The Russell Brunson Show - 2CCX Challenge 3: Do 100 "Speeches" To Other People’s Audiences
Episode Date: February 15, 2021On this episode I talk about challenge #3, doing 100 speeches to other people’s audiences. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Tra...nscript--- What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I hope that you've enjoyed the last two episodes. Challenge number one, we talked about simplifying your business. Challenge number two is talking about publishing daily for existing audience. And now, challenge number three is called, do a hundred speeches to other people's audiences. Now, these are all parts of a special presentation I gave them at Two Comma Club X high end coaching members earlier this year and I wanted to break it up and share it with you guys because I thought there's a lot of value in it. Hopefully, it'll get the wheels in your head spinning about how to have more success with your online business. With that said, we are now going to cue the theme song. When we come back, here's a listen-in on challenge number three. Now, I want to go to the next step. Next step is send an email a day. These are people that are already on your list, right? The definition of you sending an email a day to your list is, they're already on your list. Now, we're talking about, how do we get more people onto the list? Okay. I think that for the most part, most of you guys here in the community, you get good at publishing, but for the most part, publishing happens to your existing group, right? The podcast, it's going to the people who are on my podcast. If I'm doing a Facebook live, it's for the people who are on my Facebook live. If I'm doing an email on my list, it's for people on my email list, right? It's targeting the people who are already following you and the more you do it, the more people will come and follow you but what I want to challenge everyone to do is, how do I amplify the number of people who are on my platform? How do I get more people coming to me so that when I'm doing a podcast, I'm doing an email, more people see it? I want to show you guys a story of something cool that I saw one of my friends, his name is Eric Lofholm and January 1st this year, he posted something on Facebook. At first, I was like, "Huh? Interesting." He posted this, he said, let's see if I can pop it here, he said, this is on January 2nd. I think January 1st, he said, "I have a goal. I'm going to try to do 550 speeches this year. January second, he gave speech number one of 2020, shooting for 550 speeches this year." I was like, "Huh, that's interesting." I'm like, "I wonder where this is going to go. I'm really curious." Then, the next day or January four, two days later. "My goal this year is to do 550 speeches. So far, I've been posting my year to date results. I had two people reach out to me to book me. Yay! No speeches today, I'm at seven for the year so far. A few people asked me my definition of a speech. Here it is: a talk that reaches two or more people." Okay? The definition of the speech: a talk that reaches two or more people. That includes being a guest speaker at sales meeting, delivering a seminar, being on a podcast, delivering a webinar, delivering a keynote or a corporate training. Anyway, that's what he defines that. As long as two people are listening, he considers it a speech. Okay? All right. And then, January 6th, "I'm off to my goal of 2020. Here are my results today. Delivered five speeches, had nine coaching calls, booked two speeches, created four pieces of content delivered one sales presentation at two members of my team. My speech goal was 550 for the year, I'm at 12 speeches so far a year today." That's January 6th, so his average is basically two a day since the beginning of the year. "January 8th, three speeches so far today. Reached about 300 people this morning, 2020 goal, 550 speeches, 18 speeches a year today so far. January 9th, three speeches today, 22 speeches a year today. January 13th, six speeches today 32 speeches a year today. January 14th, eight speeches today, 40 speeches a month to day. January 15th, three speeches today, 43 a year today, 550 is the goal. January 16th, five speeches today, 48 a year today, 550 is the goal. January 17th, two speeches today, 50 ..." and it keeps going on. "January 20th, five speeches today. January 21st, 62 a year today. January 13th, 68 today. January 22nd, 65. January 24th, 74. January 27th, 78." He's one month in, he's got 78 speeches he's given all pushing people into his funnel. He's not pitching to his existing audience. We talked about publishing to your existing audience and most of you guys are doing that. Now, this is going outside, doing speeches to other people's audiences to bring people into your world, sucking them in the lead magnet. If we're not bringing new leads, new people in, then our funnels, our publishing wells will eventually start drying up. Okay. "February 3rd, 98 a year today. February 14th, 127 a year today. February 24th, 148 today. February 28th, March 4th, March 4th." It keeps going, "March 19th, 202 speeches today." All right. It keeps going on from there. Do you guys see what he's doing? Obviously, publishing daily to his own audience, he's going to have to figure out, where can I go and I can give a speech? He devises a speech to somebody else's audience to get more people coming in. Okay. My question for you guys is, again, instead of focusing on building the next new funnel, it's, where can I go to find people to bring people into my funnel? How can I do more of this? Okay? And by Eric putting out this intention of, I'm going