The Russell Brunson Show - The Evolution of Your Framework... By Napoleon Hill
Episode Date: June 27, 2022Another really cool insight that came to Russell while he's "meditating" in the Napoleon Hill room. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. I'm sitting here in the Napoleon Hill Library
having so much fun and inspiration and ideas and just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you
about the evolution of your frameworks, your ideas, and I hope you enjoy. So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us,
who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products
and our services and the things that we believe in
out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question,
and this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunsonson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Okay, so a lot of you guys know I'm working on my fourth book. This one's taken me longer than all the other ones. Well, I don't know if that's completely true. Technically,
Dotcom Secrets took me a decade to learn the the stuff and then write it and I rewrote it five years later so an expert seeker is the same thing it was like almost 10 years of
trial and error to learn the stuff and I guess traffic seekers same way so I guess it takes me
about a decade to like earn a book and then you know 18 months or so to write it this one the
success book is something I've been it's interesting because I've been on this journey for
most of my life, right? Like I would say, like actively pursuing success started for me when I
was in high school, excuse me, not high school, then ninth grade. So junior high, when I started
wrestling, it was the first time I like had a thing that I wanted to become good at. I still
remember I was watching this, was watching this video from Tom and
Terry Brands, who are two of the best wrestlers in the world. And the intro of the video first
has Tom Brands. He comes in, he says, my name is Tom Brands. My goal is simple. I want to be the
greatest wrestler in the whole world. And then his twin brother comes out. My name is Terry Brands.
My goal is simple. I want to become the greatest wrestler in the whole world. And so I remember
hearing that. I was like, my name is Russell Brunson. My goal is simple. I want to become the greatest wrestler in the whole world,
right? And then boom, it began and I wanted it. And so I fought and spent a decade pursuing that
goal. And I didn't become the best in the world. I did take second in the nation though in high
school, which is pretty awesome. I was ranked in the top 10 in college, never placed in college
though. And yeah, I pursued it and I enjoyed it and I became someone different along
the way, even though I didn't reach my ultimate goals. But that was the first time I was pursuing
success and I wish I would have understood the principles of success better. I was just kind of
doing my best and I had success inside of that. But man, can you imagine if I would have understood
the stuff that I've understood nowadays? It would have been so much more fun. Anyway, I digress.
So, you know, I was spending all that time and then in business having success.
And again, my goal was never to like learn how to be successful.
My goal was like, you know, I had, I don't know.
I never looked at it through the lens of like, let me master success and then apply it to business or apply it to wrestling.
It was just, I was trying to be successful.
And so I would bump into things and have some, but I didn't have something that was like, like a framework or pattern that was
engineering to, to get success. Does that make sense? Anyway. Um, so like, so I'm saying all
that to say that this book has taken me, I guess, technically, you know, 40 years of bumping into
things, but then now it's been a two, two and a half year process of like actively figuring out like what is
the actual perfect framework for success. And that's a, that's a big, that's a big, um,
a big nut to crack. You know what I mean? Like, um, especially just how many books have been
written on success and how many seminars, events and motivation. And you know, when,
when I wrote dot com secrets, I was the only person that was writing about funnels.
It wasn't like this was a thing yet.
There were people talking about it,
people did some trainings and stuff on it,
but I was the first to write a book about it.
And so it was easier.
Well, now it's like I literally have been buying
every success book known to man,
and there are thousands of them.
I think conservatively I've probably bought six,
or excuse me, I think conservatively in the last six months I've probably bought 3,000 to 4,000 books on success. And I wish Ily, I've probably about six, or excuse me, I think conservatively in the last six months, I've probably about three to four thousand books on success.
And I wish I could say I've read them all, but, you know, I want them all so I can look at them
and see what their titles are and their differences and their outlines and their tables of contents
and then going deep into the ones that fascinate me. So anyway, and with that said, I've built this
little working station where I'm writing this book in a small office with no windows that is just wrapped in old books from the greatest minds of our time.
And so I'm sitting here amongst them as I'm studying and flipping through their books and reading and preparing.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying it.
So I'm sitting here.
Okay, so I digress.
The reason why I'm telling you this, I'm sitting in the Napoleon Hill room right now.
And I'm looking at this, all the Napoleon Hill books through time.
And it's interesting because I did a podcast on this a little while ago.
But I want to go a little bit deeper into it.
