The Russell Brunson Show - (MS) Secret to Buying Companies: "The Rembrandt in the Attic"

Episode Date: October 7, 2022

In the last 24 months, I have acquired more businesses than I have built in the last 24 years. This is all thanks to a simple concept called a "Rembrandt in the Attic". In this episode of Marking Secr...ets, I explain what A Rembrandt in the attic is and why it is the number 1 secret to look for before buying any business. Even if you do not want to buy a business, this episode will teach you how to see the hypothetical Rembrandt in your attic, so you can maximize the potential of your business. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Companion. Iris and Josh seem like the perfect match, but when a weekend getaway turns into a nightmare, Iris realizes that things aren't as perfect as they appear. From the creators of Barbarian and the studio that brought you The Notebook comes a twisted tale of modern romance and the sweet satisfaction of revenge.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Companion, only in theaters January 31st. Hey, this is Russell Brunson and you are listening to Marketing Secrets Podcast. During today's episode, we are going to be talking about a concept I call the Rembrandt in the Attic. I'm going to tell you some really cool stories about it. But this is, this is, if you ever thought about like why in the world do big companies buy other companies, right? Facebook is a really good example. Facebook's bought a lot of companies, like Instagram, which makes a lot of sense, but they bought like Oculus. Like why would they have bought that?
Starting point is 00:00:48 And now it's becoming like everything, right? It's a metaverse, it's the future. Why did Amazon buy Whole Foods? Why did Apple buy Shazam? Or Google buy an Android? And why did Disney buy Pixar and Marvel? You have other companies like Coca-Cola buying Monster. You have Salesforce buying Slack.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Like why would they make these acquisitions, right? And so you see this happening at a big huge scale but it's also happening in a small scale that every one of us you and me can participate in and be part of and it's gonna be happening every single day i'm gonna be showing you guys behind the scenes of some of the companies we're buying and acquiring and why we're doing it i'm talking about why i've spent five or six million dollars on old books and how it opens up a whole new world of things for you. You're going to start seeing opportunities in a whole bunch of different places you probably never saw them before. And I think this is going to be an episode you are going to love. So my intention for you guys during this episode as you're going through it is I want you to start thinking for yourself like how could I do this?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Why are you looking at literally companies? Like look at ClickFunnels. If I was by ClickFunnels, what would I do? Look at Monster. What would I do? If I would buy Facebook today, what would I do? If I was to go buy whatever your favorite companies, your brands are like, what would you do if you were to buy those things? Like, what would it look like? What would be the Rembrandt in the attic?
Starting point is 00:01:51 You could see, you can identify that would make this more valuable to you than to anybody else on the planet. When you think about that as you're going through here. Also, as you're listening, if you enjoy this episode, a couple of things you can do for me. Number one, please share this with other people. Like literally grab the link for your podcast app, send it out to other people and say, check out this episode. It's amazing. That would mean the world to me. Also, make sure you leave comments.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Go rate and review those things. I see them every single day. It helps this podcast get out to more people, which would mean the world to me. And the last thing is that if you go to, over there we have the video versions. If you want to go watch me talk about this stuff. Plus we have, you can get the transcripts there. You can get the show notes. And also you can see what else is new happening inside the world. All the different podcasts,
Starting point is 00:02:27 episodes, YouTube videos, everything's archived there at And on top of that, if you have questions about this episode specifically, when you go to on the homepage, there's a spot you can ask me your questions. Those come directly to me and we do update shows about this episode. I can go deep into your Q and A's, which would be a lot of fun. This episode has also been brought to you by your sponsor. Your sponsor for today is Dan Kennedy. Dan, thank you so much. You're sponsoring today. Dan Kennedy sponsors episode. If you go to, you'll get a free, the most incredible free gift ever from Dan. This has got like over $10,000 worth of money making gifts for free when you show up there at Thank you, Dan Kennedy for
Starting point is 00:03:03 sponsoring this episode. We're grateful for you. And with that said, let's have some fun on this episode of the Marketing Secrets Podcast. You're listening to Marketing Secrets with your host, Russell Brunson. Okay, so I want to start by telling you guys a story about what a Rembrandt in the attic is. And then hopefully from there, I want to kind of bridge it into this online business. Like all of you guys have been, if you're listening to this podcast, my guess is you've listened to a lot of my podcasts, maybe read the books, maybe been fun locking live, you got through our coaching programs. Like you guys have these skillsets, you have these, these ability to do things with it. And
