The Rest Is History - 538. Horror in the Congo: The Nightmare Begins (Part 1)
Episode Date: February 10, 2025The story of King Leopold of Belgium’s brutal regime in the Congo Free State, during the late 19th century, is one of the darkest and most important in global history. It is a story of horror - the ...murky depths of the human soul pushed to its primal limits, European colonialism and the first Scramble for Africa, royalty and politics, celebrity, and modernity. From that pit of depravity, in which the Congolese people endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of their dehumanising western drivers, the first human rights campaign was born, and one of the most seminal novels of all time. So, how was it that the Congo, Africa’s as yet unplundered, un-impenetrable, and deeply mysterious core in the late 1870’s, became the private financial reservoir of one ambitious monarch, while Europe looked on? What occurred during the reign of terror he unleashed there, and why? And, who was King Leopold himself, the troubled, cunning and utterly twisted individual behind it all? Join Dominic and Tom as they lead us - following in the footsteps of Henry Morton Stanley, the explorer who first pierced the shadowy veil of the Congo in Africa’s interior, and let it bleed into the hands of King Leopold himself - deep into the heart of darkness. As the curtain is lifted from the Congo’s formerly obscuring unknowability, her people's grotesque future of abominable exploitation is revealed, along with man’s capacity for evil, and the demonic greed of one man in particular… EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! _______ Twitter: @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett + Aaliyah Akude Editor: Vasco Andrade Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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When I was a little chap, I had a passion for maps. I would look for hours at South America or Africa or Australia and lose myself in all the glories of exploration. At that time, there were many blank spaces on the earth,
and when I saw one that looked particularly inviting on a map, I would put my finger on
it and say, when I grow up, I will go there. There was one, the biggest, the most blank, so to speak, that I had a hankering after.
It had got filled since my boyhood with rivers and lakes and names.
It had ceased to be a blank space of delightful mystery, a white patch for a boy to dream
gloriously over.
It had become a place of darkness.
But there was in it one river especially, a mighty big river, that you could see on
the map, resembling an immense snake uncoiled, with its head in the sea, its body at rest,
curving afar over a vast country, and its tail lost in the depths of the land.
Dash it all, I thought to myself.
They can't trade without using some kind of craft on that lot of fresh water.
Why shouldn't I try to take charge of one?
I went on along Fleet Street, but could not shake off the idea.
The snake had charmed me.
So that is Marlow, the hero and the narrator of Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness,
which was first published in Blackwoods magazine in 1899. It famously provided the inspiration
for Apocalypse Now about the American experience in Vietnam, but it was originally written about the European colonial experience in Africa,
probably the greatest, the most influential, possibly the most controversial book about that
ever written about the moral dangers of colonialism and also about the sense of the darkness that
lurks in the heart of the human soul because the darkness in that title, Heart of Darkness, has many different levels. There's also the darkness that is
London. So Marlow is talking about this on a boat on the River Thames, narrating
it to three friends. So the sense that the darkness in Africa is reflecting the
darkness in the heart of the European is kind of at the heart of the idea of the
book, isn't it, Dominic?
It is indeed, Tom't it, Dominic?
It is indeed, Tom. Yeah, absolutely. And we'll get onto Heart of Darkness next week because
we'll do an episode about Joseph Conrad and about this book, which is one of the most
influential books, I would argue, of the modern age. And it's a book that I think anticipates
so much of the culture of the 20th century and wrestling with kind of man's capacity
for evil and the possibilities of violence and brutality that have been opened up
by kind of globalization and by history. And so we'll get onto that next week.
It's a book rooted in Conrad's own experience. So just to give people a sense, he had visited a
specific place at a specific point of time. That place is the Congo Free State under the rule of
King Leopold II of Belgium.
Conrad had visited it nine years before he wrote the book as a merchant seaman
steering a boat as Marlowe does into the heart of Africa.
And we'll talk about his experience as I said next week.
But this week we're going to look at the real history that underpins that story.
So the story of the Congo Free State, probably the darkest stain in the history of European colonialism, what Conrad himself called, and I quote,
the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human
conscience. So to give people a sense, we are in Central Africa between 1885 and
1908. It's the country that is now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, an enormous
country. A country that is as big as Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain put together.
Indeed, it's as big as the entire United States east of the Mississippi and is actually largely
unknown outside its own borders, isn't it Tom? I guess people have a vague sense of Congo because it became Zaire
under president Mobutu, who was kind of the archetype of the
kleptocratic African strongman.
And yet there's a sense that, that no one was quite as kleptocratic or brutal
actually as Leopold the second.
And there's a case for saying that he is the model for much that goes wrong with
Africa in the wake of independence.
Wouldn't you say?
I would, absolutely. I would. I think lots of people would say that this is a kind of
foundational moment for the Congo from which nothing ever goes right thereafter. In that
23-year period when King Leopold is in charge of the Congo, there's a fair claim that it's
one of the worst places to live that has ever existed. There's a brilliant book on this
called King Leopold's Ghost by the American writer Adam Hochschild. We'll be borrowing from that book very liberally. So a big shout
out to Adam Hochschild's book at the beginning. Not an uncontroversial book itself. In the
next week's bonus episode, we'll talk about some of the arguments about that book. But
anyway, in King Leopold's Ghost, he says this is one of the great mass killings in human
history. A death toll, he says, of holocaust dimensions. Exactly
how many people die in the Congo Free State is disputed.
But it's millions, isn't it?
It's millions. It's almost certainly millions. And some estimates would go as high as 10
million. It's not just a story about horror. It's a story about celebrity, about international
relations, royalty. There's a lot of sex in it. There's loads of politics.
It's a story about modernity as well, because this is a new age.
It's the age of the camera.
So there's lots of photography.
Photography is really important, newspapers, telegraphs and so on.
And actually, as we're getting into in our third episode, it proves the provocation,
the cause for one of the great human rights campaigns in all history, arguably the foundational
human rights campaign of the great human rights campaigns in all history, arguably the foundational human rights
campaign of the 20th century. Yeah, you say of the 20th century, I mean it joins the abolitionist
movement of the late 18th and early 19th century, which gets rid of slavery, with the human rights
movements of the late 20th century. And it's interesting that it's very, very anglophone,
isn't it? It's very cent centered in Britain and in the United States.
And again, Britain's role in all this is really, really intriguing.
It's quite, I mean, intriguingly ambivalent really.
It is indeed.
It's, it's such a rich and interesting story.
