The Russell Brunson Show - The Loneliest Job In The World...
Episode Date: August 24, 2018But everything changed for me when I discovered ONE thing during my business journey. Listen to how I handled and overcame feeling like I was in "The Loneliest Job In The World". On today's episode R...ussell talks about why being an entrepreneur is the loneliest job in the world. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode: Why it's hard to find support and others like you when you first get into the business of being an entrepreneur. Why going to events made it easier for Russell to connect with others like him, and to help him find vendors to do the things he couldn't. And why it's so important to go to Funnel Hacking Live, especially when you are first getting started, and why it's one of the best events in marketing ever. So listen here to find out why you need to attend events, and how you can get your tickets to Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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This is Russell Brunson.
We're about to start a Marketing Secrets podcast episode.
I'm heading to the airport.
I almost just got in a wreck.
Literally live on radio.
But here we go.
Let's have some fun.
So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are
spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products
and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the
answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. So
heading to the airport, I'm about to go to a secret meeting. There's 10 people that got invited
to the secret meeting and I'm not allowed to say anything else about it. Is that crazy? I am like
the worst secret keeper in the world. People are like, Hey Russell, can you keep a
secret? Like, no. Why would you tell me? I've written two books that literally all they are
is me showing every secret I've ever heard in my whole life. So don't trust me with secrets. And
this is killing me, but I'm gonna tell you everything that I'm not allowed to tell you.
Everything I'm allowed to tell you, I'll get in trouble. So Brandon Bouchard set this thing up.
Oh, I don't want to get in trouble for that. Crap. Anyway, and he like messaged a bunch of people.
He's like, this is a secret meeting of a bunch of titans of different industries all moving
together to plan world domination.
It's kind of like the Illuminati, I think, or maybe the Bilderberg group or I don't know,
something cool ninja like that.
Um, maybe not.
Um, so I meet all these cool people and I'm like the internet software nerd dude who's
coming and there's like all these other legit people who are coming.
Like, uh, one of them's like a multi-billion dollar a year, uh, supplement company.
There's, um, I can't tell.
I'm in trouble.
Anyway, I'm excited.
So I'm heading there right now to the airport to go fly to hang out with those dudes for
a couple of days.
And then, uh, from there flying to Dana Derrick's Dream 100 conference.
Um, Dana did me a little favor last year. When we were doing
the viral video launch, we redid the sales page for ClickFunnels and he flew in and spent a week.
Actually, he didn't fly in. He's scared of planes. He literally found a dude who's a retired truck
driver and paid the guy to drive him to Boise, which is like a, I don't know, 30 hour drive.
And so he sat in the back car, worked on stuff while this dude just drove him which is insanely cool so anyway i love dana he learned how to fly since
then and he was like oh my gosh this is way faster and easier but a year ago he was he was scared
airplanes so he uh drove to boise spent a week with me working on sales letter got me an overalls
um doing the whole go dancing it was funny in exchange he wanted to speak his event next year
which is now this week so flying out there talking about some cool things. His whole, his whole thing is about
the dream 100, which is exciting. And, um, I've been working on the traffic secrets book, which
is coming out and there's a whole foundational layer of dream 100 and how it ties into like all
the different marketing channels. I'm going to be sharing that for the first time live on stage,
uh, which I'm excited for. It's kind of me testing out the concepts for the book and getting people's
feedback the first time. So it'll be fun. I'm looking forward to that. That's what's happening
for me right now. And in that vein, I want to talk about something interesting. So I'm heading
this event. Like, why do I still do events? Why do I still go to events? Why do I run events? And the reason why is because my life was changed by going to live events. So I was an internet nerd who sat behind my computer
all day thinking I was the stuff, right? And I don't know about you, but entrepreneurship is
the loneliest job in the world, right? Especially when you're first getting started because like
nobody believes in you. You're, you're, you know, depending on who you are, but most of the time,
like spouses don't believe your friends don't believe like your coworkers.
I literally,
I was building my,
my first internet company.
I was also painting at a paint place during the summer breaks.
and the owner of the paints shop was a friend or the paint,
whatever company was a friend.
And I remember I would tell him all stuff I'm learning about.
And I was so excited.
And then at first it was like a cool thing.
And then like, I believed it was going to work. So I could talk about like my dreams, my visions, what I was going to try to create and do.
And it's funny because you think that people will be like supportive of that and be like, oh, that's amazing.
You should do that.
But guess what?
They're typically not.
In fact, to that point where I would come into work and the owner of that company and other people would start teasing me like,
hey, Russell, why are you here today?
