The Royals of Malibu - Behind the Scenes of Season 2 [SPOILER ALERT]

Episode Date: June 26, 2023

Who wants some Season 2 tea? The team's in the recording studio for this special behind-the-scenes episode with exclusive interviews (and SPOILERS) as they create Season 2 of The Royals of Malibu. Inc...ludes actors Alyssa McKay (Ella), Nick Cafero (Easton), Chris Cafero (Reed), Armen Taylor (Callum), Stephanie Sherry (Lucy), and Edgar de Santiago (Isaac...who?!!), as well as Diversion producer Emma DeMuth, director Matt Sav, and co-writer Keyanna Khatiblou. See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Diversion Audio Okay guys, Armandu Blase Calum is about to go in for a take. And I'm gonna try to give you guys a little sneak peek. Yeah, of course. I know that I haven't been the best guardian. I should have looked out for you more and checked in on you. I should have looked out for you more and checked in on how you were adjusting. That being said, it's not safe for a 17-year-old to be living alone.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I need to go to these links, but if I don't hear from you from the next 24 hours, I will have to have you brought back to Malibu by any means necessary. I'm sorry. Please come on. Kill him. Kill him. What's your name? All right, great.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah, that's it. Hey guys, this is Emma de Mouth and welcome to a special behind-the-scenes episode of The Royals of Malibu. You might recognize me as the voice to some of those ads, in the host of the bonus episodes, but I also work as a producer and on the story development of the show.
Starting point is 00:01:12 This episode is going to be a little bit different because I want to take you guys behind the scenes as we record season two. Yes, we love going to stay with you guys. Let's keep this all week. You already know. I'm a huge fan of you. There's a lot of energy on the screen for a Monday morning. We're all like a family. We're all like besties. If you couldn't tell, that was a Lyssa McKay who plays Ella on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:51 She's going to be in almost every single scene this week, so she has a lot of work ahead of her. But let me tell you, she is a rock star and if anyone can handle it, it's her. Can I just get nervous, but like exciting. Okay guys, here is our director, Matt Sav, giving the actor some tips before heading into the booth. So the way that we're going to record, we're going to try and get everything actually today in two takes if we can.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And so the first take, warm up, the treat it as a real take. Second take, obviously, I get as flawless as possible, no pressure. But if needed, we will either do pickups or a full third take, and I'll just be listening very carefully, so just trust if we got it, we got it. And this is the biggest thing, the two biggest things are, obviously it's like a high-octane drama, but we really want to keep it grounded. Everyone did such a good job last season with that. So, yeah, really try to physically ground yourself in real space.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And if you can, don't perform at the mic, but just direct your performance at the mic. And I hope everyone gets that subtle distinction. So if you're in a bar, imagine you're in a bar, if you're at a party, imagine you're at a party, and just happen to direct that performance at the mic. And with that, we will get the first four people in the booth. Yeah, so one more time. Yeah. Yeah. And today, I just want to say congratulations on all the success from season one.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Yeah. Yeah. In only five days, we record all of season two. I've asked Director Matt to give a little rundown on our recording week. I'm Matt, I'm a director and one of the executive producers on the project. There are obviously 13 episodes, it's about 400 pages of material and we have less than five days to grab it all and so we have two four-hour sessions each day where we have different groupings of characters in. And we are just going through scene by scene, with maybe a few 10 minute breaks in there,
Starting point is 00:03:49 but it's amazing what everyone's doing. With each group of characters, we'll try and go through in chronological order, kind of through that character or those characters, their relationship arc. But a lot of the times we're jumping around in terms of the emotions. So we'll be in a very intense moment, and then suddenly have to shift gears and be in a very fun moment.
Starting point is 00:04:09 So I just commend all of the actors which is the incredible work they're doing of navigating the shifts. How do you think the season compares to season one? So I think what was so exciting for us on the writing and development team was the fact that we already knew we'd gotten to know these characters so well from season one, that writing for them was just so easy in season two. I think like every line jumped off the page and just being like, oh, that's definitely a Valerie line, that's definitely something Ella
Starting point is 00:04:37 and Reed would say back and forth. And obviously when you bring any actor in, they'll bring a character to life in their own unique way. And yeah, I think the other thing too is that in this season, I think we're getting a lot more different perspectives as well. So in the first season, we really were with Ella for every single moment, and now we're starting to expand out from there and get other people's POV. Yeah. I'm going to go talk with some of the actors, but it's a little bit crazy
Starting point is 00:05:41 in here, so sorry if there's any background noise. Let's be a fly in the wall for a second. I think I hear Stephanie who plays Lucy. Honestly, I feel for Dina though, like if you were dating someone and out of nowhere, he dies and then all of his money goes to his daughter, he never even breathed. Like, that's all. You feel for Dina? You know? That's nice. Yeah, I'm just a very epic mentor. I love it. I love it. There's a little bit of horse. I care very well.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I'm full of feelings. It is true she got nothing. Do you know? They were married for many years. What is that? I've tracked down Houston. Hi, I'm Nick Farrow. I play Easton.
