The Russell Brunson Show - Why Don't I Just Stop...?

Episode Date: October 24, 2018

Somedays it makes you question why you're still staying up late at night and waking up early to serve the audience that you love. On today's episode Russell talks about the mystery of why he continue...s to work so hard, even though the company would continue to thrive if he didn't. Here are some of the amazing things he goes over on this episode: What Russell thinks the answer is to a question his wife asked about why he continues to get stressed out and work extra hard, despite the company continuing to be successful. Why Russell hates significance, but still needs it. And what are the two things that Russell sees as his legacy. So listen here to find out why Russell continues to work hard and go the extra mile for a company that would continue to grow and be successful even if he stopped working so hard. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, everybody. This is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. So excited to have you here. Let's get started.
Starting point is 00:00:37 So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world, and yet still remain profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Alright everybody, so today, what should we talk about today?
Starting point is 00:01:13 Alright, I know exactly what I want to talk about today. So, my kids started wrestling practice this week, which has been amazing. I love it. Only downside is I have to leave the office every day at 3, which means I lose like two and a half hours of productivity each day, which is tough, right? But it's been so much fun. I love it. My daughter's being a stat girl this year too, which is really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So I get to hang out with all my three kids every day and then drive home with them and talk about fun stuff. It's been really special. So I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. But right now, over the next 10 days, we also have three events happening. Event number one is speaking at Justin Williams Flip Hacking Live. And Justin and Terry, you guys have probably talked about them in the past. They're some of my favorite people. And I don't normally speak at people's events anymore, but they asked me nicely and I just really like
Starting point is 00:02:00 them. So I said yes. And also, I'm doing a new form of my presentation, one that if it does well, um, we're going to be using for our speaker team, which we've been building out. And I'm also going to be using it at the 10 X event in front of 35,000 people. So it's a good opportunity for me to test my material as I was telling you guys earlier. So that's been really fun. The next day, we're going to salt Lake because, um, uh, Andrew Warner Mixergy Podcast, is my favorite interviewer ever. I listen to the podcast just because I love hearing the way he interviews people. You know, a lot of people interviews don't really like as much, but him, he fascinates me. And I have an interview on his podcast twice, but I was like, I want him to do a deep dive interview on the ClickFunnels startup story.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Because Mixergy is all about startup stories. And I asked him, I'm like, hey, could you, like, if we put on an event, would you come interview me for like two or three hours and just, and he was like, sure. And so we did that. And so like this Saturday, he's doing that, which is really cool. So I know a lot of you guys who are down in Utah are going to be coming to that. And then before that, we have JPCers coming to do stand-up comedy, which is going to be insane.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So that's happening on Saturday. Then I fly home. I'm home for two days again. And then Wednesday I fly out because we have the big Traffic Secrets event, which is because I am in the process of writing the Traffic Secrets book. And I found the easiest way to write a book is to do an event first where you teach everything and you find out what, again, it's testing material, right? What makes sense, what doesn't make sense, what sticks, what doesn't stick. And so, man, I've rewrote the outline like 10 times. And last night, finally, we came up with this new format that I'm really proud of and excited. But there's a lot of work to do.
Starting point is 00:03:32 In fact, I have eight presentations I have not started creating yet that I have to create by next Wednesday on top of everything else. And I'm still working on the presentation for the Friday event. So it's just kind of, it's a lot of chaos i'm not gonna lie and last night i was up to like 1 30 working on it i got up early this morning to work on it and and my wife um asked me she's like why are you doing this like you're at a point in life you should not be stressed and should not be tired should not be doing all these things um which makes you ponder right like why am i doing this stuff? You know, like, company's growing, whether I do this or not.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Money's coming in whether I do this or not. Impact's happening whether I do it or not. Like, why am I doing this? Like, what's the purpose? And so it makes you think. And, you know, first off, like, is it because of significance? Like, do I need to feel more significant?