I thought you were going to be retired by now.
Oh, I thought you were going to be a millionaire.
Why are you here?
Like all sorts of stuff like that.
My family, my brother who's editing this and his wife who are transcribing this,
we'll laugh at this part.
But when I was a kid growing up, I used to order all the junk mail, right?
And I would read all the junk mail and people how they're making money.
I was like, this is the greatest thing in the world.
I would always tell her, I'm going to be a millionaire. Like I'm going to be a millionaire so soon. And my brothers and sister and everyone would tease me like, Oh, Russell, you a millionaire
yet? Oh, are you a millionaire yet? And I'm like, no, I'm still working on it. I'm 13. Give me some
time. And, uh, but it's just funny because you expect initially everyone's gonna be like, I'll
pump for you. But what you find out is that at first they're not.
They're like skeptical,
and I think a lot of times it's because they love you
and they care about you
and they don't want you to get hurt, right?
Because it's a scary road.
And so typically people aren't super like,
sweet, you should chase these entrepreneurial dreams.
They're more like, oh, like, dude,
like you should just like do what everyone does
and just kind of, you know, do, do the normal path.
And, um, again, they have good intentions, but that's typically what happens.
So entrepreneurship at first is very, very lonely road.
Um, and so for me, I was, uh, I still remember I was, um, doing my thing behind my computer
and back then this is like pre Facebook pre, like it was hard.
Like there were some forums you can go talk to people, but, um, it was still really, really lonely. And like, um, I didn't have anyone to
talk about. I just like was reading and learning. And I explained to my wife and she'd like, look
at me like, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm like, ah, and I tell other people
and they're like, that sounds awesome. But like, it was just tough. And so remember the very first
event I ever went to, um, uh, I went there and, um, a couple of amazing things happened.
The first off I went there and I got to the room and it was like, um, I think it was about four or
500 people in this room. And I got there and instantly I was just like, Oh my gosh, there
are other people on this planet that think like me. Like these are my, these are my people. I
remember thinking that I remember like sitting in the hallways, talking to people and staying
late at night. I mean the hotel rooms to like three or four in the morning, I was like, I can't believe
I'm having these discussions with other people who actually care about the same thing I'm talking
about. And we'd geek out on him, talk about the ups and the downs and the struggles and the ideas
and the concepts. And like, like, Oh, it was, it was like, like plugging in life in my, in my
bodies. I was going through this, this process. Right. And so I'm, I'm, I'm found my tribe of people and I finally had these connections.
And when I left the event, it was amazing because, um, I had these, I had friends,
I had people I could call on the phone and Skype and talk about it. And like,
and it was cool. So that was the first thing is I found my people. Number two,
is I started finding vendors. Like I didn't know where to find people to do all these different
things. And I'm in this room with, at the time, 500 or so people.
I meet people and some guy's like, oh yeah, I do whatever.
I'm like, what?
I need that.
Someone's like, I do this and I do this.
I built out my Rolodex of people that were able to help me in all the different aspects.
It dramatically sped up my process.
What was cool is because I met them face to face, it wasn't like I went to their website and I contacted them through contact form and they didn't know who I was. It
was like, it was like, Hey, do you remember the other day we were hanging out? And it was funny
for me. Like they'd always go to the bar afterwards. And I'm like the, you know, the clean
cup Mormon kid. He was like, I don't know what to do at a bar. So I go to the bar with him. Cause I
wanted to like, keep talking to everybody. And it was funny because like, they're all drinking.
And I was like, and first time I ordered
like a water and, and again, I know nothing about drinking. And so like the guy came back, he's like,
Hey, do you need another Scotch? I'm like, I don't even know what that means. Like, or vodka. I don't
even know, like whatever the drinks are. Right. And I was like, Oh my gosh, people here think I'm
drinking. Like, this is awkward. Like, I don't want people to think I'm drinking. Cause again,
I'm the clean cup Mormon kid. Right. So I was like, Oh, so I started ordering milk started ordering milk at the bars it's so funny and so they bring out this big old cup of milk because
I was like I don't want people thinking I'm drinking and uh and so I have this big like cup
of milk and people will come to me like what are you drinking I'm like milk like what I'm like one
mormon so I don't drink it's like well why would you order milk I'm like because I don't want you
guys thinking I'm drinking so like anyway so I'd go so like I'd have this connection point though
and so I like call people up I'm like hey this is Russell they're like Russell I'm like thinking I'm drinking. So like, anyway, so I'd go, so like I'd have this connection point though. And so I like call people up and like, Hey, this is Russell. They're like, Russell,
my guy, I'm the dude who was drinking milk with you at the bar. They're like, Oh, you're the,
you're the Mormon guy. I'm like, yes I am. And like we had instant connection and rapport. And
so it was easy to start doing deals because, because they had that connection point, right?