to do 500 speeches on other people's fan pages, other people's podcasts, other people's things this year, it's more than one a day. It's forcing me to do it and you look at, the momentum is slow at first, slow at first and the more he did, the more he booked and now, March 19th, he's two months into the new year's, he's got 202 already done of his 550 goal. If he keeps consistent with these, he probably could 2,000 or 3,000 and winning is going to happen to his business, because of that. How many leads and customers and people are going to come into his funnel because he's out there doing presentations to bring people into his world. All right. I was talking to Stacy Martino yesterday and she's like, "Hey, I want to put you on our podcast or do a Facebook live to do your book. I've seen you a lot." I'm like, "Yeah, I've done a lot." In fact, how many of you guys have seen this? I've been doing, on average right now, I'm doing eight a day. I'm doing eight speeches a day, 30 minutes speeches to other people's lists. Okay, I’m in quarantine, I got nothing else to do. Eight a day, I do 30 minutes speeches and I'm doing eight a day right now. Last week, we did eight times five so I did 40. This week, I took Friday off to hang out with you guys but pretty much did almost 35, 40 this week. And from that, we've sold over 30,000 copies of the book. I'm going out there doing the thing, doing the thing, doing the thing. The question then obviously is, "Where do I do speeches to?" I don't know, and it comes back to the foundation of what we've been talking about and teaching you guys for years now, it's the Dream 100. I want you to look at this from a different lens. I think a lot of times, people build this Dream 100 list and they sit on it waiting, "Well, someday I'm going to send them a package with my box" or "Someday, I'm going to do it." And I'm like, "No, no, today's the day." This is how I want to challenge all of you guys to do this, is come back to your Dream 100 list and say, "Hey, on Facebook, who are the people that I could potentially do a speech on their fan page to?" And then, list out those people. "On Instagram, who are the people I could potentially do a speech to their audience with?" And list out the people. "Who are the podcasts that I could potentially speak on a podcast? Who are the YouTubers I can make a YouTube video with? Who are the emailers with emails? Who are the bloggers who have a blog?" And making that list and then, it's not to wait until someday your thing's ready, it's today. Send an email and say, what I recommend is email and Facebook to say, "Hey man, I'm a fan of your Facebook following. I have this really cool free report I wrote called 17 Ways To Do Awesome Stuff and I have a presentation that I can give and I can go anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, it's going to help people to be more productive. And then at the end of it, I'll give them a free copy of my PDF with 17 Ways To Be More Productive. Can I come and do that presentation to your audience? I think they would love it." And you asked first person. Send an email, second person, "Hey, Joe. I'm a fan of your Facebook page. Love what you do, I watch all your episodes. My favorite one has been this. I have a question for you. I have a really cool report I wrote right out called 17 Ways To Be More Profitable In The Coronavirus Thing and I would love to come and give a 10 to 15 minute presentation on your fan page with you where I can go through these things and then give people a free copy of the thing. Can I do that? Would you mention me? I'm doing a speech for free to your people." Cool. Next person, next person and just emailing them, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time. If you email 10, 15, 30, a hundred people, how many speeches do you think you could land? My guess is, if you email a hundred people, you'd lend a minimum of 10 speeches. And I guess it's probably a lot higher, but you get 20 or 30 of them. I don't care who you are, if you've got no name at this point, it doesn't matter if you got a sexy hook, something that's timely for their audience, a free presentation you normally charge for you give for free to their people, you'll be able to get people right out to come and play. Come on. Especially since I have this community, can you network with each other, can you guys do speeches to each other's lists?? Now's the time to start getting out there and sharing your message. Now that I'm in quarantine I'm doing it as well. Usually, I'm so busy I'm not able to do presentations, but man, I've been doing all my crazy and what's happening? We're filling our funnel with brand new leads, brand new people every single day. Okay? I want to challenge you guys to do a hundred speeches to other people's audiences over the next 12 months. The rest of this calendar year. Okay? That means it's one every, every other day, every third day or something like that. Basically, make a lot at first but if you're like Eric Lofholm, I just showed you guys, it starts slow and as you do one, it opens the next one and the next one and the next one and it'll be able to ramp up over time. But this is how you're getting new people in so this is different than publishing daily. Yes, I said, "Spend 20 minutes publishing something daily to your existing audience and then go out there and do at least one presentation a day to get new people into your audience so they can see the stuff you're publishing every day." Promotion, publishing. Promotion, publishing. Okay? They're hand in hand. I think I've done a disservice on telling you to publish, publish, publish, and