The Russell Brunson Show - Your Own Personal Coaching Session With Russell

Episode Date: July 26, 2017

Pretend this message was for you and take it to heart. On today's episode Russell and Steven talk about how they and others have been able to find their voice, figure out what they're good at and be ...successful. Here are some of the cool things you will hear in this episode: Why no one is really successful overnight, you just don't see the previous work put into their craft. Why you need to figure out what part of the game you are good at and focus on that, then find others who are good at the other pieces. And also hear about some of Russell's inner circle members who have found success and why. So listen hear to find out what you need to do to make your business successful. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 With TD Direct Investing, new and existing clients could get 1% cash back. Great! That's 1% closer to being part of the 1%. Maybe, but definitely 100% closer to getting 1% cash back with TD Direct Investing. Conditions apply. Offer ends January 31, 2025. Visit t a camping edition of the Marketing Secrets Podcast. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. this. Hey guys, I want to do a really special podcast today because I think for some reason,
Starting point is 00:01:10 a lot of people thought this whole entrepreneurship business was going to be easy and they're going to get rich quick and all those type of things. And the reality is it's hard. It's really hard, especially the first two or three years. You got to find your voice, you got to create a brand, you got to build a movement, you got to create products people actually want. You got to figure out what it is you're selling and how to sell it. And yet there's a lot that goes into initially. And I think that sometimes we get seduced by how quick and easy because you know, overnight success stories, people making a million dollars in five months come on the back of three or four years of, of, of work and effort and, and time.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And, um, recently, uh, one of our, uh, coaching clients, um, uh, they, they've been struggling and as I kind of saw, they were doing the motions, but they weren't having success. And I, and I realized that the reason is they hadn't put the time in ahead of time. And, um, I sent him a Voxer, um, it was about a 15 minute Vox message that kind of went over this. And, um, I've edited out from that message, all this stuff that relates to them. Um, cause it doesn't matter who they are. Um, but it was a message I think everybody needs to hear and should hear, uh, because you have to realize that there's a lot that goes into it. And sure, maybe there's other businesses you can start. Maybe you can go start an Amazon business or
Starting point is 00:02:20 things like that, but you just need to buy a product, post it. And that's how it is. But if you want to be a leader, you want to be an expert, you want to change the world, it takes some time. You think about it. People go to school for 4, 8, 6, 10, 12 years to try to get a job that pays them 50 to 100 grand a year. You're trying to become a multimillionaire? You think it's going to happen overnight? It takes the energy. So I want you to listen to this Voxer and just hopefully it's a coaching call for you.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And think about the effort you've got to put into it. Think about the you to listen to this Voxer and just, um, hopefully it's a coaching call for you and think about, um, the effort you got to put into it. Um, think about the team you need to build. Think about who you need to become to have those huge successes. And then this thing I talk about a couple of people, I've mentioned Anthony, I'm talking about Anthony DiClemeni, biohacking secrets. I talk about Kaylin. I'm talking about, uh, um, if you, if you, uh, if you look up lady boss weight loss, you'll see Kaylin and I mentioned a couple of my inner circle members by name. I may not have said their full name, but that's kind of who they are. So you have some context as you're listening to this. But listen to this Voxer.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Use it as a personal coaching call for yourself. And I hope that it gets you excited and fired up to put in the effort that you need to take over the world and to really change people's lives. So there you go. And I'll talk to you soon. Hey, what's going on, everyone? This is Steve Larson. And I work for Russell.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I am his assistant. And he's asked me to go and clean up a lot of the audio for this podcast. So as you listen to this episode, just know that Russell is answering the question, really, if I'm just one funnel away, then how much farther away is that funnel? my experience what like i don't think like i don't think you like i think you're seeing people's highlight reels and you're not seeing like the rest of it right like and things can be shortcut they can speed up um but like anthony for example if you knew anthony's whole story like it wasn't like he became this biohacking dude like anthony was my coaching partner for three years and he was barely scraping by for three years in weight loss market going hard and heavy targeting weight loss and women. I mean, weight loss is by far the most competitive market on planet. So it's like to, to be successful there, you either have to be super, um, like a very unique angle or have an amazing story.
