The Royals of Malibu - Royals Tea pt. 2 with Alyssa McKay, Nick Cafero & Chris Cafero

Episode Date: May 8, 2023

Let's be real, that season finale was shocking, to say the least. Lucky us, because we have Reed, Easton, and Ella here to discuss that jaw-dropping finale and much much more. We're joined by actors A...lyssa McKay (Ella), Nick Cafero (Easton), and Chris Cafero (Reed). And don't surf too far away because The Royals of Malibu returns with Season 2 very soon. Follow The Royals of Malibu on Instagram Follow The Royals of Malibu on TikTok Explore more: The Royals of Malibu is a production of Diversion Audio. This episode was produced and directed by Emma DeMuth. Editing, Sound Design, and Engineering by Antonio Enriquez and Emma DeMuth. Theme Music by Eric Zeiler. Executive Producers for Diversion Audio: Jacob Bronstein, Mark Francis and Scott Waxman. Executive Producers for Pod People: Rachael King and Matt Sav.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Royals and Malibu cast interview. Part 2, I'm Emma Demuth and I work behind the scenes on the story development of the show. Sit back, grab a treasure cafe, pistachio latte, or calum certified green juice and get ready. Because today we're going to be discussing some royalty. Today we have the self-described ugly hot resident bad boy that we all love, Eastern Royal voiced by Nick Cafferro. The brooding but beautiful, read royal voiced by Chris Cafferro. In last but certainly not least, our girl boss hero, Alison Claire, voiced by the one and only Alyssa McKay.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Hi. Today we're going to answer some more questions from you, the fans, and play some more loyal games. Alright, let's start by discussing that jaw dropping season finale. What are you guys' theory for why Brooke and Reed were in bed together? Chris, since you play Reed, I'll start with you. Well, I have my theories. I mean, I think anyone who's read the book and listened to the podcast will know that it's,
Starting point is 00:01:10 you know, it's not completely true to the book, you know, it diverts a little bit, which is great. So my theory is because I think Reed really does care about Ella. I think that really does care about Ella. I think that there's a perfectly rational explanation for this. I think Brooke was the perpetrator. And I think Reed found himself caught in a bad situation. And that snapshot that Ella saw is not indicative of what
Starting point is 00:01:42 actually happened. And I hope we'll get some more clarity at some point in the future. Yeah, did you happen to read the books, Chris? I haven't. So I will say season two, it's going to be different than the books. Yes. So for any fans listening, you're on the right track. I'll say that. I did know that. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say it or not. But yes, on the right track. I'll say that. I did know that. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say it or not. But yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Um, so it's going to be a surprise. Yes. That's why it's called diversion podcast. Yes. So they divert. That's the whole thing. Um, this is going to be boring because I'm going to say saying, but I think as well. Brooke was the villain here. and I think that she propositioned read into doing this and she was threatening in some way to retaliate or get back at Ella and read did what he did as a way of protecting her. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Maybe that's more of an optimistic view, but I think he was doing something in protector and that they weren't really, as Chris said, the snapshot didn't really show the whole picture. And that's what I'm hoping for, because especially with that little phone call, Cliff Hanger, you guys left at the end, as she's driving away, it made it seem that there is much much more to the story and
Starting point is 00:03:10 maybe Reed wasn't totally being nefarious. What are your thoughts, Alyssa? I mean, I I guess I agree because realistically like there's some kind of redemption that happens for read. Like, I know realistically that there is, however, I cannot think of any situation where read would feel like he would need to be in that position, you know, to protect Elr or whatever. So realistically, I know that, you know, there probably was a good reason, but I just cannot fathom with that reason could be at this point in time.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, that's true. Like, what could proposition would lead them to be both naked? Do this with me or else what? Like I've been thinking about this a lot because I've been trying to think how this ties into season two. Right, but if you look at, if you just look at what happened, like just the text, LWox, reads on his bed shirtless, could have gotten out of the shower, could have been changing, and Brooke is on top of him. It doesn't say that they are being physically intimate, obviously that is a physically intimate thing,
Starting point is 00:04:18 but it doesn't say they're making out, so we literally don't know, like, they're playing cards, Chris. Well, they're not playing cards. But you know, there's a situation where Brooke walks in on on read, getting changed out of his birthday. She shoves him to the bed and jumps on top of him and then boom, Ella walks in right there. I mean, that is true because nobody locks stores in the house. People of the jury. That, that is an important distinction.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He's shirtless, but he's not necessarily on me. And they aren't. That's true. Kissing. So, pay attention to the details. I'll say that. All right, I'd love to know a little bit more about how you guys prepared for your scenes.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So, did you guys meet Alissa for the first time in the booth? Did you guys have any conversations before about your characters? What was that process like up until stepping into the recording booth? We didn't meet a list until we were in the studio and actually I Chris correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure we walked in to the studio room as she was recording a scene with Calum and like we kind of looked at each other like wow, she's really good
Starting point is 00:05:24 So that was the first time we met and then she came out and we kind of looked at each other like wow, she's really good. So that was the first time we met, and then she came out and we all introduced ourselves. But in terms of preparing for the roles, I know I'll speak for myself, I think that mostly was an individual process of just, I read through all of the scripts, they were all sent, all 13 of them.
