The Russell Brunson Show - How Do We Live in a Corona Virus Age? And Some Q&A!!!

Episode Date: March 30, 2020

Fireside chat with the ClickFunnels / Funnel Hacker community. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit slash dioffer to learn more. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
Starting point is 00:00:49 That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey, hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to Saturday. I hope you guys are pumped to be here. I'm gonna wait for a few minutes while we're getting everybody to get on, but we've got a lot of fun stuff to talk about. The last couple days we posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, everywhere, for you guys to ask me your Q&As, what questions you had about all sorts of stuff, marketing, business, living in a corona age, and much other stuff. And so I've got the questions here, and I've got answers, and's going to be a lot of fun. So I'm pumped to be hanging
Starting point is 00:01:27 out with you guys today and, uh, and going through some of this stuff. And so that's kind of the, that's kind of the game plan. Um, and, uh, it should be, it should be a good time. So while I'm waiting for everyone to jump on, I'm curious how you guys are doing. How are you guys all, uh, surviving this, uh, the last two weeks? I feel weird cause I've been going live with you guys every single day talking about the book launch and everything else like that but i'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming uh to talk about some other stuff and so uh that's kind of game plan hopefully you guys are all doing well um we're doing pretty good overall i think it's been um probably the hardest on uh our kids they uh especially one of our kids is so social he wants
Starting point is 00:02:03 to be out talking and being with friends and we we feel like such bad, you know, like the bad guy is not allowing him to, because of, you know, the whole quarantine thing. So anyway, we've been having fun this morning playing with them and all, and we're gonna go play with them here in a little bit as well. So anyway, excited to be hanging out with you guys today. And like I said, this is not gonna be talking about the book today. Although if you haven't got a copy of your book yet, you should totally go to But that's not the point of today. Today, I'm going to be doing some Q&A. And so I got a bunch of questions you guys have been submitting. You've submitted them. We've got questions coming in from Twitter, from Facebook, from Instagram, even LinkedIn, which I don't know how to log in
Starting point is 00:02:37 LinkedIn. But there's questions coming from LinkedIn as well. And so I'm going to go through these with you guys today, which should be a lot of fun. So before we go into that, though, I've got three things I want to talk about that I think hopefully will help because I know we're still in such a time where people are just not sure what to think and they're nervous and I get it. In fact, today I was just getting messages
Starting point is 00:02:58 from a lot of the companies I normally go to all the time. They're like, hey, we're shutting our doors, at least for the next foreseeable future and we're hoping we can come back, but we have no idea if we'll be back or not. And it's like, oh, that're shutting our doors, at least for the next foreseeable future. And we're hoping we can come back, but we have no idea if we'll be back or not. And it's like, Oh, like that feeling of just like, um, it's, it's scary. And so, um, I want to give you some, some peace and some hope and, um, and some understanding and, and, uh, and hopefully, uh, help you guys feel comfortable with, with whatever the worst case scenario might be.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So that said, I got three things, a quote, and then we're going to Q and a, that's not like fun. All right. That's the game plan. So I'm gonna start with the three things. So number one, I had a friend a couple of years ago, his name is Dr. Chad Walner. In fact, I think I mentioned him in almost all the books. Uh, Chad is a great guy. And, um, I remember one time, uh, after he had started his chiropractic practice, um, he had been working for a while and it was just not going very well. And his point where it was about to just implode. I remember he called me that night and he was like, uh, he's like, I'm in a bad spot. I need help. And I'm okay. I can help. He's like, can we just talk? I'm like, yeah, sure. So I went over to his practice and we sat
Starting point is 00:03:51 down and I think he was waiting for me to be like, all right, Chad, here is the magic secret. If you apply this said secret to your business, you will be a bajillionaire and everything will go away. And as I listened to him longer and longer and longer, I could tell by the way he was talking, um, that he was so scared of so scared of what could happen that it froze him from moving forward. Okay. And I'm sure that a lot of you guys in that spot right now where you're like, you're so scared of what could possibly happen that you're scared to move forward. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:16 How many of you guys feel that way right now? I'm curious. And it's okay if you do. Like that's the total normal human response. Like that's not something to be ashamed of or anything. Like that's how that's, you know, all of us will get that, uh, myself included. And, uh, as I sat there listening to Chad that night and I was trying to think of what kind of advice could I give him? Um, I asked him, I said, look, for you to be able to move forward, you have to be completely okay with the worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:04:38 You gotta be able to look at that and be like, look at it directly in the eye and say, that's the worst case scenario. I'm okay with that. So I asked him, I said, what's, what's the worst case scenario if your practice fails? And, um, and I don't remember off the top of my head, all this stuff he said, but he said things like, oh, if I did, I'd have to lose my house and I'd have to go bankrupt. And then like, you know, what would my, what would my family think? What would my in-laws think? What would the other chiropractors think about me? And like, he started going through all the things. And so we sat down with a pad of paper. So, okay, all the worst case, like worst case scenario, write those things down, write them down,
Starting point is 00:05:03 write them down. We looked at them all and then we started going through them. So, okay. All the worst cases, like worst case scenario, write those things down, write them down, write them down. We looked at them all and then we started going through them. So, okay. Is that really that bad? Okay. I think a lot of times we have the worst case scenario running through our heads and there's little pieces and it seems so alive and vibrant that we're like, ah, and so we try to ignore it. But this way it forces you to write it down. You write it down, you write a worst case scenario. What does that actually look like? And then you got to look at that directly in the eyes and be like, I'm okay with that. And we started going through this list one at a time. Like, okay, worst case scenario, you lose your house. Why is that such a big deal? It's like, well, I love my house. Like, yeah, but like, there's tons of houses. Like you lose it,
Starting point is 00:05:29 you get a new one. Like, like, would you be okay if you had to get a new house? Like, yeah. Okay, what about the next thing? We went through thing by thing by thing. And, um, and after we got through all of them, he was like, oh my gosh, like I kept in my head, it was such a big deal. If I lost all this stuff in reality, it's not that big of a deal. Like I'd be okay. And as soon as he became completely okay with the worst case scenario, it was like his hand, the handcuffs broke off his hands. Now he was able to move forward because he could risk. And if you risk and fail, they didn't matter anymore because he was okay with the worst
Starting point is 00:05:56 case scenario. So for all you guys, the first thing I would, I would tell you is like, you've got to figure out what is your worst case scenario and you gotta be able to look at it. Like it had to be written down so you can see it, look at it and say, I'm okay with number one. I'm okay with number two. I'm okay with number three. And as soon as you do that, it'll unlock you. The fear unlocks the frightening, you know, all those things that are keeping you back and you can start moving forward. Okay. So that's the, that's the first thing I want to share with you guys. Number two, uh, right now, uh, as you know, there's tons of companies that are shutting down,
Starting point is 00:06:21 uh, and which means like the business owner who's risked all their time, energy, money for however many years are losing things. The employees of those people are losing things. I think, again, it comes back to this worst case scenario, but the worst case scenario in those situations are, I have to declare bankruptcy. I lose my entire business. I lose my livelihood. I want you guys to understand, and I'm such a big founder of George Washington and the
Starting point is 00:06:42 founding fathers, and when they came to this country and they set up the nation, they set the constitution. And one of the greatest gifts that our founding fathers gave us as entrepreneurs were the bankruptcy laws. I think so many times in our mind, right? Oh, if I go bankrupt, I lost everything. And like my life is destroyed. It's like, no, no, no, no. You don't understand. These were a gift from God, a gift from our founding fathers that was given to us.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So that us as entrepreneurs, we could try things and we could risk. And if we failed, it wasn't like, oh, you failed, go lock yourself up and you're in jail for the next 50 years of your life. You fail, you get a clear, it's a reset. You can reset and you come back and do it again. I can't tell you how many of the hyper-successful people I know that have gone through one or two or three different bankruptcies. And I just want you to understand that because I know that there are going to be so many of you guys who go through this process that are like, it's the worst case scenario. It's going to happen for some people. Some of you guys listening to my voice right now, we're going to go through bankruptcy that there are going to be so many of you guys who go through this process that are like, it's the worst case scenario. It's going to happen for some people. Some of you guys listening to my voice right now, we're going to go through bankruptcy.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You're going to lose everything. You're going to lose your house. And it's going to be like this, this scary thing. And, um, as long as you, again, one, number one, look at the worst case scenario and be like, I'm okay with that. And then number two, looking at like the bankruptcy, like, look, this is a gift. Like I'm able to reset and start over and like, and look at this as a, as a, as a new beginning.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Like if you have to, like, hopefully you don't have to, hopefully the things we've been teaching you will keep you from that. But I want you to understand that if that has to happen, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. Um, and so that, those are the, those are the first things I want to talk about. So I think so many times we were so scared of what could happen that we just freeze and we don't do anything. And I need you guys to unfreeze. Okay. Your people that you're serving need to your employees, your staff, your community, they need you to unfreeze, okay? And so if the worst case scenario is keeping you from moving forward, we need to look at that, straighten the eye, and be okay with it. Be okay with bankruptcy, be okay with losing your house, be okay with it. Whatever those things are, you gotta become okay
Starting point is 00:08:14 with it. It's funny now that, you know, we've been in such a positive time for, since the last crash, and how many people, how many entrepreneurs do you know who are like, man, you know, 2008, I got destroyed, I lost everything, lost my house, it was the worst, the most painful thing ever, but I became smarter, I reinvented myself, I learned more, now I built this amazing company over here, right? The same story is going to be happening now, okay? If you want the happy ending, you got to go through the turmoil. If you've gone through any of my books or my training, you know the hero's journey. We're in the middle of it, right?
