The Russell Brunson Show - The Drifter Vs The Driven and Live Q&A with Russell

Episode Date: June 20, 2022

Went live on Instagram today and I want to share some of the cool conversations we had. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details. Conditions apply. AirTransat.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Travel moves us. What's up, my friends? This is Russell. I am in my gym right now, and I just got done working out first off and then doing a Facebook Live. Excuse me, it was Instagram Live, which I've not done Instagram Live for a long, long, long time. And it's cool.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I clicked the button to share a thought, and all of a sudden there's like 250 people on. And then I started having some fun. So I shared the thought, did some Q&A, and I thought it would be fun to share here. So I'm going to drop the episode right now. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. And the first thing I talk about is the drifter versus the driven. Talk about your values, your identity, your thermometer, how to increase that, and how to make sure you are someone who's driven as opposed to someone who's a drifter. And I think you'll enjoy it. Hopefully maybe you'll hate it and think that I'm judgmental and I'm a workaholic and that's cool too. Um, I love you no matter what, but hopefully, um, you enjoy it and hopefully spark some ideas and some thoughts and get you excited about moving and becoming driven. So, uh, again,
Starting point is 00:01:23 thanks so much for listening to this podcast episode. I appreciate you all. And, uh, let me know what you think. If you want me to do more lives like this as well. Thanks everybody. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey, what's going on everybody? This is Russell and I'm not gone live on Instagram for a long time, but sitting here working out I'm pouring covered in sweat having fun and then thinking about a lot of stuff and so I would jump in here and say
Starting point is 00:02:15 What's up and share some ideas you guys so if you're cool He's cool if I spend a little time talking to some ideas. They're spinning in my head right now Some of you guys know we are preparing for once a year We're doing an event called unlock the secrets and is our event for young entrepreneurs. And, uh, the event's happening next week. So I'm actually going out there. We have, I think 800 people coming and like half of them are teenagers, which is so exciting. So I'm preparing my thoughts and my presentation and, um, it's, that's going to be different. And I'm really excited for it. Instead of going just hardcore, like marketing and funnels, and we are going to get some hardcore marketing and funnels in with these guys,
Starting point is 00:02:46 but I wanted to step back and I'm going to spend my first probably 90 minutes or so with everybody talking about this amazing thing up here. Not our good looks, our brains. A lot of you guys, I'm also in the middle of writing my next book, my very first book on personal development, which I'm so excited for. Some of you guys have told me to use the title. The title is Secrets of of success how many guys were excited to read it I mean just promised me you'll read when it comes out
Starting point is 00:03:09 essentially I actually wrote and over 200 pages of this book and that realize it was the wrong book so I deleted it started again wrote another I don't know a lot in fact I even did an event in Mexico with my mastermind group which is really cool and taught some really cool principles, but I was just like, still not right. Still not right. And since the last probably 90 days or so going deep, deep, deep into understanding human mind, how it works and then like actual practical application on myself. And it has been fascinating and exciting and I'm freaking out.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And so with the kids, I wish I could go deep on everything. I'm not able to, um, only 90 minutes on something that should be a three or five day event or longer. But I'm going to go and share some of the core pieces with them, which I'm really excited. And there's one piece of the core piece I want to share with you guys today. If you're cool with that, if you guys are cool, let me know in the comments down below. Be like, heck yeah, Russell, I'm cool with that. I'm cool sharing some time. So as I'm working on this book, there's really like,
Starting point is 00:04:07 there's two camps of people. Um, and I've had different names for them. Um, it's interesting if you look at different books and things you read as well. Like if you read, uh, Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrug, sorry, I got a bad connection. I'm gonna move around. Um, in Atlas Shrug, Ayn Rand defines the two group of people as the prime movers and the looters. Napoleon Hill, he talks about it, he calls them the drifters and people that have, what's the title he calls them? Anyway, he's got his shifting. And as I've been working on this book, I'm trying to like, I want to identify the two groups because it's essential for us to be able to figure out where we're at and then how to shift. And the way I'm defining the book now, there's two types of people. There's people that
