The Russell Brunson Show - 2CCX Challenge 1: Simplify Your Business...

Episode Date: February 8, 2021

Welcome to this special episode series! Recently I recorded a training video for my 2CCX students and I made them commit to taking on 5 different challenges that would help them strengthen and grow th...eir businesses. On this first episode we discuss challenge #1, Simplify your business. So tune in and see how these challenges can help you and your business get to where you want to be. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast. All right, I want to share with you guys something really cool. So recently I did a training for people who were inside of my Two Comma Club X, high-end coaching program. And the training chat really cool, and I thought it'd be fun to share it with you guys. So I'm actually going to break it up over the next five episodes. There are five challenges that I gave them to do to be more successful inside their business. So, that's kind of the game plan. So each episode we'll cover one of the five challenges, and this very first challenge is called Simplify Your Business. So we're going to cue up the theme song, we come back, you guys will have a chance to hear and behind the scenes of a private training I was doing with my Two Comma Club X, high-end coaching students, and I hope you love it. Whenever I would go to bed, I always like trying to do a lot ahead of time, this is my business model, I know what it is, it's like I'm driving traffic to a landing page, and then from here I'm upselling people on the phone, or I'm doing a webinar, or I can have a structure, like what you're doing, right? And it's all the speakers are coming in that are giving you ideas. The goal is not to be like, "Nevermind, I'm believing that," rip it up and start something new. And the next speaker, you throw it away and something new. Instead, it's like listen to every single speaker and listening to their model and be like, "That's really cool, I love how they're doing that." And then be like, "That piece right there, that one thing that person said, that's something I can take and I can apply to my existing framework, the existing business I'm trying to do." Okay? Because if you're not careful, you're going to hear all, again, we have so many amazing speakers, all of them had their own take on how to do business. If you're not careful, you're going to rip up and rewrite your business plan 20 times in the next two days, which is not going to help you. It's not going to get you to momentum, it's going to get you out of momentum. Right? So the goal of this is to keep the frame or keep the business that you're working on, but then looking for what's the piece of gold from each presentation. Right? I'm going to be sharing these five different things. And each of these things, some of you guys might thing, "That one's not for me. That one's not for me," and, "That's the piece of gold I needed, I can add here, and I can apply to the framework that I've already built. It's going to help me to speed up and help me get to that next spot faster." Okay? And so that's the way I want you guys to start looking at this week, not, "I'm rewriting my business plan 20 times over," it's, "I have 20 amazing people coming, what's the one piece of gold I can take from each speaker that I can apply to the existing thing that I'm already working on to help amplify it and help get me back into momentum?" Does that make sense? So that's kind of the goal. So with that said, I'm going to jump into five different things I kind of wanted to go through with you guys, and I think they're fun. I'm excited for it. So, all right. So the first thing, so again, I got a bunch of just things. So my first thing I want to put out there for everybody is the thought process of how can I simplify my business? How can I simplify my funnels? Last year, we did an affiliate retreat, some of our top affiliates came, and they came to Boise, and then Dave and Miles and everyone, took them out to McCall where they did water skiing and everything. Before they went out to have the big party, because I wasn't invited to the party. I'm just kidding, I was probably invited, I just wasn't able to go. But before they all went, I sat down for like an hour with everybody and kind of asked everyone about their businesses, and everyone asked me some feedback on this stuff. And I remember one of the people who was there, her name is Alex, she asked me the biggest advice. I kind of asked some questions on her business. And really quick, I found out that basically she had like, I don't know, half dozen or more funnels that she had, she was driving traffic to, she was trying to do all these different things. And I said, "Ma'am, my biggest piece of advice for you right now is to simplify everything." I said, "Pick the one funnel that you like the most and delete the rest." This should not be something where we're driving traffic to six or eight or 10 different offers. If you are, it gets very, very difficult. It's hard to focus all your efforts. I think a lot of people see my business and they're like, "Russell, you got eight offers." I'm like, "Yeah, I have 400 employees." You know what I mean? We're doing 10, $15 million a month. Don't necessarily model me because we've got more staff recently. When you get the point where you're trying to go for the billion dollar company, then look at me. But right now, what most guys are trying to zero to a million, million