The Russell Brunson Show - I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again...

Episode Date: September 1, 2017

How to recover quickly, when you keep on getting knocked down. On this episode Russell talks about spending his day putting out giant fires, so he can get up and do it all again. He explains why it's... important to get back up whenever you get knocked down. Here are some of the awesome things happening in today's episode: Find out what kind of issues Russell had in one day and how he was able to get up and move forward. Hear Russell's backstory of how he learned to roll with the punches and continue to move forward even when facing obstacles that seem insurmountable. And find out why you too should get back up and keep going whenever you get knocked down. So listen here to hear Russell's inspirational story of how he makes it through the kind of challenges that would keep a lesser man down. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details. Conditions apply. AirTransat. Travel moves us. What's up, everybody? It's Russell Brunson.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Welcome to a late-night Marketing Secrets Podcast. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question,
Starting point is 00:00:55 and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey everyone, so I hope you guys are awesome. It's a beautiful night. Did you hear the crickets out there? It's kinda creepy when you get to the darker spots. Anyway, I hope you guys are awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I wanted to make you guys a video and run a podcast today for you guys about something that I think is really, really, really, really important. There we go, there's some light. For those who are watching the video version. If you're on a really, really, really important. There we go. There's some light for those who are watching the video version. If you're on a podcast, it doesn't matter. You hear my voice. All right. So I want to talk about something interesting that I kind of realized today that I think is what keeps a lot of people back. And it probably kept me back a lot when I was first getting started. You know, one thing, sorry, I'm looking for, I'm out in the pool house drinking some Keto OS because I love this stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:54 So I have one every morning and one every night. It is my sweets. And that, yeah, so that's what I'm doing. So that's what I'm looking for. If you're wondering what I'm doing and why I'm talking weird, but, um, what I'm talking about is today, for example, um, we had a lot of crap happen, like not like little things either, like huge things, things that are devastating, like things that I think in my past would have crippled me. I would have stopped me like, uh, uh, uh, and it's interesting because, um, I see people nowadays who are in business and they're moving forward, moving forward and they're trying to do stuff and not just business. Honestly, it's like all aspects of life. It's their personal life. It's their family life. It's the relationships. Like it, it, it kind of, you know, it bleeds in a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:37 different things. But for this, you know, for this purpose, it's, it's business where something really crappy happens. You have these plans and things you think are going to be happening. And then you hit this wall and you're like, you throw your hands up in the air and you're like, I don't know what to do. And so you just stop, right? Or you just give up. And I said, I think there was a time where I probably did more of that. Um, and I think I'm like, I think I'm lucky because I grew up, I was a wrestler as Laudia's known. and so one thing um that happened with wrestling is uh and probably a good thing is i was really bad at first and so like i'd get beat a lot
Starting point is 00:03:10 uh in fact my brother scott who's gonna be editing this video when we first started wrestling he's my younger brother and he was beating me at first which is like as a big brother it's really embarrassing right and then luckily i loved wrestling he didn't so i was able to pass him but he would have been beating my whole life which would have been really embarrassing um but uh but because I was getting beat at first like I wasn't like the best kid so like I got beat a lot and then I came back and then like I learned how to beat people um probably the best example this is my junior year in high school I was gonna my goal was to be a state champ but I was gonna make it and then um what's interesting is as I was going for it, my first match my senior year, or excuse me, my junior year, I wrestled this guy Nick Fresquez from Hunter High School,
Starting point is 00:03:52 and I, sorry, there's the ice coming out. Anyway, I told everyone I was going to be a state champ. I was talking all the confidence stuff, and my very first match, I wrestled Nick Fresquez, who was returning. He took it in second place a state year earlier. He was returning back, and he beat me. My very first match was with Nick Fresquez who was returning. He took it in second place the state year earlier. He was returning back and he beat me. My very first match the whole year
Starting point is 00:04:08 and I was devastated. Luckily for me, my dad filmed the match and so what we did for the next four months every single night, we watched that match and then we practiced on how to beat Nick Fresquez and then I never wrestled against him the rest of the year. But then at the end of the year But then
Starting point is 00:04:25 At the end of the year Sure enough he was on the opposite side He was ranked first in the state and I was ranked second And we came against each other In the finals I wrestled him In the finals I beat him Because I knew exactly his moves I practiced him every day for four months
Starting point is 00:04:36 And in fact I actually beat him I think I told you this story before But I beat him with the same move that he beat me with Which is kind of fun So I was used to like getting beat up and then coming back and then learning how to win getting beat up come back and win so like that was helped me through my life i think in business same thing i was like i would start i'd get hit with something and it was just like sometimes like hitting a roadblock how many
