The Russell Brunson Show - (MS) How to Overcome Drifting So You Can Reach Your Goals

Episode Date: September 22, 2023

Right now I'm working on the intro presentation for Funnel Hacking LIVE in less than a week, which is Phase 2 of last year's opening presentation, "The Drifter VS The Driven." So I decided that the way to prepare you for what's coming is for you to relisten to the presentation that people have called my best presentation ever. So listen into Part 1 from last year and I can't wait to show you everything we're preparing for you at Funnel Hacking LIVE! Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing FunnelHackingLIVE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details, conditions apply. AirTransat, travel moves us. Hey, what's up everybody?
Starting point is 00:00:31 This is Russell Brunson. Hope you're doing awesome. I am deep, neck deep, probably deeper than neck deep right now in funnel hacking lives, slide presentation, getting all the things done. I always forget, two weeks leading fhl is like it's a lot so i'm worn out exhausted and having the time of my life so i'm excited to be hanging out so many guys here soon and hopefully my voice will hold up my body and everything as we're getting you know all the finishing touches on but uh right now i'm working on um my intro
Starting point is 00:01:02 presentation for next year's final next year this year, like a week from now. Oh, crazy. For Funnel Hacking Live in a week from now. And I've been going back through my old presentations and stuff. And last year I gave a presentation, day number one of Funnel Hacking Live, called Drifter vs. Driven. I've had a lot of people tell me that was my best presentation ever. It was interesting because I was nervous in it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You can probably hear my voice when you listen to it and stuff like that. And I've played it once here on the podcast, so probably eight or nine months ago you guys may have heard this already. But I think it's fitting for a couple of reasons. Number one, it's something that's like a continual messaging to keep rehearing. Number one. one it's something that like a continual messaging to keep rehearing number one the number two is um as i'm working on my presentation for this year's um my intro presentation it's not drifter versus driven this time but it's kind of the next level that's like step two phase two um so those who
Starting point is 00:01:57 are going to be at fun hiking live i'm gonna i'm gonna let you re-listen in on the drifter versus driven presentation which will prepare you for the imminent amazingness that you'll hear at this year's Fun Locking Live. I hope I don't mess it up. So that's the game plan. So with that said, I hope you enjoyed this episode. It's called Drifter vs. Driven. And yeah, this is where my mind is at a year ago right now. I was preparing that presentation a year ago. And this year I'm working on the next one. So I hope you enjoy it. And for those of you who are coming to FHL, I'll see you here in about a week.
Starting point is 00:02:32 All right. Thanks, everybody. Welcome to the Marketing Seekers Podcast. My name is Russell Brunson, and I'm what you call a serial entrepreneur, but with a twist. You see, 50% of my time, I'm the CEO of ClickFunnels, helping over 100,000 brands to grow their companies with funnels. And the other 50% of my time, I'm actually in the trenches using ClickFunnels to grow the startups I believe in.
Starting point is 00:02:52 During this podcast, I'll take you behind the scenes and show you how we are bootstrapping ClickFunnels and my other businesses from startup to nine figures and beyond. Welcome to the show. I can't believe it's been a year since we were hanging out. Welcome back, you guys. How are y'all feeling today? This is crazy. So just so you guys know, this is the biggest Funnel Hockey Live we've ever had. Do you guys know that? This is so crazy. Every year I'm like, there's no way we can get more people. There's no way. And like every year you guys keep coming back and you're bringing your friends, you're bringing
Starting point is 00:03:27 more people. I am so just honored and blessed to be here today. And for the next four days to serve you guys, we've been working so hard on our side to get everything prepared and ready for you guys. I know that there's going to be people in this room who are here. Some of you guys may be unsure, you're nervous, all different things. But my hope and my prayer for the next couple of days is that some of you guys have a chance to change your lives. And not so much just for you, but also because I believe, and I'm going to talk about this today,
Starting point is 00:03:52 but I believe every single one of you guys have been called to change a group of people's lives as well. And so I want to change your life so you can change their life and so we can keep the world an amazing place. So that's what's going to be happening over the next couple days. It's going to be so much fun. And I just, I just I just, I just like wanted to just watch it to you guys. This is the coolest thing in the world. Um, thank you very much. Um, so to begin with, um, I wanted to start with, uh, showing you guys, if we throw slides up the quote on the back of your guy's shirt. Um, when we built ClickFunnels, one of the biggest things we wanted to do is we wanted to create more than just like a software product or something like that. We wanted to build a
Starting point is 00:04:30 community of people. And so for the last two or three years, I've had this quote on the back of your guys' shirts when you first come in, because I want you guys feeling this way that we're here, we're a community, we're a family. On the back of your shirts, it says, surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself. How many times you guys ever been there where you're like, oh, I see it in him and her and all these other people, but not in myself. Okay. You're in a group right now of peers, of people just like you. You have over a hundred thousand people inside of ClickFunnels and you're the five or six thousand who are the craziest, who came here, who are the most excited, most passionate, who want
Starting point is 00:05:03 to change the world the most. Okay? And so even though you may not be able to see it, I see it in all you guys. The people around you see it. And so remember that we're a community, we're a family here trying to help raise and elevate each other all together, which is so cool. Yes. So my presentation, I've been really excited about this presentation and very nervous at the same time.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Uh, the presentation that I wanted to give you guys today, the title of it is called the drifter versus the driven. If I can pull it up there. And, um, before I get into this too deep, I wanted to tell you guys a story. Yeah. It's cool. If we just in story time for a few minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:43 So I've got something really special here to show you guys. And this is something cool if we do some story time for a few minutes? Okay, so I've got something really special here to show you guys. And this is something that I've been freaking out about. I didn't think it was gonna be possible. And this morning it showed up here at the hotel. And it's something really, really cool. How many of you guys know who my favorite author is? Wait, say it loud. I can't hear you. Okay, so Napoleon Hill, one of my favorite authors of all time. And it's been crazy for the last year or't hear you. Okay, so Napoleon Hill, one of my favorite authors of all time. And it's been crazy for the last year or so. I've been working with the Napoleon Hill Foundation and Don Green, a bunch of different things. Like two weeks ago, I believe, Justin Benton, one of our Inner Circle members.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Let's give Justin a round of applause. So Justin flew out there, had a chance to meet with all of them, and negotiated a deal with them where we could actually have here on the stage today the actual typewriter that Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich on. Do you guys want to see it? So check this out. This is the actual typewriter that he wrote that book on. Is that crazy? Can the camera see this? You guys show everybody?
Starting point is 00:06:48 Okay. Now, Justin, we love you. And not only that, so Think and Grow Rich is an amazing book, but actually my favorite book by Napoleon Hill is a book called Outwitting the Devil. How many of us have had a chance to read Outwitting the Devil? Yes? This right here is the original manuscript,witting the devil that was typed on this typewriter.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Is that the craziest thing in the world? Can you imagine like, yes, like Napoleon Hill sitting on this typewriter typing these words that became this book that's changed my life and changed so many of your guys' lives as well. And so this is just kind of a special thing that Justin was able to pull off before this whole event started, which is really cool because, like I said, the title of this presentation is called The Drifter Versus The Driven, which is the whole thought that I kind of got when I started reading that book. When you read that book, it's really interesting. If you look at the timeline of events, it's really
Starting point is 00:07:42 fun. So Napoleon Hill sat down in 1937 and wrote Thinking We're Rich on this typewriter right here. And then published it to the world and it became one of the greatest selling books of all time. I think it sold over 100 million copies at this point. And then the next year, he sat there, he was inspired, he felt this calling. He sat down, put a piece of paper and started typing the manuscript about winning the devil. And he wrote this book, which is, again, one of my favorite books of all time. And when he got done writing it, he said, if I publish this right now, he's like, people will destroy me.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like, it's not ready for today. Like, if I do this, it's going to be really, really bad. And so he never published it during his lifetime. He passed away in 1970, and his wife ended up getting the manuscript. And she looked at it, she read it again, and she's like, I can't publish this either. It's too controversial. It's too many things. It's not, like, the world's not ready for it yet.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And so she had it. When she passed away, got passed on to the next person. The next person finally, eventually got into the hands of the Pauline Hill Foundation. And they decided it was time to actually publish it. And so they published this book. And it was a book that was written, like I said, a hundred years ago. That was written for today, for all of us. And it's just such an amazing book.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And in the book, it's interesting. I gotta be careful with stages shoes. I'm going to lose my, my clicker sometime. I leave it somewhere. Um, in this book, the premise is he's having this, uh, this conversation with the devil where the devil has to tell him anything he wants. And so Napoleon Hill has this chance. Like I asked the devil anything I want, what should I ask him? This is what he asked him. He said, tell me all the tricks by which you enter into and you control the minds of men. You want to know like, what do you do? Like I've seen this happening all over the place. Like what are the things you do to get inside the minds of men to control them from not doing good, from not living up to their, to their missions, their purpose, their foot, like what they're
Starting point is 00:09:17 capable of doing. And the devil wrote back or talked him back and said, the greatest weapon I have over human beings is I established the habit of drifting. And then in this book, he goes on, he talks about people who are drifters and people who are non-drifters. And I started to read this and like, uh, as he's going through, like people that are drifters and like their tendencies and what they do and why they do and things like that, like I'd not resonate with that. And I didn't resonate honestly with the word, uh, non-drifting as well. And I was like, what's a word that like, I don't want to be a non-drifter. I want to be something more powerful, something more amazing. And so the phrase I started using about a year ago is like, I'm not a drifter, I'm driven. I'm someone who's driven. And so that's what this title of this presentation is, the drifter versus the driven.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Because you guys are here in a room of a whole bunch of driven people. And I'm curious, how many guys before you came here, there are friends, people you love, people you care about who are like, why are you going to this event? You're going to Florida to go talk about marketing with a bunch of nerds in a room for four days? How much did you spend over here, right? Right? Most of the people we love and we care about, they're not driven like we are. And they think that we're crazy. How many of us have someone who you love who thinks you're crazy for being here right now?
