The Russell Brunson Show - Identity And Obsession
Episode Date: January 19, 2022The secrets of transforming your identity into an actual obsession. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magneti...c Marketing ---Transcript--- What's up, everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to The Marketing Series Podcast. Today, we're going to be going even a little bit deeper, talking about identity. All right, I know I talked about this stuff a lot, but it's in my head on my mind a lot. I think sometimes we talk about a topic and then we're like, oh yeah, I know what that is. So the topic we're talking about is identity shifting again. And I've talked about it in so many different ways. Like we talked at it from a marketing standpoint, like with your audience, you've got to create an identity shift if you truly want them to move and follow. In goal setting, we talked about you have to have an identity shift if you want to actually move and change. But I had a weird realization over the last probably 48 hours or so. So those who don't know, my life right now, and we're in the middle of wrestling season. I help coach the kids high school team. So every day at 2:30, I leave the office, race over to the school, and I coach. And it's kind of weird, because I'm not the head coach. I'm there just kind of wrestle my kids, and help people, and whatever. But it brings back all the memories of when you were doing it, right? When you were wrestling, and when you were competing. And for me, it was like, man, wrestling was my life. Like it was the only thing that mattered. There was nothing else. There wasn't like a number two or number three. It was like wrestling and then nothing else. And it's interesting because I watched the kids now, we've got some really good wrestlers on our team, but I think it was two days ago, maybe three days ago, I had this realization. I said there's a difference between people who are wrestling and someone who is a wrestler. And I was looking, because most of the people on the team are here and they're wrestling. They come to practice every day, they wrestle. Then they go to the matches, they go to the tournaments. They do stuff and they wrestle. They're wrestling. But there's a difference between just wrestling and then those who are wrestlers. Right? And it was interesting, because last night my high school I grew up in, it's Hillcrest High School in Sandy, Utah. Every year there's this rivalry against Brighton High School. We hate Brighton. And Brighton's the big... It's Hillcrest versus Brighton. And I think it was like 40 or 50 years ago, they started this thing called the Battle of the Ax. And so they had this huge Ax. And each year, whoever wins the dome gets to keep the Ax. And so when I was a senior in high school, we had lost the ax like 13 or 14 years in a row. And our senior year, we were a really, really good team. And my senior year we actually won the Battle of the Ax. And what's crazy cool is last night, Hillcrest won the Battle of the Ax again, for the first time in 24 years. First time since I was a senior in high school. And so I saw that on Facebook, someone posted it. So I got all excited. And so I started going back through all my old video files. And I found videos of me wrestling in the Battle of the Ax. And then us winning the ax, and us going crazy, and videos of the ax and like all these things. And so it's kind of fun, I went and took some little screenshots and some clips of me wrestling. And I posted it on Facebook and tagged all my old wrestling buddies and coaches. And anyway, the last 12 hours have been a lot nostalgia for me, just seeing my coaches comment, my friends and my teammates. And ah, just thinking about it. But I started thinking this morning again, as I was looking at that, this is the identity shift, right? There's a lot of people who do wrestling. There's a lot of people who, again, they go through the motions, they do the thing. But there's a difference. When I was competing, I was a wrestler. And what does that mean? Like what does it look like? Because from the outside, it probably looks similar. But the difference was, when I would wake up in the morning, all I was thinking about was how to become a better wrestler. I was at school, in classes, that's all I was thinking about. When wrestling practice started, I was there. I showed up early. As soon as I got in the room, we started wrestling, started rolling around. As soon as practice ended, my dad would show up and I would do a second practice every single day. And then on the weekends, like when we traveled, we brought wrestling mats. We literally have wrestling mats that we'd hook to the top of my dad's truck. When we'd drive on family vacations, we'd get the wrestling mats out and we'd wrestle in the morning before we would go do our, go on the lake or whatever. I wasn't someone who was wrestling, I was a wrestler. It was different, right? It's an identity shift. Like it was my life. There was nothing else. It is who I was. And I look at the kids who are the most successful, if not the ones who wrestle, that it's the ones who are wrestlers, where it is who they are. It's who they become. And I keep trying to think, how do I instill that in kids? In wrestling, how do I get you to go from being like, oh yeah, I'm wrestling. I go to wrestling practice. Like, no, no, no. You don't understand. If you really want to be the best, if you want to be a State Champ, or a National Champ, or an All American, or whatever, the thing is, you have to... It's more than this. It's not just doing the motions that everybody's doing. It's like, you have to have this identity shift