The Russell Brunson Show - WE JUST BOUGHT OUR FIRST COMPANY!!!
Episode Date: August 2, 2021A little behind the scenes on the thought process of what we did and why. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ...---Transcript--- What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the marketing secrets podcast. So today I'm excited because we officially just purchased our first company, which is crazy. And so I will talk to you about that today, what I learned and some things that might help you along your journey as well. All right. So I can't tell you all the details yet because we're still... I don't know, we'll officially announce it to the world, what it is, why and all that kind of stuff later. But we finished signing all the paperwork today, which is crazy because two days ago I had to sign 96 signatures and there was like another like 20, and then there was a couple more. So it's like over a hundred and something signatures I had to sign to officially get this company. And it's exciting. It's our first ever acquisition. Now I bought a lot of things in the past. Right. I bought traffic secrets. We bought, I bought bootstrap, Like we bought really expensive domains, but not like full, active acting businesses. Right? This is the first time where it's a business that we purchased that has huge cashflows and all sorts of crazy stuff. And I wanted to share with you guys just because hopefully it gives you guys just a different way to look at business. It's definitely given me a different way to look at business, which is one of the reasons why we did this. And a lot of you guys know my philosophies and principles on business, right? That's what we talk about all the time, that's what my books are about. This is what my podcast is about and there're different ways to grow a business, one way is that the more traditional where you get an idea, you get a bunch of investors, you raise money and then you go and you create something cool. I hate that way, as you know. So we are the bootstrapped way, which is like create something amazing and then create fronted offers that self liquidate to bring customers in. And that's the bootstrap model we've been doing that, I love. But there're other ways to grow a business as well. And this one I wanted to talk about, because this has been something really, really interesting to us, and I'm not going to share all the stats, the numbers and all that kind of stuff. Partially because I don't know if I'm legally allowed to partially because I don't know the numbers I wasn't involved with all of the day-to-day because I'm no longer the CEO, Dave did all the work. I've just had to sign a million times. So I wanted to give you like some structural concepts to think through that were really, really cool for me. So part of my understanding of this dates back to about a decade ago, I was actually at a mastermind meeting in Mexico and sitting next to this dude and he is different kind of business person than me, right? Like I'm like startup guy, start a business, grow it, scale it, launch it all that kind of stuff where he was like, he told me, he's like, I'm not an entrepreneur, you're an entrepreneur, you start stuff, it's amazing. I'm in mergers and acquisitions. And I think he had bought like 60 or 70 businesses and bought and sold and made a ton of money. And so I was trying to understand them. I'm like, so you never started a business? He's like, no, you guys do that, that's way too hard. He's like, what I do instead, is I find entrepreneurs like you, and he's like, what you have to understand... And I'm probably going to mess up these numbers but this is just illustration purposes. Right? He said if you look at your businesses, right, he's like at a certain level, let's say you're at like $3 million. He's like, you're only going to sell for like a three X multiple. Right. So maybe you'll get 9 million for it. He's like, but at $10 million you'll sell for a five X or 10 X, multiple or whatever it is. Right? I don't know. But like this was what he was explaining to me, okay. He's like, so right now, let’s say your company's making $3 million, like best case you're going to get three X and it's probably closer to three X net. But anyway regardless, he said, so what I do is like I find three or four companies that are each doing $3 million a year. And they're each valued at three X, let's say. He's like, and I buy all four of them or all three of them. Let's say it's four companies at 3 million each bundled together. He said, now because the revenue of this new company is now $12 million. He's like, I can sell that. So I bought it for three X, but I can sell now for six X, for 10 X or whatever it is. It's like, that's all I do. I just find a market. I want to be in, I find three companies that are selling it three X. I buy all three of them. I bundle them together and now they're worth five X or six X or whatever it is. And I flip them and he's like that's my business. He's like, so I have these entrepreneurs like you guys who are geniuses, who will start launch these businesses. And I just come in as the acquisition guy acquire three or four of you bundle you together and then your value goes up because of how much more you're worth. And that was his business. And I