The Russell Brunson Show - Same Product: One $2 Million, One $40 Million
Episode Date: May 17, 2021The strategic thinking between the $2 million earner and the $40 million earner. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- ...Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets Podcast. It's a Saturday. I just got done working out. While I was working out, I was thinking about something that's crazy. I have two friends that have a very similar product. One of them is very proud because I think they made $2 million from this product, which is amazing. Two Comma Club winner, yes, let's do it. The other friend did $40 million this year, and right now we are trying to acquire his company. And what is the difference? That's what I want to talk about here on today's episode. All right, so I set this up in the intro, but it's crazy. Two people have the exact same product. One, $2 million in sales, which is very amazing. One did $40 million in sales. So what is the difference? Both the products are the same. I'm not going to give you guys too much detail because, come on, you're my funnel hackers. You could go and try to find him and search him out. Look at the funnel, look at all the things. So I don't want to give you the answer, but I do want to give you the question that's hopefully going to get the wheels in your head spinning. What's the difference sometimes between a product that is $2 million and a product that's $4 million? Both are good, but if you're going to be doing the work anyway, you might as well have the one that does $40 million. Did I say four? I meant 40, $40 million. And so it's interesting because if you saw both the pages, both the funnels, both things, you'd be like, "Oh yeah, it's the same product. They're probably doing similar things." In fact, my friend, whose product did $2 million, has been doing this game longer than I have. He understands the business and he understands everything. It's not like he's a rookie mistake. It was just a little different strategy. That's it. The strategy he executed the product on was different. And what's crazy is that the $2 million friend does not know that my $40 million friend is thinking $40 million for the same product. They probably think that they're on par, they're doing similar. But it's crazy, and all it was, was a different strategy. And so that's why, if you think about it, I spend so much time trying to get you guys thinking differently. Not so much, here's the answer, because then it's like, here's the tactic. Go copy it. And I could do that. I could show you guys the funnel that did $40 million. And it's cool and you'd say, "Here's the tactics." Then you'd be like, "Oh, I don't know how to make that work for myself." I remember at one time, this is pre-ClickFunnels, I had a chance to interview my first mentor. His name is Mark Joyner. And in the interview, I was asking some questions and I asked him, I was like, "What advice would you give someone like me?" And this is, again, before ClickFunnels. He said, "The biggest thing is right now, you are very good at the tactics. You're very good at, here's the thing, I'm going to do the thing, and you kind of do it." He said, "What you're not as good at yet is you're not as good at understanding the overarching strategy." And he's like, "The difference between where you are now and where you want to be is you have to become more strategic of a thinker," however he said that. I think he used a big word that I can't remember, but conceptually I understand it. And at first, for a long time, I didn't understand. What does he mean by that? I don't get it. I'm confused. But if I look at these two businesses I'm talking about right now, one of them is very tactical. Boom, did the thing, great video, great sales copy, upsell, downsell, the whole flow is in place. The other person, same things, but his strategy was a little bit different. The way he sold this product was different. And it wasn't a big shift. It wasn't a big change. It was just thinking strategically differently. And so that's what I want to help you guys with today. I talk obviously inside of our community about funnel hacking and looking at things and modeling. But sometimes it's more than that. Sometimes it's more than just looking at someone who's doing it and modeling the process. It's looking at what a lot of people are doing, a lot of people in different industries. One of the mentors I learned from initially a lot is a guy named Jay Abraham. Some of you have heard of Jay. And what he was really, really good at was he was really good at not just looking at his industry and saying, "I'm selling insurance. How are other people selling insurance doing it?" He'd say, "I'm selling insurance. How are people who are building houses doing this? How are people who are dentists doing this?" And he would look at different industries. I remember when I was first learning from him about the same time that Mark Joyner asked me my tactic versus strategy question. I was listening to a lot of Jay Abraham's stuff at the time and I noticed that he'd be like, "Hey, I had a client that was in this industry over here and I didn't know how to help him, but I saw a guy in this other industry doing this, and so I brought that over and modeled it and boom, we blew up the company." And I think, for me, a lot of that started happening. In fact, it's one of the reasons why I feel like I'm a good coach nowadays, because so many people in my market in how to start an online business market, they're really good at starting businesses in the how to make money on the internet market, so that's what they teach. Whereas my passion and my focus for the last decade has been, how do all businesses use this stuff? I respect every business is different. There's tweaks and there's changes, but I look at so many of them. Because of that, because I have a chance to look at businesses all over the place, a lot of times they're applying planning strategies and I'm just like, "Here's what everyone's doing. Here's what's working." It's