Starting point is 00:08:39 We're going through the journey of transformation right now, and now is the time for all of us to start transforming, right? It's time for us to become better, become smarter, become the people we need to be to be able to serve our, to serve our community. So, all right, the last thing I want to share before we go into Q and A's, um, uh, I actually heard, uh, Rachel and Dave Hollis on their podcast shared this quote and I was like, this is amazing. And I found it posted on my personal Facebook wall, but I want to read it to you guys as well because, um, this should give you peace. It did for me at least after I read it, I was like, huh, all right. And it was just like this release. And so I want to give this to you guys as a gift, and then we'll move into Q&A,
Starting point is 00:09:12 okay? So here's the gift. So this is from C.S. Lewis, and this was during 1948. So it was the peak of, was it World War II? The atomic bombs, all that stuff, right? And so they were living in this A-bomb, the atomic bomb age, and everyone was freaked out and scared to death to do anything. Again, they were locked up cause they think, ah, like if a bomb explodes and we all die. And this is a quote from CS Lewis, who, by the way, CS Lewis is the man, uh, case anyone's not sure that he is amazing. So this is the quote he said, uh, speaking about his time, his age. And I want you to listen to this with ears of like, this is like my time's different, but man, it's the same. Okay. So here we go. All right. Uh, from CS Lewis, uh, it's called on living in an atomic age, which is why I titled this Facebook live
Starting point is 00:09:55 on living in a coronavirus age. All right. In one way, we think a great deal too much about the atomic bomb insert coronavirus. Uh, how are we, how are we supposed to live in an atomic age? I'm tempted to reply, why, as you would have lived in the 16th century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in the Viking age when the raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night, or indeed as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents. In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death
Starting point is 00:10:32 before the atomic bomb was invented, insert coronavirus, before the coronavirus was invented, and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors, anesthetics, but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to the world which already bristled with such chances in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty. This is the first point to be made, and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we're going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb or by a coronavirus, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things, praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts. Not hold together like
Starting point is 00:11:22 frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies, a microbe can do that, but they need not dominate our minds. Oh, I got chills again. What? That is the best quote you guys have ever heard. It is amazing. So I hope you guys read that. If you search C.S. Lewis, Living on Atomic Age,
Starting point is 00:11:40 you can find it, you can read it, you can print it out, read it to your family, read it to your kids. If you go to my personal Facebook profile, not my business one, but my personal, like Russell Brunson one, I posted it on the wall there. You can find it. You can read it. You can print it out, read to your family, read to your kids. Uh, if you have my personal Facebook profile, not my business one, but like my personal, like Russell Brunson, when I posted on the wall there, you can see it there. Um, copy and paste it, uh, share it, please. Like the more, like this is the kind of messaging that people need to be hearing right now. Not the garbage that supposedly I supposedly on news. I actually
Starting point is 00:11:58 have no idea. I don't know how to listen to the news. So, um, yeah. Anyway, should I read it like with the coronavirus in there? I'm gonna read it one more time with the coronavirus in there. In one way, we may think of a good, uh, in one way, we think a great deal too much of the coronavirus. How are we to live in a coronavirus age? I'm tempted to reply why as you would have lived in the 16th century when the plague visited London almost every year, whereas you would have lived in the Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night, or indeed, as you are already living in the age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railroad accidents, of car accidents, of, uh, what are the other things we're dealing with? An age of motor accidents.
Starting point is 00:12:32 In other words, we do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or dear madam, you and all whom you love are already sentenced to death before the coronavirus was ever invented. And quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways anyway. We had indeed one very great advantage over our ancestors, anesthetics, but I say penicillin, I don't know, whatever, but we have that still. It's pretty ridiculous to go about whimpering
Starting point is 00:12:53 and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of a painful and premature death to the world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty. This is the first point to be made. And the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we're going to be destroyed by the coronavirus, let that virus come.
Starting point is 00:13:11 When it comes, find us doing sensible and human things, praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting with our friends over a pint and game of darts, not huddled together like frightened sheep thinking about viruses. They may break our bodies. A microbe can do that, but they cannot dominate our minds. Oh, that's so good. C.S. Lewis told you he's the man.
Starting point is 00:13:30 All right. Hopefully that gives you guys some faith and some hope to keep on going today. Okay, you guys ready for Q&A time? So I got a bunch of Q&As. They came in about all sorts of stuff from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. So my team went through a bunch of them and found some of their favorite ones. So I'm going to try to answer them live right now with you guys, if you're okay with that. You guys okay if I over deliver? So I'll make sure, because I can go back to bed. You guys okay if I over
Starting point is 00:13:51 deliver? Everyone's cool? All right. If you're okay with that, I'm in. Okay, here we go. Question number one from Twitter. This is from at Manuel Marcino. He says, I know you say that sales funnels work for any niche, product, or business, but according to your experience, what would you give your top five niches where you can skyrocket sales? Doing correctly, of course. Thanks in advance. Okay. So sales funnels work in all businesses, but what are the best ones? Okay. This is really simple. Um, when I look at, um, businesses as a whole, I break it down to a couple of things, right? There's like, there's businesses like at the top and it breaks down to a couple of things. There's, there's like the product based businesses, like
Starting point is 00:14:22 people selling products. Then there's like service-based business, which are people selling services. Yeah, that's the first tier. So all businesses, are you selling a product or are you selling a service? Then underneath that, it breaks down to, okay, if you're selling a product, is it information products? Is it physical products? Is it whatever? You have a couple different types of products.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Then services, what kind of services? Is it a software as a service? ClickFunnels is a software as a service. Is it a service like you're a dentist or a chiropractor? Is it a service like your financial planner? It goes from there, right? And so for me, it's like, if you really want to look at what businesses work best for sales funnels, it starts at the very beginning, right? It works for any business selling a product, any business selling a service, okay? Boom. Then go one level deeper. Okay. What types of products? Physical products, info products, supplements, plug-in what types of products physical products info products
Starting point is 00:15:05 supplements uh you know plug in different types of products it works very good that's here as well and then same services you go one tier uh lower um software as a service service as a service uh uh dentist chiropractor home cleaner financial plan like everything right like that's here it works as well now the the yeah and again i think it works for all types of businesses but it's going looking at that way like going to tear down and tear down. And maybe there's some, some version of like services, um, financial planner services or financial, you know, I don't know, restaurant services. And then like this weird thing that doesn't work. And so maybe it gets, or it gets harder to work, you know, down deeper in the, in the, the thing.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Um, but honestly it doesn't, it easier, actually, the further deeper you get. So anyway, I think that understanding that, the niches matter less as much as the products and services. As far as what niches work the best, it's niches that have people that are willing and able to spend money. That's the key, you guys gotta understand. A lot of times, people are willing to spend money, right?