Starting point is 00:04:47 are driven and people that are drifters. And I'm trying to be like, how do you identify that? Like, oh, I'm a drifter. Oh, I'm driven. Like, what's the practical, like, how do we actually know that? And a couple of cool things. So number one, the first thing you have to think through is like, what are the things that you actually value? And I did this exercise two days ago. I was camping with my kids sitting by the river for like two hours. And I wrote down a piece of paper. I drew a line down a piece of paper and I said, what are the things I value? I started writing all things down that I value in life. So I wrote down God, I wrote down my family, my kids, my wife, wrestling, you know, sports. I wrote down religion. I wrote down reading. I wrote down learning, like all
Starting point is 00:05:23 different things that I value in life. And then on the other side of the line, I wrote down an identity associated to that value, right? So I said, I value God. What is the identity? Identity is an I am statement. So my identity was, I am a child of God, right? One was, I value sports and athletics. My identity is I am a wrestler, right? And then I value my kids. I am a dad. I value my wife. I am a husband, right? And so every value I had was associated with an identity, which was kind of cool. So all you guys, I want you to do the same experiment.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So I wrote them all down, all my identities, and then, excuse me, all the things I value, and then the identity that I associate with myself for each of those values, which was kind of fun. So that was the next phase in it. And then after that, I started thinking about the last funnel hacking live event. How many of you guys were there? If you weren't there, make sure you get tickets for this year's funnel hacking live. I think we're like 99 days away or something crazy. So But, um, funnel hacking live, Tony Robbins spoke about
Starting point is 00:06:19 identity and he said that our identity is like a thermostat, right? So is it that we set our thermostats? Let's say you like your room temperature a thermostat, right? So is it that we set our thermostats, let's say you like your room temperature at 72 degrees, right? So all your house thermostats are 72. He said the same thing's true with our identity, we set it at 72, right? And then what happens, something may happen, maybe the temperature will go up to like 76,
Starting point is 00:06:37 but then your body and everything, it's like, ah, no, no, no, I'm not comfortable here. And your brain subconsciously wants you to become, wants you to sit back down and settle, right? So you snap back to like, okay, back to 72, I'm good, right? Or maybe it goes down below, but you're able to snap back up. And he says, that's where your identity is, like a thermostat, which is really interesting. And so I started thinking about this.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I'm like, okay, well, how do you, let's say it's a 72, but you don't want it to be there. How do you move it? And also I realized that that's the difference between the driven and the drifter, right? The driven is a person who's consciously saying, I'm setting this thermostat. I'm changing it.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I want to become a better father. I want to become a better wrestler. I want to become a better business, like whatever your goal is, right? And then us as visionaries, we have to go out there and say, okay, what does the future look like? We go see the future.
Starting point is 00:07:23 We come back and we go make it real, right? We create a plan. We go out there and we go accomplish, what does the future look like? We go see the future. We come back and then go make it real, right? We create a plan. We go out there and we'll accomplish the goal. And the act of doing in motion is what resets. It doesn't just increase the temperature for a moment. It resets the thermometer, right? And those who stop and say, I want to be a better father, but I'm at 72. I'm good. Those are the drifters. We're drifting. We're good. Good is the enemy to great, right? And I know a lot of you guys probably your spot where parts of your life, you're good. You're drifting and other parts, you are driven. Right. So the question is like, how do we become driven people? How do we, how do we start shifting that? I think it starts initially with figuring out, um,
Starting point is 00:07:55 it starts initially figuring out like, well, what is your identity? Right. So who is, who is your, what are the things you value? What's your identity associated with that value? And then what's the thermometer set at right now? Now you know the thermometer. Okay, it's set at 72. Now I'm good. I'm drifting. I'm sitting here.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I'm hanging out. Everything's good. But good is the enemy to great. If I really want to do something great, I've got to think a little different. I've got to go and figure out what is that thing? What's it going to look like? And that's where you go and set the goal.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You go attack it. You'll create it it and you become driven in a direction. So anyway, I wish I could talk for days about stuff. I will soon. When we get the book done, I'll have a chance to sit down. But this is just one of the things in my head that just keeps spinning around thinking about like how fascinating, like what do we value? What's the identity we associate with that value? And what's the current thermometer at? And then looking at that and say, okay, am I content? If I'm content, I'm drifting. I'm just hanging out, just doing the things. And if I'm driven, it's like, okay, this is good, but I know the good is the enemy to great. I don't want a good life. I want a great life. Right? He said, the reason why there's not more great marriages is because there's a lot of good
