The Russell Brunson Show - The Unboxing Funnel

Episode Date: December 3, 2018

A cool new way to look at how you structure your sales funnel. On this episode Russell talks about a new kind of funnel he's been developing for the 10x Secrets launch, called the Unboxing Funnel. are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode: What an Unboxing Funnel actually is. How you can use the Unboxing Funnel in addition to the webinars you already have to sell the same products. And how this funnel can allow new customers to come in, who you would be unable to close on a $1,000 webinar funnel. So listen here to find out what an Unboxing Funnel is and you can use it. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, we're going to be talking about what I call an unboxing funnel. So, the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
Starting point is 00:00:45 we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey everyone, hope you guys are having an amazing weekend. I'm actually out today in my yard. We've been having fun with the kids, cleaning things up, getting ready for winter, which is near upon us. And I'm hoping that the wind doesn't blow too loud as I'm sharing this stuff with you, but I just got this thought in my head and I'm excited. I want to share with you. So I'm going to dive deep into an unboxing funnel because next week we're launching our 10X Secrets Masterclass, which I'm really proud of and really excited for.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And what we're doing is what I call an unboxing funnel. So I'm going to kind of break down what that is and share with you guys because I think for, I think for a lot of, um, a lot of us marketers who are doing things, we only, we only look at things one way. Like a lot of you guys are in webinars, you're looking at that one way. And so I want to share with you this because basically what we're doing is, uh, what we're calling an unboxing funnel, which is like a webinar, but we're tipping it outside and breaking it up and unboxing it to a really cool offer. So I'm going to kind of walk you through it here in a second but um first i'd also love to get your guys feedback because um i started thinking like i don't know if you guys all do the same thing but like when i see the people i'm competing against do things
Starting point is 00:02:15 like i'm always watching right and i think it comes from me growing up as a wrestler as a wrestler um i knew what i was trying to accomplish right like first i want to be a state champ i want to accomplish, right? Like first I want to be a state champ. I want to be an all American. I want to be a national champ. So I had these things, right? And I'm watching all the people I'm competing against. So I'm watching the matches. I'm watching the scores.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm watching what they're doing. I'm watching the moves they're good at. And then I'm practicing based on that. So I'm back in my, you know, I'm watching, let's say the, watching a tournament and I see the guy who's better than me, who wins the tournament. Maybe I take third, he wins it. I watch the match. I study it it I go back to my dorm room I start like figuring out okay how do I beat this guy this is what he did this is how he did it like I gotta get better in these positions and this thing and so when I had a chance to wrestle him the next time I'd be
Starting point is 00:02:55 able to beat him right that was my whole life that was 20 years of my life which is you know if you wonder why I compete so much in business and why I love this game is because it's the same thing i'm looking at my competitors what they're doing and trying to figure out you know the next move it's like a game of chess for me it's fascinating to me that i don't feel like i don't know why but for some reason no no one's like being willing to step up and like like hardcore compete against us which um it's kind of frustrating as a competitor like i'm used to that so i'm not used to like i want people to step up and compete and instead nobody really is, which I guess is probably good, but at the same time, it always surprises me. So I look at people I'm competing against and I'm watching, I don't know about you, but I watch what they do. And it's like chess.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm looking at the moves they're making and I see the move they make. And then like, and then I try to like, okay, based on this, I'm going to do this. And like, this is where I got to get strong. And this is where I got to protect ourselves. And like, which is like logical strategy, right? As an athlete, as a competitor. But for some reason in business, like nobody's, I don't know. It's, it's interesting. So instead, right. As I watch as our competitors make moves.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And then what I do is I put myself in this role where I'm like, well, if I was consulting this, people like, this is what I would do. Um, and it's just kind of fun, fun exercise in my head. In fact, I remember probably two years, maybe two and a half years ago, I did a podcast episodes right after Clay Collins, uh, the founder of lead pages had done something that I was like, like totally played into like what, anyway, it played into like our strengths. It was like the greatest thing he could have done for me. I remember being so shocked. And I was like, um, it's like if I was wrestling, wrestling match and the person's like stepping into me, which opens up the leg for me to shoot
Starting point is 00:04:32 on. I was like, why would you do that? And I remember being so confused, like, dude, you literally just opened up a gap to make it so easy to dominate you. Right. And so I'm so confused by this. And so I did a whole podcast episode. I remember that day driving to the office about like, if Clay Collins hired me as his consultant, this is what I would have said and what I would have showed him and like how he executed things poorly, right? And it was a really funny episode.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And then I realized that I was probably a jerk to post that. So I didn't, I don't think I ever posted it. I don't even know. I may still have it somewhere. I should go look for it. But it was a really funny podcast, like me coaching my competitor on what they should have done as opposed to what they did do.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Like you stepped here, which means you're out of position, which is why we were able to attack and, you know, open up, expose your flaws, which in wrestling matches, how I beat you. Um, whereas if instead if you've done this, like this actually would have been like something for me as your competitor, I would have like, I would have been on my toes for, right. Um, but again, like, anyway, I didn't publish that one because I thought it would be probably too soon. But part of me is almost wanting to do the same thing right now and publish. For example, this is insanity to me. Word is on the streets
