The Russell Brunson Show - The Shift: Moving Away From Pain

Episode Date: March 25, 2020

With the economic shift, we have to shift how we're marketing or we are going to lose our customers and potentially our businesses. On this episode Russell talks about how when uncertainty in the wor...ld happens you need to make a shift in the way you market and offer your customers a life preserver. Here are some of the amazing things to listen for in this episode: Find out what kind of shift you have to make to sell to a market consumed with fear and uncertainty. See why Dean Graziosi was the last real estate guy standing after the last market crash. And see how you can market with a life preserver and better get through to your audience. So listen here to find out what shift you need to make in these uncertain times. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details. Conditions apply. AirTransat.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Travel moves us. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I am in the middle right now of the Traffic Secrets book launch, which means I'm doing podcast interviews, Facebook Lives, a million different things, publishing everywhere, and having a lot of fun doing this virtual book tour from the quarantine of my home,
Starting point is 00:00:46 because right now we are in the middle of the coronavirus, and so everyone's locked away at home, and it's been kind of a nice chance to sit down and only focus on publishing and talking and sharing stories about the book. So that's kind of what's happening right now. And what's interesting is something came out in one of the interviews I wasn't planning on.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I've talked a lot in the past about how your dream customers are either moving towards pleasure or away from pain. And the interviewer asked me how that relates to today's market. And my answer kind of surprised me. And then when I got done, I was like, that turned out to be really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I need to show that on the podcast. So we're dedicating a whole episode to that. So with that said, I'm gonna keep the theme song. When we come back, I'm going to talk about what's happening in this economic time and how understanding if your customers are moving towards pleasure away from pain can change everything for you. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
Starting point is 00:01:48 and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right. So, um, as you know, in most decisions, most people make their decisions based on one of two things. Either they're trying to move towards pleasure or they're moving away from pain. And what's interesting is in the last, man, last eight to 10 years, the economic market has been amazing, right? It's been awesome, super successful. And so because of that, people have a lot of certainty,
Starting point is 00:02:25 a lot of, they feel comfortable. And so because of that, a lot of people, when they're making their buying decisions are making their decisions moving towards pleasure, right? Like they want a bigger house, they want to live happier, they want to be, you know, they want to get six pack abs, they want to feel good, they want to like make more money, like they're making decisions towards pleasure.
Starting point is 00:02:42 What's interesting though is now that this whole coronavirus hit, there's been this huge shift. Now everybody has shifted where there's fear, there's uncertainty, right? When there's uncertainty in the market, it causes people fear and pain. And what's interesting is that even two weeks ago, most people were making their decisions
Starting point is 00:03:00 moving towards pleasure, where today, most people are now making decisions about moving away from pain. So what does that mean for you it means for you you got to look back and say okay are the products and services that I'm selling right now are they helping people to get out of pain okay or my or my position I'm a hundred percent in a way to get towards pleasure right like when I started the traffic seekers book launch my my plan was to for the most part talk about
Starting point is 00:03:21 getting moving towards pleasure like if you want your business to grow you need more customers if you want you know if. If you want to make more money, if you want all those kind of things, that was going to be the message of the Traffic Seekers book launch. Little did I know that the day the book launch happened that most of the world was going to go on quarantine. We'd all be living out of our homes and freaking out. What's crazy is the day before the book launch, I did a Facebook Live to the ClickFunnels community talking about the coronavirus and how we can thrive during these economic times and I kind of went deep in that.
Starting point is 00:03:50 In fact, I shared it here on the podcast so you guys had a chance to listen to it. And right before the call, literally a minute before I jumped on that Facebook Live, Dean Graciosi jumped on and he said something really, really powerful. He said, during the last crash, he's like, before I, before the crash
Starting point is 00:04:06 happened, there were 50 guys on infomercials talking about how to get, how to make money in real estate. He's like, I was one of 50 guys. He said, and then the markets crashed, everything fell apart. The economy got destroyed. And he's like, when all of a sudden done, he's like, within a year, I was the only person still on TV. And everyone's like, how are you making it work? Our ads don't work anymore. Commercials don't work. And he said, the thing that I've discovered that everybody else missed is everyone else, their ads were talking about moving towards pleasure. How to make money in real estate, how to set up your family for success, how to get rich, all these things. He said, I shifted my message from real estate is how to get rich to real estate is the life preserver,