Starting point is 00:09:01 marriages. The reason I don't like great companies is because there because a lot of good companies and good is the enemy to great and I don't know about you I didn't come to this earth for my short who knows about 42 years now maybe 50 60 80 I don't know how long I'm gonna live for but it's a glimpse it's a window and I didn't come here to be to be good I came here to be great and so for me it's really coming back and identifying the things I value, what the identities I associate, what my current thermometer is at, and how do I change that.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So I hope that helps somebody out there listening. We've got, man, 180 people or so online. So who knew Instagram for the win? You click a button and people show up. So thanks for showing up, you guys. Any questions before I bounce off? If anyone asks a question in the comments down below, I've got a few minutes before I've got to go and get back to cranking the thermometer
Starting point is 00:09:48 on me being a husband and a father. Right now I've been cranking the thermometer here and working out, getting back in shape, getting prepared for my next wrestle match, my next competition, the next whatever's going to happen. So, all right, any questions you guys got, drop in the comments down below. We'll spend a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Business just said, what's up, homie? What's up? There you go. drop in the comments down below we'll spend a few minutes business just say what's up homie what's up there you go that's uh that's the thing how much you place your success oh how much do you place your success in your wrestling so it's a great question i feel like athletes have an advantage when it comes to business and other things because athletes have a chance to step on the mat or the field or the court or whatever they've had and lose most people in life who struggle in business or entrepreneurship or things I spend most of my time doing right now
Starting point is 00:10:28 is they've never failed. And so they have so much fear. They're like, what if I step out onto the court and I fail? When wrestling, I step out all the time. I walked, I'm in my wrestling right now for those who are watching. There's a wrestling mat. I walked on the wrestling mat, shook hands
Starting point is 00:10:40 and I lost a lot in front of everybody in a singlet for crying out loud. With my pasty white body that doesn't tan, right? Like that's embarrassing, but I did it day, weekend and week out, weekend and week out. And that bear sort of losing cause pain that made me like crank my thermostat to change things to work harder, become better and better and better. I lost less and less and less, but I stepped on the mat hundreds of times and lost. And so for me, so my business and like, I'm not scared of it. Like if I lose, this is data, it's failures. Like, okay, I'm going to learn something. Like if I lose, this is data. It's failures.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Like, okay, I'm gonna learn something. Tom Billy said data is the most, or failure is the most data rich incomes or data source we have, right? Is failure. So I lose on the wrestling mat. Like what, you know, I lost. What did I learn?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Okay, change this. My elbows are out. My stance is too high. I need to change my positioning, right? And so in business it was easy. Cause I'm like, oh, I'm gonna go out there in business. And if I fail, I just, it was data. Like, okay, I failed.
Starting point is 00:11:24 That offer didn't work, why not? What do I need to shift? Okay, this funnel didn't work, why not? What do I need to shift? What do I need to change? Tweaking, tweaking, tweaking, right? So I think a lot of times athletes, because they've done that so many times,
Starting point is 00:11:33 they have an advantage. For those who haven't been athletes, it's okay. You just gotta understand like, failure's not failure. Failure is data, like it's information. It's like, okay, I just got beat on the mat. It stings, it hurts, that's good. It's gonna make me double down down and then I can step back and say what did I learn what are any change we're in a tweak and keep going from
Starting point is 00:11:50 there okay good question next questions how we didn't episode on supplements take as a biohacker yeah in fact I'm thinking I did a whole like five-day challenge going through because different phases right there's like the the way that I eat one thing right the way that I do supplements is a different thing the way I do my gut health, a different thing. I want to do mind health, a different thing. And so I'm thinking about doing like a five day challenge. I walk through all that. So if you guys would be interested in that, let me know. Um, good questions. Good questions. How do you come back after what feels like years of drifting? Ooh, Jose, great question.
