The Russell Brunson Show - Chain Marketing

Episode Date: February 1, 2021

Understanding this, will help you become a world class marketer. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- Good morning eve...rybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I want to talk to you a little bit about chain marketing. All right, so if this sounds a little weird today, it's because I'm actually in my sauna. I'm behind on podcast episodes, and so today I took my kids to a virtual trip thing called Seminarians early morning, so it took them this morning, and it is freezing cold today. The wind is almost like a tornado here in Boise, so it was freezing. And I was like, "I'm going to get in the sauna and get warmed up." So I turned the sauna on, and then I was like, "You know what? I'm just sitting here, I should record a podcast." And I started thinking about just things I could talk to you about. And there's so many things. That's the pros and the cons of this podcast. When I first started I was like, "I don't know if I'm going to be able to think of something to talk about every day." And then the other side is like, "There's so many things I could talk about. So many things I want to talk about." It's like, "Where do I go? What do I focus on?" I've been thinking about different ways to increase the experience with this podcast too, and I've got some cool ideas I'm potentially looking at here in the near future. But today what I was thinking about was just something that came up yesterday at wrestling practice, actually. So my days right now are kind of chaotic, as the time I'm recording this we're in the middle of the OFA 30 day challenge, which we're actually doing live right now, which has been really, really fun. But I'm literally doing it live every single day. And before that I did the five day lead challenge. I'm waking up every morning, going in live, streaming live, it's been now one, two, three... It's four weeks, four weeks of live every single morning. Which is good, but it's just like, it's a lot to be consistent that way. Anyway, I digress. So I've been doing that, and then as soon as it gets done, I go and work on the one pager for the day, and then I go finish the other training, other programs, so it's all that stuff I got to get done. And then every day at 10:30 I have to race off to get to wrestling practice with my boys. So they're freshmen in high school this year and we're on the wrestling team and I get to be one of the assistant coaches. So I race in there to get them every day. So my day is like chopped in half basically, which happens every year about this time, but it's fun. So anyway, it's been fun wrestling practice, the last little bit, the coach has had me do a lot more of the teaching and training, and so I've been working on a couple of different moves. I was working on a set up initially where someone has to come in and get inside control. And that's the first move, so we all worked on getting inside control. And then the second thing was like, now you're inside control, now let's work on doing this thing called the steering wheel where I club his head and I pull his tricep one way and than the other way. And it gets them moving. So I'm doing this thing called the steering wheel, which is like a motion drill. And then from there, it's like, there's a lot of things that someone could do. Like if I push into it, if he pushes back into me, I got a snap down. If I push into him and he doesn't push, but he switches his hands to inside control, I got to come back to inside control ready to break it off, or... There was just all these different things. And so it was interesting, when you first are teaching these kids, you teaching each move in isolation. So it's like, "Okay, you have to learn how to do, just like getting inside." That's just one little thing. So you teach them isolation, how to get inside. Then you teach them isolation, like, "Okay, here's how you do a steering wheel," like, "you club here, you pull here and your feet go here." So you drill that, just that one thing. And then you do the next thing. And so you're doing all these moves in isolation. And so we spent like two days then just learning each move in isolation. And then today, or soon yesterday, I went in, and I started working them, "Okay, we're not going to learn anything new today. You guys have all the core fundamentals you need. Today we're going to do a thing we call chain wrestling." What chain wrestling means is, like in a match, you don't just walk out there and like, "Okay, I'm going to do one move," And you get inside control, you're like, "Now what?", right? You don't do that. In a wrestling match, the other dude's battling against you, so you come in, you're like, "Okay, I'm going to go in from my inside control." So you go inside control, but then instantly he's doing something. So then you have to react. Then they do something, and then you react, and back and forth, and back and forth. And so chain wrestling is knowing that I'm not just doing this one move in isolation. I got to be doing this move, to this move, to this move, to this move, and if he does this, I got to shift, do this, this, this. And so it's taking these individual techniques, which is like a link in a chain, and you're chaining them together. So there's four, or five, or six, or seven different things. Because in a real match, you don't walk out and just do one thing. You walk out and you're like, "Hey, I'm going to go for my one thing that I think is my best, but then it's a wrestling match, now it's a battle. And the secret is chain wrestling. It's getting good at moving from this, to this, to this. And then if they go here, you go this, this and then shift to