Starting point is 00:04:22 It'd be one of the best sales people or the best copywriters or whatever that is right to be dominated like anthony's tried weight loss for three and a half four years i knew him and struggled struggled struggled struggled it was like for him to have success we had a shift from weight loss into a completely different angle right blue ocean like biohacking thing and that's where he's financing success but in that time um i mean, if you look at his story, like he came down with Lyme disease. He spent two years biohacking himself on his deathbed trying to figure out how to survive. And after he figured it out, then he went on this mission where he literally, like, I love Anthony because his heart is so big. Like I would say conservatively, he probably coached at least a thousand people in three years, most of them for free because they couldn't afford it.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And he just loved people so much. He cared so much about them. And that's how he found his voice. That's how he has so much certainty. Like when you talk to Anthony, it's never like, it's just absolute certainty. So people plug into that, right? Like the absolute certainty is like, there's no people following me because in this thing that I'm good at, I have absolute certainty. I have no, no wavering doubt, right? Like the plug in because they're like, wow, Russell is certain. So like I need to follow that. And so, but that certainty doesn't come with by positioning or posturing. It's, it's, it's by putting in that, that work ahead
Starting point is 00:05:33 of time. Right. And just mastering it and like, and the point where you just know, right. So like, that's Anthony's journey. Um, Kalen's is, is different. Kalen has such an amazing story. Like how much weight she, she, much weight she gained, she lost, and she happens to become one of the best salespeople ever. Like I don't think there's any – there's very few humans on earth that become a better salesperson than Kaylin, which is why they're dominating that market because she is so good at like – is so clear on her messaging and like she's one of the best I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And like she's one of the best I've ever seen. Um, and like she's dominating there. Right. Um, you know, and then Caleb's got just, I mean, Caleb, not overnight sex store success story, either. He's young, but man, that dude grinds more than anyone I've ever met, like insane amounts of hours and time and effort. And in that time he was 13 years old, he read more books than I had. Right. He had, um, done hundreds, hundreds of facebook
Starting point is 00:06:25 lives during that time before i even started hitting like that kid's put in his 10 000 hours plus before he's 15 years old so it's like like that that's that that's what you're not seeing you're seeing like oh he's a 13 year old kid like he's successful it's like well like he didn't just step into that and some people do some people are like insanely talented. It doesn't make any sense, right? And that does happen. But for most of us, like it's not that way. Like I didn't make a penny online for two plus years. And then the next like five years were like hardly anything. And then, you know, it took seven or eight years before like I found my voice to be able to be in this market and have certainty where I felt that, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So how do you get that absolute certainty? It's by putting in the time. It's by doing the, you know what I mean? So I actually am the coach for the Two Comma Club coaching program. And I love it. It's so much fun. It's fun to see because, you know, I've been doing this game now for about four years now. And for the first several years, I actually made no money with it at all.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I was with any of my funnels, with business, entrepreneurship in general. And I just, all I knew is I wanted to be an entrepreneur. And I started putting my head down and working. And I did everything from stocks and options to real estate, commercial and residential. I went and did e-books, door-to-door sales. I went and did telemarketing. I mean, I did everything. And it was all with this backdrop of just wanting to be an entrepreneur and, and provide value in the marketplace and go do this stuff. And, and I failed my face off. I mean, it was one of the
Starting point is 00:07:54 most humiliating things on, on, you know, in my entire life. Uh, my wife and I were living on, we were living on loans in college. And, uh, because I was, I was, you know, my wife was basically the, you know, the, the spouse of the suffering entrepreneur. And I didn't want to be that story. And it turned into be this really painful experience. But I literally was listening to Russell's podcast. I was listening to these other entrepreneurs and their podcasts and the other, and I was, it was honestly them and like YouTube motivation videos and all the stuff that just kept me going with it. And, um, and just the sheer belief that it would work. And also just, uh, you know, mad obsession over the topic. Um, and if, if I could turn around and tell myself a few things now, it'd certainly be
Starting point is 00:08:35 that I really wish that I had spent more time crafting my voice early on. Um, I like what Russell's mentioning inside of this podcast right here, telling that you've got to figure out the voice. And the way that I did early on was by regularly publishing. I'd just get out there and I'd just speak. There was a time after I read Dotcom Secrets, I was like, hey, I know enough to at least teach someone else. And I literally held a three-hour free class inside of a stranger's home. And they literally held a three hour, um, free class inside of a stranger's home. And, uh, they had all these people there, all these friends and family. And I recorded the whole thing and that became my first info product. And I didn't know that's
Starting point is 00:09:13 what it would become. I didn't know. It was just pure obsession over the task, pure obsession over the topic that, uh, that kept me going with it. And so number one, one of the biggest things everyone struggles with when they start doing this thing is they, they have to find their voice. And if they can't find the voice that is, where do they draw the line in the sand? Where's the polarity come from? Where's the passion? Where's the stories in the background? And if you've never spoken before, you never put yourself out there before, you're never quite going to know how those things actually fit together. And so it's awkward for a lot of people who are just starting outside two complex up coaching because they have never figured those things out.