like, okay, nobody's seeing this, but in this market over here, somebody is doing that thing. Here's the tweak, here's the change, here's the idea. So my friend who has the $40 million business versus my friend with the $2 million business, it was just a strategy change. It was just my friend doing $2 million was doing what everybody else was doing and my friend doing 40 million just saw a different way. He's like, "Hey, everyone else is pricing this way. Everyone else is structuring their funnel this way. What if I made this little tiny tweak? What if I made this little shift?" And it's just a positioning shift. Literally, it's just shifting the positioning in the pricing strategy just a little bit. And from the same amount of effort now, one of them, $2 million, one of them, $40 million. And so I want you to thinking about that, looking, keeping your eyes open. This is the time to start developing your thinking muscles as you're looking at other people are doing. How are people selling things online? How are they selling them offline? What TV ads? What are you seeing when you're listening to Spotify? What do the ads say? What do the landing pages look like? Just keeping your eyes open for a bunch of stuff, even if it's not something that's in your market, because that's what a lot of times these big strategic ahas are going to come from. My friend doing 40 million didn't get that from the market he's selling his product in, because nobody's doing it. I don't know exactly where he got it from or if it just came up off the top of his head, if he saw somebody else doing it, but it was just a tiny, little strategic decision that now you look at 12 months of effort, both of them buying Facebook ads, both from driving traffic, both moving JVs, both moving all this stuff. One equals two, one equals 40. So anyway, again, my goal with this is not to give you the answer and give you the tactic, but to open your mind up to more strategic thinking, looking different, looking bigger, looking at other places, looking around, looking at what other people are doing, not just in the industry. Inside of that is where you start finding some of the big ahas, the big change makers, the big things that shift these things from $2 million to 40 million. So it's pretty cool. Anyway, if and when we purchase this company, I'm sure at that point would share with you guys some of the stuff on how it works and stuff like that. I'm just not at liberty, obviously, to share that because I'm under NDAs and everything. But it's just fascinating. It's really, really cool how a little shift like that can change things. So with that said, my job and my goal right now is thinking the same thing. With ClickFunnels, we're at this big transition point. Something crazy is happening with Funnel Hacking Live. I can't tell you about yet. I was going to say, you guys are going to die when you see it. And so, because of that, I have this window to make some strategic changes and differentiate in pricing and a whole bunch of things like that. So right now I'm spending a lot of time thinking about that, because I could just shift into doing what we're doing, which has worked and it's worked at a high level. But, is there something different? Is there something better? What are other people doing? We literally went and had everybody we could find search for different SaaS platforms and companies in every industry you can dream up. We end up with a Trello board with, I don't know, 200 or 300 different SaaS products. SaaS stands for software as a service, which is what ClickFunnels is. And so we've gone through and seen all those, and now we're signing up. We're looking at the prices, looking at thousands and thousands and thousands of these things. I had a chance to go see Tony Robbins about a month ago, and I was asking him, "Hey, if you were me and you're at this level and at this level, what would you do?" And he said, "Two things." He's like, "Proximity is power. Get around people who have already done what you're trying to do." And that was the first thing. And then number two was modeling. So I've modeled people that have done what I've done, but who are the people that are bigger? So, for me, I'm looking at Salesforce, I'm looking at Shopify. I'm looking at, who are these companies that are worth billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars, in some cases? With Shopify now, it's crazy. What are they doing differently? What am I missing? What are the pieces that I didn't understand that they understand? I think about Shopify, their shopping cart platforms, they're great. I love them. But they're not worth, in my mind, 144 times or whatever worth more than we are. But they are right. And why? Because strategically, these are the things I'm wondering. How do I get proximity to him and people who've worked with him or people that understand? If I want to get that level, I've got to think like the people at that level. And so, how do I expand my thought process? How do I get myself thinking differently? And it's getting around people who think that way. I think a lot of you guys, and this is true for me as well, when I got in this business, I thought differently, and I started getting around these people who had these big visions, I was like, "Oh my gosh." And by being around them, having proximity around them, my vision started getting bigger. I started thinking bigger. I think some of you guys hopefully have felt that when he came into my world and maybe you were just trying to make a quick extra buck on the internet, and all of a sudden you get in this thing and all of a sudden you're like, "Oh my gosh, I could win Two Comma Club. I could change the world. I could start a movement. I can help people." And hopefully I've expanded your vision and proximities around that. That's why you guys need to be at Funnel Hacking Live. That's why you've got to plug in things we're doing. Because I feel like a lot of people in our community, I’m a few steps ahead, because I've been doing this for two decades now. And so my job