Cause I had connected with people and met them. So that was the next huge, huge benefits. Number
one was I found my people. I had friends now who I could communicate about this, this thing I was geeking out about. Um, uh, I had relationships. Number two is I will
meet with vendors and find all the different pieces that I needed to help grow my company.
Right. Um, number three, um, is I had a chance to go to the event and actually learn from people,
which was really, really cool. And so for me, it was like, it was interesting. Cause like I had
kind of focused on one thing, but the event promoters had brought in different speakers, different topics,
and it helped round me out.
I started understanding like, oh, like I remember I didn't know what copywriting was.
And the very first event there was this dude, Michael Fortin, who's a great copywriter,
talking about copy and conversion.
I was like, what?
I didn't know that was a thing.
Like who knew I needed a headline?
Like I didn't.
And I remember him talking about conversion and it was funny. I never never split. I didn't know what split testing was at the time,
but he was showing all these split tests. Like I did a red headline versus a blue headline.
This is what happened. I did this versus that. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm taking notes.
And all of a sudden like I went home and I was able to like take the test that he had,
he had figured out. And I just, I just modeled it. Right. Like I remember one of his tests was
like a red headline out converts a blue headline. I was like, are you serious? So I'm back to my, to my little
funnels back at the time I wrote a headline, I made it red and sure enough, guess what? Increased
conversions. And I gave myself a raise and I was like, Oh, this is amazing. So I started like
learning these amazing things and coming back and implementing back into my little funnels I had at
the time. We didn't call them funnels back then, but, uh, that's what we call the mini sites. Went back and edited out my little mini sites. Um, oh crap. This happens when I'm not paying
attention. I'm late to the airport already. I'm podcasting. Oh dang. And the freeway is
completely jam packed. All right guys, you are going to be part of a live experiment to see if
Russell can make it, um, to the airport in time to go to his top secret meeting, uh, with
the Bilderberg or the Illuminati. Anyway, we'll podcast the whole process cause if I don't make
it, then we'll just keep going. It'll be fun. Um, all right. So anyway, um, where'd I leave off?
Okay. So met friends, met connections, started learning really cool things in, in different
areas I wouldn't have ever assumed and thought like brought new, new concepts and strategies
to my mind. Uh, number four, amazing thing that happened was at this event. And this,
this event is different than like funnel hacking live, but this event, it was a multi-speaker
event where every speaker spoke and then they sold. Now, this was the first time I had ever
seen something like that. Um, some of you guys have heard me tell the story before about how I
got into becoming a public speaker, but I was a shy, awkward, nerdy kid who never talked to anyone
ever. I'm super introverted, still am. And anyway, so I'm sitting
there. It's the first event. The first speaker gets up. He talks for 90 minutes. I still remember
his Mike Lipman. Um, uh, if he doesn't know Mike Lipman, this dude's awesome. And I still remember
to this day that he taught this concept about, uh, he said, amateurs focus on the front end.
And I was like, what? And he's like, yeah, these CDs we sell, it costs me $30 to sell a CD. And he's like, but guess why I'm winning? I'm like, why? He's like, cause amateurs focus on the front end. And I was like, what? And he's like, yeah, these CDs we sell, it cost me $30 to sell a CD. And he's like, but guess why I'm winning? I'm like, why? He's like, because
amateurs focus on the front end. I have this backend thing. And he started talking about like,
everybody who buys a CD, I call them on the phone. I sell them coaching. And I was like,
what? Like my whole world was just shattered. Right. And he's telling this whole thing. And I
was like, amateurs focus on the front end. My whole business is point. I've been focusing on
the front end and I don't want to be an amateur. I want to be a professional.
And he's like professionals, you know, they go in the hole in the front end so they can
make their profits on the back end.
And it was like, boom, paradigm shift.
And at the end of it, he sold the program.
It's like, Hey, I'll teach you guys how to do this whole thing.
I'm doing free plus shipping CDs and then calling him on the phone and selling coaching.
And he sold the fight two grand.
And I watched as people in this room started jumping up and running in the back of the
And I was doing the math.
I'm like two, four, six, eight, 10.
I'm like, that dude just made $65,000 in an hour.
