The Roundtable of Gentlemen - Episode 345: Friendship Is Magic

Episode Date: October 9, 2017

The gang is joined by Carolina Hidalgo to receive a killer clown update, learn about the discovery of Santa's bones, and talk about Holden's "other friend group"....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 The round table. Gentlemen, let's broaden our minds. Lay out, gentlemen, and let them go watch what? Fire at will. It's time for action, gentlemen. Gentlemen, what's the topic of discussion? Civility, gentlemen. Always civility.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I love your shirts. All right. Shirts hate you. I have to wear black shirts because you can't see the sweat. Yes, I've got to wear it. I'm trying to find a bunch of black button downs because I'm so fat and disgusting. But they don't have my size. You should go to Fat and Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, Fat and Disgusting. Yes, it's a fantastic. Whatever. Usually. You should go to fat and disgusting. Oh, yes. It's a fantastic. Yeah. Oh, OK. And they have a chili dog stand in the corner and everything.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, that's great. They got chunky Levi's. Chunky Levi's. Yeah. They got greasy Levi's covered and slatted in grease. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's like I've already worn them. Let's see who is praying here. I think it's Marcus. it might be Holden. I think it's Jackie. Jackie. Mookie did it last time and Mookie was sitting here.
Starting point is 00:01:16 So it's Marcus. That does not count. You know what? We're going to continue the prayer that we already started on page seven. Dear Lord, thank you for tiny oranges. Specifically tiny mandarin oranges. It's so fucking small. My wonderful girlfriend Carolina bought for me.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Isn't that a nectarine right there? Isn't that a nectarine? It's a fucking mandarin. What's the difference? It's small. But it's a Chinese orange. No, I don't know. It's a nectarine. Mandarin's the language. No, nectarine't know. It's a nectarine. Mandarin's the language. No, nectarine is like a peach.
Starting point is 00:01:47 What? On the sticker, it says Mandarin. There you go. On the sticker, it says it. All right. I personally think there's too much variation in oranges, man. Tangerines, oranges, mandarins, they're all the same shit to me. I'm Jamaican.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I was actually astonished the first time I saw someone actually eating an orange. They're disgusting. You were astonished the first time? I someone actually eating an orange. They're disgusting. You were astonished the first time? I never really thought that people ate them. I just thought they were in supermarkets and then people talked about them. You know, that's why you're dying. That's true.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Ah, man. God. Ah, man. Thank you for urges. This is the round table of gentlemen. Jackie, you're here. I'm fucking here, man. I love a tiny fucking orange, but only when they're in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You don't like to eat them. No, I want them in the fridge. I want a cold orange. This was a cold orange. When they're hot, they're juicier. Nah, not me. I'm juicy when I'm ice cold. That's true. So you're doing well, Jackie. Yeah, man, I'm ice cold. That's true.
Starting point is 00:02:45 So you're doing well, Jackie. Yeah, man. I'm fucking great. Feeling good. Yeah. Okay. Why? Am I not looking good?
Starting point is 00:02:51 No, you look great. You look a bit disastrous. No, she doesn't. I know I have to be the only one to say it. I got a Harry Potter shirt on, man. I bought some boyfriend jeans. I ain't got no boyfriend, but I got his jeans. So what?
Starting point is 00:03:03 You just bought male jeans? No, they're called boyfriend jeans. Why? I don't know. I think it's no boyfriend, but I got his jeans. So what? You just bought male jeans? No, they're called boyfriend jeans. Why? I don't know. I think it's because they're big. But they're almost too big. They keep falling off my ass and now I'm going to be like Henry and everywhere I go my fucking pants fall down. Jackie likes a boy. Uh oh. You
Starting point is 00:03:17 like a boy? No, I don't. I don't like anything. I don't like anything anymore. Jackie likes a sweet little boy. I get all like anything. I don't like anything anymore. Jackie likes a sweet little boy. You are such a shit. I get all the information. I get all of it. You get her drunk and you force her to tell you things.
Starting point is 00:03:33 She shows up drunk, Ben, please. What? Who's this new boy? She did walk across the bridge. I walked across a bridge to get to fucking Holden's house. Wow. Cat callers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 They kept going. And I said, thank you. That means I still got it, boys. Yeah, kind of a chihuahua sound there. You gotta get those bridge men. Man, they're strong. Barking at a goat. Eddie, you're in Los Angeles. How you doing, buddy?
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm doing great. I'm relaxing. I've been in a pool I went to a chance the rapper concert. I'm living my life the way it should be Man la life, how was chance feel great? How is the rapper? It was good. It was a good concert. Oh It was unbelievable. It was very inspiring. Except there's a lot of tiny white children around. Because I bought nice seats. So all these kids, their families had bought them the seats.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So they were just yakking and yakking and yakking. I had to yell at one of them. Like kind of vomiting in there? No, like talking, talking, yakking, yakking. Flapping their lips. How young are we talking here? What? How young? I mean, talking, yacking, yacking, flapping their lips. How young are we talking here? What? How young?
Starting point is 00:04:47 I mean, 13, 14. Is that too young? Is that too young for a chance to rap? No, it's not too young. Too young to be sitting next to me, that's for goddamn sure. Well, I'm sure they weren't thrilled to have you there. I can tell you they weren't. I can tell you that.
Starting point is 00:05:07 All right, movie signed with the Madss and Carolina Hidalgo is with us and what is the name of the new one I can never pronounce it I will never be able to pronounce it you can't pronounce escuela sangre escuela son good how do you do it. Escuela Sangre. Escuela Sangre. Yeah, there you go. Escuela Sangre. I'm messing it up. Escuela? Escuela. Escuela. Escuela.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Escuela Sangre. Coming to the stage. All right. Well, that's another show coming to the last podcast. The thing of it is, it's a tiny squid. It's Escuela. Oh, it's Escuela. A tiny squid, Escuela. It's Escuela.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Oh, my God. It's amazing. You ever see that old show, Escuela, where they had the grown man dressed in a diaper and shit? That's like every Spanish show. Yeah. That is every single one. Yeah. With the women.