Starting point is 00:05:38 and I've seen some of the stuff they've been publishing. Oh, it's crazy. Infusionsoft right now is in the process of changing their name. And like in the documents, it's not their partner saying why they changed their name is literally because people are teasing them, calling them Confusionsoft. And I'm like, you guys have 18, 19, 20 years of branding behind this thing. And you're literally changing your name because people in my community, and I didn't start this, it was all them, have been teasing and calling him Confusionsoft, right? And it just, it blows my mind. Like, I want to, as a marketing consultant, I'm like, dude, what are you doing? Like, there's no better, like, if I was wrestling, you literally just stood straight up
Starting point is 00:06:23 and, like, put your arms down by your side. And it's just like, I, I just, I, it's almost impossible for me not to score and take you down at this point. It's strategically like insanity, but like that's the move they're making. Right. And so part of me, and I, and it's not just that I tease them, but like there's all like it's happening. Other businesses around us who like people I look at is like, okay, these are legitimate
Starting point is 00:06:43 competitors who could have a shot if they would just play their cards right. And they're doing everything they're like, they're just literally like, here's my leg Russell. And I'm like, is this a joke? Like, are they setting me up? And then we grabbed the leg and take him down. I'm like, nope, they just literally gave me their leg. Like, what were they thinking? Anyway, so part of me wants to start a whole podcast where I just critique my competitors and tell them what they should have done to actually be a threat as opposed to, you know, giving me their, giving us their leg and letting us just take them down. Um, but, uh, maybe I can't do that. Maybe I should do it in the past, like record them all and then publish them a year later. So anyway, let me know if you guys want me to do more of those things.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Cause I think it's funny. And, um, at the same time, I think it's good for you guys. Cause like we should all be thinking strategic like that, like looking who are the people who are also trying to serve your customers. And if you're half as passionate as i am about my customers like the reason why i'm so aggressive you guys if you're wondering why is russ such an aggressive marketer why doesn't this play nicer it's like i honestly feel in my in my gut like if people aren't using us if they're not using click phones not going through our training they're not doing our stuff like any other option that they're going through is like less effective for them they're gonna struggle and it's effective for them. They're going to
Starting point is 00:07:45 struggle. And it's going to be like, I care about my competitors, my customers so much. So like I, that's why I market so aggressively because I want my customers to have success. And I feel like any other option is like blocking them from the success that they, they deserve. So that's how you have to kind of look at your business. And then when you realize that it's like, Oh my gosh, these people are doing great things. That's cool. But man, I can serve these people at such a higher level. Like I need to do everything in my, in my power to get my message out to, to protect and save these people that I'm serving. Right. And that's how I feel about that's the gut feeling you should have as you are serving your, your audience. And if you don't have that yet, it's like, Oh man, you need
Starting point is 00:08:18 to make your product better, make your service better, make your, your message simpler to understand, like make your processes, whatever it is, like make it better. you should feel that way because no one else has anything felt that way about your business except for you. You've got to feel that passion about it or else it doesn't make sense. At the traffic secrets event, I was telling everyone, I want to kind of on a little tangent rant with those guys there, but I, um, I told people like, it's funny, people always are blown away. I go, Russell, you close 15% of the webinar. You close 45% of the room, like whatever the numbers are. And I'm like, yeah, that's really, really good. But honestly, I get done. I'm so pissed that I wasn't able to close the rest of them. Like,
Starting point is 00:08:50 what was wrong? What did I say to like, what more could I have done to convince these people that this is the path they need? Like the 10 X event. It's funny because there's 9,000 people in the room. We did 3.2 million. So that means we closed a little over a thousand people, right? Which means 8,000 people didn't buy. And for me, I'm like, what more could I have said to convince those other 8,000 people? Like, I don't know what else I could have done. And it just, it frustrates me because I'm like, man, I know any other option, any other alternative that they try to, to, um, to go for is not going to be nearly as, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:23 it's not going to help them get to their goals faster than what I'm offering them. It's like, what else can I do to, to make sure that happens? Like, that's why I'm still always focusing on this game because I care enough about our people. So there's number one. All right. So let me know if you guys want me to do a podcast like that. Um, cause it'd be funny. So there you go. All right. Let me, let me go back to the purpose of what I want to talk to you about today. So the concept I want to talk about today is what we're calling the unboxing funnel. So what is an unboxing funnel?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Well, it comes down to the offer. And the first time we started nicknaming it, this was about last, last year's funnel hacking live because every year we get a bunch of e-commerce people who come in and they're like, this funnel thing doesn't work for us. It works for info products, but not for, not for physical products. And I'm like, no, you don't understand. Like, and, um, I started talking about how, like, imagine someone came to your e-commerce store and it could be Amazon, it could be Shopify, whatever. They came to your store and they bought everything you got, right? They filled the whole cart with all the good stuff
Starting point is 00:10:19 and like, and all the things they would need to be successful with whatever the product or services they're buying from you. Right. I said, what an unboxing funnel is, is you're taking this card of everything they could buy and then you're pulling things out of the box. Right. And he said, okay, what's the very best thing that someone could possibly want from me? And that's what I'm going to lead with. Okay. And then what's the second best thing?
