The Russell Brunson Show - Untangling Your Value Maze

Episode Date: November 8, 2021

My personal biggest take-away from Inner Circle mastermind. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Russell Brunson ...shared insights on simplifying the value ladder concept. He mentioned waking up in a good mood and reflected on the evolving complexity of his value ladder over time. He encouraged listeners to start with his "Dotcom Secrets" book and outlined the concept of the value ladder, emphasizing the importance of providing value at each step to guide customers through the journey. Drawing parallels with dating, he explained how building relationships progresses through providing incremental value. Russell admitted that despite his efforts, his own value ladder had become convoluted, leading to the need for restructuring. He discussed the challenges of letting go of beloved programs to streamline the value ladder and create a clearer path for customers. Russell highlighted the benefits of a well-defined value ladder, including improved scalability and customer acquisition. He urged listeners to assess their own value ladder and make necessary adjustments to avoid a maze-like structure. Finally, he emphasized the value of self-coaching through these processes, akin to having a consultant. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Air Transat presents two friends traveling in Europe for the first time and feeling some pretty big emotions. This coffee is so good. How do they make it so rich and tasty? Those paintings we saw today weren't prints. They were the actual paintings. I have never seen tomatoes like this. How are they so red? With flight deals starting at just $589, it's time for you to see what Europe has to offer. Don't worry, you can handle it. Visit for details, conditions, and supply. AirTransat. Travel moves us. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I hope you guys are doing amazing today. I woke up in a good mood today, which is funny because yesterday I woke up in a bad mood. So anyway, I feel great today, which is awesome. So I want to jump into a new podcast episode about what I'm working on. It's interesting. The first time I introduced this concept of the value ladder was inside the Dotcom Seekers book. And what's interesting is that it's probably similar for me and for you.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Over the years, the more I do it and the more products I create, the more jacked up my value ladder gets. It goes from being a value ladder to a value maze to this value puzzle. And it just gets more and more confusing. And meeting Backlander Circle after two years off, I had this big realization that I've done it once again. maze to this value like puzzle and it just gets more and more confusing and you know meeting back in my inner circle after two years off i had this big realization that like i've done it once again my value ladder is a maze and i need to step back clean it up and so that's what i'm talking about today on this episode is how to untangle your value ladder or your value maze whatever you want to call it so the big question is this how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and
Starting point is 00:01:24 take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, so I'm sure you guys have read Dotcom Secrets book. If not, please pause this, go to, spelled out D-O-T-C-O-M, and go get the book. Come on now. At this point, people always ask me, Russell, I don't know how to get started. Russell,
Starting point is 00:02:00 I'm confused. It's like, okay, the first thing you should definitely do is read the three books that I spent two decades of my life creating for you to take everything I've ever learned and put it in a very simple step-by-step format. So that's step number one. So Dotcom Seekers is the first book. Go and read it if you haven't. So that's where we begin at, right? Now what's interesting is in the book, I talk about this concept of the value ladder, right? Which if you've seen it or you've read the book or you understand it, you come in, like somebody comes in and obviously my dream business, I could sell somebody the most expensive thing in the world that gives them the most value, right? Like, hey, pay me a million dollars and I'll spend two days building out your funnel for
Starting point is 00:02:35 you. And then I'll drive traffic for you and I'll do all this stuff. And you just have to cash the checks. Like that'd be the greatest thing I could offer someone, right? But because of like how much value it is, how much time, like, again, I'd have to charge like at least a million dollars to do it, plus a percentage of the company and things like that. And so in your dream world, you want to sell the best thing that provides the most value, right? And whenever I talk about some stage, I'm always like, if I was coming to you off the street and say, hey, give me a million dollars, I'm going to build you a funnel that might make you some money, what would you say? And you'd probably look at me and be like, Russell, you're insane. You look like you're 11 years old. I'm like, I know. And so the problem is like people think I'm crazy because I haven't provided value yet.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Right. And so the value ladder is all about like providing value so that somebody feels that value and then they want more. Right. And the same thing happens in the real world when we are trying to find our potential spouse. Right. Like the top of the value ladder of the spouse is like, is being married, having tons of kids. And like, that's what we want. Right. But if you walk up to a girl the very first day, you're like, is being married, having tons of kids.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And like, that's what we want. Right. But if you walk up to a girl the very first day, you're like, oh my gosh, you're beautiful. Do you want to have kids with me? Most women are going to slap you in the face and it's not going to work. Right. You haven't provided any value yet. So we start at the bottom of the value ladder where we take them on a date.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And if they have a good time on the date, they naturally want more. And then we take them on a second date and have a good time there. And they want more. And you take them in third and a fourth. And eventually you, you know, you kiss and then you get, you fall in love and then you propose and then you get married and then when you come to him like hey we should have babies it's not weird because you provide value every single step in the value ladder and it makes total sense at this point same thing is true in business so my value ladder is you know somebody listens to a podcast episode or they um watch a
Starting point is 00:04:00 youtube video they get some kind of content like oh russell's really cool i like him i want more of him then they go and they buy a book, right? Just like you guys all just went and bought the dot-com secrets book. You read the book, you're like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. What else does Russell have? And from there you move up and maybe you take the OFA challenge or you go watch the Funnel Hacks webinar or you sign up for ClickFunnels or, oh my gosh, what just happened? I just put you into a value maze, right? You buy the book, what's the next logical step? I've got a whole bunch of next logical steps and it's confusing and it's a whole bunch of things. And even like when someone joins ClickFunnels, we have a value ladder inside of ClickFunnels. Right now we're competing with
