The Russell Brunson Show - (MS) Should Russell Brunson Run For President?

Episode Date: October 20, 2023

If I was running for office, this is exactly how I would market myself. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magne...tic Marketing Secrets of Success Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit slash dioffer to learn more. Welcome to the Marketing Seekers Podcast. My name is Russell Brunson, and I'm what you call a serial entrepreneur, but with a twist. You see, 50% of my time, I'm the CEO of ClickFunnels, helping over 100,000 brands to grow their companies with funnels. And the other 50% of my time, I'm actually in the trenches using ClickFunnels to grow the startups I believe in. During this podcast, I'll take you behind the scenes and show you how we are bootstrapping ClickFunnels
Starting point is 00:00:53 and my other businesses from startup to nine figures and beyond. Welcome to the show. What's up, everybody? This is Russell. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. My voice is starting to finally get a little better. Post-FHL, I think every year, Fun Hockey Live, I go and we, man, we work so hard prepping for it, getting our energy, our excitement, everything. And then we, you know, go for five days straight of events and masterminds and meetings and speaking
Starting point is 00:01:20 and taking people to Universal for parties and like just all this stuff. And then I shake hands with two million people. Everyone's doing Comic Club World, and everyone signs up for the coaching. I get pictures on stage and shaking hands. So I get like mixed in the Seth pool of everybody's germs, and then I usually end up getting sick. So despite the fact that I take eight billion vitamins
Starting point is 00:01:40 and minerals to protect myself, it's just usually too much between the stress, anxiety, people. So anyway, post-FHL, I got home and got a little sick, but my body rebounded quickly. I think two mornings I felt like, you know, I had fevers and headaches. And then day three, I felt better, just like stuffy nose and stays day four and I'm feeling pretty good. So back at it, ready to rock and roll. Anyway, I'm bringing you this message. This is probably my yearly annoyance message that I want to bring about political campaigns. Oh, why are people in politics so bad at marketing?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Like, wouldn't, wouldn't if you were going to go run for political office, wouldn't you like buy a book on marketing? Like if they bought any of my books and read it, specifically expert secrets, but anything like read any book about marketing, you could be a better marketer than any of them are. Like they're all so horribly bad. I'm driving down the street right now and there's tons of signs and all the signs say are vote so-and-so for, um, city commissioner or whatever it is. Right. So like all their copies, the same, the word vote, their full name, big as possible. And then the thing that
Starting point is 00:02:45 they're running for not a single one of these signs has any benefit of why i should vote for them just here's my name vote for me here's my name vote for me here's like it's the most like insane ludicrous moronic i don't even know how to i don't like, I just want to run for political office. Like I think politics is the stupidest thing in the world, but I just want to run for political office once so I can show what a good, like a well-run political campaign, um, using marketing strategy actually looks like. Here we've got McGwell something zone four, um, vote Renee Oswald, West County school trustee vote district two something something let's see west aida trustee candidates liz strandler for city council district two so i
Starting point is 00:03:33 got their name what they're running for that's it but there's no like there's no benefit like why why should i vote for you renee azuna you told me nothing there's a picture of you so i see a picture of you and i see what you're running for, but there's no benefit of me actually voting for you. Like marketing 101 is with them. What's in it for me? Like what's in it for them? Why should they vote for you? Give them a reason, give them a purpose, give them some benefit. So, all right, so let me step back. Let's say I was running for political campaign. What would it be like? What would I look at? The very first thing I would look at is the same thing I look at when I'm writing a webinar pitch, same thing I'm doing when I'm writing a book, same thing I'm doing when I'm doing anything.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And right now I'm in the middle of writing, well, middle, I'm three years into the same book I've been writing forever, but I've started over again from scratch. Um, like four days ago, right before I got sick, I actually rewrote the table of contents and I'm restarting over for the 500th time. Um, but the first question is like, like for this book, like what's the big promise? Like what's the, like if you read this book, what's the one big thing you're going to get, right? It's not like here's 800 million things. It's like, what's the one big thing you're going to get if you read this book, right? That's the question. Like if you secrets, the big thing is you're going to know how to like use a funnel expert secrets.
Starting point is 00:04:45 You're going to know how to persuade people to get them to buy from you. If you're a traffic secret, you're going to get people to show up at your funnels and your websites, right? Like it's one big promise. If I do a webinar, there's always one big promise. Like what's the one big promise? If you read this book, if you watch this webinar, if you buy this course, if you blah, blah, blah, like what's the one big promise?
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's like marketing one-on-one, right? Any sales letter, any webinar right any sales letter any webinar any podcast any anything you know putting a message out into the world it's like what's the one big benefit that they are going to get if they consume the thing right and if i was a politician running for anything that's what i would be asking myself like if someone's going to vote for me for city council for zone 2 district a of, whatever the political thing is at the time. Like, what's the one big benefit? Like, why is there some of both of you? Like what, how is their life going to change one iota if you get that calling, right? Like, that's the
Starting point is 00:05:33 question. What's in it for them? What's the benefit? What's, what's the, the thing, the flag that you are planting into the ground, you know, like, and you may be big believer in like 20 different topics and that's awesome, but you got to pick one. What's the one thing, what's the big domino? What's the, like, what's the thing that you can go to your, you know, to your, to every, every, uh, radio interview, every podcast, every Facebook live, every sign that's like, boom, vote for me and blah, this, this magic thing is going to happen for you. Like that's, that's the, that's the crux of this entire thing. Man, the sun is so bright. I can't even see the road right now. Sorry. I am, I am doing a marketing in your car episode. I'm driving while I'm talking. Um, just cause I saw