people are like, "I'm publishing and nothing's happening." It's like, "Okay, now, you've got to promote what you're publishing. Getting people in and out. It goes out to going to the different audiences in your Dream 100, doing presentations, doing speeches to everyone and call them to get people to hear a lead magnet so they can hear your publishing and you can sell them the one thing you actually tried to sell them at the end. Do that makes sense? Yeah. Coleen said, "At first, sometimes, it seems hard, but then it snowballs and everyone wants to have you on their show." Yes, yes. Yes. Someone said, "How do you find these audiences?" It's easy. Let's say it's podcasting. You're on a podcast app and I go ahead and I'm like, "Okay." I scroll down to where it says Top Shows, I click on Top Shows. Right next to Top Shows, it says See All so I click on See All and it's showing all the top shows and at the very top here, it says Categories. What category am I in? I click Categories and then here's all the categories in iTunes. There's news, comedy, sports, history, true crime, social culture, arts, business, education, fiction, government, health and fitness kids and family, leisure, music, religious spirituality, science, technology and TV and film. There's the categories in iTunes. If you're like, "My business doesn't fit in those categories," you may not be in a good business because if there's not people podcasting about the thing that you're selling or the market you're in, it may not be a big enough business to really focus on. Your business should fit into one of these categories. I'm going to be like, "Okay, let's say I am a health and fitness," I'm looking at the fitness. Boom, it shows me the top podcasts in health and fitness, the top 200 podcasts. I just gave you, if your health and fitness, there's 200 Dream, 100s so you already doubled how many people you need to have. I'm going to go to every single show host, I'm going to contact them and be like, "What's up, dude. I see that you run the Adaptive At-Home Workouts. I have a finished product. I would love to do presentation showing my number one best workout blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Okay? And then you go through person by person by person. The next question is, "Russell, how do I find their contact information?" I don't know, you just start clicking around. So click on this right here, it says Sometimes Everyone Hears Things. There's no contact so listen to the podcast and see what do they pitch at the end, what website they sent me to. Then, you go to the website URL I look for contact link. It's just doing the research, doing the homework. Okay? Now, there's 200 people on Podcasters. Now, those are the top 200, but the good news is there's even more. In fact, the Marketing Secrets Podcast gets 15,000 downloads per episode and it's not even in the top 200 in the business category. There are tons of big podcasts you can be on that aren't in the top 200. Then, you can just go to the search bar here and type in, "health and fitness" or in a keyword, type in, "biohacking." I'll type in "biohacking" and I click on it and biohacking may not be the top 200 in health and fitness, but holy cow, there are probably 50, 60, 70 different biohacking podcasts here. Biohacking. Then you go there. There's just podcasts alone. Then, go to Google and type in, "biohacking blogs, biohacking YouTube channels," go to Facebook and start searching biohacking, you start searching it and you go on that thing and you start finding just swarms of people that you could challenge to do with. Cool? Does that help you guys? YouTube, same thing, YouTube, same with Google. They're everywhere. All right. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody?
This is Russell Brunson.
Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
I hope you've enjoyed the last two episodes.
Challenge number one, we talked about simplifying your business.
Challenge number two is talking about publishing daily for your existing audience.
And now challenge number three is called do 100 speeches to other people's audiences.
Now, these are all parts of a special presentation
that I gave to my two comic club
ex-high end coaching members earlier this year
and wanted to break it up and share it with you guys
because I thought there's a lot of value in it.
Hopefully, it'll get the wheels in your head spinning
about how to have more success with your online business.
With that said, we are now going to keep the theme song.
When we come back, you guys will listen in
on challenge number three.
So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital? We're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way
that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give
you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Now I want to go to the next step. So next step is like, you know, sending email a day. These are
people that are already on your list, right? Like the definition of them beyond, you know,
you sending an email day to your list is like they're already on your list, right? Like the definition of them being on, you know, you sending an email day to your list is like, they're already on your list. Um, now we're
talking about like, how do we get more people onto the list? Okay. I think that, um, for the
most part, most of you guys here in the community have been getting good at publishing. Um, but for
the most part, publishing happens to your existing group, right? I'm doing a podcast. It's going to
the people who are on my podcast. If I'm doing a Facebook Live, it's for the people who are on my Facebook Live.