Starting point is 00:16:02 But they're not able. So they're willing, like, I remember I had a friend who launched a video game course to teenagers. And he had all these kids who were, they are willing to spend money, right? But they're not able. So like they're willing, like I remember I had a friend who launched a video game course to teenagers and he had all these kids who were, they were willing to spend money. They wanted to buy that thing, but they were not able. They didn't have money, right? Well, the flip side of that is people who are, who are able to buy something, but they're not willing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:17 One of my friends, Joel Irway, he came, uh, joined the inner circle and he was selling coaching to, um, if I remember right, to engineers. And engineers were able to buy. They had the money, but they were not willing to buy for coaching. They did not want to coach, right? It's just a different mindset of a person. So the best niches are niches where people are both willing and able to spend money.
Starting point is 00:16:37 So what are those niches? Okay, well, go and look online. Where's commerce happening right now, right? And if you can't, I can't find anyone selling something similar to this market. Okay. It means that that market is probably not willing or able to buy. Um, if you're like everybody's selling this market, it's like, ah, yes, cause they're willing, they're able to buy. Those are usually a better spot to start, not a worse spot. Okay. And that's good. Great question from Manuel. Hey, funnel hackers. I want
Starting point is 00:16:59 to talk about building your business. You've got the idea, the passion, the drive, but here's the thing. Setting up the legal stuff can feel like a total roadblock. That's why you need Northwest registered agent. They're like the dream team for business formation, which is 10 clicks in 10 minutes. You can build your entire business identity. I'm talking about formation paperwork, a real business address, premium mail forwarding, and even a local phone number. So you can keep your home address private and stay safe. And it doesn't stop there. Northwest is your one-stop shop for business owners. They've been doing this for nearly 30 years and they've got the expertise to back it up. From trademark registration to custom domains, Northwest does it all and they do it right. You get more when you start your business with
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Starting point is 00:18:39 You only pay for results. And let me tell you how fast this platform is. Literally in the time that we've been talking right now, 23 people have been hired on Indeed worldwide. Imagine finding your dream hire while your competitors are still waiting through job boards and job boards that don't deliver. So here's what you need to do right now. Go to slash clicks right now and get a $75 sponsored job credit board to boost your post visibility. That's slash clicks. Support the show, save time and find your next hire faster. Remember when it comes to hiring indeed, it's all that you need. Next question from Twitter is from at economy spark with everyone
Starting point is 00:19:14 at home right now is the cost of ads is the cost of ads skyrocketing or is offset by other industries holding back in the moment. Okay. Um, so I'd say this is, it depends on the market. Most markets, but as a, ad costs have dropped. It's like a big thunk, okay? There's so much fear. Tons of companies are like, ah, I'm afraid I'm gonna cut my marketing, which is, ah, the dumbest thing.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's like, oh no, I scratched myself. Let me shut my heart off so it doesn't, so I don't bleed out. Like, if you shut your heart off, you die. Like, you guys realize that, right? If you're just like, yeah, that's what's happening when you cut your marketing budget. But that's the thing people
Starting point is 00:19:46 default to because they're like, oh, I'm spending money here. I need to cut it out. And it's like, ah, don't cut out the lifeblood of your company. Cut other things. Um, uh, in fact, there's a really, really, really good book. Um, and I'm going to blank it out right now. Uh, I bought a copy for like everyone, uh, my management team to start listening to. I think Steven Larson's one that told me to buy it initially. Um, but this is something I'm looking at Amazon's if I can find an order real quick while we're talking. But, um, now's the time to be cutting like the unessential things. Don't be cutting the things that, that are like, um, what you need. You know what I mean? Like marketing is what you need. Uh, you know, blend your companies, what you need. Okay. The book's called double your
Starting point is 00:20:20 profits in six months or less. Um, 78 ways to cut costs. Oh, there we go. 78 ways to cut costs and your profits in six months or less. Um, I'm on my phone and my iPad here. I'm gonna take Instagram over there first. Instagram. Here you go. That's what the book looks like. Uh, highly recommend reading it. It'll give you 78 things to cut costs and it's not cut your advertising budget. Okay. So if you're like freaking out right now, go read that book. Uh, here you go. Facebook over my iPad. There's the book. It's called 70 W profits. Go read that book. It'll show you the right things, kind of not the wrong things.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Make sure you're not doing dumb things to your business. We're doing good things, but ad costs have dropped. I talked to her. Moses, her Moses said his ad costs are down six X, 600 times cheaper than they were before. So now is definitely the time I think to start buying ads at a huge discount. So, all right, don't cut the at a huge discount. So, all right. Don't cut the marketing. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:07 So those are my questions on Twitter. Now we're moving over to the book of faces. So Facebook questions coming in. All right. So the first one is from Shauna Lorraine. Thank you, Shauna. So it says, what is your current personal KPIs in this new stay-at-home world so you can be the best version of yourself for others in your business?
Starting point is 00:21:21 And how do you measure your proficiency, if that's a word, with your personal development KPIs? Okay, it's a good question. So in my business, like we have certain KPIs we always focus on, right? And one of my KPIs is always like how many people every day are joining our list. We're always looking at how many people every day are joining ClickFunnels, right? Like those are our KPIs we're looking at, we're focusing. Right now, and partially it's because I'm in the middle of a book launch, Um, one of my, my biggest KPIs is just like, like how many people can I talk to about the book right now? Right. Like that's my biggest thing. So right now I'm doing tons of podcast interviews, Facebook lives. You've probably seen some of them. Uh, and if you've seen like two or three, it means for every two or three, you see, I've been 10 other ones that you haven't been able
Starting point is 00:21:59 to see. Right. So we're, um, I, that's my biggest thing is like, I gotta get, excuse me, a message out for as many people as possible, especially right now that everyone's at home. People who typically were too busy to do interviews are now sitting at home like, oh, sure. And I'm the same way. I couldn't do interviews for years. Like last time I did any interviews was with the Expert Seekers book launch
Starting point is 00:22:14 like three years ago. And right now I've got a little more time. So I'm doing tons more interviews and things like that. And so I think that's a big thing. My KPI is how many people can I get in front of every single day? You know, if I can get in front of, if I can do five interviews at each interviews,
Starting point is 00:22:26 got a thousand people, you know, see the first day or 5,000, whatever the number is. Um, that's kind of what I'm looking at personally, my own personal self. Um, I also feel like, um, for all of us right now who are leaders, who have a following, I think going live daily is so essential right now. Um, people slip back so quickly into like the fear mindset and it's like, they need you to step up and talk to keep themselves out of fear. Um, or else fear is going to freeze them up. Like we talked about when we first began this party. So, all right. Uh, that's from, um, Sean, thank you very much. All right. Next Facebook questions from
Starting point is 00:22:55 Richard Peter Harding. He says, starting an online business from scratch was the best advice for getting started and growing really, really fast. Um, all right. The best advice. And, uh, I had one of my friends, uh, yesterday, he just. Um, all right. The best advice. And I had one of my friends, uh, yesterday, he just, um, potentially lost his job and he's like, can I get on a call with you? So you got to call me and we started looking and he's got a bunch of business ideas. I was like, the first thing is you have to figure out like one business. Um, us entrepreneurs, our problems, we try to figure out five or 10 or 12. Like there's more opportunities we can handle. First one is what kind of, what's the actual business you want to be in? And number two is do you have access to the customers that you need?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Okay. Um, that's, that's the thing. I used to always build companies where I'd build a product or service and then go try to find customers. Um, and when I did it that way, I would, I would have success maybe one out of, I don't know, every five or six times. Now when I build a business, I go and I find the traffic source first and if I can find it, then I go and build a company around it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Right. And so I feel like, what do I want to do? And then I would stop and say, okay, let me go find the traffic sources. Like, where are they? Okay. And so I go and I go to the podcast director. I find every single podcast. Okay. Um, or like, can I get on a podcast to get in front of my, the people that someday would buy this thing? I might, I'm thinking about creating, can I make the list? And then immediately I'd start getting, you know, the podcast hosts. Then I'd go to Facebook who are all the people that have already congregated my dream customers. And can I find those people? If I can't find these people on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, podcasting, these different channels, I'm not going to build a business.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I need to know that when this product or service is done, these are the things, this is where the traffic's going to come from immediately. And that's what I'll be focusing on, to make sure my business is successful right out of the gates. Which, by the way, not that I'm going to plug my book or anything, but if I was to plug my book, it's all we talk about here in Traffic Secrets. So just putting it out there, it's free at, but I don't want to talk about that right now. Okay. This is not about Traffic Secrets, but that's what I'd be doing. I'd be looking at where are the customers at? Can I find those people and then build products or services that those customers actually want? One of the other big problems that we have as entrepreneurs is we create what we want. That's not how it works. The market responds to figuring out what, like, you get paid based on
Starting point is 00:24:48 figuring out what the market wants, and then, and that's the big secret, right? So it's like, I always tell people, like, there's two things you got to figure out when you go into a new market or you start a business. It's the what and how. What are you selling? Not what you want to sell. What does the market want to buy? What are you selling that the market wants to buy, and then how are you selling it? And the how is like, what's the funnel you're going to use? Like, is it a webinar? Is it a high ticket?