is to keep pressing forward. I was talking yesterday to our Two Comma Club X students and I was talking about how I'm planning on reopening my inner circle but I'm also starting a new Mastermind group called Category Kings, which is for people who are between 10 and 100 million. And I said, as soon as I get to a billion dollars, I'm going to be opening another one that's helping people who are at the $100 million level get to the billion, but I'm not there yet. I haven't made $1 billion yet. I'm more than halfway there. So I'm working hard. But as soon as I get that, as soon as I cross the $1 billion mark, then I can have something where I'm going to be like, "Hey, for those of you guys who are at $100 million, let me show you the next tier. Let me show you what we did to get to the $1 billion." And so I'm trying to stay a couple of steps ahead and then taking people and pulling them up to the next level. And so, for me, I'm looking ahead like, who's already got to $1 billion? What did they do differently? What are the changes? What are the tweaks? What is the mindset? How do I strategically think differently? Because, for them, it's easy. Right now it's funny, because for some of you guys, the thought of winning Two Comma Club awards is this huge thing. Whereas right now, any idea that I had, if I was to execute on it, if it hit Two Comma Club within the first 30 days, I would think I failed. But it's just because I know the process, I know the path. It's not confusing or hard or difficult. It's like, "Oh, here's what you do. Boom, boom, boom, a million bucks." And so it's really a simple process at this point. And that's my job, is to try to, first off, inspire you guys, help you understand that, teach you, train you, give you tools and things. But it took me two decades to master all the principles so I can do that really easily. But now it's easy. So everyone wants to get to Two Comma Club in their business. I can help you because I've gone that path. And so, for me, I want to get around the thinkers who have hit $1 billion. That's simple. I was talking to someone who's friends with this dude who has sold seven or eight companies for $1 billion so far. Seven or eight times, this dude, it's like winning Two Comma Club awards as they go. Another Three Comma Club, another Three Comma Club. That dude thinks differently than me. I don't know what he's thinking about, but I want to figure that out. I've got to get around him. I've got to think differently. I've got to be strategic. And so, anyway, these are some of the things I'm working on and hopefully it helps you as well. So find the people that are the tier above you, where you want to go. Get around them. Surround yourself with them. Learn to think like them. I think a lot of times we all have this problem where we think our job is to try to get the people around us to think like us. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, my friends. That is not the goal. My job is not to get the people around me to think like me. My role is to find people I aspire to be like and to learn how to think like them. That's the difference. It's similar, this is not to get religious, but I think it's funny, for me, my beliefs are there's an all-knowing God. So there's a God. He's all-knowing, all-powerful, and what people try to do is they try to bend the will of God. Well, God should believe this, and we should believe this, and tries to shift our thinking. They want God's thinking to match what we believe, it's like, no, no, no, no, no. That's not how it works, you guys. The goal is not to try to shift God's thinking to match ours. The goal is to figure out what does God think and then we think like him. And I think that sometimes our ego or pride or whatever tries to shift to the other way around. And so it's true in that sense, but it's so true also in this business sense where it's like, find the people who are already what you want to do, you aspire to be like, and find out what they think and think like them. Don't try to bend their will to yours. Because if you go to me and you're broke and you're like, "I'm going to teach Russell how to get Two Comma Club. This is the way it should be." I'm like, "No, you're dumb." You can get smart. That's the cool thing about it. You can learn these things, but you're wrong right now. Because I've done this a million times and it's not that hard. Let me just show you how to it is." And so I think it's humbling ourselves. It's getting ego out of the way. Finding people a level up above us. Strategically syncing with them and then learning like they learn, believe what they believe. Think what they think. And that's the goal. So anyway, there you go. I hope that helps you guys. I love this game. I love this business. It's so much fun. So much development, so much growth, so much learning, but only if you're willing to change. So be open to it. It's worth it. As smart as you are and I am and we all are, there's always somebody who knows more than us and it's cool and exciting to be open to that and to go search for it and learn from them and try to get to the next level. So with that said, have an amazing weekend, you guys. Wherever you are in the world, I appreciate you. I see you. I know you're working hard. You're trying to create your dreams. You're trying to create your dream lifestyle. You're trying to help other people. I see you. I respect you. Grateful for you guys doing that. And if you don’t have your tickets yet for Funnel Hacking Live, what are you waiting for? The party is starting. I think we're at $2 million, $3 million. I don't know. It's an expensive event to put on. So I'm putting out on huge party for you guys. I'm spending millions of dollars to entertain and educate you. You should just be there. Don't miss it. Go to and get your tickets now. With that said, I appreciate you all and I'll talk to you all again soon. Bye, everybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit slash dioffer to learn more. Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets Podcast.
