The Russell Brunson Show - Follow-Up Funnels

Episode Date: March 29, 2021

The often overlooked “second funnel” that is invisible to the naked eye… Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript---'s up everybody. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today we're going to talk about what I call The Often Overlooked Second Funnel That's Invisible to the Naked Eye. We also call these Follow-Up Funnels, and I'm going to show you guys a really cool case study about how I basically made $16 and 49 cents for every $1 we made inside of our actual funnel. That is the power of Follow-Up Funnels. All right, everybody. So you've probably heard me talk about Follow-Up Funnels before, but I want to tell you just kind of the history behind this and why it's important and what you should do, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. So when I first got started on online marketing way back in the day, back then everyone used to use email auto responders, which... We still use variations of those today, but I remember when it came out and what would happen is that you had... Someone would subscribe to your email list and then you'd write a pre-written out email sequence. Right? So, what we used to do back in the day when I first got started was I was like, "Sign up for my free five day eCourse." That was the thing everyone did. Everyone had a free five day eCourse. So, someone would opt in and then they give you the email address. Then the Follow-Up Funnel was a five day email course. Day number one, you'd be like, "Here's this first thing, second thing, third thing, fourth thing, fifth thing." And the fifth day, you'd ask them to buy the thing you were trying to sell. That's how this thing first started for me. Then I remember, fast forward, who knows, a year or two later, I was hanging out with a guy named Matt Bacak and Matt told me at the time, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something like... He was like, "Yeah, I sat down and wrote out 600 emails. I built an email sequence. So if someone joins my list, they get an email everyday for 600 days, or something." I was like, "Holy cow." That's insane. Imagine, if I just did that once, I write this huge sequence and then put people through it, I'll never have to worry about writing emails again. I'll just add people to my list. That was my thought. So then I started trying to write a huge Follow-Up Funnel like that, a huge email sequence. And I got five days in and I was like, "I want to die. This is really, really hard." So I stopped. And then over the next two decades of my career I tried so many times to start one. I'd start writing one and then I get tired and then I write it and then... I remember one time I wrote it and I put all inside of GetResponse, excuse me, it's Aweber. First I wrote a, I don't know, 20 emails sequence and Aweber and I was going to keep adding to it. And so I built it out. I started adding my list and then Aweber canceled my account. And I was like, "What the dump." I was so mad. And so, then I went over and I rebuilt the entire sequence in Getresponse, but I was going to import my same list. I couldn't do the same emails. I had to rewrite the entire thing. So, I spent like two weeks rewriting that same email sequence then imported my list. They start getting emails. And within like two days, Getresponse canceled my account. I was like, "I'm going nuts." IT's like, "I can't keep doing this." And so I gave up on it again. And then ClickFunnels came out. One of the powerful things about Clickfunnels is when you build out your, your follow-up sequence, you can plug in any SMTP. So that's basically, you can plug in, send grid or you can plug in Amazon S3 emails, you can plug in... And there's a bunch of ones you can plug in. So that way, one of the reasons why we did that, because I had had so many headaches where we had launched an email sequence and our emails software shut us off and he'd go rebuild it. It was a nightmare. Whereas in ClickFunnels, let's say you, you build out your sequence, you upload a list of customers and start getting an email sequence. Let's say, SendGrid shuts you down. You can just plug into different SMTP and the emails keep going and you won't lose a beat. We built that because I was like, "That's how I need for myself because I don't want to write these again." So we did that, the initial email sequence that probably, I don't know, 10 or 12 days. And then that's all I ever got to. And about that time when we launched this in features, Clickfunnels. We need a name for it. Is it an auto-responder sequence? Is it marketing automation? What is the... We need a name. And we kept trying back and forth. And this was before Funnel Hacking Live 2017. We need a name for this, what's it called? And I remember Stephen Larson's here in the office and he was like super stressed out. "I'm trying to figure out this name, I'm trying to figure out this name." And I think he totally went and he prayed in the corner, something. Came back two minutes later, he's like, "What about follow-up funnels?" I was like, "Oh my gosh, that's what this is. Like someone comes in, they give you your email address. They go through normal funnel and then they're added to your follow-up funnel. You follow up with them, you take them through a sequence." And so we built and that became the thing and that became the branding. And so ever since 2017 now, so at 21… no not 21 years, four