Starting point is 00:10:38 That's going to be my order form bump. What's the third best thing? That's going to be the next piece. Right. So you have this, like you're unboxing all the offers that are in this cart and then you put them in a logical sequence of order. Um, and that's how you build a funnel the right way. Right? So somebody comes in, like for example, Trey Llewellyn, right? When he launched his flashlight offer, the same one that did $20 million in like six weeks, which is insane. Um, he could have just like had people come to his
Starting point is 00:11:01 flashlight store and he has flashlights and cases and warranties and all that stuff that's there. But instead he unboxed like what his dream client would buy. And so, okay, what's the most, like, what's the best thing they would want? It's like, best thing I wanted is, is the survival flashlight. So that's the first offer, right? And what's the next thing? Oh, they probably want a case. Okay. That's the second thing. And the third thing, extra batteries. And the fourth thing, I want a warranty. Fifth thing, I want faster shipping. Like, and he unboxed all the things that he could potentially give his customer at one time and let them kind of pick and you put them into a funnel.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And so that's what an unboxing funnel is. And so it's funny because the product we're launching next week, which by the time you guys hear this, it'll probably already be launched. So if you haven't purchased it yet, you're insane. Go to and go buy it. And if you don't buy it, at least I'm going to explain the strategy behind this. You understand? So I very easily could have just done a webinar to sell 10xsecrets, right? Um, but I have done a webinar multiple times and my, my role in this ecosystem at this point, I don't feel is just to keep doing the same thing, right? Um, if I did,
Starting point is 00:12:02 then all I'd give is people that are coming and doing webinars through us. And so like my job is to keep developing and inventing and creating new funnels, new ways to sell so that you guys can model them, okay? Does that make sense? Like the last thing I need in my life right now is more money. That's not what I'm doing this or the launch for.
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's so that I can create a model for the rest of our community to look at and then to emulate for their funnels, right? So like if used to do another webinar, you're like, oh, Russell did another webinar. Yay. And there'll be times I do more webinars, but it's like, the reason why I did the funnel was so you guys could listen to that, look at it and be like, oh my gosh, how could I use something like this in my business? How could I make a summit? Or how could I do a challenge? Like we're just innovating and developing and creating, doing new things to be a model for you guys to come back, to model what we're doing, funnel hack it and take it back into
Starting point is 00:12:51 your businesses. Okay. So that's like what I feel my role is in this ecosystem. And so this time, right, Kate, how do we create a cool funnel that shows people what's possible, right? I feel like the people who study me close have done, like they've all done webinars now and free plus shipping offers because that's the two funnels that we've done primarily.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So it's like, okay, I'm going to do new things, new concepts. So anyway, all right. So that's what this unboxing funnel is. It's instead of doing a webinar, which I could definitely do a webinar. If you look at what the offer actually is, it's a $1,000 offer, right? If I were to sell the webinar, I could easily sell it for $1,000 offer, right? If I were to sell on the webinar, I could easily sell it for $1,000. It'd be, you're gonna get this and this and this
Starting point is 00:13:28 and everything when you buy. So instead of doing that, I'm making an unboxing funnel. So I'm unboxing the pieces out of here. So if I was to sell this on a webinar, I look at what's the offer that would have been on the webinar I sell for $1,000, okay? So I have all that,
Starting point is 00:13:41 and I'm looking at all the pieces of the offer and I say, okay, what's the sexiest, best, most exciting piece of this offer i figure out that is i'm going to pull that part out okay i pull it out of the funnel and that becomes the front end okay so you'll see when we launch this the front end offer what it actually is and it's going to be the my 10x training six and a half hour training that's the core thing and there's a couple other bonuses to go with it um and those are all things that would have been pulled out of the stack slide, right? And that becomes the front end. We're going to sell that for anywhere from, I can't remember yet,
Starting point is 00:14:09 we're still kind of going back on the price, somewhere between $197 to $300, right? Somewhere in that range is what the front end will be. So people will buy that. Then the order form bump on the page will probably be $47, and it's going to be the PowerPoint slides and the video of me explaining how slides work and kind of going through it and training them on the slides. Okay. So that was another component that would have been the stack slide if this was, had been a webinar. Okay. Then the upsell now is going to be, um, this closing program. Like how do you close on webinar? What
