The Russell Brunson Show - The #1 Reason Why People Aren’t Buying Your Stuff Is…

Episode Date: August 20, 2018

This may seem kind of backwards, but if you're struggling, you may have one of these problems. On today's episode Russell talks about what the number one reason is why people aren't buying your produ...cts, and how you can change it. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for in this episode: How Russell knows from experience why not paying for other people's products makes it hard for you to be successful with your own products. Hear some examples of Russell and others who have struggled because they weren't willing to spend the money that they expected other people to spend on them. And why until you start paying for the things you were getting for free, the universe or karma won't allow you to have the success you're hoping for. So listen here if you want to find out why you need to be willing to spend money to make money. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details. Conditions apply. AirTransat. Travel moves us. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and welcome to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. I know it's been a little while. Um, I actually started recording a podcast a couple of days ago. Um, and then it crashed in the middle of it. And then
Starting point is 00:01:12 it's just been a super busy week and haven't had a chance to get back to it. So I apologize, but I'm just right now as we speak, driving home from the two comic club X event and, um, and, uh, had an amazing time. Alex Sharfman taught for the last two days all about building a team and figuring out with your team, what's your Hall of Fame goals and your Super Bowl goals and then based on that,
Starting point is 00:01:34 what are your yearly plans, your quarterly plans, your monthly, your weekly, your daily and so much cool stuff. It's all the things that are so essential in the business that outside of creating amazing offers and product and marketing and all this stuff I like talking about, it's the next steps. Like if you want to scale like those next pieces. And so those who are involved in the two common club, uh, coaching program, you know, that's what we do. We bring all the coaches to
Starting point is 00:01:55 bring all the pieces so you can get everything in one, one spot. And so anyway, some of you may be wondering, how do I get inside the two common club X coaching Russell? This sounds amazing. And the answer is you can't, we only sell it at Funnel Hacking Live. But the good news for you is that the sales page for Funnel Hacking Live literally went live today. So if you want to come and experience the best of what ClickFunnels has, come to Funnel Hacking Live. I'm not going to spoil it by telling you who's speaking or the special guests or the private concert or any of the amazing things that are happening. But if you want to see it, I'll go to
Starting point is 00:02:31 And I'm just so excited. This event's going to be, every year we try to take it up two or three notches. I think we did it again this year. And I cannot wait for you guys to be there. So yeah, that's where I'll kind of leave that and go from there. So anyway, there's so many things I want to talk to you about and I have kind of a
Starting point is 00:02:46 long drive home, so I may cover a couple of different topics here and I hope you guys don't mind. Um, but I thought it'd be kind of fun. So just some things that have been on my mind lately. So, um, the first one, I'm not going to mention names, uh, because it doesn't matter. And, um, I wouldn't do that anyway, but, um, it just suddenly happened this week that, uh, I think I've even done a podcast on this in the past, but I wanted to like bring it to your attention because it's something that I think a lot of people are missing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Um, it's funny. I had a friend a little while ago and he told me, he was like, uh, there's this internet marketing, uh, what do they call them? Pirate sites where you can like go and like basically every course has ever been given by any person of all time. You can go and you can download for free. And, uh, and it's funny. I was talking to him and he's, he's successful now.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And he said, you know, what's interesting. He said, I had an account to that, to that site. And I used to download every single person's product. I used to go through them and learn them and study them. He's like, well, guess what's weird. So I never actually made money until I felt so guilty that I stopped my, uh, stopped stealing people's stuff. And then I actually went and, uh, and paid money. When I invested money, it shifted and he's like, it shifted for me. He's like, then I started having success. He's like, it literally, when I was stealing people's stuff, I couldn't make money. And when I started buying people's stuff, um, then people started paying me for my stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And, uh, he says, so weird. And I kind of smiled. I said, well, it makes a lot of sense. Um, you know, we had something that happened this week in our, inside of our, one of our coaching programs. And, um, and I feel bad for the person now. They, anyway, I'll, I'll leave it at that. But you know, they, they were trying to figure out a way, like how can I, how can I get all
Starting point is 00:04:14 this stuff for free? Like maybe I can cancel and I can share my password or, you know, something like that and all these different things. And, and, and, but at the core of that is, is the reason why, um, most people struggle to have success because if you're, if you're willing to see somebody that created value and you look at that and you're like, I'm going to go, I'm going to go take that. I'm going to steal. I'm going to, I feel like I should, I, I, I, I deserve that without paying for it or
Starting point is 00:04:40 whatever that, that is. Like you receive value without giving value back. Like money is value, right? So you give somebody value money, they give you value back the thing they bought. If you don't just take that without ever giving value, I don't know if it's karma or the universe or what, but there are definitely forces at large
Starting point is 00:04:56 that'll keep you from being successful. If you're not willing to pay for other people's value, nobody's gonna be willing to pay for yours. I guess it's really weird law that is true in this universe. I remember when we first started our company and we couldn't afford like all these things, like, I don't know, Microsoft word and I don't know, all different things. Right. We had a couple of employees and I couldn't afford for all these things. So I was just like, let's just, let's just get the, get a download key and we'll just unlock them. And,