Starting point is 00:05:45 So it did take quite a while, but I just wanted, like, it was important for me to know everything that happened. And then we got, because we had a great team and director, organized lists and schedules of what we were going to be shooting on what days and what order. So it was easy to go back and kind of go through and examine everything seen by scene and make sure you had all of your intentions and everything mapped out before you got into the booth. And then when we were in the booth, it's kind of you just got to let all that prep work kind of go away. So you're present and just kind of let it fly. And luckily we got
Starting point is 00:06:26 to do a few takes of each scene so you could try different things and get some feedback. So that was my personal process. We're on a very tight schedule too. I said this in the earlier episode as well. But I think you guys only had like three takes per scene, which went by very quickly. You would do a very intense scene and then a very comical scene and another intense scene. So it was a lot of switching back and forth. So it was really impressive how you guys were able to get so much done in four days and a lot of order too.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Chris and Nick, the audience may not know this, but you guys are actually brothers in real life. Do you think you're more similar to the brother you play or opposite? Well, it's funny, because we actually talk about this. I am the older brother, so read exhibits a lot of older brother tendencies, I think, with Eastern. And so I can definitely relate to that.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But I think from a personality standpoint, Nick and I joke that it's actually kind of reversed. Nick is, in my opinion, a bit more of the brooding, you know, internalized type. And I'm a bit more of the goofball, the silly guy. So, yeah, so I mean, that's my opinion. Nick, I don't know what you think. But so when we got the roles, it was like, oh, this will, I mean, yes, I'm the older brother in real life, but this will be an interesting sort of twist for me to be, you know, the Reed Moody and Nick to be like the funny silly, you know, Wiseass. Okay. A few things. One, yes. Two, I wouldn't,
Starting point is 00:08:00 I wouldn't use brooding as an adjective for me, but it definitely internalized. I definitely agree with Chris. I am more I could be more quiet at times. And he is definitely more the goofball for sure. I think if you asked our family who would be who if you described the traits, they would say I would be read and he would be eased and for sure. But I will say we are similar to the brothers, especially that it comes out the most, I think when read is fighting and you see Eastern like trying to like protect him or when read defense Eastern against when Eastern got into a little trouble by going to practice high and read comes to his defense to his dad, there is like a very strong love between them.
Starting point is 00:08:47 It comes out in a very aggressive way at times, but there's a very strong love between them. So I think that is accurate to our relationship as well. Have you guys ever been in a real-life love triangle? Like, Reed and Eastern? No, no, no, no. I wouldn't want to hurt Nick's,. No, no, no, no. I wouldn't want to hurt Nick's, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:07 break his heart because obviously I would win that little triangle situation. So yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not big into shapes. I'll stay out of the triangle. If you guys could give Ella, Rita and Eastern any advice, what it be. Stop.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Well, I guess I would say I would have to give advice to read, because I feel like the solution is so simple, and it's just to be honest and speak, and be more communicative with Ella about his feelings, because I feel like that is the roots of the majority of their conflicts. Yeah, I think that's fair. I think, you know, Reed has like a lot of emotional intelligence, but he doesn't have the vocabulary to express it. And so my advice to Reed, because he's close to my heart, of course, is,
Starting point is 00:10:03 would be you don't have to fix everything. And you can't fix everything. A lot of the things that happened, particularly with his mother and his father in the past and his brother, it happened. You can't fix it. But I think, you know, read to this, this point in his life where he's, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:21 he's coming of age, he's about to turn 18, he doesn't know what his future holds, and he feels as the bigger brother with sort of an absentee father, this need to fix everything and protect everybody. And I think that burden is having a real negative effect on him. And so if I could give him any advice, it would be go to therapy and and realize that you it is not your responsibility to carry the weight of the world on your on your shoulders. I would if I had to give advice of give it to Eastern, but it's actually it was fun to play but also to listen back to Eastern's journey. I think that he comes off hot. He starts hot. He's kind of just like
Starting point is 00:11:08 flamboyant with his rich ways, but he's kind of a jerk. But I think as the show goes on, you start to see his heart shine a little bit more, And he really cares for his brother and Ella. And I would just say leaning on that, because I think it's all comes down to insecurity and he tries to cover that at the beginning because it might not be perceived as cool or what the people at his high school want from him. So he gets involved with the wrong people.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But I think when push comes to shove, you do see that he has a big heart. So I would just tell him that it's cool. If you just follow that, you don't have to cover it with all this douchebag dressing, which is the actual proper work. That's okay. Yeah, that's a great advice. I'm curious. I mean, you guys are a little bit older than the characters you play.