So it definitely merits a series and like all good series, it needs a
riveting central character, in this case, a villain. And history has absolutely provided us with one.
And this is King Leopold II of Belgium, who, Hochschild says, is as interesting,
as multi-layered, as greedy, as cunning, as charming, and as untrustworthy
as any of Shakespeare's villains.
And if he is the villain, the great irony is he never, ever sets foot in the Congo.
He never lays eyes on the Congo.
His villainy, as it were, is carried out from afar, which makes him a very 20th century
You think of all these dictators who kill so many millions of people without ever shedding
blood themselves.
But also you could say if you were an anti-capitalist that he's kind of the exemplification of great
corporations now who leech money
from distant parts of the world, rely on products made by slave labor. Leopold is kind of the
archetype of that as well, wouldn't you say?
He is indeed. He is and we'll absolutely get into that. This is the classic example, you
might say, of the rapacity of corporate capitalism carried to its ultimate murderous extreme.
But let's start with Leopold himself.
So he was born in 1835 when Belgium had been independent from the Netherlands for five years.
So he's the son of the very first king of the Belgians, who's also called Leopold.
He's brought up at a castle called Laken, which is outside Brussels, where he spends most of his time.
He speaks French and German and English, not interestingly Flemish, which is the language of most of his subjects.
Now Leopold's parents, Leopold and Louise, had a pretty miserable loveless marriage and
they treated their son very, very coldly.
So if he wanted to talk to his father, he had to apply through a secretary for an audience.
And when his father wanted to tell his son something, he got a secretary to do it for
To be fair, that is how I communicate with Katie and Eliza.
So you know what? When I was reading this, the parallels between you and King Leopold
were leaping off the page. Unbelievable.
So yeah, what is it about me and the 20th century monarchs? The Kaiser, Leopold the
Yeah, it's chilling. So Leopold, maybe this will ring a bell with you, Tom. He grows up
a moody, kind of gangling and, and humorless boy.
That's me.
But the thing is, even at the time, his father says of him, he's very cunning.
His father compares him to, with a fox says Leopold is like a fox.
He slowly and stealthily picks out his path.
Storks the chickens.
Exactly. And then he makes his move.
So by the 1850s, Leopold is in his teens.
He's becoming, I think it's fair to say, an extremely awkward and unattractive young man.
People always comment on how unbelievably tall he is.
He's a bit like Baron Trump.
He's massively tall and awkward looking.
But with less knowledge of crypto, presumably.
Presumably, yes.
He's got an enormous beard and everybody comments on his absolutely enormous nose.
So Disraeli said of it, it's such a nose as a young prince has in a fairy tale,
thanks to the intervention of a kind of, of a malignant fairy.
So he's not a looker, I think it's fair to say, and he's very, very charmless.
So, you know, he has to compensate for that with his cunning.
When he's 18 years old, his father takes him to Vienna to get a Habsburg bride.
And this is a 16-year-old called
Archduchess Marie Henriette and she's great. Yeah, she's like the Emperor Claudius and Carmen
Harris, isn't she? She has a tremendous braying laugh. She does. She's got a great laugh. It echoes
around Belgium. And she loves laughing. She loves laughing. And Leopold is shocked by this because
he hates laughing. They go to Venice on holiday and he behaves really coldly to her.
He won't let it go on a gondola that she's booked and all this.
And she bursts into tears and people see this in public.
They say, oh dear, this is an ill-starred marriage.
And a month after they got married, she tells one of her friends, if God hears my prayers,
I shan't go on living much longer.
That's not what you want to hear after a honeymoon.
So much of Leopold's colonial ambitions, there is an argument that basically it stems from
his own insecurity and misery, that it's a massive kind of displacement exercise.
Anyway, he doesn't actually become King of Belgium till 1865.
So he spends a lot of time waiting for his father to die.
And while he's doing that, he has this kind of gnawing insecurity that he's going to be inheriting a country that is just a sort of pathetic minnow on the world stage.
Of course, Belgium is kind of squashed between France and an increasingly unified Germany.
And Leopold feels this very keenly.
He says of Belgium, petit pays, petit gens, little country, little
people. And he thinks, you know, I deserve better than the Belgian people. And what he
really wants is an empire. He wants colonies and he's very aggrieved that he's inheriting
a kingdom that doesn't have any. Three years before he becomes king of the Belgians, he
goes on holiday to Spain and
he goes to Seville and he spends his time in Seville. He spends weeks at the great archive
of the Indies going through the records looking at just how much money Spain had made from
its colonies.
So this is the 16th century isn't it? The conquistadors.
The conquistadors, how much money they had made from the territories they exploited. And this fires his imagination. He makes trips to Ceylon and to Burma to see
how the British make money from their colonies. He reads a book called Java or How to Manage
a Colony, which is all about the Dutch in the East Indies. And this is written unbelievably.
You've seen the bloke who wrote this book? Yeah, very funny. JWB Money.
You see, if he ran a bank, I'd very happily advertise his bank on the rest of the system.
JWB Money Bank.
Invest your money in it.
Well, you should advertise his book. Money's book is all about how you get a colony to
turn a profit. You see, that's what Leopold is interested in. Even more than the prestige
and certainly a lot more than any possible civilizing mission aspect of colonialism, what he cares about is cash.
And in this book, JWB Money says the Dutch have turned a profit from Java by using forced labor
to have plantations and all this kind of thing. And Dominic, the fact that it's Dutch colonies,
I mean that must really irritate him. Of course, they're great rivals.
The great rivals. I mean, even more than the Germans or the French having colonies.
The Dutch. Awful.
So he looks at the Dutch and he says, they're very unsentimental, they've used forced labour.
And it is clear, he writes, the only way to civilise and uplift these indolent and corrupt
peoples is basically by forcing them to work so that we can make money.
So here's the great paradox. Other Belgians don't really care about colonies. They are
very conscious they're only a small and newly independent country. They don't even really
have a merchant navy of their own, so how could they possibly maintain a colonial empire?
But for Leopold, all of his misery, all of his loneliness and awkwardness, I think he
has poured into this great project of acquiring colonies.
He believes this is the only thing that will make him happy.
Well, it's interesting, isn't it, that geography apparently was his only subject that he was
interested in as a boy.
So it's a little bit like Marlow at the beginning of this episode, this idea of looking at the
world and Marlow dreams of going on adventures there
and Leopold dreams of basically grabbing bits of it and using it to make money.
