The Russell Brunson Show - Why I Throw Out So Many Hooks...

Episode Date: April 16, 2018

Something interesting I realized this weekend about how to reactivate people, get them to commit, and finally give them their big ah-ha. On this episode Russell talks about planning a new 10x Secrets... product, when he suddenly questioned why he continues to launch new products. He explains his motivation behind why he continues to do what he does. Here are some awesome things you will hear in this episode: Why getting so excited about a new idea made Russell suddenly question why he continues to put out new content. How spending money on training helps people re-commit to what they are trying to do. And why he loves reading which of his products gave people the aha that made them re-commit. So listen here to find out why it's important for Russell to continue to put out content that will hopefully inspire different people. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit slash dioffer to learn more. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets Podcast. I learned something really interesting about myself tonight, and I want to share with you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:38 So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Everyone's plugging different spots from places. But Thursday I did a really cool thing. I took a day of work off and I tried to read the entire Book of Mormon in a day, which is awesome. I podcasted about it over at If you want to go listen to that podcast, you can go and listen to it. And then Friday I did a training.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And so the training was for everybody who had gone to the 10X GrowthCon event, Grant Cardone's event. And if you guys were there, you saw the event. I did a presentation and made $3 million, 90 minutes, setting all sorts of records, and it was really, really cool, right? And then the next day I got up on stage and we did a bonus where if anyone signed up before I left, that basically we were going to let them. I was going to do a workshop where I walk them through exactly what I did and how I did it and all that kind of stuff. So, um, that workshop I actually did on Friday, which was really cool.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I thought it was gonna be about three hours long. I ended up going for six and a half hours. I don't know. I just get excited and I can't stop talking and sharing and it's just a lot of fun. So hopefully you guys are okay if I over deliver. Um, but it was cool. And then obviously immediately afterwards, I'm like all excited to go and try to turn this into an offer and to sell it.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And, um, I bought and I'm like, can't wait to put this in the offer and this and this and the training. And then this was like, my whole brain's going crazy with this whole process. And then part of me is like, why am I doing this? Like, why, why am I, why am I creating another offer, a new front end, another product? Maybe it's going to have a problem maybe i got a funnel addiction maybe a little bit a little all those things i don't know but what's interesting is actually this weekend i thought a lot about i was i don't know i just it's fun i love reading
Starting point is 00:02:55 the facebook comments of people and in our groups and just especially like just hearing people's success stories and stuff and uh there's this really interesting pattern this weekend for me as i was like just scrolling through stuff is so many people told me like, Oh, for me, Russell is when I read the dot com secrets book. That's when it clicked. Or Oh, for me, it was when I was at this event, you said this, and that's when everything clicked. Well, for me, it was in like people sharing like what it was for them that made it all click for them. And when it clicked, then the business took off, right. And maybe starting about like, what was – what were the pivotal parts in my journey like where something clicked and it was like transitional shift and shift and shift, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And twice this week I did trainings for the Two Common Club X coaching program where I like – I shared something. They had been shared other places. I just shared differently and had different stories around and stuff like that. And same thing, people were like, oh, that time it clicked. Now I understand where I'm going. And so you never know when you're sharing your message, which one's going to click with which people, right?
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's why I keep telling my stories and my things over and over and over and over and over again because you never know when it's going to click for that person who's there. And sometimes it's repetitive for some people, and other times it's like the thing that makes it click i started thinking about this like i'm so excited about creating software and then i was like bummed about because i'm like why am i doing this like the last thing in the world i really need right now is more money right and i'm like what is the what's the reason like why am i so excited about doing this and then it kind of hit me and i was like i think the reason why is i know that like that training
Starting point is 00:04:25 was the newest one i'd done it was updated six and a half hours i like put my heart my soul into it because i wanted to over deliver it's really cool i actually went through and like um i taught like the foundation like offer creation because that's the key of the webinar and i taught the perfect webinar and then i went through the actual presentation from 10x and i like push play and i watch and i pause i'm like this is why I did that. Push play, pause. This is why I did this. And I kind of went through the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And it was interesting. I even found out a couple new nuances to the perfect webinar that I didn't even realize until I was like pausing myself and I was like, oh wow, I did that thing. I didn't even realize that. So I shared on those things, talked about the price marinade, like a whole bunch of cool things I've never really talked about before. But I was like, I'm thinking about this, like my, between our email lists and everything, there's like over a million entrepreneurs that follow me. Right. And when I put something out, like it, cause not all of a million are still active, like excited and
Starting point is 00:05:16 like engaged, right. If they were, I'd have a million people using ClickFunnels right now, which we're working towards up. We don't have it yet. Right. I think we're at 61,000, which is pretty awesome still. But, um, uh, but I think of those million plus people, like my job as a marketer is to like re-engage them and then recommit them and hopefully this time give them the aha. Right. So I re-engage them by making a new hook. Right. I talked in the last podcast about hook story offering. So I need a new hook to get them re- in the last podcast about hook story offering. So I need a new hook to get them re-engaged, right? Because if I just keep selling the exact same thing, it's going to be hard to keep getting, right? But you look at this, like think about this. So like I have a, I have, which is like the script and the CD of me teaching