Starting point is 00:12:05 You know, these are 17, 18 year olds. What was that like to step back into the shoes of an angsty teenager? Oh, well, I'm only 23. So I still, I'm going to be honest. I still feel like I'm 17. All right. All right. You don't have to rub it in.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So yeah, it was easy for me. I was living. You know what's fun about it is like, I'm a little further removed from high school than everyone else on this call. But what's fun about it is like when you're younger, your emotions don't live in the margins, right? Like everything is, every day is the most important day. Every outfit is the most important thing you've ever worn. Like, it is everything's out of ten all the time. That's just what being a teenager is. And as an actor, that's really fun to get to dive into that world where, you know, you get to wear your emotions on your sleeve a little bit more. But I will say also, you know, reading these scripts and getting involved with these characters,
Starting point is 00:13:05 I mean, the thought of going and living through high school right now with all of the things at people's disposal with social media and I mean, it's terrifying. The thought of it is terrifying. Different world. It's so different. Yeah. Also, if I like, we're going back to high school, I would have to put braces on. I was, I didn't have a, I was driving a Toyota with a cloth top. Like, this is, this is not not my high school experience. So it's for sure. I was, yeah, I was going to ask if you guys had any like royal level crazy high school stories or experiences? I was pretty lame in high school. I think I went to one party one time when my mom was in Vegas and she like tracked my location and my dad showed up to the party in front of everyone and like
Starting point is 00:13:56 snatched me and was like, you're coming home and eats like French and as a stick French accent so everyone's like, who's this foreign guy like taking a list of way. So yeah Ella is much cooler than I was in high school. Nick and I both went to a public high school in Connecticut. So very different as far as like the wealthy private school that is depicted in Royals, Malibu. But I had a I mean I had a few parties, especially senior year, that got out of control with some fights and police. I didn't do anything wrong. I was strictly there as a shaper.
Starting point is 00:14:38 There's been some of that. Not to age myself too much, but when I was in high school, all we had was Facebook. That was it. We didn't have Instagram, TikTok, like, any of this, like, nobody had, like, really good cameras on their phones. So we didn't have to worry about, you know, getting caught doing anything crazy like that. Yeah, there's no way to memorialize it, really. Yes, thank God.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I mean, I was at the same high school as Chris, so we didn't really have those blow out, uh, royal level parties, though, I will say when I was in college, I was introduced to some like wealth that people had that I had no idea existed in this world. And that was pretty nuts to see. And that was very much on the Royal level. Like people, they were like a group of people and they mostly all hung out together. So I wasn't with them much.
Starting point is 00:15:36 But like, we're like private jets that they would take for the weekend and go back to like their big parties and like stuff like that. So I didn't know that existed. And like, that's some of this, like when I'm listening or reading to the script, I'm like, oh, I think I know who these people might be. We have so many of them. We definitely cannot answer all of them, but let's go ahead and hop in. So Kendall from Spotify asked, what was
Starting point is 00:16:21 your favorite episode from the season? Um, my favorite episode, I think I can't remember like the actual like which episode it was, but my favorite episode and one of my favorite scenes was when Ella has to help Eastern with like the the guys that were like UOS money. Um, I was like really looking forward to shooting that because it's so fun and the stakes are so high. And I get to scream at Eastern, which was like so fun. So yeah that one I think it was like episode 10 or 11 but it's one of my favorites. That was a fun scene. Well I like I have moments because Emma like you were saying we we shot a lot or we've recorded a lot of the episodes you know at the same time. So my favorite was I really
Starting point is 00:17:04 enjoyed the fight scenes, which was a lot of fun, especially to do in a booth by yourself. But I really liked the moment that Ella and I had on the beach where we read, opened up about his mom and how she got hooked on pills and what happened and everything. Because it's one of the few moments you get to see him really open up to someone. So I really enjoyed that. So the part I like the least,
Starting point is 00:17:32 has Chris's fight scenes. I did not like those. Why? I'm not I guess I'm not the I'm not like the biggest fan of confrontation, but I didn't like seeing like you get like worked up like that, but was not. I didn't enjoy that. Like as a brother to brother? Yeah, yeah, I just did. I was like, oh no, I don't like that. I don't like. I will say for for me, my favorite scenes, I think in like Chris said, it's hard with the episodes because we did them all out of order. But when Eason goes to like the club with Ella and Valerie, that was a lot of fun to do.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And then there was also one scene it's when Eason is, I believe this is maybe episode 10, Eason was caught going to practice high. And this is one of the first ones that we shot. And then he comes back and calms, like kind of getting on him and then read steps in and kind of puts calms in his place. And I remember recording that. And the way that we were recording that