Starting point is 00:14:38 are all different closes? And so I'm bringing in all the people that I learned closing from, like John Childers came and taught his Childers chunks. In fact, then he actually let me license. This is so cool. He used to sell a $25,000 speaker training where he taught his Childers chunks. And I paid him a ton of money to license that. So now inside the closing secrets program, there's like a licensing. We licensed like how to do the Childers chunks. So you get his entire $25,000 course that's in there. And then I got in that in John Childers, this guy I originally learned public speaking from. So it's like his best stuff. Right. And then it's Myron Golden coming in and teaching, um, how to do, uh, the price marinade and the repitch. We've got Ted Thomas coming in teaching trial
Starting point is 00:15:18 closes, like all the closing stuff. And that becomes the second part of the offer. And that part will probably sell for, um, I believe $297. Okay. So we have a $197 product, then $297 upsell, a $47 order form bump. And then we'll have a second upsell, which will be then the fat event. So those who came to the original fat event, um, it's the same event that, um, Natalie Hodgson came to before she launched her abs core and pelvic floor product that did a million dollars in four months. It's the same event that Brandon came and came through before their webinar. Same, you know, all these people went through this, this event. They each had to pay $25,000 to be my inner circle to be at that event. It was a private event I did just for them.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And there's some people who have talked about it ever since because they've seen all the results from it. And, um, but that event is then, um, three days event is the ups is the second upsell, um, which is the fat event recordings, stuff like that, which will be a $497 offer. Okay. So if you take that and you take all the products, right, the front end and the two upsells, and you add up the price of what we're actually selling for ends up being a thousand bucks, which is the same. I would have sold it for on a webinar, but I've unboxed each of the pieces to turn it into an actual funnel. Does that make sense? So, you know, $197 front end, $297 upsell, $497 upsell, but it's the same product, right? But I've unboxed it. So instead of selling it through a webinar with a longer form presentation, I unbox it and I can sell it differently. So I sell it through
Starting point is 00:16:41 sales letters and sales videos and things like that. And so anyway, that's what I want to share with you guys. So, um, cause a lot of you are like, I have webinars killing it. What's my next offer be Russell? And a lot of times the next offer isn't like doing a whole new offer. It's unboxing the webinar that you're killing it with. Unbox it and create an unbox funnel, which is like front end upsell downsell type type thing, right? So it's not like I have to recreate something new from scratch. It's just, you're unboxing it and you're selling it in a different way. Same product, different funnel, different strategy, different way to do it. Okay. Because some people may never have, be willing to pay the nine, you know, the thousand bucks for your course, but they may
Starting point is 00:17:16 be able to pay $200 or $97 for your front end. And maybe they can't buy all the episodes, but it gets them in. Now you get a whole bigger segment of the market and how he's getting your products and then you can serve them and then eventually you'll be able to send them up to the higher levels. Right? And so that's kind of what I want to share with you guys today. Um, the concept of an unboxing funnel and thinking back about that with whatever it is you're selling. Um, if you're trying to figure out what's my next funnel, what's my next product, what's my next thing? It might be just as simple as unboxing it and, um, and doing something amazing. So there you go, you guys hope that helps.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Um, that said, I'm gonna go finish cleaning my yard and then go play with my kids some more. We're going to football game tonight. It's the BYU Boise state football game. Those who know my backstory, I wrestle the BYU and they cut the wrestling program. So I transferred to Boise state or the Boise state and they cut the wrestling program. So I honestly hope both teams lose tonight. I hate them both, but it'll be fun to go with my kids and have a good time.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I know my daughter is a BYU fan. My kids or other boys are Boise State fans. So it'll be kind of a family war and rivalry. And honestly, I'm going to cheer for whoever's winning because I can flip-flop. Because I played for both teams. I got letterman's jackets from both teams. So I'm allowed to. So anyway, other than that, you guys have a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And if you haven't got your tickets yet to Funnel Hacking Live, what are you waiting for? You're insane. We are more than halfway sold out. Tickets will be gone soon. Just go to Um, we are putting on a huge show for you. I've already spent over a million dollars cash out of my pockets to put on this party
Starting point is 00:18:37 for you. And I don't know about you, but if I had a friend who's obsessed with marketing, who put on an event and spent over a million dollars to entertain me for four days and teach me funnels and change my life forever, I would spend a thousand bucks to get a ticket and show up. And, um, unless you hate money, you should be there as well. So appreciate you guys. Uh, hopefully I'll see you at the event here in a couple of months. And with that said, um, I'll talk to you soon. Bye everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality TV show at

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