Starting point is 00:05:55 They were dressed like squirrel girls with the big fun. And they go, ay, ay, ay. None of that is a stereotype. It's all real. And it is held true. It's all real. And it is held true. It's a great show, and I find it very informative. And it's held true for decades. Like, shit that I remember, like, we'll sometimes watch some Spanish programming at home.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And it's the same shit. It's still like a fat guy with a bunch of freckles painted on him wearing a little dunce hat. But I have a question. Is that a popular show? Or is that just the show that they're like, we'll just give it to the Americans because no one else is buying it? That is a very popular show. That is. That is a show that, like, you had, like, what, seven channels,
Starting point is 00:06:31 and then that's all we could watch is, like, adult people dressing up like six-year-olds and then saying, Jackie, escuela sangre. They're doing it right. Ay, ay, ay. I got a different experience with Latin programming, y'all, man. Y'all talking about this. Oh, plenty of types of shit, man. All types of good shit they had, man.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Such as? A little show called Speedy Gonzalez. You know they don't air that anymore, which makes me angry because I love that show. It was a great show. Too racist. No, no, they loved it. I don't know. I love it. White people in was a great show. Too racist. No, no, they loved it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I mean, some of us, white people in Park Slope said it was racist. So now everyone has to suffer. There it is. White people in Park Slope ruin everything. Yes. I can't even enjoy
Starting point is 00:07:15 a motherfucking pastrami sandwich no more without a white person in Park Slope ruining it. Oh, yeah. They're sitting around you applauding. I have no idea why. Every time. It's just very bizarre.
Starting point is 00:07:24 It's disgusting, man. Well, all right. Well, thanks for being here, Carolina you applauding. I have no idea why. Every time. It's just very bizarre. It's disgusting, man. Well, all right. Well, thanks for being here, Carolina. Yeah, thank you. Hulknators. Oh! Sorry, Ed. Spoke over you.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Whoops. Time for your PlayStation Network shitty shout-outs. Red Baron 408. Is everybody buckled in, by the way, and ready for these shout-outs? How many is he getting? You get it. All right, Ed, leave. All right, Ed's left. All right, Ed leave.
Starting point is 00:07:46 All right, Ed left. Oh, Eddie, you can't just leave because you're in Los Angeles. Podcast rules apply. What a poor sport. Everybody at home. The best part, he just gots up and he leaves us with a beautiful view of a rooftop and a mountain. It's the most asshole LA move you can do. We're sitting here
Starting point is 00:08:05 sweating in the studio. Ain't nothing but Greenpoint and white people in Park Slope out there. Oh my God. It's a beautiful mountain. He does not deserve that. No.
Starting point is 00:08:13 He does not deserve that. He doesn't deserve it at all. It's too nice, Marcus. It's way too nice. All right. Absolutely. You get six. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I like that. That's fun for me. Redbaron408 says, I want to give a shout out to the best person in the round table, the one and only Ben Kissel. Abel against Toppat is great, but I want to hear Ben talk more about wrestling.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Sports entertainment? More like sports Ben-tertainment. Alright, we're doing a new wrestling podcast. That's what this world needs. Another podcast of the comedian talking about wrestling. You know what? Some people don't even think I'm a comedian. There you go. So boom.
Starting point is 00:08:46 There's the loophole. Right there, it's the loophole. It's the world's first politician-led wrestling podcast. Yeah. Perfect. Entertainment. I like the name sports. Those two individuals.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Entertainment is perfect. Entertainment. That's exciting. Itty Bitty Juniper says, Holdenators, ho, you saucy bitches. Give my best friend Kaylee a congrats on her upcoming
Starting point is 00:09:03 wedding in October and tell her to get out of my ass at once. Don't marry him. Don't marry him? Don't marry him. Oh, is that from someone who's recently been destroyed? No. Jackie likes a boy.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I've got boyfriend jeans on. Jackie likes a boy. I'm hip now. Holden's engaged. Yeah, I'm engaged to be married. Oh, my God. And we're going, I'm going to be out of town next week because I'm going to be location hunting. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:25 So I'll probably have a date when I get back for the wedding. I think you have a date. I think you have a fiance. Oh, right. I think I, okay, please. Where are you going to location hunt? In Florida is where we're going. Yeah, we're going to do a thing here, so don't feel pressured like you have to go to Florida.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But what if I do? Can you do something in L.A. as well? Yes, we will also be doing a thing in LA. It's a tour. It's a tour. It'll be a whole tour. But you have to go to all three. Yes, that's the thing. Are you in the wedding? I'm in the wedding.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Eddie, don't fucking handle it. Oh, God, Ed. Ed, the noise. What is wrong with you, Ed? You have a microphone on that headset. It all comes through. Sorry. Lord.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I liked it, man. Was it during the shout-outs that I didn't want to pay for it? We're huge fans of all you fucks and need you to come to Louisville. P.S. Let Jackie know I love her the most and I'm walking on broken glass. Well, yeah you are, bitch. Pukwudgie says oh, thanks for the tip about our public freakouts. New favorite subreddit.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Hope your winter slime is coming in good. PlayStation Network, Joanna. Your mom, 44, says hey Holden, I want to shout out to the real black sheep of Last Podcast Network and that's Unlimited Live. Shout out to the real black sheep of Last Podcast Network, and that's Unlimited Live. Shout out to the boys, John, Robert, Wilson, Carlos Rojas, a.k.a. Gus, who put my PC together personally, and that's coming from me, Holden McNally,
Starting point is 00:10:55 Crystal, Beth, and especially TJ Del Reno. And if you don't, we'll have an Unlimited Lives versus Roundtable Round 2. Remember when that happened? Who won that one? I started a feud. Oh, I destroyed that one. Signed Signs. Actually, I'd say Jason Signs won because he created I started a feud. Oh, I destroyed that one. Signed Signs. Oh. Actually, I'd say Jason Signs won because he created a career for himself.
Starting point is 00:11:10 That's true. He got a career for himself. Deep cut coming from across the bow. Actually, wouldn't you say you created a career for himself, Ed Larson? I invented Signed Signs. I have no problem saying it. Yeah. Now, how much money are you getting in residuals for Sign Signs?
Starting point is 00:11:25 I mean, he's getting tens of dollars. So I'm getting a cheeseburger from here and there. All right. Hates for days says PSN shout out ho. What's up, boys, girls, lizards, and Ben? Love the show and hail yourselves. Electric guitar riff commences. And finally, Aaron Hammond says, hit me with a shout out.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Names pronounced Rascal King. Ask Ben why he allows the merch site to not carry tall shirts. Giants gotta look out for each other. He's dropping the ball. No, I thought we got the tall shirts. We didn't get the tall shirts. I can wear the shirts that are on there. I am 6'7". Actually,
Starting point is 00:12:00 these are tall. They're tall. We did get ones that are purposely long because my torso is too long for regular shirts. There it is. These actually, we did get ones that are purposely long because my torso is too long for regular shirts. There it is. And Ben's is as well. I don't think they're
Starting point is 00:12:09 maybe not technically tall but they're tall. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And big thanks to Nasty Norm that got me into all things cave comedy. Hell yeah, Nasty Norm,
Starting point is 00:12:16 stay nasty for me. Y'all make my otherwise exciting days mundane and thanks for that. Wait, all right. You flipped it. That's kind of funny though.