It's a Saturday. I just got done working out. And while I was working out, I was thinking about
something that's kind of crazy. I have two friends that have a very similar product.
One of them is very proud
because they, um, I think they made $2 million for this product, which is amazing. Like to
comical winner. Yes, let's do it. Uh, the other friend, um, did $40 million this year. And right
now we are trying to acquire his company. And what is the difference? That's what we'll talk
about here on today's episode. So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services
and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
All right, so I kind of set this up in the intro, but it's crazy. Two people have the exact same
product. One, $2 million in sales, which is very amazing. One did $40 million in sales. So what is
the difference?
Okay. Both the products are the same. I'm not going to give you guys too much detail because
come on, you're my funnel hacker. Should be going and trying to find him and search him out,
look at the funnel, look at all the things. Um, so I don't want to give you the answer,
but I do want to give you the question that's hopefully going to get the wheels in your head
spinning, right? Um, what's the difference sometimes between a product that is $2 million and a product that's $4 million? Both are good, but if you're going to be doing the
work anyway, you might as well have the one that does $40 million, right? Did I say four? I meant
40. $40 million. And so it's interesting because from the outside, if you saw both the pages,
both the funnels, both the things, you're like, oh yeah, it's the same product. They're probably
doing similar things. In fact, my friend who's probably did $2 million
has been doing this game longer than I have.
Like he understands business, understands everything.
He's, you know, it's not like he's a rookie mistake.
It was just a little different strategy.
That's it.
The strategy he executed the product on was different.
And what's crazy is that the $2 million friend
does not know that my $40 million friend is making $40 million for the same product. Um, they probably think they're
on par, they're doing similar, but it's crazy. Um, and all it was, was a different strategy.
Um, uh, yeah. And so, I mean, that's why if you think about it, I spent so much time
trying to get you guys thinking differently, right? Not so much like,
here's the answer. Cause then it's like, here's the tactic, go copy it. Right. That's not, and I
could do that. I could be like, let me show you guys the funnel that did, that did $40 million.
And it's cool. And you say, here's the tactics. Then you'd be like, well, I don't know how to,
how to make that work for myself. Um, I remember one time, um, and this is pre-click funnels. I
had a chance to interview, uh, my first mentors named Mark Joyner. And in the interview, I was kind of asking some questions.
And I asked him, I was like, you know, what advice would you give someone like me?
And this is, again, before ClickFunnels.
He said, the biggest thing is right now you are very good at the tactics, right?
You're very good at like, okay, here's the thing.
I'm going to do the thing.
And you kind of do it, right?
He said, but what you're not as good at yet is you're not good at understanding
the overarching strategy. And he's like, the difference between you, where you are now,
where you want to be is you have to become a better strategic, strategic, more strategic of
a thinker. Um, however he said that, I think he used a big word that I can't remember, but
conceptually you guys understand it. And at first for a long time, I didn't understand like, what
does he mean by that? Like, I don't, I don't get it. Like I'm, I'm confused. Right. Um, but if I look at this, these two businesses I'm talking about right now, one didn't understand, like, what does he mean by that? Like, I don't get it. Like, I'm confused, right?
But if I look at these two businesses I'm talking about right now, one of them is very tactical.
Like, boom, did the thing.
Great video.
Great sales copy.
Upsell, downsell.
The whole flow is in place.
Other person, same thing, but strategy was a little bit different.
The way he sold this product was different.