Starting point is 00:03:38 maybe you're struggling to grow a business or maybe, you know, like you're trying to figure out what's the next level, what's the next thing I'm going to do? Or like, how do I stimulate my mind more? And so I want to share this, this concept with you, um, the Rembrandt and the addict. And then I'm going to share a bunch of stories just to get the wheels in your head spinning. So I want you guys getting better at this. Like I want to, this is me helping you guys to like strengthen those muscles in your head, uh, of just seeing opportunity where opportunity might not be there for most people. Okay. And so the story of Rembrandt and the addict, um, I think I heard this, I can't remember exactly where I might've been Joe Polish's mastermind group or something. And, uh, one of the guys was talking about this concept. He said,
Starting point is 00:04:12 like when people buy companies, you know, a lot of times a company will go for sell on the market and hopefully people look at it. Maybe they'll lowball, like, Oh, it's worth 10 million, 10 million, whatever. But if someone comes in like, Oh, that's worth $50 million. And why would one company be 50 million? Everyone else in the market's like, oh, it's only worth 10. And the guy says, because that person who wants to spend 50 million knows there's a Rembrandt in the attic. And I remember asking him like, what did you just say? And he said, a Rembrandt in the attic. I'm like, what does that mean? He said, well, imagine somebody is selling a house, right? And a bunch of people come into the house, they're looking at it. It's like,
Starting point is 00:04:42 oh, the house is worth a hundred thousand dollars. Remember he's offering a hundred thousand dollars to this house. And someone comes in and they're looking at it. It's like, oh, the house is worth $100,000. Everyone's offering $100,000 to this house. And someone comes in and they come out and they offer the person like, okay, I want this house. I'll give you a million dollars right now for it. And the person's like, but everyone else says it's worth $150,000. Why would you give me a million dollars? And the person's like, I just want to pay a million dollars for it. So the guy signs on the house.
Starting point is 00:04:58 He gets the house, spends a million dollars, buys the house. And what the homeowner and all the other people didn't know is if you went and searched in the attic of the house, there's actually an original Rembrandt painting was worth a hundred million dollars sitting up there. So the person who recognized the Rembrandt in the attic, they saw that it was worth way more to them. They were willing to spend more because they knew what to do with it. Right? And so for you right now, I want you to understand that there are so many, like we're in this crazy era with a recession hitting and things shutting down. There's companies for sale right now.
Starting point is 00:05:25 There's opportunities, opportunities to partner with people. There's like so many things that are happening right now where there are literally these, these assets that are super, super cheap. But if you have the mindset, like you understand marketing and sales and funnels and traffic and
Starting point is 00:05:37 distribution where you can come in and recognize Rembrandt and the ad can get insane deal that could literally just like, it's, it can be huge for you. Okay. cause I was kind of preparing for this podcast. Um, I was thinking about just like another example to kind of help you guys, um, see this. And the example I want to share is Shark Tank. And maybe it's because we're actually working on a project right now with Damon John. So I've been like thinking, I've been watching more Shark Tank and like getting back in that mindset. But it's interesting as each shark on Shark Tank has different skill sets, right?
Starting point is 00:06:04 You know, the Damon is like the guy who built FUBU. And so he understands retail and clothing and things like that really, really well, right? And then you got Mark, who's like the tech guy who's built big tech companies. And you've got Lori, who's in QVC. You've got Robert, who's good at security. They all have their own little thing, right? And so when an entrepreneur comes to pitch the sharks on Shark Tank, like here's the offer. You know, if it's like a gadgety thing, Damon's going to look at it and me like, I don't do that. Right. But Lori's like, oh my gosh, I know like that'll sell on QVC or like, I'll give you a million dollars for, you know, half the company. Cause I know that in 50 seconds I can call a phone, get you on QVC and
Starting point is 00:06:36 we're rich. Right. Or someone brings us a new clothing line and everyone else is like, why? Like, you know, Mark Cuban's like, why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense. But, but for Damon, like there's a Rembrandt in the attic damon knows like oh my gosh i know if i call this person right here i get in retail and we'll make 100 million dollars in like 25 seconds right because he understands that but each shark has um a distribution channel that they know they understand and they master so when the product comes to them they say like i understand this distribution channel they can plug it in it it just takes off really quickly okay so for you as as an entrepreneur like there's a lot of these different things you can become good at.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Like I just look at like the, the three books right here, like dot-com secrets, extra secrets, traffic secrets, right? Like if you're good at any of these, like, let's say you find a business, it's got a really, really good product, really good sales, letter sales, video webinar, whatever, but like, they're not making much money. It's like, well, they need more traffic. Well, if you are really good at traffic, you can come in and like, take this company's making almost no money, but you're like, they have all the right assets. They've got this Rembrandt in the ad. They've got an amazing product, amazing sales pitch, but they just can't get traffic.