Starting point is 00:12:23 A big middle finger to all my Madison coworkers. Hail yourselves. That's my PlayStation net fucking work fucking shout out. On with the show. I want to meet Nasty Norm. He's great. He's out in L.A.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You should meet him. I play a lot of video games with him. Really? He's disgusting. Yeah, he smokes a lot of weed. Sounds like all right with him. Really? He's disgusting. Yeah, he smokes a lot of weed. Sounds like all right with me. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Oh, you and Ness, you know him, are going to get along great. Kevin, you're here. Yeah, I'm here, man. I'm really enjoying this new limit you've imposed. Six for the PlayStation shout-outs is perfectly reasonable. Almost too many, but not quite enough to yet get mad. Yeah. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I'm here, man. I'm doing much better than I was last week when he had 15 of them you didn't hold it you did 15 i did i also i did slow talking morris and i've never seen a thing make kevin more upset in my entire life you know what i'm saying it is bad when i pull that out in front of kevin he does not like people like it they love it man sweeping the nation because it's fucking it's fucking, it's just smart, ribald comedy. It's vaudevillian. It's classic. It's classic, and at the same time, it could not be more modern.
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's like, and it's a comment on everything. It's a comment on everything that's happening right now in society. Like, in every single way possible. It's fucking amazing. What's going on, Kevin? Anything happening this week? Anything exciting? Oh, no, man. It's fucking amazing. What's going on, Kevin? Anything happening this week? Anything exciting? Oh, no, man.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Absolutely nothing at all. I ate two dinners last night. I'll probably do the same thing tonight, man. That's not bad. Two different dinners? Two different dinners, man. What'd you eat? Oh, it was bad.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I had a whole bunch of jerk chicken and rice and peas I made at the house. That was about 9 o'clock. And then it was about 1230, and I was like, you know what? It's time to eat an entire pepperoni sausage ground beef garlic and tomato pizza I ate the whole thing it was time for that
Starting point is 00:14:10 yeah I did the whole thing man well I have a big announcement on my front next Thursday someone's gonna knock on my door and you know what they're gonna have
Starting point is 00:14:18 what gas I'm gonna get gas in my apartment so I will be able to have two dinners as well because right now I have to order enough Chinese food or Mexican food, and I get like five silverware, and I'm like, I'll save it until Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:14:32 but I eat it all at once, and then I'm hungry. So how long has it been since you've had gas in your apartment? Oh, my. Well, how long has it been? Two years probably, right? I guess so. Hold on. When did you move out?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Before I left. So, no, it was you were gone. We didn't have gas. Did we lose gas when you were still there? out or I left so no it was you were going to have got like Do we get do we lose gas when you were still there are you sure yeah, like three years Wow? Was that was that No, I was never on the never on the bill that was the problem and really the total was like 235 bucks I should have just oh, but I stood my ground and then sometimes you realize, just pay it.
Starting point is 00:15:08 You're totally wrong. You're making plenty of money at this point to pay off the gas bill. It was about principle, man. It was about principle. How much money you spend ordering food? So much more money. Such a waste of money. I look horrible.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's just unbelievable. Yeah. What are you going to cook? What's your favorite dish to do? I think I'm, well. You got to make the cinnamon syrup cider for me. Buffalo chicken dip. Yeah, we can do that.
Starting point is 00:15:37 If we get Jason Kephart back here, sure. I haven't thought about what I'm going to cook yet. But it's nice because you can turn the oven on 100 degrees and put the pizza that you buy from Domino's or Papa John's in there. You're going to set the place on fire, Ben. Yeah. There's a chance. That's just a big accomplishment for me.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I'm adulting, Marcus. Oh, yeah. I almost once burned down my apartment. Me and my brother put a full pizza still in the box in the oven. Yeah, that's the thing. That's what you don't do. Yeah, that's exactly what you don't do. Low temp, though.
Starting point is 00:16:09 People do it all the time. I think we did it too high temp. Yeah, because it did light on fire. You got to be careful. You got to be careful. God damn it. Yep. I cooked a pork loin yesterday.
Starting point is 00:16:19 It was delicious. How much have you done? It's been two and a half hours. Do you mean it? I'm responsible. Literally, you've been there for 30 hours, and you've gone to a concert, cooked a pork loin, and swam in a pool, and what else have you done?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Unpacked? A little bit. I mean, I got to wait until a week and a half until they bring me my shit. Oh, okay. I'm basically on vacation for a week, which is kind of nice that is nice except for this this is hard work oh yeah when you really break it down it doesn't
Starting point is 00:16:50 really sound like that many things and he could just land it and went to a concert cooking a pork loin don't take much time all it really takes is some belief i guess so i don't know i've never done it i'll do it on friday next friday i'm going to do it that he's frozen now that's what happens from oh no no now he's moving he's just he just didn't move his face for like three seconds You should do it. I'm going to do it. Eddie's frozen now. That's what happens. Am I frozen? Oh, no. Now he's moving. He just didn't move his face for like three seconds. By the way, we should do an RIP to Tom Petty, huh?
Starting point is 00:17:13 My goodness. I can't even deal with this. I can't even. I thought of you immediately, Eddie. I know that you love Tom Petty. We all did. Was I the first to let you know, Ed? You were. Petty. We all did. Was I the first to let you know, Ed? You were.
Starting point is 00:17:25 You were. And I was so, like, we just, like, every, I just gave some guy $3,200 and everything I own to drive across the country. And so I'm already kind of freaking out about that. Right. And then you text me Tom Petty's dead. I'm dealing with all these wonderful people in Vegas, you know. And it's just, I'm so emotional yesterday.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Emotional times, emotional times indeed. I'm on my way to the, my Uber on the way to Chance the Rapper, he was like, so are you worried that somebody is going to shoot up the whole concert? Oh my God! Yes, actually I am! Those are questions we're asking now, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:18:00 We're the same way. There's lots of people going, it's sold out. It'd be a good place to shoot at. Stop it. Stop it. Let it go. Yep, that's it. It's on the forefront of everyone's minds.
Starting point is 00:18:12 We'll talk about it seriously on Abling and Stoppat this week. That's right. You know what this show is all about, Vaughn? Escapism. Killer clowns. We got an update. Oh, no. Really?