Starting point is 00:09:45 They don't know what that's like. So not only are they trying to create a brand new product, right, number one. Not only are they trying to create the sales message, which they've never done before either. Number three, they're trying to find their voice. They're trying to do three things at the exact same time. And you can do it. But when people are going out and they're expecting, hey, I've been doing it for a month. I've been doing it for two months. But they still have never actually been successful with it. But when people are going out and they're expecting, hey, I've been doing it for a month, I've been doing it for two months, but they still have never actually been successful with it.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It actually, you know, it's when you look at it from that angle, tumors, like, well, of course, you're not successful right off the bat. You're trying to figure out your voice, your product, and your message all at the exact same time. And it's been two months and you're not happy with it. You know, and so you got to think of it from the other side. These guys have been publishing for a super long time or people who've been, inside the marketplace, you look behind every one of their success stories, and every single one of them has got these amazing stories. Usually they're rags-to-riches stories or usually they're stories where there was so much failure at the beginning, but they just kept their head down. They just kept pushing forward on the whole thing. And so those are the three things. As you start moving forward and, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:46 you'll learn more about this in Two Common Club Coaching that really that piece right there will put so many of the things in place for you as you keep going forward. Find your voice, find your voice, find your voice. And I was really against finding my voice. It sounds stupid, but I didn't want to listen to Russell. I didn't want to listen to the things he was saying when I, you know, it was before I worked for him or before anything else. Uh, but I'd be listening to his podcast and he kept saying, Hey, you gotta get out there and you gotta find your voice, start publishing. And I actively was like against that. I was like, there's no way I'm going to podcast. There's no way I'm going to start YouTubing. There's no way I'm going to do any of that crap. I don't want to
Starting point is 00:11:19 do any of that. And it was at his, it is at his event in 2016. I had no money. And I literally was building funnels and trading funnels for a ticket and trading funnels for a plane ticket and trading funnels for a hotel night stay. I mean, I had no money, but I just knew I needed to be there. I had been hustling for several years by that point. And I got there and I sat down and I listened to Russell and I was like, hey, I've worked my butt off to get here. I have no money. I don't know how I'm going to make it. But what I'm going to do is whatever he says, I'm just going to do it because I've put in the time and I just want to make this work.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And I know it will. I just need to keep – just keep working it, keep working it. And so what I did is I went and I started – I sat down. I started taking notes. And all of a sudden, Russell stands up and he goes, every single one of you guys need to get out there and you got to start publishing. And I was like, crap. He said it. I got to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And I went out and I started publishing regularly. And the first 20 episodes that I did were really awkward. They were bad. But something happened. Something clicked. My voice changed. Something happened. My confidence changed.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I got stronger polarity, what I believed started coming out stronger, as I went, I started interviewing other people, and started talking with others in the industry, I figured out the place for me to exist in the ecosystem, without being competitive with everybody else, that way I could collaborate, and not compete as hard, you know, in my own little blue ocean niche, and amazing thing, and what's cool is that when I started doing that and just like those in two comma club, uh, and a lot of you guys listen to this podcast, if I'm just full shout out to you guys, but I know a lot of you guys, what I say to you is, Hey, if you go and you start just regularly publishing, you'll number one, find your voice. But number two,
Starting point is 00:12:56 the place for your offer to exist, the place where you need to create your new opportunity, your, your new niche, that place will start to bubble up and start to emerge out of the red ocean, the red sub-market ocean. And it's amazing what's gonna start to happen too. You'll start to figure out the message. The market will start to tell you everything that you need to know. You don't know enough to actually be successful on your own.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You don't. The market will tell you everything, always. Don't try to come up with it on your own. If you do that, fantastic way to fail. Fantastic way to lose money. I did it for years. I can tell you all about it. Really, what this game is, is go funnel hack,
Starting point is 00:13:36 which does not mean pages, all right? If the offer's online, then yes, that means pages. But go funnel hack an individual. Funnel hack their voice. Funnel hack their offer. Fun, hack their offer funnel, hack their message. Right? And so what you do is you, you start to see this picture that emerges out of the sand. Oh my gosh, that's what I have to go make. Here's the, here's the formula. Here it is. That's your best shot. You take your best shot at launching that thing. And then you step back and wait. And what ends up happening is all these people will start to
Starting point is 00:14:01 give you feedback. I wish it had this, right? They'll come with a form of complaints. I wish I had this. Your product sucks at this. Don't push that stuff away. Those are the things that let you know that you are doing well. Those are the things that let you know what to create and build next, right?