years. Four years, I've been calling them Follow-up Funnels. And so for me, that's what it is, you have your funnels and then your follow-up funnels. And so, it was interesting as I was writing the DotCom Secrets book, actually, prior to that, I was doing a presentation for Funnel Hacking Live 2017. And I actually shared this case study in the DotCom Secrets book. I want to share with you guys right now, is I want to see like how valuable is an actual follow-up funnel. As we started looking at our funnels, how much money they make when somebody comes through a book funnel, right. And looks through that revenue and then said, "Okay, over the next 30 days from our email follow-up funnel, how much money do we make?" We started looking at the math and the numbers and what was crazy in the snapshot I took, this was 2017. I think it was December of 2016. I took the snapshot. And what was crazy is that for every $1 that we made inside of an actual funnel from a book funnel or a webinar funnel, whatever it was, every $1 remains side of a funnel within 30 days made $16 and 49 cents through our followup funnel. What? What the dump, right? If you guys never heard me say that expression before, it's a weird one. I had a friend in college who used to always say, "What the dump" and it's stuck, and it's weird. I don't know, but you're getting it today. So, I was like, "What the dump? That's amazing. That's for every $1 I put in, I get $16 and 49 cents back out. It doesn't make any sense." And it started getting me really excited about the concept of follow up funnels. And so for years I sat down and kept like mapping out, “Okay I’m going to write, I'm going to build...” You know, not like a Matt Bacak, 600 email sequence. I want to build a sequence that goes through all my core offers, my products and something that's kind of... I start looking at that. And so we started sitting down and building one out and every time I tried to build out, I got so big. I was like, "It's going to be 50 emails, 60 emails." And I get stressed out. And I was like... Anyway, I'm sure you guys have gone through that. It's kind of overwhelming and stressful. But finally last year during COVID, I was like, "All right, we're building this thing out. And so we sat down and I mapped out, okay. If someone comes to my world, what did all the offers and the videos and YouTube videos or the podcasts websites, what are the best things that I have. What Would be the sequence I would send somebody through, like if my mom joined my list, what would I want her to have first, and second, and third? And I mapped out the sequence and the sequence ended up being about 60 emails. And then, I went through and I was like, "How am I going to write 60 emails? " That just sounds like pain. I want to die just thinking about it. Right. So I got out Voxer and I would Vox each email. So, I just kind of say it and I had my go and get it all transcribed and send me back the transcripts. Then from there, I'd take these, these transcripts, I could write emails a lot faster. And so, I started doing that and we started building out the sequence and it was like I said, 60 emails going over about a three month period of time. So, it wasn't every day, but sometimes it was three or four days in a row. And we'd take three days off and the back and forth. We built out this really, really cool sequence and it got it done. And then over the last 60 days or so, they slowly added people into the top of this sequence. In fact, as of Friday, we had added 1,734,577 people into this funnel. And we were getting an average overall engagement, 22%. 22% people were opening every single email, which is pretty exciting, but that was 1.7 million. And still have another, I think a million and a half that was being added in over the next, probably next 30 to 45 days being added to the top of the funnel trying to go slowly, so that all of a sudden we don't blow up our email. If you go off and start sending a million emails it just... anyway. So, we've been slowly adding these people in every single day. And as 1.7 million have gone into it, 20% open rate. And now, they're getting a sequence of 60 emails for the next three months and what's been crazy and cool and exciting is that first off, I haven't had to write an email for a long time, which is kind of nice. Second off, I'm watching this now because I have a lot of funnels, so my email sequence links people to different funnels, and then videos and podcasts episodes. So again, somethings are selling somethings are trained. Some things are free. Some things are paid, but just kind of moving them through the logical sequence of offers, of content, of things I want people to get into experience and it connects people to all these different things. And then, how it's fun is I'm watching this now. And now this is done, every single funnel across our business now is lifting. It's really crazy. Our best converting videos are more people where views are popping and they're spiking. And , it really seems like the entire company as a whole is lifting in revenue in engagement and all these things all by placing the thing in place. And it... I've been fighting this for, I mean, honestly, it's been two decades because I finally first want to do this, though I actually finally did it, excuse me. And now it's just insane watching what's happening. And we plugged in, so if someone opts into any of my funnels, anywhere at any given time, they go