Starting point is 00:07:30 You can buy the company or partner or acquire it or whatever it is, and also you bring the traffic, and boom, overnight you can have a success. Or maybe you have a company that's got really good traffic, but their conversions are low or sales low. It's like, well, they need a funnel. Or, oh, they need somebody to help build a webinar or whatever it is. Like you have these skillsets. We can find these deals. And by bringing in these talents,
Starting point is 00:07:50 you can dramatically grow the company. So I want to share that kind of as the intro because this is something I've been doing a lot. And it's funny because as you guys know, over the last couple of years or so, we've been buying a lot of different companies and people are always asking, why did you buy that? Why did you spend that much money? It doesn't make any sense to me. Also in the last less than a year, since the last Funnel Hacking Live,
Starting point is 00:08:12 for those who are watching the video, right now I'm in the Napoleon Hill room. I have all these first edition Napoleon Hill books and other books. I think last we were looking, I spent between five and $6 million in books in the last year. There's probably, I don't know, we guys think three, 4,000 books between all these different rooms in here and be like why are you doing you're so dumb like you're like you're buying old books like there's no value in them but they don't understand it's like i know something they don't know i understand what i can do with these books i understand how the public domain works i understand republishing i understand uh how nfts how they can work with public like there's some things i understand and
Starting point is 00:08:41 so i wanted to share some of these stories with you guys just to get the wheels your head spinning right so you can start looking at like the stories with you guys just to get the wheels of your head spinning, right? So you can start looking at like the skill sets you have acquired, you have learned. Or like I need to learn the skills. I need to learn traffic so I can go and like plug in these other companies or, you know, whatever those things are just to help. Honestly, I want you guys just to flex your mental muscles and strengthen these muscles so you can start seeing these opportunities everywhere, okay? So, man, I got a whole bunch of ideas here. I'll just throw, I'll start going through a couple of them. So one of them, um, was a magnetic marketing.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So Dan Kennedy's company, um, a lot of you guys know last year we acquired it. It was so much fun for me. It's been a great thing, but reality is like, why would I bought that company? Right? Like I have an info publishing company. I've got a bunch of books. I have software. I have these things like, why would I buy Dan Kennedy's company? Right. And if you look at it, you know, back in the day when Bill Glaze ran, it was killing it. It was making much money. But then it was sold to this PE firm who kind of ran it to the ground. And when you look at it all said and done, when I had a chance to acquire the company,
Starting point is 00:09:32 it wasn't worth a lot of money. So I was able to get it for not like you'd be shocked how much I was able to acquire the company for. So I was able to acquire the company. But why would I still? Why would you do that? Now you have all this, you know, you've got more staff, more people. Like, why was it worth it to you? And for me, it was like, well, like, I know that the way we've grown ClickFunnels is by
Starting point is 00:09:51 having these front end offers, right? It's secrets, experts, secrets, traffic, secrets, these books people would buy. They come to our community and then we would sell them ClickFunnels on the backend. Ooh, I'm sorry. I almost knocked something over. They come in and we sell them ClickFunnels on the backend, right? And that's how we grew ClickFunnels. But for me, it's like, I remember, I've talked about this before, like we wanted to figure out how do we create more non-Russell-based frontend? So by buying Magnetic Marketing, I was able to buy, I mean, Dan Cain has written 40 something books.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like I have 40 potential frontends we could do. But also like looking through the archives, like we found like seven years of old faxes he had sent. I found all these courses are unpublished that are worth so much. Like there's so much value in here. Like all these Rembrandts in the attic. Like if somebody with my eye was able to look just the hard drive, we got the Google drive. We got from the company when we acquired it, like there's hundreds of millions of dollars in value in there. If you know what to do with it, right. If I understand how to publish, how to republish, how to do these kinds of things. Right?
