The Russell Brunson Show - The Weird Part Of Success You Probably Weren't Planning On

Episode Date: January 29, 2018

Something crazy happens to the people around you when you start having success. On this episode Russell talks about one of the big downsides to success that may catch you off guard. Here are some of ...the interesting things to listen for in today's episode: Why the saying "Misery loves company" is true when it comes finding success. Why you need to prepare now for when you have success, because people relate to you more when you fail. And why you should be excited for other people when they achieve any kind of success. So listen here to find out how to attract successful people in your life, and why you shouldn't be surprised when people aren't happy for your success. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit slash dioffer to learn more. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and I welcome you to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I want to talk to you about something that, as you strive for success, is going to happen to you, and it's going to throw a lot of you guys off because it's not something that makes a lot of sense. So, the big question is this.
Starting point is 00:00:47 How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Alright everybody, welcome back. Alright, I'm pumped for today's episode, because part of me caused a little fire under me,
Starting point is 00:01:22 and then I realized, I forgot that this happens, and I think that it happens to a lot of me, it caused a little fire under me. And then I realized, I forgot that like this happens. And, and I think that it happens to a lot of people and it either keeps them from success or it keeps them, uh, like the fear of it keeps them from success or, uh, or worse to have some success and it happens. And then it causes like downward spirals. Check it out. For those who are watching, there's our fail. All the snow's melted. We're going to start playing some more out there. Anyway, um, so, uh, this is interesting. So as you are growing up in life and you were surrounded and you start getting your network of friends and family and all sorts of stuff, right? And what's interesting is like your friends, your family, you like them a lot, right? Because they connect
Starting point is 00:02:00 to you, they understand you. And, uh thing happens. Like, when people are miserable or they mess up or they have problems or whatever, people relate to them, right? It's the weirdest thing. So, like, if you're sick, everyone relates to you. They're like, oh, I'm so sorry. You're sick. Oh. And if you're like, oh, I'm overweight. They're like, oh, I'm so sorry you're overweight.
Starting point is 00:02:19 They're like, oh, I'm broke. Oh, my boss sucks. Oh, my job. Oh, school I hate. Like, when you're miserable, everyone will instantly jump in and empathize, have empathy with you, right? And it's really, really nice. And we get connection from that. And we build friendships.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And things like that are interesting. And it seems like the worse you are, the worse things are happening to you, the more people give you low connection. Which is why a lot of people live in this zone where they just stay miserable because the more miserable they are, the more love and connection they get and more significance they get and a whole bunch of other weird things, even though it seems backwards, right? So something weird is going to happen to all of you guys because if you're listening to this podcast, it means you're going to be successful. And so you're going to go out there and start doing things differently and you're going
Starting point is 00:02:58 to be trying things and working. Holy cow, someone just almost hit me. You're going to be trying things differently. You're going to be thinking differently and it's going to be weird. And you have these friends around you and you're gonna be excited and be telling me stories. And at first they're going to be like watching you fail and like, they're going to be there for your failures and they're like rally with you and they're going to like be there. And then something's going to happen. You're going to figure this game out and you're having success. And the
Starting point is 00:03:24 weirdest thing happens. You think that all of your friends are going to figure this game out and you're having success. And the weirdest thing happens. You think that all of your friends are going to come back to you and be like, oh man, you're having success. And you assume they're going to be happy for you because they've been miserable for you with you. But they, you, you assume, and all of us are the same way. We assume that because these people were miserable with us, that they're going to be happy with this. And the weirdest thing happens. When you have success, all these people who you thought were your really close friends, who you thought were going to be grateful and excited and happy for your success, you get it.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And then guess what happens? They're not happy for your success. It's the weirdest thing. And it causes these weird emotional, mental things for us as entrepreneurs. We're just like, I don't get it. These are my best friends. Why aren't they happy I'm having success. And it'll sabotage you. A lot of times you'll slip back to not being successful. Cause you're like, you know what? Screw that. I want my friends like
Starting point is 00:04:11 me. I'm going to be, I'm going to be miserable. And then like, you'll mess up in the book. Oh, come here. We're all friends again. That's the weirdest thing. So I wanted to share with you. I've had a couple of things recently that there's this guy that I used to go to church with and I didn't really know him that well. I kind of knew of him and it's crazy. Apparently he messaged me on LinkedIn. This is like, I don't know, seven or eight years ago when I first started going to church there and he messaged me on LinkedIn and I didn't, I had LinkedIn account, but I hadn't logged in and I didn't know about it. And somebody told me like four or five years later that like he was, he was saying that I was really rude or something. I'm like, I've never even talked to him before. And I was like, find out why. And
Starting point is 00:04:47 apparently it was because I never responded to his LinkedIn message. So rule number one, uh, don't assume people are reading where you're messaging them. Um, crazy. So I wrote, I went, I logged in LinkedIn and I searched through like five or six years of back messages and I found it and I was like, Oh man. So I mentioned like, Hey man, I'm sorry. Like I'm on Facebook. I don't, I don't check LinkedIn. I apologize. And he's like, oh, no worries, man. It's all cool. So I'm like, all right, whatever. So then I ended up moving, go to different, um, different, what we call them in the Mormon church called Ward. So same church, but different wards, a different area, different group, the congregation or whatever you want to call it.