to ten, and ten to a hundred. So in those windows, the thing that's going to drive you is simplicity, one funnel. And what's crazy is as I'm doing this book launch, Alex, she interviewed me on her thing, and she said, "Man, the biggest thing that grew my business the last year is when you were in Boise, and you said I need to kill all my funnels but one. She's like, "I left all stressed out because I love all these funnels. I put so much time and energy, but I thought, everyone says, 'Do what Russell says,' so I'm going to do what Russell says." And she's like, "I killed all these babies and I kept one." And she's like, "Because of that, all my focus is on my ad dollars, my promotions, my content, everything's focused on one thing, and because of that, it's grown." And so I want to challenge you guys today. Again, this comes back to this whole over the next 20 speakers, don't try and reinvent 20 different business models. It's simplifying the one you have and figuring out the nuggets of gold you can apply to it. Okay? So I'm going to show you guys if I was to start over right now, like the most simple model on earth, and this is all I would do, if it was me and I'm trying to make a million to $10 million a year company, I would do this. Okay? And I'm going to show you, it's Ben Settle slide, because Ben is the most consistent, simple business model I've ever seen, and it's exactly what I would do. So Ben has got one product. Since the last couple years, he's developed a couple of other ones, but the reality, all those other products are... so he publishes a monthly newsletter. It's 97 bucks a month. You get a physical print newsletter in the mail every single month. And that's kind of what his business model is. And if you see, he sells other things, all he's done is over the last 10 years, he's been publishing this newsletter. He'll be like, "What are all the newsletters on this topic?" And he'll take like 30 issues, and he puts them with the others, like, "Here's my new product." And it's literally just his issues that are grouped together based on topics. So he only has one thing he does. Every month, he writes the newsletter and he sells it. It's 97 bucks a month. And that's it. Right? And then he's got a squeeze page, and a squeeze page is basically, "Come here, give me your email address, and then I'm going to sell you my newsletter." Right? So people come here, they go to, they put their email address in, and then he has his one product he sells. Basically, what he does is he sends out an email every single day, selling his one product. That's it. That's his business for the 10 years I've known him. I'm on his email list. I get an email every day, sometimes twice a day. And all he does is he promotes one thing and that's his newsletter. That's it. That's the business model, simple, easy, million dollar a year business right there, one product. And he sends an email a day. So you come in and here it is. I was just pulling this today, I took a screenshot just to show you guys. March 11th, there's email. March 11th, there are two emails. March 10th, there were three emails. March 9th, there were two emails. March 8th, my birthday, there were two emails. March 7th, there was email. And just consistently, consistently, right? So his whole business model is get people to come to my squeeze page, they give me their email address, I email them every single day to tell them to buy my one product. And you'll go, "Russell, what if they already bought the product, then what do I email them?" The same thing! Okay? Because guess what it does? It gets people to stick. It's funny, the biggest growth I had in my business was five or six years ago, we decided we were going to focus 100% of our efforts on click funnels. And prior to that, most of you guys probably didn't come into my universe prior to that, but if you would have looked at it before, we had so many different offers, they were all over the place, like something selling this, and this, and this. And so I'm emailing my list, I'm like, "I don't know, I'll promote this today, and then this," and they're all sorts of random things, right? And when we said, "Okay, we're going to sell click funnels," everything's focused on this one thing, one product, one service, then everything grew for us. Right? And even now, if you look at my business, we have front end funnels, like the books and things like that, but the only goal is if you want to buy the book is that you get into click funnels. Everything leads to this one road. And so the business model could be as simple as a squeeze page, get somebody email, to opt in, and then a print newsletter, or a webinar, or a membership, just one thing, right? Or my high-end coaching, whatever the one thing is, and then every day email about it. And even if they bought it, you still email them every single day because it increases their likelihood of sticking. Right? They're seeing another promotion. It's like, "I did buy it. I remember buying that, that was a good thing I bought it. It's a good reminder." It's a stick strategy. Probably three or four times a year, someone on my marketing team will come back and be like, "Russell, we need to use all the Actionetics complex features where people who have already bought this, it pulls down, they don't see any more messages about this and that." And like, "No, stop trying to be so technical and geeky. I don't care some about the book and they get 15 other emails about the book, because