Starting point is 00:25:10 Is it a phone call? Is it, you know, like the what and the how. And a lot of times people figure out like what to sell, but not how. Like, for example, I launched ClickFunnels. We knew what to, we knew what it was. We created it. So we knew what to sell, but I tried to sell it and it didn't work. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So you guys have heard the story. The first funnel flop, second funnel flop, third, fourth, fifth, and the sixth funnel hit. The sixth funnel, I figured out the how. We had the what, but then we figured out the how and boom. As soon as you figure out the how, for a click funnel, it went from zero to two comic club in a week. For most people, it's like, you know when you got the what and the how right? Because when you do, your business, boom. And for most people, it's not going to be a week, but it goes fast. As soon as you figure out the what and how, it explodes fast. And so that's the biggest thing you got to be figuring out right now is like, what does the market actually want? And then how do I sell it
Starting point is 00:25:51 to that market? What and how? And I first got to figure out like, where's the market at? So find those people, find the congregation. What do they actually want? And how am I going to sell it? When you got that out, boom, it explodes fast. Um, sometimes you got to create a lot of offers. Don't be scared. Like, Oh, the first one didn't work. Yeah. Like I, like I did a lot of, I did a lot of, um, uh, a lot of versions of ClickFunnels before it took off. I did a lot of, uh, I think 120 some odd funnels before the ClickFunnels funnel, like just different products, different services, try to figure out like, what is the thing people want? And each of them had different levels of success. Um, basically just putting out a lot of offers. And a lot of times you don't have to like,
Starting point is 00:26:25 your audience doesn't have to say yes to the offer right now, right? It's like, hey, I'm thinking about putting together a live virtual event where I'm bringing in like 30 speakers and we're gonna do this thing and like, I'm just curious for those of you who follow me, would you be interested in something like that? If I put it together, would you jump on?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Would you be willing to pay for something like that? And ask your audience. And if they come back and it's crickets and they say no, they'll be like, all right, nevermind. In fact, this is cool. I heard Greg Davis, one of my old school buddies from the last 10 years great marketer uh and he posted something probably two or three weeks ago on his facebook page he said he said a lot of people think that i have new offers every single week he's like i don't
Starting point is 00:26:56 i do i post offers every week like hey i'm thinking about doing this hey i'm putting together this he's like the majority of them i never do because nobody ever comes and they don't ever come and like actually buy the like they nobody raises their hand Because nobody ever comes and they don't ever come and actually buy. Nobody raises their hand and gives me money, so I don't ever do them. He's like, so why do you think I'm doing much stuff? You have no idea if I'm failing or I'm succeeding. I'm just putting it out there. And if the idea doesn't take, then I just leave it alone and I try another idea.
Starting point is 00:27:17 He's like, I'm only one out of ten of these things I'm putting out there that I ever actually create. Because I'm waiting to find out what the market wants before I create it. Oh, Greg, very, very smart. All right, next question from Facebook. This is from Shanna Smith Scott and I have not actually pre-read these questions so we could bump into one that could be a nightmare for me.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So watch in case I crash and burn. All right, Shanna Smith Scott. Is it better to use OFAC to get already stout? Oh, I'm like, what's OFAC? One Funnel Away Challenge. Is it better to use OFAC to get an already established, but currently unsuccessful business to thrive, or to start a new business with a bang? Okay, so a lot of you guys know about the One Funnel Away Challenge, the 30-day challenge we have people go through to help figure out their first or the next funnel. So her question is like, is it better to use One Funnel Away Challenge for my existing
Starting point is 00:28:04 business that's kind of struggling, or should I do a new business that's going to be brand new and kind of a shiny object? And the question is, it depends. There are so many – Marcus said 4,500 offers, so four or five, I think is what I said. Anyway, sorry. Come back. All right. So for One Funnel Away challenge. So the answer depends, um, if you've got a business and it's, I mean, like if you think there's something there, if you, if you're like, I just gotta figure out the, like, I know what I have the right product, but what's the, how I got the, what, but what's
Starting point is 00:28:32 the, how, how am I going to actually sell it? If that's the thing that's keeping that business being successful, go through the OFA challenge, looking at through that lens, like, how am I going to sell this product? I got to figure out the right hooks, the right stories, right offers, like all that stuff, figure out the how and then blow it up. If you're in that business, you're like, this business is dead. The chance of survival is almost nothing. I don't have the right what. I can figure it out, but I'm not that passionate about it. Then I would say, then start something new.
Starting point is 00:28:55 If you have the right what, the right offer, the right thing people want, you just don't want to sell it right, then yes, use the OFA challenge to amplify that. If you're like, the what over here is just not working, nobody's buying it, then go through the OFA challenge, the One Funnel Away challenge with a lens of like, I'm creating something new from scratch that I'm excited about, that I got energy that I'm passionate about. And if you're not a member of the One Funnel Away challenge, we start one every, I think about every two weeks,, 100 bucks, best 100 bucks you'll ever spend
Starting point is 00:29:20 ever. Unless you're hungry, then that's probably better. But this would be the second best thing you spend 100 bucks on all right uh facebook question number four from jason green how do you keep going knowing very little are listening to your message even though you truly believe it's positive and important oh good question jason so how do you keep publishing when nobody's listening um even though you feel like your message is positive and important so i was lucky when i started um my first podcast was called the marketing in your car podcast, which later became the marketing seekers podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Uh, there's marketing your car. And I did it because I was dry. My business had just collapsed. Um, I had no more customers. I like everything. It was like the worst time to start a podcast. I thought, but I was like, I need, I got something. I need to do something.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So start this podcast. I would, I would do it while I was driving to the office and back. And I didn't know how to do a podcast initially, so we set it up through some crappy little system that didn't track sales or stats or anything. We just set it up and started podcasting. And three years after I launched my podcast, I was going live at least three times a week for three years. Then finally, my business failure turned around and we started having success again.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And about that time is when we decided to shift it to the marketing secrets podcast. And so we shifted over to a new system and the new system tracked ads and show or not tracked ads, tracked downloads and stats. And as I moved it over, all of a sudden I saw how many people were downloading. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. And I realized that like, if I would have seen my stats, the first three years of me publishing, guess what would have happened? I would have got depressed. I would have stopped. Uh, luckily for me, I never saw the stats. I just kept going, kept going, kept going. And eventually, um, people found me. There's a quote in the traffic seekers book, not if I'm trying to plug it again, but if you ever have a chance to read it, it's in
Starting point is 00:30:54 there. Um, uh, it's a, it's a, uh, I quoted a blog post from Nathan Berry and the blog post, um, uh, the title was endure long enough to get noticed. And he talked about how like a lot of times good TV shows or things like that are in season two or three before you see them. Right. And, and he's like, why is that? Why is that? So he said, the reason is because there's so much content being published out there that, um, that us as humans, we naturally wait for the best stuff to rise to the top. And so, um, part of publishing part of it's, you know, there's two really big reasons why we're publishing. Number one is for you to find your voice and get more comfortable, right? That's why I can go live on this and talk for four hours and just be completely fine
Starting point is 00:31:29 because I've done this so many times. Like I found my voice. I feel comfortable. I know my stories. I know, you know what I mean? Like I found my voice. That's the first reason why you're doing it. The second reason is you're doing it long enough that your audience can actually find you.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Okay? And that might be six months. Might be a year. Might be two years. It doesn't matter. If you really care about your thing, it shouldn't matter. You're just talking because you. Okay. And that might be six months, might be a year, might be two years. It doesn't, it doesn't matter if you really care about your thing. It shouldn't matter. You're just talking because you love it. And just publishing is like part of it. You got to publish them, promote it, right? You publish it and then share it on different places and try to
Starting point is 00:31:54 get people in like, like there's other things you should be doing to try to like boost that. But, but a big part of it is number one, you're finding your voice. Number two, you're doing it long enough that people can find you. And so it's got, it's important to be consistent. So don't get discouraged. Like don't get down at all. Like I had three years of podcast episodes before anyone was probably even listening. Um, and that's okay because now guess what? They're listening, but it's because I was consistent for an extended long period of time. All right. Thank you, Jason. Great question. All right. I think, is this the last of my Facebook questions? I'll have more Facebook ones. Okay. Next one's from Leanne Johnson. Uh,
Starting point is 00:32:23 I probably said that wrong. Sorry in advance. Uh, how to stay the course when it feels like everything around you is crumbling. I've been able to switch my business from brick and mortar to online virtually in a couple of days, adding massive value, but how to panic, panic and fear in clients. How do you get them to not want to cancel due to financial fears? All right. A couple of things. Number one, a lot of them are going to cancel due to financial fears. That's okay. Okay. It doesn't mean you should go cut your, you know, like I see so you were like, oh, my products are free now. I'm like, oh, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Because now you just crippled yourself and you crippled them. Now they're expecting freebies for the rest of their life. They're going to strike. They're not going to be successful as people, right? Like when your kids try to learn to walk and they fall down, do you just like, like pick them up and be like, oh no, like you let them figure it out a little bit. I think that's part of it. Um, uh, the other part of it is like, if you're not careful, you can destroy your own business by doing that. Right? Like you,
Starting point is 00:33:08 like you, it's, um, it's like the whole, um, when you're in the airplane, you know, and the mask comes down, it's like, put your own mask on first. You don't die before you like save your friends. Cause you say your friends and then you both die, right? Like you got to protect yourself as well. And so I see all these companies are cutting the prices, making things free. And it's like, ah, it's not the right strategy. You guys. It doesn't serve them and it doesn't serve you. Especially like right now with ClickFunnels, we've got 400 some odd employees all around the world. Everyone's working from home.