I was like, I've never even experienced something like that.
Maybe they made more money in an hour than I made entire last year.
And the next guy gets up and he starts speaking about something.
And again, I get his epiphanies, the ha's.
Oh, and then like he sells something.
And then I'm doing the math.
And that guy sold like a $5,000 thing.
I'm like five, 10, 15, 20.
That guy made a hundred grand. Oh, and then like he sells something and then I'm doing the math and that guy sold like a $5,000 thing. I'm like five, 10, 15, 20, 20.
I'm like, that guy made a hundred grand.
And like my whole world, I saw how people were selling.
And like, it's funny to me nowadays when people are like, I went to an event and somebody sold and I was all upset.
I'm like, what event was it?
And like, it's a marketing and selling event.
I'm like, so you went to a marketing and selling event.
You had a chance to experience somebody sell something and you got upset about it.
Like at the 10X event this year,
it's funny because I, some of you guys have heard the story. I went into the event,
there were 9,000 people and I sold $3.2 million in products in 90 minutes. And it's funny as this
event was there to teach people how to sell. I had a couple of people I saw in like in Facebook
after I went to the 10X event, but you know, Russell's presentation was good, but then he
just sold something in the end. I'm like, dude, you paid to learn how to sell.
And you watch somebody orchestrate a $3.2 million hour. Like that was worth more than the price of
admission. Like you should be studying and dissecting and diagramming everything I did.
Right. So for me, I'm like, I'm watching each speaker get up on stage back here and I'm
watching it. And it was just like, it was, it was like seeing behind the scenes of
everything I dreamt about doing. And I started, and that's like how I went on this whole path of
like, I have to learn how to like sell from stage and, and, and doing these closing techniques and
how to like tell stories. And I like, I learned like watching people as well. You know, for those
who came to last year's Funnel Hacking Live, some of you may or may not know this. We only sell one
thing at Funnel Hacking Live. So it's not a multi-day. Everyone's pitching and selling.
There's only one thing for sale.
And the only thing we sell is the actual R2 Comic Club X coaching.
We only open it once a year and it's at the event.
So the only way to buy it is at the event.
And at last year's event, for those who were there, I did $12 million in sales at the event.
And so it's like, if you want to learn how to sell coaching or consulting or anything like that, like, like if you watch the process, we orchestrated the thing,
like, like that alone is worth the price of mission times a hundred. Right. And so like
at the event, I learned how to sell. I started watching this thing. I started like learning how
to break down presentations. And so that was another like unintended benefit that I had.
And it went on and on and on, But the event like literally changed my life. So
why am I sharing this with you guys? Well, a couple reasons. One is I'm going to events weekend
because and I go because I know that transformation happens at events faster than anywhere else. So I
love going to events because I love seeing people have that transformation. If it was if, if I wasn't
married, didn't have kids, I'd be going to three or four events a week. That's how important and how impactful they are, both for me as an attendee but also as a speaker.
I can have more impact on someone there face-to-face in a room than I can ever in a million years on podcasts or webinars or any virtual means.
And so that's a big part.
Number two is we have Funnel Hacking Live coming up.
And this year is going to be amazing.
The first year we did it, we had about 600 people come.
The second year was 1,200.
Third year was 1,300.
We sold out in like a month.
So I was like, oh, we should probably make it a little bit bigger.
Last year we had about 3,000-ish.
And this year we're going to have about 4,500.
We've already sold almost 2,000 tickets.
So there's not going to be a lot more.
But what's interesting to me is as of today, we have 65,000 active ClickFunnel members. We have less than 5,000 tickets. So it's
like less than 5%. Is that the math? I don't know what the math is. It's like 5% of all active
ClickFunnel members will have a chance to come to it. Yet it's the thing that of all things we do,
it will have the biggest impact on somebody's business and on somebody's life.
It's interesting as we were talking about this yesterday in the office, we were looking at the Two Comma Club wall.
And if you've ever seen my pictures, we've got the entire bathroom hallway is wallpapered
in Two Comma Club awards.
Now the kitchen is completely wallpapered.
There's some people that have now hit the Two Comma Club.
It's like, I don't know, 300 or 400 people now.
We have the Two Comma Club X program, which means they made over $10 million.
We have a whole wall just those i think we have
25 or so people have hit that now and it's going up every single day and we're sitting there talking
and as we're reading the names off like we know most of the people like how do i know all these
names and like the interesting thing behind the majority not all of them um but the majority of
all the people who are on the wall is they come to our events.
