The Russell Brunson Show - The Secret To Having Your Big Ah-Ha...

Episode Date: April 10, 2019

As I was writing the Traffic Secrets book today, I had a big ah-ha, and I think I've reverse engineered it to show you how to have the same thing in your life. On today's episode Russell talks about ...why he's taking his family on a Disney Cruise. He also explains his secret to having a big aha while writing his newest book, Traffic Secrets. Here are some of the insightful things in this episode: Find out what Russell's family's super bowl goal was for them to go on a Disney Cruise. Hear why Russell thinks that immersing yourself in a topic for several days is the perfect way to receive inspiration. And find out how you can follow Russell's lead by immersing yourself in any topic that you are interested in. So listen here to find out why Russell thinks immersion is the key to making connections that you may not see when just dabbling. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Clear your schedule for you time with a handcrafted espresso beverage from Starbucks. Savor the new small and mighty Cortado. Cozy up with the familiar flavors of pistachio. Or shake up your mood with an iced brown sugar oat shaken espresso. Whatever you choose, your espresso will be handcrafted with care at Starbucks. Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. We're welcoming you to a very late night Marketing Secrets Podcast. with care at Starbucks. lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey everyone, hope you guys are awesome. So I am actually at the office. It is almost midnight and I came to
Starting point is 00:01:05 the office to grab some books because I am heading out on a Disney cruise in the morning with my kids and it's kind of fun. We're going to be there for a week. It's for spring break. But what's even more exciting, I don't know if I told you this story yet or not, but when Alex Sharfman, he was one of our Two Column Quebec's coaches for the very first year of the Two Column Quebec's coaching program. And his event, which was amazing, he taught a bunch of stuff. One of the things he talked about was like every company needs a Hall of Fame goal. And then they need a Super Bowl goal. And then from there, they reverse engineer your monthly goals, your weekly goals,
Starting point is 00:01:46 your daily goals, stuff like that. And so we were thinking about that, like, that's kind of cool. So we set a Hall of Fame goal for our family. I think I did talk about this once. And so that was really cool. And then we set a Super Bowl goal. So for us, the Super Bowl goal was,
Starting point is 00:01:59 we've been having this goal to try to read the Book of Mormon as a family for pretty much for forever. We never done it. So we set a goal, like, if we can do that, we'll do a big prize. So we told the kids, like, when you win the Super Bowl, you go to Disney. We just want to go when we hit our Super Bowl goal. And they're like, we want to go on a Disney cruise.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And so we said, okay. So we booked it out, and it was like six months ago or so. I'm setting the alarm right now. That's what the beeping noise is. Anyway, so they went, and we've been reading it, and they got it done on Sunday. So we're excited. We're going on this Disney cruise to celebrate. And it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:36 As soon as the Disney cruise is over, we will be coming home, and my kids are going to fly back to Boise with Brent, Uncle Peter's and his family. Brent has been one of my partners now for forever. He's also coming on Disney Cruise with us. He's bringing his kids. They have the same goal, and they also hit it. So anyway, so it's kind of fun there.
Starting point is 00:03:00 They're going to take our kids from Orlando back to Boise, and then Colette and I are going to be flying to Puerto Rico to from Orlando back to Boise. And then Colette and I are going to be flying to Puerto Rico to go to this mastermind group. If you've been listening to my podcast for a while, you remember I did the secret Illuminati men's retreat thing. I don't even know what we call it anymore. Anyway, we're doing part two of that. And it's going to be in Puerto Rico where Brendan's got a house, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And we're staying at some nice fancy pants place so we're flying from there and then we're going to be there for a few days meet with a bunch of cool people and so I can't tell you all the cool people I probably can't tell you any actually I probably shouldn't say but there's some amazing people there so we're really excited to do that and it's gonna be cool so that's what's happening so I just got my favorite part of going on trips is coming to the office and looking at all my books and figuring what three books am i going to bring on the trip so that's what i just did right now is i picked my three books and now i've been back home to go start packing it's midnight our uber gets here at 4 30 in the morning so four
Starting point is 00:03:57 and a half hours from now uh we have to we'll be in an Uber. So hopefully, hopefully we get out of bed in time. Anyway, so, um, I want to jump on today cause a lot of cool things have been happening. So, um, first off, again, this is going back in time for those of you guys, my hardcore podcast listeners, I'm talking to you right now. Remember I talked about this goal I had this last year to transition away from being the all star on my team to being a coach and the pain and the fear and all the things that are associated with that was crazy because it's actually happening. Like, um, you know, Fun Locking Live happened and two weeks later we had our whole team come out and I kind of cast a vision and then our team, you know, grabbed it and, um, Julie's
Starting point is 00:04:39 managing the whole marketing team now, which used to be what I would do and she's running with it. And then I took this week off and I've been writing the book. I've been in my house this whole week writing the Traffic Seekers book and working on the rewrites for and the Extra Seekers book, which has been really fun. In fact, I showed you guys my process for writing books now. It's really cool. It all happens in Trello and it just makes it so much easier.