Starting point is 00:05:59 the perfect webinar, right? Expert secrets is me teaching the perfect webinar in way more detail. Secrets masterclass, which is part two comic club X. You know, the old fadrets is me teaching the perfect webinar in way more detail. Secrets Masterclass, which is part of Comic Club X. You know, the old fad event was me teaching a perfect webinar. This was me teaching, I guess, me teaching it, but it's like the concepts, like the actual content's not the same, but it's similar, right? But it's repackaged in different ways where it's like perfect webinar. Those who are looking for webinar, that was the thing that like, that's the hook that'll get them. Expert secrets. I talk about that way. That's the hook that'll get somebody, um, 10 X secrets and talk about how you are also made $3 million, 90 minutes. Like that hook is going to get a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:37 people because it's sexy. It's interesting. It's unique. Like the hook will grab a different segment or like re-engage people right then like i honestly wish like i could just like that six hour thing i wish i could stream it to everybody for free problem is i know is that people get it for free they don't do anything with it right and so that's why we make an offer so make a funnel because then i'm i'm hooking them first then i'm charging them to which then the physical act then pulling a credit card, recommits to themselves that they're going to go down this path again, right? So I hook them, I recommit them. And then hopefully this time I give them the aha, that's the thing, like that's the one, that's the one that sometimes if you've gone, like you've studied somebody's stuff two or three or four times,
Starting point is 00:07:18 you go to church, you're right. Every Sunday for 20 years of your life. And also like, boom, that Sunday, that person, that whatever it was, you were ready right then right and so for me I feel like that's that's really part of this business right like the money and if you guys aren't at this point yet I'm going to break it to you the money is not that exciting moving forward like there comes a point when like the house is paid off everything's taken care of like it's not exciting the money part but the impact is like fires you up right and so it's like i'm hooking i'm trying to like i have this million plus entrepreneurs plus everyone else on facebook plus the entire world and i'm like throwing these offers out to try to hook them right and get them to make a commitment so they commit themselves by actually paying for something and my goal is that this time is to give
Starting point is 00:08:02 them the aha the thing like where they're like ah this is the one and i know that 10x secrets is gonna do that for some people and i'm excited um the other reason why we charge them in funnels because we can get to more people right that we can pay for advertising now the hook gets out to more people which hopefully get from people brings them in gets them to commit to themselves and then hopefully that'll be the one that gets them and just re-engages people reignites people people, people who, who have been on and off and on and off, on and off. Like hopefully that this will be the one for them. Right. So anyway, that's, that's why it was kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Maybe it gave me like comfort and like, Oh, it's okay for me to do this. It's not like, like I'm doing it. I'm doing it for that reason. Right. Like I, cause I want more people to be like, Oh, 10 X secrets. That was the one. That was when it gave me the clarity I needed and the permission to do my thing. Right. Or maybe it's ignite your funnels come out later this year. Maybe it's the next thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Um, right now, Julie's story and, and I are working on 10, 10 books, 10 front end books, um, to bridge the gap. We figured we identified 10 sub markets to basically use click funnels. And so we're like, we're trying everything on power, like bridge that gap, bridge the gap. We've identified 10 sub-markets that basically use ClickFunnels. And so we're trying everything in our power to bridge that gap, bridge that gap, bridge that gap. So we're making webinars and training and success stories. And this is part of our big project, Mother Funnel. And then, anyway, but Julie's writing 10 different books,
Starting point is 00:09:18 one for each segment. If you're in e-commerce, this is how you use ClickFunnels, how you use a funnel. If you're a business professional, if you're a freelancer, if you're an e-commerce this is how you use clip funnels how you use a funnel if you're in if your business professional if you're a freelancer if you're a e-com if you're a business you know whatever it is if you're in retail like here's here's how you use funnels like it's bridging the gap my goal is like all these different offers are putting out there for these segments it's like i want some of the segments like get the alhambra oh that's what that's how i use a funnel like i had one of my buddies literally uh last night and i
Starting point is 00:09:46 don't know it's funny it's a friend from like from not business world and i always forget people see me on facebook but anyway he texts me he's like hey man so do you stuff for service businesses and i'm like my whole body of work everything i've ever done for the last decade of my life worked for service businesses but because it's specifically say service businesses they don't know it right and like they can't like they can't bridge that gap so i'm gonna like i wish the book was like yeah get the book it'll tell you exactly how to bridge the gap and you can go build funnels for your service business um but we don't have it yet so that's why i keep doing it in case you're wondering why i keep putting out offers it's because i'm trying to hook people who get them
Starting point is 00:10:20 to recommit to themselves and hopefully have that one be the one that gives them the aha that makes them move so i'm curious for you guys when was it that which was the thing the product the idea the the thing that gave you the aha that gave you like that was the thing or have you had it yet are you still looking for that was it a video was a youtube video was it a podcast was it a product you bought like there's a reason why i'm preaching like crazy around the clock for you guys is because i'm hoping and waiting and wishing that each of you guys would get that aha from one of these things give you the thing you need like that was the piece that was the piece i was missing so if you wonder why i publish so much that's why i love it and the feedback like i literally just scroll through facebook feed night and just like liking everything
Starting point is 00:11:04 just makes me so happy to see all the the the positive stuff, so, anyway, that's about it, I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed tonight, because I'm getting up at five tomorrow, because this week's gonna be so much fun, sleeping becomes a nuisance, have you guys noticed that, if not, like, you don't have enough fun yet, it's like, I gotta sleep, but I gotta wake up early, so I can, like, start the party, I'm getting up at five tomorrow. So I got my next episode of the book of Mormon podcast. I'm recording the morning and then be lifting with Dave and with James. And then the party starts, the week begins. So it's a lot of fun anyway. Um, appreciate you all for listening. If you are on YouTube, please click on the like,
Starting point is 00:11:42 subscribe, comment, all that kind of stuff. I do actually, every YouTube comment does come to my email. So I do read all those, which is kind of fun. And if you're listening to the podcast, please go to iTunes and like, comment, subscribe. If you liked, commented, and subscribed in the past, please do it again because iTunes bumped us for a little while, so we're rebuilding the channel. And so we may have missed your comments. So please come comment again. Appreciate you all.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Thanks so much, and we'll. Appreciate you all. Thanks so much. And we'll talk to you soon. Bye. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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