Starting point is 00:18:39 is Chris happened to actually be in another booth. And then me, Alyssa, the actor to put cal and we're all in the same room. And I remember, like, we were all like, whoa, like that monologue that Reed gives about Cal, I'm not being there, kind of gave me goosebumps. And I really liked that whole dynamic and scene and an episode came out really nicely.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That was a very pivotal moment of the season. All right, question from Katie from Spotify. Do you think voice acting is harder than acting on camera and what's your advice for someone wanting to get into the industry? I've actually talked about this a lot, like online, because people have asked me this question a lot. I would say that there are some things
Starting point is 00:19:22 that are a little bit more difficult with voice acting. One of the things that I noticed right away was that I really have to put a lot of inflection in my voice, and I have to convey the emotions that you can't see on my face or with my body language through my voice. So I would say that that was probably the biggest challenge that I had to face with voice acting versus acting on camera. And then advice I would say for anyone who's wanting to get into the industry, because I also talk about this a lot all the time
Starting point is 00:19:56 is that anyone at any age, you can sign up for backstage, sign up for actor's access. You don't need an agent or a manager to get started. And especially now that the majority of auditions are remote, like when I was in high school, it was really hard to get self-tapes because they wanted you to come in. And if you weren't in L.A., it was really difficult. And now you can do everything remotely for the most part. So my biggest advice is just, you know, put yourself out there, get some head shots and start submitting yourself on places like backstage and actors access. That's good advice.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I would say the difference between is voice acting harder than on camera acting. I think there are definitely parts of it that are more difficult because you have so many, like Alyssa was saying, there's so many tools that are not at your disposal when you're or that you can't rely on to convey emotion you have to do it all with your voice. Although I will say and this could be completely wrong but my personal belief is that a lot of it is like a mind game in terms of you think you have to do more than you really do, and so you start to put more like you affect your voice and whatever, but like because you're trying
Starting point is 00:21:09 to compensate for what you aren't able to do on camera, and I think that it's best to just try to like at the end of the day you're just trying to tell the truth. So just be patient, take a deep breath, and just deliver the lines as you would on camera, and it will come out in your voice, and I think you have to trust that that truth will come out as long as you're being truthful to the character and the situation and the scenario. And in terms of getting into the industry, if they're talking particularly about voice acting, I will leave that answer to Chris because he has much more experience in that.
Starting point is 00:21:53 My advice would be because a LISO already hit this well. It's just be patient and try to surround yourself with people that are doing it, that are trying like you are and that are supportive. There's a lot of rejection and there's a lot of heartbreak that goes along with this industry. But if you can find the people and the things that are within your control that give you joy and continue to chase them and grab them and just control them as much as you possibly can and then let everything else go, I think you'll be in a better spot. I love it. Yeah, I think, well, with regard to the first question, I'm a firm believer that acting is acting. Emoting is emoting. And like Nick said, you know, if you are being true to the
Starting point is 00:22:35 character and true to the text, it will be captured. Now, every medium, you have to make some technical adjustments. You know, you're not going to give the same performance on stage that you would on camera and in front of the microphone. So you do have to make those adjustments, but at the end of the day it's all about the craft of acting and emoting and being vulnerable and open and letting whether it's a camera or the microphone do the rest of the work. That being said, I do think that this medium is very challenging for several reasons. One, when you're shooting on camera, usually you'll do two pages of a script a day, like period. Two pages is a long day. We were doing 50, 60, 70 pages a day because we shot, I mean, I recorded all of myself in three days and that's 13 episodes. And so
Starting point is 00:23:38 you know, when you when you show up for an on camera job and you have two pages, like you know show up for a non-camera job and you have two pages like you know what the scene is, you know how to prepare yourself emotionally and to get in the right headspace for that scene. But for this, we're jumping all over the map, you're jumping time, it's non-sequential, it's, so you know, one second me and me and Alyssa are doing a scene in a pool where we're all lovey-dovey and then five minutes later I'm punching a guy in a closet because he's grooping her and so you just have to make these vast changes and so it's really important to you know have a grasp of the character so that you can take a deep breath and be like, okay, where am I now, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:24:26 So that's a really big challenge, especially for Alyssa, who had to jump in real time from narrating her inner thoughts to being present in the actual scene. And for the listeners who don't know, she did that in the moment. Like that's not an editing trick, and that is extremely difficult to do. So I give Alyssa a lot of props and credit
Starting point is 00:24:49 for being able to pull that off. That's so hard. This is the only voice acting work that I've done so far. And so I was under the impression that in voiceover work, you're in the booth a lot of the times, but I guess that's not the case. And in this project, we were all in the booth with each other for the majority of the scenes