Starting point is 00:04:58 But I digress. That's a lesson for another day. What I do want to tell you is that my process is different than some writers. Some writers, like Julie, for example, Julie Stoyan, when she sits down, she wakes up in the morning, sits down, and she writes, and she like, just pound out like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:05:12 25 million words in like an hour and a half, and then she's done, right? And my brain does not work that way. For me, it's like I sit in front of a pad of paper for hours, like five or six hours, like just thinking, like trying to like connect the dots. I'm doodling, I'm scribbling, I'm trying to like draw a picture
Starting point is 00:05:28 that explains this thing that I know what's in my head. And then when the picture's right, you guys have read my books and stuff, when the picture's right, then I can sit down, I can write the chapter really fast because I have like, I'm just explaining what's happening in this doodle,
Starting point is 00:05:40 right, in this picture. And so today I had a really cool experience. It doesn't happen often, but when it happens, it's so cool. And it's um i don't know it's special i hope that you guys have a chance to feel this but when you're when you're focusing on your craft and you're geeking out you're learning and you're like in this immersion phase and you're you're trying to like i don't know for me it's almost like a spiritual thing like i pray before i start writing the books i'm hoping for inspiration and those things are happening right and i'm
Starting point is 00:06:04 sitting down and i'm writing and i'm writing and I'm writing and I'm doodling. I'm trying to figure things out. Today was cool because I was doodling this thing. It made sense but it wasn't right. I don't know why. It's close but something's missing. I don't know what it is. I kept trying and tweaking and doodling and changing.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Then all of a sudden it was like a bolt of lightning. I had this aha, the epiphany, the inspiration, the revelation, whatever you want to call it. Um, and this concept popped in my head and I was like, Oh my gosh, is that true? And I started looking at it, I started looking at it and it was like this connection that had been sitting there for 15 years right in front of my face. And I taught around it. I've done around it. Our team doing parts of it unknowingly all of a sudden like it just popped in my head and i could see it so clearly and i was like oh my gosh and then based on that we
Starting point is 00:06:50 switched the doodle and move this thing here all of a sudden it's like it worked it was this whole new like like this i can't even explain it i remember i took a picture of it i sent it to like a couple people on our team i was like i have to explain this to you guys because i think this is brilliant but i might be missing something so like voxen explained it and i listened i watched as they each listened like oh my gosh where did that come from like i don't know it's just when i was deep in immersion and focusing and like meditate i don't meditate but like i was doing the thing like these connections start appearing it's funny because i remember that happening a lot of times when i did the dot-com secrets book and the expert secrets book where it's like like it's funny now even when I go back and I read those books right
Starting point is 00:07:28 it looks in the old programs I put together I'm like where did that come from like I don't remember like that concept that idea like that that's not for me like that's not something I made up like where that connection come from and it's really interesting so I share it because it's such a cool thing and if you haven't experienced it I want, I want to encourage you guys to create something, right? And it could be a book. It doesn't have to be a book. It could be a course.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It could be a product. It could be whatever. I hope all of you guys write a book. I think there's, and actually writing a book, like sitting down and writing it, because it's different than reading a book and transcribing it and all that kind of stuff. Actually writing a book and sitting down and putting pen to paper and typing out the words and like trying to figure things out. But I've had similar experiences when I study a lot where I'm not just like dabbling, but
Starting point is 00:08:11 I go to immersion where I'm like, okay, I'm gonna spend three days. I'm going to learn this topic. I'm going to read everything and listen to every podcast. I'm just going to geek out, immerse myself for all of a sudden these weird connections you don't normally see start showing up. We're like, oh my gosh, this ties into that, which makes this possible. And like, it's the coolest, it's the coolest thing. And so it happened today and it was, I'm grateful for it. And I just wanted to, um, to say it for a couple reasons. Number one, hopefully it's hooked to make you want to read the book someday and be like,
Starting point is 00:08:37 what is that thing that Russell's talking about? And you'll see it in secret. Number one, it's literally the, the, the core thing about moving towards pleasure and away from pain there's the hint there's the hint for my die hard so we're going to be looking for that in chapter one um but uh but more so i want you guys to experience that like i think that when we really get into the process we're creating something special and creating something new and creating something um that we're guided we're inspired like these things aren't off the top of our heads. Like I'm not smart enough to figure that out. Right. It's because I was sitting and I was thinking, I was focusing for a long period of time that like put myself in a situation where