where you become a wrestler, where that's all you do. That's your full-time am job, income, livelihood, thought process. Like everything is wrapped into that thing. So why do I share this with you guys? I share it with you guys because as I've been now, 20 something years, teaching entrepreneurship, and online marketing, and doing this thing, I see that same division. There are people who start businesses. There are who try to make money. There's people who, whatever, right? But the people are successful, the ones who actually had the identity shift, where they have become an entrepreneur, they become a publisher, they become an author. They become something different. And you can tell that shift because it goes from like, "Okay, I got to work on my business today for an hour." Or, "I got to block out three hours," to "This is my obsession." I was talking about it with... Recently, I let go some people who had been in our company a long time. And I remember for me, it was like... It's tough because I'm like, man, if I got fired from this, from what I do, it's my life. There's not like I go to work and then go home at night. It's like, this is my life. And this is my life and I'm thinking about it all the time, like when I'm the shower I'm thinking about it. At my home, my family... Maybe that's wrong. I don't know, it's an obsession, but if you look at my identity, what am I like? I am an entrepreneur. I am a curator. I am a... Like, I could give you different identities that I resonate with. But it's deep. It's not a dabble. In fact, I remember, this is a couple years ago, somebody asked for my email address. I gave it to them. They're like, "That's your work email. What's your real email?" And I was like, "What are you talking about?" And they're like, "Well, don't you have a personal email and a work email?" I'm like, "There's no division." I don't have a personal life and work life. This is my life. You know what I mean? And I was confused, because I remember someone on my team, assuming now I think I've learned since then that almost everyone has a work email and a personal email. But for me, again, there's not a line between those two things. This is my mission. When I was wrestling, I was a wrestler. My mission was singular focused. There was one thing. Since I've gotten out of wrestling and I've become who I am now at today, there's no work Russell and home Russel. There's Russell, and this is who I am. This is my personality. This is my identity. That's how deep your identity shift has to become. And not that you can't have success without it. People have success, they make money, blah, blah, like those things. But if you really want to, in my mind, to change the world, to do something amazing, it's deeper. It's this thing where it becomes you. That's what an identity shift is. It's not saying, "Oh yeah, I wrestle." No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm a wrestler. Like you cut me, I bleed that color. I remember Stephen Larson one time, in fact, we made a whole t-shirt, a theme, out of funnel hacking live when you're calling people diehard funnel hackers. And his joke was, if you cut me open and you see my heart beating inside, you'll notice there's a blue gear and a red gear. That's how deep I am in this community. And so we made these t-shirts that said Diehard Funnel Hacker, and it had a beating heart, click funnel's heart. But again, that's the kind of identity shift you have to have. And I don't know exactly how to do that, or how to have it, other than it's got to become an obsession. I think in our society, in our world, people talk down about obsessions sometimes. Because there's definitely a negative stigma sometimes. And it's tough. As a producer who likes to produce, I struggle with people I love around me, including my wife and other family members, other people who are just like, "You got to turn it off. You got to stop." And I'm like, I don't understand what this means, turning it off. It's not like I'm going to work and I'm leaving work. It's who I am. It's my identity. There's no on off switch. It's just, it is.And that's the level of identity shift you've got to have you really want to change the world. I remember, I think I shared this on the last episode of the podcast. But I remember there was a wrestling film I used to watch all the time, with Tom and Terry Brands. And it started with, "My name's Tom Brands. My goal's simple, I want to be the greatest wrestler in the whole world." And then the second guy is, "My name's Terry Brands. My goal is simple. I want to be the greatest wrestler in the whole world." That was not somebody who was going to work and then going home at night. That was someone who, they were trying to change the world. They were trying to be the best. And I feel like, man, if you really want to do something great, you got to do that. And it's tough for most people. Because most people don't have that. It's interesting, I had my time when I got to be an athlete, which for me was from... I didn't start wrestling until eighth grade. So from eighth grade till college. So there's what, four years high school, 8, 9, 10. So I had a decade. Wow, I had a decade. I had a decade where my sole focus was being an athlete, and everything was there and focused. And I look at most people, it's interesting, because now that I'm coaching high school wrestling, most people, their only chance to be athletes is two or three years. If they start as a sophomore, maybe freshman, they make it four years. That's the window of the life they're an athlete. And if they're not great or whatever, like again, if they haven't had that identity shift, they do