Starting point is 00:10:48 So like there's so much value there that all of a sudden it's like, oh, I buy this thing for not that much money, but because we now we have assets that are going to be front ends for our, for our company. There'll be backends are going to be bonuses for things like I'm literally flying out an hour to go fly to Dean Graziosi's office. We're participating in their big product launch. And I'm trying to figure out how do I get everyone to buy through me versus all the other affiliates. I'm like, well, let me look at Dan's hard drive. I go through hard drive
Starting point is 00:11:07 and there's this course in there. That's just like, no one's ever seen, no one's ever heard of it. It's insanely good specifically how to get to, to, to seven figures in your business. And so I took this course, it was a three day event, dance hall for $10,000. And now I can offer that as a bonus. And we'll probably, man, I don't know. We'll make, I don't know, six, seven figures in affiliate commissions because I knew that there was this bonus in a folder, this Rembrandt in the attic I was able to use and leverage that way, right? And there's dozens of things like that just inside the magnetic marketing business. This is something I'm talking about publicly too much. Depending on this may be the first initial announcement, we'll do podcasts of this specifically.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But a lot of you guys know Brandon and Kaylin Poland. They are some of our biggest successors inside of ClickFunnels. They built this huge movement called Lady Boss. And over the last year or so, they decided to shut the company down. They were ready to retire. They made a lot of money and Kaylin wanted to be a mom and Brandon wanted to kind of start another business. So they decided to shut the company down. And it was interesting because, you know, you may look at me and like, Russell, like you, you sell business stuff. Why would you have bought Lady Boss? Okay. And the reason why is I looked at and it was interesting because, you know, you may look at me and like, Russell, like you, you sell business stuff. Why would you have bought Lady Boss? Okay. And the reason why is I looked at it, I was like, there's, there's five or six Rembrandts in the attic that other people aren't
Starting point is 00:12:13 seeing. Like just top land. And I'm just going to give you this to stimulate your thoughts. But like, my question is like, let's say you were to buy Lady Boss, the company, what would you do with it? Right. There's 1.9 million people on their email list, 700,000 people, 700,000 supplement buyers on the list. Um, they've got all the info products, the supplements, the coaching, the, um, they spent three years building, uh, uh, coaching curriculum to coach somebody for three years on a weight loss journey. They have sales script, how they sell it and all these things. Like there's so many Rembrandts in that, in that business. And we were able to get it because not because I'm like, Oh, I'm going to, this is going to help me build ClickFunnels.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Although there's a way that I know how we're going to use this to help build ClickFunnels. But it's just – it's that I saw that asset and there's all these Rembrandts in the attic. There's some really quick things I can do because I understand this. I know if I connect them with this person here, this person here, we can launch this business in a different way and grow dramatically, right? Another good example is the last podcast episode. I believe I talked about Doodly, how we bought the Doodly, Toodly,
Starting point is 00:13:10 like that, that company as well. And the reason why, one of the big reasons why I bought that company is because the way they structure their sales funnel to the point where they were getting 500 buyers a day coming into their world. Right. And recently we found another company,
Starting point is 00:13:22 another software company for sell. It's this funnel simulation software. And we'll talk about that in future, uh, future episodes. But I saw that software and it was doing good, but not great. But I was like, if I just take that software and if I build the funnel to match the same funnel structure that has, if I model that funnel structure, I can take this funnel simulation software from, you know, from 30 or 40 sales a day to 300, 400 sales a day overnight, just by restructuring how the funnel looks and then creates new ads and relaunching it. And so we looked down, it's like, Oh my gosh, like, you know, right now
Starting point is 00:13:54 they're struggling to sell this company. But like, for me, like there's this Rembrandt in the app, cause I know exactly how to shift from 30 sales a day to 300 sales a day. I know exactly how to take those people now and put them into click funnels. And suddenly I think it becomes so valuable for me. Right. Because like, I know what I'm gonna do with it. Um, the, these old books, I'm gonna tell you guys, uh, we'll go deeper into the strategy longterm. But, um, again, this is for me to help you guys start flexing your mind. Like, um, I started buying these books and again, most people I know were like, this is crazy. Why would you keep buying these old books? What's the purpose? Like there's like put it on a, to put
Starting point is 00:14:24 in a bookshelf or to put it on a glass and show people. And yes, that's part of the strategy. But the bigger strategy is because I've done enough study and understanding to learn how the copyright laws work in the United States. There's a thing called the public domain. Some of you may have heard of it. But the public domain is when something was created and the copyright expires. And so any book or work, so it could be art, it could be movies, it could be TV, it could be music, film, audio, but anything that was published before 1923 in America is automatically in the public domain. In fact, it's interesting, if you look at Walt Disney, Walt Disney's entire
Starting point is 00:14:59 company was built off public domain things. There were books that were written back in the early, in the late 1800s, early 1900s, like Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast. Walt Disney didn't write those stories. Those were stories that were in the public domain. He took them and he wrote movies and created movies out of them and built the Disney empire, right?