was like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. And so it's been interesting over the last 12 months, with click funnels I try to understand, what are our evaluations, how do things work? What are we actually worth? In my head we're worth like 10 billion, but we're probably not in real life. And so it's interesting because... The evaluation game is annoying me because there're tons of ways. Like some companies evaluate off top line, some are just off EBITDA, somewhere are off whatever. But let's just say for example, let's just say click funnels is worth 10 X, our EBITDA. Right? And I don't even know what that is. Let's say it's $50 million. So that means 50 million times 10 would be worth half a billion. Right? And so by us acquiring this company, let's say that company has, I don't know, $20 million EBITDA. Right? I'm messing these numbers in my head, but regardless, let's say we spend, I don't know, 20, 30, 40, $50 million in this company, we buy it. Right? And we plug it in. But then the EBITDA, let's say the EBITDA they had is worth $20 million. Right? We plug that into our thing it increases our EBITDA $20 million times of 10 X valuation is 200 million. So maybe we spend, you know, whatever 40, $50 million buying this thing. But the value instantly adds for our company is a hundred million or 200 million or whatever it is. Right? So instantly just by bundling the two companies together, our value goes up way more than what we actually spend for it. So that's like the first thing that's really, really interesting that I had never considered until we started doing this deal. Right? It's like, oh my gosh, even if like we never make our money back the value of our company dramatically goes up because we're adding all their revenues and their profits to our bottom line, which is like fascinating. And then from there we also get the customer flow and the lead flow and the cash flow and like all the other things that come with building a company or buying a company as well. And it's just, the synergy is really, really interesting. And so anyway, that was again, our first acquisition, and now we're finishing the process. We literally finished it today, which was crazy. It got me excited to start thinking like, okay, what other deals like this are there where we can buy company for X amount dollars. We plug it into our, our beast, our machine and it instantly, whatever X is the value of our company, but then also get lead flow, customer flow, cash flow, all other things as well kind of come in. And it's really interesting and fascinating. So anyway, just a different way to look at business that I wanted to kind of share with you guys because I've already had a lot of people, like, why are you buying a business? Why would you do that? All the things that kind of come with that. And I want to share that because it's just a different perspective I hadn't thought a lot about prior to 10 years ago when I met my merger and acquisition guy. And so I would look at that for you guys' own businesses as well. Like think about is there a business that in your market that you could acquire that you could bundle together. All of a sudden now you get more customers, you get more traffic, but also you're adding to your cashflow, right? Like you buy the company, doubles your cashflow and now it increases the value of your company because now you're in a different bracket of what businesses are selling for and trading for, that number. And then it kind of goes from there. So anyway, it's an interesting game. It's a different game than I'm used to playing. I'm much more comfortable in the whole, like let's build a company and grow it and scale it through paid ads and organically without taking on any VC money. That's the world I understand. And this new one of like mergers and acquisitions is fascinating to me because it's going to get us to our goals way faster. My goal we've talked about a lot. My goal is a billion dollar evaluation. My goal is take over the world, change the world, all these different things. Right? And it's just getting us there faster. Hopefully. I mean, honestly, I'm like 30 minutes into owning this new company and I have no idea. Maybe it'll actually turn out really bad. Maybe things fall apart. I don't know we're going to find out, but I'm hopeful. I'm excited. I think it's going to be a really cool opportunity. And so as we move forward, I will share with you guys in the podcast here, behind the scenes of what we're doing. When I'm able to, I'll talk more about the companies and how they're synergistic and how we're using their lead flow and how we're using their funnels that we're acquiring and how we're using us in the backend and how we're... Just all the other fun things. Honestly, in my head, a lot of it's, not vague. Like I know a vision of where I'm going with things, but we're going to be actually executing on it and I'll be sharing the vision with my team and with everybody over the next little bit. And it's exciting. So anyway, it's a fun time to be alive. So many fun things happening. I hope this episode just gets you thinking a little bit differently. Who could you acquire? And if not acquiring, there's also like licensing, there's three or four deals right now where we're going