the thing, but they're not... Like they miss that. I think for me, I was lucky where I had a decade of my life where I was singular focused. I had a chance to have that. And so for me to go deep on something, to be obsessed with something, I had done it before. That pattern was in my brain. It was easy for me to, as I switched to business, to become like, okay, I'm going to tackle this with the same like fervent energy that I did with wrestling. And so I was able to go deep on it, where a lot of people have never had that chance in their life. They've never gone deep. They never sacrificed everything they had for something that they wanted to get. And if you haven't in life, it's going to be kind of hard. It's going to be hard to even understand. You've seen somebody who's crazy like me, and you've seen somebody. You get people around you, but you never experienced that. And it's like, how do you trick your mind? How do you train your mind? How do you go deep on it? And I don't know the exact answer, other than I think we got to stop thinking about it from a, go to work and back, and more of like, this is who I am, this is who I've become, this is who I serve. This is all the things related to that. So anyway, I'm sure some of you guys think I'm crazy, and you're rolling your eyes. And you're like, Russel, I didn't get in here to try to change the world, just trying to make some extra money. And I get that. But you will find out very quickly that the money is short lived. And the thing that, at least for me, and I don't think I'm unique in this. I've talked to a lot of successful people at the highest levels. I've talked to the Tony Robbins of the world, people like that. And it's the same thing, I don't do this for money. I have plenty of money. I do this because this is who I am. Like Tony Robbins is Tony Robbins. He's not like, I go to work and I motivate people. No, no, no, no, no. You don't understand. Tony is... I don't know how to explain it other than he is Tony. This is his mission, his life. And he'll be on his deathbed, running a UPW, like streaming it in. Like, I don't want to stop. Like, I'm going to go til the heart stops beating. Just keep going and keep going. And I think that's me. It definitely is me. Unless I find something different to shift my identity to, but as right now, I love this. I love who I serve. I'm obsessed with it. The art is so rewarding and fulfilling to me, where, again, like Russell you got to turn it off. Like why would you want to turn it off? I can't understand that. It does not compute in my brain. And that's the level of obsession I think you really got to have, if you want to be successful in anything at the highest levels. So anyway, again, just thoughts in Russell's head that I want to share with you guys. Yeah, so I hope that helps. I hope you guys... And for those of you guys who are like me, and hopefully it gives you permission to be like, it's okay. It's okay that I'm obsessed. I got to be careful, because there's a line of obsession where you can lose everything. You can lose your family, you can lose your friends. And I don't believe in that. I believe in trying to incorporate the people you love most into your mission. Like my dad was at wrestling practice every day with me. My mom came to my tournaments. I was able to incorporate the people I loved in the mission that I was on at the time. And I feel like the same thing's true here. I had the chance to bring my kids to Funnel Acting Live. We created a whole family event, unlocked the secrets for our families, because I wanted to bring my kids to an event. So it's like, you don't have to do it and lose everything, unless you isolate from the people you love. It's like, how do you incorporate and bring those people on the trip and the ride with you? So anyway, I hope that helps somebody. I appreciate you guys for listening. It means the world to me. We're working on a new Funnel Hub inside of ClickFunnels 2.0, the very first one is So it's not quite live yet. By the time you guys hear this, it might be live. Hopefully in the next day or two, we'll have it up there. But it is the first ever Funnel Hub built on ClickFunnels 2.0, which is exciting. Actually, it's not true. We launched on ClickFunnels, 2.0. So that was the first one. And it is live so you can go see it. You can test page speeds. The page speeds are insane on it, which is really cool. Even though we haven't actually turned on all the cashing and optimization stuff yet, it's still way faster than every other page builder. So it's exciting. Good things are happening. And do you want to know why? It's because we're obsessed. All right, thanks, guys, for listening. Appreciate you. And we'll talk soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson.
Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Today, we're going to be going even a little bit deeper, talking about identity.
So, the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products
and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to move and follow. In goal setting, we talk about you
have to have an identity shift if you want to actually move and change. I had a weird realization
over the last 48 hours or so. For those who don't know my life right now, we're in the middle of
wrestling season. I help coach the kids' high school team. So every day at 2.30, I leave the office,
race over to the school, and I coach.
And it's kind of weird because I'm not the head coach.
I'm there just kind of wrestling with my kids
and help people and whatever.
But it brings back all the memories
of when you were doing it, right?
When you were wrestling and when you were competing.