So I talked about how Napoleon Hill basically has one framework and all his books kind of fit in that, right?
So the laws of success, there are 16 laws of success he wrote. And then inside of these laws of success, the 16 laws of success, he's used
those same 16 laws and almost all of his books are taught through that framework of these 16 laws,
right? So for example, Laws of Success is this big, huge book series. But then Think and Grow
Rich is one book that basically takes you through those 16 laws of success
through the lens of how to think and grow rich, right?
But if I look at the books here, he also has a book called, let's see, hold on,
I'm trying to find one that's a good example for you guys here from the bookshelf.
So I probably have 200 Napoleon Hill books here
because this stuff's in public domain. So many people have written and rewritten them and
stuff like that. But okay. So here's one called, um, how to sell through life. Another one called
succeed and grow rich through persuasion. One called how to raise your own salary. Another
one called the master key to riches. So these are all books he wrote, um, but they're all
different, different ways to teach the same
16 principles. Does that make sense? So Think and Grow Rich was like, here's Napoleon Hill's 16
laws of success, but in a book that's going to help you to think and grow rich. This one here
is How to Raise Your Own Salary. It's Napoleon Hill's 16 laws of success teaching you how to
raise your own salary. So it's just fascinating how he's just taken the same framework and plugged
it into these different books. But I want to talk about today is not so much that as much as the
evolution of his frameworks. And this is what's fascinating to me. So as I started digging and
finding all these things, I'm trying to find every first edition of everything he's ever published.
So I found like gold mines of just cool things. I can't wait someday. Some things I can reprint
and show you guys some things I won't be able to, able to, but man, there's so much cool stuff here. But one of the earliest things I found from Napoleon Hill
is this little booklet. It's like a little pamphlet. It's called Magic Ladder to Success.
And if you look at it, it is, let me see, I'm gonna open it up right now. It says the pamphlet,
it's only, how many pages is this thing? It's tiny. It's a 30,
36 pages on the back of it. There's a pitch for his magazine. So it's not even maybe 35 pages.
Um, and it's the magic ladder of success. And as he's teaching this, this is in, uh, uh, May,
1921. Uh, he's going through this process and the magic ladder of success. There's these rungs and
there are 16 rungs on this ladder
and you have to step up these 16 rungs to have success. Ooh. So this is before he wrote the law
of success. It was this, he called it, he called the magic ladder to success. And as you flip
through the pages here, um, rung number one, a definite aim in life, which if you look at
the law of success, uh, you know, law number one is very similar. So like back then he had
this rung number two, self-confidence rung. Number three is initiative rung. Number two,
the page is ripping us. Rung number four is imagination. Again, this is a super old
pamphlet, but anyway, so it goes through them. And the first time he ever taught these way back
in the day, he called them the magic, um, the magic ladder to success, which is really interesting.
And then fast forward a few years later is when he wrote the actual law of success. So he, Oh, excuse me. Actually before that, okay, hold on. I have
another book I found. This one's, this one's so cool. I can't believe I found this one.
I feel like I'm a treasure hunter going through finding these first additional books. You guys,
it is so much fun. So this one, what year was this one published in? So this is a book that,
um, I'm not sure if it's going to have a copyright date inside of here. Maybe it wasn't copyrighted,
which is definitely possible. Um, I'm not finding a copyright date here, at least not quickly. It's
probably here somewhere. Um, so the first one was a pamphlet called the magic ladder success. Now
this is a book called the magic ladder success, and it's probably, let me scroll to the back here,
it's 200 pages, so it's a 200-page book,
and it's taking the same 16 rungs of success.
They talked about The Magic Ladder Success pamphlet,
and then it became The Magic Ladder Success book, right?
And so, again, it's the evolution of these ideas.
And I'm sharing this with you guys because all of you guys have a framework, right?
Some framework for success that you're doing.
And I think you're all, and I know I've struggled with this too, so I'm not the only one, but
we have this framework and then we're waiting for it to become perfect.
But if you look at this, Napoleon Hill's first one was a 20-page booklet teaching these 16
ladders, or 16 runs of success.
And later, the book, The Magic Ladder Success, which is. And later the book, the magic ladder success,
which is a 200 page book, him teaching the principles. Then you fast forward over here,
the side library, then a few years later, so when he came out with the laws of success, which is,
well, this is interesting. The very first edition, which I have the first edition book here.