Starting point is 00:15:16 And so anything published before 1923 in America is automatically in the public domain. You can take those things, you can republish them, right? From 1923 to 1963, and I'm gonna mess up the numbers here, but is when the copyright laws changed. And something had to be renewed during those windows. From 1923 to 1963, if the copyright was renewed, it's in the copyright. But it's still copyrighted.
Starting point is 00:15:37 But if it wasn't, it's in the public domain. And they assume that only, I think, 7% of works were ever public, were ever recopyrighted. So anything between 1923, 1963, that the copyright was renewed is in the public domain. So all these works, all these books are in the public domain and you can start reselling them, right? You can republish them, you can use them for courses, for podcasts, for books, for bonuses.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Like there's a million things you can do with it, right? And so as I started this journey, we started to find these books that were super rare that nobody has. In fact, um, uh, um, I was, I went and bought this, um, uh, Napoleon Hill first edition of laws of success. And we flew out there, um, to meet with the guy. I ended up buying his entire collection and part of the collection was 250 pages of these, um, hand type stuff in Napoleon Hill. And I remember going through my, like, this is really, really cool. And he told the guy who I bought it from told me, he's like, I used to charge people $10,000. They'd come to my house for a day and they would just read these
Starting point is 00:16:30 things. And then, uh, and then I make them leave. And so when we got that stuff back here, I started going through it. And what I realized is that literally, um, these 250 pages were an unpublished book and Napoleon Hill wrote that he'd never published. No one's ever seen before. Um, and I have the only copy of the manuscripts of this book. And, um, and it's all in the public domain. So it's like, I'm able to take this and I can republish it. Like how many guys would go crazy to buy an unpublished book from Napoleon Hill and no one has seen ever, right? Like directly from his typewriter, I have these things and we can turn that into money. I can turn it into a, you know, a hook to get somebody to join a continuity program or a newsletter, or like
Starting point is 00:17:04 there's a million ways I can republish that, right? A couple of – there's so many cool things. I know I was talking to Dan here a minute ago. He was talking about Logan Paul. I saw he bought a Pokemon card for – I think it was six million. He said five. I think it was six. I watched the video yesterday actually.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Anyway, he bought this thing he wore on WWE. It was a Pokemon card. It's like, why would you spend $ million dollars on this pokemon card right but he's he's using he's building the the value of it by telling the story like bringing it out and also now this thing worth six million dollars worth more is he selling partial ownership okay so fractional ownership mt so this is something fascinating like i've been studying this as well because people have been doing this a lot with paintings now where these rare paintings that are worth 30 million dollars most people can't buy a $30 million painting, right? But paintings beat the S&P like 14X, I believe, or 10X or something crazy like that, right? Old books
Starting point is 00:17:52 beat the S&P, I think, by 7 or 8X. Old Mormon books, by the way, beat it by 40X. And so I've spent multiple million dollars on old Mormon books. And so those are valuable to me. They're beating the stock market, but most people aren't going to buy $6 million NFT. They're not going to buy a $30 million pain. They're not going to buy, you know, a million dollar old, you know, $150,000 old first edition Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants or these things are expensive. But what you can do nowadays with NFTs, you can sell partial, uh, partial ownership, right? So like I have the first edition laws of success that, you know, cost me a million and a half dollars. Um, it's the only edition on the planet signed by Napoleon Hill.