And it wasn't a big shift.
It wasn't a big change.
It was just thinking strategically differently. And so that's what I want to help you guys with today. You know, I talk obviously
inside of our community about funnel hacking and looking at things and modeling. Um, but sometimes
it's more than that. Sometimes it's more than just like looking at someone's doing it and modeling
the process. It's, it's looking at what a lot of people are doing. A lot of people in different
industries. Um, one of the mentors I learned from initially a lot was, uh, is a guy named Jay
Abraham. Some of you guys have heard of Jay. And what he was really, really good at was he was really good at not just looking at
his industry and saying, oh, well, you know, I'm selling insurance. How are other people selling
insurance doing it? He'd say, I'm selling insurance. How are people who are building
houses doing this? How are people who are dentists doing this? Right. And he would look at different
industries. I remember when I was first learning from him about the same time that Mark
Joyner asked me my tactic versus strategy question. I was listening to a lot of Jay Abraham stuff at
the time. And I noticed that he'd be like, Hey, I had a client that was in this industry over here
and I didn't know how to help him, but I saw a guy in this other industry doing this. And so I
brought that over and modeled it and boom, we blew up the company. And I think for me, a lot of that
started happening. In fact, it's one of the reasons why I feel like I'm a good coach nowadays, because so many people
in my market and how to start online business market, you know, they're really good at starting
businesses in the how to make money on the internet market. So that's what they teach.
Whereas my passion and my focus for the last decade has been like, how are all businesses
use this stuff, right? I respect every business is different. There's tweaks and there's changes,
but I look at so many of them. So because of that, because I have a chance to look at
businesses all over the place, a lot of times around applying strategy, it's not just like,
oh, here's what everyone's doing. Here's what's working. It's like, okay, nobody's seeing this,
but in this market over here, somebody is doing that thing, right? Like here's the tweak,
here's the change, here's the idea, okay?
So my friend who has the $40 million business
versus my friend with the $2 million business,
it was just a strategy change.
It was just like my friend doing $2 million
is doing what everybody else is doing.
My friend doing 40 million just saw a different way.
He's like, hey, everyone else is pricing this way.
Everyone else is structuring their funnel this way.
What if I made this little tiny tweak?
What if I made this little shift? And it's just a positioning shift. Literally,
it's just shifting the positioning and the pricing strategy just a little bit.
And from the same amount of effort now, right? One of them, $2 million. One of them, $40 million.
And so I want you guys thinking about that, looking, keeping your eyes open. This is the
time to start developing your thinking muscles. As you're looking at what other people are doing,
how are people selling things online? How do they sell them offline?
What are the TV ads?
What do you see when you're listening to Spotify?
What do the ads say?
What does the landing page look like?
And just like keeping your eyes open for a bunch of stuff, even if it's not something
that's in your market.
Because that's where a lot of times these big strategic ahas are going to come from.
My friend doing 40 million didn't get that from the market he's selling his product in
because nobody's doing it.
I don't know exactly where he got it from.
I don't know if it just came up off the top of his head.
If he saw somebody else doing it, there was just a tiny
little strategic decision that, um, now you look at, you know, 12 months of effort, you know, both
of them, both of my Facebook ads, both of them driving traffic, both of them in JVs, both of
them doing all this stuff. One equals two, one equals four, 40. Sorry. So anyway, um, yeah,
again, my, my goal is not to give you the answer and give you the
tactic, but to, to open your mind up to more strategic thinking, like looking different,
looking bigger, looking at other places, looking around, looking at what other people are doing,
uh, not just in the industry. And, um, and inside of that is where you start finding some of the
big ahas, the big change makers, the big things that shift these things from $2 million to 40
million. Right. Um, so it's pretty cool. Anyway, if, and when we purchased this company, I'm sure I big change makers, the big things that shift these things from $2 million to 40 million, right?
So it's pretty cool. Anyway, if, and when we purchased this company, I'm sure I, at that point would share you guys some of the stuff and how it works and stuff like that. I just am not
at Liberty obviously to share any of it because I'm under NDAs and everything, but it's just,
it's just fascinating. It's really, really cool how, how a little shift like that can,
can change things. So with that said, my job and my goal
right now is thinking the same thing with ClickFunnels. We're at this big transition point,
something crazy is happening at Funnel Hacking Lab. I can't tell you about it yet. Right. And,
um, oh, it's insane. You guys are going to die when you see it. Um, and so because of that, like
I have this, this window to make some strategic changes and, and differentiate and, and pricing
and a whole bunch of things like that.