this, this, this, this, and moving back and forth, back and forth. And so that was what yesterday was about, was chain wrestling, tying these individuals moves together into something amazing. And anyway, at practice I was teaching that. It was interesting, because right now I'm in the middle of the OFA 30 day or the One Funnel Away challenge. And I started thinking about it, and the One Funnel Away challenge is actually, the way I'm teaching is very, very similar. And you guys having gone through my training, you'll probably know the same thing. There's all these little techniques that you learn in isolation, so you have all these little techniques that you learn in isolation. So any chapter of my book could be a technique. The attractive character, hook, story, offer, like there's these things. But in and of themselves, they don't do anything. It's when you chain them together into a process that they're successful. And so for example, in the OFA, one of the first things I teach people about is that you're not selling a product, that you're selling a result. That's the first thing. And so then the result, when you're selling this result, when I talk about in there, for example, if somebody comes to you and let's say you're at Home Depot, they don't go to Home Depot to buy a drill. The drill is the tool, but they want a hole in the wall. That's why they're going to get the thing. And same thing, someone doesn't want to buy ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels is the drill. What's the result they want? The result is they want to grow the company. And so ClickFunnels is the drill, but the result is that they want to grow the company. And so it's realizing initially that you're not in the business of selling drills, you're in the business of selling results. And what's the big result someone's looking for if they're coming to you? That's the big question. And then after the big results, they can now step back and like, what's the framework that gets somebody that result? And your drill, may be one step in the framework. ClickFunnels is one step in my framework, but it's not the business. The business is getting people results. That's the first thing I have people understand. So it's like, okay, now understand frameworks is the key. What is the framework? Okay. And the next thing is, how do we turn this framework in... It's like, sorry, so that's one tactic, One technique. That's like me getting somebody inside control. Now you understand that, a business is not a product, a business as a result. What are all the steps in the framework that gets somebody that result? So there's the first technique. The next technique, oh, and now we've got a framework, how do we make this framework tangible? Because just knowing the steps does not make somebody give you money. You have to turn it into something tangible. So from there what we taught people was like, okay, here's the framework, and how to use frameworks," like you needed a video to teach the process. one pager which lays out the homework and assignment, and all that kind of stuff, and now you have something that's tangible that you can trade and exchange for an email address, you can trade and exchange for money. Now you've got a tangible thing. So that's the next technique, is taking the framework and making it tangible. So there's the next piece. And then the third piece, it's like, "How do you increase the value of that framework?". Well now we need to change it from just a singular product into an actual offer, that's the next phase. So how do we turn it into an offer? Well, to make it an offer, we blah, blah, blah. You add the stack multiple products together, and now it becomes a unique, proprietary offer that only you can offer. And that's the next phase, and create an offer. And then I take the offer, and then say, "Okay, now how do we sell this, the core framework, how do we sell that?". Then it becomes the next question, it's like, "What's the sales script we use to sell this product in this thing?". And so that's another standalone. It's like, "Okay, here's a sales script, here's another sales script, here's another one." There's different sales scripts, and that's another technique. And then the next is, "There's different funnels, what funnel do you use?". Then you're plugging it in at each step of the funnel. So anyway, it's interesting because as I look at OFA, we're teaching all these individual techniques, and now this week inside of OFA, and then it's like building an actual funnel. And I explained to people, in fact, yesterday's training I explained this. I was like, "I hope you guys understand this, these foundational things you're learning, like "How to look at business as a result, not a product, and then how to turn that result to a framework, and that framework into something tangible, a product, and then from a product into an offer, and then after you have an offer, how do you sell that offering, what's the sales script to sell that actual offer?", and I was like, if you looking at it this direction, I want you to understand... I even talked about Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid, I'm like "wax on, wax off". I'm like, "This is the thing you have to understand is what I'm teaching you is these things, they don't make sense in isolation." Like, "Who cares about a result?", or it's like, "I don't sell frameworks, I sell e-comm," or it's, "I don't do frameworks, I'm a dentist." Everyone's got the reason why they don't think things work. I'm like, "No, you understand, this is me teaching you to, Mr. Miyagi, like 'wax on wax off,' from Karate Kid. Or it's me coming in to the kids at high school and saying, "Okay, this is inside control, you have to get inside control." And