Starting point is 00:05:17 So I'm in this other congregation and just doing my thing. And, and like, honestly, you guys know this cause you're here. Like I'm just doing my thing, right? Like I am obsessed with the art of what I do. So this is like me painting. Like this is business and entrepreneurship is like this is my art, so I'm doing it and then I'm obsessed with like the success of people going through it. That's why we've, man, in the last,
Starting point is 00:05:37 like last, we had a FAT event last week and in the three-day FAT event, we had 18 people submit to Comic Club Awards. Like it's crazy. We're doing multiple to Comic Club, like making multiple people millionaires a day right now and it's like that's what i'm passionate about right and i'm so fired up for other people's success we've got i think 10 to 12 people who passed eight figures this year and like it's crazy it's like that's what i'm excited about right so apparently one of my friends comes up to me it's like hey you know
Starting point is 00:06:00 so-and-so i'm like yeah how's he doing he's like um you know he's he's doing all right but like um and it's telling this conversation they had, I guess in this conversation, he's like, I'm not impressed with Russell. I'm not impressed anything he's done. And I'm like, I was like, well, tell him next time you talk to him that my job, I'm not trying to impress him. Like I'm doing my art and trying to make people successful. And it just blew my mind. I'm like, that guy, like, I don't know him that well, but like, he should be happy for me. Like I'm helping other people. I'm helping tons of people have success. Like why aren't they happy? And it's the weirdest thing. Um, there's a person in, uh, not my, not my immediate family, but in my family, um, same kind of thing. And, um, I won't,
Starting point is 00:06:39 I won't tell too much of the story cause he knows maybe they listen. I doubt it. Pretty sure they don't. But, um, apparently every time somebody talks about click funnels in the family, this person will like stand up and walk out. Um, because they're like so frustrated and upset about whatever. I don't even know. It doesn't make sense to me. So I just want to warn you guys, as you start having success, a lot of people you love and care about around you who you think should be excited for your success, they're not going to be. And it's going to be hard. And you're like, what? Like, I thought, I thought you guys love me. And they're like, yeah, they, they, they love, um, um, I don't know. I remember sitting at Tony
Starting point is 00:07:13 Robbins event at UPW and he was talking about this about like, you know, like when you're fat and overweight, they all love you, but since you start losing weight and you're eating healthy, then they're like, oh, well he's, and like it instantly just turns on you. And so I just want you guys to be prepared for that and be willing for it. And just understand it's not their fault. They just love, I don't know, there's something about when like they can relate to the unhappiness. They can relate to not being successful. And so it's like when you start succeeding and doing these things, it scares them to death.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And they're scared that you're going to progress past them or scared you're going to leave them or whatever those things are. And a lot of times it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because they start not being happy for your success. When you fail, they're secretly like hoping you'll fail. They're like, cause they want you back to where they were at so they can connect with you still. Um, and so don't let that be a thing that keeps you back because you've got a gift. You've got something that you're amazing at.
Starting point is 00:07:59 There's something that you can do to change the world. And if you, um, if you, if you succumb to that, um, you're going to lose out on that and people's lives won't be changed because of that. And there's Mr. James P. Frill driving in behind me. Anyway, I just want to show it because, uh, I'm sure some of you guys have either hit that or you're going to hit that. Um, and just be aware of it. And the second side of that is like when people have success, like be excited for them, be that person who's like, man, you lost weight. Congratulations. Oh man, you're making money.
Starting point is 00:08:25 That's awesome. Oh, like, oh, like be the person's excited. I'm genuinely pumped when people are successful. And it makes me laugh. Cause I meet people all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Like, oh, and they like talk about their successes and they, oh, like they're not proud of it or like they're proud of it, but they're afraid to talk about it. Cause they know that people come back and like, oh,
Starting point is 00:08:41 well, yeah, man, you sounds like you got lucky. Oh, good timing for you. Like good time. Like I didn't have people told me before. Like like i remember when i won my first state title i
Starting point is 00:08:48 had a friend who had started wrestling sometimes he'd be equipped he's like oh well if i would kept wrestling i'd be a state champ too i'm like no you wouldn't you quit like by definition you never would have like ah right successful in business and people like oh yeah well you know oh man um i can memorize it some, what was I at somewhere and someone asked me, so I kind of told, I just told him like, yeah, this is what happened. Like, wow, man, I, yeah, so lucky. I wish I could find something like that. I'm like, you kidding me? So lucky. You remember the last like 15 years while you were like goofing off, working nine to five and going to bed at night? Um, yeah, I wasn't, um, I wasn't lucky. I freaking
Starting point is 00:09:22 worked my face off and, um, yeah. And so it's just funny cause people, people are afraid to talk about that. So when you meet somebody, Whoa, when you meet somebody and they tell you something about themselves that's excited, they're probably going on a limb there and probably nervous and scared. Um, instead of being like, I don't know, just be pumped for them. Be excited. Tell them like, Holy crap, that's amazing. And like pump them up because if you do that, you be excited tell them like holy crap that's amazing and like pump them up because if you do that you'll attract more people like that
Starting point is 00:09:48 and that's going to make everything easier for you and your life better so there you go anyway hope that helps look how foggy it is here in Boise today it's been foggy all weekend long it's kind of cool
Starting point is 00:09:55 anyway so to end this off I want to let you guys know I'm proud of you I'm pumped for you I'm excited for you the more success you have
Starting point is 00:10:02 the happier I am all I care about is your success and yeah find people and surround yourself with people who are the same way and become that kind of a person. All right. Peace. See you guys. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality TV show at

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