It was published in 1928 and it is one, three four five six seven eight it's eight books right
here but i actually found this is the most expensive book i bought to date i found uh
laws of success book he published or he wrote three years before the actual first edition and
he only published a handful of them and i have one of the original copies that he actually signed
which is so cool that one was actually 16 books There's one book for each law of success, which is really cool.
And then, yeah, then became law of success, eight books.
And then I have probably two dozen different versions of the law of success.
One were eight books, one were there, one huge fat book.
Anyway, so there's those ones.
But then, so that was 1920.
Then fast forward, 1945, he went back through.
He kept evolving these laws, right? These principles, these things.
Then he came out with a book set. It was 16 laws. It was a book set called Mental Dynamite.
And it was 16 books that he wrote. And he wrote it in 1945. And what's interesting is that 1945
was the middle of, I think, World War II. And there was a paper and ink shortage. So he only
printed a few dozen copies of this and it never got mass produced.
And I happen to have a copy of it.
It's really cool.
But it's 16 booklets called Mental Dynamite Series
and it's 16 books I'm teaching.
Once again, the 16 laws.
But it's interesting because you look at this,
like it's this evolution of these principles.
Like after going through this and writing,
as far back as I can tell,
the first thing I have is the magic ladder to success.
This is the first time you put these things down to like, here are the 16 principles.
Then he kept evolving and evolving and evolving and evolving and he kept growing and evolving
until he became, boom, from that to laws of success, to think and grow rich, to raise your own salary,
to mental dynamite, and so on and so forth.
But he kept doubling down on these 16 laws,
these 16 principles, his framework for success. And so I just want to come back to you, right?
Like this whole business, I don't care if you're selling physical products, info products,
whatever it is, you're trying to get some result for a customer, right? You have something that
you're taking, some process you're taking somebody on. I'd call it a framework, right? Like you have something that you're taking, some process
you're taking somebody on. I'd call it a framework, you can call it whatever, but you have that thing,
right? So what is the step-by-step process? Like Napoleon Hill went and spent 20 years figuring
out the 16 laws that he, or 16 rungs of the ladder, whatever you want to call it. And then
he spent the next 50 years of his life just teaching that over and over in different ways,
different structures, different formats, different things. In fact, the guy that I bought most of
these old books from, he made me laugh. He's like, if you've noticed, it seems like Napoleon Hill is
just plagiarizing himself over and over again. It's like, well, it's because he knows these are
the principles that work, right? And so he's evolving them and tweaking them. And he's got
better stories and different stories, different ways to apply it and faster ways to apply it and
so on and so forth. So my question for you,
that I really want you to kind of think about is, is like, first off, what is your framework? What
is your, like, do you have that yet? If not, like you got to define it, like for my customers, this
is, this is the result I'm getting them, right? And then these are the steps or the laws or the
rungs of the ladder or whatever it is, like the step-by-step process that you go through consistently
every single time to get someone's success, right?
And then after you have that framework,
obviously you can evolve it, you can add it.
Maybe it's six steps and eventually it becomes eight steps.
You can do those things.
But I think it's fascinating that he literally,
1921 came up with 16 rungs of the ladder
and then it's been 16 through the next 50 years.
He didn't change that.
He didn't become like, oh, here's the 17th wrong or here's the 22nd law of success.
It always was those things.
But then what he tried to do was how do I make this simpler and simpler and simpler?
The laws of success is amazing, but it's a big, huge book set and no one was reading it.
So he's like, how do I make this simpler?
So he made a smaller version, which was Think and Grow Rich.
And boom, that one blew up and sold, I don't even know how many copies, a lot. In fact, I have a whole bunch of the old and original ads for Think and Grow Rich
sitting here right in front of me. In fact, do I hear the headline? Here's the headline for
one of the original Think and Grow Rich ads. It said, would you give $2 to be rich? From the
moment you joyously hold Think and Grow Rich in your hands, this powerful new friend starts in to help you.
That you that you read about, that reads these words,
will be a new and different you one hour after reading Think and Grow Rich.
Yes, strange things may happen in an hour.
Strange things, happy things that will affect your whole life.
Things that have happened to countless ambitious people who have read this amazing book. Think and Grow Rich has changed thousands of natural born doubters to doers.