Starting point is 00:33:30 And if I all of a sudden like cut my cost in half, guess what? I got to lay out half my staff, which means now I can't support the customers, which means everything starts crumbling really, really quickly. Okay. And it's very important for you guys to stay the course and be okay. If you have to leave, that's okay. They'll leave. They'll come back when they're okay. But you got to be okay with that. Like that's not your for you guys to stay the course and be okay. If you have to leave, that's okay. They leave, they'll come back when they're, when they're okay. Um, but you gotta be
Starting point is 00:33:46 okay with that. Like, that's not, that's not your problem. That's, that's their problem. And, um, you gotta, you can try to serve them. You can do things you can, you know, like, like whatever you can do, but it's just important for you like to, you gotta be consistently doing it. So that's, that's a big part. Um, um, the other thing about staying the course, uh, and I shared this, uh, two weeks ago, right at the very first Facebook live, kind other thing about staying the course, uh, and I shared this, uh, two weeks ago, right at the very first Facebook live, kind of talking about the coronavirus. And I'm going to share a story again. I've shared it so many times with my team and other people.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Um, but it's, I share it because it's true. And hopefully, uh, this picture of this in your head will help inspire you. But think about, um, uh, Forrest Gump, right? The movie Forrest Gump. And hopefully you guys have watched this since I talked about it. I haven't watched it again yet, but I want to, but there's a scene in Forrest Gump where, uh, Forrest Gump, Lieutenant Dan, they're like the since I talked about it. I haven't watched it again yet, but I want to. But there's a scene in Forrest Gump where Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan, they're like the worst shrimpers ever.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And they're losing to everybody. All these big, huge ships out there just destroying them, right? And some of you guys may have been in that situation the last few years, right? I'm looking around and like, I'm a little dog in this big pond. Everyone else is beating me up. Everyone else is busy making more money, blah, blah, blah, right? And then all of a sudden, the storm comes in, right? And what does Lieutenant Dan and Forrest Gump do?
Starting point is 00:34:43 They go out on their boat and they, in the middle of the storm, start going crazy. And they're partying, and they're jumping around, and they're having fun. And, like, they're just doing this thing. And while everyone else pulls their boats off and, like, puts them on the dock, like, I'm not doing anything during the storm. I'm going to wait until it's over, and they sit back there, and they wait, right? But because they're out in the middle of the storm fighting with their boat and with their people and with everything to keep it alive, when the storm calms the seas, their boats in the middle of the ocean are still alive.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You look around and all the boats around the harbor, all the boats around the coastlines are destroyed and then they're the only boat left. You look at that and what happens? In the movie, they become bubble gum shrimp factory and they become billionaires and all this stuff. While it's a cute little story for a movie, it's the reality of the situation. The people who can hang on, who are able to survive and stay the course during this time are the ones that are going to win. Okay. And so it doesn't mean you, you, you may not be as profitable over the next
Starting point is 00:35:30 two or three months or six months or who knows what that is. That's okay. Like right now is the time. That's why I said, go read the book, double your profits in six months or less. Like ever to go read that book. It's got 78 ways to cut costs, increase your sales and dramatically improve your bottom line. Like go read that book. You feel what things to cut And that way you can stay up here and you're not getting sucked under and you and your business aren't dying, but you're able to stay protected. Um, you're doing that kind of stuff there. And then, uh, and then, uh, and then on the other side of it, now it's like you're stable and you're in a spot where now you can grow these people that the people that used to come that aren't able to come anymore, who are financially freaked out. And that's okay.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Like let them be freaked out. Like, like wish them luck. Have them go. And like, like when you, when, when you're back, when you're able to come back and you feel good, then come back at that point. But don't freak out right now. Right. We have a lot of people cancel click phones accounts. I'm like, I hate that. It's like, it's okay. Like go get your, your fares in order. Like there's things more important than that. And when you're done, we're going to still be here. I want you to come back and I will be here to support you at that point as well. Okay. So, um, anyway, uh, hope that helps Leanne. Um, I believe in you. Be brave. You can keep doing it. All right. Next one from Facebook, Alec Jepson. Hey, Ross, my questions,
Starting point is 00:36:30 how long should we try one funnel before pivoting and attempting another? I want to do everything I can, but I also don't want to waste my time. Hope that was very clear. Thanks for all you do. Okay. So Alec, good question. Um, uh, yeah, well, a lot of people do is they, they put up a funnel. I try something that doesn't work. I're like, ah, I'm out. I wish everybody had a new – so the new Dotcom Secrets book, I added a chapter at the end called Funnel Audibles. And it's all about this concept of like most funnels fail the first time, even for mine. It's okay to understand that. So you build the funnel out there, and then you drive some – let's say you spend $1,000 in traffic or500 in traffic and you go and you see what happens, right? You let it go through the whole thing. And what's going to happen is if you do that, you drive a bunch of traffic because a
Starting point is 00:37:11 bunch of stuff happens at the end of it. Um, hopefully you made your $500 back. My goal is always that I was looking at like, if I was to sell one customer something, uh, like five, if I'm testing a webinar funnel, right? So let's say I have a webinar funnel. I'm spending a thousand or the products, a thousand bucks. I'm going to invest a thousand dollars in ads because I know that if I sell one product, I break even, right? So I spent a thousand bucks ads. They go through and hopefully one person bought and broke even if so cool. Now I've got a funnel that can work. Okay. If I spend a thousand dollar ads and nobody buys, it's like, ah, the funnel, the funnel might not be good, but then I step, I can step back and look at the numbers. Okay. How much did I spend per click?
Starting point is 00:37:42 How much did I spend? Uh, when someone comes to the landing page, you know, how much did I spend per click how much did I spend uh when someone comes to the landing page you know how much did I spend per lead how much I spend um uh per web when I registered like I'm looking all the numbers and long along the funnel right whenever someone tells me like oh my funnel didn't work I'm like what are the numbers like I don't know I'm like okay well that's why it didn't work you don't know your numbers like when I ask that question like what what were what were your numbers you should be able to say okay well uh I spent a thousand dollars in ads from that I've spent three dollars per click. From that, from $1,000 ads,
Starting point is 00:38:07 I got 180 opt-ins, so I was paying, what's that? $8 in opt-in or whatever. And then from there, we had 12% showed up, or 18% showed up, so it cost me whatever per show up, and then we sold one at the end, right?