He absolutely does indeed. He reminds me, reading the book by Adam Hochstrasz, I was
reminded of Scrooge. So Scrooge who, you know, deep down what Scrooge wants, Scrooge wants
love and he's become a miser and a terrible person.
You are a sentimentalist.
Well, no, I don't think you can be sentimental about King Leopold II as we will see.
But you're saying that all the horrors of the Congo is because he didn't have love as
a child.
I think his loveless life and his obsessiveness, he's not just an ordinary colonialist as we
will see.
There is something really weirdly obsessive about him and I wonder how much of that, I mean also the way he behaves, the stuff with, as we will see, his obsession
with hygiene is very, very peculiar.
And with very young ladies.
And with very, very young girls, exactly. There's a lot of bad things to be said, I
think it's fair to say, about King Leopold II. Anyway, 1865, he becomes king at last.
Now for the next 10 years, he doesn't actually manage to get the empire he wants.
He investigates various schemes.
He'd like to buy a bit of Argentina.
He'd like to buy a bit of the Nile Delta.
He even talks about acquiring Fiji, but he doesn't really get anywhere.
But not Greenland.
They're not Greenland, no.
But in 1875, he thinks he might be onto something.
He's offered Spain cash for the Philippines for the second time.
And to his deep disappointment, they turn him down again.
And he says to one of his courtiers, OK, I'm going to have a look at Africa now.
Maybe Africa is the place.
So now at last in this story, we come to Africa.
Now, the great scramble for Africa, which people think of as a 19th century thing,
is actually really only concentrated in the final decades of the 19th century.
So at this point, 1875, it hasn't happened.
The French are in Algeria, the Portuguese are in what become Mozambique and Angola,
the British and the Burj both have footholds in South Africa, and various countries have
kind of trading ports and enclaves on the coast of West Africa. But about three
quarters of Africa, really meaning the interior, has not yet been penetrated by European empires.
For Europeans, the wealth of Africa is associated with the coast. There's the assumption that
there's nothing in the middle that would be worth the effort of colonising.
Exactly. People just think, well, it's just impenetrable jungle. What could possibly be there? It's a blank space, as Conrad puts it. But by this point, the mid 1870s, Africa
is making the news in a way it hasn't ever done before. There have been a series of very
eye-catching expeditions. And of course, the most famous one, which lots of listeners will
have heard of, is the expedition by the journalist Henry Morton Stanley to find the missionary David Livingston
in modern day Tanzania in 1871,
which was financed by the New York Herald.
And thanks to these new innovations of cheap newspapers
and the Telegraph, Stanley and Livingston
become international celebrities
far beyond Britain and America.
So they're making front page news in Belgium and King Leopold,
we know, follows the story very closely and actually kept a sort of scrapbook,
including handwritten notes that he was making following Stanley's journey.
And it's interesting because Livingston is all about fighting slavery. His heart is in the right
place. Stanley, a much more ambivalent figure. I mean, he's looking for Livingston basically to
make a name for himself.
Exactly. For celebrity and for money are two things which will play a big part in the story.
So the question for Leopold is, can he get them? He wants a colony that will turn a profit.
Can you make money from Africa? And the answer is yes. Not through slavery, as you once could,
but through something that is extremely fashionable and very
lucrative, and that something is ivory.
Now the Victorians are obsessed by ivory.
It's exotic because of course it comes from elephant tusks, but it's also
unbelievably useful and malleable because it's really, really easy to carve ivory.
So if you went into a sort of genteel Victorian household anywhere in the
Western world in the Western
world in the 1870s or 1880s, there would be the handles of cutlery, there would be billiard
balls, there would be combs, fans, there would be brooches, there would be chess pieces,
piano keys, false teeth. All of these kinds of things are made of ivory.
Because Hochstrasse compares it actually to plastic, doesn't he? It's such a kind of useful
product, which is brilliant for the Victorians and obviously
very bad news for the elephants.
Exactly, exactly.
And you can make so much money from it.
So two elephant tusks will give you hundreds of piano keys or thousands upon thousands
of false teeth.
And it sounds comical, but there's an awful lot of money to be made here.
And Stanley, after returning from his expedition, has gone round telling people, my God, there is so much ivory in
equatorial Africa, that the people there use it for their doorposts because it's just so
So it's kind of ivory equivalent of El Dorado.
That sense of that this is portable wealth.
Exactly it is.
Which is the key to gold in the New World, wasn't it?
In the 16th century.
But the difference between the 16th century and now is that to acquire a colony, I think
you have to try much harder to present it as part of a civilising mission.
So this is the high point, this is of high Victorianism, the belief in kind of moral
uplift and Europe's right to the moral leadership of the planet and
all these things that we may well think of now as being freighted with hypocrisy or of
patronizing condescension.
But at the time, people do actually take genuinely seriously.
So Leopold knows that he will have to, I think, tick three boxes if he wants a colony.
First of all, he has to present it as a scientific project, an intellectual project.
So literally filling in those blank spaces, mapping what has previously been unknown.
Secondly, I think he has to tick the moral uplift box.
So he has to say, well, I only want a colony because I want to spread the gospel of Christianity.
Of course, something that matters tremendously to the Victorians.
But also Dominic, the spreading of Christianity is also intimately associated with the campaign
to abolish slavery.
Yes, that's the third thing.
Britain has been leading that campaign since the early 19th century, and it has provided
an absolutely crucial kind of moral justification for what has been a process of expansion of
British imperial control. So Livingston, even though he's not overtly an imperialist,
the fact that he is carving out a moral mission for Britain in the middle of Africa is obviously
very useful from an imperial point of view. And I guess that Leopold is, I mean, he reads the Times,
doesn't he, every morning?
He is very alert to the kind of symbiosis between that moral mission to eradicate slavery
and imperialism in the British form.
And he wants a bit of it.
I think you're absolutely right.
I think he absolutely sees what's going on with the other empires.
I think in Leopold's case, what makes him slightly unusual is that all the evidence we have of his letters and so on is that for him, the profit motive is all and that the
rest of it is effectively just a justification for making money.
I mean, he's pretty shameless about that, I would say.
So this is how he proceeds.
And I have to say he's a terrible man, King Leopold, but he really is a cunning and a
methodical and a clever man.
A full-pine figure.
He is.
So his first step is to convene a big geographical conference in Brussels at the end of 1876.
And he invites all the big celebrities of the sort of the Africa industry of the day.
So there are explorers from France and Germany.