Starting point is 00:10:17 Okay. Okay. But we are the driven. We understand that we're a little bit crazy. We're a little bit different. Right? And so the first thing I want to talk about is this concept of drifting, because I want to make sure that we are careful that we don't become drifters, that we don't fall back into those ways.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Let's see. So throughout this weekend, you're going to hear a lot about this principle of the hero's journey. How many of you guys have heard about the hero's journey before? Okay. I'm going to talk about it. Bill Allen's going to talk about it a lot, I think, in two days from now, which is like, he's going to geek out with you guys and have so much fun. But the basis premise, for those who don't know, is throughout time, throughout history, throughout time, throughout every generation, every like cultural group around the world, when they went back and started studying everybody's stories and things like that, every story kind of followed the exact same story timeline, right? And Joseph Campbell was the first to kind of identify it.
Starting point is 00:11:05 He wrote a book called The Hero with a Thousand Faces that kind of mapped out like every hero and every journey, every single story followed the same process. After that, a whole bunch of other amazing people have taken it and figured out different ways to teach it. I taught a lot about it in the Expert Seekers book. But if you look at that, it's interesting because in every single journey, it starts with you, right?
Starting point is 00:11:25 You are this person. You are the hero, okay? You think of any book, any movie, any story, your story. The reason why you guys are here today, right? We all start and we start in this place called the ordinary world. That says ordinary world. I have a horrible handwriting. I apologize in advance.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But now there's the legend. That means ordinary world. So we start in this thing, right? We're in this ordinary world and we all want to achieve something. We have some dream, some vision, something we want to go for, right? We have this thing over here. This is this target we're going for. There's a target. We want to achieve this thing, right? It's the journey of achievement, right? We want to achieve this thing. And sometime in our life, we're sitting here and we're in our normal world. So for
Starting point is 00:11:59 all of you guys, your normal world is wherever you live, right? You're in your home. You're doing something, right? So you're comfortable. Everything's fine. Nothing's bad. But you're just like, I'm comfortable. And all of a sudden, you hear the call, okay? He calls it in a, they call it in the hero's journey, they call it the call to adventure, right? They hear this call to adventure. And the call happens. And all of a sudden, you're like, wait, what is that?
Starting point is 00:12:17 And you feel it. And it may not be an audible call, but you feel it. How many of you guys have felt that before? You felt that call of like, ah, I'm made for something more, right? I'm made for something great. And you feel that calling. And all of a sudden, if you look at the timeline of the hero's journey, what always happens is the hero hears the call to adventure, right?
Starting point is 00:12:31 And they get excited. They want to move forward. And then something happens. Immediately, every single time in every single story, throughout time, throughout history, throughout every single culture around the world, after they hear the call to adventure, the first thing that happens is the hero refuses the call.
Starting point is 00:12:44 No, no, no. No, I'm not ready for that. I'm not worthy for that. I look like I'm 11 years old. I'm scared to death. I talk too fast. I don't want to be on stage. It's like, I'm so introverted and scared. Like, no, no, no. I'll do anything but not that. I want to achieve that, but like, I'm not willing to do that. The first thing it hits every single time is the refusal to call. Right? And so this direction right here is faith. Like, oh, I'm going to do that, the first thing it hits every single time is refusal to call, right? And so this direction right here is faith, right? Oh, I'm going to do that thing. And also I'm going to hear the refusal to call, which is fear. And that fear hits us, right? Oh, I'm not ready. I'm not worthy. I don't know if I
Starting point is 00:13:16 can do this. I don't have the talents. I don't have the abilities. Like, what am I going to do, right? We have the refusal to call, okay? The difference between the driven and the drifters, the driven, in spite of that, they have the same fear, right? But instead, the refusal to call happens. They say, no, like, I'm going to do it. I feel I hear the calling so loud, so, like, it keeps happening. I keep hearing it. It's beating.
Starting point is 00:13:38 It's pulsing. I got to follow that thing, right? And so we go. We pursue it. And those who decide to not follow fear, we follow faith. These are the driven. These are the ones who are follow fear, we follow faith. These are the driven. These are the ones who are going and trying to achieve something. These are you guys here in this room today.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Okay? Can you give yourselves a round of applause for that? And so, yes. So that's where this whole thing begins with, okay? Those who drift, it's not because they're bad people. It's because they hear the call and they get scared. And the fear overcomes them. They don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:14:04 They stop. And they hold back. Right. Uh, Ryan Moran, uh, who owns, one of my friends, he said something so powerful one time he was trying to define what an entrepreneur was. And he said, an entrepreneur is somebody who decides to take personal responsibility for a problem that's not their own. It's that powerful, right? We hear this call. Like why? Like I think about man, like 20 years ago? Right? We hear this call, like, why? Like, I think about, man, like 20 years ago when I got started in this game, I was 20 years old. I didn't know anything about business or marketing. I had a, I shouldn't tell my, I have three of my kids here in this room, kids can cover yours. I had a cumulative 2.1 GPA in college. I was not smart by any stretch of
Starting point is 00:14:39 imagination. And all of a sudden one day, for some reason, I get excited by this nerdy thing called marketing. And there's this old guy with a faux manchu talking about these things. I'm like, what? And I got so excited about direct mail and marketing. And for some reason, I was interested in it. It's that call. That call to adventure. Why is this so fascinating to me?
Starting point is 00:14:58 I have no idea. But it was. I started learning and studying. I started geeking out. I started going deeper and deeper. And that's how it is for all of you guys. You hear that call, and all of a sudden, it doesn't make sense a lot of times at first. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:08 When I got started in this game, it didn't make any sense at all. I remember, in fact, I was going to tell about this a little bit later, but when I first got into the—oh, I'm going to come back to that because I don't want to miss it. Don't let me forget. So I'll come back to that because I don't want to miss it. Don't let me forget. So I'll come back. So this is interesting. This is what the devil said back to Napoleon Hill. He asked him, he said, what is a drifter?
Starting point is 00:15:32 What does that mean? It's the drifter is someone who accepts whatever life throws in his way. He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends most of his time getting just that. Okay, the opposite of that, the driven, like we know what we want. We have definite purpose. Like that's the thing I want. That's the goal I'm going for. That's what I'm moving towards, right?
Starting point is 00:15:47 We know what that thing is. You guys don't be in this room if you didn't know something. Like I want something different. I want something more. Maybe you don't know exactly what it is yet. Be like, man, whatever these people in this room have, I want that. I want to experience. I want to feel that, right?
Starting point is 00:15:58 And so you have a direction, motion. You're moving forward, which is unique, which is different than most people. Okay. Hey, funnel hackers. I want to talk about building your business. You've got the idea, the passion, the drive, but here's the thing. Setting up the legal stuff can feel like a total roadblock. That's why you need Northwest registered agent. They're like the dream team for business formation, which is 10 clicks in 10 minutes. You can build your entire business identity.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'm talking about formation paperwork, a real business address, premium mail forwarding, and even a local phone number so you can keep your home address private and stay safe. And it doesn't stop there. Northwest is your one-stop shop for business owners. They've been doing this for nearly 30 years, and they've got the expertise to back it up. From trademark registration to custom domains, Northwest does it all, and they do it right. You get more when you start your business with Northwest Registered Agent. Don't wait. Protect your privacy, build your brand, and set up your business in just 10 clicks in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Head to Northwest Registered Agent today and start building something amazing. All right, funnel hackers, listen up. It's 2025, and let me ask you, are your B2B ads actually driving results, or are they getting lost in the noise? You and I both know the pain of running campaigns that fall flat because they aren't seen by the right people. But here's the game changer. LinkedIn ads. LinkedIn isn't just
Starting point is 00:17:09 another ad platform. It's the place where professionals live. I'm talking about the decision makers you dream about working with CEOs, VP, C-suite powerhouses, 130 million of them all in one place. And LinkedIn gives you the laser sharp targeting to reach them by job title, company, and even industry. Imagine how your business could scale if your message hits the right inboxes every time. Now, here's the kicker. LinkedIn delivers up to five times higher ROAS than other platforms. Yeah, you heard me right.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Five times more return on every ad dollar. And that's because LinkedIn's professional environment is made for people who actually take action. This isn't where people scroll mindlessly. This is where they're making decisions. So stop playing small because it's time to level up. Start converting your B2B audience into high quality leads today. And to get started, LinkedIn is offering you a hundred dollar credit for your next campaign. Go to slash clicks to claim your credit. That's slash clicks. Terms and conditions may apply. LinkedIn is the place to be, to be. So faith versus fear. This is the next piece be to be so faith versus fear this is
Starting point is 00:18:05 the next piece of the puzzle so you have each of you guys here you have the drifter you have the driven right and then uh this is you as a person like i said every single day you have this this ability right to choose to move forward in Like, and faith is a fascinating thing. With faith, you don't know what the answer is. You don't know where you're going to go. Like how many of you guys got in this business? Like, I know exactly what I'm going to do. I know exactly how I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:32 None of us do, right? We just have a goal. We have a vision. We have a thing we want to accomplish. Then you start going like, I hope we figure this out somewhere before I run out of money. Before I get tired. Before like my, my spouse kicks me out. I'm trying to figure this out.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like you're moving forward in faith because we don't know what it is yet. We're moving as best we can. So the driven move forward in faith, the drifters, they stop, they get paralyzed with fear. Okay. Said in another way, those who are the driven are those who act.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And those who are drifters are people who are acted upon. Okay. I want to be someone who is, someone who acts people who are acted upon. Okay? I want to be someone who is, someone who acts. Now, it's interesting, if you look at this, it doesn't matter which direction you go. As you start doing either of these things over and over again, if you start moving forward in faith consistently over and over and over again,
Starting point is 00:19:20 you're going to develop a pattern of moving forward in faith. If you start choosing fear over and over and over again, you start building a pattern of fear. Okay? Napoleon Hill called this hypnotic rhythm. He said, if you're going here, you start building things like hypnotic rhythm. It's like a, almost like a whirlpool. You get stuck in this thing, right? It's like a tractor out in the field. And it's going around. It's getting, it's in the mud with this big tires. It's building these ruts and ruts get deeper and deeper and deeper. And eventually it's hard to get out of it. Right. But same thing's true. If you're over here moving
Starting point is 00:19:44 forward faith, you start building these patterns that go over and over and over again, and you're able to move forward and to be someone who's driven. Right. And so it doesn't matter which direction you're going, you're getting these rhythms, either positive rhythms or negative rhythms. And it all comes off of like, what is the thing we're choosing at? Which direction are we going? Okay. And so, um, I want to talk about this because so many times in my life and your life, like we have this opportunity. This is us every single day, right? We're here and an option comes to us. Do I show up? Do I not show up? Right? Do I choose faith? Do I choose fear? This is not something you pick once and that's the
Starting point is 00:20:13 pattern for your life. You pick it over and over and over again until it becomes hypnotic, until it becomes something that's part of you, right? That's not going away. I started thinking about just different times in my life where I was scared, right? Where I heard the calling, do this thing, and all of a sudden I got the refusal to call. Like, no, you're not good enough, Russell. Like, oh no, I know, but like, I feel like I need to do this thing. Yep, you're not ready. You're not worthy. You're not like all the things. Like, I know, I know, but like, I want that thing really, really bad. And so I decided to move forward in faith, okay? The first time in my life that I can say that this actually happened to me,