Starting point is 00:38:22 So if you told me those numbers, I'd look at that and say, okay, cool, $3 per click. Is that good or bad? Okay, boom. And then we sold one at the end. Right? So if you told me those numbers, I look at it and say, okay, cool. Three bucks per click. Um, uh, you know, is that good or bad? Okay. Boom. And then how much per opt-in, how much per lead, how much did you spend? And you're looking at those numbers and I can look at that funnel and be like, oh, well the ad cost was good. The landing page was cost to get the show up rate was really low. Right? So how do we fix that? How do we get more people to show up? Or it's like this, you know, the ad you're spending way too much on clicks. So the ad sucks. Right. Or the ad was awesome, but, but nobody's opting in. Like we just know which page to fix. So I usually go through three
Starting point is 00:38:48 or four different iterations that I'm looking at the numbers, seeing which piece wasn't working and then make the tweaks and changes, try and try again. And if within three or four times, it's not working. I'm like, this must not be the right offer. There's something wrong. This is not, not here yet. Let me try a different offer. Let me try a different thing. Okay. And so, Hey, funnel hackers, let's be real. How many of you have forgotten about subscriptions and you keep paying for these things month after month after month. That was my wife and I, before rocket money came along literally a couple months ago, we downloaded this app and within minutes we found out a whole bunch of subscriptions. In fact, we had a multiple Hulu payments, multiple Disney payments from accounts
Starting point is 00:39:22 that my wife had set up and I had set up and we weren't even using one of them. It was crazy. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps you to find and cancel your unwanted subscriptions. It monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so you can grow your savings. Rocket Money showed us where all of our subscriptions were in one place. In fact, it was crazy how many recurring payments we had that we had completely forgotten about. With just a couple of clicks, Rocket Money canceled the ones we didn't need, and the best part is they even monitor unusual spending activity and they alert us if our bills increase. So I'm always in the loop. RocketMoney has over 5 million users, including my wife and I, and has saved a total of over $500 million in canceled subscriptions, saving members up to $740
Starting point is 00:39:58 per year when using all of the app's premium features. In fact, my wife and I, we literally saved over a thousand dollars a month when we started using Rocket app. Now their dashboard is amazing and you get a clear view of all your expenses across every account you have. You can even create a personalized budget with custom categories and track your monthly spending trends to stay on top of your goals. You want to save for that dream vacation or pay off some debt. Their new goals feature automatically saves money for you. So you don't even have to think about it. So cancel all your unwanted subscriptions and reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money. Go to slash Russell today. That's slash R-U-S-S-E-L-L. That's
Starting point is 00:40:34 slash Russell. All right, funnel hackers, listen up. It's 2025 and let me ask you, are your B2B ads actually driving results or are they getting lost in the noise? You and I both know the pain of running campaigns that fall flat because they aren't seen by the right people. But here's the game changer, LinkedIn ads. LinkedIn isn't just another ad platform. It's the place where professionals live. I'm talking about the decision makers you dream about working with CEOs, VP, C-suite powerhouses, 130 million of them all in one place. And LinkedIn gives you the laser sharp targeting to reach them by job title, company, and even industry. Imagine how your business could scale if your message hits the right inboxes every time. Now here's the kicker. LinkedIn delivers up to five times higher
Starting point is 00:41:15 ROAS than other platforms. Yeah, you heard me right. Five times more return on every ad dollar. And that's because LinkedIn's professional environment is made for people who actually take action. This isn't where people scroll mindlessly. This is where they're making decisions. So stop playing small because it's time to level up. Start converting your B2B audience into high-quality leads today. And to get started, LinkedIn is offering you $100 credit for your next campaign. Go to slash clicks to claim your credit.
Starting point is 00:41:40 That's slash clicks. Terms and conditions may apply. LinkedIn is the place to be, to be. Um, yeah, I'll just spend three or four times testing a funnel, uh, with different traffic sources and, and, and seeing first. Um, yeah, so hopefully that helps. Um, but yeah, don't be afraid. Uh, it's, we have this, this two set, this two, uh, this two, two headed, uh, thing with, uh, entrepreneurship, right? It's like, I don't quit, I don't quit. But it's like, but if something's not working, you should quit. Like not the business, but the project or the funnel, right? I had a friend when I got started, he had been in business for five years.
Starting point is 00:42:15 He'd written an ebook and he was trying to sell it and nobody was buying it. And he was like five years in and he still was trying so hard. Nobody was buying it. I remember asking him, I'm like, why don't you create a different product, different service? He's like, I spent so much time on this project. I can't, I can't abandon it now. I was like, oh, you're just spending another five years. It's just, it's not a good offer. It's not a good product. Nobody wants it, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I'm so sorry. You had to be able to be honest. Like, does the market actually want this thing? Okay. We talked about it a little earlier. If you're coming in now, make sure you watch this whole video. But we talked about figuring out the what and the how. Like, what does the market actually want?
Starting point is 00:42:44 It's not what do you want to create. What does the market actually want? It's not what you want to create. What does the market actually want? If you're doing some funnels and driving some traffic and nobody's buying, then the market probably doesn't want that thing. You got to create something different. Next question, Facebook. From Gabriel Closer. Beginner here.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Would love to know how to target the correct audience for a product I'm about to launch. Well, you should definitely step in one. Not that I'm pitching this or anything. You're in the middle of a book launch, but there's this really big book called traffic secrets that teaches you how to do that. You can get for free traffic discover shipping, but, um, we'll talk about that a different day because today we're talking about these other things. So, um, uh, the, um, the biggest thing is, um, that, that should have been a question. Again, I talked about this earlier. That should have been a question you asked before you said, uh, how do I find the right
Starting point is 00:43:26 audience for product I'm about to launch? You did it out of order. The order needs to be, I need to find the audience first and figure out what they want and create a product for them. Okay. So if you listen back to what I talked about, I don't know, maybe 10 minutes ago or so, um, that's why, that's what I'd be looking at is, is, uh, what is the, like, where's the audience first? Okay. So you figure
Starting point is 00:43:45 that out. Like you got to figure out again, step one, traffic seekers. Who's my dream customer? Number two, question number two is like, where are they actually congregating? I need to go find those people. Right. So I get, I figure out who they are, where are they congregating? And then I go to those congregations and see like, what are the things they're complaining about? What are the problems? I'm with the frustrations. Like, how can I serve these people? Right. And that's how you come up with your product ideas. It's like looking at what, like the congregations of your dream customers, what are their fears, their complaints, their problems, the things they need more help with, right? Like we need to build ClickFunnels because
Starting point is 00:44:10 I'm in tons of entrepreneurial groups and everyone's frustrated about how hard it was to build a funnel. I'm like, oh, well we should just build software that makes funnels. Like boom, idea was handed to me on a silver platter. I'm not a genius. People are like, Russell, you're so smart. No, not that smart. I just listened really, really well, right? Like when I wrote the dot-com seekers book, right. It's because we had click funnels and nobody had like, could not understand the concept of funnels. So I'm like, okay, let me write a book on that. So I wrote a book, boom, called dot-com secrets and showed my processor funnels. Okay. And then I listened
Starting point is 00:44:35 to the market and the market was struggling. And like, uh, these funnels are good, but my phone's converting. I'm buying ads. They're not making money. Why not? I'm looking at funnels like, well, it's because you suck at telling your story. You don't know how to tell a message. You don't know how to get somebody. So I was like, hey, book number two, like they want to learn to tell a story. Let me write the second book, Expert Seekers, about how to tell their story inside their funnels. That was book number two. And then I listened. People were like, man, my funnels are good and things are, you know, things are working. I just wish I could grow up, but I can't scale because I don't know
Starting point is 00:44:58 how to get traffic. Like, oh, you don't want to get traffic? Oh, I know how to get traffic. Let me write a book about it. Right? It's not me reinventing the wheel. I'm not a genius. Like, oh, Russell's so smart. He's so good. No, none of that. I just listened. Who's my dream customer? Where are they congregating?