Starting point is 00:18:21 We got an update on the killer clown story that we covered last week. Florida prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against a woman accused of dressing up like a clown in 1990 and fatally shooting the wife of a man she later married. I saw this story, so I still don't know how they caught her. Well, it was through DNA. Well, let's get through this whole thing. Michael Warren, 65, has not been charged. That's the guy.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That's the husband. Okay. But detectives and prosecutors have refused to rule him out as a suspect. He and Sheila Warren married in 2002, but the murder was in 1990. So this woman murdered this guy's wife, and then they were having an affair together, murdered the wife. This is how she did it. Marlene Warren was killed in
Starting point is 00:19:05 May 1990 by a person dressed as a clown who handed her carnations and two foil balloons. Her son who witnessed the killing said she replied, how pretty. The clown then pulled a handgun, shot her in the face and drove away. Oh my goodness. What a strange
Starting point is 00:19:22 way to get shot. Your last image, you're just just like it was just a clown my god and costume shop employees identified this woman sheila keen uh as the woman who bought a clown costume a few days earlier okay premeditated clown killing not good and one of the balloons a silver one that read you're the greatest was sold at only one store, a nearby Publix. Oh, and you know... Publix, they sell everything. It's such a great establishment. For killers, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Good sandwiches. Good sandwiches. That chicken tender sub, man. That chicken tender sub, man. I always get the chicken tender sub before I get on the plane back from Florida. A woman is dead, guys. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:06 The sandwiches are so good. I'd like to think that she at least was able to have a Publix sandwich the day she died. I feel like it puts me more in trouble. That was the day she bought something to kill somebody. Yeah. But the woman who died may have also gone to Publix that day. Everyone goes to Publix. It's a great establishment.
Starting point is 00:20:24 She was there. She got us up. Come on, who are we kidding? So she died happy. They got really good. They got Miami Dolphins lighters there. They got, what else do they have? Band-Aids.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Surprisingly good Chinese food. They're Chinese. Chinese food is dope, yeah. Milk. They've got milk. Oh, my God. All kinds of milk. Cereal.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Oh, just the freshest produce. Yeah. Produce is fresh. You can always get a free cookie if you go to the bakery and ask for one. Oh, my God. All kinds of milk. Cereal. Oh, just the freshest produce. Yeah. You can always get a free cookie if you go to the bakery and ask for one. Oh, yeah. I lied about my age when I was about 26. I was eating all types of free cookies. I have no shame with that. I'm surprised this woman went to Publix and then had the anger in her heart to kill somebody.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Well, it was about an hour after she bought the balloon, so perhaps the joy of Publix had subsided by now. Oh, my goodness. The joy of Publix cannot last forever. Well, I just don't like that because she bought a balloon. She didn't think she was the greatest. No, she did not. She was being ironic. Hipster clown killing.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I hate it. This also shows if you're going to dress up like a clown and kill somebody, buy that clown gear from a bunch of different places. Don't buy your clown suit all at once. Spread it out over time and slowly acquire a clown suit and then let loose. Put it together. By the way, underrated horror movie, Clown, is incredible. It's on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:21:39 You can watch it now. It's so good. The nose thing? It's actually pretty good. Really? Yeah, it's also Cult of Chucky. I started watching it yesterday. It seems fun so far.
Starting point is 00:21:47 47 meters down or deep? Deep. Horrible, but very funny. And Paranormal Activity 1 and 2 hold up. Yeah, very good. That's where I'm at in my October horror movie themed month. What's next for you? Whatever, man.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Ooh. Yeah. It's the name of the movie is Whatever, man. What's that? Apocalypse Now. No, that's not a horror movie. That's a war movie. Yes, it is. No. That's the name of the movie is whatever, man. What's that? Apocalypse Now. No, that's not a horror movie. That's a war movie. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:22:08 No. That's a horror movie. Oh, my God. No, no, no. Psychological thriller. It is. Well. Psychological thriller.
Starting point is 00:22:15 That's throwing a wrench in the conversation. Well, Marlon Brando did say the horror. So I am siding with Ed Larson. Apocalypse Now is a war movie. A house divided. This is a war movie. Whoa, house divided. It's a war horror movie.
Starting point is 00:22:25 No, a horror movie. A horror movie. The thing that separates horror and war is, yeah, war and horror. War, they have to be very violent because they have to be realistic. Yeah. But there's nothing supernatural about it. What's that? There's only one battle.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, but it's, war is horrific, but it's not a horror movie. Yeah, I was telling you there's two battles. There's two battles. There's two battles. My mom has always told me that defining a horror movie is whatever it means to you. That's what she told me. That's right. Tonight I'm watching American President because I find that to be scary.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Is that because we were talking about it? I know. It's so scary touching. It's scary how touching it is. Oh, my God. And I am the president. Stop it. And then they dance.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And when they dance, I watch the live. For my 31 days of Horror Halloween, I watched the live action Beauty and the Beast last night. Oh, my God. It was so good. That Be My Guest rendition is awesome. And Emma Watson's like, really? I know she can't sing as well.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah, but they have a gay character in the movie. Please, Jackie. Why would you bring that up at a time like this? We actually talk about that in our live show. How funny that is that people are upset with the gay character in Beauty and the Beast when Belle is like- He's barely gay. Rammed by a werewolf.
Starting point is 00:23:44 That's fine. No, he was not gay enough. I agree with that again. Oh, of course not. I mean, who cares? Who cares? Not gay enough. And where are the lesbians in all this? I want a lesbian. That is true. They're everywhere. Yeah. Is that the tea kettle?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, I was about to say Chip is a lesbian. Chip is a lesbian? I fucking hate Chip. Why? Chip's an idiot. Why are you so? What's wrong with Chip? Like, where did your heart go? Are you kidding? I thought you were in love, Jackie.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah. I'm not in love. I thought you were in love with a boy. I'm going to take that cup and I'm going to fucking break it into a bunch of pieces right in front of Mrs. Potts. I'm going to be like, how do you fucking feel? How do you feel now? I feel like you, Jackie.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Jackie has spent 60% of her days thinking about a boy. Who is this boy? There's no boy. Does he skateboard? There is not one boy. Does he surf? He's talented. Does he ride the trains? He has talent. Multiple boys.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And he is a person of color. Really? Who is it? Does he surf? Does he skateboard? A person. So now I am diverse, everyone.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I am also diverse. Marcus, I am joining your house. Thank you very much. We are also a divorce. Oh! This is how I find it. This is unbelievable. We are a diverse
Starting point is 00:25:09 mixed race household. My house is white as fuck. If we get a dog, that dog's gonna be white fur. White as house inside of the block. That's right. Well, there it is. So, they found the gal now and then she's gonna go to prison. I'm surprised they're going for the death penalty. Well, the it is. So they found the gal now, and then she's going to go to prison.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I'm surprised they're going for the death penalty. Well, the presumed getaway car was found abandoned with orange hair-like fibers inside. Wow, you can't make that up, huh? Yeah. Clown costume. Ah, that's good. I wonder if she wore the shoes as well, or that would probably, you know. Well, how do you get away with those?