they're like, but coach, I needed to take a shot." You'll take a shot, a shot is part of your setup, but like inside control's, number one, you have to get that, and control that, and keep that. That's the first piece, you guys can't miss that. And then it's like, "Okay, from here, you got to move to a steering wheel, this is how you get them off balance, that's how you get your motion, that's how you get things moving." So we're layering these things on, to now the kids, when they start chain wrestling, it's getting good at, "Okay, step one, two, three, one, two, three." And now in marketing, it's the same way. As you learn these natural skill sets, like the skill set of, of creating a framework, and then turning that framework tangible, and then turning that tangible product into an offer, and then figuring out how to sell that offer, those little skillsets in and by themselves are individual techniques, but when you tie them together, now you can sell anything. Everything people are learning inside OFA, or that you guys are understanding, instead of OFA, I'm giving people a very specific funnel. There's basically a $7 offer, a $37 order form bump, OTO1, OTO2, thank you page. That's the funnel structure. And it's a great funnel structure, but you can take these principles, anything. Say you want to do webinars, it's like, "Hey, I need a webinar." Awesome, and here comes the wax on wax off, here comes the fundamental. So the question like, “on this webinar, what's the framework you're teaching them? What's the result they're trying to get from being on the webinar? What's the framework that you're going to get? How do you turn this into an offer? What's the sales script you need?” And then you're plugging it into the pages of the funnel. Or it's like, "Oh, I'm going to sell a physical product." What's the cart funnel look like? Or I want to sell high ticket, what's the high ticket cart look like? And it's just like, once you have these little fundamentals, it works in every situation. You just give me a different product, I know the fundamentals, it'll work. I step on the mat with a different wrestler, I know these fundamentals, it doesn't matter, it's going to work. And so I'm plugging in all these core fundamentals, but I get good at chain wrestling, I get good at tying the first thing, the second thing, the third thing, the fourth thing. Or you walk... Right now, it's funny, when people hire me from consulting, it's not like I have to think, "Oh, what am I going to do for this company?" I know what I'm going to do. I know the fundamentals. I walk in, "Cool, what are you selling? All right. So right now you're selling a drill. Okay? Understand you're not selling the drill, you're selling a result. What's the result? What's the framework to get that result? Cool. Now we've got that. How do we turn it into something we can sell? All right, now how do we increase the offer? Now what's the sales message we need?" All the pieces just come together, and it doesn't matter what business, what product, what offer, what funnel type, anything you want, those five or six core fundamentals, we're looking at all of them across the board, over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Does that make sense? Just like in wrestling, it's the same thing. You give me any opponent, doesn't matter. I know that off the whistle I'm going to come in and get inside control. From there, I'm going to try to do steering wheel to try to get my motion, get them off balance, and from there, depending on what the pressure is, either I'm going to snap, or I'm going to snap the wrist, I'm going to do an arm drag, I'm going to do a... There's like 10 things I can do off of their pressure, but I'm chaining these things together. Anyway, so I saw the correlation between the two of, a lot of times you learn a technique, or you learn a tactic in isolation, and it's kind of cool, but it's not till you start getting good at chaining these things together that you become a world-class marketer or a world-class wrestler. Because anybody can do the technique, anybody can go and get inside control on somebody, anybody can go and shoot the shot a certain way, anyone can go and do one of the pieces. You becoming a master comes you understanding the pieces at such a level that you can tie them together at any time. In a wrestling match, you don't have to think through it. You walk out there, the whistle blows, the ref's ready to go, and it's a scramble. The second you walk out there. But you have to notice, simply enough, that your brain subconsciously is able to go, "You want from here, to here, to here, to here, to here." I feel like, for me, in business now it's the same way. You bring me anything, it's like, "Okay," I don't have to think through it. Subconsciously I've drilled these tactics so many times, it's just like, "All right, cool. This is what we're doing, this is how it works." Boom, boom, boom, and we're ready to rock and roll. And so, anyway, I just want to share it with you guys. Because I think a lot of you guys are getting stuck learning the tactic, but not chaining them together. There's a marketing game, there's a lot of pieces in it. There's the product, there's the sales message, there's the offer, there's the traffic, there's all these things. So it's like, learn those fundamentals, and then get good at testing them together, chain wrestling. Chain marketing from one to the next, next. The better you get at those fundamental skill sets, the easier and the better you'll be at building out the funnels, creating the sales messages, et cetera, et cetera. So, anyway, I just wanted share with you guys, as I'm trying to help my wrestlers get the next level by mastering first the