Starting point is 00:06:21 How does it feel to be back in the studio for season two? Oh, it's awesome. I barely slept last night because I was so excited. I read all the scripts the past couple weeks Her past week They were great better than season one. I think so. Yeah, I think so. What about you? I think so too. Yeah I mean, it's it's hard to yeah, it's a little You know who the people are now so we could just kind of like dive into it It's more than just our own hands. It's more family's just more family life higher stakes yeah a lot of twists and turns
Starting point is 00:06:48 a lot of the characters yeah and he goes through a lot yeah I also really like his not only the way he changes but the way his relationships with everybody changes his dynamic especially with Ella is really great yeah yeah so I can spoil everything. Just follow me on YouTube. No, I'm just kidding. I don't have a YouTube. But yeah, no, it's great. I'm excited to be here. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I know you've got to get back in the seat. Yeah, but I want to answer more questions. I know. I'll ask you guys. All right, team readers, don't worry, because I'm chasing down Chris, who plays Reed. Can you say your name in your play? Hey, my name is Chris Caffer.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I play Reed Royal. What do you think of season two scripts? They're really exciting. What I love about them is that, you know, they take all of the characters arcs to the next level. So it's a real advancement of each character and we get to see them in new lights and different phases of their relationship, which is really exciting. And there's a bunch of little twists and surprises and it's going to be a lot of fun. What do you think this season is more challenging
Starting point is 00:07:47 as an actor than the first season? So far it has been for me just because, well I don't want to spoil anything but there are some... Feel free to say anything, I can do that. Yeah, yeah, okay. I'm gonna do lots of beliefs to the sight people. Well my death scene is really tough. What was the question? When he said in red, oh God, this is crazy. Oh God scene is really tough. What was the question?
Starting point is 00:08:05 When he stood and read all God's bits. Nick. Oh God. It's crazy. Sorry, what was the question? Talking about it as an actor if the season is more challenging, or it could be easier since you've done before. It's certainly been fun, like, popping back into the character after a few months,
Starting point is 00:08:19 but it is challenging because there are some flashbacks for me and some new challenges. I get to have an episode where I'm the narrator and the voiceover which Ella has been doing up until now and so that's been really fun and then there's some flashbacks with my mom which is really exciting and certain scenes with Eastern that are gonna be very challenging as well. Nick I remember in the bonus episode you were saying it was really hard for you to watch Chris do the fight scenes and Uh-huh. And he has a lot of crying and a lot of yelling this season was that hard to listen to?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah, he did one today. I just kind of had my eyes closed and tried to, oh, kind of, I couldn't watch it. Actually, I have my eyes, yeah, my eyes are clad actually. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Now, but he's very good to each kind of transforms into the character. Yeah. But when I'm in the booth with him, it the kind of transforms into the character.
Starting point is 00:09:05 But when I'm in the booth with him, I don't like confrontation. So when he raises his voice, it kind of scares me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in what's it like playing a father when you're only a few years older? The actors playing your son? Humbling and terrifying. No, I don't think that matters. I think it's, I've only met these people
Starting point is 00:09:46 handful of times, but they're all wonderful. And I care about them as individuals, so it's easy to sort of impart that desire for everyone here to do well and thrive and just sort of impart that on it. So. And do you feel like columns evolve this season? I do, yeah, I feel like he's, I feel like he's, I feel like he's trying, well, obviously the bit
Starting point is 00:10:04 about him listening to parenting podcasts, like he obviously missed the boat for the first 18 and 16, 17 years of his kids life on that front. Now he's like, now I have Ella here, like, and I wanna keep her here, I have to up my fucking game as a parent, which you know, a little like.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. Yeah. And also I think it's a testament to Arman's skill as an actor that he can embody the maturity and the age along with the vocal quality of someone significantly older than him. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That voice doesn't have beautiful. Yeah, that deep, deep bass.
Starting point is 00:10:39 The deep, chak-roll groove. Chak-roll, you're so fucking talented that it's just like it's. Rank us. Yeah. I think we'll just go by a follower count. Sorry. Fuck. No, but everyone is so incredibly talented that it's humbling to be a part of it, and it's
Starting point is 00:10:59 very cool to come and get to work with everyone. Every time anyone opens their mouths, there's anything. It's like, oh, this just got that much better. Watching him just listening to him the way he did some of the lines, it's just like, oh my god, that's such a brilliant fucking choice. And then everyone does that. Everyone makes these great choices. That's just cool, it's exciting. This is one of the rare times, too, that we have this many people here at once which is really exciting and fun and why Chris brought cupcakes that no one's
Starting point is 00:11:29 eaten. I have had a cupcake too. I'm gonna grab some and then there. You should eat one into the microphone. And back into the recording booth they go. Shout out to Chris for the cupcakes. I did have one later and it was very good. And back into the recording booth they go. Shout out to Chris for the cupcakes. I did have one later and it was very good. We're gonna have to take a quick break,
Starting point is 00:11:49 but stay tuned because we're gonna talk a little bit about a new love triangle you won't wanna miss. Relax. Lobby alone. Okay. Come on. Thanks man. Who is this Isaac dude? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, who is this? Oh yeah, name is Isaac. Hello, my name is Edgar Santiago,
Starting point is 00:12:46 and I am playing Isaac. So Edgar, who is Isaac? Isaac is a practical lover. Isaac is a practical lover, you know? Isaac has always worked hard for everything that he has in life, and he is led by his most important values which would be responsibility, family and loyalty. And how does Isaac compare to Reed?