Starting point is 00:45:10 And I insert myself in these congregations and I listen, right? I listen to their podcasts. I'm in the Facebook groups. I'm in the blogs. I'm listening to find out exactly what they want. Ryan said, have you ever read Breakthrough Advertising, Russell? Psh, please. I've got that thing memorized.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Come on, I'm an OG. I've been doing this thing for 18 years. If they are dead and they talk about marketing anytime in their life, I've got that thing memorized. Come on. I'm an OG. I've been doing this thing for 18 years. Uh, if they are dead and they talked about marketing anytime in their life, I read that book and then memorized it. So yes. All right. Um, great question. All right. Uh, next one from Shanna Smith. Scott is a better use of it. Oh, that question was asked twice. So we're good there. All right. We're moving on to the Instagram, Instagram. We got some questions from you. Um, I've got a couple. So Instagram, number one, from at Louis DeCarmejo. Probably pronounced that wrong. Sorry in advance.
Starting point is 00:45:51 What are some tools you use to find your dream customers? So my big secret is any market that I enter into, I am already, like, I am the dream customer, right? So I look at, like, if I'm going to build a business, it's like, what are the things I'm already passionate about? So for me, I'm passionate about marketing, right? So I'm already in all the marketing circles, right? I'm already reading marketing blogs. I'm going to build a business, it's like one of the things I'm already passionate about. So for me, I'm passionate about marketing. So I'm already in all the marketing circles. I'm already reading marketing blogs and I'm listening to podcasts. I'm already there because it's a market I'm passionate about. I'm into biohacking.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So I listen to all the biohacking podcasts. I'm in their Facebook groups. I'm in the thing like if I was to create a business, I am one of my dream customers. I'm already in that market. I would know exactly what those people need because I am one of those people. And so the question is like what are the tools you use to find your dream customers? It's, it's me. Where am I at? Like, where do I go right now? Right. That's the big part. This is something we used to do back in the day that I shared on an interview this week and people
Starting point is 00:46:35 freaked out about. I don't know if this is still around, but there used to be a site called, I'm sure it's still around. It's called stumbled upon. And I used to sit in my bed at night and in stumbled upon, you can put in keywords of the stuff that you're interested in, and you click the button called Stumbled, and it would find different sites that you might be interested in. And so that's how I would find where the sites of my dream customers are on. I'd sit in my bed and just click on the Stumbled button. It's like, oh, there's a blog. I've never seen this blog before. Let me follow it. Oh, there's someone's email list. I kept clicking through. I'd just find these random sites that had to do with my topic, and from there, I met a ton of my dream partners from
Starting point is 00:47:05 that. So it's just kind of a cool little sneaky thing you can use to go find where your customers are hiding at. Next Instagram question from Brandon R. Wall. I was going to start a business, but then the economy crashed. Can I still be profitable out of the gate or should I wait for when people are more likely to spend money? Oh, Brandon, more people spend money last two weeks than the past two years combined. They are buying stuff. They're buying different things though, right? Perry Belcher, one of my buddies here on survival life. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:30 This is the busiest his business has ever been. Okay. The toilet paper people, the hand sanitizer, like there's money there. It's understanding like, what are people buying now? Not like I'm gonna wait for people to buy again. Like, no, no, no. People are still buying. So understand that.
Starting point is 00:47:42 What are they buying? That's where you insert yourself. What are they buying? Okay. Don't, don't confuse. Don't, don't believe the misconception. They're not buying right now. They are. Now is the best time to start a business. People are spending, and they're not spending like right now they're hoarding their money because they're not spending it on going to movies or restaurants. They've got money and there's blowing online. Okay. Our business is up right now over the last two weeks. A lot of businesses are up over the last two weeks. Okay. So now's the perfect time. Just make sure you pick a business, like buy what people or sell what people are buying, right?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Find people buying and you sell that. That's the big secret. Find people are buying and sell that. Next one is from at read pretty. How do you present offers in a time when everyone is financially impacted? Great question. Um, or how do you create offers? So, or how do you present offers the right way? Um, I talked about this in a couple of Facebook lives and stuff this week, but I'll share it here as well. Um, in the, the first secret of traffic seekers book, I talk about when you find your dream customer, you have to understand that people are going to come to you because they're moving in one or two directions, right? They're either coming to you because they're trying to move towards pleasure
Starting point is 00:48:35 or they're trying to move away from pain. Okay. And, uh, what's interesting is over the last eight to 10 years, we've been in a great economic times. Most people bought your products or services because they were interested in, in moving towards pleasure, right? So they bought because they wanted to get six pack abs. They want to get a nice house, nice car. They want to be rich. They wanted to, whatever the product service you sold, they were, they were trying to buy your product service because it was going to move them towards pleasure. Okay. Two or three weeks ago, everything shifted where everyone got into a state of pain, right? And the companies are going to succeed. The ones who look at that and say, okay, right now everyone's in a state of pain. How do I transition my product, my service,
Starting point is 00:49:07 instead of being, you know, somebody that moves you towards pleasure, but it gets you out of pain. The product doesn't have to change, but the marketing of the product does change. Does that make sense? You got it. Your goal is to shift just so you can pull people and get them out of pain. I want you guys to understand that. Like that's, that's the big secret. That's the big key. I was talking to Dean Graciosi about this. Dean is an amazing guy. During the last recession, he had an infomercial to teach people how to make money in real estate. And Dean at the time was one of like 50 people who had real estate infomercials. And then 2008 hit, boom, market crashes, boom, no one's buying houses anymore. And they went from 50 infomercial dudes to 40, 30, 10, 12. And all of a sudden, there was just one. And his name was Dean. And Dean, for the next like three years, ran infomercials
Starting point is 00:49:49 successfully for three years. And everyone else was like, infomercials don't work anymore. No one's buying real estate. The markets crash. Like, yeah, Dean, not only did he keep doing it, he succeeded and he thrived. He had his best years during this whole crash. And I asked him, I was like, what's the difference? Like, how come everyone else just got destroyed and you didn't? He said, because every other infomercial was telling people it was selling them towards pleasure he's like i changed my infomercial i made a new one and my infomercial was was uh was showing how my product my service is a life preserver in times of economic uncertainty i help people get out of pain boom same product different marketing message 50 at 49 other people
Starting point is 00:50:24 didn't get it and they got destroyed and demolished. And Dean survived and thrived. Okay, so understand that. Like how did the product or service that you sell, how can you repackage it in a way where it's getting people out of pain as opposed to moving them towards pleasure? And in about two years from now, when the economy rebounds and things shift back like they always do, that's when you transition your message again. Now people are out of pain. Now how do I transition to move them towards pleasure? And that's when you'll see the huge lifts and growth in your companies.
Starting point is 00:50:49 All right. That's it from Instagram. You guys ready? We're moving over to LinkedIn. Here we go. LinkedIn, Mike Wolpert. I've been, uh, I've been concentrating on what's next living in the moment and long range vision. Wait, I've been concentrating on what's next living in the moment and long range of vision aren't so useful right now what can we do next to get ready for the recovery and the emerging new world of business we all kind of need to do something love to hear your take your take on that all right Mike great question um I was listening to uh Simon Sinek this morning talked to his team about stuff and uh the the videos been kind of um floating around so you can probably find online but it was
Starting point is 00:51:22 interesting he was talking to his team he's like he like, this isn't new. He's like, this stuff happens all the time. Obviously, the corona thing was faster than we thought and more severe than we thought, but this happens all the time, right, where things get demolished, and you start understanding it's not that money disappears. I think there's this false conception like, oh, the money's gone. We're all screwed. It's like, no, no, no. Money's still there, right? In fact, there's going to be more. I think the government's dumping like $2 trillion. I don't watch the news, but I heard $2 trillion in the economy. So the more money is getting dumped into here, right? So there's money. It's not disappearing. The money's there. You have to understand more in a time of wealth transfer, right? Wealth is
Starting point is 00:51:57 gonna be transferring to people, different people. And so those who understand that are gonna get that money transferred to them. And those who don't are gonna lose their money and it's gonna be transferred away from them. And so I think it's still planning for the long term. It's not that we need to stop thinking about what's next and plan for all those kind of things, but it's understanding like right now, we're in the greatest wealth transfer probably of all time. More people will become financially hugely rich
Starting point is 00:52:17 during the next couple of years than ever before in history, right? You look at all the biggest companies that are the biggest companies today, the brands today, they came out during the Great Depression. The big tech companies we all know about today all came out during the last recession, right? Like, this is the time to be growing.