Starting point is 00:20:42 because I literally was a drifter my entire life until eighth grade, when my dad convinced me to go into wrestling. And I started wrestling, and very quickly I found out that I loved it. I wanted to do it. And I remember after my first year, I told all the guys on my team, I said, I'm going to be a state champion. I'm going to be a state champ. And they all started laughing at me.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Like, dude, you're like the worst on the team. You're not going to be a state champ. I'm like, yeah, I am. Like, no, you're not. And they made fun of me, and they teased me, and they mocked me, and they beat me up over and over and over and over again but I was like
Starting point is 00:21:07 that's the goal that's where I'm going so I kept moving forward with faith moving forward with faith and eventually the people who beat me up I got better
Starting point is 00:21:11 and I got better eventually I was able to get a spot where I could beat them and I could beat the other people and eventually I became a state champ thank you
Starting point is 00:21:18 I say that knowing that in a few minutes now you guys are going to have a chance to literally hear from the greatest wrestler of all time here on the stage, which I'm like still flipping out excited by. One of our guest speakers who, anyway, we're going to do simulator, but it's going to be amazing. But I started thinking about other parts and times in my life where the same thing kind of happened, right? In fact, the very first time I came to a seminar like this, Armand Morin's big seminar.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I know yesterday at dinner, I saw three or four people were at that seminar with me. How many of you guys were at Armand's old big seminar with me the very first time I was there? It was like three of you guys here. So I go to the seminar. I'm an internet nerd. So I'm behind my computer, my laptop, like just doing my thing. And there's all these people coming in. They're excited and people are on stage talking and speaking and selling. And I remember seeing the very first person on stage. They did their presentation. They sold something. And I watched people run to the back of the room with their credit cards, like throwing credit cards in the back and signing things up. And I was like, what just happened? And I was doing the math, counting the people in the back
Starting point is 00:22:11 of the room. I was like two, I think they sold a $2,000 package. I was doing the math two, four, six, eight, 10, 12. And when all of a sudden it was like, they got me like 60 or $70,000 in 90 minutes. I was like, okay, that was really, really cool. But like, you know, I'm, I'm an internet guy. I don't really care. Next guy got on stage. Name is John Childers. He's a public speech, public speaking, uh, coach. And, uh, he sold the $5,000 package and I watched people run the back room by his and same thing. I was in 5,010, 23. And I was like, he made $150,000 in an hour. And I was just blown away. And this is this call saying, Russell, like that's going to be used someday. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I don't do stages. I sit behind computers. I don't see anybody I can hide from them. I'm really introverted, awkward. Like, no, I don't do that. And it's like, no, this is going to be you. I'm like, no, no. I remember going back home.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And I was like, I can't get that thought out of my head of like, dude, some human being who is just like me, who put on pants just like I did and shirt just like I did, got on stage, spoke for 90 minutes, and made $150,000. It was such a big, in my head, it would not go away. It kept going over and over. I said, okay, I'm going to go speak on some seminar stages.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But guess what? In my head, I'm like, Russell, you're not good enough. You're not ready. You're not worthy. And guess what is interesting? That voice is actually right. It wasn't. Nobody would invite me.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And so I was like, well, if no one's going to invite me. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to build my own stage. And so, uh, so what I decided to do back then is, um, I, my local Boise, Idaho, I rented a holiday in, we ran radio ads saying, come learn from internet marketing nerd, Russell Brunson. He's going to be doing this thing at holiday in. We're gonna teach you about how to build businesses. And I was so excited. And I remember hearing the radio ads running. I'm like, I'm on the radio. This is the coolest thing in the world. And they had to call a phone number to reserve their seat. And we got a bunch of people who called and reserved their seat. And then the day the event was happening. And I think like Brent was there.
Starting point is 00:23:58 A couple of people from our team were there way back in the day. And we had, I think it was like a hundred people at RSVP to be in the room. And so we were like getting everything ready. And we had, I think it was like 100 people at RSVP to be in the room. And so we were like getting everything ready. And I had my, you know, back then I would wear a suit and tie because I thought that's what business people did. And I was all prepared and ready. And we had like the table in the rooms. I was going to sell something in the back. But everything figured out. I do my little, you know, get all ready. And then people were showing up. And then finally I come out. And it's before we had, you know, screens and backstage. So I walk out to welcome everybody. And guess what? Two people were in the room.
Starting point is 00:24:27 One was in, like, third row over here, and one was in, like, the 50th row back there. I was like, oh, man. Okay. And all I wanted to do was to run away. Fear was yelling at me. Ha, told you so. You're not good enough. You're not smart enough.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Nobody wants to hear you. Nobody cares about funnels. No matter how excited you are, the world does not care. I was like, but I care. I said, you know what? I'm going to go in and just do my best. I'm going to serve these two people. And so these people had a personal seminar for me one-on-one where I was just going crazy. And I think they looked at me like, this guy is crazy. Like he is so excited about this weird thing. Um, but that was the first time I think most people would have quit after that. But I was like, you know what? This is like, this is not about them.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Like, this is my passion. Like, I love this. I feel like if I keep talking and I keep talking, I keep talking, eventually more people will show up. And so we tried it again. Next time, 10 people show up. We did it again. 50 people show up. Eventually got to a hundred people showed up. Right. Today I'm looking in the room. There's like over 5,000 people of you here in the room. Like it's crazy, right? Like this is true in anything in life, you guys. You've probably heard this before. It says that God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called, right? Your job is not to say, oh, I'm ready for this. Like, you're not going to be ready for it, okay? When we built ClickFunnels 1.0, Todd and I, eight years ago, sitting in a room,
Starting point is 00:25:39 neither of us were qualified to do it, okay? Todd's a great programmer, but he had never built a site that was going to house 100,000 plus people's websites. We're gonna show you some stats here in a minute. It's insane. You see how much volume you guys put through this. Like he wasn't ready for that. In fact, it's crazy. After we launched ClickFunnels, first thing is that we, we set a launch date because I was like, if we don't pick a date, we're never going to launch this. We picked a launch date. We got everybody involved. We did this big launch. And the night before the launch, Todd and Dylan at the time were in their coding and they're like, hey, just so you know, software's not ready. I was like, what? Because the launch is tomorrow. Like, yeah, it's probably not ready yet. It's like, well, like it's going live tomorrow. Everybody's sending emails. It has to be live. They're like,
Starting point is 00:26:18 okay, well, I have an idea. Dylan had this idea. He's like, what if instead of launching the entire software to everybody right now, what if we do a reverse launch? I'm like, what's a reverse launch? Tell me about this. He's like, well, instead we just give them day one, they get logged into the software and they can like look at it. And then we'll each day finish a feature and give them that feature next. I was like, do you think that'll work? He's like, I don't know. Like, well, do we have any other options? Like, no. I'm like, okay, so here we go. So we did the launch. Everyone logs in and click funnels. Like, so what is this? We're like, well well it's a shell right now but eventually there's gonna be this really cool software you can build funnels with and todd's back there coding like crazy and also
Starting point is 00:26:51 like the next night like midnight is like feature one's done it's in there so we emailed a little list like guess what feature one's open like log in you can see the first thing and people logged in like cool like but how do you build funnels like well that that's coming it'll be here like your name is literally click funnels like i know I know. We'll get there. Like, just go use the thing. And then poor Todd's, like, drinking Red Bulls. And like, you can't go to sleep, Todd, because we need another feature by tomorrow. And every day, him and Dylan would sit there, and they'd get another feature, and we'd launch the next one, and the next one. And they'd just crank this thing out.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And over, like, a two-week period of time, we had ClickFunnels. It was crazy to go through the experience, right? But even then, like, it wasn't perfect. Todd told me, and he's like, this version of ClickFunnels will hold about 10,000 people. And then we'll probably have to change, I don't know, databases or structure or something really smart. I was like, okay, I don't know what that means, but I'm going to go sell some. So I'm out there selling like crazy. And how many of you guys have been here since year number one?
Starting point is 00:27:37 Okay. So for year number one, as it got bigger and bigger, we got to the point where we had almost 10,000 members. All of a sudden things started going weird. Like the software would go out and then different issues would happen and then things were happening. And I was literally with my family flying to London to go speak at an event to tell people in Europe how great ClickFunnels was
Starting point is 00:27:54 and as I'm in the air, ClickFunnels goes down. And when I land in London and I get the internet hooked on my phone, my phone starts blowing up. And it's crazy. All these people who like seven or eight hours earlier when I was in New York flying away, they all love me. Russell, you're the greatest. We're building funnels. You're the greatest person in the world. You changed our whole lives. This is so awesome. Those same people
Starting point is 00:28:15 when I landed in London had literal death threats in my messenger. I'm going to kill you, Russell. My ads have been running for four hours and sites down. You owe me $10,000. Like not one or two, like hundreds of people. I was like, oh, I call Todd. I'm like, what's going on? He's like, yeah, ClickFunnels is down. If we're able to get it back up. And all I heard was the word if. And I'm like, okay, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Fear starts freaking out. Like Russell, run. You're in Europe. Nobody will know. Never come back. Start a new life with your family. It's going to be amazing, right? And that's what I wanted to do. And I'm like, oh no, no. Like, but like we didn't have that option,
Starting point is 00:28:49 right? So it's like, okay, do we act or we acted upon? I'm going to act. What are we going to do? I don't know. I'm scared to death. These people are going to hate me. They do hate me. They're really mad at me right now. And so we went and clicked live on Facebook and our click funnels grew back. And they said, Hey guys, this is the deal. We messed up and it's embarrassing and we're down and it's not okay. And I'm angry. Todd's angry. We're all angry. We're trying to fix it. We apologize. We're figuring a way to not make this happen again, but we are so sorry. We're trying to figure it out. I'm as mad as you are. And I understand you guys upset at me. And instead of like hiding, like I wanted to do like every part of me wanted to do, we just faced it. Um, it was crazy as the next day they got a software
Starting point is 00:29:23 back up. We changed databases and disaster averted, but it was crazy as the next day they got a software back up we changed databases and disaster averted but it was crazy because over that period of time i thought for sure like we'd lose half the customers and we didn't uh we lost very very few customers it was amazing and i think most people told me later it's like because you didn't hide because you came out and told us we were going to stick with you through all of it and it was amazing um but it comes yeah it comes back to it comes back to that over and over and over again. And the one last story about this with faith and fear, like two years ago, and we told you guys this story last year for those of you guys who were here.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Two years ago, Todd and I had the opportunity to be done. We got a really good offer. We could have washed our hands and sold ClickFunnels and been done. But as we looked at it, honestly, like this was the reason that was driving that entire decision. It was fear.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Fear that like maybe we couldn't do what we needed to do with the next step. Maybe we couldn't figure out the next things. Maybe, like, a million different ideas. And we had this amazing option where we could be done and retire and, like, just be done. But, man, as we sat there in his lake house in Georgia sitting there, like, what do we do? What do we do? Like, this was the thing that kept pulsing. It was this call.