They were set aflame with new ambition. They found the easy road to self-advancement
in this big book. They found that just one thing would bring them what they wanted. No tiresome
study, no dull lessons, no long drawn out theories, no difficult things to understand.
Clear and easy for you.
Napoleon Hill makes everything in this great book so simple and easy to understand.
Every reader of this book is dumbfounded at its simplicity and gratifying clearness that the first five minutes he reads,
he quickly realizes that he has found exactly what he's been looking for.
And nothing in the world is as marvelous as that feeling of happy discovery, the great relief,
the fine new grateful feeling of surging enthusiasm and fresh glowing ambition that fills you
from head to foot.
You grow warm all over with a keen yearning to try at once the vital secrets he lays bare.
You know by instinct that they fit you and are for you and that you can make them do
for you many things which you never thought were
possible. Is this amazing? This is the original ad for Think and Grow Rich. I'm being so excited
right now. Each and every page surprises you and each new page you turn gives new impetus to those
feelings. You are impatient to begin. Surging within you is a thing of fire you can't understand,
but you will later. You will realize that you are done with vain starts towards success.
You are through the mental tussles that bothered you.
You are done with all the doubts of your despair
and have left them all behind.
For you have this thing that is strong and sure and has miraculous power
and will be right for you from today on,
opening the new path to a bigger life.
What I would do if I had a million dollars?
A man needed a million dollars for a plan he had
to help thousands of young men succeed in life.
For years, he could not raise it.
A fresh idea came to his mind,
and within 36 hours, he had the million dollars.
Read the methods he used and think and grow rich.
Oh, it's so cool.
Happy results are secured with no hard labor,
no sacrifice, no silly cult, no great education.
This is your guarantee.
Anyway, so cool. Anyway, that's just one. I have like five or six of the old ads here. Here's
another headline. When riches begin to come, they come so quickly in such abundance that one wonders
where have they been hiding during all those lean years? Anyway, so cool. So, um, anyway, I just want to share this with you guys because
like, this is the, this is the key for all of you, right? Creating a framework and then adding it
and then making it better and better and better. Like the success starts coming with simplicity,
right? So again, I was talking about earlier, like you went from 16 books to eight books to
one book that could get in people's hands and made the process simpler. For me, right, if I think about the funnel stuff, I spent a
decade, decade and a half studying and mastering funnels, right, and then I was trying to teach
people how to do it, and it was just complex, how to make it simpler, simpler, and then the
Dotcom Seekers book made it simpler, right, and then ClickFunnels software made the practical
application of these principles simpler, like it's all about simplicity, how to make it easier and easier and easier and easier.
That's the game that we play.
And so that's for you guys, what I want you to start thinking about too.
What's the framework that gets somebody from A to Z?
Gets them the result that you promised them inside your business.
And then you create that.
Make your first version.
Make the magic ladder success booklet that's you create that. Make your first version. Make your, your,
you know,
the magic ladder success booklet
that's 30 pages
that just goes through the things, right?
And then put it out there.
Make it a lead magnet.
And if someone buys that,
then it's like,
okay, I'm going to be with
a 200 page book.
And then I'm going to try
a book series
and a set and a thing.
And obviously,
most of you probably
aren't even writing books,
but maybe it's a webinar
or then a podcast
or then a,
then a masterclass
or a weekend seminar,
you know,
virtual seminar.
And then you're putting it out there. And then how do I make software make this simpler? Can I
create supplements to make this simpler? Like what are all the things I can create to make this
simpler and simpler and simpler? Like those are the things that you got to be thinking through
to really win this game, right? With ClickFunnels 2.0, that was the initial kind of impetus for the
whole thing. It's like, how do we create something to make this simpler?
And boom, inside of that question came ClickFunnels 2.0
and all the things that have come with it.
So anyway, I'm excited.
I feel, I don't know, this room is magic.
Hopefully someday you have a chance to come visit it.
I think we should do like a golden ticket.
Like I'll put a golden ticket inside one of the books
that invites you guys to come hang out with me for a day
inside of the polling hill room.
You can write and study and read.
Ooh, that'd be fun.
Anyway, I hope you guys are amazing.
Thanks so much for listening.
I appreciate you guys.
Go and create your frameworks, create your system, simplify them, make them easier for
And when you do that, it will change their life and through the process, they'll probably
change your life as well.
Thanks so much, guys.
And we'll talk to you soon.
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