guess what? Now they're more likely to actually read the book because I keep selling them." I'm like, "Selling them on buying, it's one thing, but selling them on actually consuming it is another thing. So I'm going to keep telling you about it, and telling you about it, and telling you about it. I don't care if they bought it five times, I want them to keep getting it. If they got it and they've read it, I want them to keep reminding like, 'Yeah, that book was good, I need to go back and read it again, let me reference that thing.'" Right? So don't think that even though Actionetics and every email autoresponder has all these complex features where you can after someone's done this, pull them out so they never see the emails again, that's not necessarily good. Right? Simplify, keep things simple. During Funnel Hacking Live, after Garrett White had his presentation, we had this really cool moment backstage. I would love to, in fact, we did record, I just did the recording of it, but he told me, he's like, "A year ago," he's like, "My technical marketing team just convinced us to move off of Actionetics so we can move to, I can't remember what the other one was, something else, because that we could do all these more complex things and more split testing. And if they bought this, then like," he had this huge map. And he's like, "A year ago, they convinced me to do that." And it was funny because I had tried to convince Todd to let us use a more complex email software too, because I was like, "we can get so much more complex and so much better if we did this." And Todd laughed and he's like, " Dude, Russell, you haven't even finished the follow up sequence, like one, like you're trying to get more complex and you only have a simple, basic one right now." And we told Garrett that year. It's like, "You know what's funny?" He's like, "In the last year, working on this super hyper amazing sequence, it's going to do a million things." He's like, "Because of that, we've never sent an email out to our list during that time, because we bought the complexity, now it was so complex we never actually used it." And he was like, "I'm going home. We're canceling everything, we're moving back, we're just getting back to the simple, send an email every single day." I don't know, there's so many tools that create complexity, and I think that's what's keeping most of us from where we want to be. So strip complexity. And I don't care if you use the Actionetics, or active campaign, or anyway, it doesn't matter, but just simple. Like Ben's model is simple. He doesn't stress out. Every day he spends 15 minutes writing an email, sends it out, sells his one product and that's it. And once a month he writes print newsletter. That's the business. And the guy's written like eight zombie novels since I've known him because he's got nothing else to do all day, other than write a 20 minute email, send an email, do the once a month newsletter he publishes, and then he writes zombie novels all day. That's it. So, simplify. How can we simplify our businesses and quit overcome complexing them. We can do that. Our company now, "Let's pull things back, let's simplify it, simplify." And I think some of you guys may have heard me told this story, I went, this is probably, I don't know, maybe a year ago, I went to John, and obviously I'm obsessed with funnels, right? I'm like, "John, okay, in a perfect world, how many funnels do you want from the funnel team that we can give you, the traffic team, to go to market and drive traffic to?" And I was hoping it was like one a week or two a week, whatever. And he's like, "Two." I'm like, "Okay, what is that two a week, two a month, two a day? You let me know, we will do it." And he's like, "No, two total. That's all we need. I don't need more funnels." He was like, "In fact, if you stop making funnels, we would be completely fine." He was like, "Well, we're good now. We just need you guys focusing more on getting traffic into the funnels we have." That's what he told me. And I was like, "Oh." I remember Brandon and Kaelin Poulin came to our office in Boise. And I was showing them everything like, "This is our funnel building team." And there's like four or five people. And he's like, "What do they do all day?" I'm like, "They build funnels." He's like, "You guys still build funnels?" Like, "Yeah, dude, that's what we do." And he's like, "Huh." He's like, "We built a funnel three years ago and we just keep driving more traffic to it." And I was like, "Huh." There's the aha, right? You guys saw Brandon and Kaelin on stage getting the Two Comma Club C Award with one funnel. So simplicity, simplify things. Don't make them more complex. Okay? So many guys don't want complex things. I'm the same way, because I love creativity of the creating. Focus your creativity on new creative to get people into the one funnel you're focusing on. That's the shift in mindset. Okay? So, number one, simplify. Look at lead magnet, email daily core offers. Here's Ben's: people opt in, he sells them his newsletter, and he sends an email every single day about the newsletter. Okay? This is kind of something we've been talking a lot over last couple years about, publishing daily. I think some people stress out about it. Like, "I don't know how to do it, I'm not going to be able to do it." I want to simplify it again. Okay? Look how Ben Settle does it. Okay? He sends out an email every single day. Here's a snapshot of just since