Starting point is 00:18:27 And again, most of them aren't going to spend $1.5 million. But hey, did you know that you can invest, you could buy, who knows what's going to be, $1,500 for an NFT and you own one one-hundredth of this thing. And as the value of it goes up over time, your NFT value goes up over time. So I can sell fractional ownerships to a book, to a painting, to a Pokemon card and things like that. So a lot of the really expensive books don't make any logical sense. Like why would you spend that much money on a book, to a painting, to a Pokemon card and things like that. So a lot of the really expensive books don't make any logical sense. Like why would you spend that much money on a book? It's because I can buy that, acquire it. I have the asset and I can sell fractional ownership to it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You can get a stock, basically a stock certificate to that book. And then the value of the book goes up over time, just like a stock certificate. The value of your NFT goes up over time and you can sell it, you can resell it. And every time you resell your NFT, I get paid as well as the NFT holder. There's so many amazing things I can do with these books. Now I'm not looking like, oh, I'm spending a million dollars on a book. I'm saying, man, I'm spending a million dollars. I can then sell.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I can fractionally sell the NFTs, which get my money back completely. But I still have the assets I can use. I can leverage. I can reprint. I can publish. I can do amazing things with. It's really, really cool. Hey, funnel hackers, let me paint you a picture. You're running a business, your funnels finally converting like crazy. And suddenly it hits you. You need to hire someone like yesterday. Maybe it's a copywriter to help
Starting point is 00:19:38 you crank out more sales pages or a designer to refresh your landing pages or someone to do customer support to help you to handle your growing audience. The problem is you're swamped and you don't have weeks to shift through resumes. So what do you do? You turn to Indeed. When it comes to hiring, Indeed is all that you need. They make it fast, simple, and super effective. Stop struggling to get your job seen
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Starting point is 00:20:15 With Indeed, there's no monthly subscription, no long-term contracts. You only pay for results. And let me tell you how fast this platform is. Literally in the time that we've been talking right now, 23 people have been hired on Indeed worldwide. Imagine finding your dream hire while your competitors are still waiting through job boards and job boards that don't deliver. So here's what you need to do right now. Go to slash clicks right now and get a $75 sponsored job credit board to boost your post visibility. That's slash clicks. Support the show, save time,
Starting point is 00:20:45 and find your next hire faster. Remember, when it comes to hiring, Indeed is all that you need. Hey, funnel hackers, I want to talk about building your business. You've got the idea, the passion, the drive, but here's the thing. Setting up the legal stuff
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Starting point is 00:21:51 People like everyone I've told it to is like, that's cool. But why would you, like, is this a public library? I'm like, no, like, well, like why are you spending so much money to build a library with statues and these old books? I'm like, cause I understand how to turn that into money. Right. Um, and I'm not to go deep into it. There's a whole bunch, four or five different monetization strategies.
Starting point is 00:22:08 They're in there where all of a sudden it's like this thing doesn't actually cost me money. The second we've created it, it's actually making money. And so it's like thinking through these things for you guys is I want you guys just looking at things differently, okay? And so that was the core point of this podcast is just for all of you guys is, is the more skill sets you get, especially in the marketing game, like man, more Rembrandts in the attic pop up when you become a good marketer than anything else in the world, right? Because if you go to marketing your business, that's amazing. But then it's like, oh, this business is for sale.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Or I told you this before right now, there's so many, um, because we're going into recession, a lot of people who don't want their business, their business are profitable and they're just shutting them down because they can't sell them in a traditional way. So you can go to these people who are shutting their business down or they're struggling and say, hey, I want to buy your business. I'll give you $100,000 for the business, but I'm not going to give you any money right now.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm going to finance this. And so from the profit I make, I'll pay you back $10,000 a month for the next 10 months, whatever it is. And that's how I'll buy your business. And those deals are there all day, every single day. We can pick up the business. Again, for you, there's a red band. I'm like, oh my gosh, I know that that's how I'll buy your business. And those deals are there all day, every single day. We can pick up the business. Again, for you, there's a red band. I'm like, oh my gosh, I know that my list would love to buy this thing.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So I can do a direct venture or I could just acquire the business, promote it, and pay it off. Literally with the Dan Kennedy offer, when we bought Magnetic Marketing, we bought the company, we created a funnel, we launched it to our list, we got all the cash, we paid it off, and now everything moving forward is complete, pure profit. And so there's so many deals like that when you start understanding these principles. So even if you're in the spot, right? I don't have a business yet, Russell. I can't figure out all the different pieces.