Starting point is 00:14:15 So you take the aggregate voice, the aggregate complaint about your product, the aggregate feedback, and those are the things. The market is, that's the market telling you what to go make. Then you go make that thing. And what's nice is when you do that and you take those pieces of feedback, you number one, take your best shot. Number two, get feedback. Number three, you turn around and tweak it and relaunch it. Now you're in this little cool little iteration cycle, but the pressure is not on you anymore. You've already launched the thing. It's already up.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It's already rocking and you're getting feedback. But anyway, so that's what I'd say. That's just my commentary on this piece right now that I completely stand by and behind everything that he's saying with this. That it is so – in order to gain confidence, you've got to live it. And you've got to live in it every day. You've got to be the expert, the go-to person inside of the industry itself. And so – and it's hard when you don't have like a story. Cause it's like, like, because I give him the one that I watched, I know a lot about the weight loss market. I've struggled with weight throughout my life. Um, I've coached a lot of people on the market. So
Starting point is 00:15:14 I was watching and just not to critique certain things, but just like the one thing I know from the weight loss market and people I've worked through it is that people in weight loss are very skeptical. I guess if somebody is, doesn't have a story they're overweight like they don't understand what it's like to be me like that's that's their belief and then like in the video you guys talked about like how to target certain areas how to reduce fat and i was like cool this is like a good topic it's something people are very concerned about people have love handles they have this that they do want to target spots and then the advice is kind of like don't target spot like lose all your weight and i felt like like that that message was not like that most most overweight people that i that i know would have um
Starting point is 00:15:54 would have that message was was not not only not shareable it was like the opposite like it would push them away like we have no idea you've never you never had love handles like like that would that's what how they would have how they would have reacted right i know that except for so many overweight people and i've done that like and you guys should know that you should know like if you told somebody that say oh don't worry about like your your love handles you got to lose this like because you told someone that face to face you would know like you should have known that like this is your market like you shown that that would have repelled those people because the number one concern that every single person the weight loss market has when they start working with a trainer
Starting point is 00:16:24 is this person has no idea who i feel because they're not overweight that's why kaylin's story is so essential her success is because that's what they're all that's the biggest belief right um like that's that is the biggest limiting belief in that market people have hey funnel hackers let me paint you a picture you're running a business your funnel's finally converting like crazy and suddenly it hits you you need to hire someone like yesterday. Maybe it's a copywriter to help you crank out more sales pages, or a designer to refresh your landing pages, or someone to do customer support to help you to handle your growing audience. The problem is you're swamped, and you don't have weeks to shift through resumes. So what do you do? You turn to Indeed. When it comes to hiring, Indeed is all
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Starting point is 00:18:05 actually driving results or are they getting lost in the noise? You and I both know the pain of running campaigns that fall flat because they aren't seen by the right people. But here's the game changer, LinkedIn ads. LinkedIn isn't just another ad platform. It's the place where professionals live. I'm talking about the decision makers you dream about working with, CEOs, VPs, C-suite powerhouses, 130 million of them all in one place. And LinkedIn gives you the laser sharp targeting to reach them by job title company, and even industry. Imagine how your business could scale. If your message hits the right inboxes every time. Now here's the kicker. LinkedIn delivers up to five times higher ROAS and other platforms. Yeah, you heard me right. Five times more return on
Starting point is 00:18:44 every ad dollar. And that's because LinkedIn's professional environment is made for people who actually take action. This isn't where people scroll mindlessly. This is where they're making decisions. So stop playing small because it's time to level up. Start converting your B2B audience into high quality leads today. And to get started, LinkedIn is offering you a hundred dollar credit for your next campaign. Go to slash clicks to claim your credit. That's slash clicks. Terms and conditions may apply. LinkedIn is the place to be, to be.