techniques, and then weaving them together and chain wrestling, I wanted do the same thing to you guys. We're mastering the techniques, the fundamentals, and then you're weaving them together into chain marketing, where you're going from thing, to thing, to thing, and you understand exactly what you need to do, what you got to create, what the process, what the flow is, and they can plug in any product into any funnel, because the fundamentals are the same on every single step. Does that make sense? All right, with that said, my body is now officially warmed up. I'm going to go give Nora a hug before she heads out to school. Appreciate you guys for listening. If you got any value from this episode, please let me know. Take a screenshot on your phone, and then a post on social media and tag me. I like seeing them and reading the comments, it's a lot of fun. And with that said, appreciate you all. And see you guys all soon. Bye everybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details. Conditions apply. AirTransat. Travel moves us. Good morning, everybody. This is Russell Brunson.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Welcome back to the Marketing Seekers podcast. Today, I want to talk to you guys a little bit about chain marketing. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
Starting point is 00:01:01 My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, so if this sounds a little weird today, it's because I'm actually in my sauna. I'm behind on podcast episodes. And so today I took my kids to, for our church, we have this thing called seminary and it's early morning. So I took them this morning and it is freezing cold today. The wind is like almost like a tornado here in Boise. So it's freezing. So I got, you know, I was like, I'm going to get in the sauna and get warmed up. So I turned the sauna on and then I was like, you know what? I'm just sitting here. I should record a podcast. And I started thinking about just things I could talk to you about. There's so many things. That's the pros and the cons of this podcast. You know, I first started, I was like, I don't know if I'm going to be able to think of something to talk about every day.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And then the other side is like, there's so many things I could talk about, so many things I want to talk about. It's like, where do I go? What do I focus on? I've been thinking about different ways to increase the experience with this podcast, too. And I've got some cool ideas I'm potentially looking at here in the near future. But today what I was thinking about was just something that came up yesterday at wrestling practice, actually. So my days right now are kind of chaotic as the time I'm recording this.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We're in the middle of the OFA 30-day challenge, which we're actually doing live right now, which has been really, really fun, but I'm literally doing it live every single day. And before that, I did the five-day lead challenge. I'm waking up every morning going in live every single day. And before that, I did the five-day lead challenge. I'm waking up every morning, going in live, streaming live. It's been now two, three, almost four weeks, four weeks of live every single morning, which is good, but it's just like, it's a lot to be consistent that way. Anyway, I digress. So I've been doing that, and then as soon as it gets done, I go work on the one pager for the day, and then I go finish other training, other programs. It's all the stuff I got to get done. And then every day as it gets done, I go work on the one pager for the day, and then I go finish other training, other programs.
Starting point is 00:02:45 It's all the stuff I got to get done. And then every day at 2.30, I have to race off to get to wrestling practice with my boys. So they're freshmen in high school this year, and we're on the wrestling team, and I get to be one of the assistant coaches. So I race in there to get them every day. So my day is like chopped in half, half, basically, um, which happens every year about this time, but it's, uh, it's fun. So, um, anyway, it's been fun wrestling practice last little bit. Uh, the coaches have me, uh, has had me do a lot more of the teaching and training.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And so, um, I've been working on a couple of different moves, right? Like, um, I was working on a setup initially where someone has to come in and get inside control. And that's like the first move, right? So we all worked on getting inside control. And the second thing was like, now you have inside control. Now let's work on doing this thing called the steering wheel where I club his head and I pull his tricep one way and then the other way. And it gets him moving. So I'm doing this thing called the steering wheel, which is like a motion drill, right?
Starting point is 00:03:40 And then from there, it's like there's a lot of things someone could do. Like if I push into him, if he pushes back into me, I got to snap down. Right. If I push back in, if I push into him and he doesn't push, but he brings, he switches his hands inside control, I got to come back inside control or I need to break it off. Or there's just like all these different things. Right. And so it's interesting, like when you first, um, are teaching these kids, you teach them each move like in isolation, right? It's just like, okay, you have to learn how to do just like getting inside. Like you, like that's just one little thing, right? So you teach them each move like in isolation, right? Just like, okay, you have to learn how to do just like getting inside. Like you need, like that's just one little thing, right?