Starting point is 00:25:08 that we had together. And Nick and Chris came so prepared and knew their characters inside and out that when we were in the studio, we were able to kind of, we didn't have to just sit there and read the pages. We were able to look at each other and interact with each other. And we were actually acting in the booth
Starting point is 00:25:22 as if we were on camera to the best of our ability. And I think that that did make the relationships that we had feel so truthful to the audience. Oh, thank you. Yeah, that is part of the challenge too, is feeling comfortable with the actual equipment because you know, you're standing in one place and you could move a little bit, because the bike will pick it up. But whether we're doing a scene where, you know, you're standing in one place and you could move a little bit because the bike will pick it up. But whether we're doing a scene where, you know, Ella and Rita are in bed together or I'm screaming at her at a club over loud music, you're standing in the same place. So you really have to, you know, put yourself in the physical space mentally so that you can adjust vocally. And it's very challenging, but it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And then just to answer quickly that second part of that question, what Nick and Alyssa said is so great. I would get into a class, whether it be a voiceover class, which they offer an acting class, a scene study class, on camera class, whatever you want to pursue, a comedy class, but it is, it is an art form and it is a skill and you have to keep working at it and sharpening it. And then keep putting yourself out there, like Alyssa said. I mean, we all have cameras on our phone, we all have microphones on our phone.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And Alyssa is an amazing example of this, you know, 10 million followers don't lie. If you put yourself out there and you put the work in, it will eventually pay off. So don't wait for somebody to ask you to do it, do it yourself. Great advice all around. A shifting gear is a little bit. So this is one of the questions we've been asked the most. Japper from Spotify asked, did you guys actually have to kiss or was that sound effects? They were sound effects. I feel like it would have been less awkward just to do the kiss because I
Starting point is 00:27:17 remember being so embarrassed when they were like just mixing like kissing and heavy breathing sounds into the mic. I was so embarrassed. This is how I was acting. I was just like flustered. What was it like recording the intimate scenes? Like, would you guys laugh afterwards? Did it ever feel awkward? Explain a little bit more about that process. We've got a lot of questions about it. I personally blocked out. Yeah. I was saying. Well, I got to give credit to Alyssa and, and well, Chris and maybe a little, my subbed like we were, I feel like the three of us were so prepared
Starting point is 00:27:55 going into this. Alyssa said this earlier as well that like we were able to, and Alyssa led the way she was the, the captain of the ship, but like it it was so professional. And we had so much to do that like, we, we just did it and we moved on to the next one. Like it wasn't, I didn't feel like in like, Chris, that has its difficulties of like going in from an intimate scene to Chris beating the living hell out of somebody. and it seemed to Chris beating the living hell out of somebody and me sitting in the corner scared. But those scenes can always be a little uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:28:28 but everyone was so professional that it made it easy. Yeah, I agree. I mean, the room was so safe with our director Matt Sav, and Ashton was in the room, one of our producers, and so it was a really safe space, and everyone was really professional. And again, I think it it goes back to what we're saying you know if you if your focus is on the character and the story and
Starting point is 00:28:51 being honest and truthful like you very quickly get over that awkwardness because then it's the focus is on the reality of the situation and the emotion of the situation. And there is some awkwardness because, you know, because a listen, I are, you know, five feet apart, you're talking into individual microphones, but we're supposed to make it sound like we're, you know, in bed with each other right next to each other. But you know, there was, I mean, maybe at first there was a giggle or two, but I think, and I think it shows in the work. I think because we were both, we all, not both all of us bought in and were emotionally invested. Yeah, emotionally invested. I think it rings really true.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Also, like with the sexy scenes too, like there was no real, like what I noticed is that there wasn't any real like tee up it wasn't like all right guys we're gonna shoot a sexy scene now it was more so like I'm already in a scene that is not set like there's no like sexual aspect to it and then that's what it kind of turns into as the scene progresses and you're already in the scene so you don't really like you know there's no moments really take a step back to kind of what Nick was saying you just kind of plow
Starting point is 00:30:03 through it and then I felt like the embarrassment came after. Once like the director was like, oh my god, that was so hot or whatever. And my face was so rough. Yeah, there's no real team up. You just kind of like, you say like we were just like living truthfully as the characters. And then that's just, if that's how the script goes,
Starting point is 00:30:20 that's how it goes. And you do it. What's awkward to me is listening to it. Losing to my brother be intimate is very uncomfortable. It's harder to listen to him or you both. It's crazy to listen to me. Anytime my voice comes on or Chris's comes on intimate, I do the little two times speed.