Starting point is 00:19:12 In my market, it's different. My market is like, if this stuff works so good, why don't you give to me for free? That's my market. So many beliefs. That's what I'm fighting against all the time. And so you got to know that in your market. And then that comes from doing this over and over and over and over again over again and then doing it and then people offend it and then doing it again next time they don't get as offended it's kind of like this is the groundhog day right like
Starting point is 00:19:30 every time bill murray comes back and relives the life he like does it wrong so he tweaks it comes back does again does it wrong tweaks it you know eventually like has a good life but it's like you know how many years he was in that that that groundhog day experience. And it's like, we need that in volume a lot. Um, but I also think like defining your message better. Cause like, it's like, where are the money being made right now? It's not in like traditional weight loss. It's in the fads or the blue oceans, whatever, right. Keto diets, like that's a hot thing. So it's like when we launched to prove it, we were kind of first people coming out there. And then now there's been this huge swell of thousands of different keto brands and products and things like that. Some people are succeeding, some people are failing, but it's the ones that are like diving into this market that's hot.
Starting point is 00:20:12 If you look at, again, Expert Secrets 101, like find a hot market, ask them what they want, and give it to them. They want what they need, right? You've got to find out exactly what they want, and you sell them that, and then you can fulfill and give them what they need. But that's the big thing. You've got to understand the market super well well the only way you do that's by like putting in the time and the effort so um and so like that's just completely being completely honest so you got to differentiate completely and have like this sub-market that's you're like right now uh dave woodward works for us his wife's going into that market and she tried
Starting point is 00:20:40 for four or five years to see the weight loss market and she's got amazing stories. Like she's been a personal trainer forever. And she's struggled because it's like she's stepping up to play with the best of the best. And so finally she's made the shift to her whole program is now called Have It All Moms. And it's focusing on moms, how weight loss is within moms. And it's not just weight loss, but it's also these other parts of personal development. And like she's carved out this ocean. And now she's finally getting traction. But it was four or five years like going up the big leagues. And she's a great salesperson. She's always saying that she's carved out this ocean and now she's finally getting traction. But it was four or five years, like going up the big leagues.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And she's, she's a great salesperson. She's always saying that she struggled. And so again, for you guys, it's like, you've got to find your, your market. You got to find the market where like what people actually want, what they're looking for. Not so much what they need. We fulfill what they need, but we've got to sell them what they want. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Right. So that's, that's that, but there's the art and the science of this game. Right. I think you've heard, hopefully you've heard me talk about that. And I think most people that struggle as entrepreneurs typically are like the A students. I'm guessing you're an A student, like just by default, because they're really, really good at the science, right? That part of it. But the art is something that you feel and and it and it's it's different and so um that's typically people with really good students struggle with that because it's like it's it doesn't comes naturally where it's usually
Starting point is 00:21:50 like the c students are ones really good the art of it but they struggle with the science right and so um for most businesses i recommend for people it's like if you're if you're in that spot it's like you figure out who you are like when i got started this business um one of my first mentors told me so look there's um uh so that in every business there needs to be a starter and a finisher and you got to figure out who you are and then like surround yourself with the other people and at that time my business i was like well i'm a starter really good starting really bad finishing and so i was like hey i need to surround myself with with finishers so i started hiring people with really good finishers and that's why people always ask me how do you get so much stuff done
Starting point is 00:22:24 it's because i have the ability to start a thousand things, but I've got a team behind me that finishes them all. But I know what my strengths are. I know what my weaknesses are. If you go to Tony Robbins, business mastery, he talks about every company has three types of personality types. You've got to have an artist, an entrepreneur, and a manager. And so the artist is the person who's obsessed with that thing. One of them's got to be obsessed. Like, that's the artist, right?