Starting point is 00:04:08 So you teach them isolation, how to get inside. They teach them isolation, like, okay, here's how you do a steering wheel. Like you club here, you pull here and your feet go here. So you drill that, just that one thing, right? And then you do the next thing. And so you're doing all these moves like in isolation. And so we spent like two days with them just learning each move in isolation. And so we spent like two days with them just learning each move in isolation. Um, and then today or soon yesterday I went in, um, and I started working. I'm like, Hey, we're not going to learn anything new today. You guys have all the core fundamentals you need.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Today we're going to do a thing we call chain wrestling. And what chain wrestling means is I get a match. You don't just walk out there and like, okay, I'm gonna do a movie. Do you like get inside control? You're like, now what? Right. You don't do that. Like you in a wrestling match with other dudes battling against you. Right. So you come in and you're like, okay, I'm going to do, I'm going to go in for my inside control. So you go inside control, but then instantly he's doing something. So then you have to react and then they do something and then you react and back and forth and back and forth. And so chain wrestling is knowing that like, I'm not just doing this one move in isolation. I got to be doing this move to this move to this move, this move. If he does
Starting point is 00:05:04 this, I got shifted this, this, this. It's taking these individual techniques, which is like a link in a chain, and you're chaining them together. There's four, five, six, or seven different things. In a real match, you don't walk out and just do one thing. You walk out and you're like, I'm going to go for my one thing that I think is my best, but then it's a wrestling match, not a battle.
Starting point is 00:05:25 The secret is chain wrestling. It's getting good. Like move from this to this to this. And then if they go here, this, this, and shift to this, this, this, this, you know, and moving back and forth, back and forth. And so that was what yesterday was about was chain wrestling, tying these, these individual moves, um, together into something amazing. And anyway, at practice, I was teaching that it was interesting. Cause like right now I'm in the middle of the ofa 30 day or uh the one funnel way challenge and i started thinking about it and the one funnel way challenge is actually the way i'm teaching is very very similar and um any of you guys have been gone through my training you'll probably know something right there's all these little techniques you learn in isolation right so you have excuse me you have all these little techniques that you learn in isolation right so? So you have, excuse me, you have all these little techniques that you learn in isolation, right? So any chapter of my book could be a
Starting point is 00:06:08 technique, right? The attractive character, hook story offer, like there's these things, right? But in and of themselves, they don't do anything. It's, it's when you chain them together into a process that they're successful. Um, and, uh, so for example, in OFA, one of the first things I teach people about is that, um, you're not selling a product, you're selling a result, right? That's the first thing. So then the result, when you're selling this result, like I talk about in there, like, for example, like if somebody comes to you in their, let's say your Home Depot, they don't go to Home Depot to buy a drill. You know, the drill is the tool, but they want a hole in the wallet. That's why they're going to get the thing, right? The same thing, like someone doesn't want to buy ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels, the drill is the tool, but they want a hole in the wallet. That's why they're, that's why they're going to get the thing. Right. The same thing. Like, like someone doesn't want
Starting point is 00:06:47 to buy click funnels, click funnels is the drill. What's the result they want? The result is they want to grow the company. Right. And so like the drill click funnels is the drill, but the result is they want to grow the company. And so it's realizing initially that you're not in the business of selling drills. You're in the business of, of selling results. And what's the big result someone's looking for if they're coming to you, right? Like that's the, that's the big question. And then after, you know, the big results that came out, I'll step back and like And what's the big result someone's looking for if they're coming to you, right? Like that's the big question. And then after you know the big results, say, okay, now let's step back and like, what's the framework that gets somebody that result?
Starting point is 00:07:10 And your drill may be one step in the framework, right? ClickFunnels is one step in my framework, but it's not the business. The business is getting people results. That's the first thing I have people understand, right? So it's like, okay, now you understand like frameworks is the key, like what is the framework? Okay, and the next thing is like,
Starting point is 00:07:24 how do we turn this framework in? It's like, sorry. So that's, that's like one, that's one tactic, right? One technique. That's like me getting somebody inside control. Okay. You understand that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Business is not a product. Business is a result. What are all the steps in the framework to get some of that result? Right? So there's, there's the first technique. The next technique. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Now we've got a framework. How do we make this framework tangible? Because just knowing the steps does not make somebody give you money, right? You have to turn it into something tangible. So from there, you know, what we taught people was like, okay, here's the framework and how to teach frameworks. Like you need a video to teach the process. You need a one-pager, which lays out the homework and assignment and all that kind of stuff. And now you have something that's tangible.