Starting point is 00:23:30 That's okay. Like the skills that you guys are learning are so, so, so, so valuable. If you just focus on traffic, you just focus on funnels. If you just focus on, you know, on webinars or selling or telling people stories and you master that piece and start looking for different opportunities out there that don't have that piece. They have the other things, but they're missing that one piece, right? Or maybe you find someone who's really good at traffic and you find someone who's really good at funnels and you just become the middle person like setting up these deals, right? Like Damon John is not going out there making the phone calls to go get distribution
Starting point is 00:23:57 in all these different clothing lines, right? But he's like, I got a dude who does that. I got a dude who does that. I got a dude, you know, a dudette, whatever. You got different people who do things. He knows that all I have to do is if I say yes to this deal, I call three people. Now this, this is in 3000 stores. He'd be the same thing for you. Like, I don't know how to get traffic, but this is the guy who's really good at traffic. This person would get a funnels. I find this deal, take over the deal, make two phone calls. Can you do the funnel? You do traffic. I'll give you each a piece of the pie and then boom, all of a sudden now you're in business. And so this is the stuff I want you guys thinking through. So my goal for
Starting point is 00:24:24 this podcast episode, literally my notes here says I want you guys exercising, flexing the muscles in your brain. What would you do? So start looking at deals. Think about the lady boss deal we bought, right? Think about Doodly. Think about magnetic marketing. If you were to buy that company, what would you do? It all starts there, right? What would you do? Okay, look at another company. What's the company in your market? Let's say Onnit is a really cool supplement. What would you do if you bought Onnit? What would you do? Look at another company. What's the company in your market? They say Onnit is a really cool supplement. What would you do if you bought Onnit? What would you do if you bought Success Magazine? What would you do if you bought an old book on eBay?
Starting point is 00:24:50 What would you do? And then start that exercise, and it's going to get the wheels spinning. You're going to start realizing, oh my gosh, I learned this over here. I learned this over here. I could do this. I could do this. I could do this. And as you start doing that, these muscles in your brain are going to get smarter.
Starting point is 00:25:02 If you were to buy ClickFunnels, what would you do? I want to ask you guys that question. Think about it. If I gave you the keys to ClickFunnels, what would you do? I want to ask you guys that question. Think about it. If I gave you the keys to ClickFunnels, congratulations, you're the new owner, what are you going to do? What would you do? What would it look like?
Starting point is 00:25:11 How would you make it better? What would the structure be? How would you try to grow sales? How would you try to start thinking through these things and start opening up all these things for you? So that's kind of the goal I want you guys to start looking at is just flexing these muscles in your brain so when the opportunities show up, when you guys just start looking at is, um, it's just flexing
Starting point is 00:25:25 these muscles in your brain. So when the opportunity show up, when you're out looking at houses and you look in the attic, also you see a hundred million dollar Rembrandt that you were able to go execute on it, take that opportunity and run with it. Cause you don't want to be a person walks and looks around and oh, it's only worth a hundred grand and leave when the thing's worth a hundred million dollars. Okay. Those opportunities around you every single day and your skillset gives you the ability
Starting point is 00:25:42 to capitalize on it and have success. So with that said, you guys, I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you have, please share with somebody. Yeah, let them know. The biggest thing you can do to help pass this on is share this episode with somebody else, post it on your social media, and also make sure you go to the podcast sites and rate and review them, meaning the world to me. On top of that, if you have any questions about this specific topic, I can do an update
Starting point is 00:26:01 episode in the future. Go to There's a chat block in there. You can literally go ask that question. It'll come directly to me. And if we do an update on this episode, I will try to answer all your questions about Rembrandts and the addicts, the opportunities that are hiding right behind your nose. They're sitting there. You can just grab them. Let me know. And with that said, thank you guys so much for listening. I appreciate you being a listener and I will see you guys on the next episode of the Marketing Seekers Podcast.

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