February 23rd, like literally, every single day. So he sends an email every day, and then he takes that same email, and he goes to his blog and he posts it, copy and paste it to the blog. Now he's posting a blog post every single day. Email a day, blog post a day, it's the same thing word for word, copy and pasted, but he's publishing every day. So if you know like, okay, if I'm publishing every day, I've got to send an email to my list every day. I know that. I'm going to log in, send an email to my list, and I'm going to copy the email, and I'm going to post to my blog and boom, now I'm done. Okay? I think so many times we get so scared about, "The publishing everyday thing, how am I going to do it?" It can and it should be more and more simple. Okay? All right. So the first challenge I have for you guys, I got five challenges today. Challenge number one, I want you to look at the funnels you are creating, the funnels you're working on, the business model you have, and think, "How can I simplify this? How can I make it where I can do the entire business in one hour in quarantine, then go play with my kids the rest of the day?" Right? How can I simplify my business? That's the first challenge for you guys. Okay? Challenge accepted? Can you guys all do that? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:45 So I'm actually gonna break it up over the next five episodes. There are five challenges that I gave them to do to be more successful inside their business. So that's kind of the game plan. So each episode will cover one of the five challenges, and this very first challenge is called Simplify Your Business.
Starting point is 00:01:02 So we're in theme song, we come back, you guys have a chance to hear in behind the scenes of a private training I was doing with my two comma club X high end coaching students. And I hope you love it. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital. We're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing
Starting point is 00:01:36 Secrets. Whenever I go to an event, I always like try to doodle out ahead of time. Like this is my business model. I know what it is. It's like I'm driving traffic to a landing page, and then from here, I'm upselling people on the phone, or I'm doing a webinar. I can't have a structure like what you're doing, right? And as all the speakers are coming in, they're giving you ideas, the goal is not to be like, oh, never mind.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm going to rip it up and start something new. And the next speaker, you throw it away and it's something new. Instead, it's like listening to every single speaker and listening to their model and be like oh that's really cool i love how they're doing that and then be like oh that piece right there that one thing that person said that's something i can take and i can apply to my existing framework existing business i'm trying to do okay because if you're not careful you're gonna hear all i mean again we have so many amazing speakers all have their own take on how to do business if you're not careful you're gonna rip up and rewrite your business plan 20 times the next two days which is not going to help
Starting point is 00:02:27 you it's not going to get you no momentum it's going to get you out of momentum right so the goal of this is to like is to to keep the frame or keep the business you're working on but then looking for like what's the piece of gold from each presentation right i'm going to be sharing these five different things and each of these things some some of you guys might be like ah that one's not for me that one's not for me me. And like, oh, that was the piece, like, that's the piece of gold I needed. I can add here. I can apply to the framework that I've already built. This can help me to speed up and help me get to the next spot faster. Okay. And so that's the way I want you guys to look at this week. Not I'm rewriting my business plan 20, 20 times over. It's I got 20 amazing people
Starting point is 00:03:01 coming. What's the one piece of gold I can take from each speaker that I can apply to the existing thing that I'm already working on to help amplify it and help get me back into momentum does that make sense so that's kind of the goal so with that said I'm going to jump into um five different things I kind of wanted to go through with you guys and um I I think they're fun I'm excited for it so all right first thing, so again, I got a bunch of just, just things. So my first thing I want to, I want to put out there for everybody is the thought process of how can I simplify my business? How can I simplify my funnels?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Last year we did an affiliate retreat. Some of our top affiliates came and they came to, to Boise and then Dave and the miles and we took them out to McCall where they did water skiing and everything. And before they all went out to have the big parties, cause I wasn't invited to the party. Um, I'm just kidding. I was probably invited. I just wasn't able to go. But, um, before they all went, I sat down for like an hour with everybody and kind of asked everyone about