to existing companies that have really good content or software things. And instead of acquiring them full out, because maybe they don't have the customers or maybe they don't have the lead flow or maybe whatever, there's a million reasons why instead we're just doing licensing deals where we're licensing the technology and plugging it in and then we can start selling it or licensing their intellectual property, licensing things like there's a lot more fun ways to grow businesses than just the traditional stuff. So, anyway, I'm curious if you guys are interested, would you want to know more information about us buying companies, would you like more information about licensing? Like what would be the things that you guys would want me to go deeper on? I'd love to hear it, let me know. The best way to do that is actually take a snapshot of this podcast episode, post it on Instagram or Facebook and tag me in it and then post in the comments. Like what else you'd like to know? Like what would be other things that you'd love to hear more about? So anyway, I hope that helps. I'm going to go bounce and have some lunch and celebrate the acquisition of our new company. I'm so excited. I just wanted to celebrate that with you guys right now and help you understand a little bit reasons why. And like I said, over the next few months, now that you have context I can share more the insights, details, and other cool stuff as well. So that's it, thanks so much, and we'll talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the
Marketing Secrets Podcast. So today I'm excited because we officially just purchased our first
company, which is crazy. And so I'll talk to you about that today, what I learned and some things
that might help you along your journey as well. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs
like us who didn't cheat and take on venture
capital, we're spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets
us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
All right, so I can't tell you all the details yet because we're still like, I don't know.
We'll officially announce it to the world,
what it is, why, and all that kind of stuff later,
but we finished signing all the paperwork today,
which is crazy because like two days ago,
I had to sign 96 signatures,
and then it was like another like 20,
and then today was a couple more, it's like over a hundred and something signatures I had assigned to officially get this company um and it's exciting it's our first ever acquisition now
I said I bought a lot of things in the past right we bought traffic secrets we bought bought bootstrap like like like we bought really expensive
domains but not like full active acting businesses, right?
This is the first time where it's a business
that we purchased that has huge cash flows
and all sorts of crazy stuff.
And I want to share with you guys just because
hopefully it gives you guys just a different way
to look at business.
It's definitely given me a different way
to look at business,
which is one of the reasons why we did this.
And a lot of you guys know my philosophies and principles on business, right? That's what we
talk about all the time. That's what my books are about. That's what this podcast is about.
And there's different ways to grow a business. One way is that the more traditional where you
get an idea, you get a bunch of investors, you raise money, and then you go and you create
something cool. I hate that way, as you know. So we are the bootstrapped way, which is like,
create something amazing, and then create front-end offers that self-liquidate, that bring customers in. And then that's the
bootstrap model we've been doing that I love. But there's other ways to grow a business as well.
And this is what I wanted to talk about because this has been something really, really interesting
to us. And I'm not going to share all the stats, the numbers and all that kind of stuff,
partially because I don't know if I'm legally allowed to, partially because I don't know the
numbers. I wasn't involved with all the day-to-day because I'm no longer the CEO. Dave did
all the work. I just had to sign a million times. I want to give you some structural concepts to
think through that were really cool for me. Part of my understanding of this dates back to about
a decade ago. I was actually in a mastermind meeting in, um, in Mexico and sit
next to this dude. And he, uh, is different kind of business person than me, right? Like I'm like
startup guy, start a business, grow at scale at launch and all that kind of stuff. Um, where he
was like, he's, he told me, he's like, I'm not an entrepreneur. He's like, you want to start stuff.
It's amazing. It's like, I'm a, I I'm in mergers and acquisitions. And I think he had, he had bought like 60 or 70 businesses and bought and sold and made a ton of
money. And so I was trying to understand him. I'm like, so you never started a business? He's like,
no, you guys do that. That's way too hard. He's like, what I do instead, he's like, I find
entrepreneurs like you. And he's like, what you have to understand, he's like, and again, I'm
probably gonna mess up these numbers, but this is just illustration purposes. Right. Uh, he said,
he said, if you look at your businesses, right?