Starting point is 00:13:17 So Reed seems like a great guy. He's you know confident and athletic and whatever, but honestly, Reed stands no chance against Isaac. Isaac is real and there and actually loves Ella and I don't think Reed reflects the same intentions that Isaac does. So as NICE's read is, he just, he falls too short. He is nothing like Isaac nor will he be. And I will leave you with that about Isaac. Okay guys, I'm really excited because one of our writers can be on it here. I am Kiana Kasi-Blue and I am a writer on the Royals of Malibu.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah. What was your biggest challenge in writing season two? I am Keanu Kati Blue and I am a writer on the Royals of Malibu. What was your biggest challenge in writing season two? The biggest challenge that I was most excited about, I think, was just raising the stakes on everything we did on season one and trying to figure out how can we see a new side of these characters, how can we change their relationships, and how can we just make everything bigger and better. And I also think that I was really excited to see from other characters' perspectives, to see what those characters are really like,
Starting point is 00:14:30 and then also how do they see Ella? So, spoiler alert, season two is not just from Ella's POB. Are there any characters you relate to in the show? Oh my gosh, of course, everyone loves Val. I think probably in school in my head, I was probably the Val, you know, the person who, once you get to know think probably in school in my head, I was probably the Val. You know, the person who,
Starting point is 00:14:47 once you get to know her, she has the biggest personality, but I assume in class, Val is like totally reserved, right? Because she doesn't fit in with the cove kids. Yeah, and then of course, always aspiring to have the Ella confidence and the Ella coolness.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, she is like my teen role model. Who is the most challenging character to write for? Oh my gosh, definitely the boys. I'm like, I've never been a teen boy. I don't know. Every time I write something, I'm like, Jacob, Matt, can we get the teen boy experience? Please, someone.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So definitely the teen boy stuff has been really challenging, but also really cool and interesting to be exploring what cool and interesting to be exploring what is it like to be that kind of person and be struggling with your family life and your home life and your school life and your romance and all that from a totally different perspective from my own. What episode from season two are you most excited for the audience? Oh my gosh. I mean I am excited for probably the read episode 206 because it's a very different perspective and it feels so different from the rest of the season but also very elevated
Starting point is 00:15:57 and then the finale because I think we really packed in the drama. And for the audience it doesn't know episode 206 will be from Reads Perspective. Yes, set of L's. Yes, wild. The wild. Crazy episode. Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Do this. There are so many talented people who work behind the scenes on the show. Dialogue editors, sound mixers, fully artists, composers, I can't even name them all. Here's Director Matt to explain further. So something I think that's really wild that a lot of people don't know is just how much post-production goes into this.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And post-production is after you have all the material, all the editing and sound design and mixing that you have to do, adding music in to get that sound that we have in the series. And I think that makes it so special. One crazy fact is just for about every minute of the show, we have to spend over an hour on that minute in terms of editing it together and then adding all the sound design.
Starting point is 00:16:59 And there's, you know, different layers of sound design too. So there's obviously the music placement when applicable, but then there's also the ambiance. So you know, you're in a crowded restaurant or you're at the beach and then there's the moment by moment sound effects too of like footsteps or someone grabbing a water bottle or anything. It gets super specific, but we're adding in every single layer in there so that as you're listening it's completely hopefully 360 and you can get fully immersed in the world. Awesome, very cool. And can you explain a
Starting point is 00:17:29 little bit of like that? I see you're writing a ton of notes. Can you explain that to the audience and what exactly you're writing down? Yes. Who that's for? Yeah, so obviously as I'm you know we said earlier there's 400 pages, there's over 100 scenes that we have to grab. I think something like 135. What I'm doing is I'm taking notes on every single take, so we'll normally do three takes through. We'll grab any pickups as needed, but then I'm just keeping detailed notes
Starting point is 00:17:54 so that when we pass all these files off to the editors, that they know kind of what was happening in the room and which takes to a working best. Awesome, cool. Thanks, man. Yeah, of course. As I'm editing this episode, the Royal's Amalibu is the number six podcast on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:18:13 On behalf of the entire team, I want to thank all of our dedicated listeners for tuning into our first season. Sit tight. We're working very hard on finishing season two. And let me just say, it's jaw dropping. Diversion Audio

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