Starting point is 00:30:20 It was, like, move forward with faith. Like, no, you guys can do this. Like, but we don't know how. We're not ready. Like, for us to do that, like, we literally have, can't pay ourselves or, excuse me, most executives on our team for two years if we're going to do that. And we're like, all right, I'm not going to lie. We thought it was going to be a year. Ended up being two years. But we decided to move forward in faith and to create ClickFunnels 2.0,
Starting point is 00:30:43 which, by the way, all y'all who are in the room today and tomorrow are going to get access by tomorrow. Are you guys excited for that? As long as Todd tells me that's true, I think it will. Whoever you are, admit it, he'll tell me. But that's the game plan. So Napoleon Hill, in Outweighing the Devil, he says something cool. He said, you're entitled to know that two entities occupy your body. One of these entities is motivated in response to the impulse of fear
Starting point is 00:31:10 and the other one responds to the impulse of faith. And for us, every single day, it's a choice. They're both there. And the more you choose this over and over consistently, the more it creates this pattern. It gets easier and easier and easier. Okay, that's the difference between the driven and the drifters.
Starting point is 00:31:26 The driven are those who choose faith. Okay, so the question again for you is, will you be guided towards faith or allow fear to overtake you? Okay, so let's talk about the driven now. One of my favorite things about what we do, and it's funny, like two minutes before I came on stage, we heard you guys going crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Todd's back there and he said, this is insane. He's like, I thought we were just building websites. I thought we were building software. He said, I had no idea this is what was going to happen. And what's fun for me is I feel like that what we do here at ClickFunnels is that our calling is we were called to serve the driven. And I got a message here, and I hope Annie doesn't mind me reading this, but she voxed this to me like three or four days ago when there was so much chaos coming into this event, stress, anxiety, all the things that happened.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And she voxed me this, and it changed everything for me. But, man, it also helped put in perspective why we do what we do. And I wanted – you guys cool if I read this real quick? So this is what Annie said. And for those who don't know Annie Grace, by the way, she's right here. She's amazing. What Annie does, her whole mission, she helps people break the chains of alcohol addiction in families. It's one of the most amazing, like she's an amazing person. What she does is so powerful. And so that gives you context of kind of this message she sent
Starting point is 00:32:43 me, which by the way, thank you for like timing was impeccable. Okay. So she said, good morning. You were on my mind. When I first came to FHL 2017, I had no idea the cost of live events to the person who's on stage, especially the cost of people like us who are reluctant to be on stage in the first place. Ironically, most people in the audience actually think, oh, that's lucky. I'm not, that must be nice. Anyway, I've hosted a few of my own much smaller, and I now know know the cost. You have to give so much. Push right against the edge of what you think you can give. So I just wanted to say that you are amazing. It was that single FHL 2017 event. I didn't even have a ClickFunnels account yet. I just felt God nudged me towards being there in Dallas. It changed everything. Your sacrifice of doing what is so hard, of pushing yourself beyond
Starting point is 00:33:20 what is reasonable for a person or the world to ask of someone has made all the difference for me, for us. We as a family are changed. There's real freedom in what your dedication to your mission helps me to do. Innumerable dads are not able to read bedtime stories to their kids instead of yelling them before passing out drunk. There are real people who are alive today who would not be, thousands of them. Real families where the curses of alcohol addiction, the devil, have now been broken for generations. Real women and children who are not getting hit or worse. Real rapes that are not happening. Sorry to be so blunt, but what you helped me do in the world is on the edge of the battle of good and evil.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And Russell, as you go next week, please hear me when I tell you that you are amazing. You are doing his work at the highest level. He is so proud. And we'll be in the audience every moment grateful for you. And your entire family who allowed you to change the world in a beautiful and unique way that only you can. That's one person in this room, you guys. Like, I literally have no interest in any of you guys making money. I could not care less. Like, that is not my goal. And hopefully you guys know that. We talk about money. We talk about awards, but I've been called to serve the driven. And the reason why is because I know what the driven can do. I know what entrepreneurs like you guys can do. One person, Annie Grace, who hears the calling, who doesn't
Starting point is 00:34:33 shrink in fear. She steps up in faith against an insurmountable like foe to go out to battle every single day and change the world her own way. Like the fact that we get to be a little piece in that and help her to magnify her message, like is like like i've dreamt for a million years and that's what i want for all of you guys as well like every single one of you guys have something there's some group of people you've been called to serve someone's life you've been called to change and we can be a little piece in that mission to give you like the tool the idea the technique like something to help get your mission and your message out to more people then everything we've done here at click funnels like that's what matters okay um i guess guess that we're less interested in how much money you make and more interested on how
Starting point is 00:35:08 you're able to serve the people you've been called to serve. Okay? The driven people, they feel something. I know you guys feel that. That's why you're here, right? They feel something. In the Bible, in the book of Proverbs, it says, without a vision, the people perish. You guys are the ones with the vision. That's why you're here. You've seen something different. That's why you showed up here. Okay? The people who haven't seen that, they're not here. They're waiting for people like you guys to step up and be the leaders. Okay? Hey, funnel hackers.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Let me paint you a picture. You're running a business. Your funnel is finally converting like crazy and suddenly it hits you. You need to hire someone like yesterday. Maybe it's a copywriter to help you crank out more sales pages or a designer to refresh your landing pages or someone to do customer support to help you to handle your growing audience. The problem is you're swamped and you don't have weeks to shift through resumes. So what do you do? You turn to Indeed. When it comes to hiring, Indeed is all
Starting point is 00:35:58 that you need. They make it fast, simple, and super effective. Stop struggling to get your job seen on those other job sites that bury your listing. With Indeed's sponsored jobs, your post jumps straight to the top of the page so that the right candidates see it first. It's just like pulling your job out on a billboard for the exact person you need to hire. And it works. Sponsored jobs on Indeed get 45% more application than non-sponsored jobs. Now here's the best part. With Indeed, there's no monthly subscription, no long-term contracts. You only pay for results. And let me tell you how fast this platform is. Literally in the time that we've been talking right now, 23 people have been hired on Indeed worldwide. Imagine finding your dream hire while your competitors are still waiting through job
Starting point is 00:36:37 boards and job boards that don't deliver. So here's what you need to do right now. Go to slash clicks right now and get a $75 sponsored job credit board to boost your post visibility. That's slash clicks. Support the show, save time, and find your next hire faster. Remember, when it comes to hiring, Indeed is all that you need. Hey, funnel hackers, let's be real. How many of you have forgotten about subscriptions and you keep paying for these things month after month after month? That was my wife and I before Rocket Money came along. Literally a couple months ago, we downloaded this app
Starting point is 00:37:08 and within minutes, we found out a whole bunch of subscriptions. In fact, we had multiple Hulu payments, multiple Disney payments from accounts that my wife had set up and I had set up and we weren't even using one of them. It was crazy, okay? Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps you to find and cancel your unwanted subscriptions. It monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so you can grow your savings. Rocket Money showed us where all of our
Starting point is 00:37:27 subscriptions were in one place. In fact, it was crazy how many recurring payments we had that we had completely forgotten about. With just a couple of clicks, Rocket Money canceled the ones we didn't need. And the best part is they even monitor unusual spending activity and they alert us if our bills increase. So I'm always in the loop. Rocket Money has over 5 million users, including my wife and I, and has saved a total of over $500 million in canceled subscriptions, saving members up to $740 per year when using all of the app's premium features. In fact, my wife and I, we literally saved over a thousand dollars a month when we started using Rocket App. Now their dashboard is amazing and you get a clear view of all your expenses across every
Starting point is 00:38:01 account you have. You can even create a personalized budget with custom categories and track your monthly spending trends to stay on top of your goals. You want to save for that dream vacation or pay off some debt? Their new goals feature automatically saves money for you so you don't even have to think about it. So cancel all your unwanted subscriptions and reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money. Go to slash Russell today. That's slash R-U-S-S-E-L-L. That's slash Russell today. That's slash R U S S E L L. That's slash Russell. Um, at FHL Orlando, we made this little video and, um, we showed it on stage and we never showed it since then. And I, and as I was preparing this presentation, I found it again. I was like, I want to show this again. So those who are in Orlando, like five
Starting point is 00:38:41 years ago, sorry, I showed this once, but this is the video we created to show during that event that really illustrates who you guys are as The Driven. So with that said, check out this quick video. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes the ones who see things differently
Starting point is 00:39:09 they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo you can quote them disagree with them glorify or vilify them about the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some might see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.
Starting point is 00:39:54 All right, so this is an identity I want to give all of you guys today. I need everybody to stand up with me real quick. Everybody stand up. I want you to touch your chest and you repeat these words. Say, I am driven. I am driven. Again, louder. I am driven.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I am driven. Say it one more time. I am driven. I am driven. One more time. I am driven. I am driven. All right, you guys.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You're the driven. All right. Okay, you can sit back down. So, the driven. I want to talk about this. A couple things you need to know on this journey. Okay? My whole goal is to show you guys where you're at, where you're going, and what to prepare for.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Because this mission is not slowing down for any of you guys. Okay? The world's getting crazy, and we need you. We need the driven to step up, to change the world, and keep it from going to chaos. The first thing I want to talk about, coming back to the hero's two journeys. And we talked about this a little earlier. So here's you. You are this hero.