He's got a celebrity
explorer called Gerhold Rolfs, who had actually had himself circumcised so that he could pass
for a Muslim in the Sahara. So, you know, somebody who had suffered for his quest, his
exploration. He's got the president of the British Anti-Slavery Society, Sir Thomas Foul
Buxton. He's got the president of the Church Missionary
Society, Sir John Kenway. He's even got the bloke who used to command the Royal Navy's
Indian Ocean Anti-Slavery Squadron. So he is ticking all of those boxes. He's inviting
a lot of people who are genuinely animated by what we might call humanitarian, as well as imperialistic concerns. And he welcomes them
and he says, you know, I dream of a crusade worthy of the century of progress to open to
civilization, the only part of our globe, which has not yet penetrated to pierce the darkness,
which hangs over entire peoples, that word darkness again, which is going to come up
throughout this series. And he says to them, don't think that I want anything for myself. He says,
I have a very idea of it. I have no, I'm talking no ambition other than to serve Belgium. Now
that's as we've seen as a lie. He despises Belgium. And he, as we will also see, he doesn't
want to serve Belgium at all. He only wants to serve himself. And he says to them, look,
I've assembled you because I think it'd be nice for us to identify places in the blank spaces of
Africa, which could be bases, which could be kind of, they could be for host, they could be
hospitals, they could be scientific research centers, they could be trading stations.
With an emphasis on the trading.
Yes, exactly.
I love it. And these will be run. I don't want to, I mean, Belgium won't run them, because we don't want to. stations with an emphasis on the trading.
And these will be run.
I don't want to, I mean, Belgium won't run them because we don't want to.
We have to see the last thing we'd want to the colony.
He says, we'll set up an international African association and based on one of basic in Brussels
And for its first chairman, I mean, if no one else wants to do it, I'd, I'd very happy.
Yeah. first chairman, I mean, if no one else wants to do it, I'd very happily put myself forward.
And everybody, you know, they all fall for this. Oh, what a lovely idea. What a kind
I mean, we're recording this today after the Trump inauguration, where all these heads
of tech companies that until Trump won the election were all over their mission being
to spread happiness and joy
and promote diversity and equity. And now they've been all that very nakedly. Do you
think that this is the first example of kind of avaricious corporations dressing up their
greed behind a kind of show of piety and...
It's got to be one of the first, doesn't it?
One of the early ones, one of the most eye-catching early ones, definitely.
Because it is a brilliant manoeuvre.
Of course it is.
If you have global ambitions.
And all these people believe it.
They completely believe it.
And here's the thing, the International African Association, which sounds like it's a charity
and which they have all endorsed, is actually a private company run by Leopold himself for his benefit.
For his benefit.
So the only thing he doesn't have actually is the colony.
You know, he's got the association, but he doesn't have the colony.
And where is he going to get the colony?
Well, the answer is from the one person who wasn't there at that meeting in Brussels.
And this is the most famous of all African explorers.
We've already mentioned him, Henry Morton Stanley. Now we'll just sketch Stanley very briefly,
because he really is worthy of a Restless History series in himself. He had an amazing life,
Stanley. He was born in Wales in 1841, and he was born as John Rawlins Bastard. He was the illegitimate
son of a housemaid. That's the entry that is in the Book of Births.
He spends his childhood in a workhouse. He emigrates to New Orleans when he's 18 years
old. He fought for the Confederates, then he fought for the Union, then he joined the
Union Navy. Then he renamed himself Henry Morton Stanley after a New Orleans businessman.
And then he became a journalist. He went to the Ottoman Empire, he went to Persia, he went to the Crimea, he went to Abyssinia with the British expedition.
But most famously, the New York Herald sent him to Central Africa to find Dr. Livingston,
which he did, near Lake Tanganyika in 1871. And then he invented, almost certainly invented,
this fantastic line. So disappointing.
I know it's disappointing. Let's pretend that he said it.
Dr Livingston, I presume, when he met Livingston, which flashed around the world and made him
a household name, a genuine international celebrity.
And he writes it up in enormously long books, doesn't he?
Yes, he does, which have great sellers.
So he gets commissioned to write one book and he ends up writing three.
That's very, nothing wrong with that, Tom. I commend that kind of behavior.
Very familiar. So then he went on another expedition three years later, sent this time
by the New York Herald and the Daily Telegraph in London to map the Great Lakes and to look for the
source of the Nile. And that's where he's been during Leopold's conference. And he has begun
that, hasn't he, on the east coast of Africa at Zanzibar. Yeah. And he's heading westwards and he wouldn't be the first European to have gone from East to West coast, but he is the first who does it basically by following the line of the Congo.
An incredibly well publicised journey, one that was followed by newspaper readers across the world, as you would follow reports of great sporting fixtures or something. Tremendous excitement. In August 1877, Stanley reached
the trading post of Boma, which is on the right bank of the Congo River near the coast.
An extraordinary, extraordinary achievement. 7,000 miles Tom in three years he did on foot.
Now Leopold has been following this with great interest.
And as soon as he hears the news that Stanley has got to the West Coast,
he sends him a telegram of congratulations.
And then Leopold says to his ambassador in London, this is the man.
This is the man I need to get me this colony in the heart of Africa.
However, Leopold says, we have to be careful. And I quote,
if I quite openly charged Stanley with the task of taking possession in my name of some part of
Africa, the English will stop me. I don't want to risk losing a fine chance to secure for ourselves
a slice of this magnificent African cake. So I will just give Stanley some job of
exploration which would offend no one and will give us the bases and
headquarters which we can take over later on. Oh the fox. The fox. So Leopold's
intermediaries and emissaries keep offering Stanley, they write to Stanley
and they say you know the International African Association, this fake charity
would love to offer you a job.
Now, Stanley turns it down at first because he wants to go back to England and
to see what he could get there.
But when he gets back to London, although of course he's a big celebrity, the
establishment are very suspicious of him, the Royal family, the foreign office and
so on, because they have heard reports that Stanley has treated
people extremely brutally.
And I think reports that are completely justified.
About half of Stanley's porters, African porters, had died on his trip of starvation or disease,
and he had flogged them mercilessly and basically had driven them into the ground.
And this makes people very anxious.
So Richard Burton, another great explorer and not a man who, I mean, himself is prone to doing
behaving quite extremely, but he said of Stanley that he shoots Africans as if they were monkeys.
In a tone of great disapproval.
I mean, to keep using the word darkness, that is a shadow of darkness over Stanley's reputation.
Absolutely it is.