If I'm doing an email on my list, it's for the people on my email list, right?
And so it's targeting the people who are already following you.
And the more you do it, the more people will come and follow you.
But what I want to challenge everyone to do is like, how do I amplify the number of people
who are on my platform, right?
How do I get more people coming to me so that when I'm doing a podcast, I'm doing an email, the more people see it, right? How do I, how do I get more people coming to me so that when I'm doing a podcast, I'm doing an email, the more people see it. Right. And so I want to share with you guys
a story of something cool that I saw one of my friends, his name is Eric Lothal. And January
1st, this year, he, he posted something on Facebook at first. I was like, huh, interesting.
So he posted this. He said, let's see if I can pop it here. He said, this is on January 2nd.
So I think January 1st, he said, I have a goal.
I'm going to try to do 550 speeches this year.
So January 2nd, he said, gave speech number one of 2020, shooting for 550 speeches this year.
I was like, huh, that's interesting.
I'm like, I wonder where this is going to go.
I'm really curious.
So then the second, the next day, or January 4th, two days later. So my goal
this year is to do 550 speeches. So far I've been posting my year to date results. I have two people
reach out to me to book me. Yay. No speeches today. I'm at seven for the year so far. A few people
asked me my definition of a speech. Here it is. A talk that reaches two or more people. Okay. The
definition of a speech, a talk that reaches two or more people. That includes being a guest speaker at a sales meeting, delivering a seminar, being on a podcast, delivering a webinar, delivering a keynote, or corporate training.
Anyway, so that's what he defines that.
So as long as two people are listening, he considers it a speech.
All right, then January 6th.
I'm all in for my goal of 2020.
Here are my results today.
Delivered five speeches, had nine coaching calls, booked two speeches, created four pieces of content, deliver one sales presentation, had two members of my team.
My speech goal was 550 for the year. I'm at 12 speeches so far year to date. That's January 6th.
We've averaged basically two a day since beginning of the year, right? January 8th, three speeches
so far today. We reached about 300 people this morning. 2020 goal, 550 speeches, 18 speeches
year to date so far. January 9th, three speeches today, 22 speeches year-to-date. January 13th, six speeches today, 32 years, 32 year-to-date. January 14th, eight speeches today,
40 speeches month-to-date. January 15th, three speeches today, 43 year-to-date, 550 is the goal.
January 16th, five speeches today, 48 year-to-date, 550 is the goal. January 17th, two speeches today,
50 and keeps going on, right? January 20th, five a day. January 21, 62 year today. January 13,
68 today. January 22, 65. January 24, 74. January 27, 78. So he's one month in, he's got 78 speeches
he's given, all pushing people into his funnel. This is not speak to his existing audience,
right? We're talking about
publishing daily to your audience, and most of you guys are doing that now. This is going outside,
doing speeches to other people's audiences to bring people into your world, sucking them in,
the lead magnet, right? If we're not bringing new leads, new people in, then our funnels,
who are publishing will eventually start drying up, right? Okay, February 3rd, 98 year today.
February 14th, 127 year today.
February 24th, 148 today.
February 28th, March 4th, March 4th, right?
It keeps going, March 19th, 202 speeches today.
All right, and it keeps going on from there.
So do you guys see what he's doing?
So not only is he publishing daily to his own audience,
he's going out to figure out where can I go and I can can give a speech. He defines as a speech to somebody else's
audience to get more people coming in. Okay. And so my question for you guys is, is, um, again,
instead of focusing on like building the next new funnel, it's like, where can I go to find people
to bring people into my funnel? How can I do more of this? Okay. And by Eric putting out this,
this intention of like,
I'm going to do 500 speeches on other people's fan pages,
other people's podcasts,
other people's things this year,
It's more than one a day.
it's forced him to do it.
And you look at the,
the momentum is like slow at first,
slow first,
the more he did,
the more he booked.
And now March 19th,
so he's like two months into the new year.
He's got 202 already done.