Starting point is 00:03:57 their businesses and got, you know, and everyone asked me some feedback on their stuff. And I remember one of the people who was there, her name's Alex. She, um, she asked me like the biggest advice and I can ask some questions on her business. And really quick, I found out that basically she had like, I don't know, a half a dozen or more funnels that she was, that she has, she was driving traffic to, she's trying to do all these different things. And I said, man, my biggest, my biggest piece of advice for you right now is to simplify everything. I said, pick the one funnel that you like the most and delete the rest.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Like this should not be something where we're driving traffic to six or eight or 10 different offers. If you are, it gets very, very difficult. It's hard to like focus all your efforts. I think a lot of people see my business and they're like, Oh, Russell, you've got eight offers. I'm like, yeah, I have 400 employees. You know what I mean? Like we're doing, uh, you know, 10, $15 million a month. Like, like you don't necessarily model me because we've got more staff and resources. Like when you get to the point where you're trying to go for the billion dollar company, like then look at me, but like right now, what most of you guys are trying to get from zero to a million, million to 10 and 10 to a hundred. Like, like, so in the, in those
Starting point is 00:04:56 windows, like the, the thing that's going to drive you is like simplicity, one funnel. And what's crazy is, um, as I'm doing this book launch alex actually uh i had a chance to or she interviewed me on her thing and she said she said man the biggest thing that grew my business the last year is when you were we were in boise and you said i need to kill all my funnels but one she's like i was i left like all stressed out because i love all these funnels i put so much time and energy but i thought you know everyone says do what russell says so i'm gonna do what russell says and's like, I killed all these babies and I kept one. And she's like, because of that, all my focus is on one.
Starting point is 00:05:29 My ad dollars, my promotions, my content, everything's focused on one thing. And because of that, it grows. It's grown. And so I want to challenge you guys today. Again, this comes back to this whole like over the next 20 speakers, don't try to reinvent 20 different business models. It's simplifying the one you have and figuring out the nuggets of gold you can apply to it. Okay. So, um, I'm going to show you guys, if I was a startup right now, like the most simple
Starting point is 00:05:51 model on earth, and this is all I would do if it was me and I'm trying to make, you know, a million to $10 million a year company, I would do this. Okay. And I'm gonna show you as Ben settles, like, cause Ben is the most consistent, simple, um, uh, business model I've ever seen. And it's like, it's exactly what I would do. So Ben has got one product. It's this, and he's since, you know, over the last couple of years, he's developed a couple other ones. But the reality, all his other products are, so he publishes a monthly newsletter.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It's 97 bucks a month. You get a physical print newsletter in the mail every single month. And that's kind of what his business model is. And if you see, he sells other things. All he's done is over the last like 10 years, he's been publishing this newsletter. He'll be like, what are all the newsletters on this topic? And he'll take like 30 issues and he puts them together. He's like, oh, here's my new product.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And it's literally just his issues that are grouped together based on topics. So he only has one thing he does. Every month he writes a newsletter and he sells it. It's 97 bucks a month. And that's it. Right. And then he's got a squeeze page and squeeze pages basically come here, give me your email address. And then, uh, and then I'm going to sell you my newsletter, right? So people come here, they go to Ben, they put the email address in, and then he has his one product. He sells basically what he does is he sends out an email every single day selling his one product. That's it. That's his business for the 10 years I've known him. Um, I'm on his email list. I get an email
Starting point is 00:07:08 every day, sometimes twice a day. And all he does is he promotes one thing and that's his newsletter. That's it. That's the business model. Simple, easy million dollar a year business right there. One product. And he sends an email day. So you come in and like, here it is. I was just pulling this today. I took a screenshot to show you guys like, um, March 11th, there's an email, uh, March 11th, there's two emails. March 10th, there were three emails. March 9th, there were two emails. March 8th, my birthday, there were two emails. March 7th, there's an email. And just consistently, consistently, right? So his whole business model is get people to come to my squeeze page. They give me the email address. I emailed every single day to tell them to buy my one product. And you're like, but Russell, what if they already bought the
Starting point is 00:07:43 product? Then what do I email them? Like the same thing. Okay. Cause guess what it does? It gets people to stick. Um, it's, it's funny. Like the biggest growth I had in my business, uh, was five or six years ago when we decided like we were going to focus a hundred percent of efforts on ClickFunnels. And prior to that, most of you guys probably didn't come into my universe prior to that, but if you would have looked at it before, we had so many different offers. We're all over the place, like something. So in this, this and this and this. And so I'm emailing my list. I'm like, I don't know, I'll promote this today. And then this, and like, there are all sorts of random things, right? And when we said, okay, we're gonna sell ClickFunnels, everything's focused