through that little meet. Usually someone opts in a funnel is a little mini sequence they go through for three or four days and then drops them to this big, major sequence that takes them through all of the offers in chronological order. And so we're adding again about 1000 to 2000 people a day. And actually more than that, excuse me. Pretty close to 3,500 or so, opt-ins a day are being added in his funnel as well. So it keeps growing and growing and growing. And I'm watching this now as the entire ecosystem of ClickFunnels is all rising together because of this, this funnel that's in place. And that's nice because it's 60 days long. Everybody who goes into my world is going to be getting these for the rest of time until I decide to change them or updating or tweaking. And hopefully I never will because I spent so much time and so much effort working on them. And it's just really, really cool. So a couple of things. Number one, if you've been getting a new email sequence from me, pay attention, okay. I think I'm going to eventually put this whole email sequence into a book and call it Followup Funnels. It'd be a really cool product, but right now you guys are getting it for free. So, if not, go opt into any of my forms and eventually you'll start getting it. The first email says something about marketing secrets, like "What's marketing secrets?" And so, that's the first email coming through, but it's powerful, man is blowing our business away. So, I want to share with you guys, cause I want you start thinking, now that you've been creating more things, right? You got some funnels, you got some videos, you got a podcast, you got content, you got things you're putting out there. Think about this. My thought when I was creating this follow-up funnels, "If my mom was to come to my world, what would be the first thing I'd want her to engage with? And then what's the second thing. And the third thing, and the fourth thing, I would look at this, this logical sequence of events. And then from that, that's how I wrote my email sequence. And then you get it all together. And when it's done, man there's this thing that's just literally, hand-holding all your dream customers around the logical sequencing of your content in your offers. And how powerful is that? What would that do for your business if you have that right now? I tell you for us here at ClickFunnels it is... We're already seeing this in this entire lifting across the board and it's powerful. And somebody will come to our world and like they see a webinar and that's all they know. And they see a book and they see something random, but they don't have the context of everything we're doing. So by doing this, puts everybody into a sequence where they're getting step-by-step piece by piece, the stuff we want them to understand in the order, we need them to understand them. And that's really the magic and the power. So anyway, I want to share with you guys, because I'm pumped about it. It's working. If you don't have your own follow-up funnels, now is the time to start building out, creating them, plugging into click funnels, I guess, to do it in the click funnels. So you don't risk getting shut down, which happens in pretty much every other autoresponder sequence I've ever had. In fact, I think in the slides I talked about that, because this is the very first time I told people about our follow-up funnels inside of ClickFunnels, we announced it. So, in the past Aweber shut me down six times, Getresponse four times, Icontact shut me down nine times, two and Fusionsoft two times, ActiveCampaign, two times, MailChimp should be about three times. And that's it. And so I would be careful of using any other outside responders for that reason. We have some crazy updates come in Click funnels in the very near future with our followup funnels and stuff. I think you were going to go crazy for, I can't announce that yet, but anyway, good stuff's coming. So I just want to share with you guys because it matters. It's important. It's something that I fought forever and I wish I had done this 10 years ago and just read it every year, re-tweaked it every single year, whatever that might be, but now it's done. And now it's just insane. So again, from the snapshot December, for every $1 we made inside of our, our core funnel or drive people who made $16 and 49 cents follow-up funnel which is crazy. And what I'm finding now, now I have sequences even better. Those numbers are just going up. And so I want to share with you guys, hope this helps kind of build a follow-up funnel. Inspires you, motivates you and gets you excited to build the often overlooked second funnel, that’s invisible to the Naked Eye. It's called the Follow-up Funnel. With that said, I appreciate you all. And I'll talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details, conditions apply. AirTransat, travel moves us. What's up, everybody?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, we're going to talk about what I call the often overlooked second funnel that's invisible to the naked eye. We also call these follow-up funnels. And I'm going to show you guys a really cool case study about how basically we made $16.49 for every $1 we made inside of our actual funnel. That is the power of follow-up funnels. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this