He's also, he's very awkward in his relationship
with the other sex, isn't he? The fairer sex. He is indeed. I lose track of the women he's
basically left and he's kind of dreaming vaguely that he'll come back and marry them. And there's
a sense that he's going off into the jungle for three years so he doesn't have to deal
with women. Exactly. Because they keep, they will often marry somebody else while he's
gone and you can sense he comes back and he pretends to be disappointed, but actually he's already quite relieved.
Anyway, and there's also a class issue.
He says, they despise me because I'm Welsh.
The English are not giving me any credence at all.
They don't listen to a word I say.
They make up these lies about me and all this kind of thing.
So in the summer of 1878, Stanley is very disappointed by his reaction and he gets an
invitation from Leopold to visit him in Brussels and he says to himself, why not?
Okay, I'll go and see him.
And so on the 10th of June, 1878, Stanley walks into Leopold's office in the Royal Palace
in Brussels for the meeting that will seal the fate of the Congo.
And blight the lives of millions.
We will be back after the break.
Going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings. An empty stream, a great
silence, an impenetrable forest. The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.
There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine.
The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of overshadowed distances.
On silvery sandbanks, hippos and alligators sunned themselves side by side.
The broadening waters flowed through a mob of wooded islands.
You lost your way on that river as you would in a desert and butted all day
long against shoals, trying to find the channel till you thought yourself
bewitched and cut off forever from everything you had known once somewhere
far away in another existence.
So that's from Heart of Darkness.
It's Joseph Conrad's hero Marlow driving a steamboat up
the river Congo.
And Dominic, the thing that always strikes me about that passage is it kind of has echoes
of Conan Doyle's book The Lost World, the sense that going into the jungle is somehow
to go back into the prehistoric past.
And in fact, in the decades that follow, there will be stories told of a great long neck
dinosaur that lurks in the depths of the Congo. And there's a sense that Conrad is kind of, I mean,
he's articulating that in a very powerful and not uncontroversial way.
Yeah, it's a very controversial passage. That's a very evocative passage that they go, the deeper
and deeper they go into Africa, the further and further they're going back in time. And for Conrad's critics, sort of post-colonial critics, they say that is so loaded and so dodgy
to be basically saying that by, to visit Africa, the deeper you go, the further backwards you travel to this kind of primeval world.
But we'll unpack all that next week, Tom.
But first of all, the Congo. So when Leopold and Stanley sit down that day in June 1878,
which we ended the first half with,
what do they actually know about this world
that Conrad himself visited?
This landscape, the jungle, the river and whatnot.
Europeans have known about the existence
of the River Congo for 400 years.
So the first to lay eyes on it
was a Portuguese captain
called Diogo Cao in 1482. And he had been sailing south along the coast of Africa like
so many Portuguese sailors did there. You remember Tom, their caravels with their triangular
That's right. And they're putting up little kind of stone markers on there.
They're putting up stone markers. So he put one on the far bank of the Congo in what's now Angola,
that King Zhao II of Portugal did order this land to be discovered and this pillar of stone to be
erected by Diogo Cao, a squire of his household. But of course, they weren't really discovering,
I mean, they were discovering from their own perspective, but they weren't the first to
discover it because of course, there were a lot of people there already.
So when the Portuguese arrived at the end of the 15th century, there were probably about
three million people who were subjects of the kingdom of the Congo with a capital K
and that was ruled by a monarch called the Manikongo and his capital was probably just
over the border in what's now Angola.
And the people of the Congo, they were farmers.
They raised pigs and yams and stuff.
They didn't have wheels.
They didn't have writing,
but they did have a kind of state system.
They had judges, they had a calendar,
they had a tax system, they used shells as currency,
and they already had slavery,
which was to prove a disaster for the Congo because the Portuguese
were delighted to find people, to find chiefs who were happy to sell them human beings that the
Portuguese could put to work, particularly in Brazil. So Congo becomes a huge supplier of slaves
to the Portuguese. By the 17th century, the Portuguese are probably shipping 15,000 slaves
a year in horrific conditions. Initially to Brazil, later on they start selling them to
North America as well. So in the American South, about one in four of the slaves in
the 19th century had roots in equatorial Africa, which includes the kingdom of the Congo.
What the Congolese made of this is very, very hard for us to tell because until the
modern era, the Congolese had no written language, which is why this episode so far has been from a
European perspective. Even in King Leopold's time, in the time of the Congo Free State,
there is not a single memoir written by a Congolese African. So that's a problem for us as historians
because it means that African voices are silent compared with European ones.
Wasn't there a king? There was a king. A Christian king in the 16th century who writes to the
Pope and he wrote to the Portuguese king and he complains about the slavery. He did indeed.
The kind of looting of his people.
So I would guess from that, that probably they're not thrilled about it.
No, he wrote to the Portuguese king and he said, there's no, you know, you're
taking too many slaves, there's nobody left.
And the Portuguese king actually wrote back to him, sent him a letter and said,
I've heard there's loads of people in the Congo.
What are you complaining about?
Shut up.
And that was the extent of this meeting of minds between these two Kings.
In the years that followed, the Congo became prey to all kinds of inroads in the Portuguese,
the Spanish, the Dutch.
There's lots of factualism, the civil wars, and basically the kingdom falls apart.
But much of this is a mystery to Europeans.
Europeans can't get into the interior.
They know that the Congo River is a vast river.
It's the second largest river in Africa, third largest by volume in the world, but
they can't go up it because once you start to go upstream, once you go up river,
very quickly, the river gives way to 200 miles worth of rapids and gorges and
canyons and so on.
So you have to get out of your ship and walk.
And at that point,
it's very rocky terrain, what's called the Crystal Mountains. And Europeans, as soon
as they started to do that, they would get malaria or yellow fever and they'd basically
all die.
Dominic, there is a British expedition in 1816.
There is indeed.
Led by a Royal Navy captain who describes the scenery as beautiful and not inferior to any
on the banks of the Thames.
Yeah. Which is of the Thames.
Which is obviously the highest praise that an Englishman can possibly give.
But he's a good example. He only gets a little bit of the way and then they basically have
to go back because they were all horribly ill. So even in the 1870s, the vast basin
of the Congo, we're talking about one and a half million square miles of territory.
So that's about what, the size of India? So far space in the Congo, we're talking about one and a half million square miles of territory.
So that's about what, the size of India?
Yeah, I mean it's a massive, massive stretch of land and home to, now this is very controversial,
but let us say somewhere between roughly eight and 12 million people.