Starting point is 00:40:51 You are in this ordinary world, right? And you're going on this mission. You have this thing you want to achieve. You have this thing you want to accomplish. You may not know exactly what it is yet, okay? So because of that, we've tried to make it easy. That's one of the biggest reasons, excuse me, one of the biggest reasons why we do the Tucoma Club Award
Starting point is 00:41:04 and the Tu Hard Award, all the big awards, the bootstrapped award, all the awards we'll be giving out over the next few days is because some of you guys don't know exactly what that is yet. You're like, I feel a pull. I feel a tug. I don't know what it is. So I'm going to make it tangible. Like, there's an award.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Okay? If you start pursuit of that award, you start running towards that award, you're going to start learning all the things you need to learn to be able to become who you're supposed to be. Okay? So you're going to go on this journey. Okay? And here, Pierre, this is the big award you want. This is the journey of achievement.
Starting point is 00:41:27 There's a flag. And then there's going to be this huge, long journey for you to go, right? You're going to go on this, this journey. And eventually as you go through this path, you're going to achieve something amazing. Now, like I said earlier, I don't really care if you guys make a ton of money or not. I don't care if you're too calm or not like that's great. There's a goal. There's something to work towards. Okay. When I was wrestling, I wanted to be the best in the world. I want to be national champ. I never actually achieved that. In high school, I took second in the nation, which is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I'm not going to lie. But I never, I never actually my goals. But it doesn't matter. How many of you haven't seen Rocky part one? Rocky didn't beat Apollo Creed, right? He, with all his heart, he pursued this thing. He never actually achieved it. But guess what did happen?
Starting point is 00:42:01 On this journey, they call this the hero's two journeys because there's actually two journeys. The journey that all of us are pursuing, that the audience is aware. You're watching a movie, you know the Lightning McQueen's trying to win the Piston Cup. You know what Shrek's trying to do. You know what Bilbo Baggins and Frodo. And you know, like, you see the outward journey, right? This is the thing that everybody's aware of is this journey of achievement. But if the story is told correctly, the second journey is the journey of transformation. This is the who you become. This is a much more powerful, more important. This is the only journey I actually care about for you guys. Okay. And hopefully you achieve your dreams, your wants, your goals. But
Starting point is 00:42:37 if you become someone different, become someone better on the journey, that's all that really matters to me and to the rest of the ClickFunnels community. Like that is the key. Okay. And I got a secret for you guys. You've actually already been on this journey. That's why you're actually here. You know that? Some of you guys are like, I'm starting my hero's journey. No, no, no, no, no. The first journey you already did. If you actually read the hero's journey, at the end of the journey, guess what the hero does? The hero accomplishes this thing and then he returns back to the ordinary world with the elixir. There's an elixir. They accomplish the thing and they come back to the ordinary world and then
Starting point is 00:43:13 they start the second journey. Okay. The reason why you guys are in this room is because you've already accomplished something, right? You did something. I'm guessing most of you guys, I look at, you know, the funnel hackers off my head, like Kaylin Poland, right? Kaylin went through her journey, lost a whole bunch of weight, right? She did the hero's journey. She achieved what she wanted to. She transformed. She became someone different.
Starting point is 00:43:30 But then she didn't stop, okay? She returned with the elixir. She came back to the ordinary world. And then she changed hundreds of thousands of women's lives with what she knew. That's the second journey. This is the journey I care about. This first journey right here, this is the journey of growth, okay? This is the first hero's journey.
Starting point is 00:43:44 But I'm guessing most of you guys have gone on this. You've become someone already. That's why you're here. You know you've is the journey of growth. Okay? This is the first hero's journey. But I'm guessing most of you guys have gone on this. You've become someone already. That's why you're here. You know you've got something inside of you. You wouldn't have been here, right? Like, man, I have this talent, this hobby, this thing that I know I can change the lives of other people. I just have to get it out there. I'm going to Funnel Hacking Live because that's what they do there. They take people who are driven, who have gifts, and they help them to magnify their callings. That's exactly what's happening here. Okay? So my guess is you've already been on this thing. You've accomplished something. You've had some growth and now you're
Starting point is 00:44:06 here today because you're going on the second journey. The second journey is the one that I care about. This is the journey of contribution. I think that's my next slide. There we go. The journey of contribution. Now the journey of contribution looks very similar. Okay. Cause you're all starting out here. You're smiling. You're still over here. You've got this result you want to get. This is result. That's supposed're still over here. You've got this result you want to get. This is a result. That's supposed to be a flag. And there's this huge journey, right?
Starting point is 00:44:29 You're back in your ordinary world. The difference is this time, it's not just you. This time, you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders because you feel called. How many of you guys feel that? Right? It's heavy. The mantle is heavy. Just so you guys know, if you're like, oh, I'm gonna make a whole bunch of money, life's gonna be easy. No, no, no, no. Not if you do it the way
Starting point is 00:44:49 that we want to do it, okay? There's ways to make money easy, okay? There's gambling, there's cheating, there's like, but the way where you're trying to pursue something and change somebody's life, like, it's heavy. Like, I'm taking the entire responsibility, like, I literally, like, if you guys knew how much effort I put into serving you guys, and I don't have to, like, I love it, but I don't have to. But man, I feel this calling. It's a constant and consistent. People are having to understand, like, why don't you stop? Why don't you slow down? Like, because these are my people. Like, I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders because I want to get you your result. And so I'm gonna keep trying to figure out things. We're gonna spend more time on software. I'm gonna do better training, bigger fun, hiking lives, more
Starting point is 00:45:22 events, more products, more solid, like whatever we can do to solve the problems, make your job easier so that you can go on this journey. That's the key. Cause your second journey, you are carrying the market that you've been called to serve. You're taking them on this journey with you. Okay. And hopefully you got goals. Your goal right here might be a two comma club award. Okay. It might be two comma club X. Maybe it's a two hard award. We want to give a million dollars to charity. I don't care, but you got something you're, you're striving towards. And as you go on this journey, the second time you're going to transform again, this is amazing. So this is the heroes to journey heroes to journey. This time's all about contribution. Take a picture. I miss
Starting point is 00:45:55 a few notes. Just kidding. It says contribution there. Okay. And so that's the second journey I want to talk about. That's the one that we're here today is to take you guys, because I know all of you guys are heavy. You're like, you have that calling, you have that answer. You're holding the entire way of the world on your shoulders. The people, you know, you've been called to serve. So our job at ClickFunnels is to make that law, like to make that job easier for you, to give you the tools and the things you need to be more successful. Okay. Um, okay. Now a couple of things is when you go on the second journey, as I was kind of preparing this, there were like three core things that popped out at me, like things that make this hard or to make it scary or to make a shift a lot of times from faith back
Starting point is 00:46:29 into fear. Okay. It's easier to like step back. Right. And so you start going like, I'm going to do this. You start moving forward. You're like, oh, it's heavy. Oh, this is awesome. And you're like, oh, can I do this? And you're like, oh, that fear being a drifter sounds really easy. Like, I don't have to do this. Like, what if I just set it down and then like came back over here and drifted. Right. Like you've read Alice shrugged. That's the end of the book. Like all the producers who are holding the weight of the world on their shoulder, they shrug and they walk back and they go back. And I don't want that. I want to support you guys who are holding the weight of the world on your shoulder. That's my goal. That's my mission, right? And so you have this thing. And so there were three things I wrote down.
Starting point is 00:46:58 There's three things that if people understood, I think it'll make this weight lighter for you guys. Okay. So the first one I talk about, it's called stewardship. There you go. My writing gets worse and worse. And this is day one, hour one. Can you imagine by Friday, Saturday, what's it going to look like? Okay. Number one is stewardship. I am a big, big believer that, um, so many of you guys come into this world and you're like, all right, I'm going to win $10 million. I'm going to win this award. I'm going to do all sorts of things. I'm going to build my version of ClickFunnels, right? You come in with that. You have to understand that like that fear of saying you're not ready, you're not worthy yet
Starting point is 00:47:38 is true to a point, right? You're not. That's why you have to step forward in faith and start learning things. And what's going to happen is you start pursuing, you start moving forward in faith. God's going to give you an idea. Okay. And the first idea is not going to be like, you should go build ClickFunnels. You should build eBay. You should build this thing called Amazon. Like that's not the first idea. The first idea is the little one. Cause it's like, I wonder if Russell's going to be a good steward of ideas. I'm going to give him an idea. And so I was sitting there, my college dorm, working on some stuff. Uh, and I'll have an idea for this thing. And my very first idea was this thing called Zip Brander. How many of you guys are my Zip Brander customers in here?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Seriously? There's like three or four people that bought Zip Brander. Dude, that's amazing. I was in college. Like that's, I was like a sophomore in college. That was my, even pre-Potato Gun. My very first idea was called Zip Brander. I created that thing.
Starting point is 00:48:21 We launched it to the world. I sold like 30 of them. It was amazing. Right? Changed my life. It was like, this actually works. People bought stuff from me to the world. I sold like 30 of them. It was amazing, right? Changed my life. It actually, it was like, this actually works. People bought stuff from me on the internet. This is great.
Starting point is 00:48:30 That was my first idea, right? And guess what? As good of an idea as I thought it was at the time, it was not that good of an idea, but it was an idea. And so God gave me an idea. He said, I wonder if Russell will be a good steward of this idea. And he gave me the idea and watched and said, oh, he did something with it.
Starting point is 00:48:41 He didn't shrink in fear. He stepped forward in faith and did something with it. Okay, I can trust him. I'm going to give him a little better idea. And he gave me the next idea. Try this one out. I want to see what he's going to do with it. Is didn't shrink in fear. He stepped forward in faith and did something with it. Okay, I can trust him. I'm going to give him a little better idea. And he gave me the next idea. Try this one out. I want to see what he's going to do with it. So is he going to handle it or not?