Starting point is 00:30:43 So I know it's going on, but I don't want to I don't want to marry me. I slow it down. Now I slow it down. I slow it down. I turn up the volume and I'm like, yeah, let's get sexy. Moving on, Ella from Apple asks, do you think Halem is a good father? Do you think he is a good person? Oh, loaded. I think he tries to be. I think he's he tries to be. I think he tries to be. I think a lot of this story is about parenting.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And I would say a lot of that parenting is not very good. Although that's coming from somebody who's never been a parent. So I'm not sure how fair that is. But I will say there are definitely moments that Calum is trying. But if I looked at his entire history, I would say he's not been a great father. If I look at the effect it's had on his his sons, I would say he's not been a great father. I think the question is, and I'm not sure what the answer is, is like, at what point is it irreversible? Like, at what point is it too late?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Is it ever too late? Can you change? And can you become a good father to your already grown sons? And this girl that you brought in? And I think that's a question for the audience and the listener. And I think everyone's going to have a different opinion. I think his heart is in the right place. I think he just doesn't know how to be a father.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And I think a lot of that has to do with his selfishness. I think he was a very bad husband. That's for sure. And I think how you treat the mother of your children, influences your children quite a bit. And so in that regard, I think you failed. And I also think he comes from this background of trying to throw money at problems,
Starting point is 00:32:55 which is something that I think that happens in a lot of affluent families and communities, where it's like, you know, instead of, you know, when Easton gets caught, you know, showing up drunk or high to practice, his response isn't, let's get Easton help. It's, let me pay off the school so that he doesn't get expelled. And you're addressing the symptoms of the problem as opposed to the underlying problem. So I think he he thinks he's doing what's best for his boys and certainly for Ella, but I think he's he's very misguided and I think he's a bit selfish. I think this is hard for me because I am an optimist and but I think that inherently Kalam is a good person. I think that maybe the dynamic, the family dynamic before Maria died was very much, that she was the caretaker of the boys
Starting point is 00:33:49 and he was the provider of the family. And I think that he's been hardwired to be the provider and so by him providing money and providing all these luxuries for his kids, that is the epitome of good parenting. But he misses the emotional aspect. And I think that maybe Just playing devil's advocate. I mean maybe him bringing Brooke in the mix wasn't so much, you know him just wanting a new girlfriend
Starting point is 00:34:17 But maybe him trying to to find some sort of mother figure for the boys because he knew he couldn't do it himself And then maybe that's also part of the reason he brought Ella in a little bit. I don't know I'd really like to hear Armen's take on what he thinks at some point because it's a tough question for sure. Yeah, maybe Ella is a way to kind of redeem himself a little bit, it's kind of like a do-over shot at parenting as bad as that sounds. Yeah, and he's also, you know, he's going through a loss as well, you know, he lost his wife
Starting point is 00:34:42 and you know, whether or not he shows it, I'm that obviously has an effect on him. I mean, I don't agree with you bringing your girlfriend over and like making out with her at the dinner table and being all gross and weird in front of your kids. Like that's weird. But some people do it. Top gun in you window. It was a little cringey. Oh yeah, that's right. All right, well thank you to all the fans who wrote us questions. We're sorry we couldn't answer all of them, but be sure to follow us on Instagram at the royals of Malibu where we often answer your Q&A's. So moving on to some games. The first game that we're going to play is called This or That.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I'll give you guys two options or scenarios and you're going to tell me which one you prefer. All right, let's start with a question. read Asela on the beach in episode 10. Mountains or beach? Beach. Beach all day long. Mountains. Wow. You're in the wrong shape.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I haven't been, I just love the view and I love the fresh air snow. Yeah, the beach stinks and I agree with Ella. I don't like the sand. I hate sand. So I could do a good job. I love sand. Oh, we actually, it's funny, Alyssa. We got a few questions asking if you personally also hate sand as well. Oh, yeah, I do. I was just at the beach and my house just got cleaned two days ago and there's sand all over my house.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I guess I should have like, it's my fault because I should have like, host down my body before just stopping around the house, but like, it's hard because I go to the beach every day. So yeah, I'm not a big fan of, of sand at all. You still choose the beach. I live with it. Okay, watch a football game or a water polo match. Come on. I'm saying either. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Do they do they have water polo matches televised? Yeah, first of all, the Olympics. No, I'm talking in person in person. Oh, okay. Football game. I'm going football, but I will say every four years when the Olympics is on and they have those water polo matches, they are fun to watch, but I'm going football. I mean, you have to be an insane athlete to be a water polo player.