Starting point is 00:04:56 guys have felt that or like hitting a wall you're just like stuck you're like i don't know how to like i don't know how to overcome this like this is an insurmountable object i can't like i don't know how to overcome this and we hit those things right and so um like that that happens all the time like i said in business and what's interesting is most people don't get past those like they hit the wall and then they freeze up and they stop and then they go watch tv or they they quit or whatever those things are and it's interesting because i see that a lot with our entrepreneurs who like a little roadblock a hiccup will come and then they they just stop And it's interesting because I see that a lot with our entrepreneurs who like a little roadblock, a hiccup will come and then they,
Starting point is 00:05:26 they just stop. And it's like, ah, like don't stop. Keep going, keep going. Um, but I think that what happens is more you do it,
Starting point is 00:05:32 the more like your capacity increases and your ability to handle those things and take them and then like plow through them and keep, keep moving forward on them. You know what I mean? Um, so today like we had so many things like we're supposed to, we're supposed to launch this, uh, this viral thing. If you go to, uh, who knows if it's still live and you guys watch this, but CF goes was this really cool thing. And so, um, I want to do, I want to make it with somebody that they opt into this thing and then they get
Starting point is 00:05:59 a referral link and then they refer other people and they get a dollar for everyone to sign up. And it was gonna make this huge viral thing that would grow really really fast and so we spent the last man like two weeks getting all the things put together creating the video and the sales page and the structure and the flow and the funnel and like everything was working we tested it and i wanted to build inside of clickfunnels we couldn't because it's like this it's a feature we don't have right now and todd's like we could build the future but we don't have time to do it because all the crazy stuff's happening for the launch so we didn't And there was some third-party service we decided to use. We used this third-party service.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We started trying to test it. All these things aren't working. We got it working. So it pretty much worked. Then we did the launch. And we sent emails out. We started Facebook Live. It was all exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And instantly, all these people started coming. And then guess what happened? Boom. The whole thing just crashed within minutes. And we called the guys up, their service. And we're like, dude, our site's down. They're like, we'll call you back. We're like, like okay that's not good and uh the whole thing's down 15 20 minutes is down and finally we see like everything goes offline they reset their service comes back
Starting point is 00:06:53 up and it's working but we like pause emails and everything at the time so he comes back like 15 minutes later like hey it's been 15 minutes nothing bad's happened like you're good to go like dude it's because we stopped everything like we stopped the ads we stopped like we stopped. Like we stopped everything. And we're like, if you look at this, like, I think we had 5% of our emails been sent out and we'd crushed their servers. And it was just like, just done. And so we're like, dude, you understand, like we're trying to get a hundred thousand options in seven days. I'm like, to get that, it's probably going to be a million to a million and a half, maybe 2 million people are going to come through your links. Like, can you handle that? And they're like, no, we can't handle it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I'm like, dude, you told us, we told you the numbers ahead of time. People always tell us numbers, but no one ever hits it. We didn't believe that was going to happen. I'm like, we just launched this viral contest. People are signed up, they're sharing links. We can't stop this now. But the service wasn't working.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And it's just like, okay, most people, like me five, 10 years ago, they're like, we're screwed. What are we going to do? Like, uh. But it was like, okay, most people like me, five, 10 years ago, they're like, we're screwed. We're gonna do it. But it was like, okay, we gotta keep moving forward. All right, what are we gonna do? What are we gonna fix? And then I messaged Todd and Todd's like,
Starting point is 00:07:52 all right, I'm pulling an all-nighter. And so he went and Jamie Smith came in and they spent the whole next four or five hours coding this whole thing out and rebuilt from the ground up the entire company software that we did and then built it into ClickFunnels. And anyway, the testing's all done and they're gonna roll it out first thing in the morning. Then we're gonna relaunch it into click funnels and um anyway the testing's all done and they're going to roll it out first thing in the morning then we're going to relaunch
Starting point is 00:08:08 the viral campaign right afterwards and hopefully get the same impact but it's like that could have been like devastating right and then um and that was like one thing and there's like four four five things like that yesterday just not yesterday just today that happened like insane like it's like the bigger company gets the more fires that are i'm like they're like four huge fire no five five huge fires i put out today that was one of five huge fires one of them was some yahoo causing like fistfights and threatening to kill people in our facebook group and it happens to be a friend and then he comes in and then we block and starts threatening me, and all sorts of stuff,
Starting point is 00:08:45 and it's just like, that's happening, and then the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing, and all these fires are happening, and at the same time, I can't stop, because we still have this launch happening, so I spent probably four hours today working on the new sales letter for when the viral video goes live,
Starting point is 00:08:59 which is so cool, I can't wait for you guys to see it, I'm so excited, and then on top of that, I gotta record 40 videos tomorrow, so I was writing the scripts for those and mapping out the sequence and the timeline. Plus, we're working on the event funnel for the Funnel Hacking Live, so I had to go through, finish, do another round of the edits for the schedule, and then message all the potential speakers and invite them to speak, and then getting the flow done,, then the viral video party, we had to shift the whole timeline. So we're calling Boise state and trying to shift it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Like it was all these fires after fire after fire. Like any one of those should have crippled us or me or our entire team. And like, they just stopped. But like we didn't and we kept going forward. And so I don't know why I'm sharing this other than I think most people stop way too fast. And, and I don't know if it's just like from doing it so many times and so often. And like, it's funny as I remember someone telling me, I think Dan Kennedy told me, uh, he said that like once every, like once every quarter, once every quarter, an entrepreneur will,