Starting point is 00:48:52 I start going forward and I did it or I didn't, right? And then we do the next one and the next one. And he gives us stewardship of these ideas to see what we're going to do with it. Like, are you going to do something with it? And if you keep doing that, keep doing that, eventually he gives you better and better ideas, bigger and bigger opportunities. Okay. And that's what you have to understand. It's interesting if you read
Starting point is 00:49:07 the parable in the Bible, the parable of the talents. It's one of the most interesting stories in the Bible. So the master comes and he has three servants and he gives one servant five talents. Second one he gives two talents and third he gives one talent. He says, go and do something with this. I'm going to see if you're a good steward of this
Starting point is 00:49:23 stuff and then come back and report back. So they go out there, they do their things. And the guy who gets five talents, he goes and invests talents or money. He takes the money, invests it, comes back and makes, I think he comes back with 10. And the next guy with two goes back, invests, it comes back with four. And the person that had one was like, oh, I don't want to lose this. So we went and buried and hid it. And so the master comes back. He's like, hey, what'd you guys do? And the first guy's like, hey, I took the five, turned to 10. He's like, oh, you're a good steward of ideas. Cool. You can have everything I have. He says, well done, my good and faithful servant. Thou has been faithful over a few things.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I will make thee ruler over many things. You are a good steward of your ideas. I will give you more. Then he goes back to the one who hid the talent and said, what'd you do with it? It's like, well, I hid it. I didn't want to break it or lose it, or I just kind of hid it over here. Okay. He literally says in the scripture, it says, I was afraid and I went and I hid the talent in the earth. What did the master tell him? It wasn't very good for him. He said, take it from him and give it to the person who's a good steward. I mean, you guys have ever had an idea for something. Oh, it's going to be cool. I'm going to do it. And then you didn't do it. And then later you saw someone else do it. Like, oh, I had that idea. Yeah, I bet you did. Fidget spinners. Fidget spinners were the one.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay? It's interesting, right? Okay, ideas come and go. We have a million ideas, but the question is, are you going to be a good steward of the ideas when they come? Okay?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Because on this journey, you're going to pick up the way of the world because you're like, I'm going to change the world with what I got and you're going to start moving this thing. And he's like, all right, we're going to see if Russell actually, how much has he bought into this?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Is he going to do it? He's saying he's driven. He stood up and said it. I'm driven. Is he? Or is he going to be a drifter? I'm going to test him. Here's an idea. And he sees what happens. Wow. He just gets through that one. Let me give him another one. I'm going to give him another one. I'm going to give him another one. Okay. Three years ago, FHL, I showed you guys, I mean, I just remember this. I showed every funnel I'd built before ClickFunnels. 150 funnels. Not that I like built in an account. 150 funnels I had created and designed, build a
Starting point is 00:51:05 product for, wrote copy for, and launched into the internet. 150 funnels before we built ClickFunnels. Okay. It wasn't one, wasn't two. People are like, where else, when's my ClickFunnels going to come about? Well, you got some work to do. Create a funnel, then another one. No, but I tried a funnel, it didn't work, Russell. You said it's one funnel away. That's a big scam. No, I just said it's the first funnel, right? Do it and then do it again and do it again and do it again. And eventually, if you are consistent, then you'll get the idea. And God's like, all right, he's a good steward of my idea. Here's another one. Here's another one. Oh my gosh, this is the one. It's called ClickFunnels. And I was like, what? ClickFunnels. Todd, we should make this
Starting point is 00:51:40 thing called ClickFunnels. Like, that's a great idea. Right? Russell, you're so smart. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The ideas are placed in your mind. You have to understand that. Okay? So all of you guys, we all want to have these big level 10 opportunities,
Starting point is 00:51:51 but you don't get them right now. You don't get this right now. Okay? That shows up when you start moving forward in faith. Okay? And then you get the ideas and these testings
Starting point is 00:52:00 to be a good steward. And if you keep pursuing that and you prove to be a good steward, you get better ideas and more ideas. It's pretty exciting. Okay? The next thing steward. And if you keep pursuing that and you prove to be a good steward, you get better ideas and more ideas. It's pretty exciting. Okay? The next thing is capacity.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Okay? That's the other thing. When we decide to go on this journey, how many of you guys are here right now? You're about to start and you're like, I don't know if I can do that. That is really far away, right? Like, I'm not ready.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I'm not worthy. I don't know if I can handle this. Like, why me? There's so many people that are better qualified. There's so many people that should be doing this besides me. I can tell you in the category kings groups, we have different mastermind levels. The category kings group, they pay $150,000 a year to be in that group. And what's fascinating is almost every single person in that group is like, man, why did
Starting point is 00:52:36 I have to be the one to do this? Like, I had this idea, this calling, but like, I wanted someone else to do it. I kept trying to give it to other people, but then like, it kept coming back. Like, no, this is yours. Like, but fine. Right? Fine. I'll do it. I kept trying to give it to other people, but then like it kept coming back. Like, no, this is yours. Like, but fine, right? Fine, I'll take it. Okay. And so what happens is we have to test our capacity.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Again, I shared this quote earlier, but it says God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Okay. And so what's going to happen is he's not just gonna make it easy. Okay. If you come back to the hero's journey,
Starting point is 00:53:02 there's this time in the middle, we have all the trials and the problems and things like that. He calls it, in Hero of a Thousand Faces, he calls it crossing the abyss. The abyss is this time with all the trials and temptations. Like, every hero goes through it, right? And so, again, you've got to be able to increase your capacity to actually be able to handle the thing you're doing. Right? If you would have handed me the problems that ClickFunnels has today, seven years ago,
Starting point is 00:53:26 it would have crushed me. I would have been like, I would have quit and died. Like, it's literally like, if you just knew like this morning alone, how many fires Todd and I put out backstage while we're warming up to come out here, we're like, I can't believe
Starting point is 00:53:38 this would have crushed us 10 years ago. We're like, let's go, right? Now, how does that happen? It doesn't happen overnight. It happens by you go through the abyss. You go through the problems, the struggles,, da, da, let's go. Right? Now, how does that happen? It doesn't happen overnight. It happens by you go through the abyss. You go through the problems, the struggles, the trials. Right? And you get stronger.
Starting point is 00:53:50 You increase your capacity. And then he gives you another trial. And you're like, why is he doing this to me? This is so hard. Why am I in London? And the entire world wants to kill me. He said, because if we had 100,000 members now, you wouldn't be able to handle it. So I've got to strengthen you up, Russell.
Starting point is 00:54:02 So we're going to crash click phones for a little while. See how tough you guys are. You're going to build more infrastructure more things in place we're going to test yourself and it increases your capacity same thing we do in the weight room right we go in the weight room to tear down our muscles to increase our capacity so we can handle more so just know as you start on this journey i promise you it is not going to be easy i promise you anyone tells you oh it's going to be easy it's gonna be fun no no no it's not going to be easy or fun it's going to be hard but that's part of it because right now the things, no, no, it's not going to be easy or fun. It's going to be hard, but that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Because right now, the things that you have, the dreams, the goals you have, I promise you, you don't have the capacity to actually handle it yet. So as you step out into this journey, and you move forward with faith, and you leave the ordinary world, and you're going on this journey, it's going to be hard because you've got to be tested.
Starting point is 00:54:38 You've got to increase your capacity. So prepare for it. It's going to be okay. That's why I have a community like this of people. You can surround yourself around. So when you're like, this is not working. My Facebook account got shut down. Nobody's buying my product. I did a webinar. I had 300 people signed up. Not a single person showed up. I tried to do an event and nobody showed up. There were two people in the room. I spent every penny I had and two people showed up in this room. It was so embarrassing. Okay. Yes. It's going to happen
Starting point is 00:55:01 over and over and over again because you have to be able to increase your capacity because the missions you've all been called for are heavier than you can handle right now do you think that annie grace when she got when i got into this whole thing when she was struggling with drinking herself and all of a sudden she figured out how to break the whole thing and all of a sudden she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders like hey go out there you're going to be battling heaven and hell trying to save these people and their families do you think she was ready for that no so she had to go on this journey and increase her capacity over and over and over again. The mission's the same for all of you guys. If it wasn't, the story would be boring.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Can you imagine a story or a movie where you go and the hero leaves the ordinary world and he strolls around for a little while and he gets to the end? That movie would be so boring. Why would you expect your journey is gonna be anything different? If you truly wanna contribute and change the world,
Starting point is 00:55:43 it's gonna be heavy. Okay, but it's okay. He's not gonna give you anything you can't handle. He's gonna give you just enough to increase your capacity. And sometimes it's gonna feel like failure, okay? Before I met Todd, 10 years ago, I thought I had everything figured out. I had the vision. I had the mission. I knew exactly where I was going. I was going on this thing, and maybe I took a wrong route. I don't know what happened, but I thought I was following, like, everything I was supposed to be doing. And all of a sudden, one day I went from having a hundred employees to me having to lay off like 90 something employees, everything crashing down below me.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And I was like, I thought I was doing everything right. Like what's happening? Like what, like, why is this happening to me? I was so frustrated. It took like almost five years for us to get from this like crash to losing our business to like shutting things down to like, it was a five year cycle for us to get through that and then come back through the other side of the abyss and then on the backside of that I met Todd,
Starting point is 00:56:29 we launched ClickFunnels, all these things happened and I was like, if I had not gone through that pain during that window of time, I never would have been able to handle any of this. Right?
Starting point is 00:56:38 And so for all of you to understand that on this journey, do not give up, do not switch from being driven to becoming a drifter when it gets hard because it will get hard but I promise you it's worth it. Someday you'll show up in a room
Starting point is 00:56:47 after remembering being in a room with two people and you're walking to 5,000 people and you're like, this is worth it. All this was worth it. Okay. All right. And then the last thing, or not last thing, the next thing we'll talk about. So we have, we had, what was the first one? Who can read my handwriting here? All right. We've got stewardship, capacity,
Starting point is 00:57:12 stewardship, capacity, and number three, this is one. It's going to be big. It's going to hit you all as guilt. How many of us feel guilt sometimes when you start pursuing this?
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah. Isn't that weird? You're like, I think I'm doing the right thing. Why do I feel so guilty about this? Okay. You have to understand, this, I think I'm doing the right thing. Why do I feel so guilty about this? Okay. You have to understand, this is interesting. I had a really fascinating call with Dan Kennedy about this a little while ago.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And by the way, Dan's coming back tonight. We had a Dan Kennedy day yesterday for those who were there. It was amazing. He went for like seven or eight hours. He's coming back tonight for a special session after the breakout rooms. But I had this really interesting conversation with him. I asked him, I was like, it's weird when you watch TV or you watch movies, like, have you ever noticed that the entrepreneurs like us are always the villain in the movie?