Starting point is 00:04:17 And I would say, I'm sure that's a piece of it, right? Like, there's something about working hard and creating and doing that, like, makes you feel good about yourself, makes you feel significant. So I'm sure that's a piece of it. So yes, I do want significance. That's probably why I'm doing it. It's probably why I'm telling you guys. Cause like I get that, that hit of you guys being like, Whoa, Russell works so hard. And I'm like, it feels good. Um, even though it's a stupid reason, like significance is like the stupidest.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Oh, anyway, I hate significance, but we've got it. We've all got it. And so yeah, I'm sure that's probably a big part of why I'm doing it. What else? Legacy. Like, there's something about writing books that, like, leaves, I don't know. Books are, like, the most, I don't know. When I pass away, my books are the things, well, let me say two things. My family, number one. My family is the thing that I leave behind, right?
Starting point is 00:05:02 I think that's really the biggest impression of who you are is that. We've talked a lot about that during this podcast. David O. McKay said, no success can compensate for failure in the home. So that's why I'm carving out so much time to go meet the kids. That's the number one. So I think that legacy of your family and your kids is big. But then the second side is the reason why I'm writing another book. I don't have time to write a book, but I have to write it.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You know what I mean? But there's something about the legacy of it. Like the dot-com secrets book and expert secrets books so far have been like such a cool thing to see how, um, how they, they stick and they spread and people's lives are impacted by them. And I want that with traffic secrets. And then we're going to be putting those three books into a box set, which is so cool, which gives me more significance hit. Right. So there's more significance for you. Uh, so there's significance of legacy, which both are more significance. So then it's like, okay, is it all about me? Is that why I'm doing this? And I try to sit back and think, I'm like, well, if it was all about me, like why wouldn't I just stop or just take a nap
Starting point is 00:05:55 or just, you know? And so there's, there's that thing. And it's like, well, part of me is like, it's just driving force. Like we had, um, last night, one of the people in our community, she's a, she's a masseuse. She's also doing ClickFunnels right now and stuff. And it's been fun watching her journey over the last year or so. And last night she came over and gave Clint and I a massage at our house, which was really cool.
Starting point is 00:06:15 In fact, man, two things happened this week. I had the person who normally cuts my hair, I had her come to my house and cut my hair, which was insane. And then I had a masseuse come to our house, which was insane. There's something about that. Um, it's funny. I had this conversation with Dana Derricks a little while ago, um, through Voxer, but he was like, I'm driving my haircut. I feel like it's such a waste of time. The opportunity cost to
Starting point is 00:06:35 be in my haircut is insane. He's like, I could spend a hundred bucks, 200 bucks, 300 bucks in my haircut. And if they came to me, it'd be worth it because I'm not wasting that time driving. You know, the opportunity cost of my time to drive to get my haircut. And ever since he said that, I always wanted my haircut girl to come to my house and cut my hair. And I never dared to. And then she finally, she quit where she was working at. I'm like, uh, since you quit, actually I had Melanie, Melanie, she got some Melanie hair too. I'm like, Melanie, can you find out if she can come to my house instead? Cause that'd be awesome. And she said, yes. And so now she comes to my house, cut my hair, which like saves me so much time and energy and effort. And, um, anyway, I digress. So, uh, the girl who came
Starting point is 00:07:08 and gave us massages, um, she's awesome. And, and she was talking about her new funnel and she's on the supplement and some of the things she's doing. And she's like, I'm working on the traffic now. And like, I think about that and I was like, Oh, like I told her my, Oh, my book's coming out. It's going to help you so much. Like, ah, like I feel like as soon as you have this piece, it's going to help you even more. And it was funny. Cause she told me during the massage, she's like, you know, click funnels changed my life. She's like, it's made it so much easier and I'm able to do these things. And, and she's like, thank you so much for creating this thing.