Starting point is 00:01:10 podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. So you've probably heard me talk about follow-up funnels before, but I want to tell you guys kind of the history behind this and why it's important and what you should do and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. So when I first got started on online marketing way back in the day, back then everyone used to use email autoresponders, which, you know, we still use variations of those today. But I remember it came out and what would happen is that you would, someone would subscribe to your email list and then you'd write a pre-written out email sequence, right? So we used to do back in the day when I first got started was I was like, sign up for my
Starting point is 00:01:50 free five day e-course. Like that was the thing everyone did. Everyone had a free five day e-course. So someone would opt in and then they give you the email address. Then the followup funnel was like a five day email course. Day number one, you'd be like, here's the first thing, second thing, third thing, fourth thing, fifth thing. And the fifth day you'd ask them to buy the thing you were trying to sell. That's how this thing
Starting point is 00:02:06 first started for me. Then I remember fast forward, who knows a year or two later, I was hanging out with a guy named Matt Basak. And Matt told me at the time, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something like, he's like, yeah, I sat down and wrote out 600 emails. I built an email sequence. So someone joins my list, they get an email every day for like 600 days or something. And I was like, holy cow. I'm like, that's insane. Like imagine if I just did that once. I write this huge sequence and then I put people through it.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'll never have to worry about writing emails again. I'll just like add people to my list. And that was like my thoughts. So then I started trying to write a huge follow-up funnel like that, a huge email sequence. And I got like five days in. I was like, I want to die. This is really, really hard. So I stopped. And then over the next like two decades of my career, I tried so many times to start one, to start one, you know, to start, I started writing
Starting point is 00:02:48 one and I get tired and then I write it. And then I remember one time I wrote it, I put it all inside a get response. No, excuse me, it was Aweber at first. I wrote like a, I don't know, 20 email sequence in Aweber and I was going to keep adding to it. And so I built it out. I started adding people to my list and then Aweber canceled my account. And I was like, what the dump? I was so mad. And so then I went over and I rebuilt the entire sequence and get response, but I was going to import my same list. So I couldn't do the same email. So I had to rewrite the entire thing. So I spent like two weeks rewriting that same email sequence. Um, then I imported my list. They started getting emails and within like two days, get response, cancel my account. And I was like, I'm going nuts. Like I can't keep doing
Starting point is 00:03:20 this. And so I gave up on it again. And when ClickFunnels came out, one of the powerful things about ClickFunnels is when you build out your follow-up sequence, you can plug in any SNTP. So that's basically, you can plug in SendGrid, or you can plug in Amazon S3 emails. You can plug in, there's a bunch of ones you can plug in. So that way, one of the reasons why we did that is because I had had so many headaches where we had launched an email sequence and our email service provider shut us off and had to go rebuild it. It was a nightmare. Whereas in ClickFunnels, let's say you, you build out your sequence, you upload a list of customers and start getting the email sequence. Let's say SendGrid shuts you down. You can just plug in a different SMTP and the emails keep going. You won't lose a beat. And it's, um, we built that cause I was like, that's how I need it for myself
Starting point is 00:04:00 cause I don't want to write these again. So we did that. I wrote initial email sequence of probably, I don't know, 10 or 12 days. And then that's all I ever got to. And about that time, when we launched this new feature inside ClickFunnels, we needed a name for it. Is it an autoresponder sequence? Is it marketing automation? Is it, like, what is the, we need a name. And we kept trying back and forth. And this is before Funnel Hacking Live 2017. We need a name for this. Like, what's it called? And I remember Steven Larson's here in the office and he was like, super stressed out, like, trying to figure out this name, trying to figure out this name. And I think he told me when prayed in the corner or something, he came back to me later.
Starting point is 00:04:30 He's like, what about follow-up funnels? I was like, Oh my gosh, that's what this is. Like someone comes in, they give you your email address. They go through a normal funnel and then they're added to your follow-up funnel. You follow up with them, you take them through a sequence. And so we bought and like that became the thing and that became the branding. And so ever since 2017 now, so 21 or not 21 years, four years, four years, I've been calling them followup funnels. And so for me, that's what it is. You have your funnels and then your followup funnels. And so it was interesting as I was writing the dot com secrets book, actually prior to that, I was doing a presentation for funnel hacking lab 2017. And I actually shared this case study in secrets book.