Like, it's weird.
Like what, what are the top 1% doing?
Like I'm a big believer in modeling, right?
Like I look at like, what is the top 1% doing?
They're going to live events.
So what should I do?
I should go to the live event, right?
Um, when you come to Fun Hockey Live, just, just like understand it.
And again, our events, not like any other event.
Ours is closer to a rock concert than a marketing seminar.
Um, I've gotten a lot of marketing seminars.
It's hard to stay awake at pretty much all of them.
Honestly, I don't mean to be rude, but it's insane.
I don't know.
Marketing, for whatever reason, people have not done a good job.
And I've tried to be the person who made marketing fun again and sexy and exciting and bringing the energy and making it what it should be.
This is the most exciting topic on planet earth. Like we should be freaking out, going crazy,
jumping and screaming and dancing because we learned something and two things happen. Number
one, we make a crap ton of money. Number two, we change somebody's life. Like what is more exciting
than that? And so I think the last, I don't know, decade or two decades or since the pony express
began and we had
direct mail, like marketing events have always been boring.
And I'm trying to like make these things exciting so that all of people like me will actually
come to them because if there's entertainment, it's exciting and fun.
Like it's awesome.
So that's number one.
It's number one.
Funnel Hacking Life is different from anything else you'll ever experience.
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The speakers we bring, people are like,
I've never heard of any speakers.
Why not? I'm like, because I don't bring the dudes and the ladies who are on
every single stage speaking. People come to our events or people who are actually doing it. They're
ClickFunnels members. There are two comic club winners. There are people who are doing unique,
interesting things that, that you would never have a chance to see unless you had the bird's
eye view. Like I do, like I'm watching everybody. I'm watching 65,000 members. Like what are the
funnels that are interesting, that are different? And so I'm able to bring those out. So those are
the speakers you're going to hear from, um, people in different markets, different industries who are
doing the most fascinating things that you can look at and you can learn them, bring it back to
your specific business. Okay. So the learning is second to none because again, most people aren't
polished stage presenters. These are people who are your peers, people who last year were sitting in the audience
who, um, are now looking at you.
Like for example, what, what am I, I'm excited for all our presentations.
One that I'm really excited for.
Um, some of you guys know Jamie Cross.
Jamie Cross came to Funnel Hacking Live two years ago, um, at the bottom of her, you know,
her, her journey, like struggling financially.
And she came to the Funnel Hacking Live.
She had a mission.
She, um, she had like literally like a revelation, like I need to start this soap company. And so
she starts this like natural soap company. Right. And she's, she hears the voice in her head. So
you need to do this thing and she's going and she's doing it and she's moving forward. And,
and, um, but she doesn't know what to do. And she comes to this thing and she's out of money.
And I'm talking about perfect webinars. And she's like, I'm selling soap. I can't do a webinar for soap, but you know, I was led to come to this thing. And so I'm going
to do a perfect webinar for my soap. And she does a webinar. The first one bombs, second one bombs,
third one bombs, fourth. And she keeps trying and trying and trying. She's like, I, this doesn't
make any sense. Right? I get tons of people who are like Russell, I read expert secrets, but I'm
selling physical products. Doesn't make sense. But she didn't say like, this won't work for me.
She said, how can this work for me? How can this work for me? And she kept doing the webinar, doing it, doing it. And she
kept tweaking it and modifying it to eventually she came out to, she made a five minute webinar
following the exact same process in the perfect webinar. Like it's insane. She had a Facebook
live at five with this five minute webinar selling a physical products, um, soap and that her natural
soap she creates in her basement. Well, she used's big time as it's been growing really fast.
But she did it, and finally, boom, one of the webinars she did hit.
It's a five-minute perfect webinar selling soap, and it hit within like six weeks at $130,000.
And it was like, boom, off to the races.
And it's funny, after that, she joined the inner circle.
She was all in.
And what's crazy, this is the coolest thing in the world, the year's funnel hiking life so exactly a year later she's a funnel hiking live
i believe if i remember the story right i think it was her anniversary it's either an anniversary
or birthday i think it was an anniversary um and it was like the day at funnel hiking life where
we were delivering two comic club awards on stage to everybody and that morning she came in she's
like we we hit we crossed two comic club. Like today we literally passed it. It's our anniversary. It's a huge thing.
I was like, are you serious? She's like, yeah, she's like, but it's probably too late for me
to get the award. I'm like, are you freaking kidding me? Like, this is the best time on
earth to get their award. So she went and like submitted all the fine, all the financial numbers.