Starting point is 00:04:40 how you protect yourself in a down economy. He's like i shifted i shifted my message to to um to how my product or my service of life preserver my product was the same but i marketed it was different and i think that that was the big aha today was like you have to understand right now is that we're in a time and i don't know how long it's going to last two weeks two months two years who knows um but we're in time and hour people have fear right and so they're not going to be making as many decisions moving towards pleasure and they are making decisions moving out of pain. So how can you position your product instead of being this huge thing, you know, this, this how to, how to be moving towards pleasure, but how can you make it a life preserver that gets them out of pain? And if you look at the way we've been promoting
Starting point is 00:05:20 Traffic Secrets from the Facebook lives, the podcast interviews, all the things I'm doing right now, I keep telling people literally the the traffic secrets book is a life preserver. Your business is going to drown if you don't have customers. And this book is about, it's creating a life preserver for you to be able to, during these crazy times, to still have customers coming in your door. And it's just a little shift, but I think it's so essential for everybody to understand. So again, if you think about this and again, like literally section one of the secret number one in the Traffic Seekers book, I talk about picking out your dream customer and then are they
Starting point is 00:05:48 moving towards pleasure or away from pain and then marketing your ads towards those. When I wrote that chapter, it was again in a good time. I was saying, look, you had to write different ads to the people moving away from pain than you do to the people moving towards pleasure and you target them differently. Today, I would suggest that before, I would say before it was probably 80-20 where 80% of people are moving towards pleasure and 20% made the decisions moving away from pain. I would say today it's probably flipped where it's probably 80% of people are making decisions that move them out of pain and out of discomfort and 20% are making their decisions about moving
Starting point is 00:06:19 towards pleasure. And so it's your job to come in there and to be that, be that, that voice that's going to help them to get out of pain. It's going to help them to, um, uh, to have faith and hope in a brighter future and things like that. And so the question for you is how can you reposition? How can you rebrand? How can you, um, how can you market your product differently as a life preserver as opposed to a magic pill? Um, anyway, I hope that helps you guys, um, in whatever part of the journey you're in, however you're serving. This is probably the most vital, most important time for all of us who are gatherers to gather our people. I did a podcast a couple of years ago talking about how we're all gatherers, right? We gather people and then we serve them. And I always said,
Starting point is 00:06:57 I feel like my role is I'm the gatherer of gatherers. I'm gathering all these gatherers and I'm hoping, I'm trying to the best of my ability to set an example. I don't know where you follow me at, but I've gone live on Facebook every day since this whole thing's happened. I'm going live, trying to spread hope, trying to show the future, trying to show how to navigate these crazy times, giving people some faith in a better world. Because if the only thing we've got right now is a faith in this craziness, it's going to be scary for people. It's going to be a hard time.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So it's important for us who are publishing, who have a voice, to put our voice out there and to share and to talk and to give people comfort. So anyway, I hope that helps. People need you. It's time for you. Don't be quiet. They need you. They need what you got.
Starting point is 00:07:42 So go out there and tell it to them. All right, you guys, that's what I got for you guys today. Hope you're doing amazing. If you don't have the book yet for some insane reason, go to We're doing pre-launch right now. The books are literally free. You cover the shipping and handling. I paid for the books and then we ship them out to you. The ship dates not until May 5th but the book, if you go right now, you can get the book. You can download it. The order form bump is the audiobook. I read it. I spent three days in the studio reading it. Seven hours long so you, so you can listen to the audio book immediately.
Starting point is 00:08:06 You can plug it in. I had a ton of people who have already finished the audio book who told me it's really good, so that makes me happy. And then there's a bunch of amazing bonuses if you go. There's three or four presentations from Fun Locking Live that I think you're going to love that are also part of the bonus when you get the product. So anyway, regardless, it's time for you guys to get your life preserver. Go to and get it.
Starting point is 00:08:31 All right. Thanks, guys. Appreciate you all. And we'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody. Hey, everybody. This is Russell again. And really quick, I wanted to invite you to join arguably the best thing that we've ever put out inside the ClickFunnels community.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And it is a challenge we call the One Funnel Away Challenge. You know, everyone in their business, in their life, they're one funnel away from something. Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job. Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact. Some of you guys are a funnel away from growing your company to the next level. And so we created this challenge to help you to create and launch your first or your next funnel.
Starting point is 00:09:05 No matter where you are in your business, this challenge is going to help you to help you understand the strategy, help you understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be successful with your funnel. So I recommend you do right now is stop everything, pause this audio, go online and go to one funnel That's one funnel and join the next challenge. There's a challenge starting in the next few days, so go get started right now. One funnel away dot com.

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