The Russell Brunson Show - Avoiding Burnout, Results First, And So Much More

Episode Date: February 14, 2018

A private vox from inner circle member Bryan Bowman that I thought would benefit you. On this episode Russell plays a voxer message he received from Bryan Bowman about burnout. Here are some of the c...ool things you will here in today's episode: How whiteboarding helped Bryan re-light a fire within him. And what two questions should every entrepreneur be asking themselves to avoid burnout. So listen here to find out what Bryan Bowman has to say about burn out, and he how got fired up again. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's a hostage situation in the Olympic Village. You're sports. You're in way over your head. People can't stop talking about September 5th. It's a madhouse down here. It's one of the best movies of the year. What's happening? Oh, God. September 5th in select theaters, December 13th.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I want to share with you guys a very special Voxer message I received from one of my Inner Circle members that had a big impact on me, and I think will have a big impact on you. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world, and yet still remain profitable?
Starting point is 00:00:46 That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey, everyone. So a lot of you guys know in my Inner Circle program, I do a lot of cool things. In fact, we had a podcast episode earlier this week showing behind the scenes, one of our decade and day calls with Dana Derricks. Um, one of the other big benefits is that people have the ability to Vox me and Vox is kind of like a walkie talkie app and we Vox her back and forth.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And, uh, one of the guys in our inner circles, his name is Brian Bowman. And he's one of the coolest guys I know, like someone who I have so much respect for. He's one of our speakers of Unlocking Live and just an amazing, amazing human being. And he doesn't vox me a lot of questions, but he messaged me last week and he sent me this message. It was about four or five minutes long and it had a really profound impact on me. And I thought that some of the insights from it were really, really powerful. I wanted to share them with you from a lot of things. One of them is like, how do you know, um, like if you're feeling burned out, like is it burnout or something different? And what can you do to kind of get out of that burnout phase? Um, he, he also talked about two really, really
Starting point is 00:01:56 powerful questions. I think all of us should be asking ourselves often. And, um, and they talked about, um, just some cool stuff. I don't want to ruin it for you. You guys will hear here in a second. But I want you to pay attention because this was kind of a private thing that he wasn't planning on sharing with the world. But I asked afterwards if I can get his permission to share with you guys. And luckily for me and for you and for all of us, he said yes. And I think there's some really powerful insights in here that will help you as you're trying to share your message and trying to change the world in your own little way. And so I'm really excited to share this Voxer message I got from Brian Bowman. Hope you love it. And we'll talk
Starting point is 00:02:33 to you soon. Hey, what's going on, man? I've been a little radio silent for a little bit. So I just wanted to make sure I touched base with you. Been doing a lot of like introspection. It's been really interesting. I felt like this weird, I don't know, like I thought it was burnout, but I don't think it was. I think it was more about like just need to clean house a little bit like in my purpose and like in my focus. I thought it was burnout. It was kind of freaking me out because I thought it was like, man, am I burning out? Like, is this, am I just too stressed or like, what is it? It could well be, but it felt different, man. And it was really interesting. So I just wanted to share
Starting point is 00:03:13 it with you. Cause I, I was pretty cool, man. Like I was started whiteboarding and like, just really like, I found like when I'm whiteboarding, I tried to just really open up and just write, like just free flow, right. To kind of, to kind of tap into that subconscious a little bit. And I, I wrote on the board cause I've been just, I've had this like conflict and I just have not had like the fire, man. It's weird. And I just can't operate in any other state. Like I cannot operate in like, in like the, in like a routine, like wrote kind of like do this, do that, do that kind of routine.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I need to be like blazing on fire or it's like, what's the point? Like, it's just like probably so many entrepreneurs. Right. And I, I just have not been able to get there. And, um, dude, this was so cool. So, and I really believe it was like a message. Um, so I wrote down, I was writing all this stuff and then I was like, Oh, that's good. That's good. And I started writing and there were two questions. And the first one was, do I believe in the product I'm selling or do I believe in the product? Not even selling, but do I believe in my product? And am I the right person to deliver it? And it was like, when I got that out and I've never like thought about this or anything, it's just like, but when I got that out, those two questions, it was like, I almost felt like, Oh, like it was right in front of anything. It's just like, but when I got that out, those two questions, it was like, I almost felt
Starting point is 00:04:25 like, oh, like it was right in front of me. It was so crazy, man. And then I just started going down that rabbit hole. And then what that led me to was really like getting clear on what is it that I'm, that I'm trying to do for, for my tribe. And am I really the right person to lead them? And, and just to make sure. And for me, it was almost like a checks and balances thing where like staying authentic to what it is that I, I believe I, I can lead them
Starting point is 00:04:49 on not, not doing something else just because it could, it could open up some opportunity. And, um, and if there's something that I believe that the product needs and I'm the right person to deliver it, then to make sure that I, that I beat, that I master that, or that I really go down that, that path, because I'm the one who's sort of called to lead them in that, like, that's, that's my obligation, right, so it's really interesting, man, and anyway, I wanted to share with you, because I thought it was pretty cool, and it really reminded me, like, so I really believe in, like, like, there's a balance in things, and I mean, I think most people believe that, but I really believe there's an actual, like, I think, like, the whole universe is built, like like on sort of math like mathematical sort of equations
Starting point is 00:05:29 and I believe like God is probably like an amazing like the you know like obviously like he's probably pretty good at math but like I believe like it's like a very like the mind of God I don't know it's like a very mathematical mind because I believe there's this equation like an energy and like it's why it's so interesting I was thinking about your book I was I was at Whole Foods Eaton I was like probably people overlook I think what the most important part of your expert secrets book is it's the part where you say to go do the work for free first and that's the part I think everyone they think they probably think you're saying it at least this is how I interpret it they probably
Starting point is 00:06:02 think you're saying it because it's like go go get case studies. So you have proof testimonials and then that'll make your pitch more effective. And I think they miss the fact that no, it's like, you're creating a debt in the equation. Like you're creating like the equate, you're creating like a vacuum that needs to be filled. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And like, that's like a principle in the universe, like empty spaces get filled. Like that's why water will go through and it'll fill a space. And like, you're creating, you're creating a, an imbalance in the equation that has to be balanced.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So it's so critical. Like everyone wants to be an expert without creating the imbalance first. The imbalance is like you put in the hard work, you gain the expertise or, or you, or you create value. And then that, that like gives you the,
Starting point is 00:06:41 the angle or like the, it creates the imbalance in the equation that needs to be balanced, which is, you know, you going out and being, and being a leader and all that. So it's really interesting, man. I, uh, it's kind of like why tithing works too, right? I mean, I, I mean, everyone has their reasons. Like if you, if you believe in, in God and you believe that it's, it's like the word of God, you're supposed to tithe and there you go. But I mean, I think I remember you talking about once like Dan Kennedy's like, I don't know, tithing works. And he wasn't, as far as I know, like he wasn't really like, you know, really religious or spiritual or anything,
Starting point is 00:07:11 but he's like, it just works. Right. Well, yeah, because it's a, it's a principle. It's just a law and like there's, it creates an imbalance, like in the equation that has to be balanced. So anyway, um, yeah, dude, I'm just ranting. This is officially the longest Voxer I've ever left you. I, uh, maybe it's, Maybe I just missed Voxering you. So hopefully you're a good man. It was great seeing you on the live. And yeah, just thinking about you, man. All right, talk to you soon, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called Expert Secrets, and you can get a free copy at And book number two is called Dot Com Secrets, and you can get your free copy at And book number two is called Dotcom Secrets, and you can get your free copy at Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-VC backed SaaS startup company in the world.

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