It was 550 goal,
right? If he keeps consistent with these, he's two or 3000 and waiting to happen is business because that
how many leads and customers and people are going to come into his funnel because he's out there
doing presentations to bring people into his world. Okay. Um, all right. Um, I was talking
to Stacy Martino yesterday and she's like, Hey, I want to put you on a, uh, our podcast or, you
know, do a Facebook live to, to, uh, to do your book. I've seen you do a lot. I'm like, yeah, I've done a lot. In fact,
how many guys have seen this? I've been doing on average right now, I'm doing, uh, eight a day.
So I'm doing eight speeches a day, 30 minute speeches to other people's lists. Okay. I'm in
quarantine. I got nothing else to do. Eight a day. I do 30 minute speeches and I'm doing eight a day right now. So, uh, last week we did eight times five. So I did 40, uh, this week I took Friday off to
hang out with you guys, but pretty much did almost probably 35, 40 this week. And from that, we've
sold over 30,000 copies of the book, right? Like we're doing, I'm going out to doing the thing,
doing the thing, doing the thing. So, um, the question then obviously is like, well, where do I do speeches to? I don't know. And it comes back to like the foundation of what we've
been talking about and teaching you guys for years now is like the dream 100, right? Okay.
So I want you to look at this from a different lens, right? I think a lot of times people build
this dream 100 list and they sit out waiting. Like, well, someday I'm going to send them a
package with my box or someday I'm going to do it. And like, no, no, it's like today's the day.
Okay. So this is how I want to challenge all of you guys to do this is come back to your dream 100
say, Hey, on Facebook, who are the people that I could potentially do a speech on their fan page
too. Right. And then list out those people on Instagram, who are the people I could potentially
do a speech to their audience with and list out the people who are the podcasters. I could
potentially speak on the podcast, who are the YouTubers I can make a YouTube video with,
who are the emailers of emails, who are the bloggers of the blog, right? And making that list.
And then it's not to like wait till someday to hear things ready. It's today, right? Today,
email them and say, and what I recommend is email them for Facebook or say, hey man,
I'm a big, I'm a fan of your, of your Facebook following. I have this really cool free report
I wrote called the 17 ways to do awesome stuff. And I have a presentation that I can give and I can do anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
It's going to help people to be more productive.
And then at the end of it,
I'll give them a free copy of my PDF
with 17 Ways to Be More Productive.
Can I come do that presentation to your audience?
I think they would love it, right?
And you ask the first person.
And then you send the email to the second person.
Hey, Joe, I'm a fan of your Facebook page.
Love what you do.
I watch all your episodes.
My favorite one is when you do this.
I have a question for you. I have a really cool your Facebook page. Love what you do. I watch all your episodes. My favorite one is when you do this. I have a question for you.
I have a really cool report I wrote right now called 17 Ways to Be More Profitable in
the Coronavirus Thing.
And I would love to come give a 10 to 15 minute presentation on your fan page with you where
I can go through these things and then give people a free copy of the thing.
Can I do that?
You know, would you be interested in me doing a speech for free to your people?
Boom, next person, next person.
And just like emailing them one at a time, one at a time, one at a time.
If you email 10, 50, 30, 100 people, how many speeches do you think you could land?
Okay, my guess is if you email 100 people, you'd land a minimum of 10 speeches.
Okay, and my guess is probably a lot higher, but you get 20 or 30 of them.
I don't care who you are.
If you've got no name at this point, it doesn't matter if you got a sexy hook, something that's timely for
their audience, a free presentation, you normally charge for free their people. Um, you'll be able
to get people right out to come to let you come on. Okay. Especially since I, this community network
with each other, can you guys do speeches to each other's lists? Right? Like now's the time to start
getting out there and like sharing your message. Right. Um, now that I'm in quarantine, I'm doing
it as well. Like usually I'm so quarantine, I'm doing it as well.
Like usually I'm so busy, I'm not able to do presentations, but man, I've been doing
them like crazy.
And what's happening.
We're filling our funnel with brand new leads, brand new people every single day.
So I want to challenge you guys to do a hundred speeches to other people's audiences over
the next 12 months, not 12 months, the rest of this calendar year.