We, we, we, uh, found it. It was like, oh my gosh, you literally hit it to the day that the two
common words are being handed out. And so we had
a chance to bring her and her husband on stage and give them this award on stage. And so I'm
excited because again, two years ago, she was a attendee last year, literally at the event during
the two column club where she earned her two column club. And this year she's going to be
showing like, Hey, if you're selling physical products, here's my five minute perfect webinar.
And she's going to talk about it. And then she's literally going to do her five minute webinar on
stage. Like how cool is that? And you guys are going to see it it, and then she's literally going to do her five-minute webinar on stage.
Like, how cool is that?
And you guys are going to see it.
Like, here's somebody who did a thousand perfect webinars for physical products to crack the code on how it actually worked,
and then you're going to have her explain the concepts behind it,
how it worked, what a funnel looks like,
and then she's actually going to do it live for you,
and you will see her do the webinar.
If you're selling any product, physical product, digital product,
anything like how valuable is that? You're not going to get that anywhere else on planet earth,
but she's going to come and share it. And so for me, I have this bird's eye view, like what's the
fascinating, interesting things that are happening inside our community. And we bring those people to
share what they're, what they're doing. Okay. So that's, what's going to happen. I funnel hiking
live. Um, and you're going to learn from these people, are, I can't even tell you how excited I am for the people that are coming.
All right, so that's number one or two.
After that, what's going to be really cool is we're launching our new Funnel Rolodex.
Some of you guys know about that.
If you're a service provider and you want to be in our Rolodex, go to
We're building out the thing right now.
But we're having literally a networking meetup
with everyone in the funnel Rolex.
If you're like, I just don't know how to write copy or do my images or my design, or I don't
know how to build a funnel, like all the different sticking points you're stuck with.
Come with those sticking points and we'll introduce you to every single person in our
community who can do those things for you.
It's like, here's the top 10 best copywriters, like hire any of them.
Here's the best designers, the best programmers, the best funnel builders, like they're all going to be there and you can come
and just build your network, build your own Rolodex of people. They're going to build your
funnels for you. So like all those excuses you've had in the past, like why you can make it work.
They're obliterated. We just exploded them by handing you my entire Rolodex of, of, uh,
providers that you can use, uh, which is awesome. awesome. You're going to be inspired.
You're going to have a chance to watch the new OUR film.
Last year we showed an OUR film,
and then we raised over a million dollars for OUR
while we were sitting there in the room.
We have the second documentary that's going to be live,
and we're going to have a chance to view that with you guys at the event.
I promise you that will shift your perspective.
It will shift your mission.
It will shift your life work.
That's going to be amazing.
I'm going to be sharing stuff I've never shared before um the new things we're doing the new up and coming things
um we're gonna be releasing new features uh last year front hiking live we gave uh features to
to a whole bunch of people that that still have not live in the app for anybody else so you get
features about six months ahead of time before everybody else does which is exciting um we will
sell one thing so hell russell's gonna be pitch fest no but i am gonna sell one, we will sell one thing. So, hell, Russell's going to be a pitch fest. No,
but I am going to sell one thing. We will sell the two column Quebec's program. You have a chance to see how did Russell sell this? Like, let's see Russell do a perfect webinar live and let's see
what happens. Does he get a table rush? Does he bomb? What happens? What doesn't happen? Like
you have a chance to see that, right? If you want to get an Orion coaching program, be part of the
two column Quebec's program. The only way to do that is to actually like, this is the, this is
the doorway you have to go through to be able to come. We don't allow people in any other time throughout the year,
except for through the store. So you'll see those things. Um, ah, we've got so many cool things. Um,
Lindsay Sterling, if you guys know Lindsay Sterling, she was someone who was on America's
Got Talent. Um, she made it two or three rounds in and the judge was like, you don't have no talent.
You're never going to make it. She's a dancing violinist, right? Um, she's like, ah, she's an artist who creates and does these new things. But what she does is so different.
Nobody's ever heard of it. No one's ever heard of a dancing violinist. So, um, on America's
Got Talent that after a little while, they're like, you're just not going to make it. Sorry.
And they kicked her off. And instead of like being all bummed, she's like, you know what?