Starting point is 00:09:13 I could like receive those ideas and those thoughts and be like, Hey, what about this? And did you ever think about this? And like, look at that. And you start looking things differently. Um, and it's amazing. We only get that in, in times of immersion. It's why I struggled with school. I think school's not immersion, right? School's like every day you go to this class for an hour, this class for an hour, this class for an hour. Next day you start over and then you have homework assignments all over and the test, like you never get deep in anything. So you never see the connections. But somebody this, we were like, I have to like go through everything I know for the last 15 years and like break it down into something so simple for everyone
Starting point is 00:09:42 to understand. And boom, that's where the, that's where the revelation, the ideas, the ahas, the epiphanies, whatever you want to call them. I don't care. That's when your brain starts making those connections. And so, um, anyway, it's special and it's cool. And I hope you guys all have a chance to experience that. And if not, if you haven't, I encourage you figure out something you want to geek out on and, and take like an extended, like a three day weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And during that weekend, go by, like, go like, let's just say like I, the first time I ever did this, actually, I'll tell you the first time. Cause maybe we'll give you some ideas. Um, I kept hearing people talk about NLP and I didn't even know what NLP was. And I looked up and it was like neuro-linguistic programming. I'm like, what the dump is that? Like, I don't even know what the, that phrase means. It's so weird. But everyone kept talking about it. And I was like, I have to learn this. I have to figure this out. So, um, I didn't have a lot of time cause I was in school and I was trying to figure out my business. I was wrestling and all these things, but I was like, I'm going to find some time and I'm going to block out the three days and I'm going to, I'm going to learn
Starting point is 00:10:35 this. I'm just going to like, I have to speed learning cause I don't have time. Um, I have to get back to work after three days. Right. So I went and I bought, I think I bought three or four books on NLP and this is before podcasting was really big, but I found a bunch of different audios of people that were teaching NLP, NLP practitioners, people doing NLP for sales and for motivation and for leadership and things like that. And I ordered a whole bunch of stuff. And so over the next two or three weeks, I was getting stuff from eBay and Amazon, all these places, and I had this stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And I sat down and said, okay, I'm going to learn NLP as quick as I can. And so I'm not a fast reader typically, but I sat down, I started reading the book as fast as I could just to understand the concepts. And I would listen to audio and I would watch a video and then I'd read another book and I kept going. And in a three-day period of time, I started learning and all of a sudden, like again, because I was in that immersion state, all these like connections start popping together that I don't think I would have seen if I read a chapter in a book each night, right?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Or even one chapter each week or whatever most of us do. It was that time of immersion where my mind was in it for, for a long enough extended period of time, these connections started appearing. Um, you know, I think that's a big reason why we do the one funnel way challenge, why there's so much success with it because we're forcing people to go through two years worth of training in 30 days. And it forces you in a state of like immersion, you got to figure this stuff out. And um, it makes, it makes connections and things that you didn't, you wouldn't have seen normally all of a sudden start appearing like, Oh my gosh, that's why this works. That's how Russell, that I saw that over here and like, ah, and, and light bulbs go off. And so, um, that's my real goal for sharing it with you. I hope that that helps. Um, anyway, I'm hoping to happen some
Starting point is 00:12:02 more during this book. It was really cool. It was really fun. And, it just makes it exciting to keep moving forward knowing that these, these, these things are coming and hopefully, um, you know, they'll keep coming to my mind and hopefully it'll be the things that you need to unlock whatever you're stuck on in the future. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I appreciate you guys all for listening. Um, now it's time to go create something. Go find your immersion weekend, lock down for three days, pick a topic. It could be anything. It could be funnels. It could be copy. It could be traffic., could be copy, could be traffic, could be Facebook ads, could be
Starting point is 00:12:28 Google ads, could be Instagram. I like pick anything that's exciting to you. It could be speed reading. It could be, um, biohacking. It could be losing weight. It could be gaining weight. It could be, um, running faster. It could be jumping higher.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It could be, um, I don't care. Pick something that's exciting for you and go and get topics from like five or six different sources and then like just speed, geek out, learn about it for three days straight and see what happens. See the connections that pop up in your mind and you will love it. All right, that's all I got you guys.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I appreciate you all. Thanks for listening and I will talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality TV show Bye, everybody.

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