And for me, it was like, man, wrestling was my life. Like it was, it was the only thing that
mattered. There was nothing else. It wasn't like a number two or number three, it was like wrestling
and then nothing else. Um, and it's interesting cause I watch the kids now, we've got some really
good wrestlers on our team. Um, but I think it was two days ago, maybe three days ago, I had this
realization. I said, I said that there's a difference between, um, people who are wrestling
and someone who is a wrestler. And I was looking cause I'm like, most of the people on the team
are here and they're wrestling, right? They kind of practice every day. They wrestle. Then they go,
you know, they go to the matches, they go to tournaments, they do stuff in there and they're,
they, they wrestle, um, the wrestling. but there's a difference between just wrestling and then those
who, who are wrestlers. Right. And it was interesting cause last night, my high school,
I grew up in this Hillcrest high school in Sandy, Utah. Um, uh, every year there's this rivalry
against Brighton high school. We hate Brighton and Brighton's the big, you know, it's Hillcrest
versus Brighton. And, um, they, I think it was
like 40 or 50 years ago, they started this thing called the battle of the acts. And so they have
this huge acts and each year, whoever wins the doomy gets to keep the acts. And so when I was
a senior in high school, we had lost the acts like 13 or 14 years in a row. Um, and my senior year,
we were really, really good team. And my senior year, we actually won the battle of the acts.
And what's crazy cool is last night,
Hillcrest won the Battle of the Axe again
for the first time in 24 years.
First time since I was a senior in high school.
And so I saw that on Facebook.
Someone posted it, so I got all excited.
And so I started going back through all my old video files
and I found videos of me wrestling at the Battle of the Axe
and then us winning the Axe and us going crazy
and videos of the Axe and like all these things.
And so it was kind of fun. I went and took some little screenshots and some clips of me wrestling at the Battle of the Axe and then us winning the Axe and us going crazy and videos of the Axe and like all these things. And so it was kind of fun.
I went and took some little screenshots and some clips of me wrestling and I posted on
Facebook and tagged all my old wrestling buddies and coaches.
And anyway, I had, you know, the last 12 hours have been a lot of nostalgia for me.
Just like seeing my coaches comment, my friends and my teammates and just thinking about it.
But I started thinking like this morning again, as I was looking at that,
like this, this is the identity shift, right? Uh, there's a lot of people who do wrestling.
There's a lot of people who, who, um, again, they go through the motions, they do the thing,
but there's a difference. Like when I was, when I was competing, like I was a wrestler. What does
that mean? Like, what does it look like? Cause on the outside, it probably looks similar,
but the difference was when I was at, you know, when I would wake up in the morning,
all I was thinking about was how to become better at wrestling.
Like, I was in school and in classes, that's all I was thinking about.
When wrestling practice started, I was there.
I was, I showed up early.
As soon as I got in the room, we started wrestling, started rolling around, right?
As soon as practice ended, my dad would show up and I would do a second practice every single day.
And then on the weekends, like when we traveled, we brought wrestling mats. We literally have wrestling
mats that we'd hook to the top of my dad's truck. When we'd drive on family vacations,
we'd get the wrestling mats out. We'd wrestle in the morning before we would go to our,
you know, go on the lake or whatever. Like I wasn't someone who was wrestling. I was a wrestler.
Like it was different, right? It's an identity shift. Like it was my life. There was nothing else. Like it's, it is who I was. And I look at the kids who, um,
who are the most successful. It's not the ones who, who wrestled it. It's the ones who are
wrestlers where it is, it is who they are. It's who they become. Right. And I keep trying to think
like, um, like how do I still have my kids? Like, you know, in wrestling, how do I get you to go
from being like, Oh yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm wrestling. I go to wrestling practice. Like, no, no, no. You don't have
something like, like if you really want to be the best, if you want to be a state champ or
a national champ or an all American or whatever the thing is like, you have to, it's more than
this. It's not just doing the motions that everybody's doing. It's like, you have to have
this identity shift where you become a wrestler where that's all you do. That's your full-time
job, income, livelihood, thought process. Everything is wrapped into that thing.
Why did I share this with you guys?
I share it with you guys because as I've been now 20-something years teaching entrepreneurship
and online marketing and doing this thing, I see that same division.
There are people who start businesses.
There are people who try to make money.
There's people who, um, who try to make money. There's people who,
whatever, right? But the people who are successful are the ones who actually had the identity shift where they had become an entrepreneur. They become a publisher. They become an author. They become,
they become something different. Right. And you can tell that shift because it goes from like,
okay, I got to work on my business today for an hour, or I got to, I block out three hours to this is my obsession. Like I was talking about it with, um, recently I let go some people
who had been in our company a long time. And, and I remember for me, it was like, it's tough
because I'm like, man, if, if, if I got fired from this, from what I do, like, like it's my life.