Starting point is 00:25:43 You can't run very fast, I don't think. But, yeah, maybe. Or drive, even. Yeah. Driving can be very hard. Unless you had big. I threw out my clown shoes in the move. Oh, you threw it away?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Threw away the clown shoes? Why'd you throw away your clown shoes in the move? What is the difference if you bring the clown shoes? They're such a big thing, you know. They're so big, you can't really put them in a box. Damn it, I tossed them. I kept the whole suit, but I threw out the shoes shoes why would you just bring the shoes you can just buy more shoes though no not those are specifically big shoes you could stop
Starting point is 00:26:12 clown shoes those are great shoes yeah why would you throw away the shoes out of all the other thing I'm sure you brought like a bunch of trash and you threw away the shoes I did bring a little bit of trash, but that was by accident. Oh, man. All right. I put this giant Polack in my kitchen. I was like, pack up all this shit. And then I came back and he packed up the trash. But you know, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Well, that'll happen. That'll happen. Did you go with the Polish moving company? I went to Mike Lawrence's moving company. Oh, okay. I didn't know Mike Lawrence had a moving company. The comedian? The comedian. He doesn't own the company.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You mean Mike Racine? Mike Racine. Yeah, can you imagine? Mike Lawrence is not a mover. That is not happening. I use the same company that Mike Lawrence used. And of course, for those that don't know Mike Lawrence, check Oh. Oh, God. Get it now. And, of course, for those that don't know Mike Lawrence, check out his – he's got a comedy album out there. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yep. Yep. I use an impromptu plug. If I had any notifications, I would know the name of it. It's very good. I got a comedy album. What was your comment? It's good, Ben.
Starting point is 00:27:22 He knows it's good. I've seen it. I've seen him perform. Oh, please. I like the album cover The album cover was cool Oh yeah Sadamanthium I think you got another one now
Starting point is 00:27:36 What's that name Marcus? Pershibumbum I think it's Spider-Man. That's probably it. Spider-Man. The spectacular Spider-Man. What's the name of your comedy album, Holden? I am friends with people of all races and cultures.
Starting point is 00:27:58 That's the name of it. That's not true, though. That's really not true. I know I have one of each. Yeah? Do you? Yes. Which one's your favorite one?
Starting point is 00:28:07 The Asian. Wow. Who is that? What's their name? Oh, you wouldn't know them. They're from a completely different circle of friends. Oh, they're a circle of friends. Also, something about the way that you said,
Starting point is 00:28:18 I have one of each, sounds like you walked them around on a leash. I would call myself a collector of sorts. Okay. Collector of diverse friends. Buffalo builder. What's wrong with that? I'm being with the people.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Internet, you tell me what I need to do. All right? I'm working on it. I'm trying to get one each. That's what I thought they wanted me to do. I wouldn't ask the internet for that. This culture. They'll tell you what to do.
Starting point is 00:28:41 This culture. I can't even handle it. That's the problem. You try to diversify. Everyone's like, no. You try to have what to do. This culture. I can't even handle it. That's the problem. You try to diversify. Everyone's like, no. You try to have only one of the same race. And they're like, no.
Starting point is 00:28:50 So what do you want me to do? Kill myself? I think you should have a diverse group of friends, but you can't brag about it. Yeah. Because then it's like you're not really doing it. I had one who had an abortion. I had one who's a Hindu. I've got an Asian, of course.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Kevin, you're my black friend. Oh, yeah, man. It feels really good. Powerful. I didn't know Carolina is your Hispanic friend. Yeah. Okay, so two out of your five friends. I got a checklist.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I got a checklist, yeah. That's great. I'm knocking them all out. Look at that. So it took you this long? You've only known Carolina for like a year. It took you that long. We had a conversation on Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Did we not? Friday night. Yes. Eight vodka sodas in. We talked. And then I was in a cab. Yes. I remember the part where we screamed at each other over loud music.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And then I too got into a cab with Lexi. Separate cabs, of course. Friendship. And went home. Friendship is magic. Probably what you did with the Asian too. Yeah, the Asian. We had two or three talks. At a bar. Very drunk. Powerful. You're saving the country. There it is.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I do want to say Murderfist, great show on Friday night. Oh, yeah. Fantastic. Thank you. And I believe we'll have you, we have Holden. Are you in L.A.? I'm fucking going to be there, boys and girls. Oh, yeah. Kevin, you're in L.A. for Halloween? So everyone, Carolina, you're there?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yep. Everyone here is going to be in L.A. So make sure to come out October 28th. It'll be so fun. I'll be in L.A., but I will be at a different party. Oh, wow. Okay. I was told about another, there's like a pool thing happening. There'll be so fun. I'll be in LA, but I will be at a different party. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. I was told about another.
Starting point is 00:30:26 There's like a pool thing happening. There is a pool thing. And I don't get to swim a lot. Who invited you to the pool party? George Jome. The famous. He's a soap opera actress. You might not know him.
Starting point is 00:30:37 George Jome. George Jome. Yeah. George Jome. George Jome. George Jome. George Jome. It's hard to pronounce.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's like Carolina's podcast. Very difficult to pronounce. George Jome. Okay. Yeah. Where's like Carolina's podcast Very difficult to pronounce George Jome Okay Where's the pool party at? It's sort of up in the hills It's like in a big gold house There's gonna be a lot of
Starting point is 00:30:52 A lot of big fun people there Big names Is he your Italian friend? George Jome? Yeah Are you gonna have All of your cultures with you? I'm flying them all out
Starting point is 00:31:02 I'm going to hold a press conference I will announce that I am running For Brooklyn Borough President I'm going to get in there It's so weird when I Google Giorgio May Nothing comes up There's nobody named Giorgio May in the entire fucking world
Starting point is 00:31:21 I guess I can explain this to you There's a certain layer of the internet where you can find a certain echelon of people. There's a different kind of top tier layer of the internet. You have to get an invite into and then you can look up kind of more special people. So I guess maybe you didn't get the top tier. I don't have special internet.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. That's fine. Holden. Yes. Who's your Croatian friend? If you got one, you gotta have a Croatian friend. How dare you.