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Thank you. Thank you. Cocktails at a Hollywood club are coffee at the treasure cafe. Coffee. I don't really drink. So that's coffee. Coffee. I'm going treasure cafe coffee. I don't really drink so that's coffee Coffee I'm gonna go coffee. I love a good cocktail, but not at that club. Oh, yeah, it's too much It's an intense club. Yeah, that's the kind of club you have to mentally prepare for for like a month And you got to get a table like once every two years. Yeah Yeah, no, thank you once every four years It's an election cycle thing for me. I get it. I get it. All right. Have a brook or dina as your legal guardian? A brook.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Brook seems a lot more fun and not to be rude, but like easier to manipulate and get stuff out of. Of course, Reed would say that. I would say Brooke too, because of all those things that I'm also afraid of her sleeping with my boyfriend. So I would say Dina. I mean, I would say Brooke too, because Dina, Dina like knows what she's doing. Like she knows that she's beat. She's like evil with an intention. Brooke is, I think, a little, uh, fun about it. You know what you're getting.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, you're right. I would be great on a reality TV show But I wouldn't want to Real housewives of Malibu. Yeah, you can have a whole section of the penthouse to yourself though Nick you do love sections You do love section Take care of a drunk rug or a drunk eastern Easton just cuz he's funny. Definitely Eastern.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Eastern's funnier and like you can just sort of dump him in his room and like. Forget about it. Broke I feel like you have to be a little bit more delicate. Yeah. Yeah and crying drunk girls is like my worst nightmare. I don't even know how to handle people crying around me like sober. So I couldn't imagine like a whiny like you know drunk bruh but eastern's's like I might like vomit on you or something but I feel like that's like the price of willing to pay. I just like that Easton always announces. Yeah. Serpent to loom are motorcycle of the PCH. Motorcycle. I don't know the skills you either. I can't swim so I don't want to go near it in Serpent motion. Wait, you love the beach, but you can't swim and you hate sail.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Why? Why do you like the beach? I'm also I'm scared of heights and bugs and there's no heights at the beach and there's no insects at the beach really, but there are in the mountains. So. Okay. Fair for fair. Sounds like you're an in-bure cat. I don't fight all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I'm going to sit right after that. I would say motorcycle. I have. I'm terribly unbalanced. I would not enjoy surfing. I would not be able to stand up on the board. You got to be balanced on a motorcycle. Yeah, if you're not balanced on a motorcycle, that's not a good sign. I feel like surfing is probably harder. Like if you could ride a dirt bike, like, you know, I feel like anyone can ride a dirt bike, but you can't, like, not anyone can surf. I feel. I agree.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Okay. With a snap of your fingers, get reed to stop fighting or get easton to stop selling drugs. I would say easton to stop selling drugs because I will lead to more of the fighting. So I think that will, that will hopefully, my hope is that it will take care of both. Also, that's illegal when fighting sometimes isn't as illegal. Is it? I don't know. I got to read the book. I got to read the rule book I would say Eastern stop selling drugs because I mean obviously fighting is dangerous, but that's much more dangerous
Starting point is 00:39:52 Especially as we saw you get you get in bed with the wrong people you owe money Also read got in bed with the wrong people literally You don't know what happened all right good one Right. Good one. It was my birthday. Exactly. It was your 18th birthday. She knew what she was doing. Perfect timing. As gross as it was. Last question.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And hair at $100 million. Yes. Or win an Oscar. Yes. A hair at $100 million, baby. You could buy yourself a roll and win an Oscar. Yeah. Win an Oscar.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Earned. I want to earn it. I feel like if you win an Oscar, you're on your way to making $100 million. That is true. But also, if you have $100 million, you could produce some pretty stellar movies and put yourself in them, thus putting your position of maybe winning Oscar. And you could still work hard if you're the producer or the writer or something and you're like just funding it yourself. You could still earn an Oscar, I feel.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Fair. Yeah, but also if I inherited something, I mean one of my parents had to pass away. I don't want. But what if they were already dead? Like in L.S. case or like a distant cousin to decide to give it to you. She makes good points. She doesn't like sand, but she makes good points. Okay guys, let's step into the shoes of your characters. I'm going to give you guys a scenario and you tell me what you think your character would do in that scenario. What would your character do if they could only take three things
Starting point is 00:41:10 to a deserted island? Wow. I think Ella would for sure take, I'm trying to think of like what possessions she has, but like her picture of her mom, her letter from her mom, and that's all I could think of. To a deserted island. Reed would bring like a knife or some sort her mom. And that's all I could think of. Do a deserted island.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Reed would bring like a knife or some sort of weapon. But he has his fist. Yeah, he does. That's true. You could take down a wild boar or this fist. I think he would bring his car. And I think he would bring Ella, not that she's a possession. Oh, that's a cute, that's sweet. And that Eason would bring Ella not that she's a possession. Oh, that's a cute.