Like, it's not like, there's not like a, you know, there's not like I go to work and then go home at night.
It's like this is my life.
This is my life and I'm thinking about it all the time.
I'm in the shower, I'm thinking about it, I'm at home with my family.
Maybe that's wrong.
I don't know.
It's an obsession.
But look at my identity.
What am I?
I am an entrepreneur.
I am a curator.
I can give you different identities that I resonate with, you know, I am a curator. I am a, I am a, like, I, um, yeah, I can give you different, different identities that I,
that I resonate with, but, but it's deep.
It's, it's not a dabble.
It's not, you know, in fact, I remember a couple of years ago, um, uh, somebody asked
me for my email address.
I gave it to him.
Like, what's your work email?
Like, what's your real email?
And I was like, what are you talking about?
And, um, they're like, well, don't you have like a personal email and work email? Like, what's your real email? And I was like, what are you talking about? And, um, they're like, well, don't you have like a personal email and work email? I'm like,
there, there's no, like, there's no division. I don't have a personal life and work life. Like
this is my life. You know what I mean? And I was confused cause I remember someone on my team,
um, you know, and I'm assuming now I think I've learned since then that almost everyone has a
work email and a personal email. But for me, again, there, there's no, there's not a line between those two things. Like this is my mission. This
is, you know, when I was wrestling, I was a wrestler. My mission was, was singular focus.
There was one thing since I've gotten out of wrestling and I've become who I am now today.
Like, like there's no, there's no work Russell and home Russell. Like, you know, there's,
there's, there's Russell and this is who I am.
This is my personality.
This is my identity.
That's how deep your identity shift has to become.
Not that you can't have success without it.
People have success.
They make money.
Those things.
But if you really want to, in my mind, to change the world, to do something amazing,
it's deeper.
It's this thing where it's deeper. It's,
it's this thing where it becomes you. Um, that's what an identity shift is. It's not saying,
Oh yeah, I wrestle. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm a wrestler. Like you cut me. I bleed that color,
right? Like I remember Steven Larson one time. Um, in fact, we made a whole t-shirt and a theme
out of funnel hacking live when you're calling people diehard funnel hackers. And his joke was
like, if you cut me open and you see my heart beating inside,
you'll notice there's a blue gear and a red gear.
Like that's how deep I am in this community, right?
And so we made these t-shirts that said diehard funnel hacker
and it had a beating heart, you know, ClickFunnels heart.
But like that's, again, that's the kind of like
identity shift you have to have.
And I don't know exactly how to do that
or how to have it other than
it's got to become
an obsession. You know, I think in our society, in our world, people talk down about obsession
sometimes, you know, like, cause there's definitely a negative stigma sometimes.
And it's tough. Like as a producer who's, who likes to produce it, I, I struggle with people
I love around me, including my wife and other family members and other people who are just like,
like, you gotta turn it off. You gotta stop. And I'm like, I don't understand what this means
turning it off. Like there's not,
it's not like I'm going to work and I'm leaving work. Like it's, it's who I am. It's my identity.
Like there's no on off switch. It's just, it is right. And that's the, that's the level of,
of identity shift you've got to have if you really want to change the world.
I remember, I think I shared this on my last episode, the last episode of the podcast, but I remember there was a, uh, a wrestling film.
I used to watch all the time with Tom and Terry brands. And it started with my name's Tom brands.
My goal is simple. I'm gonna be the greatest wrestler in the whole world. Right? And then
second guy is my name is Terry brands. My goal is simple. I want to be the greatest wrestler in the
whole world. Like that was not somebody who was going to work and then going home at night. That
was someone who, who they were trying
to change the world and they're trying to be the best. And I feel like, man, if you really want to
do something great, you got to do that. And it's tough for most people. Cause most people haven't
had that. It's interesting. Like, you know, I, I had my, my time when I got to be an athlete,
which, you know, for me was from me was from, I didn't start wrestling
until eighth grade.
So from eighth grade till college.
So there's what, four years high school, eight, nine, 10.
So I had a decade.
Wow, I had a decade.
I had a decade where my sole focus was being an athlete and everything was there and focused.
And I look at most people, it's interesting because now I'm coaching high school wrestling.
Most people, their only chance to be an athlete is two or three years, right?
If they start as a sophomore, maybe freshman, they make it four years.
But that's the window of life.
They're an athlete.
And if they're not great or whatever, again, if they don't have the identity shift, they do the thing.