It is almost completely unknown to Europeans.
They still talk about the blank space on the map, an
empty space on the map, which is of course quite wrong. Now Stanley has been through
it, but not all of it. Stanley had tracked the river for about 1,500 miles. So that's
only about half the length of the Congo River. And he's only had limited interactions with
the locals, but he does know two crucial things, which he's able to tell Leopold that day in
the palace.
First of all, the people of the Congo, they don't have anything like the military technology
to resist a European takeover. It's a myth that they're completely unsophisticated. They
have brilliant pottery, they're brilliant woodworkers and so on. But in terms of weapons,
they only have spears and arrows and some very ancient Portuguese
So an invading European force would be able to wipe the floor with them.
And the second thing, even more important, there is no one powerful state in the Congo
There are more than 200 different ethnic groups.
They speak 400 different languages and dialects.
There's a massive variety.
So some of them are Higmias who live a massive variety. So some of them are Igneous who live in the forests,
and some of them are more settled farming peoples who live on the savannas.
But they're very fragmented.
And they're always fighting each other.
It's a little bit like, you know, when Cortez arrived in Miso, America,
and found there were all kinds of rivalries and things that he could exploit.
But there isn't an equivalent of the Aztecs.
There's no equivalent to the Aztecs.
There's no equivalent of that.
So it's even better than that.
For a European predator, the people of the Congo are the perfect prey.
And Dominic, isn't there one other factor that Stanley has discovered by going along
the river, which is that if you can get past the rapids up kind of into the highlands,
then the Congo is very, very navigable. And there are all these kind of
tributaries. So there are thousands and thousands of miles of navigable water. So it's kind of like,
railways have been laid or something. If you can just get your steamboat up past these rapids,
then you can use the river to go very, very deep into the Congo. And if
there is raw material, say ivory, or perhaps in due course rubber, then you can use it
to bring it back.
Exactly. In other words, there are the lineaments of your transport infrastructure right there
waiting for you. So for Leopold, all of this is absolutely great news. He seems to have
hit it off with Stanley straight away. Leopold spoke perfect English, despite his enormous nose and his gangling awkwardness. He can
be charming when he wants to and he flatters Stanley. Stanley has got a desperate for flattery
because he hasn't had it in London. And that autumn, 1878, Leopold says, I'd like to offer
you a five-year contract. For every year you spend in Africa, I will pay you 50,000 francs and I
will pay for an expeditionary force to go with you up the Congo. So in terms of Stanley's
earnings, in today's money, Leopold is effectively offering him £2 million, a lot of money for
a journalist.
And so he's buying Stanley's knowledge, presumably.
But is he also buying Stanley's prestige as the man who knows the Congo? The
sense that if he's got Stanley with him, then the project must be a realistic one. It must
be a serious one.
I think he's buying three things actually. So I think he's buying Stanley's knowledge.
Stanley knows he's gone along the river. Number two, I do think he, you're absolutely right,
he's buying the prestige and the celebrities. Stanley will become the face of this charitable expedition.
But the third thing is he's genuinely buying Stanley's, you know,
Stanley is going to have to do the work.
He's going to have to put the work in on the ground.
Now Leopold knows that Stanley is a hard worker and he drives other people very hard.
He says to Stanley, what I want you to do.
I want you to establish a station at the mouth of the Congo that will be our big base.
Then, and this will be a really important thing, build a road or indeed a railway around
these rapids, through these mountains.
And basically what I want you to do, start with a road and get porters to carry disassembled
steamboats through this territory to the other side of the rapids
200 miles, then reassemble the steamboats and then head upriver on the steamboats for
a thousand miles establishing trading posts and stations and whatnot as you go. So this
is a pretty big operation. Stanley says, fine. Now the fine point of this contract is deliberately ambiguous.
The contract leaves it very unclear who Stanley is working for.
Is he working for Leopold himself?
Is he working for the International African Association?
Or is he working for yet another organization called the Committee for Studies of the Upper Congo,
which is another of Leopold's front organizations that he has set up.
And Stanley must have known that something was a bit off about this because he demands, he says,
I must have all the money upfront. And this plan to use porters to carry bits of steamship
up to the Congo. Yeah. I mean, presumably that will require a fair degree of force.
Yes. So is Stanley knowingly buying into that? Oh, yeah. I mean, presumably that will require a fair degree of force. Yes. So is Stanley knowingly buying into that?
Oh yeah.
I mean, is...
Because Stanley had employed porters on his previous journeys,
and that had often involved a degree of payment, but also a degree of force as well.
But to carry a steamship is a different business from carrying, you know...
It is. or whatever. I mean, that's a pretty military operation.
It is. But remember, Leopold has promised he will pay for an expeditionary force, basically
a mercenary force, to go upriver with Stanley.
But just to be clear, Stanley is walking into this with his eyes wide open.
Oh, his eyes are definitely open. And his subordinates, they have to sign the equivalent
to non-disclosure agreements. They have to sign strict confidentiality clauses. They
can't tell anybody about what they're doing. Again, a pretty dodgy sign I would say. Now Leopold of course, he wants
to hide this from foreign competitors. He's paranoid that the Germans or the French will
get in on the act, but he also wants to hide this from his own people. Because remember,
here's the really remarkable thing. Unlike some of the rest of the scramble of Africa,
this is not being done for Belgium.
It's not been done for the people or the government of Belgium. It's being done for one man,
King Leopold, and that's what makes it different. So February 1879, Stanis sets off and as part of
the confidentiality, he travels under an alias. He calls himself Monsieur Henri. So Monsieur Henri goes off to Africa.
Meanwhile, back in Belgium, Leopold has set up yet another organisation, another front
group called the International Association of the Congo. Now this, people may have lost
track at this point of all the different associations. That's the point. That's what Leopold wants
you to do.
Because the names are all vaguely similar.
They're very similar.
He wants you to think that this is the International African Association set up at his conference.
And that's a charitable one.
A charitable one because it has the same flag, the same iconography, the flag is blue with
the gold star.
But this one is answerable just to him, the International Association of the Congo.
And this is the organization that he intends will run his new fiefdom.
It's like if you set up a very sinister exploitative organization called Oxfam or...
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Help the children.
Yeah, yeah.
Secretly you're doing nothing but evil.