He's like, at a certain level,
let's say you're at like $3 million.
He's like, you're only gonna sell
for like a 3X multiple, right?
So maybe you'll get 9 million for it.
He's like, but at $10 million,
you'll sell for a 5X or a 10X multiple,
whatever it is, right?
I don't know, but like, that's what he's explaining.
I'm like, okay.
He's like, so right now,
let's say your company's making $3 million.
Like, best case, you're gonna get 3X X and it's probably closer to three X net.
But anyway, anyway, regardless, um, he said, so what I do is like, I find three or four
companies that are each doing $3 million a year and they're each, you know, valued at
three X, let's say he's like, and I buy all four of them or all three of them.
Let's say it's four companies at 3 million each.
Bundle them together.
Now, he said, now because the revenue of this new company is now $12 million.
He's like, I can sell that.
I bought it for 3X, but I can sell it now for 6X or for 10X or whatever it is.
He's like, that's all I do.
I just find a market I want to be in. I find three companies that are, they're selling it 3X.
I buy all three of them.
I bundle them together and now they're worth five X or six X or whatever it is.
And I flip them and he's like, that's my business.
He's like, so I have these entrepreneurs like you guys who are geniuses who will start and
launch these businesses.
And I just come in as the acquisition guy, acquire three or four of you bundling me together.
And then your value goes up because of, um, how much more you're, you're worth.
And that's, that was his business.
And I was like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. And so it's been interesting over the last 12 months or so,
we've been with ClickFunnels, like trying to understand like, what are our valuations? How
do things work? Like, like what are we actually worth? You know, in my head we're worth like 10
billion, but, um, we're probably not in real life. And so it's interesting cause you know, there's,
and then anyway, there's the valuation game is annoying me cause there's tons of ways. Like
some companies evaluate off top line.
Some are just off of EBITDA.
Some are off of whatever.
But let's just say for example, let's just say ClickFunnels is worth 10X our EBITDA, right?
And I don't even know what that is.
Let's say it's $50 million.
So that means 50 million times 10 would be worth half a billion, right?
And so
by us acquiring this company, let's say that company has, I don't know, $20 million EBITDA,
right? So we, I'm messing these numbers in my head, but regardless, let's say we spend,
we spend, I don't know, 20, 30, 40, $50 million on this company. We buy it,
right? And we plug it in.
But then the EBITDA, let's say the EBITDA they had is worth $20 million, right?
We plug that into our thing.
It increases our EBITDA, $20 million, times the 10x valuation is $200 million.
So maybe we spend, you know, whatever, $40, $50 million buying this thing.
But the value instantly it adds to our company is $100 million or $200 million or whatever it is, right?
So instantly, just by bundling the two companies together, our value goes up way more than what we actually spend for.
So like, that's like the first thing that's really, really interesting that I had never
considered until we started doing this deal. Right. And it's like, Oh my gosh, even if like,
we'd never make our money back, the value of our company dramatically goes up because
we're adding all their revenues and their profits to our bottom line, which is like fascinating.
And then from there, we also get the customer flow and the lead flow and the cash flow and like all the other things
that they come with, with building a company or buying a company as well. And it's just the
synergy is really, really interesting. And so anyway, so that was this, again, our first
acquisition is, and now we're finishing the process. We literally finished it today, which
is crazy. It got me excited to start thinking like, okay, what other deals like this are there where we can buy a company for X amount of dollars,
we plug it into our beast, our machine, and it instantly, whatever X is the value of our company.
But then also we get lead flow, customer flow, cash flow, all other things as well that kind of come in.
And it's really interesting and fascinating.
So anyway, just a different way to look at business that I wanted to kind of share with you guys, because, um, I've already had a
lot of people like, why are you buying a business? Why would you do that? Why would you, you know,
you know, all the things that kind of come with that. And I want to share that because it's just
a different perspective that I hadn't thought a lot about prior to 10 years ago when I met my
merger and acquisition guy. Um, and so I would look that for you guys own business as well.