Starting point is 00:06:16 all the signs and it made me annoyed every year about political season. It comes out and I'm just like, I probably had five episodes on this podcast about this topic, but it's just important because someone out there is listening to this and like, wow, I'm trying to change the world. I'm going to run for politics. And then they're too dumb to read a marketing book. Politics is just marketing. Like there's nothing like people are not buying into you as a candidate because of anything other than how good you are at marketing the ideas you want. And it blows my mind that many people are studying marketing or sales or persuasion or anything.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Um, it's the only thing that matters. Like you, what you believe on the policies does not actually matter unless people like, you know, unless you're able to persuade them that you, that you're going to be the one who's going to make those changes happen. Right. Um, anyway, someday I should write just a political book called like politics secrets, like how to not run a stupid campaign, how to actually use good marketing to persuade, to convince people. But anyway, that's it. Like, so number one is I'd figure out like, what's the one thing that if I
Starting point is 00:07:14 become the candidate, it's going to be the biggest thing in the world. Right? So again, I don't follow politics. Let's just say Russell was running for president. So if I was running for president, uh, I would look like, what's one thing. And I would look at all political history throughout time, try to figure something out. Right. And so for me, if I was running for president, I would look like, what's one thing? And I would look at all political history throughout time, try to figure something out, right? And so for me, if I was running for president of the United States, actually, I would go back. I heard this actually from Dean Graciosi and Barry Baumgardner, who are two amazing people,
Starting point is 00:07:38 but they were talking about political campaigns and they're talking about way back in the day, I think it was Thomas, Thomas Paine wrote a book called Common Sense. Is that who it was? Anyway, I actually bought a first edition of it cause I thought it was kind of cool story. But, um, this is back like, I don't know, 200 years ago, we're in political party and like wrote a book called common sense. Like, Hey, we need to return back to common sense.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So that'd be my platform is like Russell runs for president. Um, return to common sense. Like right now the world's insane. Like we're a bunch of morons. Like I'm gonna bring common sense back into, into the world. Like that'd be my, that'd be my platform. Right? So my big sign on the street, you wouldn't say vote Russell Brunson for president. You're like vote Russell Brunson. So that right. Let me throw you now here's a benefit so that we can get people, you know, so we can bring common sense back to this, to this country or whatever it is. Right. And then, and then I would like take that. That's the core overarching theme, right? Like my, that's my one funnel way. And then inside of there, like I do sub campaigns,
Starting point is 00:08:33 right? Bring common sense about this policy, bring common sense about this, this thing that people are upset about, bring common sense about, and I would start like taking my overarching theme and attacking, um, uh, each individual, um, what do they call them? This is how, this is how bad I am at politics. Um, each of the, the, like the talking points, but I would, I would fight them through that same theme, right? All through common sense, all through common, like everything would be tied back to that one message. That way, when people hear me, they're like, Oh, Russell Brunson, he's a common sense guy. He's a guy trying to read common sense back in it. And then people are like, oh, did you
Starting point is 00:09:06 hear what he said about this topic? Oh, did you hear what he said about this topic? And then I keep resetting back to this, the one core theme of like, of, of common sense, right? And that's my political campaign. And it'd be amazing. I'd pick apart all the stupidness that's happening in the world right now. And I'd be like, hey, here's what's happening right now. Let's come back to common sense. And I'd bring back common Hey, here's what's happening right now. Let's come back. Common sense. And I bring back common sense. Like those who want to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:28 live in a world where common sense rules vote for Russell. Right. But like, that would be the campaign now. And now it's not just vote for me because my name's on a board and, and it has running for president next to it. You make both of me because this is how I can help you. This is what's in it for you.
Starting point is 00:09:41 You vote for me. This is what you're going to get out of it. Right. One common theme, one big domino. And then I'll be able to talk about each, each issue through the lens of that one common theme and boom, that's how I win for president. So there you go. You guys want to vote for me? I'm in. It'd be awesome. Anyway. So yeah. And then I read expert secrets and look at all the things that are created in a mass movement. I think what's the new opportunity I'm providing people? What's the, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:07 what's the, um, like what are we going to call ourselves? What's the, you know, anyway, expert secrets 101. That should be called my political campaign book. So if you guys are ready for political, anything, hopefully that helps a little bit. Um, but secondarily, for any of you guys who are, who are, who are vying for the attention in your marketplace, you're doing the same thing, right? You are politically, you know, running ads. There's signs on the side of the road. If your ads like, Hey, buy Russell Brunson's crap.
Starting point is 00:10:36 No one's going to buy it, right? Buy Russell Brunson's crap because I'm going to show you how to blah, blah, blah. Because you're one funnel away. And this is how you're going to learn how to do this funnel because you're in boom, boom, boom. Like that's the, that's the secret. That's the strategy. That's the goal.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So does that make sense? You guys getting on my end down? I hope so. Because, um, if you guys understand it, like it's, it's powerful. So, all right. Thank you guys. I appreciate you all for listening to me rant. I'm sure I'll be back next year during the political season.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Next year will be crazy though. Next year is like the big one, the big presidential election, which if you're not fully aware, this year, next year is going to be insane. I think it's going to cause, anyway, tell everyone you know now you love them,
Starting point is 00:11:15 because within a year from now, there's going to be so much, I don't know, I think the country is going to eat each other alive, politically, so, anyway, there you go. It's going to eat each other alive politically so anyway there you go it's going to be crazy next year I'm going to try to not get into the politics
Starting point is 00:11:31 but use the leverage of the politics to sell a bunch of stuff that's my goal so anyway I appreciate y'all thanks for listening and I will talk to you all again soon alright bye everybody

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