Starting point is 00:31:50 How low can you go? How low can you go? I don't know. I'll think about it, Ed. I'll think about it, Ed. I just think good people. I think Croatians are fine.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Look at how diverse and culturally accepting he is. I just want to hear one fact about Croatia from Holden. They have a problem with their sewage systems. That is unfortunately true. And so there are just pipes that are kind of like sprinklers because they don't understand how sewage should go away. They think it should fertilize the lawn. So just shit literally is just spraying
Starting point is 00:32:32 I believe him. I believe him, yeah. They have a water park too that's just shit water. They're in dire straits right now, not doing too great. Let's see, what should we do, Marcus? I have to leave here a little bit earlier than I'd like to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Well, we still got news stories. Okay. I got like five to ten minutes. Okay. So whatever we want to do. Goat? What's it? Goat story?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, goat news. Oh, yeah. Goats, for sure. Ten goats and a donkey that were helping to clear vines and weeds in a Pittsburgh park were quickly corralled after they got loose from their enclosure. Oh, no. An Allegheny County 911 supervisor tells the Tribune Review the animals were reported loose in the city's Brighton Heights neighborhood Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:33:11 They were rounded up and no damage to any property was reported. I love goats. They recycle. They cut your grass. They're cute as hell. Went down to the Prospect Park Petting Zoo, the goats. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. They're cute as hell Went down to the Prospect Park Petting Zoo The goats, unbelievable There's actually a whole business in Pittsburgh Called Allegheny Goatscape
Starting point is 00:33:30 And they just use goats as landscapers Well why wouldn't you? It's all over the place They have it here too, they have it in New York also They just bring goats to your house? Yeah, in Long Island They live on Long Island and the guy will bring a bunch of goats And I tried to hire him Because I just wanted to hire, like, two goats
Starting point is 00:33:47 to, like, hang outside of a murder fish show one time. Yeah. When we were doing goat parade stuff. And I called him up and tried to get him to bring two goats by, but he's like, no, they, like, eat the grass, and there's a bunch of them. And it was going to be, like, a bunch of money, and I didn't have it. I mean, you were a big bunch of hairy, beefy dudes there in Murder Fist. They might have gnawed on your chest hair, your beard a little bit thank god yep could you do
Starting point is 00:34:10 that could a goat trim a beard sure why not why not get a long beard i don't know if you can trust the goat to that level man i don't know what is about goats man they don't they don't care about nobody but themselves that's why we be eating them over there on my island man all the time we put them in stew we put them in curry we put them on top the rice and peas we put them in the goddamn barbecue man that's true we do whatever we want man all right i agree with uh kevin i mean these goats are taking our jobs yeah what do you mean landscaping No, also, how did you possibly? Oh, you are just. I am offended. I am offended. I could also have one of those jobs.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I just know that it is below me. My friend's uncle lost a toe doing that job while drunk, trying to mow uphill. Didn't that work out after a rain? Ooh, that's fun. Yeah, it was funny for us. He did not like missing that toe. He only lost a toe, though. That's fun. Yeah, it was funny for us. He did not like missing that toe. He only lost a toe though. That was it. Yeah, got lucky.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Which one? The big one? I think it was the big one. I think it was the big one. That's a rough one to lose. That's a rough toe to lose. Tough for balance, yeah. Goats and haircuts. They don't happen. You can give a goat a haircut. That's good. You can't get a haircut from a goat
Starting point is 00:35:25 They're not super hairy though They got big beards A goat can have a pretty big beard I have a Jewish friend I just want the listeners to know Is it Ed because he's not really Jewish No it's a different one I wouldn't know it
Starting point is 00:35:40 What's his name I think Ed was Tomas Tomas know it? What's his name? I think Ed was... Tomas. Tomas? Tomas Sekelman. Sekelman? Sekelman. What does he do? He's very busy
Starting point is 00:35:57 in entertainment. He pretty much runs things in Hollywood. So you're just becoming... You're just sort of saying a racial stereotype about him. No, he runs things. Just happens to. He has a secret running of everything. He makes all the movies and things.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Wow, man. Sackleman is a Jewish surname that exists. Okay. Do you mean there's no Tomases, though? I mean, not in your internet, Marcus. Well, maybe, is it spelled Thomas, but they call him Tomas? You know, it might be an affected name. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I barely know the guy. I've had, like, one conversation with him. Yeah, none of those either. Then you call him your friend? Yeah. I'd say, I asked him, that was the conversation. Well, can I call you my friend on podcast? He said, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I said, thank you. Go back to your secret missions or whatever. Do you mean Bobby Suckelman? Yeah. Yes, Bobby Suckelman. Bobby with one B. Is he a co-head of Hollywood Productions? Well, let's see what his Google Plus profile says.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah, could be. Who knows? Also, you know, coming up with a fake Jewish name is one of the easiest and most fun things to do on this planet. You are throwing at Tomas. Schneckleberg, yeah. There's a lot of things. Herman Schneckleberg.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Herman Schneckleberg's a good one. Yeah, Bigelman. Bigelman? Tomas is more of a Polish name. Yeah, or a Russian name. You know, he's interesting. Italian. Yeah, he's interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:31 He's more well-rounded. He's not some stereotype, Jackie. He's more well-rounded than that. Well, why can't he get us jobs if he's the co-head of Hollywood? I believe you're being a little presumptuous about what my Jewish friend is capable of doing, as if you're sort of putting him in a box and saying what Jewish people do. You said what he did. Specifically.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Holden, who's your North Korean friend? Oh, still got to get one of those. We're going location scouting in North Korea for the wedding as well in a week from now. So we're looking at the two different places. Real cheap venues out there. Ooh, yeah. That'll be fun. That's just going to be the bomb.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It'll be wonderful. Because we're all going to die soon. Kind of punny. Pretty punny. It was louder than I thought. Browser. I thought that was Ed. Jackie's a browski.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I thought that was Ed. Jackie's just burping up cum over there. Who is the boy, Jackie? Wow. Who's the man? I got one. I got one diverse one in my rotation. There he is.
Starting point is 00:38:41 He is diverse. How many people are in this rotation of you? Rotation. Oh. Don't worry. He is diverse. How many people are in this rotation of you? Rotation. Oh. Don't worry about it. Wow. Alright, alright. It's unbelievable. I have never seen anything more, just a fluid movement of just sexual activity
Starting point is 00:38:58 run through a human being than what Jackie's been experiencing over the past month. Good job, Jackie. You know, I'm proud of myself. Good job, Jackie. You know, I'm proud of myself. Good job, Jackie. You should be proud of yourself. It's good. I'm not slut-shaming over here.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I think you're slut-shaming. No, I'm not. I'm proud of you. He was complimenting. Yeah, it was like a juicy fruit. You are pulling down pipe harder than a fucking Mario brother. Sometimes you got to fuck entire towns. That's how you conquer them.
Starting point is 00:39:24 That's how you do it. And then I have to conquer New York before I move to L.A. Once I conquer L.A., I don't know where I'm gonna go. You could build a fucking Empire State Building out of the dicks. I'm gonna go to Manitoba. Yeah, go to Winnipeg.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Yeah, I'm gonna go to Winnipeg. Jackie's new nickname is Fluid Movement. Oh my goodness. She's new nickname is fluid movement. She's definitely been winning some pigs. Okay, classic kisser. We're back on top. Back on top, everyone. Everything is fine. So we got to wrap up the goat story.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I've got to leave. I'm sad. That's pretty much it. That's it? Yeah, it's just there were goats. They got out and then they got found. They got found, yeah. We didn't have to shoot him in the head. Yeah, they did not. Ten goats and a donkey, all fine.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh, that's a fun story. Yeah, it's fun, right? I figured I'd give you a fun one before you left. My God. You know, they do communicate. Goats? Yeah, and donkeys. They communicate with each other. They tell each other stories.