Starting point is 00:07:32 That's changed my, that's changed our business and changed what we're doing. And I feel like, like I feel like I got two thirds of it, right? secrets book gave people like funnel structure, expert seeks gave them like how to do storytelling and things you need to be able to convert through the funnels. And this is like the last piece, like how do you fill those funnels with people who want to buy your stuff? And like, I feel like that's the missing piece in our community, the people that are struggling and people can't get traffic. And I feel like there's going to be a storm coming. Um, I feel like, and then maybe I'm not, maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Um, but I've lived through the Google slap,
Starting point is 00:08:10 uh, and then more Google slaps. And then, you know, this thing after thing after thing, I've lived through the, the ups and downs of a network and you know, Facebook came and then there were some big, huge ups and they went down a little bit. Then there's some ups again. And right now we're kind of this limbo zone where it's going to be interesting to see what Zuckerberg does. Um, longterm, but I just knowing platform owners, they usually end up screwing us over at some point. So I'm preparing for that. And I'm like, man, if I don't prepare our community for that when the tide changes, right, if they're not prepared as a whole, a lot of people are going to lose their businesses. And I'm like, this book for me is like a safety net.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's like, I got to create this thing because it's a safety net for our community. And we're at 60, I 68 000 members um yesterday i saw active members and i like i have this responsibility then like i gotta protect you i have to give you the tools and the training and the structure you need because when this tide shifts i just know that if it shifts and facebook stops being amazing i remember google the first time everyone's doing google pbc this is like man 12 13 years ago and And everyone was killing it. And when they slapped everyone, most people didn't know what to do. And it was a couple years for people to recover.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And most people didn't recover, by the way. Most people I know who were killing it back then are no longer around right now. But those who were able to hold it out for the two to three years before they could figure out the next phase, those are the ones that survived. And then, you know, then SEO was a thing. And then that slap. And then solo ads were a thing and then that shifted. Like there's just been these shifts up and down
Starting point is 00:09:28 and I'm like, I feel like my job and my calling in this platform I have, this spot, is to protect our audience and to prepare them for what's coming ahead, right? And I feel that, I can see it, I know it's gonna happen. So the Traffic Seekers book is something that's slap proof, right? Like the way I'm trying to teach it and structure it is not, here's a shiny object that they, here's how to do
Starting point is 00:09:47 target interest targeting on Facebook. Like, because that's going to come and go. Like I want this book to be evergreen so that no matter what the ups and downs are, no matter what the pitfalls, no matter what the, the, you know, what tempest tries to destroy you, you'll be prepared for it and you'll be able to just easily shift, um, and move to the next thing. Um, you know, and it's been interesting, you know, man, I, this is like my 15th year in this business and I can tell you the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people I've seen who have come and gone. Uh, and it's usually during these shifts that they disappear. They, they get really good at one way of driving traffic and then it shifts and they lose their entire business. And so, um, that's my, my job.
Starting point is 00:10:25 My goal with this new book is to prepare people. And so I feel like that's the bigger calling, um, is to, um, I don't know. Do you guys feel that same way about your audience? I hope you do. We feel like this, this, um, you feel indebted to them to be able to like, um, uh, or you feel like it's like it's your job, your role to like protect them and like, and make sure they have what they need. And I think for me right now, that's like the biggest drawing force that's like pulling me to do stuff this weekend. To tell a quick little startup story because you're going to see the ups and the downs and the ups and the downs, you know, to create this presentation that, um, that I can give to a speaker team. So these guys can go out and spread our message to be able to do this event on traffic seekers so that I, the outline for the books, then the book can be published. And so I
Starting point is 00:11:12 can get that out to you. So you've got the framework you need to be protected during the, the upcoming days. So anyway, that's where I'm at with that set up to my parking lot. I need to go in there and I got to finish slides because I fly out tonight and I got a lot of work to do. So, um, thanks for listening. I need to go in there and I got to finish slides because I fly out tonight and I got a lot of work to do. Thanks for listening. I appreciate you guys. I appreciate you guys allowing me to just share my thoughts in this format and hopefully you get value from it every single day. If you do, please take a screenshot of this podcast right now.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Go on Facebook and Instagram, share it, tag hashtag marketing secrets and tag me on it so I can see it. I appreciate you guys sharing this and telling people about it. Um, also if you got time, jump into iTunes, rate and review. I love that as well. And, uh, if you want to get the cliff notes of the first 500 episodes, go to slash black book. Uh, we can download the black books, PDF, couple hundred page PDF, the Julie story and put together.
Starting point is 00:12:02 She went through and listened to the first 500 episodes, picked out the 99 best, rewrote them into an easy guide to read. And it's something that I think you guys will love. So go to slash black book to grab that for free today. Thanks so much, you guys. Appreciate you all. And we'll talk to you soon. Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called Expert Secrets, and you can get a free copy at And book number two is called Dot Com Secrets, and you can get your free copy at Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest-growing, non-VC-backed SaaS startup company in the world.

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