Starting point is 00:05:07 What I want to share with you guys right now is I wanted to see, like, how valuable is an actual follow-up funnel? And so we started looking at, like, our funnels, how much money they make when somebody comes through, like, a book funnel, right? And looked at that revenue, and then we said, okay, over the next 30 days, from our email follow-up funnel, how much money do we make? We started looking at the math and the numbers. And what was crazy, in the snapshot I took, this was 2017. So I think it was December of 2016.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I took the snapshot and what was crazy is that for every $1 that we made inside of an actual funnel, so my book funnel, my webinar funnel, whatever it was, every $1 we made inside of a funnel within 30 days, we made $16 and 49 cents through our followup funnel. What? What the dump, right? Um, if you guys never heard me say that expression before, it's a weird one. I had a friend in college who used to always say, what the dump? And it's stuck and it's weird. I don't know, but you're getting it today. So I was like, what the dump? Like, that's amazing. Like that's for every $1 I put in, I get $16 and 49 cents back out. Like that doesn't make any sense. And it started getting me re-excited about this concept of follow-up funnels.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And so for years I sat down and kept like mapping out, okay, I'm going to build, you know, not like a map, BASAC 600 email sequence, but I want to build a sequence that goes through all my core offers, my products, and something that's kind of, you know, I started looking at that. And so we started sitting down and building one out. And every time I tried to build it out, it got so big. I was like, it's going to be 50 emails, six emails, and I get stressed out. And I was like, anyway, I'm sure you guys have gone through that. It's kind of overwhelming and stressful. But finally, um, last year during COVID, I was like, all right, we're building this thing out. And so I sat down and I mapped out, okay, if someone comes to my world, what are all the offers and the videos and YouTube videos and the
Starting point is 00:06:35 podcast? I was like, what are the best things that I have? What would be the sequence I would send somebody through? Like my mom joined my list. Like what would I want her to have first and second and third? And I mapped out the sequence and the sequence ended up being about 60 emails. And, uh, and then I went through and I was like, how am I going to write 60 emails? Like that just sounds like pain. I want to die just thinking about it. Right. So I got out Voxer and I would Vox, um, each email. So I just kind of say it. And I had my brother go and get it all transcribed and send me back the transcripts. And from there, I would take these, these transcripts. I could write emails a lot faster. And so I started doing that and we started building out the sequence.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And it was, like I said, 60 emails going over about a three-month period of time. So it wasn't every day, but sometimes it was three or four days in a row. We'd take three days off and the back and forth. We built out this really, really cool sequence and got it done. And then over the last 60 days or so, we've been slowly adding people into the top of this sequence. In fact, as of Friday, we had added 1,734,577 people into this funnel, and we were getting an average overall engagement of 22%. 22% of people are opening every single email, which is pretty exciting. But now it's 1.7 million, and we still have another, I think,
Starting point is 00:07:44 a million and a half emails being added in over the next, like probably next 30 to 45 days being added to the top of the funnel. We're trying to go slowly so that all of a sudden, you know, we don't blow up our email. Like, you know, if you go all of a sudden start sending a million emails, it just, anyway. So we've been slowly adding these people in every single day. And so 1.7 million have gone into it, 20% open rate.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And now they're getting the sequence of 60 emails over the next three months. And what's been crazy and cool and exciting is that first off, I haven't had to write an email for a long time, which is like, whew, kind of nice. Second off, I'm watching this now because I have a lot of funnels. And so my email sequence links people to different funnels and then videos and podcast episodes. And like, again, some things are selling, some things are training, some things are free, some things are paid, but just kind of moving them through the logical sequence of offers, of content, of things I want people to get into experience.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And it connects people to all these different things. And then how it's fun is I'm watching this now and like, now this is done, every single funnel across our business now is lifting. It's really crazy. Our best converting videos are more people, our views are popping and they're spiking. Um, our best converting videos are more people where views are popping and they're spiking. And like, like it's one of these things where the entire company
Starting point is 00:08:48 as a whole is lifting in revenue and engagement and all these things all by placing the thing in place. Um, and it, I've been fighting this for, I mean, honestly, it's been two decades since I finally first wanted to do this. So I actually finally did it, excuse me. And now it's just insane watching what's happening. And we plugged in. So if someone opts into any of my funnels anywhere at any given time, they go through that little mini, usually someone opts into a funnel, there's a little mini sequence they go through for three or four days and then it drops them to this big major sequence that takes them through all of the offers in chronological order.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And so we're adding again about 1,000 to 2,000 people a day and actually more than that, excuse me, pretty close to 3,500 or so opt-ins a day are being added in this funnel as well so it keeps growing and growing and growing but i'm watching this now as the entire ecosystem of click funnels is all rising together because of this this funnel that's in place and that's nice is because it's 60 days long um everybody who goes into my into my world is going to be getting these for the rest of time until i decide to change them or update them or tweak them and hopefully i never will because i spent so much time and so much effort working on them um Um, and it's just, it's,