I think about like, is there, is there a business that in your market that you could, that you
could acquire that you could bundle together?
Also, now you get more customers, you get more traffic, but also you're adding to your
cashflow, right?
Like you, you buy this company, it doubles your cashflow and now it increases the value
of your company because now you're in a different, um, you know, a different, uh, uh, bracket
of, of what businesses are selling for and trading for that number. And then, you know, it kind, uh, uh, bracket of, of what businesses are selling for and trading for
that number. And then, you know, it kind of goes from there. So anyway, it's an interesting game.
It's a different game that I'm used to playing. Um, you know, I'm much more comfortable in the
whole, like let's build a company and grow it and scale it, uh, through paid ads and organically
without taking on any VC money. That's the world I understand.
And this new one of like mergers and acquisitions is fascinating to me because it's going to get us
to our goals way faster. You know, my goal, you know, we've talked about a lot. My goal is a
billion dollar valuation. My goal is, you know, take over the world, change the world, all these
different things. Right. And it's just getting us there faster. Hopefully. I mean, honestly,
I'm like 30 minutes into owning this new company and I have no idea. Maybe it'll actually turn out really bad. Maybe things fall apart. I don't know. We're going to find out, but
I'm hopeful. I'm excited. I think it's going to be a really cool opportunity.
And so as we move forward, I will show, share with you guys on the podcast here behind the
scenes of what we're doing. Um, when I'm able to, I'll talk more about the companies and how
they're synergistic and how we're using the, their lead flow and how we're using their funnels that
we're acquiring and how we're using us in the backend and how we're just all the other fun things. Honestly, in my
head, a lot of it's not vague. I know a vision of where I'm going with things, but we're going to
be actually executing on it and I'll be sharing the vision with my team and with everybody over
the next little bit. And it's exciting. So anyway, it's a fun time to be alive. So many fun things
happening. I hope you guys, this episode just gets you thinking a little bit differently. Who could you acquire? And if not
acquiring, there's also like licensing. There's three or four deals right now where we're going
to existing companies that have really good content or software things. And instead of acquiring them
full out, because maybe they don't have the customers or maybe they don't have the lead floor,
maybe whatever, there's a million reasons why. Instead, we're just doing licensing deals where
we're licensing the technology and plugging it in and then we can start selling it.
We're licensing their intellectual property.
We're licensing things.
Like there's a lot more fun ways to grow businesses
than just the traditional stuff.
So anyway, I'm curious, if you guys are interested,
if you guys like,
would you want more information about us buying companies?
Would you like more information about licensing?
Like what would be the things
that you guys would want me to go deeper on?
I'd love to hear, let me know.
The best way to do it actually
is take a snapshot of this podcast episode,
post it on Instagram or Facebook and tag me in it.
And then post, yeah, in the comments,
like what else you'd like to know?
Like what would be other things
that you'd love to hear more about?
So anyway, I hope that helps.
I'm gonna go bounce and have some lunch
and celebrate the acquisition of our new company.
I'm so excited. I just wanted to celebrate that with you guys right now and help you understand
a little bit reasons why. And like I said, over the next few months, now that you know about it,
I can give you more, you know, gives you, now you have context. I can share more,
the insights, details, and other cool stuff as well. So that's it. Thanks so much. And we'll
talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody.
Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community,
which means you can text me your questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the
podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message. Okay. And the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797.
Once again, it's 208-231-3797.
When you text me, just say hello.
And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you
back a message where you can add me to your phone.
And then we can start having conversations.
On top of that, through this texting community is where I'm going to be giving out free swag,
giving away free copies of my book. I'll let you know about
book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area and a whole bunch more. I just want
to make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day I'm sending out my favorite
quotes, my favorite frameworks and things you can get for free only through my texting platform.
So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797.
One more time, that's 208-231-3797.
I can't wait to hear from you right now.