Starting point is 00:57:54 Every single time it's like, oh, it's the evil rich billionaire who's going to take over the world. And they're always the bad guys. Like, why are we the bad guys? Like, I feel like we're doing good stuff. Right. And Dan said something really interesting. He said, if you look at like the money pyramid or like, he said the top, there's like 1% that are like super wealthy. There's 4% up here. And then there's 15% that are like kind of the middle class. And then 80% is like the drifters.
Starting point is 00:58:16 In fact, it's funny. Napoleon Hill in the book over here said that 2% of the population are driven, 98% are drifters. I don't know the exact number, but it's not high, right? And so what Dan Kennedy said, he said, it's interesting, he said that all of the media, these are the people they're selling to, right? This is the masses. This is who Disney's got to sell to. This is who all the masses are.
Starting point is 00:58:37 So they create stuff that makes these people feel really, really good. And the best way to do that is make these guys seem really, really evil. And so all of this produced Hollywood stuff makes us come out to be the bad make these guys seem really evil. And so all of this produced Hollywood stuff makes us come out to be the bad guy, which is really interesting. But you have to understand in the reality, in the real world, you look at this,
Starting point is 00:58:51 the heroes, these people right here, the heroes are the driven. The heroes are the ones who are creating, who are expiring, who are moving things, right? Like those are the ones who are the heroes of the story. And so when you guys understand that you as the driven,
Starting point is 00:59:05 you guys are actually the heroes of the story. And so when you guys understand that you as the driven, you guys are actually the heroes of the story. Like when you understand that, yeah, you're the heroes. That's the big deal. Let's give her some round of applause for that. You think about that like, like think about all the amazing things we have in life. Think about your favorite things in life. Like it was, it was created by somebody who was an entrepreneur, right?
Starting point is 00:59:30 How many of you guys like your phones? Okay. There was this guy named Steve Jobs who was obsessed with trying to create a business to make a bunch of money, which created this huge, like wake of contribution that created the iPhone, right? Every business is based on that. It's interesting. Um, another quote that Dan told me on that call that was interesting, and this is something he's like, he's like, you don't ever want to post this on Facebook because people think
Starting point is 00:59:51 you're arrogant. But he said, he said, Andrew Carnegie once said, he said that no man achieves any great thing in life unless in his private thoughts he believes he is superior to all other men. So again, don't quote that on Facebook, but I want to think about that i was in a room one time uh of entrepreneurs like this and uh someone asked us nobody ever raised their hand this isn't true for all of you guys but i'm not gonna have you raise your hands but if you want to like just smile if you know i'm talking about you how many guys in your secret thoughts feel this way okay i'm gonna say it again no man achieves any great thing in life unless in his private thoughts, he believes that he is superior to all other men. Andrew Carnegie,
Starting point is 01:00:29 one of the richest men of all time. Okay. It's interesting. Like for you to have the gumption to be like, Hey, I'm going to be the person who takes responsibility for this. And I'm going to be the one who's going to take this. And I'm going to go on this journey. Like that's, that takes a lot, right? Okay. Maybe you don't believe it that hard, that strong. You have to understand like you're the hero. Like you have to have confidence in that. Like I'm smart enough. I'm good. Like I'm going to do this thing. I'm capable of it. Right. Um, um, another thing that's interesting that I have so many cool notes here. I'm running out of time already. Can we just go, how many of you guys are going to go until midnight tonight? Okay. All right. Um, it's important for
Starting point is 01:01:04 us as we're doing this to pursue that we're pursuing our self-interest. Like each of you guys, it's, this is a hard thing to say out loud and the world does not want us to say this, but if it wasn't for the fact that me and Todd pursued our self-interest, like we want to build software where we can build funnels, we're going to make a crap ton of money. Okay. Like as much as like, I would say initially like, oh yeah, I was going to do this. I wanted to build a whole bunch. I want to build funnels so people can make a bunch of money.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That was not the initial pursuit, right? Pedro said this best one time. He said, God tricked me into building a business. Right? He comes up here and says, I need to achieve something. He tricks you like,
Starting point is 01:01:35 okay, you're going to achieve something. And also you're like, oh, I'm going to do that. You start trying to achieve this thing, right? And he tricks us sometimes.
Starting point is 01:01:41 So he tricks us to go achieve this thing. And we go on this path, we go on this journey because he knows that by pursuit of our self-interest, we are going to become who we need to be. Okay? Weird. My phone is talking. I must have clicked something weird.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Like, who's talking out of my butt? That was so weird. I think, is there somebody behind me? This is so awkward. Okay. And so most of us as entrepreneurs can feel guilty. Like I'm pursuing my self-interest. Like I want to build a business. I wanted to win the Jucoma Club award. I want to make a much money. Like, ah, I can't say that. Cause I, I feel bad
Starting point is 01:02:12 about it. My friends will think I'm like one of those people. I don't want to be the villain. I don't be the bad guy. Right. We're going to have that. We have to understand that like, and uh, Brooke Castillo, who's going to be up here next. She said something so powerful to me the other day on a, on a call. She said that so many of us like try to shrink because of that. Like, oh, I don't want, I don't know if I'm gonna do that thing. And she said, you have to understand like those desires were not placed in your heart by you. Those desires to pursue something were placed in somebody else
Starting point is 01:02:36 or placed there by somebody else. He said, you didn't create yourself, right? We didn't create ourselves. God created us and he put these desires in our heart for us to pursue something, right? Because some of these tricks is pursue this thing right here because I know as you go on this journey, you're gonna become someone different. Why did, why did I go through a decade and a half of my life pursuing wrestling? I never became the greatest in the world. I never became what I wanted to, but the pursuit of it made me become who I became. I
Starting point is 01:02:59 couldn't have done any of this had I not pursued my wrestling goals and made this happen, okay? Had I not pursued my ClickFunnels goals, I never would have figured out this whole thing, right? There's going to be a transition point as you are pursuing something in self-interest. Like, I want to accomplish this thing. Then all of a sudden, all these other things are going to happen. And this is when you have a chance to become who you need to be. You have a chance to serve the people you've been called to serve, okay? So don't feel guilty about it.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Dan Kennedy talked about this as well in one of our No BS newsletters. It was so cool. He said that he had George Foreman at one of the Info Summits. And he said, George Foreman talked about, like when you're boxing, he's like, if you pull your punches, like you're going to lose, right?
Starting point is 01:03:32 And so many of us, like, we're going out there trying to change the world. Like, oh, we're going to pull our punches a little bit, kind of wait a little bit. He said that if you're boxing, that you pull your punches, you're going to lose. He said, you can't go out there about to fight someone. Like, oh, well, I've won a title before.
Starting point is 01:03:43 He's never won a before. Boom, then you lose, right? You don't go out there like, oh, well, you know, he's not a black guy. He's not going to be fair. I'm going to go a little lighter on him. You can't do that when you're pursuing something amazing. You can't pull your punches, okay? And what's cool about entrepreneurship is even better. There's not like boxing where there's one winner, one loser. Like all of you guys can pursue your dreams. All of you guys can pursue your interests. All you guys can create something and nobody else loses, right? Everybody grows together. That's what's so amazing about what we actually do, right? I don't know about you guys, but sometimes it's hard when you're in
Starting point is 01:04:11 this world around you. And most, again, 98% of people aren't driven. And sometimes I'm like, man, am I messed up? Is there something wrong with me? And it's like, I don't know how many guys have watched the documentary, the docu-cuseries, The Last Dance by Michael Jordan. If you guys haven't watched that, it's amazing. But it's so cool to see him, the greatest basketball player of all time, go out there and you watch his team like he was crazy and he worked hard. He was trying to pursue this thing. And it's like he would yell at us, he would beat us up,
Starting point is 01:04:40 he would do all kinds of stuff because he wanted this. But by him pursuing his self-interest, what did he create? Okay? He created a team, a culture, a legacy, like all these things. Okay? As you are pursuing your dreams, the wake of contribution that will go behind you will change the lives of tens of thousands or millions of people. So don't hide like, oh, I'm not going to do this.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I'm not going to do this. Like, you have to move forward. Okay? And then people are going to watch you move forward, and then they're going to step up. For my wrestlers in the room, there's an old wrestling movie called Vision Quest, which is kind of a cheesy movie. The guy from Stranger Things actually is the main character in it when he was a little kid. He's a wrestler.
Starting point is 01:05:13 He's getting ready for this wrestling tournament. And the day of his wrestling tournament, he goes over, and he sees his buddy who works at a hotel. He's like the cook of the hotel, and he's never taken a day off. And he walks over to see his buddy, and his buddy is there all dressed up in a suit and tie. He's like, what are you doing? He's like taken a day off. And he walks over to see his buddy and his buddy is there all dressed up in like a suit and tie. He's like, what are you doing? He's like, you're working. Why are you taking work off?
Starting point is 01:05:30 He's like, you never take work off. He's like, I'm taking work off because I want to see you compete. He said, dude, like, you don't have to worry about it. It's just this match. It's not that big of a deal. And he says this quote that every time I see a man, I break down like crying.
Starting point is 01:05:41 But he said, this guy, his friend, he said, he said, one time at night, he said, I was sitting there after working all day. I was sitting on TV late at night, flipping through channels. And all of a sudden, I saw this soccer game come up. And I saw this guy, Pele, the greatest soccer player of all time.
Starting point is 01:05:57 He said, he jumped up and he did a backflip and he kicked the ball over his head and it went into the goal. And afterwards, he ripped off his jersey, started running around, throwing around in the stadium, going crazy. He says, I watched and I started crying. And he said, the reason why I was crying, he said, because, this was a quote, he said, because I had just seen another human being lift himself up and the rest of humanity up to a better
Starting point is 01:06:18 place, even if it was just for a minute. Okay, that's what people need. They want to see you come on stage. They want to see you succeed. Like, they see that, like, it raises them. It raises their beliefs, their hopes. It gets them to stop drifting. It gets them to stop moving in fear. They say, man, if this person can move forward in faith, then I can. Okay, if this person can do it, then I can do it.