Starting point is 00:41:45 That's sweet. I think Eason would bring the party. I think Eason would bring drugs. I think he would bring Reed. I do think he would bring his brother. And I was thinking maybe Savannah. I think he likes her a lot. But that would be weird with Reed there.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Maybe a box of cereal. A box of cereal. Box of cereal. Single box. We're trying to cereal. I think he's a lucky charm, guys. I could see it. Okay, what was your character do if they were kidnapped? I think yellow would fight back.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I think yellow would be able to outsmart a kidnapper and just like fuck them up and run away. If you'd find a way out of it. Eason would talk a big game, make some threats, and then slowly start to beg to let him go. And I hope that L is around to save him. That's so true. I think Reed would be extremely stoic and not give an inch. Like, he would just take a beating if he had to. Also, I went to school.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Here's a side story. I went to school with a kid in college who was very, very, very wealthy. And he had allegedly kidnapping insurance. And like this might have been made up, but he, like if he were to ever get kidnapped and held for ransom, there was like an insurance policy and like a security team that would jump in action because his dad like worked for like an insurance policy and like a security team that would jump in action,
Starting point is 00:43:07 because his dad worked for an oil company in foreign countries, because his dad was Barack Obama. And so something tells me Calum would have something like that. So Reed would just patiently weigh. Yeah, for sure. What would your character do if they found out
Starting point is 00:43:24 they could stop time? I think Ella would spend some more time with her mom If she could if she was able to stop time. Yeah. Is it sorry? Just point of point of clarification. Is it stop time or like? Can you go back they could go back and like slow-mo time spend more time at a certain time? You fucking turn back time Nick either one either one will go with that time at a certain time. You're fucking turn back time. Nick. Either one, either one.
Starting point is 00:43:47 We'll go with that. If I could go back in time, I honestly think the answer for Eastern would be the same. I think he, I think he really misses his mom. No. Try to, because and I think that that was a domino that led to him selling drugs. So I think he would try to get his mom the health she needed. Yeah. And if you could stop time at like any point, I think he would stop it right before Reed started fighting and get in between him.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Mine are similar. I think Reed would, if he could go back in time, he would go back to try and get his mom the help she needed and try to fix it. Again, going back to the answer earlier, he's a fixer. And then if he could pause time, he would pause right when Ella walked in and explain exactly what happened in a calm, emotion-free way to explain himself and this very unfortunate situation he's found himself in.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I wish that were the truth. Son of a gun. We'll find out season two. Okay, last question. We'll end with a fun one. What would your character do if they were swimming and lost their bathing suit? Get up and be like, everybody look! Look at this, look at I could do. Me personally, I would dive under the water and everything.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I mean, what do you do? Reed would like, like, do the same thing, but be really modest and broody about it. Like, he would come out of the water and be like, damn it. My bathing suit left me, just like everyone else. But this is who I am now. And then, like, show his rocking bod off to everybody.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I don't know. Because I know, like like as a woman, there's like just not enough hands to cover everything. So you cannot like just effectively get out of the water without, you know, like being exposed. I feel like, I mean, if Ellos is someone, she'd obviously be like, yo, can you like help me? But I think that if she had no choice but to just get out of the water, she would just do it with confidence as if she did not mean to lose her bathing suits.
Starting point is 00:45:48 All right guys unfortunately we are running out of time but I want to thank you all so much for your incredible work this season where can fans follow you. Listen to Kay everywhere. Yeah I'm at Sea Cafferro across the board. I'm at and Cafferro across the board. Copycat. Amazing. Well I will see you guys in the studio for season two very soon. Yay! I can't wait! audio.

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