Starting point is 00:08:04 You can trade and exchange for an email address. You can trade and exchange for money. Like now you've got a tangible thing, right? So that's the next technique is taking the framework and making it tangible, right? So there's the next piece. Okay, and then the third piece is like how do you increase the value of that framework? Okay, well now we need to change it from just a singular product into an actual offer, right? That's the next phase.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So how do we turn to an offer? Well, to make an offer, we blah, blah, blah. You know, like you stack multiple products together and now it becomes a unique proprietary offer that only you can offer, right? And that's the next phase in the create offer. And then I tell you the offer that's like, okay, now how do we sell this, you know, the core framework? How do we sell that?
Starting point is 00:08:44 That becomes the next question. It's like, what's the sales script we use to sell this product in this, in this thing. Right. And so that's another standalone. It's like, here's a sales script. Here's another sales script. Here's another one. There's different sales scripts. Right. And that's another technique. And then the next is like, there's like, there's different funnels. Like what funnel do you use? Okay. And then you plug me into each step of the funnel. So anyways, interesting. Cause like, as I look at OFA, we're teaching all these, these individual techniques. And now this week inside OFA has been like building a, building an actual funnel. And I, and I explained
Starting point is 00:09:13 people, I said, I got, in fact, yesterday's training, I explained this. I was like, I hope you guys understand this. Like, you know, the, this, the, these foundational things you're learning, like how to look at business as a result, not a product, right? And then how to turn that result into a framework. And that framework into something tangible, a product. And then from a product into an offer. And then after you have an offer, how do you sell that offer? What's the sales script to sell that actual offer?
Starting point is 00:09:39 And I was like, this is, if you're looking at it this direction, I want you to understand, I even talked about Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. I'm like, wax is, this is, if you're looking at it this direction, I want you to understand, like, I even talked about Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid, like wax on, wax off. I'm like, like, this is the thing you have to understand is like, um, what I'm teaching you is like these, these things, right. They don't make sense in isolation. Like who cares about a result, right. It's like, I don't sell frameworks. I sell e-comm, right. So I don't do frameworks. I'm a dentist. Like everyone's got the reason why they don't think things work. I'm like, no, you understand, like, this is me teaching you to Mr. Miyagi, like wax on, wax off. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:08 From karate kid. Or it's me coming into the kids at high school and say, okay, this is inside control. You have to get inside control. Right. But coach, like I, I needed to make, take a shot. Like, no, like it'll come, you'll take a shot. A shot's part of your, you know, part of your setup. But like inside control is number one.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Like you have to get that and control that and keep that. Like that's the first piece. You just can't miss that. Right. And, um, and then it's like, okay, from here you got to move to a steering wheel. So you get them off, off balance, so you get your emotions, so you get things moving. Like, you know, it's where like we're layering these things on to now the kids, uh, when they start chain wrestling, it's getting good at step one, two, three, one, two, three. Okay. And now in marketing, it's the same way. Like as soon as you learn you learn these natural skill sets, right? Like the skill set of creating a framework and then turning that framework tangible and then turning that tangible product into an offer and then figuring out how to sell that offer.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Those little skill sets in and of themselves are individual techniques. But when you tie them together, now you can sell anything, right? Like everything people are learning inside OFA or that you guys are understanding, like inside of OFA, I'm giving people a very specific funnel, right? Like everything people are learning inside OFA or that you guys are understanding, like inside of OFA, I'm giving people a very specific funnel, right? Um, which basically $7 offer a $37 order form bump. OTO one OTO two. Thank you. Basically that's the, the, the funnel structure. And it's a great funnel structure, but like you can take these principles, anything like say you want to do a webinar, say, okay, I need a webinar. Awesome. Okay. And here comes the, here comes wax on wax off, right? Here comes the, here comes the, the fundamental. So the, the question is like, okay, on this webinar, what's the framework you're teaching them? Okay. What's the result
Starting point is 00:11:31 to try and get from being on the webinar? All right. Uh, what's the, what's the framework that you're going to get? How do you turn this into an offer? What's the sales script you need? And then you're plugging it into the pages of the funnel, right? Or it's like, oh, I'm going to sell a physical product. What's the e-com? What's a card funnel look like? Or I want to sell high ticket. What's a high ticket card look like? You know, it's just like once you have these little fundamentals, it works in every situation, right?