But they're not, you know, they miss that.
I think for me, I was lucky where I had a decade in my life where I was singular focused.
I had a chance of my life where I was singular focused. I had a chance to like, you know, to have that.
And so for me to go deep on something, to be obsessed with something, like I had done
it before that pattern was in my brain.
It was easy for me to, as I switched to business to become like, okay, I'm, I'm going to tackle
this with the same, you know, the same like fervent energy that I did with, with wrestling.
And so I was able to go deep on it where a lot of people have never had that, that chance in their life. You know, they've never
gone deep. They never sacrificed everything they had for something that they, that they wanted to
get. And if you have it in your life, it's going to be kind of hard. It's going to be hard to even
understand. Like you may, you've seen somebody who's crazy like me and you've seen somebody,
you know, you, you have people around you, but you never experienced that. And it's like,
how do you trick your mind? How do you train your mind? How do you, how do you go deep on it?
And I don't know the exact answer other than like, I think we got to stop thinking about
it from a, from a, you know, go to work and back and more of like, this is, this is who
I am.
This is who I've become.
This is who I serve.
This is, you know, all the, all the things related to that.
So anyway, I'm sure some of you guys think I'm crazy and you're like rolling your eyes. You're like, Russell, I didn't get in here to try to
change the world and try to make some extra money. And I get that. Um, but you will find
out very quickly that the money is short lived and, and, um, the thing that at least for me,
and I don't think I'm unique in this. I've talked to a lot of, um, successful people,
um, at the highest levels. I've talked to, you know, the Tony Robbins of the
world, like people like that. And it's the same thing. It's like, I don't do this for money. Like
I have plenty of money. I do this because this is who I am, right? Like Tony Robbins is Tony Robbins.
He's not like, you know, I go to work and I motivate people. No, no, no, no, no, no. You
understand? Like, like Tony is like, I don't know how to explain other than he is Tony. Like this
is his, his mission, his life, his, and you know, he'll be on his deathbed, you know, running a UPW,
like streaming it in. Like, I don't want to stop. Like I'm going to go to the heart stops beating.
Like it's just keep going and keep going, you know? And I think that's me. Like I, I definitely
is me unless I find something different to shift my identity to. But as right now, I love this.
I love who I serve.
I'm obsessed with it.
Like the art is so rewarding and fulfilling to me where like, again, like, well, Russell,
you got to turn it off.
Like, why would you want to turn it off?
Like, I can't understand that.
Um, it doesn't, it does not compute my brain.
Um, and that's the level of obsession I think you really got to have.
Um, if you want to be successful in anything at the highest levels.
So, um, anyway, I, I, again, just thoughts in Russell's head that I want to share with
you guys.
Um, yeah, so I hope that helps.
I hope you guys, um, and for those of you guys who are like me and, um, hopefully it
gives you permission to be like,
you know, it's okay.
It's okay that I'm obsessed.
You know, I got to be careful because there's a line of obsession where you can lose everything.
You can lose your family.
You can lose your friends.
And I don't believe in that.
I believe in trying to incorporate the people you love most into your mission, right?
Like my dad was at wrestling practice every day with me.
My mom came to my tournaments.
Like I was able to incorporate the people I loved in the mission that I was on at the time. And it's like, same
thing's true here. You know, I had a chance to bring my kids to Funnel Hacking Live. We created
a whole family event, unlock the secrets for our families. Cause I wanted to bring my kids
to an event. Like, you know, so it's, it's like, you don't have to do it and lose everything.
Unless you isolate from the people you love. It's, it's, it's like, I had you incorporate
and bring those people on the, on the trip and the ride with you? So anyway, I hope to help somebody. I appreciate you guys for
listening. It means the world to me. Um, we're working on, um, a new funnel hub inside of click
funnels 2.0. The very first one is going to is marketing So it's not quite live
yet, but I mean, it's here. This, it might be live. I hope the next day or two, we'll have it
up there, but it is the first ever funnel hub built on ClickFunnels 2.0, which is exciting.
Actually, it's not true.
We launched on ClickFunnels 2.0.
So that was the first one.
And it is live, so you can go see it.
You can test page speeds.
The page speeds are insane on it, which is really cool.
Even though we haven't actually turned on all the caching and optimization stuff yet,
it's still way faster than every other page builder. So it's exciting. Good things are
happening. And you want to know why? Because we're obsessed. All right. Thanks guys for listening.
Appreciate you. And we'll talk soon. Thank you for listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
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