Well, if you exactly if you actually set up two groups, one could save the children and one could help the children and save the
Children pretends to be charitable. You've got lots of pop stars and help the children. It's just a money-making you're just selling merch
You're using them to dig out gold right exactly exactly. That's exactly what it is
Now Leopold whilst Dan is gone Leopold gets his sort of tame client journalists to start placing articles about this in the world's press
And this is brilliant. I mean I have to say it really is brilliant because in each country his sort of tame client journalists to start placing articles about this in the world's press.
And this is brilliant. I mean, I have to say it really is brilliant because in each country,
they sell a different message based on that country. So in Britain, in the Times,
they place articles to say that what Leopold is doing is he's setting up a kind of, and I quote,
a sort of society of the Red Cross. And that established kind of hospices along the banks
of the Congo to help travellers and to fight slavery. And of course, people in Britain
will be like, they're Victorians will be all over this. In the German papers, Leopold's
agents say it's going to be a Hanseatic League of the Congo, a succession of Congolese free
cities based on, and I quote, Bremen, Lubeck and
So lots of Marzipan shops running the line of the Congo.
That lovely kind of stepped gable architecture.
And then in American papers, Stanley has been sent to establish, and I quote, a confederation
of free Negro republics.
So basically like Liberia that will become part of a United States of the
Congo that will be supervised by the benevolent King Leopold.
Whenever anybody reads this, they say, God, what's not to like?
This sounds great.
So kind.
Meanwhile, Stanley is hard at work and he's again, as whatever you might
think of him, he's good at doing it.
In two years, he's good at doing it.
In two years, he gets these colossal teams of workmen to carve this trail around the
rapids and then to move 50 tons worth of equipment up the trail.
And once they've got past the rapids, they establish a post at a place that they call
And this is the birthplace of modern day Kinshasa, which is now the capital of the Democratic
Republic, the largest city in Africa.
Is it?
The largest city in Africa?
It is indeed.
I did not know that.
And this is where they will reassemble the steamboats and then head upriver.
But at this stage, I mean, we're literally talking about like a fortified blockhouse.
I mean, that's all it is.
So this is an extraordinary achievement, but in the sign of things to come, it comes at
a horrendous, horrendous human cost. So Stanley's subordinates, his workers, whether white or
black, they die of disease, of exhaustion, of overwork. One of them is eaten by a crocodile.
Because Dominic, just to say that it's not just humans who are prone to the
diseases, but pack animals as well.
So you can't use oxen or donkeys or whatever to transport stuff.
It has to be human.
You have to use human beings.
And we know that he treated Europeans badly too.
So we have a letter from a steamboat engineer who was called Paul Neve, who
fell ill, probably with malaria or yellow fever and Neve wrote home and he said,
Stanley treats me with the sort of care a blacksmith applies to repair and implement
that has broken down through too rough usage.
Teeth clenched in anger, he smites it again and again on the anvil.
And Neve died a few weeks after writing that letter because basically Stanley had driven
him into the ground.
And of course, if Stanley does that to the European subordinates,
what is he like with his African porters? Now you mentioned, Tom, how does he enforce this?
He has a private army, they have a thousand rifles and they have four machine guns, Maxim guns.
And if any African questions his instructions or if they even collapse,
Stanley claps them in irons as an example to the others.
I mean, it's not really a justification, but just to a counterpoint.
Stanley works himself insanely hard as well, doesn't he?
He does.
He's kind of relentless on his own body and health.
And he nearly dies a couple of times.
He has to be invalid at home to Europe. And
as soon as he's got better, he comes back out. I mean, he takes the job very seriously.
He pushes himself incredibly hard. But in doing so, he kills quite a lot of other people.
All the time Leopold is saying to him, hurry, hurry, you know, get as much land as you can.
Get as much ivory as you can, because Leopold is terrified that the French and the Germans
will beat him to it. Now this question of getting the land, how is Stanley going to
do that? Well, as so often in the story of European colonialism, this comes down to an
issue of treaties. Leopold has enlisted the aid of the former Regis Professor of Law at
Oxford University who rejoices in the name
Sir Travers Twist. That's not a real name.
A Dickensian name. Yeah, that's from a novel.
Sir Travers Twist has provided him with a legal opinion that a private company, i.e. the International
Congo Association, is within its rights to sign treaties with African chiefs just as a sovereign country can.
When Leopold has got that opinion, he sends orders to Stanley. He says,
right, start signing the treaties, make them as brief as possible,
and in a couple of articles, these chiefs have to give us everything.
So as they go outriver, Stanley will stop and he will get out
and he will start talking to the local bigwigs. Of course, when he raises the issue of treaties through various interpreters,
the local chiefs have no idea what he's talking about. Remember, most of them have never seen
writing before. So when Stanley says, I'd like you to make your X, your cross on this
document, they have no idea what they are giving away.
I mean, as you say, this is very reminiscent of episodes we've done before.
Of course, 16th century Mexico or Native Americans, the Great Plains,
yeah, 90th century.
Absolutely. But there's a brilliant example in the book King Leopold's ghost,
terrifying example. On the 1st of April, 1884, the chiefs of Ngombi and Mathela
On the 1st of April 1884, the chiefs of Ngombi and Mafela signed a deal with Stanley. Leopold would give them each one piece of cloth per month. So they're very excited at getting
this cloth. In return, they give him the rights to all their territories, all tax and toll
rights, all game, fishing, mining and forest rights for all time. They're giving these
rights to the Congo Association. And here is the really crucial thing. The treaty that
they have signed with their mark says, they will assist by labor or otherwise any works,
improvements, or expeditions which the said association shall cause at any time to be
carried out in any part of these territories.
And this is the real kicker.
And this is what actually makes it different from the treaty sign with, let's say, native Americans in the Plains Indians or whatever, because Stanley
and Leopold have not just bought their land, they've bought their labor for ever,
for all time, any improvement, any work that the Congo association wants to be
carried out, you
have to do for them. Yeah. And there's no mention of you know what you'll get in
return here. I mean this is a really kind of this they've given away everything.
So as a trade deal, not brilliant. No, it's a very poor trade deal I think it's
fair to say. Stanley is great at getting these deals. By June 1884, he assigned contracts with more
than 450 different chiefs. He sales home to Europe with the treaties in his pocket, giving
these people's land and labour to King Leopold.
So Dominic, a question, bearing in mind what we know is going to happen, did they need
them at all? Would it have made any difference if they hadn't got these treaties?
Yes, I think it would have made a difference.
These treaties are not really, they're not done because Leopold cares what the Africans
They're done to show to the rest of Europe.
So these are publicized?