And so right now I'm spending a lot of time thinking about that because I could just shift it and keep doing what we're doing, which has worked and it's worked at a high level, right?
But like, is there something different? There's something better. Like what are other people
doing? We literally went and had everybody we could find search for different SaaS platforms
and companies in every industry you can dream of. We ended up with a Trello board with like,
I don't know, two or 300 different SaaS products, right? SaaS stands for
software as a service, which is what ClickFunnels is. And so we've gone through and like seen all
those. And now we're signing up, looking at prices, right? Looking at like thousands and thousands
and thousands of these things. Um, I had a chance to go see Tony Robbins, uh, about a month ago.
And, and I was asking him like, Hey, if you were me and you're at this level and trying to get this
level, what would you do? And he said two things.
One is like proximity is power.
Get around people who've already done
what you're trying to do.
And that was kind of the first thing.
And then number two was like modeling, right?
So it's like I've modeled people
that have done what I've done,
but like who are the people that are bigger, right?
Who like, so for me, I'm looking at Salesforce.
I'm looking at Shopify.
I'm looking at who are these companies
that are worth billions of dollars, tens of billions
of dollars, um, hundreds of billions of dollars in some cases, you know, Shopify now it's
Like, what are they doing differently?
What am I missing?
Like, what are the pieces that I understand that they understand?
Like how, you know, I think about Shopify, like, like they're a shopping cart platform.
They're great.
I love them.
Um, but they're not worth, you know, in my
mind, they're not 144 billion, you know, 144 times or whatever worth more than we are. Right.
But they are right. And why? Because strategically he's doing things I'm not doing. It's like,
how do I get proximity to him and people who've worked with him or people that understand if I
want to get to that level, I got to think like the people that level. And so how do I, how do I expand my thought process?
How do I get myself thinking differently?
And it's getting around people who think that way.
You know, I think a lot of you guys, um, and this is true for me as well.
When I got in this business, I thought differently and I started getting around these people
who had these big visions.
I was like, oh my gosh.
And by being around them, having proximity around them, my, my vision started getting
I started thinking bigger.
Um, I think some of you guys hopefully have felt that when you came into my world and, and you know, maybe you were
just trying to make a quick extra buck on the internet and all of a sudden you get in this
thing and all of a sudden you're like, Oh my gosh, I can win two comic club. I can change the world.
I can start a movement. I can like help people. I can, you know, and hopefully I've expanded your
vision and proxies around. That's why you guys need to be a fun hiking live. That's why you got
to plug in things we're doing. Cause you know, um, I feel like a lot of people aren't coming
to him a few steps ahead cause I've been doing this for two decades now. Right. And so my job is to like keep pressing
forward. Um, I was talking yesterday to our two comic club X students and I was talking about how
I'm, um, planning on reopening my inner circle, but I'm also starting to come, um, a new mastermind
group called category Kings, which is for people who are between 10 and a hundred million. And I
said, and as soon as I get to a billion dollars, I'm going to be opening another one. It's helping people who are at the 100 million level
get to the billion.
But I'm not there yet.
I haven't made a billion dollars yet.
I'm more than halfway there.
So I'm working hard.
But as soon as I get there,
as soon as I cross the billion dollar mark,
then I can have something where I'm like,
hey, for those of you guys who are at 100 million dollars,
let me show you the next year.
Let me show you what we did to get to the billion dollars.
And so I'm trying to stay a couple of steps ahead
and then taking people and pulling them
up to the next level. And so for me i'm looking ahead like all right who's already got
some billion dollars what are they doing differently like what are the changes what
the tweaks what the mindset how do i strategically think differently because for them it's easy like
right now like it's it's funny because for some of you guys like the the thought of winning a
two comic club award is like this huge thing whereas right now like any idea that i had if
i was executed on it um if you didn't hit two comic clubs in the first 30 days, I would think I failed.
Right. Um, but it's just cause like, I know the process, I know the path. It's not like confusing
or hard or difficult. It's just like, Oh, here's what you do. Boom, boom, boom, boom, million bucks.