Starting point is 00:40:19 There's a whole bunch of goat lore, donkey lore. They talk about stuff. Yeah. I'll give you one more headline before you leave. One more paragraph, then you can get out of here. Archaeologists in Turkey may be on the cusp of solving a mystery thousands of years in the making. After they stumbled on a tomb beneath the ruins of an ancient church they believe contains the remains of St. Nicholas, known popularly as Santa Claus. They found the bones of Santa Claus.
Starting point is 00:40:46 He's dead? That's the most horrifying story ever. He's dead. He's dead. That's beautiful. That's actually my family tradition. Every Christmas morning, I'd wake up, my dad would plop a bunch of bones in front of me
Starting point is 00:41:00 and say, look, we found Santa's bones. Oh, my God. Holden, what was your second? Are you saying that the Turkish people killed Santa Claus? Well, they definitely buried him. We don't know if they killed him, but they definitely buried him. Was Saint Nicholas Turkish? Is Santa Claus Turkish?
Starting point is 00:41:15 I hope he wasn't Armenian. I have no idea. I mean, I think he could probably get around anywhere, so I feel like it's just wherever he fell, you know? Oh, my God. This show keeps on bringing me back in.'s great yeah no Nicholas Nikolai but Santa Claus yeah that's Santa Claus st. Nicholas he's great Greek yeah he's Greek cool that changes it doesn't it a little bit what if it's actually the
Starting point is 00:41:40 story from nightmare before Christmas is the real shit and those bones just get woken up every December and he drives around. That's probably what's happening. Christmas would become my favorite holiday immediately. Because right now it's Halloween. There you go. Alright. Holden, what is your segment?
Starting point is 00:41:57 I wish I could answer the segment question. My segment is going to be Roundtable Costume Contest. You either dress as another member from the Roundtable or as a round table related thing. Do you want to answer? I'll just answer mine. Round table related thing.
Starting point is 00:42:13 A jumbo shrimp or something like that. I'm going old school. I'm going to dress like a cupcake. Call myself Marcus Park. Deep cut. That's deep cut. That's first six episodes back when I was Hiding from my Employer
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yes That I was moonlighting Doing other things And then I said Fuck it That's it I'm a fucking member Of the round table
Starting point is 00:42:34 And then he I got in trouble But then I talked out I talked my way out of it Which simply teaches us All that Marcus Can't be trusted Uh oh
Starting point is 00:42:41 Alright love you guys Be back soon Bye Bye Have a good day Hey guys Bye Can't be trusted. Uh-oh. All right. Love you guys. Be back soon. Bye. Bye. Have a good day. Hey, guys. Man, we're going to make this fucking podcast burn to the ground now. I already started peeing.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Let's piss everywhere. I don't got to go right now, but I could conjure up something. It ain't hard to do. I don't got to go right now, but I could conjure up something. It ain't hard to do. You know, if you flip the entire world on its side, Turkey could be considered the North Pole. That is true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Maybe he just wanted to get somewhere warm because he's always somewhere cold. It's warm in Turkey, right? I don't fucking know. I think it gets cold sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, that's me thinking because I was there once when I was three, so I know. Oh, you know more. You do know more.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's desert-y, right? You know more way? No, I don't know. My mouth started to stop working. It's desert-y, right? They have camels. Yes. Because it gets 42 degrees in February. Like in the night in the desert.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah, it gets cold in general. Absolutely. Yeah. There you go. That's like Tallahassee. Not too cold, but it's still a little chilly. Gotta put on a little flannel, right? Put a little flannel on your camel.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Flannel on your camel. Camel flannels. They should sell those. I got a new product, Turkey. I don't know if they should. I got a new product, Kirby. Camel flannels. Gonna need a flannel? Put on your camel. Warm up your camel It'll hold water Will it keep it warm
Starting point is 00:44:08 You realize no one's on board I just feel like In like improv They teach you like Yes and I think we're no Oh you A camel flannel
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah Yes I'm in a school now I'm in a school now You I'm in a school now. You're in a school now. Yes. Oh, now we're in a school. Oh, is there any camels?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Oh, no, it's not a camel school. This is a goat school. Yeah, I'm fucking the dirty teacher. The filthy Turkish teacher. I'm having sex with her right now in this scene. Yeah, jamming cans down her throat. Yes. She's a goat woman.
Starting point is 00:44:43 When in doubt, simulate a blowjob in your improv scene. That's the other thing I've learned. Yes. Yes. She's a goat woman. When in doubt, simulate a blowjob in your improv scene. That's the other thing I've learned. Yes. UCB taught me that. Yes. You probably paid a lot of money to find that out. I paid $1500 for UCB to teach me that I need to give a blowjob if I have no idea what to do in an improv scene.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Or life. Or in life. Just give the person a blowjob. If you're confused in an interaction with a stranger, just immediately start giving them a blowjob, and everything will change in your favor. Unless they don't want it, and then you'll go to jail. Yeah. I'll get you in it.
Starting point is 00:45:16 How's this about a story? No, moment of silence. How's this about a story about genitals? Okay. All right. The woman who found what was described by police as a, quote-unquote, male body part on a Somerset beach has said it appeared to be intact male genitals. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Julie Edwards, who lives in Breen, came across the body part while walking her dog on Monday, September 25th. A spokeswoman for Avon and Somerset Constabulary said on Friday police were yet to conclusively identify the object and were assisting the coroner with inquiries. A week after making the find, Ms. Edwards said, my dog, who is a basset hound named Molly, found the body part. I could see she was about to roll something around. It is usually maggots or birds, but I stopped her and saw it wasn't that at all. It definitely looked human to me. I think it was an intact penis and male testicles. That's difficult to get it all off in one fell swoop.
Starting point is 00:46:14 How do you do that? Isn't there like a pelvic bone? Like, how do you do that? I think if you like pull it out and then snip around with the skin and then once the skin is kind of off, then you can saw off all of the things that connected back to your body and then snip around with the skin. And then once the skin is kind of off, then you can saw off all of the things that connected back to your body and then just throw it. And then you go home and eat dinner with your wife and children.
Starting point is 00:46:35 You've seen that picture from the cartels of the dude that has his dick and ball shoved in his mouth. No, I have not. Don't show us. I'm not gonna. There's, I know there's some things that I shouldn't show you people, but yeah, it exists.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Oh, wow. I didn't know that you could put them together, like frankenbeans together. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's that flap of skin underneath that connects the two things. Where do you get a stapler? Staple them back together. Wait, so it was old?