Yes, I've done all these deals with local chiefs.
I'm very friendly with the local chiefs.
This is going to be for their benefit.
Everybody wins.
This has been done completely legally.
It is not 16th century style conquistador conquest.
So a bit like the Chinese with their.
Belt and road.
Belt and road.
I suppose so though Chinese listeners might, might, might raise an eyebrow.
But, but yeah, no, I mean, it I mean, it's a deal that Leopold
is selling as it's a deal that benefits Africa, it benefits me. It's great. Everybody wins.
Whether everybody does win, we will see. So he's got the treatise. He's got his steamboats going
up and down the river. What he needs now is somebody to recognise this as his, because
What he needs now is somebody to recognize this as his, because there is a problem. While Stanley has been up the Congo, a French explorer has landed on the other side of the
river, a guy called Count Pierre Savignon de Braza.
De Braza has established his own trading post on the North Bank, and this becomes known
as Brazzaville, which today is the capital of the formerly
French Republic of the Congo.
So a rival Congolese territory.
And there's a massive media row between Stanley and Brazza.
The Portuguese hear about this and the Portuguese say, what?
We were the first at the Congo.
What's going on here?
Get out.
And the British say, well, if there's any dispute about this, we would really much prefer
that the Portuguese have the Congo.
So this is a problem for Leopold.
He needs somebody to back him.
And he does something here very clever.
He goes outside Europe to another relatively new country like Belgium and another country
that has a history of signing treaties with indigenous people, slightly one sided
treaties some people might say that end up not being worth the paper they're written
But complemented by a love of liberty.
Right. And this country is of course the United States of America. And he has the perfect
intermediary, another Dickensian character called Henry Shelton Sanford, who had previously
been the American ambassador to Brussels. And Henry Shelton Sanford, who had previously been the American ambassador to Brussels.
And Henry Shelton Sanford, if you look him up, he's got a big stovepipe hat, he's got the
moustache, he's got the kind of gold, Pansone glasses. And he's got the title general hasn't
he? Yeah, fake. He got given because he donated artillery or something to the union during the
Civil War and he uses it all the time, but it's completely bogus. He's a fake general. I mean, he's perfect.
And he's a massive investor in Florida.
And he's lost loads of money in Florida, Florida railroads.
So he needs money, which makes him the perfect pawn for Leopold.
He needs a rich friend.
Leopold sends him to Washington with a personal letter to the Republican president, Chester
Leopold says, I'm setting
up this colony in the Congo. And really it's about two things. It's about fighting slavery
and about free trade. And as it happens, Arthur is a Republican and that's basically what
the Republican party in the 1870s and 1880s stands for. Arthur says, oh my God, this sounds
absolutely brilliant. And so in April, 1884, the US State Department becomes the first issues the very first official recognition of Leopold's colony.
And they don't understand what it is because at this stage, they think it's going to be
like the United States only in Africa, they absolutely think it's going to be United States
and what is worse in the official statement, they muddle up the International Association
of the Congo and the International African Association.
They use both names within about three sentences.
And of course, that's exactly what Leopold wanted.
That was why he did it, because he does.
He wants everybody to be confused.
He is cunning, isn't he?
He is a fox.
He is a fox.
Now, at this point, when the Americans have recognized it, the French are the next to get on board.
Because even though they wanted it themselves, they become paranoid that Leopold is going
to run out of money and sell it to the British.
And is that because of Stanley?
The Stanley would be the intermediary.
Hang out in London and everything and...
That is the last thing they want.
And also, the French don't need to feel intimidated by Belgium, do they?
No, I guess not.
I guess not. And they kind of are still thinking, well, need to feel intimidated by Belgium, do they? No, I guess not. I guess not.
And they kind of are still thinking, well, if the Belgians get it, at least it's not
the Germans.
Next are the Germans.
Now Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany, the great statesman of Germany, he sees through
Leopold I think a little bit because on the documents that he gets, he writes the words
swindle and fantasies.
And he's not wrong, is he?
But Bismarck thinks, I don't want the French to get the Congo or Britain.
So maybe if little Belgium gets it.
Yeah, fine.
It's the weakness of Belgium that Leopold is basically leveraging.
Even though Belgium is not going to get it, but Leopold himself, that's the great irony of all this.
All this comes to a head at the conference in Berlin that opens at the end of 1884.
So this is the great conference that marks the sort of high point.
Disraeli and...
The scramble for Africa.
...Bismarck and yeah.
And there are delegates from America, from Russia, from the Ottoman Empire.
Of course, no Africans deciding their own destiny. And there are delegates from America, from Russia, from the Ottoman Empire.
Of course, no Africans deciding their own destiny.
Nobody thinks that would be remotely appropriate.
Now actually, Stanley is there as an advisor
to the American delegation.
And it says something that Stanley himself
feels a little bit queasy about this spectacle.
He says that the sight of all the delegates
rushing to carve up Africa
reminded him of when he was on an expedition and they would kill some sort of beast. And
he says, my porters, you know, they would rush with gleaming knives for slaughtered
game. And that's what these delegates are like.
Well, I suppose to hack off the ivory, to hack off the ivory.
Exactly. The tusks. So by February 1885 the conference has reached an agreement
and for Leopold it is the perfect result. It's a total triumph. All the powers agree that they
will recognise the International Congo Association as the owner of almost all of the Congo Basin.
And that's the dodgy one not the humanitarian one.
Exactly the dodgy one. Leopold's private company. So he has got a territory
76 times the size of Belgium and it will belong not to Belgium but to Leopold personally. So at
last he has the fiefdom he wanted. Three months later, in May 1885, he drops all the fiction.
The International Congo Association is allowed to lapse.
The only thing that remains of it is its flag, the blue flag with the gold star.
And on the 29th of May, by royal decree, its lands, this huge stretch of territory, is
renamed the État Indépendant du Congo, the free state of the Congo, and Leopold is named as its
founding sovereign.
He kind of briefly considered calling himself emperor of the Congo, didn't he?
He did.
And giving all the various chieftains who'd signed treaties with him outfits modelled
on the uniforms of the beef eaters.
Yeah, be very hot.
Very sensible wearing.
Inappropriate, inappropriate garb.
Banks of the Congo. Very sensible wearing. Inappropriate, inappropriate garb.
Banks of the Congo.
But now that the Congo Free State has been set up with Leopold as its monarch,
for the people of the Congo, the real horror begins.
The horror, the horror one might almost say.
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journey into the heart of darkness.