Starting point is 00:09:58 will come into a, will face a crisis. It'll either make or break his company. I'm like, once a quarter, like do we're getting that like four times a day, like four quarters of the day. And consistently, it's crazy. The bigger we get, the more those things are. The one nice thing is that typically, you don't have a company blow up overnight. So I'm lucky that I had 10 years of cutting my teeth
Starting point is 00:10:18 and trying this thing and bankrupting two companies and going up and down and all sorts of failures so that when I have the big success, my capacity has increased and I'm handling things pretty well i screw up a lot some of you guys know um you'd say there's public scripts where a whole affiliate system we build out crashes in the middle of the launch and anyway there's just things that happened and um but i think again like most people they just stop too fast and it's like the only it's kind of like lifting weights like the only way to keep moving through those things
Starting point is 00:10:50 some of you guys hit those things you stop i know i know you're so hopefully hopefully at least one or two of you guys are hearing this and it's you're saying that's me like i hit an obstacle and i freeze and so what i want you to understand is like it's like lifting weights right like you're pushing you're pushing and you can't do it anymore. And it freezes like, and you can't keep going. Like that's, that's, that's good. That's tearing your muscles. Then like they repair, you gotta go back again. You gotta go back again. You gotta go back again. And, um, and if you keep doing that, like your capacity will increase, you get better and better until someday, like you'll have so many problems like me that you'll happen four or five times in a day and you'll just shrug, shrug it off and it'll be fine. And so, um, yeah, like that's just, um,
Starting point is 00:11:27 yeah, I don't know the exact process to doing it. It's just doing it. And it's just like when the thing hits you and you're like, Oh, that sucks. All right, let's go. Boom. You know, uh, like if you're in a fight, some punch you in the face, you're like, Oh, that hurts so bad, but I'm in the middle of a fight. Let's go. And then you just go right back in. Like, that's the kind of attitude you got to have when the thing punches you in the face or it knocks you down or whatever because most of those things it's like um it's like you're this far away from success in fact on the new sales letter for the click funnels page you'll see it uh some of you guys know like the the viral videos about a gold miner and all this stuff so there's just one image we have it's a drawing it's it's it says
Starting point is 00:12:04 like the miner who quit too early and it shows this guy pickaxing and he's like digging into this huge mountain and then he's turning around he's walking away and then you look at the side picture is like a side cut of the mountain and you see he's like an inch away from all this gold and it's like sometimes that's how it is like we get punched in the face and it's like we knock back and then we're like dang i don't want to do that and you just stop and it's like oh like all you do is step back up and go back in that fight one more time and then and you're there like you're so close to it um that's why most people don't get to because it's like the the closer you get the more resistance they will be to the thing you want and so it's like as you're coming closer and closer the resistance is coming
Starting point is 00:12:41 it's your ability um to get back up and keep going um there's a song in high school the 90s that we used to play in fact i played it today after like getting hit in the head like five times i was like hey guys i got a theme song to keep us going right now and it was um the song i get knocked down i get up again like that's it like you get knocked down and you got to get back up again as fast as you can because the more resistance you're getting the closer you are to where you're trying to get to. And just know that.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And so know that like whatever you desire right now, the closer and closer and closer you get to that, the more resistance. So you have to increase your capacity to handle that, those attacks. Otherwise you will crumble underneath it and you'll never get to your goal. But just also know that like the harder those punches are, the more frustrating, like all those kind of things, it means you're close. And the closer you get, the harder it's going to be. And all of a sudden, boom, you're going to be there.
Starting point is 00:13:29 But you've got to be willing to get knocked down and get back up again and take that next step. Take the leap of faith. Take that step into the dark. Whatever the analogies you need, that's what you've got to do. And when you do that, then that's where it's at. I think most of us – I may be wrong. I think I'm right though. I think most of us, the times that we fail,
Starting point is 00:13:50 if we fail and we don't get what we want, we're probably one or two knockouts away from success. It's just getting back up, putting the gloves back on, going back into the ring one more time. That's it. Maybe you hit again, knock down again, you're like, back into the ring one more time. That's it. Maybe you hit again, knock down again, you're like,
Starting point is 00:14:08 one more step, one more, and just, it's there. But you gotta taste it, you gotta feel it. Alright, that's enough analogies.
Starting point is 00:14:14 That's like 40 analogies. Hope that one of those connected with you guys. I got sports analogies, I got everything in there. Anyway, alright, well I'm heading in,
Starting point is 00:14:22 I'm gonna drink my Ketos, I'm gonna go to bed, I got a big day tomorrow, I'm gonna film like 40 videos. So, you know, it's fun'm heading in. I'm going to drink my Ketos. I'm going to go to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow. I've got to film like 40 videos. So, no, it's fun like this one. All right, so there you go, guys. Appreciate you all. Have a nice night, and we'll see you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Bye. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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