Starting point is 00:05:22 and we did that for a while and we struggled and we struggled. And I remember having that realization in my own mind, like, I'm like, I'm literally pirating the software and I'm trying to sell software. Like I'm a bad person. Like I'm doing this wrong. So I went back and like, in fact, I had an employee that we, we fired. It's funny cause he came back afterwards and he was like, I know I could tell, you know, I could turn you guys in for downloading software illegally and using it and all these things. And I was just like, I remember feeling really, really bad about that. And so went back later and actually went and bought the software where you had for free. Cause I was like, we're out of congruency with the universe, with the, with, with God, with whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And when you do that, it just doesn't, it doesn't work. And so we shifted that way back and started paying for those programs that we could barely afford. And guess what happened magically after paying for the things we could barely afford. And guess what happened? Magically, after paying for the things we could barely afford, we started making up money we could afford. All the things we needed. So there's a law there. I don't know what it's called, but I just wanted to share that with you guys because I think it's something a lot of people struggle with. A lot of times I see this too when people are creating products and they're like, oh, nobody.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Like I would never pay $1,000 for a coaching course or $25,000 or whatever it is, right? One of my favorite stories, uh, Justin and Tara Williams, who are some of my favorite people. Um, uh, they, they, uh, they came to funnel the first funnel hacking live and they came there like, we are not going to buy a coaching. They like hid their wallets in the hotel room. And during the first break, they ran up, grabbed their wallets and came down and signed up for a $25,000 thing. I remember the very first meeting they came to and they were trying to figure this stuff out and all, you know, how to do it. And, uh, and basically I, uh, I told him like, you guys should launch a $25,000 group. And they're like, ah, people are going to pay that. And I was like, you guys just did like, you literally paid 25 grand to be here. Like people will pay you 25 grand to sit in your
Starting point is 00:07:02 room and learn about real estate. And they're like, Oh, and so they went home. I don't know if that night or the next week or something, they send an email out to their list and like, Hey, we're doing this thing is 25 grand. And literally I can't remember the exact numbers. It was like 16 or 18 people set them $25,000 that fast.
Starting point is 00:07:16 But it wasn't until they had paid $25,000 that they had the permission to go ask other people for that. The same thing for me. Like I couldn't go sell a 50,000 $25,000 or $10,000 program until I bought one, right? And there's something, there's like a belief level. Until you're willing to part for that kind of money, it's hard for you to be willing to ask other people
Starting point is 00:07:32 for that money for your thing. It's like the weirdest conundrum. And a lot of times people get stuck. I can't figure this out. I can't have success. I'm like, well, what was the last time you bought a program similar to yours? Like, oh, I don't buy stuff like that. I'm like, why not? Like, oh, well, I can get it for free on Google or I can't have success. I'm like, well, what was the last time you bought a program similar to yours? Like, oh, I don't buy stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'm like, why not? Like, oh, well, I can get it for free on Google or I can whatever. I'm like, okay, those belief patterns in your mind are what are keeping you from having success and keeping you from helping your customers succeed. Because subconsciously, even if you don't know what conscious is, you're trying to pitch and tell them to give you $1,000. Subconsciously, you know in your mind, oh, well, they could probably get something on YouTube. They could find it here or whatever and all these kind of things, right? It's. Subconsciously, you know in your mind, oh, well, they could probably get this on YouTube, they could find it here, whatever,
Starting point is 00:08:06 and all these kind of things, right? It's not until you go and you invest in yourself, you spend $1,000 or $10,000 or whatever that is, you buy the thing, and then when you're trying to pitch something out and you have a good experience, like, man, I bought that thing and it sped up my success, then you come back to somebody and you say, hey, give me $10,000 because I'm going to speed up your success
Starting point is 00:08:19 in your area of expertise, you don't feel guilty because you know what that meant to you. You know how that affected you, how it changed your life, how it sped up your process. Right. And so, um, I think it's just super hyper important. And that's just a thought of something I want to share with you guys as I was driving home today. So, um, yeah, I'm not saying you should go and, um, give all your money to everybody, but you should definitely give it to, uh, to, uh, the people you trust and, uh, you hopefully were someone you trust. And if so, you should come to
Starting point is 00:08:48 fun hiking live. Like I promised you that experience will give you the emotional impact and emotional change you need, um, set you on the course you need for your future. If, uh, if you want to go deeper with us, then you should join the two common Quebec's coaching program. We only open it up at fun hiking live and it's taking you to the next step of the process, which is what this group is going through right now. And it's, it's amazing. It's fun seeing the results already coming through and people that are having success. So anyway, that's what I want to share with you guys. I'm going to jump off and make sure this is recording. So my phone's been having all sorts of issues. And if it is, I'm going to come back in a few minutes and record one more episode on my drive home. Thanks so much, everybody. And if it is, I'm going to come back in a few minutes and record one more episode on my drive home. Thanks so much, everybody. And we'll talk to you soon. Want more marketing secrets?
Starting point is 00:09:28 If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called expert secrets and you can get a free copy at expert And book number two is called dot com secrets and you can get your free copy at dot com Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-VC backed SaaS startup company in the world.

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