Starting point is 00:52:33 This is the best time to be planning and strategizing. What's next? How can I serve people right now? But you've got to shift. It's not like, how do I do the thing I did before better? The shift is in what is the new thing I'm gonna be doing? How do I serve people in this new world? Because the world's changed and it's not going back. Right. Um, we literally were about
Starting point is 00:52:47 to close on an office space. I think they were trying to sell to us for like 15 and $20 a square feet. And the guy came back last week and said, I'll give it to you for five bucks a square feet. And we're like, Nope, not worth it. Right. Like, like a lot of businesses are done. Like now, like we work from home. This is actually great. Like, why do we have all these offices? I can cut my, I can cut, you know, a million dollars a year off my, my, my budget by getting rid of all the offices. I don't need it now. We can do these things, right? Like it's not how to, how do we get back to where things were? It's like looking at how the world shifted. Sweet. Now, how do I, how do I prepare myself? How do I create products and businesses in this new economy? Right. And that's the shift
Starting point is 00:53:18 we got to start making. Next one from LinkedIn is from Joel. Uh, said I'm a student graduating May 2nd, no ceremony anymore. I haven't been able to find any jobs for then. All my leads have dried up. So it looks like I'm going to be starting my own business. Congratulations. This is from Joel. He said, I'm a student graduating May 2nd. No ceremony anymore. I haven't been able to find any jobs for then. All of my leads have dried up, so it looks like I'm going to be starting my own business. Congratulations. This is great for you. I have a model set. I've been building and optimizing LinkedIn profiles for individuals and digital job search. This is something I've done as a freelancer for a while, but I haven't taken it full time before.
Starting point is 00:53:37 All right. I've got good news for you guys. Okay. A lot of you guys could have been way more successful, but the problem was you were super comfortable. Yep. I just said it. You've been really comfortable. You had a good job. You're like, and he has read the book, the book, good to great. If not, he starts the book saying the good is the enemy to great. Most people don't have a great marriage because they got a good marriage. Most people have a great business. They got a good business. Most people don't have a great life
Starting point is 00:53:59 because they got a good life. Right? I think for the last decade, for a lot of you guys, it's been good. And so you're like, yeah. And right now you just got good taken away from you. Right. And now it's like, you got to do something like the pain just got amplified. Like you have pressure. You've got leverage now to do something amazing. And as, as, as crappy as it is for a lot of people, like I started this whole thing, talking about bankruptcy. A lot of people even go through bankruptcy. It sucks, but guess what? It's going to be enough pain now, enough leverage to actually create something. Okay. Cause good just got taken away. And if you want to create something great, now you got leverage to actually do it. So for you, congratulations, um, Joel, I'm pumped for you, man. I'm so glad that your job's all
Starting point is 00:54:35 dried up. Cause guess what? You've got a job, you're setting up next 30 years of your life, miserable, doing something to somebody else. And now you've got an opportunity to not do something good, but do something great. And now's the best time in the world. Like sharpen your saw, sharpen your skillset. Doing LinkedIn pages for people is amazing. Become the best in the freaking world of that. So anybody on Planner is like, I need a LinkedIn page. Like, well, you got to hire Joel. He's the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Like that's what you got to be looking at. Don't be like, I want to be good at this. I want to be like, no, become great. This is your window. This is your chance. Okay. You are, you have been given such a huge gift that you don't even know right now. And you're freaking out thinking it's a curse it's a curse, but it is not.
Starting point is 00:55:06 It is a gift for all of us who are listening for anybody who will pick it up. It is a gift. And they say in the scriptures, many are called and fewer chosen, right? We've all been called. You've all heard about it, but very few are chosen. Why are they not chosen? Because they don't pick it up. So my challenge to you guys all to Joel, but for everybody's listening is it's time to pick it up. Okay. You've been too comfortable for too long. This is the greatest thing that happened to you. It's forcing you to get leverage on yourself. Forcing you to finally read the book, to finally figure out ClickFunnels. It's been insane. The last two weeks, we used to get 15,000 people a day signing into ClickFunnels. Right now, we're over 30,000 people a day. Twice as many people are logging in every day.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I've had this account for years. I've been paying the bills. I haven't logged in yet. Now I've got to finally log years. I've been paying the bills. I haven't logged in yet. And like, now I gotta finally log in, right? Okay, now they got some leverage. They got some pain. And so the best thing for entrepreneurs is pain. We turn up that pain, it gets us to work. So you've been comfortable too long. So look at this as a blessing because it is.
Starting point is 00:55:57 All right, let's see. Where are we at? Wait, is that the end? What, did I do all of them? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Holy moly, we did it, you guys. How do you guys like our Q&A today? Was that fun?
Starting point is 00:56:12 All right, I want to do something. You guys are cool if I do this real quick? I started with this quote, but I want to read it one more time just because I think it, I just want to end cap it with this. I've read this like 10 times. I've read it twice, you guys, right now.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I'm going to read it one more time and then we're going to wrap for the day. Does that sound cool? All right, so again, this is a quote from C.S. Lewis in 1948. He was talking about the A, right now. I'm going to do it one more time, and then we're going to wrap for the day. Does that sound cool? All right. So again, this is a quote from C.S. Lewis in 1948. He was talking about the A-bomb. I'm going to replace A-bomb with coronavirus. And this is my closing thoughts for you guys.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I want you to hear it. I want you to feel it. I want you guys to understand it, and I want to break free from all the fear and start moving forward. If you need more of this, you guys, start back at the very beginning. I shared some stuff at the very beginning talking about looking at the worst-case scenario
Starting point is 00:56:42 and understanding and becoming okay with it. All the things you need to break your fear so you can move forward. If you missed it, start back over when we get done off the live and go listen to that part again because it'll help you. But this is a quote from C.S. Lewis during the 1948 in the middle of the atom bomb scare where everyone's freaked out and everyone's frozen at home, not leaving because they don't want to get blown up by an atom bomb. And this is what the man C.S. Lewis said, I'm going to replace atom bomb with coronavirus so that it's more applicable to all of us. I'm going to liken this to you so you understand it for yourself.
Starting point is 00:57:06 In one way, we think a great deal too much of the coronavirus. How are we supposed to live in a viral age? I'm intended to say, as you would have lived in the 16th century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in the Viking age when the raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night, or indeed as you already live in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents. In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Let me say that again.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the coronavirus was ever invented, and quite a high percentage of us are going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors, anesthetics, but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty. This is the first point to be made. The first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we're going to be destroyed by the coronavirus, let that virus come when it comes. Find us doing sensible and human things.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, baiting the children, playing tennis, chatting with our friends over a pint and a game of darts. Not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about the virus. They may break our bodies. Microbe can do that, but they will not dominate our minds. Oh, so good. C.S. Lewis, you are the man. Anyway, thanks you guys. I appreciate it. Hopefully this helped today. I had a good time. If you missed anything, definitely start back at the beginning. I talked at the very beginning about some stuff I think is really powerful about understanding the worst case scenario, becoming okay with it. So it'll unlock the fear so you can move forward.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Because some of you guys right now are locked in fear. If we don't break that, you're going to crumble underneath the pressure of it. Okay? It's not a time to be fearful. It's a time to be okay with the worst case scenario. Look at the face. Be like, I'm in. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And then start running. Again, if you missed that, when this video ends, you can go back to the very beginning, push play, and start going through it. Thanks you guys again for hanging out today. I appreciate you all. I'm going to go play then start running. Again, if you missed that, when this video ends, you can go back to the very beginning, push play and start going through it. Thanks you guys again for hanging out today. I appreciate you all. I'm gonna go play with my kids. We're gonna go do some fun stuff for the next 25 hours till they pass out.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Which I'm excited for. I got the energy for it. So thanks you guys. I appreciate you all and have an amazing weekend. Bye everybody. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick,
Starting point is 00:59:23 I wanted to invite you to join arguably the best thing that we've ever put out inside the ClickFunnels community. And it is a challenge we call the One Funnel Away Challenge. You know, everyone in their business, in their life, they're one funnel away from something. Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job. Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Some of you guys are a funnel away from growing your company to the next level. And so we created this challenge to help you to create and launch your first or your next funnel. No matter where you are in your business, this challenge is going to help you to help you understand the strategy, help you understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be successful with your funnel. So I recommend you do right now is stop everything, pause this audio, go online and go to That's and join the next challenge. There's a challenge starting in the next few days, so go get started right now.
Starting point is 01:00:12

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