Starting point is 00:47:03 Was it old one? It was fresh. It was fresh. It was fresh. So what happened? It was just on the beach. She said it definitely looked human to me. I think it was an intact penis and male testicles. It was upsetting more later on when you actually think that it could be someone's relative. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Of course it's somebody's relative. What kind of statement is that? What does that even fucking mean? Everybody's somebody somebody relative. This woman is fucking horrifying. She probably knows whose dick that fucking belongs to. Well, you want to see the dog? She doesn't have a picture of her, but she sent in a picture of her dog.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Not with the penis involved. No, just a picture of the dog. Oh, it's a fat dog. Fat dog. Big fat bass. Oh, my God. That's like a Gracie Madel. Oh, it's a fat dog. Fat dog. It's a big, fat bass. Oh, my God. That's like a Gracie Madel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Gracie's dead. Rip Gracie. Yeah, man. She's fucking dead. Well, they haven't said officially whether it is a dick and balls yet. Oh, so this shit could just be a dildo of some kind. It could be. Well, they know it is like remains, but they say it could be another animal or even a mineral.
Starting point is 00:48:08 A mineral. It looks like that. But wasn't it fleshy? I don't know. I'm very confused. Imagine that, though. Your dog runs up to you and it's just got a fucking cock and nuts in its mouth. And you got to try and get it out of its fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:48:21 That's horrifying. That is difficult. Come here. Come difficult. Come here. Come here. Get it off. Jesus. Oh, God. Was it circumcised?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Because that's when you know it's a human, right? No word on that. But on the other hand, if it wasn't circumcised, they were in England. There's a lot of uncircumcised guys. Really? I don't know what you've been doing, but I have no idea about this. I know these things. It's this. I know these things. It's my job to know these things.
Starting point is 00:48:48 The dog was just a haphazardly bad rabbi who just took the whole thing. Could be that. There it is. Sometimes you don't want just the tip. There's bad rabbis out there. There's bad members of every occupation, right? I mean, come on. They don't know their job, you know, and you're going to trust them to cut your penis off
Starting point is 00:49:05 or cut part of it off? Hell no. I can't even imagine. And they give you the herp. Yeah. They put the rabbi mouths all over you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:13 They kiss the tip, right? They go down to give you the slurp and then they come out. You get the herp. Yeah. That's disgusting, man. A lot of times they die.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. Yeah. And now who's the room killer? Now who's the room killer? Still you Yeah And now it's time for Saving Moe and McNeely Oh my god
Starting point is 00:49:36 It's a kooky dooky Spooky ooky Round table costume contest We already know Yeah we already know So Let's say it again Say it again Oh my god It's a spooky dooky Roundtable costume contest. We already know. Yeah, we already know. Let's say it again.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Say it again. Oh, my God. It's a spooky-dooky, ooky-kooky costume contest with the roundtable. Now, you can dress as, let's say, Kevin, or you could dress as a thing from the roundtable past. Right now, people would probably think I would dress as a jumbo shrimp, but I'm actually going to go as Ed's weed. Yeah, I'm going to go as a bat. You're going to get set on fire. I probably will because I will be covered in actual weed, and at any time people can walk up to me and pull a chunk off and smoke it.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I'm just going to go as Ed's weed. There it is. That's mine. I like it. There it is. He's holding it up right now. Yay. And it's legal. up right now. Yay. And it's legal.
Starting point is 00:50:26 It's legal. Yay. I mean, yeah, I suppose I would go as a cow skeleton simply because it would involve me breaking into Marcus's house and stealing all the bones of the ass, which I think would be kind of fun for me. Hell yeah. Hopefully I get in there, I can beat the shit out of you, too.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You know, that's my home, too. I'm only hitting Marcus, and I'm taking his bones. You know, I never relax at home. I'm always ready for someone to break in. I have knives in every room. All right, well, it don't matter how many knives you got, I got Jamaica on my side. I want all of Jamaica to storm into our party.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And be like, Carolina, just close the door. It doesn't have nothing to do with you. Lock yourself in the bathroom. I'll take care of it. Okay, I'll hide in the bathtub. We need some good jerk chicken, though. Oh, yeah. I'm going to dress up as my squirty bird, bitches.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And underneath me, I'm going to have a slip and slide. So everyone has to slide through my legs. That'll be a lot of fun. There you go. It'll be dangerous. It's going to be really dangerous. Oh, shit. You know, I got to go as Marcus because we are actually the same size in clothes.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And I can actually wear my boyfriend's jeans. Disturbingly look similar. And disturbingly so look very similar. Yeah, this is kind of what happens when you get a pet and you kind of look like each other. Not to say he's my pet or anything. That's what you meant, though. That's subconsciously exactly what I meant. But we are the same size in clothes.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah, we could bleach you, too. What? You could look as wide as I am. Okay. This is like the Jennifer Lopez the cell thing. Yeah, you're in for a long weekend. All right. Ed?
Starting point is 00:52:16 I'm going to be a shit-covered bowling trophy. Okay. The one that went up Ben's ass. Yes, the one that was. Yeah, it'll be like a slam dunk, and there'll be a bunch of Dookie on the ball. You know, I'm just saying that'll be me. And then I'll just be on the bottom and say,
Starting point is 00:52:31 like, the 2002 Boys Will Be Boys champions. Boys Will Be Boys, yeah. I'm going to give the prize to Ed. I want to see that. Yeah. There you go. It'll be actual shit. It will be real shit or fake shit.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Oh, yeah, yeah. No, I got plenty. Yeah, Yeah. No, I got plenty. Yeah, that's true. I got plenty. All right, well, that's the roundtable for this week. And anybody got anything to say? No. I'm taking applicants.
Starting point is 00:52:57 One of every friend. I'm taking applicants. All right. I want one of every. And hold Nate or so on Twitch. The L.A. show. Come to the L.A. show. Oh, it is sold out.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah, it's already sold out. Well, then hang out outside. Yeah, dress up in a costume and stand on the street in L.A. on Halloween. And Carol Wayne is podcast. Oh, yeah. The movie Sound of the Mads with Mr. Science Theater guys. And the Escuela Sangre. Escuela Sangre the Mads with Mr. Science Theater guys. And the Escuela Sangre.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Escuela Sangre. You gotta say it like Escuela Sangre. Escuela Sangre. Escuela Sangre. Oh, my God. You're so good at this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I don't understand the problem. Kissel's an idiot. A lovable idiot. He's not here so we can talk about it. Yeah, we can talk about it. We want. So good that we can't
Starting point is 00:53:42 get through doors. Goodbye.

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