloney. This is the most interactive event we've ever done. You get to decide what we talk about. You do not want to miss this. We'll be coming to Louisville, Durham, Atlanta, Phoenix, Fort Worth, and Kansas City in April and May of 2025.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Get your tickets and more information at slash tour. Welcome back to the Ramsey Show. Thrilled that you're with us. I'm Ken Koma, Jade Warshaw is with me as well. 888-825-5225 taking your money questions and your work related or income questions. To that end, the Get Clear Assessment, a tool that I was privileged to create a few years ago.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It's helped hundreds of thousands of people and just wrote a new book called Find the Work You're Wired to Do. Came out a little earlier this year and it includes the GetClear Assessment. So what does the assessment do? Well, it answers four really big questions. Who am I?
Starting point is 01:14:02 What's my unique wiring? And we're talking about in the context of work. Why am I wired that way? What do I want to do professionally and how do I get there? And that's what these two tools combined do for you. You're going to spend about a third of your life at work. And I just believe with everything in my being that you shouldn't spend it just doing something that you're okay at or that you're good at,
Starting point is 01:14:26 but you don't enjoy, that doesn't produce a result that motivates you. So you can get the book, find the work you're wired to do, and it comes with the assessment, the Get Clear assessment, you can get it at slash store, slash store,
Starting point is 01:14:38 or you can click the link in the description of the show if you're listening via YouTube and podcast. All right, to Susan is where we're going to go. She is in Dallas, Texas. Susan, how can we help? Hi. I just went through a divorce or finalized it recently. It took a while.
Starting point is 01:14:57 And I've been a stay-at-home mom during my entire marriage for the past 14 years. Anyway, I got what I consider a pretty good amount of money. I'm just curious. I don't really know what to do with it. I let my ex-husband handle every single bit of finances. I never knew how much money we had or anything. So- How much are you getting? Well, there's a couple components to it. I got a check for 1.1 million. Okay. I got a 401k for $715,000. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And then $15,000 per month for the next seven years. Okay. How old are you? I'm 40. Okay. So you've got a guaranteed income for the next seven years, that's nice. Okay. Okay, great. So tell me your question.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Okay, so my question is I'm completely debt-free. I also don't own a home because I just got divorced. Okay. So you need a place to live. Right, I'm renting right now, which is $3,600 a month, which I feel like is really expensive. It is. It's also all bills paid. So my question, I guess, is I've got like $95,000 in a high yield savings account. I started a Ross IRA. I'm like totally, I know nothing about finance. I've just been trying to learn just in the last month or so. Anyway, my question basically is, A, can I live off of part of this money, like off of the monthly income or do I need to get a significant job? Well, the good news is,
Starting point is 01:16:48 the good news is, is you do have a monthly income for the next seven years. So you've got some time to reinvent yourself and figure out what you wanna do with life. And if I were you, obviously you don't need $15,000 per month to figure out what do I need? What's a fair budget for me?
Starting point is 01:17:04 Maybe it's $7,000 a month, and then you take the rest and you invest it every single month, right? So that's thing one. You've been bought time to figure out a career path for you and I'm gonna toss it to Ken in a moment for that. But let's talk about the rest of the income that you have. So let's say just to keep it simple, let's say you invest half
Starting point is 01:17:25 of what you're getting every single month for the next seven years. So around seven and a half thousand dollars or seven and a half thousand dollars. And then you've got 1.1 million. That's a check, right? Yes. Yes. And I didn't know what to do with that. So I just put it in a money market account because I didn't even know how to deposit that. Great. I think that's a good place to start. What I want, my homework for you is I want you to start learning about investing. I want you to start understanding, okay, I know husband, ex-husband used to do it, but it's now time for you to start learning because the time is going to come where
Starting point is 01:17:59 you're going to need to invest this and you're going to want to understand it. You don't want to just hand a check for, for $1.1 million over to anybody and say, here, you handle this and you're gonna wanna understand it. You don't wanna just hand a check for $1.1 million over to anybody and say, here you handle this. You're gonna wanna say, okay, I get it. And a great place to start is here. Here at Ramsey, we do teach that investing is a better place for you to build long-term wealth than a money market account or a high-yield savings account
Starting point is 01:18:22 simply because of rate of return, right? If you invest that money, you'll get a higher compound interest rate of return on that. So it'll grow faster. And so I would tell you to get hooked up with a smart Vestor pro. They're going to have the heart of a teacher and they're going to be able to teach you about this. And that's the key thing. Tell them, I don't want to invest anything yet. I just want to learn, right? And they're going to ultimately have you invested in a way that's four different types. We're spreading it out.