Starting point is 00:09:47 it's really, really cool. So a couple of things, number one, if you've been getting a new email sequence from me, pay attention. Okay. Um, I think I'm going to eventually put this whole email sequence into a book. We'll call it follow up funnels and like, it'd be a, it'd be a really cool product, but, um, right now you guys are getting it for free. So if not go opt into any of my forums and eventually start getting it. Uh, the first email is something like, uh, about marketing secrets, like who wants marketing secrets? And so, um, that's how you know the first email is coming through, but, um, it's powerful, man is blowing our business away. So I want to share with you guys, cause I want you to start thinking now that you've been creating more things, right? You got
Starting point is 00:10:17 some funnels, you got some videos, you got a podcast, you got, you got content, you got things you're putting out there. Like think about this. My thought when I was creating this followup funnel, it's like, if my mom was to come to my world, what would be the first thing I'd want her to engage with? And then what's the second thing? And the third thing? And the fourth thing? And I would look at this, this logical sequence of events. And then from that, that's how I write my email sequence. And, and then you get it all together. And when it's done, man, it's this thing that's just like literally handholding all your dream customers around the logical sequencing of your content and your offers.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And how powerful is that? Like what would that do for your business if you had that right now? I tell you for us here at ClickFunnels, we're already seeing this entire lifting across the board and it's powerful. I mean, some people come to our world and like they see a webinar and that's all they know. And they see a book and they see something random, but they don't have the context of everything we're doing. So by doing this, it puts everybody into a sequence where they're getting step-by-step, piece-by-piece, the stuff we want them to understand
Starting point is 00:11:09 in the order we need them to understand them. And that's really the magic and the power. So anyway, I want to share with you guys because I'm pumped about it. It's working. If you don't have your own follow-up funnels, now's the time to start building them out, creating them,
Starting point is 00:11:19 plug them into ClickFunnels. I guess to do it in ClickFunnels so you don't risk getting shut down, which happens in pretty much every other autoresponder sequence i've ever had in fact i think in the slides i talked about that um uh because we're this is the very first time i told people about um our fault funnels inside click phones we announced it so okay so in the past um a weber shut me down six times get response from four times eye contact shut me down nine times infusion soft two times active campaign two times no chimpship down three times, get response, shut me down four times, eye contact, shut me down nine times, infusion soft two times, active campaign two times,
Starting point is 00:11:45 no chimps, shut me down three times. And that's it. And so I would be careful of using any other outside our responders for that reason. We have some crazy updates
Starting point is 00:11:54 coming to ClickFunnels in the very near future with our follow-up funnels and stuff that I think you're going to go crazy for. I can't announce that yet, but anyway, good stuff's coming.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So I just want to share with you guys because it matters. It's important. It's something I fought forever and I wish I would have done this 10 years ago and just redid it every year, retweaked it every single year, whatever that might be. But now it's done and now it's just, it's insane. So again, from the snapshot of December, for every $1 we made inside of our core funnel,
Starting point is 00:12:18 we're driving people to make $16.49 inside the follow funnel, which is crazy. And what I'm finding now, now I have sequences even better. Those numbers are just going up. And so I want to share with you guys, hope this helps time to build the follow-up funnels. Hope this inspires you, motivates you and gets you excited to build the often overlooked second funnel that's invisible to naked eye. It's called the follow-up funnel. That's the thing she has. I appreciate you all. And I'll talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text
Starting point is 00:12:56 message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message. okay? And the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797. Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone. And then we can start having conversations.
Starting point is 00:13:19 On top of that, through this texting community is where I'm going to be giving out free swag, giving away free copies of my book. I'll let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area and a whole bunch more. So I want to make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks and things you can get for free only through my texting platform. So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797. One more time, that's 208-231-3797. I can't wait to hear from you right now.

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