I've got something unique here. I'm going to do something. And so she went out there just like
any of us. And she started doing what? Building her following, building her tribe. She had a YouTube channel,
started doing music videos, started doing some stuff. And very quickly she built a following
of millions of people. And now she's like one of the highest sought after artists in the world,
right? Doing dancing violinists. Like it's insanely cool. Um, she also has a part with
OUR and so there's this really cool tie-in. So we have Lindsey Stirling coming and I'm going to
interview her on stage talking about how she built built the whole how she built her whole empire
and then she's gonna do a private concert for us you are gonna see lindsey perform um
and i've actually seen her in concert before and it is insane and the fact we have her coming is
oh because it's not just like we could have done a concert like oh we're gonna bring somebody come
sing to you but no it's someone who's like she's from the same foundation that we're from right like somebody who is an entrepreneur
who has a vision and a dream and was told no yet she said all right well how can i you know i got
told no through all the typical means but like how do we build this thing online let's let's
leverage youtube and joint ventures and traffic and generation and following subscribers and like
and let's let's let's do it the grassroots way,
the same way that we're doing it. And she built a huge following and has made a huge successful business. And so you're going to find out how she did that. And then she's actually going to
perform. We're going to have a chance to see her art, um, up close and personal. And like,
I can't even tell you how excited I am for that. It's going to be insanely cool. And
it goes on and on and on. There's so much stuff, you guys. Anyway, I just want to tell you that
because tickets are for sale right now. They won't be for so long. We will sell out. We sold out every year in the past.
Um, the first 2000 and I think we only have like two or 300 left this morning. So this may not be
for everyone, but for the first 2000 tickets sold, uh, what we're doing is I took all the last four
years of funnel hacking lives and I took all the presentations. I put them on a preloaded MP3
player. And then we have this dude, Tim Castleman, who comes to every single Funnel Hacking Live and he takes notes
of every presenter. Like his notes are insanely good. And then he sells them afterwards for a
couple hundred bucks every year. So I went back and I acquired the rights back to all the last
four years notes and I put them in the spiral bound binder. It's like 400, 400 or 500. It's
like four or 500 pages of notes of all the speakers.
And so any of the first 2000 people, especially for you guys who love podcasts,
cause you're listening right now, it's literally four years of our events. You listen to MP3 player
and you have all the notes pre-done. So you can take notes on his notes of all the last four
years. And I want you to do that. So I want you to like binge, listen to it. So when you show up
to funnel hacking live, like you're up to speed and like, you're able to hit the round, the ground running. Um,
ah, so much magic inside of, uh, the, the MP3 notes. Like I, um, literally the, um, we had the
first binder shipped to our office yesterday and I was holding it and I'm holding this fat,
huge binder of all the notes and this MP3 player. I was like, I would have paid conservatively $5,000 for this alone.
Um, and, and we're literally giving it to the first 2000 for free.
So if you, if you're coming, like you should get that gift cause it's insane, but it's
only 2000 and we pre-sold, we had 755 tickets sold before the event started.
I think we've sold like six or 700 right now, maybe more, 800, anyway, whatever the
numbers are.
But when the, but we only got 2,000 physical copies.
And so the first 2,000 people
will get that shipped out as well.
So if I was you and you're like,
dude, I want to listen to like 800 hours
of funnel building stuff.
Like even if you didn't come to the event,
go buy a ticket to the event just for that alone.
But you should come to the event
because it'll change your life.
Anyway, that's the process, you guys.
The last thing I want to mention is
so far before the events even started, I've already spent over a million dollars
to put this party on for you. Now, if I had a friend who is obsessed with marketing and funnels
and you're obsessed with as well, and he spent a million dollars to throw a party and all you
gotta do is cover the thousand dollar ticket costs to come to the party. I would totally come
right. Like, and that's not some kind of exaggeration. You guys like we feed you guys guys at all events. I had to prepay for the food. Um, I had to prepay for
Lindsay. She doesn't come free. I had to prepay for other speakers. Like we're a million dollars
right now before the events even started just to throw this party for you. So, um, if you're
trying to like convince your spouse or your company or your friends be like, look, this is
the dude, this is the deal. One of my friends, he's this insane funnel building marketing nerd, and he's throwing a party.
He spent a million dollars on this party so far. I have to go experience it. Um, if you tell some
of that, if they don't, if they don't like say you definitely should go to that, like they're crazy.
Right. So for you guys, like hopefully you hear that and you're like, yes, I'm in, I'm going to
go to this party. Cause one of my friends and I'm your friend. Well, my friend Russell, he spent a million dollars to throw a party.
I'm not going to miss it.
We only throw a couple parties a year and they're worth coming to.
Last year we had Funnel Hacking Live, which was insane.
And then we did, we threw a bubble soccer.
We said, again, it's a world record event.
And we had people with that one too.