Starting point is 01:18:52 It's not going to be high risk. It's not going to be just in a set of stocks, but I want you to understand that. So when the time comes, we are investing that check, but in the meantime, we're getting with a SmartVestor Pro to teach us. And then as far as the $715,000 401k, yeah, leave it, let it grow.
Starting point is 01:19:07 You're probably gonna have to do a direct transfer rollover into an IRA. And so the SmartFester Pro is going to help you do that. And then for you, now it's all about career and what you're going to do with your life because you're super young. I got a couple questions on the money first. So the $715,000, how old are you?
Starting point is 01:19:27 I'm 40. Oh my gosh. It's going to be so much money. So the $715,000 that is in the 401k, that is going to be a lot of money. What is that going to be in 30 years? Okay. Did you tell me you're 40 now? Yeah, she's 40. Okay. So let's just say you retire. I don't know. Let's say 65
Starting point is 01:19:46 Does that sound good? Okay, okay. Let's say you add nothing to it that right there is gonna be eight million dollars Just not touching it the reason I went to that Susan is because on this work thing This may or may not be a thing now. How old are the kids? They're 14 and 11. My other thing is, can I buy a house? I was going to say that I was working that. And which money do I use? I would take the 1.1. The 1.1 check is, is what you need to do.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Plus you already have 95,000 in another savings account. So I was going to ask you, what is a modest house in a nice area? What is a house price, you know your area, for you and the kiddos? What does that look like? What's the money on that? I mean, right now there's like nothing to buy. I've been looking. I mean, there's a nice home for $500,000. Okay. So let's just use that. it's in the school that you need. Let's just use that as an example, okay?
Starting point is 01:20:48 So if I'm you, and then I'm going to pay cash for the house, because right now you're paying $3,600 a month in rent. So you take just a little bit less than half of the 1.1, and you've got to pay for a house. Now that monthly budget, which I'm using is the 15,000 you're getting in the settlement. Now that 3,600 was coming out of the 15k, it's not anymore. Right. And your utilities and things like that are going to be nothing. You still got the two kiddos in school. So I would come up with the every dollar budget and budget off of the 15.
Starting point is 01:21:22 And I would do some type of an investment strategy based on what a SmartVestor Pro tells you because Jade already proved to you, you don't have to put another penny, and I'm not saying not to, but I'm guessing their investment strategy is gonna be, you're gonna diversify some stuff because right now, you are more than fine, Susan.
Starting point is 01:21:44 You're going to be very, very wealthy and based on just the 401k and what it does over time. So for me, if I were you, I would take my time. You just came out of this divorce, you've just settled. I'm fine with you renting for a little bit longer. You're saying the market right now is not a lot on the market. Let's see what happens after this presidential election.
Starting point is 01:22:04 The point is grieve, stay cool. The 3,600, while it's a little expensive, it's not even phasing you. I would take my time, I'd buy a nice house cash, and now you still have over half a million dollars to invest. And when you invest it, you're probably gonna look for something that's non-retirement,
Starting point is 01:22:22 something that you can get to sooner that's in some sort of a bridge account so that you can access it, you know, before or six years. I agree with that. And that should be the advice that you get. But for seven years, my goodness. But here's the deal. You're going to have some margin in that monthly as well. That's $180,000 a year for the next seven years.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yeah, you're good. So from a standpoint of work, hang on the line. We'll give you the book, find the work you're wired to do and the get clear assessment. But that is a relaxed, like, what would I do if I didn't have to work? Which by the way, you don't have to.
Starting point is 01:22:54 You don't have to. I was just talking purpose. Yeah, so sorry, we're running out of time, Susan. Hang on the line, we'll get that to you. But thank you for the call. You're gonna be in good shape. This is the Ramsey Show. Hey, you're still here? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:23:36 You do know that the rest of today's show is playing right now over on the Ramsey Network app, right? All you gotta do to finish the episode is search Ramsey Network in the App Store, Google Play Store, or just click the link in the show notes to download the app for free. Yep, you heard me right, for free. Then right there on the home screen, you can watch the rest of today's show. Bada bing, bada boom. Alright, I'm getting out of here. Enjoy. We'll see you on the app.

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