Starting point is 00:12:22 How do you come back after what years of like drifting? Um, you know, it's interesting. It's, um, and I understand that. In fact, I'm talking to the kids of this unlock secrets have been about like, um, all of us have habits, right? Most of our habits we didn't pick or design. They just happen through life, right? Our environment, things like that happen and habits the way we work is it's kind of like, imagine your tractor, right? And you're, it's big old wheels on the tractor and you're going out to go across your field, right? And just the tractor, the tires are going in the dirt and the mud. You go back and forth and back and forth at day one, day two, day three, day 10, day 50. And you know, within a year, two years, three years of that, you keep on going the same path, those
Starting point is 00:13:00 tractor wheels get deeper and deeper in the mud until they're just, you're deep in these ruts, right? And eventually you can start driving the the tractor you can take your hands off the wheel and stay in those ruts because they're so deep right and so what's happened for a lot of us or a lot of people you go through a phase or time of your entire life where you've been in drifting and you're in these deep ruts right and so for you to get out of those ruts it's hard because you have to get the tractor out so how do you do that well the first thing is realizing okay what are the habits i have i don't have any habits i just do my thing like yeah you sorry the internet going down again your environment has created these um has created these these ruts for you so you first gotta become conscious of it i'm too just okay
Starting point is 00:13:33 well now i know these are the ruts i'm in i need to create new ruts i have to go over into what those things look like and to do that there's a couple things you have to reverse engineer to feel like what um what are the stories i'm telling myself they're keeping me in these ruts right like i'm not good enough i'm not strong enough i'm telling myself that are keeping me in these ruts, right? Like I'm not good enough, I'm not strong enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm not, like these stories, these false stories that give me false beliefs, they keep you in the ruts. Like what are the things you have to believe to be able to be in a different pattern, right? Different ruts. So you got to think about that. You got to tell yourself different stories, you got to set different habits, different routines, there's a whole process. In the new book, I go through,
Starting point is 00:14:02 it's probably three or four chapters going through that process of realizing these ruts. And Napoleon Hill calls them hypnotic rhythm. It's hypnotic rhythm where you're in this zone as a drifter. Or you get hypnotic rhythm as someone who's driven. They're both the same hypnotic rhythm. One you're designing, one's being designed by your environment. So we've got to consciously create what's the ruts I need to be in and how do I get over there.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And it really comes down to reprogramming your needs, which is Tony Robbins. If you Google Tony Robbins' Six Human Needs and watch the video, he'll teach you about six human needs. It'll be in the new book. He's giving me permission to share that. But that's a big part, right? So your needs, your beliefs,
Starting point is 00:14:35 which are tied to the stories you're telling yourself, your habits, your routines, it's shifting all those things to get yourself out of the ruts, into this new hypnotic rhythm and start creating these new ruts for it to become easy. But the reality is it all starts with a decision. Like I'm ready to change. Enough is enough, right? I don't want to be overweight anymore. I don't
Starting point is 00:14:54 want to be tired anymore. I don't want to be broke anymore. Whatever it is for you, like you have to make that change and say enough is enough. It's done. This is what I'm doing today and moving forward and then designing it. Cause it can be hard. You can slip back in the ruts. The ruts are there, right? So how do you, how do you figure out how to get those things out? And I will get, I wish I could spend six hours going through all that stuff, but, um, hope that helps for like a, for beginning. So good questions. Good. Oh, so much fun. I see this more often, huh? Uh, what do you do to say discipline your mindset? Um, audio, a lot of audio. I listened to stuff. I was listening to David Goggins for the last two hours while I was lifting weights and running. Uh, I don't like running. So I listened to my David Goggins. He
Starting point is 00:15:27 yells at me about running and I run while I listen to him. He gets me excited about running, right? So I listening all the time to who are the people, the influences. Um, if you're listening to music, it's good to get yourself in a state. Um, but if you want to like change yourself, music, music gets you this far. You know, I listened to music when I'm like, I need to shift my, my physiology to different state. Music will jump me there, but then audio is what gets my mindset correct. So I'm finding out who the people I listen to that I love, that I cherish. Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theater is one of my favorite people to listen to. David Goggins, who else?
Starting point is 00:15:58 A lot of good people like that. Napoleon Hill is amazing. Just find people that you resonate with that are doing what you want to do, that you believe in, and then you listen to those things. And it comes back to belief. Talk about how do you get out of the ruts
Starting point is 00:16:12 and the other ruts. It's like you have to change your belief pattern. So I got to listen to people that believe the way that I want to believe. Even if I don't believe it now, I need to, like, I don't believe I like running, but David Noggins loves running.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And so I'm like, well, if I want to love it, I got to listen to the guy who does. Talk about it over and over and over again, because eventually, maybe I'll love it. And so I listen to someone well, if I want to love it, I got to listen to the guy who does talk about it over and over and over again, because eventually maybe I'll love it. And so I listen to someone who does love it. And eventually it changed my mindset, changed my belief patterns. So I try to listen to people who have the belief patterns that I want, that I desire, that I want to emulate and tell their belief patterns become my belief patterns. Hey, funnel hackers. I want to talk about building your business. You've got the idea,