Starting point is 00:11:54 You just give me a different product. I know the fundamentals. It'll work, right? I step on the mat with a different wrestler. I know these fundamentals. It doesn't matter. It's going to work, right? And so I'm plugging in all these core fundamentals.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I get good at chain wrestling. I get good at tying the first thing, the second thing, the third thing, the fourth thing. And, or you walk, you know, so right now it's funny, like when people hire me for consulting, like I, like it's not like I have to think like, oh, what am I going to do for this company? Like, I know what I'm going to do. I know the fundamentals, like I walk in, cool. What are you selling? All right, so right now you're selling a drill, okay? Understand you're not selling a drill, you're selling a result. What's the result?
Starting point is 00:12:27 What's the framework to get that result? Cool, now we got that. How do we turn that into something we can sell? All right, now how do we increase the offer? Now what's the sales message we need? Like all the pieces just come together. It doesn't matter what business, what product, what offer, what funnel type,
Starting point is 00:12:39 what anything you want, those five or six core fundamentals work in all of them across the board over and over and over and over and over again. Does that make sense? Just like in wrestling, same thing. Give me any opponent. It doesn't matter. I know that off the whistle, I'm going to come and get inside control. From there, I'm going to try to do steering wheel to try to get my motion and get them off balance. And from there, depending on what their pressure is, either I'm going to snap or I'm going to do, uh, I'm going to snap the wrist. I'm going to do an arm drag. I'm going to do a, you know, there's like 10 things I can do off of their pressure.
Starting point is 00:13:07 But I'm chaining these things together. Anyway, so I just, I saw the correlation between the two of a lot of times you learn a technique or you learn a tactic in isolation and it's kind of cool, but it's not until you start getting good at chaining these things together that you become a world-class marketer or a world-class wrestler. Like anybody can do the technique. Anybody can go and get inside control on somebody. Anybody can go and shoot the shot a certain way. Anyone can go and do one of the pieces.
Starting point is 00:13:35 You becoming a master comes to you understanding the pieces at such a level that you can time together at any time. In a wrestling match, you don't have to think through it. You walk out there, the whistle blows, the ref's ready to go, and it's just like, it's a scramble the second you walk out there, right? But you have to know it instinctively enough that your brain subconsciously is able to go from here to here to here to here to here, right? I feel like for me in business now, it's the same way. Like, you bring me anything, it's like, okay, like, I don't have to think through it. Subconsciously, I've drilled these tactics so many times, just like,
Starting point is 00:14:04 all right, cool. This is what we're doing. This is how it works. Boom, boom, boom. And ready to rock and roll. And so anyway, I just want to share with you guys. Because I think a lot of you guys are getting stuck learning the tactic but not chaining them together. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:18 This marketing game, there's a lot of pieces in it. Right? There's the product. There's the sales message. There's the offer. There's the traffic. There's all these things. So it's like, learn those fundamentals, but then get good at like
Starting point is 00:14:26 testing them together, chain wrestling, chain marketing from one to the next, next, right? The better you get those fundamental skill sets, the easier and the better you'll be at building out the funnels, creating sales messages, et cetera, et cetera. So anyway, I just want to share with you guys, as I'm trying out my wrestlers, get to the next level by mastering, you know, first the techniques and then weaving them together in chain wrestling. I want to do the same thing to you guys, right? We're mastering the techniques, the fundamentals, and then you're weaving them together into chain marketing, where you're going from thing to thing to thing. And you understand exactly what you need to do, what you got to create, what the process,
Starting point is 00:14:58 what the flow is. And then you can plug in any product into any funnel because the fundamentals are the same on every single step. Does that make sense? All right, with that said, my body is now officially warmed up. I'm going to go give Nora a hug before I send her to school. Appreciate you guys for listening. If you got any value from this episode, please let me know. Take a screenshot on your phone and then post it on social media and tag me.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I like seeing them and reading comments. It's a lot of fun. And with that said, I appreciate you all. And see you guys all soon. Bye, everybody. Hey, everybody. This is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message. Okay. Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797. Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And then we can start having conversations. On top of that, through this texting community is where I'm going to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone and then we can start having conversations on top of that through this texting community so i'm going to be giving out free swag giving away free copies of my book i'll let you know about book signings about times i'm coming to your local area and a whole bunch more just want to make sure you are on this list on top of that every single day i'm sending out my favorite quotes my favorite frameworks and things you can get for free only through my texting platform. So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797. One more time. That's 208-231-3797. I can't wait to hear from you right now.

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