Starting point is 01:06:35 And all of a sudden, you start bringing other people along with you. You bring more people, make more people driven, and it helps to change the world. So I want you guys to understand, like, you are the hero. Do not feel guilty. Like, this is so important for us to pursue the things we're going after. Because first off, it's who we're going to become. Someone different along the world. So when you guys understand like you are the hero, do not feel guilty. Like this is so important for us to pursue the things we're going after because first off, it's who we're going to become someone different along the way. And second off, that's how we change the world. Okay. Um, um, yeah. You guys getting this? Okay. A couple other cool things. So next time we understand is that desire you guys fill in
Starting point is 01:07:05 your hearts. That is your calling. The desire is the calling. Um, and so I don't want you guys feeling guilty for that. I'm probably gonna go to the next one's a couple, uh, a lot faster here because I'm way over time already. So the first thing we understand is that after you feel that calling, there's two things to understand. Number one thing you have to understand is who, who are the people you've been called to serve? Okay. This is the key of all of businesses. Like I get so crazy when I go to internet marketing events, people are like so geeky out on like keywords and SEO and like, like all this stuff. Like, no, no, no. Like the key of business is this. Who are you called to serve? Like we figured this out. This is when business becomes easy. Okay. And here's the hint for most of you guys. The person that you were called to
Starting point is 01:07:39 serve is probably you five years ago before you went on a hero's journey the first time, before you accomplished the first thing. There's a hint. So I guess most of you are called to serve you five years ago. So that's the first question. Second question, then after you know who are you called to serve, what is the problem that you can solve for them? That's kind of it. That's business in a nutshell. Who are you called to serve and what problems can you solve for them um in fact it's interesting we go forward a couple slides here uh this right here this is my category king group so we did our first category king meeting yeah last october year um these guys are amazing like it's so much fun but the day before our very first meeting
Starting point is 01:08:22 um we had a special day where we had uh we called it our Category King Day. And one of the authors of the book, Play Bigger, Play Bigger is a book about how to become a category king. But we had one of the authors come into a one-day workshop with us. It was so cool. It was so fascinating. And he came out, and the first thing he said, he said, everything I've learned about how to become a category king, I learned after I wrote the book. He's like, we're not even going to talk about the book today, because everything I learned that's actually really important is not that. And then what's crazy about it, he said, the biggest thing I learned about creating, becoming a category king in your market is you have to figure out what is the problem that you
Starting point is 01:08:54 solve for somebody else. That's it. And he started talking about this, this concept, like, what is the problem? And he talked about how, like, if you, oops, too far. He said that if you look at how businesses are created, like, everything's based He said that if you look at how businesses are created, like everything's based on a category. If you go to the grocery store, you're like, I'm going to go to the cereal category and find all the cereals. I'm going to go to the pizza category and find a pizza.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Like things are broken down in categories. That's where people find things. Back in the day, you go to the yellow pages and you'd find the category for everything you were looking for, right? And so that was the key, is like breaking these down in categories. So that you figure out,
Starting point is 01:09:24 for you to create your own category, the secret, the goal is you feel, what is the problem you can solve that nobody else can solve? And we figured out that problem. That's what changes everything. And so he started sharing some, some businesses that, that had solved the problem. And one of the ones he shared, he said that the problem, so I'm gonna tell you guys the problem. And then what you see is to tell me if you can figure out what the company is. So the problem that this company saw, they said, Hey, just because I'm tired, just because I'm tired, doesn't mean I'm going to tell you guys the problem, and then I want you guys to tell me if you can figure out what the company is. So the problem that this company saw, they said, hey, just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'm thirsty. You guys guess? That's the problem somebody had.
Starting point is 01:09:52 What business was it that solved that problem? Just because I'm really, really tired doesn't mean I'm actually thirsty. Fiber energy, right? I didn't want to go drink a Red Bull, but I'm tired, but I don't want to drink this huge thing, so I just wanted a really quick shot. Okay? The problem was, I just said I'm tired doesn't mean I'm thirsty. The solution, Red Bull. Okay?'m tired, but I don't want to drink this huge thing, so I just wanted a quick shot. Okay? The problem was, I just said I'm tired, I just meant thirsty. The solution, Red Bull. Okay? Here's another one. I want to surf in cold water longer. There's the problem. I want to surf in cold water longer. Who's the category king? O'Neal. Boom. O'Neal. Wetsuits. Right? I hate
Starting point is 01:10:20 taxis. They're the worst thing in the world. That's the problem. What was it? Who was the category king? Uber, right? And in ClickFunnels, we thought when we built ClickFunnels initially, the problem we tried to solve is that entrepreneurs, they aren't technical. That's a problem. So many entrepreneurs are not technical, but they want to try to change the world. How do we do it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:39 ClickFunnels. That was the solution. So for you guys, the key is I figure out what the problem you have is. And that's the problem that you solve is the goal, right? So who is the person I've called to serve? And if I can figure out the problem that I'm going to solve them, that's how I become the category king of that. And I wish I could talk for like three days just on this one principle.
Starting point is 01:10:55 It was funny because Dave Allen, the author of this book, he actually had us do a breakout afterwards for like, I think like 30 minutes, 45 minutes. And the 15 people who are in that room, each of them paid $150,000 to be in that room. Not one of us could figure out what problem we solve. Is that crazy? Like, why is this so hard? In fact, it was interesting because like the first thing I did is I shared, I shared, um, the problem that ClickFunnels solved. And I was like, oh my gosh, that was the problem we solved eight years ago, but it's not the problem we'll solve today. It shifted. It was just the most fascinating thing. In fact, I think that's my next thing to talk about here. Oh no. Where did I leave the clicker? Oh, thank heavens. I thought it was going to be over there. I'm like, that's a long walk from where I am. Okay. And so, yeah, I'm
Starting point is 01:11:38 going to come back in a second. I'll talk about the thing. But the biggest thing, like, I want to try to simplify it because we're going to go over the next four days. We're going to go deep in different funnel types and ways to get traffic and a whole bunch of amazing things. But I want to try to simplify this whole business for you guys really quick before we dive into it. Because business is actually really, really simple. We understand what business you're in. You are literally in the two-thing business. There's only two things.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Number one is you are supposed to gather your people. Gather the people you've been called to serve. So we're in the gathering. So how do you do that? Well, there's funnels that gather. You do a webinar, people gather. You do webinars, you do live events, you do things like we're gathering people together.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Okay? So the goal is to gather a bunch of who's and when we have a whole bunch of who's, it turns into this thing called a list. How many of you guys have an email list of people? Okay, that's the goal. In case you're curious, I don't know what I'm going to do the next four days. Like, this is the biggest goal. The bigger list of you guys have an email list of people? Okay, that's the goal. In case you're curious, I don't know what I'm gonna do the next four days.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Like this is the biggest goal. The bigger list of people you have that you're able to serve, the more money you'll make. That's it. That's the key. That's the big secret. It's not like we can better at ads
Starting point is 01:12:34 or better at this or like, those things are all good and they're all part of it. But the biggest key is whoever has the biggest email list will make the most amount of money. So that becomes the focus. I need a huge list of people that I can serve.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Okay, I've told this in other events before in the past. Like when we had a thousand people on our list, I was making a thousand bucks a month. When I had 10,000, I was making 10,000 a month, a hundred thousand, a hundred thousand a month, a million people on the list, a million people a month. Right. So the goal is like, how big can I get this list of the people who have been called to serve? Okay. And there's a whole bunch of ways. And so over this weekend, we're talking about different ways to get traffic to this, but as many ways you can to gather your people together so you can serve them. And the second side is then you got to figure out what are the problems they have. And then we create this thing called an offer and we sell the offers to the list. That's the business.
Starting point is 01:13:12 That's it, you guys. It's not more complicated than that. I promise you're all going to try to overcomplicate it. You're all going to be stressed out. This funnel, this funnel, like it doesn't really matter. Pick one. They're all, the goals of funnels are two things. One goal of a funnel is to build a list and the other goal is to sell a product to the list you just gathered. Like that's the goal of ClickFunnels. Okay, so this is the simplicity. And again, there's different funnels
Starting point is 01:13:31 that'll build the list. There's three or four different ways you're gonna learn about. There's different ways to create offers. You're gonna learn a bunch of different ways, but that's business, the simplicity of what we're actually trying to do and accomplish with you guys here.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Okay, so you think about what is the business you're actually in. You're in the business of gathering the people you've been called to serve and then creating offers and selling to those people. Like that's in a nutshell, okay? So that is this business you're actually in. You're in the business of gathering the people you've been called to serve and then creating offers and selling to those people. Like that's in a nutshell, okay? So that's the business you're in.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Really quick, I'm going to go through this. Like the ClickFunnels business. Again, the people that we've been called to serve are who? Are entrepreneurs who are driven. That's the who. That's who we've been called to serve. Okay, and then the problem we solved. So ClickFunnels 1.0.
Starting point is 01:14:07 The problem that we solved was that entrepreneurs aren't technical. And so what we did is we built a website funnel creation system that made it easy for entrepreneurs to build stuff. Right? And so that's kind of where ClickFunnels 1.0 was. And what's interesting, and I wish I could go deeper on this, but a funnel in this situation was a noun. Like, here's a funnel. This is the thing you need.
Starting point is 01:14:23 ClickFunnels 2.0, our problem has changed. And so everything we've done the last two years, we're going to be sharing more behind the scenes with you, is because things have changed. So ClickFunnels 2.0, the problem that we're trying to solve for the marketplace for you is not that entrepreneurs aren't technical. There's a hundred of web companies now that you can build websites and drag and drop, make things simple. That's not the problem anymore. The problem is that you can go buy a Wix account for like 20 bucks and build an amazing website, but guess what? You have no customers. Okay. Funnels will bring you customers. So ClickFunnels 2.0, what we do is we help you create funnels, get customers to you. Okay. Literally we are shifting in our vocabulary
Starting point is 01:14:57 as a company from funnel being a noun to being a verb. Okay. We help you get people from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, all these places. We help funnel them to you. Okay. And so that's like our mission moving forward. Good. Um, it's gonna be really cool. So that was kind of what I want to share with you guys on this concept of the drifter versus the driven. I am so honored to be here with you guys as the driven, as the entrepreneurs who are here to change the world. I'm so excited for the next couple of days to do that.

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