Starting point is 00:08:13 on this one thing, one product, one service, then everything grew for us, right? And even now, if you look at my business, like we have front end funnels, like the books and things like that. But the only goal is going to buy the book is that you're going to click photos. Everything leads to this one road. And so the business model could be as simple as a squeeze page, get somebody to email to opt in and then a print newsletter or a webinar or a membership. I just one thing, right. Or my high end coaching, whatever the one thing is. And then every day email about it. And even if they bought it, you still email them every single day because it's, it increases their likelihood of sticking. Right. They're seeing another promotion. It's like, did buy i remember buying that that was a good you know a good thing
Starting point is 00:08:49 i bought it's a good reminder it's a stick strategy every single probably probably three or four times a year someone on my marketing team will come back and like russell we need to make use all the action x complex features where people have already bought this it pulls it out they don't see any more message about this and that like no stop trying to be so technical and geeky like i don't care if someone bought the book and they get 15 other emails about the book because guess what now they're more likely to actually read the book because i keep selling them on like you know selling them on buying it's one thing but selling them on actually consuming it is another thing so i'm going to keep telling them about and telling about and telling about i don't care
Starting point is 00:09:20 if they bought it five times you know i like i wanted them to get it and they got it and they read it i want them to keep reminding like oh yeah like that book was good i need to go back and read it again let me reference that thing right so don't think that like even though actionetics and every email autosponder has all these complex features where you can like after someone's done this pull them out so they never see the emails again like that's not necessarily good right simplify keep things simple uh during funnel hacking live after garrett white had his presentation we had this really cool moment behind, uh, backstage. And I would, I would love to like, um, uh, in fact, we were, did record, I just get the recording of it. But he, he told me,
Starting point is 00:09:55 he's like, he's like a year ago. Um, my, he's like my technical marketing team just convinced us to move off of actionetics so we can move to, I can't remember what the other one was something else because, because that we could do all these more complex things and more split testing. And if they bought this and like get this whole, this huge map. And, uh, he's like a year ago, they convinced me to do that. And, uh, and it was funny cause, um, I had tried to convince Todd to let us use a more complex email software too. Cause I was like, we can use all these, we can get so much more complex, so much better if know, better if we did this, and Todd laughed, he's like, dude, Russell, we haven't even finished the follow-up sequence, like, one, like, you're trying to get more complex, and you only have a
Starting point is 00:10:31 simple, basic one right now, and we told Garrett that, and Garrett's like, you know what's funny, he's like, in the last year, we've been working on this super hyper amazing sequence that's going to do a million things, he's like, because of that, we've never sent an email out to our list during that time, because we bought the complexity, now it's so complex, we never complex we never actually use it and he's like i'm going home we're canceling everything moving back we're just getting back to the simple like send an email every single day and like that's like i don't know there's so many tools that create complexity and i think that's what's keeping most of us from where we want to be so strip complexity and i don't care if you're using action extra active campaign or a well it doesn't matter, but just simple.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Like Ben's model is simple. He doesn't stress out. He spends every day, he spends 15 minutes writing an email, sends it out, sells his one product and that's it. And once a month he writes a news letter. That's the business. And you guys written like eight zombie novels since I've known him because he's got nothing else to do all day other than write his 20 minute email, send an email to the once a month newsletter he publishes.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And, and then he writes zombie novels all day like that's it so simplify like how can we simplify our businesses i quit overcome complexing them you know um we can do that in our company now like let's pull things back let's simplify it simplified um i think some of you guys may have heard me told this story i went uh this is probably i don't know maybe a year ago i went to john and obviously i'm obsessed with funnels, right? I'm like, John, okay. In a perfect world, how many funnels do you want from the funnel team that we can give you the traffic team to go mark and drive traffic to?