Starting point is 00:04:32 ourselves. Like we have people doing onboarding calls and people doing webinars with people doing things. And like, it's just kind of chaos. And, um, I realized that as we are working on ClickFunnels 2.0 and working on the onboarding process and working on all the things right now, I keep realizing that despite my best efforts, my value ladder keeps becoming a value maze. And partially it's because I like to create stuff. I like selling things. I like doing, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:57 and hopefully you guys are all like me. Well, hopefully not. But if you are, and if we're honest with ourselves, what does your value ladder look like? Can you map it out and say, okay, someone's going to buy the book, and the next step is for them to do this challenge, the next step is for them to do this. And it's very logical, it's very sequential, and somebody can go on that path and know
Starting point is 00:05:13 where they're starting and where they're ending. If not, you've probably got a value maze. And it was interesting, because in my meetings with Minor Circle last week or two weeks ago, whenever it was, I started looking at this common thread. The people who are crushing it have a very clearly defined value ladder. The customer journey is very, very defined, you know, where step-by-step is. And people are struggling. It's kind of like, you know, someone buys this and they could buy this or this.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And it's like mine, like it's all over the place. And I was like having this realization like, oh no, I did it again. I created so much stuff because I want to create stuff that got more and more crazy. And so for the last like week or so, I've been, I've been noodling on this thing. Like, what does that mean? Do I need to like shut down some of my sites, delete some of my programs? Like, what does it look like? Like I'm kind of freaking out. And one thing that, um, I talked a lot about the inner circle. Like when you build your value ladder, you have your front ends, and then you have, you know, everything moving up. And in theory, after you build the back end of your value ladder,
Starting point is 00:06:08 like every rung besides the first one, you should never touch those rungs again. They're in there, they're perfect. Don't touch them, don't mess with them. You build the value ladder at once and you never touch it again. And if you're like me and you want to create more things, the only thing you should be creating are front ends that bring more people into the value ladder and push them up the same path, right? And so anyway, I started, I started mapping mine out and I was like, Hey, if I'm going to do this correctly, I'm gonna have to, you know, for me, it's like killing some of my babies, killing some of my sacred, you know, what's that phrase? Killing sacred cows, like these programs and products and things that I love. We have for years. It's like,
Starting point is 00:06:40 this actually work. I have to kill those things. And it's like, ah, that's so hard for me. Like, I love these things. They're my babies. Like I don't want to kill them, you know? But, but honestly for me to, to, to be able to streamline what we're doing and make it successful, make it easier. We have to. And so that's the last week I've been looking at it and like mapping out a value ladder and saying, okay, like what is the next logical step? Okay. Like that thing over there is not a logical step. I need to kill it or I need to transform it to a front end because it's not part of the value ladder. And the next thing is that logical.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And it's been interesting because there's been some, some of our sacred cows, some of our babies that we love. That's like, I can't, I have to get rid of that. Or it's not going to work. Or I have to change how we structure that. Or like, we've been doing this thing for three years, but we do different or it's not going to work. And it's been scary and hard.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And like, I don't know if you guys ever felt that, but it's been that way for me. In fact, I didn't even talk to my team about it for three or four days, even though in my head, I knew what it was. Um, but anyway, so I went back and I said, okay, this is, this is how we need to shift things around. And I showed everybody like, oh my gosh, that makes so much more sense. That's so much simpler. Like now we all know what the focus points are. Right. And, um, anyway, it was interesting. So you'll see some of this coming up. Not now. When 2.0 launches, you'll see it. Because 2.0 launches, we will relaunch this new value ladder that takes people on a very specific journey.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And you'll see it. You'll see some of our programs that you've seen forever are going to be completely either shut down or changed differently or in a good way um but it's going to give us the ability i believe to dramatically scale to be able to get deeper like knowing deeper like like what our value ladder looks like like what the like what's the goal what's the step one step two step three like like it should give us the ability to spend more money to acquire a customer because now it's not just this we're animators like we are able to see like okay of you know of all the ads we bought to give a book how many people from there did step two how many did step three how many step four
Starting point is 00:08:30 and you can see exactly what's happening with breakage how deep you're able to go with the lifetime value of customers like all those things so much simpler when the path is clearly defined and it's not a value maze so i want to challenge all you guys is to be honest with yourself sit down map out what your existing value ladder looks like. And if it looks like a value maze where there's like each step, they could go to four different things. And next step, they can do four different things. If you say that or you see that, realize that you've got a value maze and not a value ladder and you got to come back and reevaluate it like I've been doing. So anyway, my goal with this podcast always is to give you guys hints on the things i'm running with
Starting point is 00:09:06 like here's the hint this is what i'm doing and um hopefully it gives you guys ideas of different ways to look at your business that maybe you haven't thought of before you know um because if you're hiring me as a consultant guess what i would do i would do what we're talking about now i wouldn't just give it to you as a hint like hey here's something i'm doing you should try it i would sit down and say okay let's map out your value ladder. Oh my gosh, you got a value maze. Which one of these sacred cows are we going to kill? You know? And like, that would be the conversation. And so if you're able to, to take my hints and then become your own consultant and coach yourself through the process, um, you'll get, you know, maybe not the same value, but it should be,
Starting point is 00:09:38 you know, almost the same values if I was sitting there in the room with you. So hope that helps. I appreciate you all. Thanks for listening. And we'll talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message, okay? Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's gonna happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone and then we can start having conversations. On top of that, through this texting community is where I'm gonna be giving out free swag, giving away free copies of my book,
Starting point is 00:10:30 let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area and a whole bunch more. So I wanna make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day, I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks and things you can get for free only through my texting platform.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797. One more time. That's 208-231-3797. I can't wait to hear from you right now.

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