That means like, it's like one every,
every other day, every third day or something like that. Right. So it may seem like a lot of
firsts, but if you're like Eric Laughlin, I just showed you guys, it starts slow. And as you do
one, it opens the next one and the next one and the next one. And like, it'll be able to ramp up
over time, but this is how you're getting new people in. So this is different than publishing
daily, right? Yes. I said, spend 20 minutes publishing something daily to your existing
and then go out there and do at least one presentation a day to get new people into your audience
so they can see the stuff you're publishing every day.
Promotion, publishing.
Promotion, publishing.
They're hand-in-hand.
I think I've done a disservice on telling them to publish, publish, publish.
People are like, I'm publishing, but nothing's happening.
It's like, okay, now you've got to promote what you're publishing.
Getting people in, and that goes out to going to different audiences, and you're doing presentations, doing speeches, now you got to promote what you're publishing, getting people in. And that goes out to going into different audiences and you're doing 100, doing presentations,
doing speeches, whatever you want to call them to get people to hear lead magnet.
So you can hear your publishing and you can sell them the one thing you actually try to
sell them at the end.
Does that make sense?
Colleen said at first, sometimes it seems hard, but then it snowballs and everyone wants
to have you on the show.
Yes, yes, yes.
Someone said, how do you find these audiences?
It's easy.
Like, let's say
it's podcasting okay so i got a podcast app and i go here i'm like okay um i scroll down to where
it says top shows i click on top shows right next to top show says see all so i click on see all
it's gonna show me all the top shows and then the very top here says categories so what category am
i in i click categories and then here's all the categories in itunes there's like there's news
comedy sports history true crime social social culture, arts, business, education, fiction, government, health and fitness, kids and family, leisure, music, religion, spirituality, science, technology, and TV and film.
There's the categories in iTunes.
If you're like, my business doesn't fit in those categories, you may not be in a good business because if there's not people podcasting about the thing that you're selling or the market you're in, it may not be big enough business to really focus on. So your
business should fit into one of these categories, right? So I'm gonna be like, okay, let's say I am
in health and fitness. I click on health and fitness. Boom, it shows me the top podcast in
health and fitness, the top 200 podcasts, right? So I just gave you, if you're in health and
fitness, there's 200 dream 100s. You already doubled how many people you need to have.
So I'm going to go to every single show host. I'm to contact him be like what's up dude i see that you run
the adaptive at home workouts i have a fitness product i would love to do a presentation showing
my number one best workout called blah blah blah okay and then you go through person by person by
person the next question like well russell how do i find their contact information i don't know you
just start clicking around so click on this right here. It says, tough times for everyone. Here's things. There's no contact information. I'm going to
listen to the podcast and see what they pitch at the end. What website URL they send me to.
Then I go on the website URL and I look for contact link. It's just doing the research,
doing the homework. Now there's 200 people on podcasters. Now those are the top 200, but the good news is there's even more. So, um, in
fact, uh, you know, uh, the marketing, um, the marketing seekers podcast gets like 15,000
downloads per episode. And it's like not even the top 200 in the business category. So there are
tons of big podcasts you can be on that aren't in the top 200. So then you can just go to the
search bar here and type in health and fitness or type in a keyword type in biohacking so i'll type in bio hacking i click on it and biohacking may not be the top 200 in in health and fitness but
holy cow there are probably 50 60 70 different biohacking podcasts here just so like you were
biohacking right so then you go there and so like there's just podcasts alone then go to google type
in biohacking blogs biohacking youtube channels go to Google and type in biohacking blogs, biohacking YouTube channels.
Go to Facebook and start searching biohacking.
Like you start searching it and you go on that chat and that thing, you start finding
just swarms of people that you can potentially do it with.
Does that help you guys?
YouTube is the same thing.
YouTube is the same thing.
Google, like they're everywhere.
All right.
We have decided to do it again.
Yes, earlier this year, we did our first ever virtual conference called 2ComicClub Live.
We had over 5,000 people register for this online event.
And the success stories from those who attended have been amazing.
So because of that, we've decided to do the virtual event just one more time.
And I want to invite you and your family to attend for free.
This is how it works.
First, you can get your ticket at you're going to put in your credit
card but we're not going to charge you anything then you can attend the full three days and learn
everything you can from me and from other two comic club winners and then after the event decide
if it's worth it if it's not let us know and you won't pay anything but if you love it and i'm sure
you will then you'll get billed after the event is over.
The goal of this event is to build your own personal roadmap to the 2ComicClub.
So go and get your tickets right now before they are gone.
Go to
Yes, that's