Starting point is 00:16:40 the passion, the drive, but here's the thing. Setting up the legal stuff can feel like a total roadblock. That's why you need Northwest registered drive. But here's the thing. Setting up the legal stuff can feel like a total roadblock. That's why you need Northwest Registered Agent. They're like the dream team for business formation. With just 10 clicks and 10 minutes, you can build your entire business identity. I'm talking about formation paperwork, a real business address, premium mail forwarding, and even a local phone number so you can keep your home address private and stay safe.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And it doesn't stop there. Northwest is your one-stop shop for business owners. They've been doing this for nearly 30 years, and they've got the expertise to back it up. From trademark registration to custom domains, Northwest does it all, and they do it right. You get more when you start your business with Northwest Registered Agent. Don't wait. Protect your privacy, build your brand, and set up your business in just 10 clicks in 10 minutes. Head to Northwest Registered Agent today and start building something amazing. All right, funnel hackers, listen up. It's 2025. And let me
Starting point is 00:17:29 ask you, are your B2B ads actually driving results or are they getting lost in the noise? You and I both know the pain of running campaigns that fall flat because they aren't seen by the right people. But here's the game changer, LinkedIn ads. LinkedIn isn't just another ad platform. It's the place where professionals live. I'm talking about the decision makers you dream about working with. CEOs, VPs, C-suite powerhouses, 130 million of them all in one place. And LinkedIn gives you the laser sharp targeting to reach them by job title, company, and even industry. Imagine how your business could scale if your message hits the right inboxes every time.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Now here's the kicker. LinkedIn delivers up to five times higher ROAS than other platforms. Yeah, you heard me right. Five times more return on every ad dollar. And that's because LinkedIn's professional environment is made for people who actually take action. This isn't where people scroll mindlessly.
Starting point is 00:18:16 This is where they're making decisions. So stop playing small because it's time to level up. Start converting your B2B audience into high quality leads today. And to get started, LinkedIn is offering you $100 credit for your next campaign. Go to slash clicks
Starting point is 00:18:30 to claim your credit. That's slash clicks. Terms and conditions may apply. LinkedIn is the place to be, to be. Ecom Josh Carter said, acknowledge me and thank you for ClickFunnels. I acknowledge you, my man, and you're welcome for ClickFunnels.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Just wait until the new ClickFunnels 2.0 beta is rolling out for all the Funnel Hacking Live people next week, which is exciting. Let's see, what else, what else? What do you feel about combining spirituality and business? I think they're completely combined. I think that God gave us all missions, and I think that business is the way we fulfill those missions on this earth. I think that every single one of us has been called by God
Starting point is 00:19:04 to serve a group of people. And that's what business literally is. It's what religion is. It's what churches are like. All of us have a calling in our hearts where God blesses you with talents. He blesses you with trials. He blesses you with things.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And then he says, because of who you become through this process, because of your trials with problems, ups and downs, what you've learned, you've become a steward of these people over here. You've been called to serve them. And most people don't step with that calling. Most people slip back into the drifting
Starting point is 00:19:27 we talked about earlier. But the driven say, this is my calling. I'm going to go figure it out. And for some people, it's leading you. Some people, it's a church. Some people, it's a business.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But I think business is just an extension of our God-given callings and because of our talents and our trials that he's given us. Hypnotic rhythm. Yeah, if you read Outwitting the Devil, he talks about hypnotism. Napoleon Fox, I have hypnotic rhythm.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Trying to block the message for all of us. We'll keep going. Tenny Preneur said, have I ever read or studied the Bible? Yes, I have, my man. I have read it many times. I'm in the middle of the Old Testament right now. We are in the book of Judges.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So I like the Old Testament, love the New Testament. So yes, I do. Someone said, Rudolph the Red Nose. I went camping with my kids and got sunburned. I'm scared to death of suntan lotion. They've got a podcast just about that alone. So I don't wear suntan lotion. So I got fried.
Starting point is 00:20:16 My nose got red and peeled, so I look like Rudolph. Yes, thank you for pointing that out. I love social media. What's up, JF Holden, a new funnel builder suite is going through a certification program. Congratulations. You are going to love it. It's going to change your life forever.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Do I have a morning routine I'd be willing to share? Yeah. Not now, but I will. I'm going to do more. I get asked more about my morning routines, biohacking, almost, and marketing. So I'll start to share more of that kind of stuff. Yes, sunscreen is poison.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I agree. Let's see. When will ClickFunnels Supernova release to everybody? We will have launch dates coming soon. We just finished, almost finished a little mini documentary telling the story. They'll be going live and we'll have, we will have, um, the, uh, the launch dates posted soon, but we are within, within a couple of months, we're going live to everybody. So, um um do you have a copy of pt barnum's art of money getting yes i do i love pt barnum i'm obsessed with old books i have first editions of almost every amazing old book so yeah um what is the right roadmap and strategy to become a multi-billionaire oh i don't know i have not made it that step when i get there i'll write a roadmap
Starting point is 00:21:22 and send it back to you guys but as of of right now, I'm not there yet. So, ooh, Garrett Robbins. So if hypnotic rhythm causes us to stay in ruts and degrade, downgrade, picking our hypnotic rhythm does what? No, hypnotic rhythm doesn't stay. Hypnotic rhythm is just the ruts. It's the patterns we get into.