Right. And so it's really a simple process at this point. Um, and that's, you know, my, my job
is to try to first off inspire you guys, help you understand that, teach you, train you, give the
tools, things, but it took me two decades to master all the principles so I can do
that really easily. But now it's easy. So anyone who wants to get to comic club, like, uh, in their
business, like I can help you cause I've, I've gone that path. Right. And so for me, I want to
get around the thinkers who have hit a billion dollars. That's like simple, right? I was talking
to someone who's friends with this dude who, um, has sold like seven or eight companies for a
billion dollars so far, like seven or eight times. This dude, it's like winning two comic club awards.
He's like, oh, another three comic club, another three comic club.
Like that dude thinks differently than me.
I don't know what he's thinking about, but I want to figure that out.
I got to get around him.
I got to think differently.
I got to be strategic, right?
And so anyway, these are some of the things I'm working on
and hopefully it helps you as well.
So find the people that are the tier above you where you want to go.
Get around them, surround yourself with them.
Use like, like learn to think like them.
I think a lot of times we all have this problem, um, where we think our job is to try to get
the people around us to think like us.
It's like, no, no, no, no.
My friends, that's not the goal.
My job is not to get the people around me to think like me.
My, my role is to find people I aspire to be like, and to learn how to think like them.
That's the difference.
It's similar.
This is not to get religious, but I think it's funny. Like, um, for me, my beliefs are like, there's an all knowing God, right? So it's like, there's this, there's a God, right? He's all
knowing, all powerful. And what people try to do is they try to like bend the will of God. Like,
well, God should believe this and we should believe this and, and try to like shift our
thing. Like they want God to shift his thinking to match what we believe. It's like, no, no, no, no. That's not how it works. You guys, the goal
is not to try to shift God's thinking to match ours. The goal is to figure out what's God think.
And then we think like him. Right. Um, and I think that sometimes we, that our ego or pride,
whatever tries to shift us the other way around. And so it's, it's true in, in that sense, but
it's so true also in this business sense, um, where it's like, find the people who are already what you want to do. You aspire to be like, um, and find out what they think and think
like them. Don't try to bend their will to yours. Cause if you come to me and you're broken, you're
like, I'm going to teach Russell how to get into comic club. Like this is the way it should be.
I'm like, no, you're dumb. You can get smart. Like that's the cool thing about it. You can
learn these things, but you're wrong right now. Cause I've done this a million times. It's not
that hard. Um, let me just show you how it is. right? And so I think it's humbling ourselves to get ego out of
the way, finding people to level up above us, strategically syncing with them and then learning
like they learn. Believe what they believe, think what they think. And that's the goal.
So anyway, there you go. I hope that helps you guys. I love this game. I love this business.
It's so much fun, so much development, so much growth, so much learning, but only if you're willing to change.
So be open to it.
It's worth it.
As smart as you are and I am and we all are, there's always somebody who knows more than
us and it's cool and exciting to be open to that and to go search for it and learn from
them and try to get to the next level.
So that said, have an amazing weekend, you guys, wherever you are in the world.
I appreciate you.
I see you.
I know you're working hard.
You're trying to create your dreams. You're trying to create your dream lifestyle. You're trying to in the world. I appreciate you. I see you. I know you're working hard. You're trying to create your dreams.
You're trying to create your dream lifestyle.
You're trying to help other people.
I see you.
I respect you.
Grateful for you guys doing that.
And if you don't have your tickets yet to Funnel Hacking Live, what are you waiting for?
The party is starting.
I'm paying, I think, $2 million, $3 million.
I don't know.
It's an expensive event to put on.
So I'm putting on a huge party for you guys.
I'm spending millions of dollars to entertain and educate you.
You should just be there.
Don't miss it. Go to and get your tickets now.
That said, appreciate you all. And I'll talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody.
Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community,
which means you can text me your questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and
30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the podcast.
And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text
me a message.
Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797.
Once again, it's 208-231-3797.
When you text me, just say hello.
And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone. And then we
start having conversations on top of that through this texting community. So I'm going to be giving
out free swag, giving away free copies of my book, let you know about book signings, about times I'm
coming to your local area and a whole bunch more. Just want to make sure you are on this list. On
top of that, every single day, I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks and
things you can get for free
only through my texting platform.
So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone
and text me at area code 208-231-3797.
One more time, that's 208-231-3797.
I can't wait to hear from you right now.