Starting point is 00:22:44 The next person is the person who's obsessed with that thing. One of them's got to be obsessed. Like that's the artist, right? Next person is the entrepreneur, which is the person who's out there like risking and like going crazy and like, and like doing like that part, like being, going out there and doing stuff. And then there's a manager who's just in the management roles, right? And so just looking at that, like, like inherently, what are you best at? Are you best at managing? Are you best at, are you obsessed with the art of this thing? Or are you the entrepreneur who's going out there and wants to sell the crap out of it?
Starting point is 00:23:04 I think at Funnel Hacking Live live one of the presentations they talked about they can't do that concept they call it they you need a hustler a hacker and a designer um and like click click funnels like um i was hustler todd was a hacker and dylan was a designer i think that was the three pieces and so and now that you can't learn the other stuff i think you can like but like that's not how businesses grow by us figuring out our weaknesses and focusing on right in business it's the opposite it's like um find your strengths and quadruple down on them and abandon your weaknesses and plugging other people in the spots so it's backwards so it's like yes you're capable of learning those things but don't because because it's so much better to
Starting point is 00:23:39 find those people and plug them in right and so even brandon and caitlin you look at them the reason why they're successful um is you have caitlin who is like the artist right she's obsessed with her art like and she's also like one of the best sales people out right so you have that but her by herself would fail and she has her husband who is like the manager entrepreneur like like risking like that kind of thing because they have both halves is why they've blown up. Okay. For me, I don't have a spouse because I don't have, so I brought team members and partners and things like that. That's why we never blow up. It's like, okay, let's take my strengths. I know what these are. Like, like I'm really good at this piece. Let's
Starting point is 00:24:16 find somebody who that's their strengths and let's team up. And now it's like, boom, now you can have way more impact with people. Right. Whatever that is really understanding the market, but being obsessed with that. Whoever it is that's the artist in your business needs to be obsessed with that. Needs to be reading 40 blog posts a day, listening. I listen today, so I'm a marketing guy. I don't think there's probably few people on earth that know more about marketing right now than me. Not to be cocky, but I'm kind of obsessed with it, right? Today, I think I've listened to eight or nine marketing podcasts.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I bought three products. I recorded 23 videos today. If you know, actually, 29 videos today recorded on the topic. I got done at six, came home, ate dinner with my kids. I'm actually going back in because like I'm so excited about this thing. I got to keep going back in. So that was today for me. And so it's because i'm obsessed with the art of it right it's just like there's got to be someone there that's that obsessed with it or
Starting point is 00:25:11 else it's gonna be really hard to drive it you know i got a message back the first message that was like oh hey so i did some facebook lives nobody showed up i was just crickets like that shouldn't bug you if you're an artist you should not care you love to hear your voice and you just want to talk and share and study and learn and give and share and talk like like whether people are listening or not it should not matter like you should be like whoever the artist is in the business that's the kind of level of obsession they need to have to be able to succeed so it's like understanding that and then like if that's not you that's cool find something that that's how obsessed they are and then plug in your stuff where you're obsessed like you plug those two
Starting point is 00:25:44 things together and now you got like a force of nature to be reckoned with right but it's got it but there's got to be like that's the pieces that because any business it's like you have to get it into orbit and you can't do that by being a normal human and just like waking up and doing your thing right like it takes raw obsession like that's why it takes an entrepreneur to launch a business to get into the stratosphere. And then what's in the stratosphere? Hire a bunch of MBAs and people to plug it in and just kind of keep the thing moving. But it's obsession that gets it into orbit, right? A rocket can't get into orbit unless it's got these huge boosters that just blow the crap out of it and push it off the ground.
Starting point is 00:26:18 But again, it's tripling, quadrupling down on your strengths and backing off your weaknesses and find people who your weakness is your strengths. That's how you build a company and blow it up fast. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality TV show at

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