Starting point is 00:21:38 So they can be positive or negative. There's hypnotic rhythm for the driven. There's hypnotic rhythms for the drifter. Our subconscious mind gets into hypnotic rhythms no matter what. It's not a negative thing. It's just understanding that there's, like in all things, there's light and a dark.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Typically, environmentally, we are pushed by society, by TV, by everything to become drifters and to be okay with the status quo, which is why most people are drifters. And so that's the pattern they've not been the most of us get into. Um, there's other hypnotic ones that are good, right? So it's, it's not a, it's not a bad, but picking, but picking it and creating the one that's going to serve you in the way that you want to be served is the key, I believe. So I could be wrong. Still researching books, not finished yet, but yeah. What's up Garrett. Good to hear from you, man. Someone said, call me, Bain Jor. Said they're making a song with me in it. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Pat Cal 0104 said, hi to Mexico. What's up, Mexico? Oh man. So there's so many questions. How much do you deadlift? Not enough. There was a time when I was awesome, but it's not right now. What advice would you give someone just starting out in business and marketing? The advice would be become a reader and then go read my books because I spent almost 20 years now writing three books walking through the very beginning.
Starting point is 00:22:55 So I read dot-com secrets first, then expert secrets, then traffic secrets, and then you know everything I know. So people from Japan. Have you ever hated your business or had burnout? From Darren Stover. Darren, yes Darren yes often it's cyclical it happens more than multiple times a year I would say as I go through the grind of each of the big things right for for fun hacking live there's a grind I get burned out and then I go to fun like
Starting point is 00:23:17 you live and I serve and I'm like oh that's why I do this and then we launch 2.0 and there's the grind of that and then we give it so I keep cutting out I get burned out multiple times a year but then the aftermath you get the fulfillment is what makes it worth it gets me back on on board um have you been on bradley is dropping bombs podcast i have not getting rich improves mental health it can but it can also jack you up if you have bad mental health and you got a lot of money it can it can i've seen people uh been destroyed uh we are books been audio yes all three of books in audible i read all three of them i sat in the If you have bad mental health and you got a lot of money, I've seen people been destroyed. Weird books about audio.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yes, all three of my books are on Audible. I read all three of them. I sat in the studio for six days reading back, six days in a row, by the way. Dot com secrets, expert secrets, traffic secrets. They're all on Audible. You can get them all there. My phone keeps dying out, so I'm gonna cut out
Starting point is 00:23:56 and say bye to everybody. Hopefully I can get better internet here next time. But I had a good time. You guys enjoy this, hanging out? If so, comment down below, let me know, and yeah, we'll keep doing this more often. I appreciate you all, thanks for listening. And if you're like, I wanna get started
Starting point is 00:24:10 in this whole internet game, where do I go, Russell? Go to We got a really cool promo. You can get trial ClickFunnels for like, I think 30 days for free. You get a big box of stuff in the mail for me. Cover shipping, handling, and then we get you into the game. Off the sidelines in the game, go to
Starting point is 00:24:27 And what makes you weak? I'm going to answer all these questions. What makes you weak? A lot of things make me weak. A lot of things make me tough, though, too. So anyway, I appreciate you all. Thanks for listening. And remember, you're just one funnel away.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I appreciate you all, and I'll see you guys soon. Bye, everybody. Thank you for listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast podcast if you've loved this episode then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to facebook instagram or wherever you post stuff and be sure to tag me and let me know why you like this episode and what you'd like to hear in the future that'll help me to know what's great for you also dan kenney and i would love to give you the most incredible free gift ever designed to help you make maximum money in minimum time this free gift comes with almost help you make maximum money in minimum time.
Starting point is 00:25:10 This free gift comes with almost $20,000 worth of pure money-making information for free, just for saying maybe. You can get this gift from Dan and from me right now at Not only are you going to get the $20,000 gift, you also can get a subscription to two marketing newsletters that will be hand-delivered by the mailman to your mailbox each and every month, one from Dan Kennedy and one from me me to get this gift and your subscription, go to no BS right now.

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