Starting point is 00:11:52 And, uh, and I was like, you know, hoping he was like, you know, one a week or two a week, whatever. And he was like, uh, he's like two. I'm like, okay. Like, what is that? Two a week, two a week, two a month, two a day. Like you let me know, we will, we will do it. And he's like, no, like two total. Like, that's all we need. Like, I don't need more, more funnels. He's like, in fact, if you stop making funnels,
Starting point is 00:12:12 we'd be completely fine. He's like, well, we're good enough. Um, we just need you guys focusing more on getting traffic into the funnels we have. That's what he told me. I was like, oh, I remember Brandon and Caleb Poland came to our, to our office in Boise. And I was like, showing them everything. Like, this is our funnel building team. And there's like four or five people. And he's like, what do they showing them everything. I'm like, this is our funnel building team, and there's four or five people. He's like, what do they do all day? I'm like, they build funnels. He's like, you guys still build funnels? I'm like, yeah, dude, that's what we do.
Starting point is 00:12:32 He's like, huh. He's like, we built a funnel three years ago, and we just keep driving more traffic to it. I was like, huh. There's the aha. You guys saw Brandon came on stage getting the Two Common Clubs C Award with one funnel. Simplicity. Sim, simplify things.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Don't comp, don't make them more complex. Okay. So many of you guys are more complex things. I'm the same way. Like, cause I love the creativity of the, of the creating. Focus your creativity on new creative to get people into the one funnel you're focusing on. Like that's the, that's the shift in mindset.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Okay. So number one, simplify, look at lead magnet, email daily core option. Here's Ben's. People opt in. He sells them his newsletter and he sends an email every single day about the newsletter. Okay. This is kind of something we've been talking a lot over the last couple years about publishing daily.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I think some people stress out about it. I'm like, I don't know how to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I want to simplify it again. Okay. Look how Ben Settle does it. Okay. He sends out an email every single day.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Here's a snapshot of just since February 23rd, like literally every single day. So he sends an email every day, and then he takes that same email, and he goes to his blog, and he posts it, copy and paste it to the blog. Now he's posting a blog post every single day. Email a day, blog post a day.
Starting point is 00:13:38 It's the same thing, word for word, copy and pasted, but he's publishing every day. So if you know, like, okay, for my publishing every day, I gotta send an email to my list every day. I know that I'm going to write, log in, send email to my list. I'm going to copy the email. I'm going to post on my blog and boom, now I'm done. Okay. So it's, it's, it's not, I think so many times we get so scared about, ah, the publishing every day thing. How am I going to do it? Like it, it can, it should be more and more simple. Okay. All right. So the first challenge I have for you guys, I got five
Starting point is 00:14:04 challenges today. Challenge number one, I want you to look at like the funnels you're creating, the funnels you're working on, the business model you have and think like, how can I simplify this? How can I make it where I can do the entire business in one hour in quarantine and go play with my kids the rest of the day? Right. How can I simplify my business? That's the first challenge for you guys. Okay. Challenge accepted. You guys all do that. We have decided to do it again. Yes. Earlier this year, we did our first ever virtual conference called two comic club live. We had over 5,000 people register for this online event and the success stories from those who attended have been amazing. So because of that, we've decided to do the virtual event just one more time and i want to invite you and your family to attend for free this is how it works first you can get your ticket at
Starting point is 00:14:52 you're going to put in your credit card but we're not going to charge you anything then you can attend the full three days and learn everything you can from me and from other two comic club winners and then after the event decide if it's worth it if it's not let us know and you won't pay anything but if you love it and i'm sure you will then you'll get billed after the event, decide if it's worth it. If it's not, let us know and you won't pay anything. But if you love it, and I'm sure you will, then you'll get billed after the event is over. The goal of this event is to build your own personal roadmap to the 2ComicClub. So go get your tickets right now before they are gone. Go to
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yes, that's

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