We only do one or two parties a year.
And this is the big show you guys um i promise you if you come and you play full out and you experience it
this will change your life and i know people throw that around all the time but i'm not kidding ask
anyone who came last year ask anybody who has been to any of our fun lacking live events it's not
a typical event um i have friends who events are happening at a similar time and their events, you will learn good content. I promise you, you will. But this is more than that. This is, um,
this is a life transforming experience. Um, yeah. And, uh, we do it different. We do a special to
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So that's it. You guys, it's going to be Nashville, Tennessee this year. Um, I promise we will,
we will, we will put on a show that you will never forget, and it will change the trajectory of your life.
It's funny, when I went to Tony Robbins' date with Destiny,
he said something kind of similar, and I didn't know if I believed it.
I was like, cool, yeah, I'm going to go to the event.
And what was interesting is he talked about it.
He's like, this event will make a shift where the focal point of where you're going
is just different, right?
Instead, what's going to happen, though, if you look at a year from now,
five years from now, ten years from now, your entire Destiny,
you know those things, like the, the small hinges
swing big doors, like this little small hinge will change your trajectory. And then you look at
where you end up a year from now, five years from now, 10 years from now, a decade from now,
like in beyond, it'll, it'll radically shift the trajectory of your life from this point forward
and forever. Um, I promise you that. Um, and if not, let me know. I'll give you money back
because seriously, like I'm not, I'm not in this for the money. Hopefully you guys know this at
this point. I'm in this because of the transformations. If I can, if I can get you to
the event and I can give you the same transformational experience, um, that Jamie Cross
right where she's struggling. And a year later, she's got a two comic club
award. And now a year later, um, she's getting picked up by, I mean, her company is growing so
fast, right? And it started with the shift, the date with destiny, the thing that we're going to
be doing a funnel hacking live. So this is your official invitation. You guys, I want you there.
You need to be there. You want to be there. Um, make it a priority. Um, if you're getting married
that weekend, tell your spouse, like we need to move it. We, make it a priority. Um, if you're getting married that weekend, tell your
spouse, like we need to move it. We can get married any weekend, but funnel hacking live
only happens this weekend. If you've got some other thing happening, like shift it, move it.
Like you need to be here. Um, and if you're not, I guarantee you, you will be kicking yourself as
you were watching, um, the, uh, the, the four or 5,000 people that are there with me experiencing
this. And you're seeing them on social media,
crying and shifting and changing and growing.
And then you'll see as their businesses explode.
I promise you,
you will be kicking yourself forever if you were not there.
So this is your official invitation.
Now is the time.
I am almost to the airport.
I went back roads,
which I'm actually to get there almost an hour early.
So we did pretty good.
So there you go, you guys.
Funnel Hacking Live tickets are on sale now.
Go to
W-W-W dot
Go get your tickets.
Give them for you.
Give them for your spouse.
Give them for your community.
We have a lot of people right now who are bringing their entire communities.
Like they got their tickets and they go into their Facebook group.
They're like, hey guys, we're all going together. And they'll get 10, 15, 20
people all come to them together. That way it makes experiencing them more fun. I highly recommend
that. Like find other people who are just like me, just like you, uh, people who are trying,
who are entrepreneurs, like your friends who have the same vision as you bring them. If you've got
a spouse who doesn't have the vision yet, bring them. I promise you by the end of day, number
one, your spouse will be so bought into your vision and your mission that moving forward, everything else will become easier for you.
And a lot of us who get involved in this, that's the hardest thing is getting your spouse on board.
But if you have them in the room and they see the impact that you can make with your talents and your hobbies, it'll get them on board as well.
So bring your spouse.
If you want to bring your kids, bring your kids.
I have something actually really exciting for...
Anyway, I can't talk about that yet.
I'm so bad at secrets.
I'm the worst.
Anyway, if you've got kids, something cool is coming soon.
And just a bunch of other cool things.
So please come to
I promise you guys, you will love it.
Get your tickets at
All right, guys.
I'm at the airport.
I got to bounce.
Appreciate you all.
Thanks so much for all you do, for your support, for listening, for subscribing, for sharing, for commenting. Please. All right, guys. I'm at the airport. I got to bounce. Appreciate you all. Thanks so much for all you do,
for your support,
for listening,
for subscribing,
for sharing,
for commenting.
Please go leave feedback and comments.
I'd love to hear them and read them.
With that said,
I will see you at the Funnel Hacking Live.
Give your tickets now.
Bye, everybody.
See you guys soon.
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